The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 06, 1896, Image 2

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    J" 4rr4atBftf
0aUy glototiau.
, Telephone No. A
tkkms or sviiHCRirrtox.
Bent by mall, per yew $4.00
Sent by mall, per month SO
Delivered by carrier, per month 45
Bent by mall per year, tt In advance,
pottage free, to subscribers.
AU communications Intended for publi
cation should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorlan.
Tha Astorlan guarantees to Its sub
scrlbers tha largest circulation of any
Mvspaper published on tne (.'onimpia
Advertising rates can be had on appli
cation to tha business manager.
Tha Weekly Astorlan, tha second oldest
weekly In tha state of Oregon, has, wxt
to the Portland Oregonlan, tha largest
weekly circulation In tha state.
J no. F. Handley Co., are our Port
land agents, and coplea of Tbe Astorlnn
can be had every mornlnr at their stand.
IK Third street
The "Aitariu" hereby offer to donate
Hospital, payable on demand to Father
Dtelmaa, whenever legal evidence Is pro
alnerat ahewlng that aay afternoon aewa-
paper pabllshed la Astoria has printed
wlthla tha last ninety days expiring he-
fore this offer a single peelal" o
taer kind ef "telegraphic preea report.'
received ever the wires entering either
f the telegraph olBeea In Astoria, from
aay point oatatde of Oregon.
Astoria, Or.. Oetober IS. 1M.
Clatsop sends greetings and congrat
ulatlons to Multnomah county.
Eighty-five thousand majority In the
little state of New Jersey shows what
the "enemys country" thinks of Bryan.
It should be some solace to Candidate
Bryan In hut retirement that he has
done what every Republican candidate
since the war has tried and failed to
do he has broken the Solid South.
If ever there waa an Ineffable ass who
figured prominently In American poli
tics it i old man Jonesi His bombastic,
ridiculously preposterous and lying
proclamations have been the subject of
derision all over the world.
Bryan may think his capture of the
rotten borough of Nevada and the min
ing camps called Idaho compensation
for the loss of the great Southern com
monwealths of Kentucky and Maryland,
but Democrats like Cleveland and Til-
den would not have thought fo.
Had the state of Washington at large
done its duty aa did the counties bor
dering the Columbia river the future
of the Sound country would have been
much, brighter. Had they stood out for
sound money and good government
some of the unfinished marble front
business blocks of Seattle and Tacoma
would have bad a show to be com
pleted and many of their empty store
rooms would have obtained tenants.
Pacific county has done Its duty in
stemming tbe tide of Populism and an
archy which overwhelmed the one
time proud state of Washington. If the
other counties In the west half of the
state bad done as well In proportion
to their population as Pacific, Wash
ington would not be at the mercy of
an Incompetent and discreditable gov
ernor for the next term of that office,
nor would the state suffer the loss of
prestige and the withdrawal of cap
ital which will certainly be the result
of her folly last Tuesday.
The- long wall of Chairman Jones,
promulgated from Chicago last night
is in keeping with the character of mis
representations' for which he has been
noted throughout the campaign. The
old and ridiculous charge of fraud and
coerciru is an easy ladder on which to
escape from the fire of public Indig-natr-
a that has swept over th county
almost from one ocean to the other. No
doubt the Popocrau will cordially sup
port ilcKinley and the government, as
the Republicans would have done had
Bryan been elected, but that the free
silver craze which like a plague of Small
pox threatened at one time to infest
the whole country, or that the decla
ration of the Chicago platform aimed
at the very life of the government will
ever come seriously before the people
of this country millions of patriotic men
eannot believe.
