The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 15, 1896, Image 4

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Misses', Youth's and
Ladles' and Gents'
Autumn Footwear
Rubbers. Rubber Boots. Etc.
John Hahn & Co.
79 Commercial St
Maximum temperature, &8 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 80 degrees.
Precltpltatton, 1.17 Inches.
Total precipitation from September
lit, 1S9C, to date, 19.13 inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber let. 1SS. to date, 4.M Inches.
Portland. November 14. For Oregon
and Washington, rain, gales on the
TO READERS. -Tk "Dally Astoria1
talas twkw a atae Madia aaatter as
aay ether paper publish la Astoria. It
I Iks oaly paper that prsMata Its readers
with a dally talecraitale nput
UHu14 has stars thaa Iwie as assay tis
rs as aay other paper paMlthed la Asto
ria. It Is therefore asors thaa twlea aa
saleable as aa adesrlislag s4sp.
tato f Oregon, I .
Gouty of Clatsop!
We, ths snAerslgaeA. loeal asastagers
raspsetlTsly of ths Waatora Taloa aad
Festal Telegraph soaspaalra, hereby oer
Ufy that the "Dally Astorlaa" la ths aaly
aapar pabllahad la Astoria which bow rs
elves, or at aay Urns darlag oar aoatro
af aald aflloss has raeslrsd. a talegraphtp
rass report, , p, JOHXSOIT,
' ' Jlsnager W. rj. T. Co.
4. B. CLARK,
Xaaafor restal Tel. Co.
By Llsette Wogdwortl Reese.
I am Thy rrasa, 0 Lor4l
I grow up sweet and tall
But for a day; beneath Thy sword
To He At evenfaiL
VethlVel Bat efldugil
In that brief day of mine?
The wind, the bees, the wholesome stuff
The sua pours down like wine.
Behold, this to rey
Love will not let me be;
Love holds me here; love cuts me down;
And it is well with me.
Love, love; keep it but so;
Thy purpose Is full plain;
I die, that after t may grow
As tall, as sweet again.
Purple U the prevailing color.
fresh peas n string beans at Foard
Finest Norway Stock Fish at Foard
Jk Stokes.
Born To the wife of A. Hanson, Fla
vel, a son.
Mr. Alex Campbell is spending Sun
day at Seaside.
The wise Christmas shopper begins
to look about now.
Money to Loan Astoria Abstract.
Title and Trust Co.
Navy blue canvas cloth is largely
employed for ladies' gowns.
Gunther's, the only candles In the
city. C. B. Smith, sole agent.
Oregon cream cheese, 25 cents a brick,
worth 60c, at Foard & Stokes.'
Telephone and telegraph wires In the
city are again in working order.
Mackintoshes are selling rapidly at
the Low Price Store. 491 Bond street
Holiday goods are beginning to make
their appearance in all of the stores.
During stormy days the A. F. C. team
will practice signals in the club room.
Mr. Alex. Gilbert has . gone to his
ranch on the Walluskl on a hunting
"Our Corner" Anderson went to Port
land yesterday morning on a business
Just take a Iook at C. B. Smith's
famous Gunther candles. It will do you
Mr. Perry Trullinger and wife leave
for San Francisco on the State this
Business everywhere shows a ten
dency to liven up since McKinley's
Don't forget the masquerade ball
Thanksgiving eve, to be given by the
Red Men.
English plum pudding to be good for
Christmas, ought to be made soon and
put away.
It is understood that a large amount
of important business will come before
If your tea is not good,
why don't you drink water?
It is cheaper and better for
you than poor tea
If it is good, your stom
ach is glad to get it; does
its work better.
Schilling's Best is good
tea at grocers' in packages.
A Schilling A Company ,
the meeting of the city council Wednes
day night
The Deep River boat did not leave
out yesterday, but all! make the trip
early this morning.
The drenched streets and drenched
people yesterday appeared as If ready
for another shower bath.
