The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 22, 1896, Image 4

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Missed, Youth's and
Ladies' and Cents'
Autumn Footwear
Rubbers, Rubber Boots. Etc.
John Hahn & Co.
79 Commercial St.
Maximum temperature, 40 degree.
Minimum temperature, S3 degree.
Precipitation. .06 Inch.
Total precipitation from September
1st. 185. to date, 11.11 tnche.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber let. 1RM. to date, 4.47 inches.
TO RCADIRS The "Dally Aetorian"
hUu lalM aa anara raadtn matter a
aaj ether pa par pabllahed la Aetarl. It
la tha oatjr papar that preeanta Ita raaaere
wttk a dally talacrapale report.
tarlaa" aaa aaara taaa twlea aaoaaay read
m aa aa other aaawr aabllaaeel ta
rla, II la therefore aaara taaa twlea a
valaable aa aa adrertl.lng eadlam.
Btala af Orarna. I
Caaaty af I'lataop. I
We, taa aBdentgwad, local aaaaacara
raapaetlvaly of tha Waaler Caloa aad
roatal Telegraph eoaapanlre, hereby a.
Ur that tha "Dally Aetorlaa to tha aaly
pa par pabiiahad la Astoria which aaw ro-
alva. ar at aay Una daring aar eoatrai
ar said aenaaa haa roaalTad, a talecraphle
pi-Tee rapart, B. D. JOHXSON,
Maaagar nr. V. T. Ca.
Maaagar Foatal Tat. Co.
It only rained one yegterday.
Piano for rent Grlffln Reed, City
Book Store.
Ladies, don't look at Foard ft Stoke
ad oat ftnt par. '
Money to Loan Astoria
Title sad Trust Co.
Leave your orders for Thanksgiving
turkey at Foard Stoke.'
Gunther's, the only candles In the
city. C. B. Smith, sol agent
Fresh herbs and Italian chestnuts for
turkey dressing-, at Foard Ctoke Co.
Miss Gene Levis' social dance at
Fisher's last evening was a decided suc-
Just take a Iodic at C. B. Smith's
famous Gunther candles. It will do you
Great Sacrifice sale of capes and
Jackets for two days at McAllen & Mc
Donald's, Don't miss the special sale of high
novelty dress goods at McAllen ft Mc
Fancy Eastern apples, new crop ral
Bins, nuts, figs, mince meat, etc. Ross,
Higgins & Co.
Beware of Imitations,
era, sole agents.
There Is only
Fisher Broth-
For best cooking wines and brandies
sweet and boiled cider, call at Foard
A Stokes Co.'a,
ers now In stock and for sale only by
Fisher Brothers.
The song of Thanksgiving Is being
heard on ail side and the royal bird is i
arriving in numbers.
Mr. Alex Gilbert Is on the sick list
having taken a severe cold while In
Portland the other day.
Mr. Alex. Campbell went to Portland
yesterday mornlng-probably to attend !
me tiepuDiican oanquei.
Mackintoshes, perfect fitting winter!
wrappers. Jackets, wraps Wholesale !
prices.' Low Price Store.
Dr. Howard's residence Is at 525 Com-
merclal street, over the "Spa."
calls promptly attended.
Dr. T. L. Ball, dentist Teeth ex
tracted without pain. Price reasonable.
No. 562 Commercial street
Don't pay ten and twelve dollars for
air-tight stoves when you can get them
for half the money at 431 Bond street.
LOOK OUT for fraudulent telegraph
ic news In the Astoria afternoon papers.
None of these papers receives one line
of outside news by telegraph.
A typographical error In yesterday's
notice of the M. E. church bazaar, made
the item read "four" merchants, when
It should have read "our" merchants.
The members of the A. F. C. will meet
today at the "gym" to be measured for
their new suits. The game Thanksgiv
ing Day promises to be an interesting
The funeral of lone, the four-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh,
We can afford to have
you try all five flavors one
after another of Schilling's
Best tea, and get your
money back if you don't
like any.
Your tea -trade for the
next ten years is worth
A Schilling ft Compaar
Saa Francisco
who died Thursday, took place yester
day. Interment being In Greenwood
It is said that the constitution of Nor
way U almost an exact copy of that of
the United States. There Is a copy of
that document in the origlnlal language
In this city.