men had boon used by the malignant
enemies of peace and good order as an
argument agalnat the Republican par
ty and Us platform. It was believed
that the element among the fishermen
who had always been relied upon to
help make the majorities for the Re
publican ticket was cold and Indiffer
ent, If not openly hostile toward the
party organisation ai.d Its national
candidates. The Republican nominees
for the legislature two excellent and
experienced business men, of admitted
probity and capability had been turn
ed down for candidates on the lYipullst
ticket who were utterly untitled by edu
cation, training, or natural ability to
be of any possible influence or useful
ness In tbe important function of fram
ing and passing legislation for a grow
and progressive state like Oregon. Ow
ing to natural and geographical con
ditions, hardly any county In the slate
is more difficult and expensive to cover
in a political campaign than Clulsop,
and with the general unfavorableness
of the situation, to say nothing of the
well-grounded apprehension of faction
al division and disaffection In the ranks
of the party, the" prospect for accom
plishing anything material for McKln
ley and the cause of sound money
seemed well nish hopeless. The county
committee, however. Immediately upon
Its organization, took hold of the sit
uation with all the ardor that has char
acterised former efforts put forth In
the most enthusiastic and successful
campalnis. It was not long before there
were development which attracted the
attention and enlisted the earnest co
operation of not only all Republicans
but nearly every sound money Demo
crat in the county. Instead of a cold,
half-hearted. Inefficient and Indifferent
campaign, there has never been a more
successful. Interesting and satisfactory
canvass In the history of the county
than the one which closed on Tuesday.
The result is that Clatsop county, In
the face of the adverse circumstances
referred to has rolled up a majority
for McKinley and sound money which
is not only larger proportionately than
any county except Multnomah, but
ictually exceeds one-fourth of the to
tal majority given by all the counties
In the state. This is certainly a flatter
ing record for Astoria and Clatsop
county, and one which will bear fruit
in future investments of morey and the
immigration of a class of citizens need
ed to properly develop the future which
undoubtedly awaits this section of the
r. rt55V
Ms m WW M Vammam' 14,,' " Ul W . - "a" 111
I'll, yi
ft: yy'PS "' "il '. ''' j ; Vou will find ons coupon
Lsf ''4rfSK,. ' , i , lulli each two ounce hag
..( -1Vv)r '' . niidlvcomoiiiliildineh
I, y i urouue baguftUavkwaU'a
SS" "i ' Ihirhain. I'uy a bag of Hilt
CZJf - vV ."' ' i celebrated tobacco and read
fZ'tft.!.' 1 1 ' the coupon-whlro give a
j j , TossJ llv oi valuator praavuia nua
good policy to cultivate Intimate com
mercial as well as political relations
with this republic. Recent events have
Impressed upon the South American
countries! the fact that In certain exi
gencies they can count upon the I'nlled
States for support and protection
against European assumptions or ag
gression and knowing this it would be
almost extraordinary If they did not
desire closer relation.
The report of the employment of 300
additional men by the Milwaukee Har
vester Works on yesterday, with the
rusfi on the railroad offices for mileage
books by the army of commercial trav
elers who are about to begin thir
rounds all over the country, shows some
of the effects already following the
death of Bryanim. Oregon an! As
toria will not be far behind the pro
cession If the events which are ex
pected materialize within the next
thirty days. There are well-grounded
reasons for believing that between now
and January 1st three hundred millions
of money will be available for Invest
ment and for projected Improvements In
Astoria and this Immediate vicinity.
Let the good work go on. It is em
ployment the people want, and with
that they will take good care to main
tain the parity of their money.
It is certainly a matetr of congratu
lation that Oregon can be so safely
counted for McKinley. Under the cir
cumstances, surrounded as the state is
and has been for years by the greatest
hotbeds and strongholds of Populism
and free silver, the Republican majority
of nearly three thousand Is really a
large and unexpected one. In this grand
result Astoria and Clatsop county are
entitled to- much credit. At the open
ing of the campaign this section was
considered by the state central com
mittee one of the most forbidding fields
in the whole outlook. We had Just
passed through one of the most de
pressing periods in the history of the
county. The great strike of the fisher-
The delegation of American manu
facturers which went to South Amer
ica, several months ago for the pur
pose of studying the business condi
tions in some of the countries there
and ascertaining what Is necessary to
the enlargement of our trade with
South America appears to have met
with much encouragement. The dele
gation has met with a cordial welcome
and It is stated that the Venezuelan
government has shown its appreciation
of the purpose of the visitors by ex
tenamg valuable concessions as re
gards tariff duties to American pro
ducts. Merchandise from the United
States entered for exhibit in Venezuela
will be admitted free of duty and It t.
