THE DAILY ASTORIAN, Tlll'RSDAY MORN ISO, ftOVEMBGtt Ji 1M I Ussetf, Youth's and Children's CCHOOL JHOES Ladles and Cents' Autumn Footwear Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Etc. Oar An John Hahn & Co. Warraatea 79 Commercial St. SIONAL SERVICE REPORT. ' TESTERDAr8 WEATHER. Maximum temperature. 61 degree!. Mlnlmlm temperature. St degree. Precipitation, .IS Inch. Total precipitation from September lt. IPH, to date, 1.15 Inches. , Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1st, 1S94, to date, 2.36 Inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland. November 11. For Wash, lnrton and Oregon, rain In the western portion; occasional rain or snow in the eastern portion; gales on the coast TO READERS. Taa "Dally AsterUs" atala. twiea at meek taadlag aiattar as aj other paper aablUkMl la Aitaria. It Is the only paper that praasats Its readers with a dally talacraphle report. TO ADTERTIIKKS.-Ta. "Dally A sarlaa has aaere thaa twlea as auuty road are as aay othar papar pabUahod la Asto ria. It Is thareVora aaoro the twiea as valBable as aa adrortlslag stedlaai. lata of Oregtia. I Coaaty of Clatsop. ( Wa, the aaderslcoed, laoal ataaagort sospootlToly or the Weatera Falsa aad roetal Telegraph eaatpoalos. horoby eer ttly that tho "Dally Astoriaa- to the ealy nT paallahod la Astoria which aow re . ,ft! M7 fB darlag ear ooatrol f !"W Sfn 1m ppola4,llefraphle r?Tffrt: .n,jOHMo, Hapager W. P. T. Co. .,.C(.AR. laager rette! Tel. Co. : AROUND TOWN. The birthday party tonight Fresh peas and string bean at Foard Stokes.' ' - . , , 1 - Finest Norway Stock Fish at Foard ft Stokes. . .. . i Did you see the big ships sail In yes terday? Recorder Williams Knappa. .' Warrenton lots are much attention. visiting. In now attracting New crop walnuts and raisins. He Commission Co. Paci- See announcement of Party on this page... the Birthday Persimmons -and fanck grapes at Pa cific Commission Co. Honey to Loan Astoria Title and Tract Co. Abstract Fancy Tillamook creamery Pacific Commission Co. butter. We have low prices on fancy tea. Pacific Commission Co. Finest kraut and pickled pig's feet Pacific Commission Co. . , . -, Those picnic hams are cheap; 10c lb. Pacifio Commission Co. - - New strained honey in Jars or gallon, Pacific Commission Co. , Mincemeat for the millions by the barrel, at Foard ft Stokes. The merchants yesterday good city and country trade. reported j Guntber's, the only candles in the j city. C. B. Smith, sole agent i Oregon cream cheese, 25 cents a brick, j given. Do not fail to attend. Admls worth 60c, at Foard ft Stokes.' Uion 50 cents. Children under 12 years 25 cents. Messrs. L. B. Seeley and Walter C. j Smith arrived down river today. W. C. Watklns, Jas. A. Lacy, San Mr. S. H. Brown, Jr., of Boston, will arrive in Astoria about December 1st Mackintoshes are selling rapidly at the Low Price Store, 491 Bond street. Mr. E. B. Brooks, of Skamokawa, visited his Astoria friends yesterday. Just take a look at C. B. Smith' famous Gunt her candles. It will do you good. W. J. Heckard and Walt. Ingalls, of the Lewis and Clarke were In the city yesterday. If you don't know your age the Judges can decided at the birthday par ty tonight A store building and several resi dences are now under construction at Warrenton. Emil Schacht, the architect, made hi first march In a political procession Tuesday night Mr. James Stokes returned yester day from up-river with a long string of snipe and ducks. Mr. G. B. Hegardt, In charge of the government works at Fort Stevens, was In the city yesterday. John Boberg yesterday sold to Alex. Campbell Lot 1, Block 11, Boberg's sub- If you want your tea the same all the year round, get Schilling's Best of your grocer. If you don't like it, get your money back of your grocer. , AScalUUftCopaay taa I fitrioa an The con Dr. Howard's residence la at Hi Com mercial street over the "Spa." Night calls promptly attended. Dr. T. U nan. dentist Teeth ex tracted without pain. Price reasonable. No. 662 Commercial street Real estate men yesterday reported the sale of a number of lota on both the east and west sides of the bay. Don't pay ten and twelve dollar for alr-tlght stoves when you can get them for half the money at 431 Bond street. Dr. O. B. KMcs is again at his office attending to his practice, and patients may And him there at the usual hours. All who wish to enjoy a pleasant evening's entertainment should not fall to attend the Character Concert Nov. 1S Plenty of air tight stoves In the mar ket but only one with hot air draught tube. The Queen, at Fisher Brother.' Price. 