Dr. Howard's residence Is at EJS Com
mercial street over the "Spa." Night
calls promptly attended.
The afternoon tea to be given at Mrs.
Page's on the 57th will be one of the
attractions of the month.
Dr. T. L. Ball, dentist Teeth ex
tracted without pain. Price reasonable.
No. 6tS Commercial street
M. E. Church Theme In the morning.
"Growth After Creation." Evening.
"The Unexpected Happens."
Concomly Tribe, Red Men, purpose
making their masquerade ball Thanks
giving eve the event of the season.
Rev. Mr. Marcotte Is quite an athlete
and la very much interested in foot
ball, at which game he is an expert
Don't pay ten and twelve dollars tor
air-tight stoves when you can get them
for half the money at 431 Bond street
The Postal Telegraph line, which was
demolished by the storm Thursday, was
again put In working order yesterday.
Dr. O. B. Estes is again at his office
attending to his practice, and patients
may find him there at the usual hours.
Pltptjr pf air tight stoves In the mar
ket, buf opiy Pftf with hot air draught
tube, Tho QiiOfS, ft fwr Brother.'
Price, J10.M.
The names of several prominent
young Republicans are being mention
ed aa possible candidates for council
men at the coming election.
LOOK OCT for fraudulent telegraph
ic news in the Astoria afternoon papers.
None of these papers receives one line
ot outside news by telegraph.
F. X Scholfleld, the landscape gard
ener, will offer al! shade, ornamental
And fruit tree (every one guaranteed
ft grow) At reasonable figures.
it ii renorted that A well-tO-dn wid
ower in rppertown Ik looking for a
wife, and that hk does not oblect to
red hair bi Church proclivities.
Observer Grover holds out the hope
that there may be another heavy gale
today. He forgot to say whether he
as going to leave town himself,
HAnthorn't cannery yesterday closed
down for the season. As this ass the
last cannery packing on the river, op
erations for this year have ended.
The steamer Statet whhh arrived
from Portland yesterday morning, was
obliged trt lay HVrf here until o'clock
this morning on account of heavy
Don't forget that the Low Price Store
has the only perfect fitting wrappers,
the handsomest line of Jackets and
capes, and is selling them at wholesale
prices. 4S1 Bond street
Messrs. Hughes, McTavlsh and Car
ney returned yesterday from Clatsop
Plains, but their large box of ducks
got sidetracked and will not put in
an appearance until later.
A. T. Elliott F. W. Pettygrove, San
Francisco; R. L. Durham, Charles H.
Fisher, Mrs. B. E. Snell, Portland; and
E. F. Wittier, St. Louis, were guests
at the Occident yesterday.
The steamer Eclipse Is sttU stuck m
Gray's River by a large blockade of
big logs, and It Is probable that she
will have to lie there for & number of
days before being extricated.
It is said that a certain handsome
lady in this city objects to having her
name In print yet carefully looks over
the files of the papers to see If any
thing has been said about her.
During the storm early yesterday
morning about thirty square feet of the
roofing on the south side of the O. R.
and N. dock was tern up. Workmen re
paired the damage yesterday.
The young ladles of the St Agnes
Guild of Grace Church will give an
afternoon tea and sale of fancy articles
at the house of Mrs. C. H. Page, 14th
street, on Flrday, November 27.
Mr. L. Mansur, who was over from
Knappton yesterday, reported that the
storm on the north shore was the most
severe In many years. The Louis wfll
be ready to go to sea in a few days.
Trees which have been blown down
since the prevailing storm began, have
rendered the Walluskl road impassable
for teams at several points this side
of Its Junction with the military road.
Five dollars reward is offered for
the return to Mrs. E. C. Hol
den of a purse containing money and
papers, lost by a young lady, between
the Holden House and the Mayflower
Postponed On account of the many
other things occupying the public mind
so near holidays, the Patriotic enter
tainment announced for Thanksgiving
evening has been postponed to a later
While Astorians are glad to have the
company of the storm-bound captains,
yet these skippers whose vessels are
all ready for sea, say that they would
prefer to be making time on the briny
deep to spending their time visiting.
