TIIK. IUII.Y ASTOlilAX. S.UTli.UY MORNINl., XOVKMHKU 7, !!). JOHN" T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. iM. "ver nt 16 to 1. l'ut. unitHMVctnlilo . "Ui-lr ainiinuiit 1. It dues "t ivpre "sent the sound -money vote. Tlious "iin.ls of IVmocrati" In the tviuth voted "fur lrynii and Sevvall on iiccoiint of "th.i part they h.i.l In sel. eilntt ih !o y.Uis to the Chlcn.so convention, and "on aecuunt of l.'-l lonailloiis while "openly eniniemiilng the i-Hver Plat- DA1LY. "form. Sent fcy trail, per yew .00 '-' ,'v Sent by m.lll. per month 50 Infinites iho maw Hud, of "" ' ' ; ., . , , ; ini won for s.'iin.i money, iw met Delivered by carrier, per month.... .45 ' . . . i .,..: tint l?rva;i vv nvc von lr. cerium TEHMS OP SI ttSCKtlTlOS. XVF.KKLY. Bent by mall per yenr, tS In advance, postntre free, a subscriber. All communications Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Aatorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub scribers the largest circulation of any Mwspnper published on the Columbia her. Advertising rates can be haJ on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second oldest weekly In the state of Oregon, ha, next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Jno. Mandley & Co.. are our Tort tand i.Reiils. and copies of The Astorlan can be had every moraine at their stand, IN Third street voles, or 1SS possible votes In the el.e loral eolh so does not signify il'.n even the small minority of the totul popu lation l'i 'pn senled by these votes fa vors the free coinage of silver. p to the lime of the I'hleairo con vention. i:-Seentary Smith was one ef the tiuvst out -spoken advocates of the sold s'n.Url In the country After lirv An's nomination he ro.icne! from i he wesi.!, tit's cAbinet .lust as iVihthI jl.ee resigned fciii Hie I'nil .1 Stat s jnrmy because lie felt i WU .1 to f iiou his state oven In a course c.'ii'.i'.ry to .'his own pei-senal convictions. , all the v et do.uhtfitl ones, U.' ill be ! from Southern states, where the ur ih;' '; question cut I'.o tUure so far ns i;s IttstUieiivC in obtaining- th. se votes Is i concerned. Mr r:un trot these S. uth ern votes the s.itno as tlreoley pot such iof th.in as couM bo vote.l tYu wav in i his time. He sot th not b cause of Xhe ' st iirlait hereby inr l ibmsl , . . . Ul. ;itU'-ed In lus eam- OVK 'UMiRKII pol.lVliN hi l. vii") ... HosplKJ. p.,-.l.te.4e....H to ra.herj ;" "l,,r Ns aase he bere the Uleluxn. wttenerer Ifltal evidence l pro- j r.ll-le ef tie' rv'SUhtr ! moc.-tllc n m- uced ! ln that any afieri a iw. T - rry stud "at nf hist. ry. th re sapor publUhed la Anuria has prtnlesl ,... v, n, doubt but these same votes wllhl.. the !. Blnely H expltlas; lw-I wouK, h.)v., tu, Ttlim.ln AHehl. ,r. .1.1. ofter a .l.- ,-rl.i- r j l3.ver Cleveland, or even John Iher klnrt .ir 'lolrsrsj.hlepre.s re..r. ! ,.,,, wel.ed orer the wire, enterics elth-r j Mte.van or lonjmmi! Harriseit. or any of the telegraph urttos lu Astoria, from oih.r ('.dividual v. ho by neebl-nt or any poiot nuisiile of Hreaon. j eont!:ii;vney ef any sou tr.i,,l:t b we A.torls. Or.. Oc teller 13. isim. i been ma 'e the Democratic candidate for the i residency. The majority rolled up for McKinloy Thor( ,(lv ras;ini. fr ,,,,, ,.xtrtle In Clatsop county Tuesday makes this, ,lul s,.,m:njiy unr. usonable polltleal the banner county outside of rortland j.,s oll ,lu. lart of tho nQ IU,fos. in tho suite, and will establieh a credit jrj. tl, btf suite)1 ln ;his o,,,,,, !,,, for tho county amongst Kastera cap!-j !u lv- Reasons, in truth vvhl-h ev, n If 'lit h-ro sousM to be bo eN; .nii!. 1 to th? development of our latent resources ; ;(,.. s,uis taetion or perhaps brousht and to build up the great seaport or ; v. Sthin the eenu.Kl.ensIou .fane ire-Orog.-ii can bow be obtained without U-njaa of other Northern man. dirtleuHy. Nothing more e-ntlat to The point is that Mr. HryarT p. ..sl ew prosperity could have ovcn.r.-ed in on t.c m,,ney nues.lon h. .1 n.