L. W. Wright, Toung'a River. C. H
Withers, Lewli and Clarke; A. Tagg.
Clatsop City, and K. A. ' Daugherty,
North Shore, called on their Astoria
friends yesterday.
Captain George Pope, R. B. May, R.
J. Linden, Portland, F. J. Calef, Chica
go; J. Babler, San Francisco; C. H,
Calender, Knappton, were guests at the
Occident yesterday.
Don't forget that the Low Price Store
has the only perfect fitting wrappers,
the handsomest line of Jackets and
capes, and Is selling them at wholesale
prices. 4S1 Bond street
Mr. E. C. Holden left for Portland
last night on the Telephone and will
spend Thanksgiving Day with hi
daughters, Mrs. W. J. Strong and Miss
Frankle. at McMlnnvllle. i
This morning' theme at the M. E,
Church will be "Reasons for Thanks
giving." Evening, "An Evangelistic
Service" will be held. Special music
haa been prepared for the day.
The Young Ladles' Sewing Society of
the Swedish Lutheran Church, will
hold an auction of fancy articles at the
church In Uppertown, on Thanksgiv
ing evening at 730 to which all are in
vited. Sam Maddoch returned yesterday
from Portland and took the evening
train for Seaside. He reports business
as Improving In the metropolis, and
says that another year will sea business
humming at Seaside. j
Andrew Young, Young River, O.
Nelson. Oneida; Peter Wage, R. M.
Gaston, Wallace Konkel, Nehalem; Erik
Manula, Wm. Anderson, Deep River;
John Christians, John Bunke, Walluskl
were In the city yesterday.
Captain George Pope, Lloyd's survey
or, was In the city yesterday, and sur
veyed the Pentheeilea after her expe
rience In being shoved on the sands by
the gale. He passed the ship as being
in perfect condition for her voyage.
The building of the proposed seawall
would be an effective way to prevent
damage to the underpinning of build
ings until the space now on piles can be
filled in with earth. If for no other
reason than the protection of city prop
erty a seawall ought to be constructed.
The Ladles Guild of Grace Church
cleared J12S from the concert Thursday
night. The showing is a most creditable
one and the management deserve
much commendation for their success.
The rehearsals and entertainment went
off without a hitch, a rare thing in
events of this kind.
R, B. May, the well known traveling
man of Portland, who was in the city
yesterday, stated that he had Just re
turned from Eastern Oregon
business is rapidly Improving. Heavy
wheat shipments are being made, and
one firm alone at The Dalles shipped
1,000,000 pounds of wool to Boston.
The officers of the Society Minerva
state that that organization was never
in a more prosperous condition than It
is at present There is money In the
treasury, and a fine library in the
rooms. Everybody Is energetic in push
ing forward the Interests of the society.
The society Is not political, but many
of Its members have a kindly feeling
for McKinley.
Mr. F. A. Davidson, an old-time As-
torian, and who this season had charge
of Goodall. Perkins & Co.'s cannery at
Hunter's Bay, Alaska, Is In the city
visiting friends. He has Just return
ed from his post of duty, and states
that the Alaska cannery did well this
season. His cannery packed 30,000 cases.
Mr. Davidson will go to San Francisco
U Waa n,ported ye8terday aftrnoon
that "vn or elnt lare wnlte owlB
had been seen on Clatsop Plains.
weatherwlse predict from this a
winter. One of the birds, a very hand-
some one, was caught alive and sent
over to the city w here It was placed on
exhibition at the Occident Hotel. Sev
eral others were killed and will be
stuffed. The specimens are very fine
Rescue Club held Its regular meeting
last night, all of the officers being pres
ent. An unusually good program was
presented, in which the following ladles
and gentlemen participated: Master
Arthur Bosworth, Misses Olga Noe,
Rose Bertwltz, Tlllle Deveneau, and
Nannette Adams. The Rev. Henry Mar-
cotte delivered an excellent address on
the law of habit The committee on
program for next week is Dr. August
C. Kinney, T. S. Simpson, and Miss
Myrtle Doeneka.