110.00. Hans Rasmussen. of Gray's River, the Bunke Brothers, and John Chris tiansen, of Gray's harbor, were In the city yesterday. The carpenter work on Seaborg's new building at Ilwaco has been completed. and the painters will soon have their part of the work done. LOOK OUT for fraudulent telegraph ic news in the Astoria afternoon paper. None of these paper receive one line of outside new by telegraph. F. J. Scholfleld. the landscape gard ener, will offer al! shade, ornamental and fruit tree (every pne guaranteed to grow) at reasonable figures, A shipment of M.50 square feet of wire netting was made to Cathlamet yesterday from the store of Foard ft Stokes. The netting Is to be used In Asa trap, ' v v - " - -.-Ti , Don't forget that the Low Price Store i ha the only perfect fitting wrapper, the handsomest line of Jackets and capes, and 1 selling them at wholesale price. 491 Bond street It Is reported that some of the can- nerymen at Ilwaco will pay out no more money to the fishermen there until they learn the attitude of the state leglsla ture toward the Columbia river fishing Industry. Tn the Justice court yesterday the case of Nels Peterson vs. George Mels- ter, to recover 123 for services rendered. was on trial. J. M. Hughes appeared for the plaintiff. The case was con tinued till today.' Principal A. L. Christopher, of the Blind Slough school, has Just rendered interesting report for the term which began April 27. The rank, and attendance of the pupils is shown to have been above the average. In the parade Tuesday night Walter Stokes' horse became unmanageable and ran away, almost demolishing a telegraph polie In his flight. Mr. Stokes was not seriously hurt but had occa sion to buy arnica yesterday. The Bachelors' Club mansion, on the corner of Franklin avenue ana fif teenth street was handsomely decorat ed for the big parade Tuesday night The bachelors had all kinds of fun when the parade passed the mansion. The music for the Christmas service at the Catholic church was received yesterday. Amongst the other fine se lections will be W. A. Leonard's Third Mass In b flat Mrs. Cearns, the or ganist, has already commenced drilling the choir In this difficult music. -character Concert" to be given at Fisher's Opera House November 19 for the benefit of Grace Church, prom ises to be a very novel affair, and a departure from the concerts usually Francisco; J. B. Barnes, Theodore Glad- ding, C. H. Fisher. E. A. Seeley, Port land; J. J. Read, Salem; E. G. Sprowl, Tacoma; S. H. Maddock, Seaside; E. Stuart and wife, Ilwaco; J. Riddel, Nahcotta, were guests of the Occident yesterday. Kinney's cannery suspended packing for the fall season with the close of last week; the boats are now being hauled out of the water and stored away for the winter. The fishing on the Columbia river this fail has been a signal failure, neither the fishermen nor earners having derived much bene fit from the operations. The suit at law against Chas. Olvis, over a dispute concerning the measure ment of tan bark, was yesterday set tiemen out of court for the exact amount originally offered by Mr. Olvis to the plaintiff, all costs of suit to be settled by the plaintiff. Including an additional charge of 131 for transcript of the proceedings on a proposed ap peal to the supreme court by Mr. Olvis. Mr. Duncan Stuart yesterday return ed from Spokane and North Yakima. He reports