Mr. E. R. Davis, superintendent of
construction of the Westeren Union
Telegraph Company, and a force of
men, arrived down yesterday morning.
They will proceed at once to the elec
tion of the telegraph line to Seaside
and Flavel.
From all Indications the present
storm is not yet ended. The glass Is
going down, and the Portland and As-
torla weather bureaus predict A con
tinuance of the gale. It might be well
tor these successful rain makers to seek
some other employment
The Harvest Moon with A barge load
ed with telegraph poles for the new
estern Union line to Seaside, was
still lying In Cathlamet bay late last
night unable to get around Tongue
point because of the storm. She will
probably get down today.
fVveral ranchers who were In the city
yanterday were anxiously looking
ao.und for that central market Upon
being told that It had not yet been
erected, they were a little Indignant
and wanted to know how long It took
tv build a shed In Astoria-
Mr. R. L. Durham, president of the
Commercial National Bank, Portland,
Is visiting In the city. Mr. Durham
says that since the election of McKtn
ley money matters have become much
easier, and a large amount of hoarded
capita has been put In circulation
through the banks.
A letter received yesterday from Mr.
W. W. Corey, dated at Ogden, states
that they are getting a large force of
men to work on the new mining canal
In Nevada, and had that day shipped
fifty more men. a car of horses and
two cars ot material to the front There
are now altogether about ISO teams at
On Friday the steamer Eclipse, car
rying the mall from Gray's river, was
shut In by a log Jam and may be de
tained there several days before she can
be released. Captain Sklbbe put the
mall pouches on his back and taking
the trail over the mountain caught the
boat from Deep River, arriving here
yesterday at 10 o'clock,
The Character Concert" to be given
St Fisher's Operia House November 19
for the benefit of Graoe Church, prom
ises to be a very novel Affair, and a
departure from the concerts usually
given. Do not fail to attend. Admis
sion 80 cents. Children under 11 years
25 cents. Box sheet open at J A m. st
New York Novelty Store. K extra
charge for reserved seats: ""' '
Mr. D. F. Stafford, writing1 Ironi ciat;
sop, sars tt he understands the
cewftty fcfcurt has the matter ot Ihe
Tbung's River bridge under advisement
and are looking up facts and figures
In order to have A bridge that will be
a bridge. He says the farmers have
much confidence In Judge Gray and the
county commissioners, and believe that
the bridge will be built aa It has been
asked for by the people, and that it will
be well built
The mall from Olney and Nehalem
Valley poet offices which should have
arrived here at o'clock Friday night
did not reach the postoffice until 1:30
yesterday afternoon. The road Is com
pletely blocked with fallen timber and
the carrier had to abandon his horse
near the other end and make the dis
tance on foot; eight mil.s above Olney
the darkness was so Intense he was
obliged to camp under the shelter of a
friendly tree until day light
Articles of incorporation were filed
in ths county Clerk's office by the Lan
netar Publishing CO. The Incorporators
are J. A. Astram, John Hobaganar, and
J. A. Harpet The capital stock is plac
ed at 11.00, divided Into 100 shares. A
Finnish paper called the Lannetar was
published here some years ago, but
suspended from lack of support. The
promoters of the new paper, however,
are confident of success. The tint Is
sue will come out about January 1.
Mr. E. L. Dwyer, the well known
promoter, who has recently come back
to this section of the Country, and who
is now in rortiana, says ne win spena
the next few months In bonding valua
ble mining claims which he will sell In
the East or Europe, and that he will
plant his share of the proceeds In As
toria, which he considers the beBt place
for Investment on the Pacific coast. Mr.
Dwyer says there Is no place In the
West possessing the remarkable advan
tages of Astoria.