The question of placing a lightship
within the harbor somewhere near 8an'd
Island or Desdemona sands, as might
be found most expedient. Is being dis
cussed in shipping circles. That the
movement is one in the right direction
Is admitted by all. All foreign harbors
situated as is the Columbia have these
protections to navigation. A lightship
off the harbor is not enough, but the
mariner should be given two lights
that he may take bearings when enter
ing a harbor after dark.
Copies of the new Atlantic seaboard
west-bound transcontinental freight
tariff have been received, showing the
through rates from ocean to ocean. This
is the first time in a number of years
that rates have been made through
from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Mer
chants will appreciate the convenience
of this tariff. Another through tariff
has Just been issued from Chicago and
common points to Pacific coast termi
nals. There has been a slight Increase,
I it la said, in some of the rate.
A number of merchant yesterday
were anxiously inquiring the outcome
of the Young's Bay bridge matter, and
declared themselves In favor of having
the bridge built where it was originally
located and thus avoid unnecessary de
lay. It Is Important, in the opinion of
these gentlemen, that the bridge be fin
ished as early as possible. An active
season of Improvement will take place
next year, and If the building and Im
provement of county roads Is to keep
pace with the time, the Young's bay
bridge must be built at once.
A large number of logs during the
past few days have drifted In from the
river and become entangled among the
pile under the buildings along the wa
terfront. During the heavy weather
of the past few days they have been
pounding and grinding against the
piles, in many cases severely Jarring
the buildings above. Many tenants
yesterday expressed the opinion that if
these logs were not fished out and
booms placed along the outer edge of
the water front to prevent their return,
serious damage would be done to prop
Before Police Judge Nelson yesterday
a man named Z. Smith, charged wan
having thrown a beer keg through a
window of the Merchanlcs' Saloon, on
the Bowery, was on trial. The pro
prietor. Andrew Kauma, ten tilled that
he ran to the front of the house when
the keg came through the window, and
that he saw Smith running away, and
that was the sum total of the evidence
against the man. During the excite
ment which followed the throwing of
the keg through the window and the
proprietor's chase after the supposed
guilty party, some one stole a nickel-tu-the-aiot
machine from the saloon.
Smith had an elegant black eye, and
looked like a man who had fallen out
of a balloon, all of which he accredits
Rauma with, having done. The case
against him was dismissed, owing to
lack ot evidence.
Astorians are also getting worked up
over the question of a hotel Flavel has
its handsome modern hostelry ready to
open, Wanvnton will build one In the
spring, and now comes Astorl to the
front with a similar proposition. The
matter Is not In definite shape yet, but
is being discussed In certain Influential
quarters and will doubtless materialise
before the flowers bloom in the spring.
A well known architect Is authority for
the statement that Astoria Is now In
the sam condition that Portland was
a few years ago when she built her
magnificent hotel, the Portland. As
toria must have a first class guest
house if she ever expectes to entertain
foreign capitalists and investors. A
Portland real estate man who was In
the city Thursday stated to an Asto-
rlan reporter that when he first started
from Boston seven years ago to settle
In Portland and invest in Oregon prop
erty, a number of his friends attempt
ed to dissuade him from his enterprise,
giving as a reason the fact that Port
land had no hotel at which a gentle
man could stop with comfort. These
matters of Interest travel further and
quicker than most people would be
lieve. When men are looking at a town
or section of country with a view to
investments they find out all about It
down to the minutest details. It would
certainly seem that Astoria will lose
no time in getting into he swim.
The New Playhouse Will Be Opened to
the Public Early in December.
A glance at the interior of the new
Columbia Theatre, on Bond street, will
convince any one that Astoria Is at last
to have a theatre. The stage, audience
room, private boxes, offices, and cloak
rooms are of the most modern design,
while the decorations are tastefully ar
ranged and beautifully executed. The
house Is Illuminated by 114 electric
lights and by numerous gas Jets. The
gas can be lit with electric buttons, and
as the entire house Is heated by steam
there can be no danger of fire, although
ample provision Is made for such a ca
tastrophe. There are large water fau
cets and hose reels In various places
In the building, and six exits, one being
from the stake, give ample means of
escape In case of accident
Artist Swope has completed the drop
curtain, which Is indeed a thine of
beauty, and the handsomest curtain
ever seen In this city. The ad. curtain
will be finished in a few days, and is
unique and artistic In its way. The
decorations of the house are simple,
but handsome In effect. White and
gold prevail throughout There will he
seating capacity for 750 people. The
opera chairs are large and there Is
plenty of room between the rows. A
special place has been provided for the
boys, where they can get seats at 15
cents each.