proposed to establish in the capital of
that republic, under the auspices of the
American National Association of Man
ufacturers, an exhibition which will
srlve Venexuelan merchants an oppor
tunity of seeing w hat American pro
ducts they can buy to advantage. It
has been ascertained that in hardware,
furniture, machinery, labor-saving ap
pliances, agricltural Implements, cotton
goods and a number of ether articles,
the manufacturers of this country can
successfully compete with those of Eu
rope In the South American market, so
that there is every reason to believe
that wit 'a prper effort our trade with
the countries to the south can be very
greatly enlarged.
Those United States consuls who have
given attention to the matter say that
the Spanish-Americans are extremely
eagjr for more intimate trade relations
with this country, and there can be no
doubt that this is true of those republics
generally, there being among them,
perhaps, two or three exceptions, due to
the great preponderance of European
capital in their business affairs. It is
altogether natural that the people of
most of those republics should prefer
to do business with the United States
if our manufacturers and merchants
can supply their requirements r.n as fa
vorable terms as they can obtain of
European manufacturers ana mer-
cnants. sentiment does not enter very
largely into commercial affair?, yet It
exerts some influence, and the people
of South America have learned that the
United States is more friendly to them
than any European power aid that It Is
Although a very busy man. Dr. R. V.
Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., has found
time In which to write a great book of
over a thousand pages, entitled. The
People' Common Sense Medical Ad
viser, In Plain English, or Medicine
Simplified. Few books printed In the
English language have reached so great
a sale as has this popular work, over
$0,000 copies having been sold at $1.50
each. The profits on this enormous sale
having repaid Its author for the groat
amount of labor and money expended In
Its production, he has now decided to
slve away, absolutely free, 500.000 copies
of this valuable Look, the recipient only
being required to mall the World's DIs
lensary Medical Association, of Buffalo,
N. Y., of which company he is president,
twenty-one (21) one-cent stamps, to
cover cost of mailing only, and the
book will be sent poet-pald. It Is a
veritable medical library, complete In
one volume. It contains loos large
pages, and over 300 Illustrations, some
of them In colors. Tha Free Edition la
precisely the same as that sold at $1.60
except only that the books are bound In
strong mantlla paper covers Instead of
cloth. It Is not often that our readers
have an opportunity to obtain a valua
ble book on such generous terms, and
we predict that few will miss availing
themselves of the unusual and liberal
offer to which we have called their attention.
When the late Archbishop Benton
was a student at Klttg Kdwnrd'a school
at Klrmlnglutm, be carried off live
prises In one vtu namely, those tor
English verse and English proxe, I.utlti
verso and Latin imwe, and Ureok verse
This waa a feat that had never been
previously accomplished, not even by
nisnop i.iKntfoot, who, a a boy, was
one of the greatest prlse-wlnners of
Ms day.
The best salve In the world for cult,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains.
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
Itlve cure for piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, 25
cents per box. For sale by Charlea
Rogers, Odd Fellows' building.
Oovernor Woloott of Mussuchuwtts
has commissioned Cyrus Cobb, of Bos
ton, to make a marble bust of the Rev
S. F. Smith, the author of "America,'
to be placed In the state house.
A monument to the memory of Da
guerre, the Inventor of the daguerreo
type, the precurser of the photograph.
Is soon to be unveiled In the little town
of Bry-sur-Marne, France. The famous
chemist spent the last twelve years of
his life there, and the ruins of his house
in the Rue de Villlers are pointed out
to tourists. He constructed a tower
there nearly sixty feet in height, hav
ing a room at the summit. In which he
performed his experiments. At the cer
emony of unveiling the monument,
which "the czar's visit has postponed,
the municipality of Bry-sur-Marne will j
organize a series of fetes for the day
and evening.