that some of the towns in Washington are In a very peculiar sit uation. All their local officials, from dog catcher to mayor, were elected from the Populist ranks. Mr. Bryan was defeated, and the question In those towns now Is one of the value that will be placed upon their county and city warrants. A touching incident is reported in Portland when a meeting occurred In the office of T. A. Woods, commander of the Indian War Veterans' Associa tion. Mr. A. H. Sale and the assistant wagon master of the train of wagons engaged in the Taklma Indian war near Walla Walla, were Introduced to each other after long years of separa tion. Mr. Sales was chief of the escort to the wagon train. The incident that made both veterans remember each other was the dispute which occurred division of Clatsop Grove. Idera.ll on wu 3S0. WHOLESOME ? Yes If shortened with Cottolene, Don't Rive up your pie but hm It made with Cottolene. It can then be eaten geueroualjf without fetr. Biscuit made with W!L: are light, flaky, digestible. THR M. ar. rAmniNU COM PiNV. ISt Lull, I a Iran, BiMtrMl, between the chief wagon master and the commander of the escort over the question of transporting the body of Captain Bennett, of Co. F, who had been shot In the engagement, to a place for Interment. There will be a meeting of the Indian War Veterans both In Portland and Astoria on the 21st I list., and It is expected that there will be a large attendance. By decision of the Republican com' mlttee the O. O. P. elephant which fig ured In Tuesday night's procession, was shipped on yesterday morning's boat to Portland to take part In the jubilee there, and Incidentally to show what kind of animals are raised In Clatsop. It Is understood that the owner of the beast will soon give a circus In this city and will Import other additions to his menagerie. The sketches tn oil which were ye' terday left with Artist Swope to be hung In his gallery for criticism are the most stupendous works of art ever produced from the brush of a local painters-stupendous from their utter disregard of the ordinary rule of light and shade and artistic effects, but ttftrtltng In the Ingenuity of geslgn and bold coloring, The public will Undoubt edly expect to see later work from (his same artist A salon might b bjiened for exhibition ot this ciaas bt Itne work. The Society aitrtstt'a. held Its first meeting of this season last night, most of the members being present The following officers were elected: A. T. Brakke. president; Lara Tarvig, vice president; Mrs. Pedersen, secretary; Mrs. Slverson, treasurer, Luis Ander sen, librarian. Seven new members were admitted. A social Will be given by the society a week from next Sat urday. The society eKpects to do some record-breaking good work this winter and everyone is invited to attend the weekly meetings, which occur Wednes day evenings at 8 o'clock. Coach Frank Boyd, of the A. F. C. team,' Is getting his men In fine trtiYi. Nace Grant is making an exxetleht full back and John and Will Toung on the ends are strong. W. L. Hayward, a fine specimen of physical development, is aa good a right guard as can be found in the state. A young gentleman named Smith, who played with the freshmen team of Stanford, will hold down center. Ed. Hansen plays a snap py game at left half, as does Professor Kellogg at guard. McCue, although a small man, is doing very well at quar ter. In. Crosby makes a good tackle, but hurt his leg a few days ago and Is unable to do any active practicing. Mr. Boyd Is positive the team will be in condition for a game on Thanksgiving day. In the event of any player being unable to go upon the field, Mr. Boyd will take his place. Captain Dan Al len Is playing exceptionally well at right guard. He Is gritty and cool and thoroughly understands his position. Mr. Boyd thinks the team can suc cessfully cope with any eleven In the Pacific Northwest. The report which went abroad from this city yesterday and was republish ed in several state