Manager La Rose's plan of making
his company a stock company and sell
ing stock to Astorians Is a shrewd piece
of business enterprise. He thus as
sures the support and patronage of the
people from the outset. A large num
ber of shares have already been dis
posed of, and but a few remain for sole.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
fall to cure. 25c For sale by Chas.
Rogers, DrugglBt
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn Divg Store
10c and 23c per package.
The gloomiest days often have
most glorious sunsets.
Those who anticipate attending
the Red Men's masquerade ball on
Thanksgiving eve can procure ele
gant costumes by placing orders
with Mis Florence McMullen,
Room 7, Mansell BIdg. Prices rea
sonable and satisfaction guaran
teed. ' . . , -
Fine Turkeys
Geese and Chickens
For Thanksgiving
leave Your Orders Early With
Ross, Higgins & Co.
Heavy Downpour of Rain and Rough
Water Do Some Pamage.
One of the heaviest and longest con
tinued rain storms of the season pre
vailed in Astoria yesterday and nil
along the river. Near Kal&ma and Port
land there was snow and sloot which,
combined with the strong wind, made
navigation difficult and broke down
both telegraph line. In the afternoon
word wa received from Observer
Pague In Portland to continue the
storm signals as tha storm wa dev
oping energy, the center being off the
Columbia river, with south to east
gale along the coast. The barometer
continued going down all day, and wa
the lowest for the season. Later In
the afternoon another telegram In
structed the signals to be changed to
the southwest, and stated that a heavy
gale was expected last night
It wa rumored in the afternoon that
the Fort Stevens life saving crew had
early In the morning responded to sig
nals of distress off Smith's Point With
the promptitude characteristic ot the
life savers, they hurried to the place,
but found everything safe and all the
ships In good condition. Early last
night the Postal company succeeded In
getting connection with Portland, but
up to a late hour the Western Union
wire was still down. About 9 o'clock
last night the clouds cleared away,
the wind died down, and the full moon
shone out brightly.
On the waterfront It was learned
yesterday that the two vessels which
attempted to make the passage up the
rlvr were unable to get beyond Tongue
Point. The Yallarol was obliged to an
chor off the buoy depot, and the G. W.
Wolff, which started up stream t 9:20,
got as far as the buoy depot and also
came to anchor. The Hayward, which
was towing the Yallarol, was called to
the relief of the Queen, but even the
two tow boats could not get the Wolff
beyond Beacon No. 2. The, water was
loo rough for safe navigation with a
large ship. About this time the Inch
cm Hock, In tow of the Thompson,
was coming across the bay and she,
too, found the storm too much for her.
The pilot orlered the anchors dropped
at a place near w here the waters com
ing from Cathlamet bay met the flood
tide. In attempting to get away from
the ship, between the wind and waves.
the tug and the ship were driven t'
gether. The Thomson'8 starboard
guard rails and house were badly
smashed In the collision. The Relief
managed to put a pilot on board the
Jessie, which was hove to off the mouth
of the river. Captain McCoy say that
the bringing In of the four-master Fri
day morning was the hardest tow he
ever had. The Indications were late
last night that the storm had been
S. R. O." was the sign hung out
again at the Vancouver opera house
last night, and from the enthusiasm
showed by the audience It sevms as
though that sign will be kept up for
the remainder of the, company's en
gagement here, which, unfortunately. Is
drawing to a close. "Paul Jones," one
of the most tuneful of light operas, was
the bill last night, and when put on
by a company like the Grau Opera
Company it Is needless to say that it
was a great success. There is more
scope for the work of the comedians
In this opera, and with such talented
artists in that line as the comjany pos
sesses, It Is not necessary to say that
they allowed any opportunity to slip,
though at not time did they overdo It.
The piece Is also full of pretty and
catching airs and choruses and so well
rendered were these that the audience
Insisted on having nearly everything
repeated. In fact, the management
have acted wisely In deciding to repeat
"Paul Jones" at the Saturday matinee,
when there Is certain to another
crowded house.