It Is understood that Mr. A. B. Ham
mond will arrive in this city sometime
before the first of next month and a
gentleman who has Just returned from
Portland and claims to be posted, says
that when Mr. Hammond gets here the
town will be awakened. He also sug
gested that It might be as well for As
torians to rub some of sleep from their
eyes before Mr. Hammond arrives. In
order that they might be prepared to
make propositions and receive propsl
tions looking to the starting of large
Rescue Club held Its regular meeting
last evening, President Estes being In
the chair. Miss Nellie Busey presided
at the piano. Devotional exercises were
conducted by the Rev. J. 3. Walter. A
large audience was present considering
the stormy weather, and an excellent
program was rendered. Those who took
part In the entertainment were Miss
Fay Delllnger, Miss Minnie Doneka,
Miss Mamie Smith, Dr. O. B. EBtes,
Mr. Harry Vldalin, and Mrs. John Grat
ke. The program committee for next
week is Mr. Harry Vidalln, Miss Nel
lie BuBey and Miss Mamie Smith. There
was one signer to the pledge last night.
It Is reported In banking quarters
that since the election money has cir
culated more freely even here In As
toria, and merchants say that It Is no
unusual thing for housewives and
bread earners to now go shopping with
their pockets filled with gold. The game
of dropping the purse has now become
Those who anticipate attending
the Red Men's masquerade ball on
Thanksgiving eve can procure ele
gant costumes by placing orders
with Miss Florence McMulIen,
Room 7, Mansell Bldg. Prices rea
sonable and satisfaction guaranteed.
quite a popular form of simisemfnt,
and evidently It Is now epidemic about
town. An offer of reward mode In
these columns Is still open for the re
turn of a month's salary which was
dropped on the street by a young lml y
a few days ago. A similar loss was
sustained yesterday by another lady
but the purse was found and Itnmedl
ately returned by a stranger who gal
latttly refused any reward, There la at
least one person In the community who
still has faith In humanity.
A meeting of the officers of different
fire companies was held In the parlors
ot Engine Company No. 1 last night
J. E. Gratke was elected president, an,
M. B. Roiorth secretary of the meeting
The principal business of the meeting
was to formulate an address to the city
council asking for an advance of ten
per cent of the amounts now being
received by the different companies.
In order to make up the deficiency cans
ed by the discount on warrants. Un
der present arrangements It Is alleged
that the department cannot possibly
get along, and there was a lengthy dls
usslon as to whether the department
should not ask for a return of the dls
count on post warrants. It was con-
eluded, however, that If the advance
asked for was secured, the department
would try to get along without further
assistance. There was a large attend
ance at the meeting, every company be
ing represented by all of Its officers.
Not worlds on worlds In phalanx deep
Need we to prove a God Is here.
The daisy fresh from winter's sleep
Tells of His love In lines ss clear.
Fur who but He who arched the skies
And pours ths day-spring's living flood,
Wondrous alike In all He does.
Could rear the daisy's purple bud.
Mold Its green cup. Its wiry stem.
Its fringed borders nicely spin.
And cut the gold embossed gem
That set In silver gleams within.
And fling It unrestrained and free
O'er hill and dale and desert sod.
That man, where'er he walks, may see
At every step, the stamp of God.
Small girl, anxiously "Mamma, I
want you to make m A suit I my
dollls that has buttons, so that I ta
dress and undress her myself."
d parent "Why, my dear, I aih
waiting to buy Just such a dressed doN
at the Doll Fair to be held on the 4(h
and Stb of December. I understand
all the doll clothes will be made that
Notice Is hereby given that I have
been appointed administrator of the
estate of W. H. Ryan, deceased. All
persons having clilms against said es
tate must present the same to me At
Astoria, within six months from the
date hereof. All persons Indebted to
said estate are hereby notified to pay
aid Indebtedness to me, forthwith.
Astoria, Or., October 8. 189.
Notice Is hereby given to eJl 'parties
holding Clatsop county warrants In
dorsed prior to October Jrd. 1SW. to
present the same to the country treas
urer for payment as Interest will cease
from this date.