-:h ns the c-.unty than the unqualirted en- whatever t: do ith hs success in these dorseiv.ent by our people of the F.epub- js;ates. and tho votes 'of whi.n, v hen Mean principles of sound money and ! '.e.lucted fmrn the hl;:h st posslbl- vot good government. the can receive in the elect, nl cdieu-e. -- I will leave him with the insisniticant l ne expenmeni in nax pnmmst to ue numlvr of f,,rty-o:ie votes, out of a to Uil of which cun be said to rep- lailM vv nieu w Hi fieniLivv i'.."r ' vliy.ar.O to th',' poi Me results. The money necessary tor , illustrated, cn.ld not tried in Clatsop county the coming season, if successful, will lead to the establishment here at once of one of the greatest national industries, the manu facture of linen twine on a larire scale. This industry WH1 he of particular Im portance to the Columbia river, where thi.usar.ds of dol!-rs- worth of t -"ire is used every year in the fisheries. It is incumbent upon the Chamber of Commerce to see that the proposed ex periment is conducted under the most favorable auspices, and that no stone is left unturned to make it a success. It is not nec?ssary that the flax be grown in the same yard where the fac tory Is built. Oregon possesses much diversity of climate, and setd should not only be planted in Clatsop county, on the coast, but in some of the in terior valleys as well. Detroit has. in connection with hc-r public scnool s' stem, a department of physical training, the head of v.h'ch takes note of ihi physical cnilti n cf the school children. During the last year about 7 per cent of the children were found to have physical defects. Impaired vision was the most common defect disclosed, those thus afflicted beimr about 5 per cent of the whole number. This subject of children's eyes received much attention at the recent homeopathic convention in Pennsylvania. Essays read there showed that much of the d-fective vis ion made conspicuous by the preva lence of spectacles Is caused by necrkct or unskillful treatment of the eyes in childhood. Much of it is caused by qverstudy or by study In bad lights er improper positions; much by struct ural defects of the eye, wh -h could be remedied, If taken in time, and much by nervous strain. One of the doctors advocated takimr youn? ihil dren to an oculist as rejrularly as to a dentist, by w hich course, he ai '. deftett. by being taken in tl!n. would be cured, or at 1-ast pre-ent-d from d--velopini; into more serious ha nn. resent the opinion on the money ques tiv n cf a majority of the people who live in the states they represent. It was often predicted by both Dem ocratic and I'.epubiiean authorities b -'re .he .let '.ion that Mr. l'.ryan would ' '!e '-or-- b.a:.-n i::.m who ever really ran for the o.'lice of president. An examination of the history and a comparison of the records of fon:i r elections will show that this predhtioa has been fully verified. No Democrat. c or Republican candidate for presider.; ever received s- small a percentage of both popular and ' electoral votes a any election as Mr. Kryan. The man who talks after this about the revival of free silver as a live issue in Aiaer.- can pontics is either in-ane on th-u question or an Ignoramus. MARVELOUS P.ESCLTS. 4- - i ii i ?) ) i- Si f t e, & c $ ? S5 S f!v . . 1 v - . -V .A mm-' ,4 ' ! ) . I ft ii Q v ti 1 " The Nortli Pole nude use of at last." 'OS WW -. . if ..ii mm 1 Hvi.iJvLt tv & AIwmvs at the front and wherever 5? S "BATTLE AX" eocs it is the K goes it IS b'rest th.'n.e in sitrht. It is as re- f. I mafkable for its fine flavor and quality as iur us low pntc jtx w cciu iJitv.t of "BATTLE AX" is almost T L Vv ivw t; O li.ll v no v v-wiw vwv w g any other equnlly good tobacco. c - "You, you." shouted the orator, pvliu tiir his filler at the man with tin pail md overalls; "you, my friend. I may i--nturc to say, da.tv not call your vot. your own. Am I rljdit or am I wi-onc.'" "I iruess you are riKht." answcnil the lalMirer. 'There: L-s.k at him! Ills vote owned by a soulless corporation!" 'I-.H.k here, mister," the man of to I shouted In turn, "don't you pi to cullin' my wife no names like that, or you an' me will mixl" Indianapolis Journal. ; ILirber. of Talbot County. Md . 'who is raaninir f r cotu:re-is, r.oeiuiy betMn buviiiK; v. heat from bis cnstlt u.'i'ts. pavlrur a lltll more than th jiuark,! price for It. lie did so simply 1 to help him In the eanvass. and with jno idea tb.it he would in .ko any money ont of the transaction. I'wtnn to the lilse In 'Vh.-at. however, he has made Ja i-..iiiid"r..,ble pr. lit. w Idle at the same , t i it 1 - lie in mad.- himself solid with (the vot. rs. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. Two men lave started an extensive S farm at Mobile. Ala. The animals From a letter written by Rev. J Gur dtrman, Dimondale, Mich., we are p. r mitted to make this extract: "I have ro hesitation In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as tho results were al most marvelous In the case of my wl'e. While I was pastor of the Laptlst church at Itlvea Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeed ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing wxuld last hours with lit le interruption, and It seemed as If sh,. could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Dlseov.ry: It was quick In Its work, and highly satisfactcrv in Its results." Trial bot tles free at Chas. Rogers' Dr ig Store. Regular size, 50c and $1.00. "May 1 kiss you. Miss Jane?" "I am sorry to s-e. Mr. IiriEgs. that you, too, are affected by the prevail ing cause of business depression." "And that ! ?" "Lack of c'ltiiel-nce." Tli-n h - kissed li- r. Cl-veUnd i-.-a-lei-. HrCKLKX'3 A f'.NICA SALVE. At the present juncture in th : hi--tory of Clatso;i county the elabli.-l'.-ment of a central market plaet io As tor iv where the farmer can displ'iy his product." for sale and have c- inf. riabb. quai t'TU for the bousir.i; and fe. ifing of Ms t'-iHn, is of prime irnpor'an-e One pt the farmers of the vades contliruous to Astoria in- the ha: it of cominc to the city to trade durir-,' cer tain days of l he week, it cunn but result in the greatest benefit to both the country and the city. Lot the I '-.p:e understand that at certain period they can go to an established mar';, t and buy their vegetables, hay. srain, feed, butter, eggs, cheese, milk cream, trade in horses, cattle, etc., an 1 ti-e.-market days ln Astoria will beeom.- one of the leadim; features of the city. The money earned by the farmers on mar ket day would be largely spent by them for drygoods and groceries, and the county seat would become the princi pal maxt of trade Instead of a side is sue as it is today. The Chamber of Commerce of Autorla should lose no time in fathering and furthering this proposition. Taken hold of in the right manner the project could soon be put In tangible shape, and another long step Will have been taken in the mat ter of advancing the general Interest ef the entire community. FREE SILVER IS DEAD. The best salve ln the world for cuis. bruises, sored, uicers.salt rheum, fever sores, t itter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos iiive cure for piles, or no pay reqtiir'd. It is guaranteed to Rive perfect satis faction, or n oi. ey refunded. 1'iiee, i'.i cents p-.T box. For sal by CharP i Loners, Odd Fellows' building. To a representative of the Associated Press In Atlanta, Ja., on November 4, ex-Secretary Hoke Fnilth express -d his views on the election of McKinley as follows: "It is simply an overwhelming Iec "laration by the people of the United "States against the free coinage of sll- A r,-w line .f steamer- ha- hw-n . tai.iished bei-.ve.-n N" vv ices.' and i:.'i;:iiii,d, and a (leri.ian e'.in;,a :y bas stablishel a line l;-f.v-n the pi-i-;ri-e-sive city of tlalveston, T' j:ii, and Hamburg, b-rmany. Tie-y ar.-; so little you hardly kr.ovv you are taking them. Tliey cans no , rililng, yet they act 'jiiiebly and most thoroughly. 5-'uch are the famous Hi tie pills known as De Witt's Little Early 1 Users. Hn.all in sine, great in results. Charles Rogers. Maxirniliani Damm, the richest man in Mexico, is said to be worth S P.OliO, o0, but it must be remembered that that those Lamm Mexican dollars ai" worth only 53 cents apiece. 5 Oul.lily.Tlioru-jahi;-, Torevfr Cured. Fonr out of five who suffer riervfiii-niss, mental v-oi-ry. atLac!:.; of "I'.iufiiaViitebut paying the Iienally Ol tariy ereeses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regeia yoar vigor. Don't despair. BcdiI for liook with explanation and proofs. Hailed (scaled) free. ES'E MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H.Y. AlthoUb'h a very busy man. Dr. Ii. V. .Fierce, o? lluffalo, N. V has foiml time in which to write a great book of over a thousand pages, entitled. The People's Common Sons.' Medical Ad vl.ier, In 1'lain English, or Medicine Simplified. Few books printed In the "nglish language have reached so great a sale as has this popular work, over ilS0,i.K) copies having been sold at il.ii'j each. The profits on this enormous sale having repaid its author for the great amount of labor and money expended In its production, he has now decide! to j crAc ,.11MS.ipIi:1n i tt painful, dls give away, absolutely free, JOM-D copies ,.,.,,, ,, pfe-sMortenlng di'lletilty. of this valuable book, the recipient only u d,.ranj,fl ,he ,v,tm, ..,. k-k ooiug re-iuueu to man me worms i is- h,,ft(,aill ,,r,.ath. aru ,M,!,ons th M-iiiry jieaicai .v.ssociat.oil. oi l il iajo. ,,,,., t. . rodnv overeome bv j !), Witt's Little Early Risers. These little pills are great regulators. Charles ;a:e f.