The company will open their Astoria
engagement Thursday, November 26,
with a grand production of "Paul
From Texas Slftlngs.
"How much will you give toward
the missionary cause this year?" In
quired the pastor.
"Ten dollars," replied the parish
ioner. "I am Indeed rejoiced at your liber
ality, especially as brother Codd of our
church sails next week as a missionary
to China."
"What! the man who wears a silk hat
with a sack coat, has a soiled collar
and a diamond pin, and asks If It Is
hot enough for you?"
"The same."
"Make It one hundred, and call on me
for more whenever you need It."
The U. S. Oov t Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Coffee 6c, Woodcock's, tU Com'I St.
McKinley and
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Ms on application.
TION. Notice Is hereby given that a Primary
Election will he held In the City of
Astoria, on Wednesday, November
ISM, to elect 45 delegate to the Repub
lican city convention to be hold on
Friday, November 87th, IS!, at the
city Hall, at S o'clock p. m. for the pur-
pose of nominating one councilman
from each ward for the coming election,
Polling place, 1st Ward Keaouo En
gine houso (15 delcgutca). JudK A.
R. Cyrus, 11. R. Ferguson. Martin
Polling place. !d Ward-Welch Bros
otllce (15 delegates). Judges J as. W.
Welch. August Nelson, Martin Foard.
Polling place. 3d ward-Offle of W.
F. McGregor (15 delegates). Judge
W. F. McGregor, O. F. Morton, John
Polls will be opened from 1 p. m. till
By order of the City Central Com
mittee. CHAS. H. STOCKTON.
Notice Is hereby given that on th
lth day of November, m. I filed my
final account aa administrator of the
tate ot Mlvhaol Thompson, deceased,
in the county court of the state of Ore
gon, for Clatsop county, and the said
court has appointed Monday, Decem
ber 31st 1S96, at 10 o'clock a. m., a th
time for hearing objections to sain final
account and for the settlement thereof.
Administrator of Said Estate.
Notice la hereby given that I have
been appointed administrator of the
estate of W. II. Ryan, deceased. All
persons having cUlms against said es
tate must present th some to me at
Astoria, within six months from the
date hereof. All persons Indebted to
said estate are hereby notified to pay
said Indebtedness to me, forthwith.
Astoria, Or, October , IS!X.
A gentleman's resort, at corner of
Bond and Twelfth streets. The finest
brands of liquor and cigar always
on hand. Call and try us.
As (to
nal la
Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No
enre no pay. for sale at hates-Conn
Drue: Store.
Innhnnn fit I
Special Attention Paid to Steamboat R
First class Horseshoeing. Etc.
197 OLNKV ST., bat. 3d and 4th.
Fisher's Opera House
L. E. 6ELIO, Manager.
The fJreatest Treat Ever
Known in Astoria.
and Friday
26 and 27
Special Saturday Afternoon
Presenting the following
Saturday Matmee
Powerful Chorus.
Seats, 50c and$l
Box Sheet opens at the New York Nov
elty Htore Wednesday morning, Novem'
ber 25, at 9 o'clock.
F. B. Morgan
0. R. & N. Company
Columbia Rlvar Rout
254 Vsshlnfltos St.
Cor. Third
Portland, Or.
Good Times!
lVopln who have In hi litiur.liii; iiwtiy
their luonoy nr now Iniving
Warren ton
nd Warren ton Pari
Remember that price on these lots,
side of the bay, within a ton's throw
people are now living, will tw adiicHl
' ': ;
Concomly Tribe, No. 7
Imp. Order of Red Men
will give ti hull TliiuikHgiving eve. ft wilf
I e a niiistjticriitlo ball, u largo 1ml I, anil
brilliantly tolorotl ball, rod.
Following Are
First prise Bast dressed lady, an tie-
gant toilet set.
Second pris Best tustalnad lady
character, Japan tea t
First prise Best drrssad gentleman.
meerschaum pip.
Second prlsa Beat sustained gentle
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad
Train leave Seaside for Astoria at
7:J0 a. m. and J p. m. dally.
Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at 9
. in. and 4 p. m. dally. '
Trains leave Astoria for Saaslds at
10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. dally.
Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at t:iO
a. m. and I it p. m. dally.
A Specialty
... ' Sell ASTORIA
'Ship Chandolory,
Iron it Steel,
GrociM'U'H it ProviniotiK,
Flour it Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbunk's Scales,
Doors A Windows,
Agricultural Implement
Wagons & Vehicles.
The Successor
...To the
Oregon Trading Co.
Has made such deep cuts
in the prices of goods
that they don't need to
mako auction now to raise
money. The people have
found it out from the
bargains they are getting
at private sale. AVe are
not yet out of the woods.
We must raise $4,000 by
the 10th of December, and
to continue the rush so
that the amount can eas
ily be raised we will sell
from 80 to 50 per cent bo
low actual value until the
amount is raised.
..6oo Commercial Street..
"The Louvre"
Fine Manlo. Oamaa of All Kinds. Two
Magnlflrens Bars.
Good Order- and Everybody's Rights
The Palace Cafe
Is the Place for a
Good Meal...
Eastern Oysters
la the shell or cm
Served to Order or Sold at Retail
Now Is Your
k . LOTS
At Special Prices
which srn llic ticst sltimtrd on th west
nf I ho Warrrntnii depot, and whers 00
Ihiiuiu')' 1,' is!7.
the Prizes:
man character, silk umbrslla.
The prise ar now on txhtbttlon l
th Rslea-Conn show window.
Tickets, ft ladles tn niasqu, fra,
Spectator, W cent.
A costunier from Portland will bar
jnsr a raw nays oarur ins oau.
WANTED A competent girl for gen
eral housawork. Apply at no. lot Astor
alrawt, from I to I p. m.
Wttl 1 1 L' VIT Uaiaaa.a t VI lata Mft
:0 Commercial street, corner Sixth
street. Apply to r. . DOnbar, Court
house. -1 ' "
FOR RENT- A front ro"n nicely fur
nished. Inqulra ::4 Bond street, city.
FOR KKNT ThW or four fumlahcd
rooms, airttlt forlUht h9Ueit"pln'.
Inquire at C., Oatlery.
KOJl RKNTVTIir or four room,
with board. Mr. K. C. lloldsn, onrn
(th and lAtatMt atranta, ,
ANn?K , floods for Christmas and th
holiday, at Win; Ie'. K Commrr-
r I11I street.
Cedar Shingles
Steamship Company's.
Will he dispatched from Portland. Or-e-n
on or about November t, 1HD4, on,
the route from that point to th Co
qullle River, touching at all Interme
diate point as Inducements offer, and.
will remain permanently on that route,
making regular trips.
For rate or othr Information apply,
at olTlcea of the oompany, Worcester
Rlock, Portland, Oraa-nn, or 121-123 Da
vis street. Ban Franc.lsoo.
Main Street Dock, Astoria..
at any man oomlns out ot
our siora and you'll gat a
portrait nf man brimming
otur with piranaiU thoughts.
Huoh quality In tlm liquors
wa hf tooffnrartwuMinlito
plraaa any man.
S. FueraAN, law of Fratman & Hulmta.
R. T. fcAHt i. lata of Stockton Cal,
Blacksmith, Machinist
and Boiler Maker
"'""'h.'p.'IVo. 11 Kinds o! Machinery
Iron and Tirana Canting
Oeneral Blackamlth Work
SPECIALTIES - Welch Whwl, Shla.
Smithing tni Slramboat Work, Canntry and.
Mill Machinery. Marina ana Stationary Boll
era Built to Ord.r.
Specialty equipped for lopgere' work
Correspondence aolltlted
1 8th and Franklin. Phono 78
Conroaily St, foot of Jackaoo, Astoria,
General Machinists and Boiler Makesr
Land and Marina Englnea, Boiler work, Steaa.
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Cattlnge of All Doacrtptlnne Made to Order 0
Short Notice,
John Fox... .Pre id ant and Buperlntondanti .
A. L. Pox Via President
O. B. Praal Banretary
First National Bank Treasurer
Even though you have no nearer rel
a tlvos than uncle and aunts', the Idea.,
of one' "family" 1 always a partlc-.
Ularly pleasing o-n,.