papers to the effect that the recent heavy rains had se riously damaged tht grade of the A. and C. R. R. R. between Tongue Point and Knappa, and that every cut on that portion of the mod lately finished by Corey Brothers & Wattis, had been ! filled by slides, one slide covering about two acres, and that rip-rapping in places had been washed out, and that the whole grade, was extremely soft, seems to have been sent out under mis apprehension, probably through infor mation conveyed by some disgruntled employe. Chief Engineer Jamieson said to an Astorian representative last night that the whole story was manu factured out of whole cloth. "Of course it is always expected that any piece of new railroad grading may suffer from the first heavy rains after its construc tion. I walked over the entire ten miles of Corey Brothers' grade today, and will only say that every foot of the grade is up in good shape, not an Inch of rip-rapping has been damaged. There was a slide from one of the hillsides of perhaps half an acre In extent which threw some dirt Into one of the cuts. The grade Itself has not been damaged In the slightest degree." In the police court yesterday George, better known as "Shorty" Baker, was before Judge Nelson on a charge of va grancy. An April 3, 1892, Baker was ar rested for sand-bagging a Scandinavian fisherman, tried, convicted and sen tenced to five years In the pen. He was released about three weeks ago. Al. Seafeldt, who was then on the rorce, arrested Baker and when the latter took the boat for Salem his last re- flasquerade Costumes Those who anticipate attending the Red Men's masquerade ball on Thanksgiving eve can procure ele gant costumes by placing orders with Miss Florence McMullen, Room 10, Tlghe Hotel. Prices rea- sonable and satisfaction guaran-'. teed. : I " " Z?Z?T'' w tea I'nacUro, l'rllaaa, Oncol. i mark to Soafildt that he would "fix" hint. , Baker struck town Tuesday morning and strolled Into Mr. Sea- feldt's saloon that night The rx-pollce man recognised him and asked him to partake of that quantity of whisky which can be contained In a glass, Mr. Seafeldt to defray the expense of the same. Baker refused the proffered hos pal It y In no refined manner, showing that he still "has It In" for Seafeldt. He was arrested the same night, Chief Loughery thinking he was too dan genius a character to be enjoying his liberty. He Is a tough looking char acter and Is said to be every bit as tough aa he looks. The Scandinavian whom he sandbagged almost died from the effects of the blows Baker pleaded guilty to the charge against him and was fined 120. On motion of City At torney Welch the fine will be suspended In event of Baker's leaving the city. CHARACTER CONCERT PROGRAM. 1. Chorus, "Anvil" t Vocal Duet (character) "I Don't Wnt tw Flay In Your Yard,".... Barbara and Hannah. 1 Quartet "8wet and Low." Messrs. Smith, Burnet Barker and -, - Bennett i Recitation (character sketch).... Terry McKean. 1 Vocal duet "We've Gone Through Life Together," Mrs. B. VanDusen and Mr. Short. 1 Instrumental duet (two pianos).. Mr. Olten and Mis Conn. Vocal solo (character) "A Son of of the Desert Am I." Mr. W. H. Barker. 8. Vocal solo (character) "Lullaby." Mrs. F. J, Taylor. 1. I Allies' chorus, "Lightly Row. My Gondolier," Vocal duet (character) Miss Garn and Mr. Burnet Quartet ('liarncter) "The County Fair.' Mikscs Wood and Holden. Messrs. , Griffin and B nnet. Vocal solo, "Day. After Day,"..., Mr. H. G. Smith. Vocal solo (character) "Maid In the Moon," Mr. F. Barker. 6. Quartet, "Go Sleep, My Honey," . Jubilee Singers. 7. Chorus, "God, Who Cannot Be Unjust" Miss Conn, accqmpanl.-it. BIRTHDAY PAUTT. The Indies of the W. C. T. I'. will give a Birthday Party this evening, November 12th. in the basonvnt nf the Presbyterian church. There will be a short program and refreshments will be served. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to all to come and enjoy a pleas ant Boclal evening. Trice of admission, 'A cent for each year of your age, but the number will never be told." Thus who have not received a bag can be supplied at the door Thursday even ing at 7:30 o'clock. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notlce Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator ot the estate of W. H. P.yan, deceased. All persons having claims against said es tate must present the same to me at Astoria, within six months from the date hereof. All persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay said indebtedness to me, forthwith. F. J. CARNEY. Astoria, Or., October 8, 189. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants In dorsed prior to October 3rd, 1394, to present the same to the country treas urer for payment as interest will cease from, this date. Dated this 11th day of November, A. D. 1696. B. L. WARD, Treasurer of Clatsop Co., Oregon. OUR CORNER. A gentleman's resort, at corner of Bond and Twelfth street. The finest brands of liquors and cigar always on band. Call and try us. ANDERSON ft PETERSON. To cure a woman of stammering, ask her what she think of the girl her husband came near getting engaged to a couple of years before she married him. Texas Sifter. How often It occurs to the shopper of quiet tastes that there are some things In the shops she wouldn't wear If they were glen to her. The woman whose sweetheart is away is a boon to the telegraph operators. In the new era of prosperity Califor nia should take a leading part. By the way, what has become of the populists? CABTOniA. Tbsh. Hal It Vfutut Salton Sea Salt for baths at i rnA u ar ia -twin I latin luc "ico-vuuu "iug Oiure lOti and 25c per package. McKinley and Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Ms on application. TEACHEISS' EXAMINATION. ncgular quarterly teachers' examina tion will be held at High School build ing, Astoria, Or., Wednesday, November 11, IS9, beginning at 1 p. m. Applicants for county teachers' certificate will be present promptly and remain until the close. Examination for State Diplomas will he held Saturday. November 14, begin ning at 9 a. m. at same place. II. S. LYMAN, School Hupt. Clatsop Co., Oivgwn. NOTICE. All persons having claims against the Republican county committee of Clat sop county, are most respectfully re quested to hand them In at the office of the committee, No. 110 11th street, this day, November 12th, by IS o'clock noon. JOHN FOX. Chairman of Committee, By B. 8. Worsley, Asst Sec'y. The V. S. Oov t Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all oihert, Some of the ring being mail fof October brides are In three shades of gold, twisted together chain fashion. TO Cl'RI A COLI t!t ONI OAT. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund the money If it falls to cure. tie. For sale by Cha. Roger, Druggist. TherSs more clothing destroyed by saor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake" contains no free alkali, and will not Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice the difference In quality. Roes, HIgglns ft Co. The Successor ...To the Oregon Trading Co. Has made such deep cuts iii the prices of good that they don't need to make auction now to raise money. The people have found it out from the bargains they are getting at private sale. YV e are not yet out of the woods We must inise $4,000 by the 10th of December, and to continue tho nwh so that the amount can eas ily be raided we will nell from 150 to 50 per cent be low actual value until the amount is raised. ..6oo Commercial Street.. NORTH PACIFIC ' Steamship Company's Will be dispatched from Portland, Or egon on or aliout November 9, 18D4, on the route from that point to the Co- qullle River, touching at all Interme diate points as Inducements offer, and will remain permanently on that route making regular trips. For rates or other Information apply at offices of the company, Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon, or 121-123 Da vis street, San Francisco. NEIL GILMORE, Agent, Main