Dated this 11th day of November, A.
D. 189. B. L. WARD,
Treasurer -ot Clatsop Co., Oregon.
According to the Hon. F. Lawiey,
Russia In Ktirope has 537.600.000 acres of
forests; Sweden coming next with 42,
000.000; Germany, 34,000.000; Austria
sllk'htly over 24.000,000, and the British
Isles less than 3,000,000.
The U. S. Qov t Reports
thow Royal Baking Powder
Mupcrlor to all others.
The sense of returning prosperity
brings a smile even to the face of the
TO C'l'KK A roi.ll IX ONI DAY,
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
falls to cure. 25c For sale by Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
A gentleman's resort, at corner of
Bond and Twelfth streets. The finest
brands of liquors and cigars always
on hand. Call and try us.
1U n
Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No
enre no pay. For sale at Es-tes-Conn
Drner Store.
The Succcessor
...To the
Oregon Trading Co.
Has made such deep cuts
in the prices of goods
that they don t need to
make auction now to raise
money. The people have
found it out from the
bargains they are getting
at private sale. We are
not yet out of the woods.
We must raise $4,000 by
the 10th of December, and
to continue the rush so
that the amount can eas
ily be raised we will sell
from 30 to 50 per cent be
low actual value until the
amount is raised.
..6oo Commercial Street..
Coffee 6c, Woodcock's, (74 Com'l St,
Once got an Ulna that he could
make A fix-tune by buying gold
bricks. That was an expensive
have an Idea that long credit,
mossback stores can sell Califor
nia Cheviot Hulls at IJ.75. That's
a mistaken Idea. Herman Wise
Is the only one In Astoria who
does It
got an Idea Into her head that
she could please her husband by
trying to cook us his "mother
used to cook." She lots
of time, patience and money on
an exploded Idea.
still believe that they can get silk
Sewed, well . lined, good fitting
Worsted Suits for 110 In any store
In Astoria. That Is a wrong Idea.
Herman Wise alone dors It
OUR of giving a DANCK
rvp . I UPlUIIiriS UI1 .MIIUM infill Pl'tlllo vA'l I1PI I'll I It
I UtA in not when vou consider our it creased miles and
th dvaiitag of pleased customers.
Smilingly Yourw
C" The Reliable i-PHce Clothier
McKinley and
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Salton Sea Salt for baths at I
the Estes-Conu Irnp Store I
iuc ana zoo ier immnr.
Golambia Hiver
Trains leave Seaside for Astoria at
7:30 A m. and 1 p. m. dally.
Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at 9
a. m. and 4 p. m. dally.
Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at
10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. dally.
Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at 9:40
a. m. and 2:08 p. m. daily.
Steamship Company's
Will be dispatched from Portland, Or
egon on or about November 9, 1R9, on
the route from that point to the Co
qullle River, touching at all Interme
diate points aa Inducements offer, and
will remain permanently on that routs
making regular trips.
For rates or other Information apply
at offices of the company, Worcester
Block, Portland, Oregon, or 121-123 Da
vis street. Ban Francisco.
Main Street Dock, Astoria.
No. 92
Special Attention Paid to Steamboat Re-
orsesboeing, Etc.
197 OLNEY ST., bet. Sd sad 4th.
Most so-called "salmon twines" ars col
ered with acids. The sclds rot ths fibre
and render the material useless. In th
ofllcs of Elmore, Sanborn It Co. Is an ob
all fishermen. It Is ths whol of ths
material used in the manufacture of Mar
shall's twine from start to finish. Oo
there 'and examine the color right
through. Tou will see then why Mar
shall's is called ths best In ths world.
Wise's Customers Sec
What They're Buying
was bothered with Ihe Idea thai
some foolish mnn mliiht be tempt
ed to hide under her lml. Khe
therefore wasted money on a
great big bulldog, There whs a
mirror In the room. The dog saw
a rival In the mirror. Poor old
maid! Pour mirror! Poor d"gl
of going without a Mackintosh or
an overcoat or warm underwear
at this time of the year! Quinine
pills and doctor's bills are mors
expensive than warm, comfort
able garment, esporliilly whllw
Herman Wise offers a 1 eduction
of ten per cent on the abovs
nitmed articles.
Invented the Idea of Initiating his
pa Into the mysteries of a secret
order. He secured a live goat
for the purpose. Ills pa and
the goat both reached the foot
of the stairs at electric speed.
The doctor laughed at the boy's
nml Xnins presents to our
Good Times!
People. wVto have Wen hoarding
their 'money are mw Iniying
Warren ton
and Warren ton Park
Remember that prlrea i n these lots,
side of the bay. within a stone's throw
people are now living, will be advanced
Concomly Tribe, No. 7
Imp. Order of Red Men
will give a ball Thanksgiving eve. It will
he a masquerade hall, a large ball, and.
brilliantly colored ball, red.
Following Are the Prlzesr
First prise Best dressed lady, an ele
gant toilet set.
Second prise Best sustained lady
character, Japanese tea set.
First prise Best dressed gentleman,
meerschaum pipe.
Second prise Best sustained gentle
WANTED A good girl for general
housework. Apply at the Astorlan of
fice. FOR RENT.
Fon RENT Seven room house, No.
260 Commerclnl street, corner Sixth"
street. Apply to F. I. Dunbar, Court
FOR RENT Nine room house on
Tenth street. Apply at 452 Franklin
TO LET Three furnished rooms suit
able for housekeeping. Apply 1S4 10th
street, upstairs.
FOR RENT A front room nicely fur
nished. Inquire 224 Bond street, city.
FOR RENT Three or four furnished
rooms, suitable for light house-keeping.
Inquire at Crow's Gallery.
FOR RENT Three or four rooms,
with board. Mrs. B. C. Holden, corner
9th and Duane streets.
ANESE Goods for Christmas and ths
holidays, at Wing Lee's, 543 Commer
cial street
FOUND Diamond pin found at the
Louvre. Owner can obtain same by
proving property and paying charges.
Cedar Shingles
I871 18a,
A Specially.
Ship CliAiidoIory,
I lard win
Iron fe Stl,
Orooorio & ProvinionB,
Flour tt Mill FnI,
I'aintrt, Oils. Vnrnishoe
Loggora Supplies',
Fnirbank's Scales,
Doors A Windows,
Agricultural IinplemonU
Wugona & Vultioltw,
nl mi nun eeinln uill ul
out slort owl you'll set a
portrait ul S Bias brlntsillig
iter wlUi pipswiit tlisuiihta.
Much qutilly In His llijuatt
s luvelo offer or siiimxhle
ilro unt IUSS.
S. Fsin, Um of FrMiM a Hulawt
H. T. tAHil. UM of Slwktun Cl.
Blacksmiths, Machinists
fid Boiler Makers
h'.M Kinds of machinery
Iron and nraaa Castings
Ueneral Blacksmith Work
Snliitiar nJ SlMxtaat Wutk. Cjntwy uj
Mill Ma. hinsry. MHo 4 Sutlmwry Boll.
tf Built Is Oritt,
SpxUlly )ulprJ far k ' woil:
lull, IMS
18th and Franklin
Phons 78
Now Is Your
At Special Prices
which srs Ihe best sltuatrd on ths west
of the Warrvnlon depot, and where O0
January 1. IS7.
man character, silk umbrella.
The prises are now on exhibition Irs
the Estes-Conn show window.
Tickets. II. Ladles en masque, free.
Spectators, CO cents.
A costumer from Portland will be,
here a few days before the ball.
- - -
R. L. Boyle & Co.
"The Louvre"
a noon
Fine Muslo, Gaines of All Kind. Two
Magnificent Hars.
Good Order and Everybody's Rights.
The Palace Cafe
Is the Place for a
Good Meal...
Eastern Oysters
la the shell or est
Served to Order or Sold at Retail