-l and ern. ;i,id ,!,.. 'than the !c en any j nanas. n refuse bananas, ooeoanuts The gie - n bananas are boed hci:s Ile them mm h letter ripe fruit. They HI refuse time when they can tret ba- OUTWARD BOUND OKKOON OltAIN FLKIISO.VG. Hill .1111.11 Sepl tlcl Sot Jivii et. A,. ,1 Mu-J.uie .bib V.i ' s,.,t "I All. Mr l..uk . Or hip ... m 10. ., 10 IciV. I.r ulilii .. Hi b.oV ... er iMih ., Pr i'M Hi- ill! ,. .. Pr Ii ik .. I- tni. .. Ill Hlll.. lirli ,ih .... Pr dim..... bi lil(i ,, OI b .IK. Irlenl, . lb iioe lb- l. t K .... Ilr fttu).... lilt nil . ., .r an p .... 10 Mop... Hr boK oi ht . Or .he. . t ok . Mr die ... Hi imp . .. r Mi in lb liti ... Ill due iter dil)i. lir Lark . hip klee . Ill -IC .. lb 1. o k , . b'dl l. .. iii luA . . Pr bo .. Ii leirK.. 'op UK .. on lb I. Ik I 11 -r 1. 1 k : i. r 1 oi . n o i.iik . 1 1 r n.iln... le ' "IK ... I d0. i: .o ink .. i; in.-. hii. to ditp .. -.' II L.l'K .. . V. Ill 'ii. II II- -lib. ... i: n, i.. 1 1, . , 1 o 1. K , . Is HI "rl .... II :( ti.rk .. i. Mr sM .. 1 Ilr l.i... ... I I .1 I ll I M .. 'll.ll.. "...7... Mi rr i Purlma . Jitmes liruiiimoii.l uresis AubliPrlll I'M e( Uil)' ., Uru-Ml.. . I lo-ooi Hill ,., i.lilriilie , ldeie.Mi.il Purl H'Mib'V u. lie ilds . . .Vulroiii' Oil. l-'r ink ilnn (or led IUII . ll,HKWtt M V I e de Hiilleu . Iiriiliiliiiilr Ait. Iii.ii'4lrn I'nw ul iimiiiler. lisotlie t'urilx. i iitiu..U .. K'nrl ol JielUli.L .Iieeiii!! !.. nbv Mall ...., Iiiiimblilr , vtiiliile liny . ,11, .wan I rtl(IVtMl! it sci.stMKii rou Kiiivmi. iii blveriHHil,,,,. ri'i',-liil.i.r (,, IIkii I Iverp.nil,, Iiis'i inher U.l. U Ti llildol Iieoi'iiilmr no. Him t lira , JuiMinry in HW'i "r ... liim I'lmiumin, , il Kitiurvis.l llMOoik vl 'I Avniimiiiitli urn pork , -jis; iVtk , iTu KKlinoiiih , IVJ I'limnulli bill Liverpool IMmt'ork l:ci Pink , 1114 ltlllliltllll ITiw Ksliniitiih li'.H Aul w ' r bi.l KhIiiiiiiiiIi l;w Hiirniw ,MH,i K -tlmotitb I vh Cork , UfVI SIIjii , , liwi KniMieiuh . , , IUi Pink HIT (rfc pith Ksliiioiith. l.STi KKlinoiiih Ui. rt Hlckiiirrv !-' Unit. H risvi-tvlun .. 'iovn ul Si'iiiUiui . ..'K,t.1IiiiuI ritilier ...d. itso nv ... Ill illninull .. K III t l.OIIUNu ,,,.Auilret, i IVnrlivn I'asile...,, ...iH.wmI.Iii.. ,... Hmimi kn, , . . . Men iiah ,.,.., KM. Ill .'t-cj bailor ck,, j vo iSiri. 'lirtrt " il.-tfT Iliiav " Il.iw ' ,Uni Hrlilol ilm l ink iTt: .' II ' Ilr . .'1 It Vna.viW (Ulna,. I..J1 Kulllloulii ....ilUiiiiiH'klitirn . 1-liliuiiii.iie 'PuwvHCsilie. ..... Illetieilril. .. nitinil.ie II linen, -J w Harmi'Mler.. .)l.isnl.er , . Ilr.lf Mdilre i'siiCi an Kliu, Km. 111". , , .. Ililulrei V..iiiii . , VV.(rltl M.l Hiell..., Mil I t Abbey VI irsili a Ii .iitr.ine . Jiu ...ll.UI ' ...diinii'urk ,,. lt " ... ihil Fl muii III , ... IK l urk ...i u.wi'iii To ll . ..e I i v. Cork .... -IH.K " .... Inwifulmuqlh ... I Uiil'urk . .... jl.iPl uiiilun . ...'l.l:Knimuiiili- . I nrjlr iiw Town.... ... Nil K.llll.llllll. ... llo'lerU t-elinisry a., " t., " ... " iw Muwh IT " IU " t Kt'lii'iim t March J-J Keliriiary '.7 Mmi'li i " , " Jit " J " Iu.....m., ' W irll JO ., Mrvb 7 April " 10 m. " 1 II " so H H " w"".'.' ii 'June la. Jlirn (0 ..April V .1 line 1 ,. .1 " 10 . " i " u , " 4 f a ii ., la . , 7 IU . M.iv . Juiiii , i 'I , Korls liln. -pski' g Hv . .bi.l.ei l.iiilillHily ".'Ii, Kaliuuiuli,, 11. I. ..1 I.r !oi' o-V .lop I t d.'. .! IU lii. il. lbr Mr P irU . ' r.'.ie -.1 It" ben .... Ull vll". .. '.' Ilr lull, .. .. II Ilr u.i k . !; IP .le.. IJ lir tuok.. vulti, e e V rtbe v.tbi. Hour .'.1. . It , .tl. I. - V kirvtilliriitlitittln . I", .ii-iptlii) . .. duveriH-M shire. .. w ar um ,. Keinbanat ..' Audml'la! .... Vtel'. .uU j. ., ... .tt.inuma .. i'a,aan.a t ... -nlli.Tl.ll.lddie; . 11 ii-iilaii.iauatll i'I . dirriiliilla; .. .jll ria.i.l ... Aiitlii. .Ipiiimure ... .... . lulei,'. IUl s.i.nex ,Uir t Sli iliod.ury ,.i k rl -iMirt .