Street Dock, Astoria. .SNAP A KODAK. at any roan eomlng out of our iiora and you'll get a portrait of a man brimming over with pleasant thoughts. Bueb quality lo the liquors we have to offer an enough t pleaie tar maa. COMB AND TRY THEM HUGHES & CO. 187a 1895 Fisfyer Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubrlcatlnf OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons & Vehicles. Good Times! lYoplo who have mn hoarding awny tht'ir money are now buying Warrenton and Warrenton Park Remember that price on these lola, side of the bay, within a stone' throw piMpleare now living, will be advanced ... .. . WANTED, WANTKD flood girl for general housework. 740 Franklin avenue, WANTED A good girl for general housework. Apply at the Astorian of fice. FOR Ml NT. TO I. KT Three furnished rooms suit able for housekeeping. Apply 1M tOlh street, upktaJr. FOR REST A front room nicely fuiC nlshed. Inquire S24 Bond street, city. FOR RENT Three or four furnished room, suitable for light house-keeping. Inquire at Crow' OalUry. rOR RENT Three or four room, with board. Mrs, E. C. Holden, oorner 9th and Duan streets. rOR tALB. "ATLKufliiiroTr ANKHK Goods for Christmas and the holidays, at Wing Lee', (41 Commer cial street FOUND. FOl'ND Diamond pin found at the Louvre, Owner can obtain same by proving property and paying charges. Cedar Shingles MBSSM SEASIDE LUMBER TARD, OFFICE Kt COMMERCIAL ST. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. TIME CARD. Trains leave Seaside for Astoria al 7:30 a m. and 2 p. in. dally. Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at a. m. and 4 p. m. dally. Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. dully. Trains leave Klavel for Astoria at M0 a. m. and 2;M p. m. daily. Use Webfoot Com Cure. No cure no pay. For sale at Es-tes-Conn brusr Store. MASQUERADE BALL Concomly Tribe, No. 7 Imp. Order of Red Men will give a ball Thanksgiving eve. Tt will he a maMjucrade ball, a largo ball, und. brilliantly colored ball, red. Following Are First prise Meat dressed lady, an ele- ftant toilet set. Second prise Best sustained lady character, Japanese tea set First prise Best dressed gentleman, meerschaum pipe. Second prize Best sustained gentle Hustler's Twentieth St. and McKee Ave. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 1 ' : I 483 Bond Street. Now Is Your . Opportunity .LOTS .At Special Prices which are the beat situated on the west of the Warrenton depot, and where 800 January 1, 1X97. . . "-!X R. L. Boyle & Co. Heal Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS COMMERCIAL HT. "The Louvre' ASTOfIIA'8 tiORGCOlS ENTERTAINMENT HALL. FLOCKS flae Miilt. Oaaaee af All Klads. Twey Magalteest Kara. tvcRTTtiixG ritm-cim Good Order tod Everybody's, Right THl'ITLV avis The Palace Cafe Is the Place for i Good Meal.., Eastern Oysters la tic skill or est Served to Order or Sold it Pet a ft W. W. WHIPPLE Trie PALAX8 S. rwtAN. u at r-tt aa A Hla. U. T. Eaiiis. Urn at Shatatn Cal. COLUMBIA IRON WE -e-FOUNDRYnEN BUcksmlths, Machinists and Holler Maker M"J';"4 RI1 Kinds ot Klaohlnery- Iron and Bmaa Cnatlnva . OvnsnU Blacksmith Work SPfCIA Smllhll Mill M, nBul PfCIALTIFS - l'hint Wheal, Shla Smllhlnf nj Slrl"xl Wok. CanMfy ana 1 Maiimwy- manna ana swmwy Bulll to Ui4r. Spxlallv Kjulrrxl h" lotc'' awe Curia ipoaOanca tuliilil 18th and I'ranklln. Phone 78 RREMNER & HOLMES Teutons Blacksmiths. Special Attention Paid to Bleaiuboet Re pairing, First class UoraeatiOeinv, Eto. LOGGING CAMP E0RK A SPECIALTY 1U7 tlLNKV ST.. bet. d ans 4lh. the Prizes: man character, silk umbrella. The prises are now on exhibition lit the Estes-Conn show window. Tickets, fl. Ladles en masque, free. Spectators, CO cents. A costumer from Portland will be here a few days before the ball. Astoria Situated on the south side of Astoria's hills. Twenty degrees warmer and vegetation 30 days in. advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river and bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed.