THE DAILY ASTOUIAN, TUESDAY" MORNLVO, NOVEMBEtt 17, 1896. (DARIJ1E (DATTEflS. i AVcfictiitilc Preparation lur As similating Uici'oodniwIKctf u!a lliig lite Stonudu ami bowls of MmamBMaM SJasBBasaaesaeea Protnotos DlrteslloivClrcrful iwssnrvlRcst.ConMlns ncltlxT Ojmim.Morplilitc tior rliiicral. NOTNAltCOTIC. Ja M tk-SMimiiWm Apcrffcl Rftiiccly forCoiwIlp- uon, sour aionuitu.uiirriwca Worms .Convulsions jevvmh-lu-ss niul Loss or Sleep. Tac Simile Siflnulura of NEW YCHtK. -Afjoot Columbia River dAlmoi. J HERE V 6M mKr if far Byp.oo to any Other.,, wh!.'!uv?' '"l' loaa au.aa vev Know " LookFoi An lfA.ia (.y.r Us N T, (J f. i ii i r i w- Are You Gomfc EastV Be sur and see that your tlckrt read via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -Ue- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS -aV34- OMAIIA RAILWAYS. This la th GREAT SHORT LINE Btw DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Thalr MngnlAoent Track. Peerlsaa Vee- tlbulud Pining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Hav given thla road a national reputa tion. All claaae of paaaenger carried -on the veatlbuled tralna without itra charge. Ship your freight and travel over thla famoui line. All agenta hare tickets. W. H. MHAD, F. C. 8AV-OE, (Jen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt. M Waattlngton at, I'ortland, Or. THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A paaaenger train on the Ohloago, Mil waukaa and Bt. Paul Ballway. No. Ita tarlna are veetlbuled, heater by ateam, and lighted by elenttlolty. Each aleep car berth haa an eleotrlo reading lamp. Ita dining cara are the beat In the world, and Ita coachea are palaoea on wheela. Thla great railway, connecting aa It doea with all tranaoontlnental llntta at Bt 'Paul and Omaha, aaaurea to the tarvellng public the beat aervloe known. Tloketa via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Hallway are on aale at all railroad ticket 'Offlcea to any point In the United Btatee or Canada. For mapa, foldera and other Information, addreaa. C. J. EDDY, General Agent. J. W. CABBY, Portland. Or. Trav. Paaa and Tkt. Agent, Portland, Or. Partlea dealrlng the beat of job printing at the loweat prioea thould oall at the Aatoria Job office before going elae-Whara. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON TIIE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTU2 OP Oaetula li it t l r-tli Wild self. It U sot (old la balk. Doa'l alto anjma t Mil yon aajrtMag elta m tba pl.a of proaiaa that II li "Jail M roul" asl "will auvir eTary ear. sow." - oV tint joo got O-i-ft-T-0-R-I-i, CUM' Sfjr ( nevl Sol"' y U PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U. A. SMITH. DENTIST. Rooma 1 and t, Pythian Building, overr C. H. Coopert atore. Dlt O. B. K8TK8, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to dlaeaaea of woman and aurgery. Office over Danilger! atore. Aatoria. Telephone No. U. JAY TUTTLE, M. D.. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR Offloa. rooma f and I, Pythian Building. Houra. 10 to II and t to 1 Reeldenoe. Of Cedar atreet JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Offlca, upatalra, Aatorlan Building. H. T. CROSBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. fl Commercial atreet J. Q. A. BOWLBt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlca on Bond atreet, Aatoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixon. Cheater V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portlnnd, Oregon, W. IS, M and tl, Hnmllton Uullcllng. All legal and ool licdon bualn-aa promjitly attended to. Clntme agalnat the government a ape Malty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7. A. F. and A. M. Regular communication! held on the flrat and third Tueaday evening ot each month, O. W. LOUN8BERRY, W. M. E, C. HOLDEN, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. W. C. CAS8ELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, Notary Public. 511 Bond Street. iTiLDDD P01S0U A 5PEClALTYrrVoT;?X tlT7 IH.(MH roiSO!!' jwrnianentiy cured In 16toM6lRTa. You oan be tivnteil ai 0 I home f or miih irio umler Mm frutimu J ty If you profor tonunia hr . v wi lioon " tract to tmr rntlnwil furoAnd hotel btlli.And Docharp.if wefnil tooitr. If you lmveuUon mer cury, IitUUIe pot utt h. and still hT nchot And SAim.Muouuftl'HtoliMln mouth, HorThrov 'luiplra, i)oppr iulireil KotA. lilrem oa vif tmrtof tlieVxlT. Ilulror Fyebrown f I lit i sr eut, li to thtt HocniMJury ItLOOI 1MIS(N we ;urnt4)e to cure. Wo eoltclt tbo mnnt olisti wnte cnseA nd rrmllence tli world for A c:h nctcanimtourtie ThW dl-ewe has aIwati bttlllexi th till of th iuiiAtminut phynl v'UiiaV 500,tM) crtpttul too html our onotmdi Mm in I rUAraiitf. Abt4ilut prooffl rent maIihI uo APPl,onihn. Addmw 4!Ot)K KKMKUV VOm vi AUtoolo auui ClllUa.OU! ILL Ladles Who Value A refined corapleilon must bio PoxionI! Pow dor. It produces a no ft and beautiful skin. f 1 nsTAr-T, ' II I II II WATKR. A. M. li r, u, l.lll fl'jll.lll fl" IAIW VMTKR. li.mifl!ih m Iff ttui ,I. 7.0 tin 'in f, iv,, l.o 4 VI J.I, Mm.!, h v iM a V, 'a hiiih umii anii;u 1iwn DATE. (MiitiVity Kuntliiy ,, Miittiliiy,, 'J'UI(ll,V,, 'I'liurMility Krlilny... M V , 7 A! ill) III ll li. lulH.M i Mm ii n III rwi.M.tti 1 1 IIWMl 1 UilV il.! III Mil'.'" I ii:tl.7l! OJl K.l) la in, p. m , -IH, el", b"lii tii. rimima nf Mimiii-W, Uil lit. i, Naw Mihiii. ll,Hrtur, li, Kull Minmi, The atxainur ICinpIra arrived yretiT day from Han Franrlwo, leaving up In IIih afti'rniioii. " The llrltl.h bark Crime and the ahlp Mai lirlhanlah Ivft up the river rTunday tit load whnat. The Hrltlah bark Ulenlul aall.-d yea Icnlny for Qumnatown or Falmouth, with W3.WI bualU'la of wheat, valued at I73.MHI. The llghthouae tmuli-r Columbine ar rived yeati-rday from I'uget eound and Dintrui tlim laland, whi-re ahe had dp. llvered auppllfa. The atcamahlp Columbia arrived yea tiinluy fnun Han FranclK and, after ll barging freight for Aatoria mer rliunta. left up the liver. The a. W, Wolff yentcnlny ftnlehrd illwharKlng her vevond barge load of inent and will dlm-hiugK the bulance of lu-r rargn onto th O. It. and N. diH-k. The at"umahlp State of California aallcd Hunday for Han Franrlaco, 24 houra behind time, aa a reault of Ihe atorm. Kite hud large frrlght and paa avngir Data. The lirllUh ahlp Chi lmnford. Cuntnln TIioiuimxmi, willi-d ymlcrdny for thai I'nltrd Kingdom, after having been wralhrr bound for over a week. Hhe rariiea 112.113 buahi-la of wheat, valued at 4I02.MO mc of the moat valuable gralri rargora which haa ever been ahlpped from thla port. The Chclma ford will never be forgotten by A.ito-rlane-nor the FuIwmxI, either becauae tnoee vwaael brought the ralla for the real Aatoria and Columbia Itlver rail mad. Ilou voyage, Chelmsford! The aevere atorm of the poat week baa uaed the Olenmorag and Zlnlta wry well. Th furnvr pounded connM erably, but woa not damaged to any great extent, and It la aald the Glcn niorag waa driven 100 yarda further up on the beach. The officer In charge of the latter ahlp atatea alie auatalned no damage. The weather la clearing up and the probabllltlpa are Captain Burna will make another effort to float her thla year. She haa been dismantled and the greater part of her ballaat dis charged. The Ckwauilo Hteamahlp Cotnpany'a Monowal aalled for Australia, Thurs day afternoon. The American oasen gera have not been forgotten, and Thanksgiving day will be duly cele brated . The steamer will be In the vlclnlnty of Ramoa on the occasion, but Chief Steward Nalamllh haa every thing In trim. Should the crate of live turkeys he as on board die on the way. there are over (00 pounds of the dead bird stored away In the refrigerator. so that no one on the Monowal will be without a slice of the royal fowl on the S6th Inst Aa a caterer Chief Nalamllh stands at the top. and al though he Is an Englishman on an Kngllsh ship, he can be depended upon to set a " truly American dinner on Thanksgiving day. flan Francisco Call. Within thlrty-alx houra ending laat night 25 deep water vessels entered this port, the largest number In along time. Two of these were regular trad ers from the Hawaiian Inlands. The others came In on the afternoon of the 10th and 11th, aa follows Vessel. Tons, November 10 7 13,061 November 11 ..16 27.70J Total 2J 40,7 W Eight of the vessels were In ballast and ten had exclusive cargoes of coal, the others having assorted freight. The list Includes a tramp steamer from Japan with only a partial cargo. There were five vessels from Europe, nine from Australia, five from South Amer ica, two from domestic Atlantic East ern ports, two from Honolulu, one from Jajiin and one front South Africa. There are eight or ten more due. San Francisco Bulletin. BUCKLEN'B ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Charles Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. The Prince of Monaco recently an nounced to the Paris Academy of Hclence that lust month he discovered a bnnk 53 kilometers long, and situated U0 kilometers south of the Azores Arch ipelago. He named the bank after Prin cess Alice. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns are quickly cured by DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve. It Is at present the article most used for piles, and It always cures them. Chas. Rogers. According to a provisional official statement, he number of tobacco planters In Germany In 1895 was 157,- 019. Of these, there were 76,905 In Prus sia, 44,008 In Baden, 13,857 In Bavaria, and 12.578 In Alsace-Lorraine. ! you wjnt a ante relief lor ..n:0 ., Ul AMcock's Mhak in Mind Not one of t mis in as pood as the penume. To be thin, tot a baby, is be deprived of its natural I to suffer and not be able feel it to wear a sad pinched ce; to live on the edge cf Jcness to grow Imperfectly; id to lose the power of re tting disease. When a baby thin it needs more fat than gets from its food it is arved, fat-starved. Scott'g mulslon is the easiest fat can have; the fat it needs. gat aad U os aA arsggiatt. FIRE ALARM BOXES. Box t Trulllnger's Mill. Box 6 Aator and Seventh street. Box 7 Ninth and Duane. Box I Commercial and Fifteenth. Box Clatsop Mill. Box 12 Car Stables. Box 14i'jOregor'a Mill. FROM NOW T7NTIL BP HI NO Ov.rcoets and winter wrap will be In faehlon. Thy can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the ataam-hfated tralna of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Hallway. For solid comfart, for ped and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the West The Japanese, government haa been Mked to sanction a plan, for which about S:,000,000 haa been collected, to divide the main Inland of Japan Into two parts by means of a central canal connecting Tauruga uid Yodo with Ike III a. The old way of delivering messagea by postboys compared with the modern telephone. Illustrates the old tedious methods of "breaking" colds compared with their almost Instantaneous cure by On Minute Cough Cure. Chaa. Kog- res. A Liverpool policeman who, as he thought, swallowed a sixpence twelve years ago, recently bad a severe pain In his throat A fit of coughing came on. and the long-lost coin, half of Ita original thickness, waa released from his throat. ROYAL Baxinsr Powder. Highest of all la lemvenlng ttrtngth -U. I. Oe araa1 Rspsrt A useful charity called the London spectacle mission provides spectacles for needle women and other deserving persons dependent upon thrtr eye-sight for a living. Last year 72 applicants were provided with spectacles. TO Cl'RB A COLD IX ONE DAY Tske laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 15c, For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Druggist. When General Weyler geta to the front In Cuba the telegraph wires will be kept hot announcing great victories and giving explanations why they ore not followed by a pursuit of the enemy. To cure all old sores, to heal an Indo lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need simply apply DeWltt's Witch Ha- sel Salve according to directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. Chaa. Rogers. The report of a bread riot In India confirms belief in the wide extent of the famine, and once more the price of wheat goes up and speculators 'ore happy. OASTOTIZA. At fu ll si It tlfutsn if list It Is said that Cleveland's message will treat mainly of the financial ques tlon, which is equivalent to a warning that It will be a poor treat for the hol idays. The old lady was right when she sold the child might die If they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses ot One Min ute Cough Cure. She had used It for croup before. Chaa. Rogers. During the coming decade we should plant the factory by the farm and send our produce to market In the form that will bring the highest price. It Is a fixed and immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have pure, rich and abundant blood. There Is no shorter nor surer route than by a course of DeWltt's Sarsapa rilla. Chas. Rogers. When the mountains as well as the banka give up their gold. Industry will hum with double vlgor.i DeWltt's Saraaparllla Is prepared for cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions Impaired by disease. Chas. Rogers. Hydraulic mining has a golden fu ture. The length of life may bo Increased by lessening Its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. California will gain-almost anything her peoplo unitedly work for. pains in the back, side, chest, ot J" Porous Plaster the, host of counterfeit and Imita- THE WEEKLY ASTORIAR Established 1873 As an advertising medium the Weekly Astorian is un eurpaased bjf any paper in the State outside of Portland. Thirty-three hundred copies are mailed each week to every home in the territory, both in Oregon and Washington, trib utary to the City of Astoria. Advertisers Who Wish to Reach the Country People should call to their aid the columns of the Weekly As torian There are several reasons why the Weekly As torian's circulation is so large. One is that its columns con tain more reading matter than any other paper in Oregon excepting a Portland publica tion. The News of the World foreign, interstate and local, is published in its columns. It is absolutely reliable ; hence its popularity. The Weekly Astorian contains 56 columns of reading matter every week. Just think! All the news of the world for $2 a year. If you are not a sub- 1 scriber to this i should send in once. Second Oldest Paper in the State lSP&si-' 'VIS 1 great paper you your name at INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for sufferers from ... Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections art ad against Indio la tha past b th large iiumbars who otherwise would bare been glad to take advantage of its benrOclal cllmata, haa been a lack ot a ul table accommodation. Th Southern Pacific Company takes) pleasure In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indio station, that will be nated to applicants at rea sonabl rates. They are furnlihad with modara convenienses, supplied with pur artaslaa water, and so situated as to gtr occupants all th advantages to b d rived from a more or I mm protracted reddene It this delightful climate. (From th Bon Francisco Argonaut) "In th heart of the great desert of th Colorado which th Southern . Pacta IraverMS Uier Is an ouia called Indio, which. In our opinion. Is th sanitarium of th earth. W believe, front personal Investigation, that for certain Individual, there la no spot oa this planet so favor able." G. T. Stewart, K. D., writes: "Th purity ef the air, and the eternal sua shine. Oil one with wondr and delight, Nature haa acoompllahad much that titer remains but llttl for man to do. Aa to Its possibilities aa a health retort her Is the moat perfeot sunshine, with a temperatur always) pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain 1 an unknown factor; pur oxygen, dene atmosphere and pur water. What more con be desired T It Is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a para dise for rheumatics. Considering th number of sufferers who have beta cured. I have no hesitancy la recom mending this genial oasis aa th haraa of th afflicted." INDIO. Is 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles Ij.oc For further Information Inquire of any Southern Padflo Company agent, or addreaa K. P. ROGERS, Aast Gen. Pasa Agt 8. P. Co. J. B. KIRKLAND, Diet Pass. Agt Cor. First and Aider at., Portland. Or Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. CLEAN... Reasonable ia Price ELMORE, SANBORN & CO . Agrats. Astoria. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IH Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tenth and Commercial streets. B.F.ALtliEH&SOI Wall Paper, ArUsta' Material!, Paints, Oils, Glaia. ate. Japantta Mattlngi, Ruga and Bab boo Gooda 365 Co mmercial Street. Job Printing The Astorian Invites attention to its Job Printing Department Give Us a Trial A TWISTER. A twister in twisting May twist hun 4 twist. For In twlsHnar a twist Three twists mak a twist; But If on of th twists Untwists fror th twist The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. That Is, whan It's twisted with any other twin than MARSHALL'S.