-.i'lv.l.'-i.laie.. H,.'itilf -treinu.,.M. . . iipli-i ..iHl-Tllhllll. ! 4..-ln-rii ....'III oil lule .... , V ibii- .-l.ill ll .imin 11 . June l . July .' Juno -.ii ' Ai . .lull a , " , ."I ...Iiilr ,14.. . .Iniii' Pi .... . July ! .... . .'uly Ii . Jul" 1) Alttcu-al 1 fiel.l II . ' Iisl -ilsua Uy . ,, iirr ,-ura . .'III ,lverHI i , I .... ,;is;Piurk i .ilin Alan Hay 'th-t ,. sul I'ura ,jlMI I'urk J 'l VliullviialHt .' .il.'iii furl Natal.,. , .. .AM'1 l.lVlr(HMll .., i . . , . u-i.' Ai" Hay. ...i., . .. .'l.'-u lurk , liwi. I .... Ul.ll 1 .. . :.ni Hull l' .... ' ,. . I. 'It Slllulh. .. . JW. ' till I IVH .... IIT1 . j , IliM ,...! ll ; , '""'"'!!:'ipil "". "... . AUo ll.iKl . n.e. ".liie. ii. taliif J J,ill. KMIOII y.v.iaai .Waam lii,,-i lll.oou Kl.HiM M,:-lll im.uuu "lii.imj" M.inki M,l tt,imu Mi.mai t,-KJO "tViVini" (VI ial ILiimu l,l ill.nul u,au ''SjmT "m iVai" 411190 loiwe tl OHO rai.imu tu.iMU ' t,ij" ri-l.mai ti.K-H 'ii.luo "iii."?" JVn U Mil u.im) ta.iw .i.ki "a," Sii" "ii'i,iiii M i Xl Ml Hon IW.IHIU Ul,ll 41 jou "Tli.'lrti ' VI. I lll,oi n,-i 4J .H .Vi.ll DM, U " ,s.i-ia't ' Tl.vnl aiiil'l'Kiia, I'lirilMiiT Kliuir MIlK...,, Ilalluur, lliilhrlsft Cu rllliui A Kerr ',. ii Mall nir, lbilliri'i'.'i"t;n!,'"! J II i 'inner. hi ft t'o,, I'll Klpvitiui Co , Piirtlaiiit I'leiir.Mlli slliami tt herr , Mai-R Dl im T ii,i ,1 II Camerntl A i u lUll.nirlliillirln&i'.i U 11 .1 J ll Panieriin A Co .... Tertian. I PI. mi Mill !liallintr, liiilltiln A i'ii ;J It runtiiroii A Ci , !l' 1! Klny ilut Co Il.llniir, Uullirli" A t Hl,,ni A Kerr IU. IS::::: I4,.. S-i W 11a Itta 7 111 4a l.-a "if i l im ..l HIS ., .'! I :'i n ., ill IU I'SNTAIS. A .1 111. I III ii an,.i;it h.'.iiji m ;,'U 4'J,in,- ,Hl,HM UUHO N'iWI ll Tx.inijl iu al mi.rllU K M.wf nu, ilm M,i K ai irri in m.l M.Tirt M HM 7il,HI 4SIHI4 II 7.7I V.HH4 It HI. 71 M.mi 7K.7-II mniu M,7l 4I,H.'I K-IKII rli.iM 4a.nak1 J jnj.sil Hollo 4-J.V-l 41,1m tti.-van 4a,-ml ,.U) I. iki.inr 4: ml 11 5- l.tvll tM.iHI M,4bl . M.3I It' vlu ' W.'Jwi fi tt.lai 4m,:cm I.1.SJI 0 .W.'MI At. till c ;,4U q .w..'.i 17.U.I H r nin i .'i,ii .Va.t'HVil 44.-JMI IV.V.'i V 4l.nat 7s.ll.. 4,li"1 4J,ii7 U.rtIS 4.VHII n-l.loi) 1 0- ni.o f,iM cm Wlrv. atu" JlwriTri'rVur',"8.w, in i :::::;fl hi til M All I'M ..'Ail 11 ...... Ill 17a d All IIU il ... All 7l M ! I. Sj All 7a 4.1 id lla S.I llalumr, llullirle'ii "i ll,'.'..',',' fall 17a 4 ,1'iirllauil riuiir Mllla. ... ll' 11 Kmialur t'o , llitlniiir, iiiithrla A i ,'l'irilanil Klmir Mllli ilallmir, lliillirls A Co iJ Hi'aninroii A 1'u Hilitun A Kerr Iftt Kli'ialurl'o m..,. M Kll.inor.m A I'll .... ... (si.ii A Kerr el'iirllauil fl.iur Mill -A Hurt) .Ilallieir, Uullirli. A t'u , . i. !,l H Pamnniii A 0 .,. L"Z illair. iir, iliiilirl A I'u...... ,11'nrlUiiil, fi.Hir Mlilv...... jl'C K..v-.irCu Sllianii A Kerr i' t) l-l. 'valor Co nib-ion A K ' I III anierni A Cu , P.irll .ml yi.iiir Mllli , Mliin A Kerr U .lleiir, hi brie A Cu Horn J H iiii.ruu A Ul I' i' Kli vaior Co , Haili'iir, Uutliila A !..... i " ' " ..... Portland l'lu Ml U , h i (..in, : ..I in i a i'u iilmui A Kerr ,. biallenr liuihr e A I u ., sil i A Kirr . I K rainel'in A t'u M Ilallmir, Iblllirlr A Cu ,1 II I'aliieniii A I'". Ua'l.'U , UiillirH A I V,..,, i" a,t i.w ...,t. til Ati til 111 M ..H IM.. .... At I , All lM All )' All ins ...-.All Us , All M ll til P" ...... A'l I ...... All 17a Id All 1 ..... .... A'l P tit Ail i-t , A'l ...... ... All Ua Id ..... All I'"...... ..." All 11 . , All I'll l ... Ill i . prUnie... ,... A'l I A'l las U AI va A'I KM M ,...JaiI d iA'l l W l.rlv ilo. ... All a 4 AI ..... ewnaia M .A'l iKI Aa . AS... iial'ii'i'1 mr, iluilirli- a i'u . . J K Cailier.ui A I'u ... , . P.mlaml K'buir Mllli . , 'Ml. .on A Karr Iv' llallour, uulhrlr. A I'ii,, . tl "a.., ju.iau . ii " I aa Si .:l.d J M l-aillrnui A Cu .. 1 lla Id ll.ow Halluiir. liiulirln A Cu . , , Ilia dl 7soo Mii.ii A Kerr .,. . .. I lua 0.1 I'.irllrtld Ke.nr Mill. I IJa 4.1 41.IU1 Hall.mr, Uullirli. A I'll . Ilia M ,'U,iku I It l anier.iii A Cu I lla dl I'orlliiii.l Klmir Mill. Co. I M d ni.aj HllM.ui A Kerr ... I lua i, so Ikiliuitr, iiitilirlt' and Co Ilia M t,',wi " " " I ua Al .-aai Million A Korr I aa 44..1HI ..... t lla Id n.v,io J Cameron A Co Mra I lla Id ... l.l.'jm I'KVI allllilll. Vallia lUlllha) K Al.lL till Atllir. Valll AVS.UUI. 44 llAStfl btili Amir. Valua lll.llll II -1 Tl hhla A, Mil II..". I v.i .'it.li . tl i..r, value 4.'i.iki .l-AW.. V7iM,i,l. rl nir, aluo H,uo and 7.ia eilt barli-v, Talue i.Viu K-In. ill l.l.li flour, -IM", I. - i..'.i l.lil. noiir. Tiilita ,u uuo, M -Il.tiMilili flour, vaina .i,uuu, i.i.uw hhla flour. Kalue l.'.lil. o-Alan 4.77 lilila fluur, -:i,..i - i!-.i n.iTue'.lt liarlry. valur fll.intl. Q- viae 7A lili'i Hour, value la.iMl H-IMUV iil'li fli.iir, alua Hl.iui b-h.u bbla -e. ., '.", .p.. 44.i ell. I. ran. T Alio in tuna bran, value fliiAi, and i'MJ caiea aalinun, l Alau l.v.nw blili fl.mr, valua fiu.uu V Alio 1,1.1. lie ,, l.i i..,'.'. . . VKSSHLS OX THK WAY TO 0RKG0N. tms a at a. raxajuNaaa. . .net I . at I .N". Y of wliic'.i company he is president, tsveiity-oiie CU one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailln? only, and the book will be sent ptt-paid. It Is a veritable ni.'dital library, complete In one volume. It contains llnS lar-e pap'S, and over !'J0 illustrations, sonic of them ln colors. The Free Ilditl 'ii Is pr. els.dy the same a.i that sold at SI M except only that the books are bound In itronfr manilla pap.-r covers Instead of cloth. It is not often mat our readers have an opportunity to obtain a valua ble, book on such (,-enerous terms, and we predict that few will ml. s avail, ns th. mselve.:s of the unusual and liberal oif. r to which we have oalb-d tin lr at tention. "Three M.ia. hus.-ttH ivs the Huston Tran-'crlpl e. leberi'e I anniv r'arb-s ie Cliol ch'.ir-'li r.t N'ewto c hureli-s." of Monday, y..t -i ! ay. i. .Ii- I'r.otb of John Kliot's llrst H-rrnen to li In diars; ti:e I'nilarians at I.exii.itton, the .''K" h of th.- s.-C.lin;r of ils first peator, and th "lorih Ciinr.-;;alona' li' Spi inr b-b!, ibe r,eth "f ils o. 'anizatlon. ,i; 1 ih'-r .' are mor.- to coir.e. KLKCTRir; niTTKRH. bletric Lifers in a ruedieine sultid lor any s'etson, but p. rh ips nior.. gener ally r.e. d"d vv hen tbe lanf?'i,d, ' .vliaus'eil f'elirij? prevails, when the ilver Is torpid and sbi''i.-h and th- n". .1 of a tonic and alterative Is felt. A prompt use of this medi-lne has o.'un averted losur and p. r haps fat;1 1 bilious fevers. No leedblne will ,ie more surely In eo'ino rue'l.-ii' and fie.-ir.i; the system from the mnlnral poison. Headaebe, Indh-estlor:, Consil patlon, Dizziness yield to F.leelric Hit ters. i7ic and 11. 00 per boitle at C'has. rtoffers Driiff Store. Th" Naiiona! I'loral ' ;.iurres -. i e-c.-rtiy in Id at Ashvill", N. C, was p., oi ly att'-nd".;. many Htabs .tendirn; no dee.:iii..s. i'or thi.s reason no li'dlon wax Inliei In decidlni; on a national flovi er. Logbrs. .Mr. liarelay Is so well rea l: lie re puted an xotilsite limitation last nltrht." "What was U?" "I can't "live you the i xnet words, but he raid h"'d ratli u- be s..inelhlni; than a. sona-thin..' else In a somelhlni; else." Chli a;,'.. Ifecord. Th-re Is noiblmr that caii""s wonun irreater dlseotnfort mid iiiIotv than the constantly rerunlm; Hendaeh". M'-n suffer b.ss with headache. "My wife's h'-altli MS very IndbTer, nt.bavlni,- he o! ndi" continually, r nd Just two paeka.-.-s of r-'i'imii ns Llv.-r Iborul.iter r-l. as". I h.-r from all lea and '. l.o.r to le r ' never rei'i-.t'e1. llord, Mt. V.-inon a. h. hole ,s u ; icy. and ystei M. ve ton. I hav II. De. ('i;,ib,r and 1 pereb-ot. nil, I tl-. eel. The b si :, the hr.i !:-!.-r end t i r ar" ihulti !" Inl.-yesis an o;:nr for lb the be-t lb dav laborer. le do-Identi- b, inker and liar for tin' OATOniA. Hi fj- Ij n Ib. l I'.' f f" a.e. fully li-h: I 11 have io : .. .i ' he do. tor. !ei I .oeior f. wed! C'rt en a 1,1. --,,.; ih;,t'-, i iter than a doctor. I'e.idy In ll ,. eai"- I'd hav to no lo 'le- Hn;.,r..ore- Ilontori Transi'rlpt. Man: political HiM-akoin, clergymen, :-'n o r:., and ofherK vi bo uee the Voice . .le.-ssh'ely, reiy uion upon One Minute '!oiill Cure to prevent huskiness and larynt Itls. Its value H a preventive Is only c.u;illed by Its power to afford In stantaneous relief. C'liarleH KoKerH. TO I T.K A 1111,11 IN OMl DAY, Take laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All drut-'lHlH refund the money if It falls to cure. 2',c. For sale by Chan. I losers, I.iruKKlxt, Mr. l'.ryan Is the first man who ever propfs.ed a i-anic as the foundation of pro: peril y. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tie fae I mlla rlpiinn Ii n arirr Hanks prosper only when the people ar- prosperous. If capital were to In augurate a financial policy which would operate adversely to labor It would be suicidal. Tel'.-r, eczema, and all similar skin troubles ate cured by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. It soothes at once, and restores the tlesues to their natural condition, and never fallB to cure plies. Charles Holers. Mr. Watson is now (irmly convinced that fusion would be a fine hlnir for some one else. A hacking eouirh Is not only annoying to others, but Is dangerous to the per son who has It. One Minute Cough Cure will quickly put an end to It. Charles Rogers. Nr Yi.lik -.si .p II nry VHUrd I ll, I V'l- Hr I'.hk lliiihl .ml l'-raiU.. Ilr lo.r I a. c.i 1 I.IV k id inil,- Hr .Inn ib-baii.'." N' vvr.KI'l K, V. S. VV Mr t, ok i rt'-.n.l J , Ilr li . i lly u( VPnlraa I .... lir I. .in .ii...bii .. , . . HID I'h J VNKIK.l brdep K .le III iiiiin! Pr ll p I'elncw-irn M br nti.t- K n! i.e..r)til 1 Hr leu o .mi .;-.!. er -Ul n Mu hrlnne th- , Ilr i ml Pee T V Hi K It v Y- N,., I, irli MitltUiol . . Y'lK'lli.VVI.V- Pr .tieon-r A.litle Pr.ncel SIN'. Vl'.lllb- llr -Inn ie.'iil!i; .Mi IN I V ll'KU- I br Oark ll.4.iTtn:;; I Ilr -li p 1. .i. nl.y llall full I I'llCK- llr -li p I rl I f k.i.li lliiK.iI'Vl'i - Am vdr 1'iirrn-r l.iv HIMA IP S M.l i- Hr .Inn . tii-;.. in Mill - ir -ln(i I'mi ini .e ... IIU...I- l.er leuk Miutdillwel s.V S fis- Ilr lib. I aiiil.rb.ti I'riiirena.. I l. I Ilr Ilr burkCrlll 1! V.M.I' iK.U.-e i- .s.ve.l i n bn.lv I. n ij ., Ilr -lilp Yab.irl I'll'A- llr bark Ib.il.i Cr mIi n Koelilinrd Ilr "hip Ysinituiru: SVi.li KI- I'.r i.n.k l Iih IIUYAI. U"AbS- Itl built K -11 I 1 I'atluu ... N bulla Hnliltiauu . Kre la rl In till Tliomaa 'Hair pa , 'l aanart .... , Hallilv Huh rt you.. Ait.1i'riun . . 'niiiart I ' Wlckliara'..".. . HiHliie . Lluiivall , Davlva . . Jllllea , Hhoe maker ,'lniiei iTliemai .'Hoai'tt .. Iteavaa... 1474 AaAU HV IIUA I MA "AAl '.AW I HI A I 1444 lonvl 1,77 lialAI llliA IU0AI I lvi7 inuAl lili'i leu A I I no.vl ... Ilio IIUAI .. bal llAt ..J iiMm.Al .1116 IIOAl -;l7i IUIA1 .:lWlIA I .. 1W illUAl ..'mix; ihoai J ' I 1 ,. '.'ml inoAl JlrtK! iAI JlJIl 100 I JllVVJ loutl ..'llikYIUUAl , .l.ii.1 iMI . l4MI:UIIAI KTIAI .. I.lt'ilialAI Will 100 A I I'tfi KI0AI .'lITsliniAt suiii.n Uaatw . Mayer. W. A Cu ... Ilalfiilir. Onlhrla A Cu 1'urllaiid riimr Mllli J Kramer.. ii A Co 4.ia. Tradlni Co..,, J Bramemn ACa Mrynr, Wllioo A Co.. KKPKHKNCUM Iron Total t , .ii iii.tr,. ,, way - 41,7,'ili. Hame time I I Is'AS-AiiAll. Maui tluia la lhii4-4o,VU. ' JbLrUHt. AND AT ILM jrupy, tnc (ho nrluwr orym'iol mU iUipuriUofc mh fi'inr:f? iitrfriicinmtBnu rutrfwnniHii wrnifirKRiii. . Tl." r" t'WIII tliriMri'rt T ntH rUrWI OJ I"'""" IU .f nurw. i""- l-riH-ii. minn.Nitai Willi komndilM. 'U I'l 1KN K In thn onlV Known nmiT to run wu nuui hii pMmuim. n CUPIOENC llnvrmt VoMuUi) It4jiar,thr art rip iimiinnn nromnrn muransiiiii nr.A i iinni.T'"'"tve.aui linn nt m fftiiHtu Frt'iirb Hhvilclaii. will tut irk I v itui v. TOIlfl Of dlWUHAMI fit till tfftHTM.V (tTKHI'l, tlU'tl M Lit MlUlhfHMl. Inwimiila.l'liilnUiult'u-k,Mtailiil Kii1mimii, NttrvmiA in-bUuy. PmiplM. UnfltntM U Marry, KxtiaimtiuK Drnlnn. Vnrtrntvio ., Conntlimtfon. 1 1 lUM1 tty tiny or lilffht. I'rftvrnt quirk- urn ol dtw-hiiriA, wiurn n tmichviof uuin u Hn4rnmfnrrhiiit n rVvNItcfUlfnnnt nit. a v.'nft-n rw rnun Kvn tu nutrn'r rtnrnH lr iix btim rton not Uwl jmu-umumii. 1 ur txix. lt fur t'.'U, ny mail, rnnu Utr Fiinn;uir irHiiiiiuiitata, Ad.irt-wi DAl oli II HUM-IN B CO J. X Bl 2078, Hn Knuiolaco, Cl FwRiiUbi CAH HOOK US. CornintTclal tStriM-t. Half way 'round the globe. M 'lb rut- If all the rails owned by the llurllngton Itoute v.i re jilueed einl to end, I hey would reach more thrin half v.ny nround the Klohe. If nil the cum owned by the Hurllngton Itoute were put one behind an other, they would make a tniln 275 miles long. Mere bigness Is not ev erything, however. Qual ity counts for much mora. What travelers want Is Is to be transported 'liilekly, safely, and with comfort. That Is Just what the Burlington Itoute does. Omaha Chicago Kan sas. City Ht. Louis. Write for Information about rates and trains. C. HHELDON, O. A Portland, Oregon. nia f la a non-pofannona rernisly fur (ioniirrlitaa. Olmt, Hparmatorrhaia. vv iiit.ia, unnatural rlli rtinrK.!, or anr Irillamrna tlun, Irrltatliia or ulcera tion of mu con mum. HfEwnsC'ICU'ri. Ho, lirana. Non-aatrlntniut. ,Cmr.iTI,O .PtV Ho,d "4tl. .. .. . -,v i--r Hn in main annnpr ' ' 'At t l-r aarraaa. prpahl. f.ii '.u'r X ijirriinir ai. un r ! In "A,.e. liL'IIK. J 1 to t.4f. niA to itrleiurr. .'rtiinu cui.iMlon, ii.tb. million BNOldHH CAPITAl, FOR AMP3RICAN INVESTMENTS. Imiwrtant to Americana aoelllng I0ng llnli CaptliU for now entarprUiea. A Ui containing the nmca and aildreiw. ot M (uccesttful promoters who have placM over 100,(100,00.1 Storllng In Foreign In. vestment wltiiln Uie Uirt six years, and over 18,000.000 for the seven months of WX. l'rlct, a, or 13, payiUjls by postal order to tha London and tfnlversal Bu reau of Investors, 20, Ch-.ip .Me, Ivondon, E. C. BuuscritierA -nil be entltleJ, by rantteiiiant arlUi the directors to recelr either porsonaU or lottona of tntroductolo to any of thaws ueoaxEfitl promoters. This lint Is first oLaaa In every reaped, and every rnan or firm whose name ap- pssns xinerein may oa anpentisa upon. For placing tha following It will b found Invaluable Bonds or Bharea of In dustrial!, Commercial and Financial oon- cerna, Morttnure loans, aal of Land Patents or Mine. Directors: BIR KDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTRR C. PKPYi, CAPT. ARTHUR ST1FFE. Copyrlfbt P Cfclfiit l. i...i!!-t. nisA.Mj n . EfiriViiiiVAL PILLS -.."l"' nn weanlaa. arc, ,..,,i. t,.Ur,la. ..a,.. Iiruril... r..r CtMir, , MJ Hr.tmi u ll-d Itut H,.U ,n.,.lM.t I'miM. ial,,! l,, hl.ia HhlMR. Taka nnnlhrr. A,r,i.ddn.r,H,. .ui.,.,JT ttmianj Imitating, Al Unaill. ar MB4fc !?.iun,p. r. iwtlmlari. UTT; ."?."'; '"' all,"lalir. br ralara iiyiii r..noi,i.i. Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and se machine. Take along some of the twines "as good as Marshall's," In your pocket, and test them. Then sea bow much more Marshall's will stand. It's money In your pocket and fish ln your net to find out. their new and handsome twine testing aif aWbj 0.R&N. gives ciioic'K or TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paul Via Ogdeo, Denver and Omaha or St. Paul Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San Francisco. Columbia, Tuimdny, Oct. SO. Htate of Cal. Hunday, Oct. 35, Columbia. Friday. Oct. SO. Plata of Cal. Wednesday. Nov. 1 Columbia, Monday, Nov. 9. Ulate of Cal. Saturday, Nov. 14. Columbia, Thursday, Nov. 19. Htate of Cal. Tuesday, Nov. 24. Columbia, Sunday, Nov. ti. Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. 1 'otter leaves Astoria at 7 a. m. dally except Hunday. Leave Portland dully at 8 p. m., Hunday excepted. Hat urdays at 11 p. tn. Telephone loaves Astoria dally ex cept Hunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Port land dally except Humlny at 7 a. m, . For rates and general Information call on or address O. W. LOUNBHEHRT, Agent W. H, HORLnURT, den. Pas. Agl Portland, Or. K. McNKILL, President and Manng-er. WHITE COLLAR UN E Astoria and Portland Telephone leaves ARlorla dally ex cept Humlny at 7 ). in. Leaves Port land dally except Humlny at 7 a, m. T. J. Potter leaves Astoria at 7 tt.' m. dully except Humlny. Leaves Portland ltilly at H p. in., Humlny excepted. Sat- ur.lnys nt 11 p. m. Ticket (food on both boats. U. II. HCOTT, President B. A. Heeley, Airent, Portland. C. W. Htone, Airent, Astoria. Telephone No. 11. ASTOKIA PUBIiIC IiIBpRY RBAOINO ROOM FREE TO ALL. ODen svanr dav from I nnlw.w tn l-aa and :K to 1:10 p. m. Bubscrlption rates a par annum. H.W. COR. ELEVENTH DUANB fT. Most so-called "salmon twines" or ool ored with acids. The acids rot th fibre and render the material useless. In th office of Elmore, Sanborn ft Co. Is an ob ject lesion that ought to b examined by all fishermen. It Is th whols of th material used ln the manufacture of Mar shall's twine from start to finish. Oo there and examine th color rig-hl through. You will see then why Mar shall's Is called the best In th world. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FARE. For a dinner, served on th Dining oar of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway, will be sent to any address on reoelpt of a two-cent postog stamp. Apply to Geo. H. Heafford, Oeneral Pas senger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi cago, Illinois.