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...'Jliw I H.IW 1 . IJ It Camorrtn A Co
a it'iii.i.i. !(',.,,, vK.i.'a-..,.rTrmir.' iriW."....TT..".r.7. .-i::r . . , i , . .ttti.Tt .j o." T.r:f.j a.w
value ai:.,mi K-Al.n ih.Jih raiea aalmnn, value SwIUa). K-JO AVI lui tliHir, yalue IVliM), ll-l.,'i blila fluiir, ralua Itl.iU), II -,T libli flout
rai rA'I.KM. 1 ji a.f. bit a rtinr, ralua m,U J AlanMiMiiila rljnr. yaliia ll,irj and 7M eila barlay, talua liAJiaj. K-lf.xll hhla Hour,
value .,im. IW.J'atlihU tluur. lua :0 UU. M-ll,lJAbllitliHir, ralna aj,iluu. N -IVKD hl. flour, alui HJ.tiu. t) Alan 4.1W hi. la Bmir,
Talua HK.iau Aim II. ITiiril. barley, ralna lll.iau. g- AlaoTuo bba "our, H-IA.UM tibia tbmr, valua Kl.uu rl-lswubbls
n,,ur. raiue al.o t4K) olla braa. T Alae SI loin bran, valua HIM, and WMi eaara aaluwu. I Alan IM1J tibia tour, value IW.IMI. V-Alaa
ii,:m rlii ir, vaur ttM'l
) ....... 1 i ii id
rr, value ii,iu Ij Jl.STl lit.l. Hour,
A worJ to lh( wis Is surflclent; man
ufuotutvrs jf a.imaparllla remrdl
warranted to cure "that tired feeling
will find this the best season of the
year to advertise In democratic Jour
Take laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money It
falls to cure. Joe. For sale by Chaa,
Rogers, Druggist.
If a candidate la known by his works
Mr. Bryan probably la a republican
no nai aividea the populists and almost
wiped out the democratic organization
while he his united and solidified the
republican party.
From a letter written by Rer. J. Our-
dennan, Dtmondale, Mich., we are per
mitted to make this extract: "I have no
hesitation In recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery, as the results were al
most marvelous la the case of my wife.
While I waa pastor of the Baptist
church at Rives Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeed
ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours with little
Interruption, and it seemed as If ahi
could not survive them. A friend
recommended Dr. King's New Discovery;
It was quick In Its work, and highly
satisfactory In Its results." Trial bot
tles free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store.
Regular size, 60c and IT 00.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's air
where exhibited.
Mrs. Susan Slocum, of Newport. II. I.
who has just celebrated the ninetieth
anniversary of her birth, is one of the
few pensioners of the war of 1S12, her
husband, George Slocum, having served
'as a drummer boy for the Home
Guards who marched across the beach
es and frightened off a British trans
mere is noming mat causes women
greater discomfort and misery than the
constantly recurring Headache. Men
suffer lens with headache. "My wife's
health uas very InduTcrent.having head
ache continually, and Just two packages
of Simmons Liver Regulator released
her fnm all headache and gave tone
and vigor to her whole system. I have
never regretted Its use." M. B. Ie-
Kord, Mt. Vernon, Ky.
TfiB Favorite Koine Qeieiig.
For all diseases caused by derangement
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach.
Keep it always in the house and you
will save time and Doctor's Bills, and
have at hand an active, harmless and per
fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic.
If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe
tite and tongue coated, you are suffering
from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM
MONS Liver regulator will cure you.
If you have eaten anything hard to
digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep
less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
needs cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SlMAtONS LIVER
J. H. Zcilin & Co., riiiladelpliiu.
"It Is reported," says the Savannah
fGa.) News, "that Postmaster-General
Wilson will be offered the Chief Jus
ticeship of the Court of Claims, recent
ly made vacant by the death of Justice'
Rifhanlwn. Mr. Wilson Is a lawyer
of recognize! ability, and would no:
doubt do honor to himself and thecoun- I
try on the bench of the Court of Claims. I
It i.1 alleged to be an open n cref In j
u asnington mat tne president ns naa
it in mind for some time to plnce Mr.
Wilson in some Important jmilcial po
sition be fore the end of his term."
There wan a young man from thy I'latt
Who for months had talked through
his hatte;
But for nil of his chatte
Free sliver fell Matte.
And now he can't tell where he's atte.
Chonlc constipation Is a painful, dis
agreeable and life-shortening difficulty.
It deranges the system, causes sick
headache, bad breath, and poisons the
blood. It can be readily overcome by
Lie 'Witt's Little Early Risers. These
little pills are great regulators. Char).
A New York woman has applied fur
a divorce because her husband gave
her nothing to eat nave onions ojid
siiilo bread. She
mighty strong case.
evidently has a
They are so little you hardly know
! you are taking them. They cause no
I griping, yet they act quickly and most
; thoroughly. Such are the famous little
' fills known oh De Witt's Little B;arly
i Risers. Small In size, great In results.
Charles Rogers.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver Is torpid
and sluggish and the need of a tonic and
alterative Is felt A prompt use of tills
medicine has often averted long and per
haps fats' bilious fevers. No medicine
will ac' more surely In counteracting A Maine contemporary says that Mr.
ana treeing tne system rrom tne malarial ; Sewall's motto in "Never give ud tin
snip. There is a popular Impression.
wc believe, in democratic circles, that
roir satLio ru amd pans.
J'atlau .
Kobluaoo .
Thorn AA
Uav n
7 Hobertaon".
.. Sproule....,
. Auriarton . .
,. Howlauila....
tksi hats. I cosaiiisiaa.
Sfc YoUK-
Ship Henry Villard
Hrtiark lll(hUn,l Foraatl
Hr ahlii Kmlurla I .. ,,,
I IVkhltldl-
Hrahln Kellaiire
Br bark t'iiilul ...
Ursllipriirftf Madrasl
Br bars limaiiiw i,
niO IK J.l.S KIHu-, ,
Mr ahip IViitfaermi
Hr ahln M iyal ileor(e
Hr bars i.leuall.iu
Hr aiiip I'eraeveraurn w
Dr.lilD Maehrlhanlah
Hr bars lve
4-Hr lrk Colombo)
Nur hark Maltland ..,,.
Hr .leainiT Aalatle Prlnrel ...
Hr ahln llution Hall....
1-Hr ahip City of llarb!liiion Melloiiald llU UOAI
j-iiraniii iKiwan If til I Mllns
Mr ahip Orrallal smart.
1171 mil Sutton Bteb.
iSt i'roiT" !
llW 1(11 A I
sn uhiaI
IUS6 )0U A I
i.vr iitoti
l4 ia)Al
I77l .
imi KWAI
lit lOBAI
llvt AA1
1114 lllOAi
Uffrr, W. Co i t
1 I
Halfour. 6iiVhfT Co;
Mrtlanit yiutir Mills
Taylor. Yoong 4 Co..'
Dlluou a Kerr..
llr hark Hreaaliu!
Hrahiii Hi.Tenhy llall.
llr .hip Curt Jai kaon
Ain aehr ( arrier IoV
Br ahlti Vortlifem
Hr ahln Pnivlnret
tier tmrk M.urlHlelip
llr ahln Cambrian I'rlnreia
Br barkCrlB-II
llr ahlti IVnlbralleal
hwerl Slep Ijiily UnaL , Sveiiaon.
Hrahln Yallurl
I.OTA- i
Hr hark Kollo Thoruai ..
llr ah p Knekliiint . Hoa. li .. .
llr alllP ValldllHrtl! Heavall..
N Ali AS K I- i
Br bark .Inlut I
ir.t iuuai
170 lU'Al
J ll Camemn4 C0....1
Jaa Ul.tla ti ..
. Wlikbaiu ..
... Hodge
... Umtvall ....
ltarlt ...
. Juliet .
,. Jones
1. ......,
Belyra . .
Jl.T'l 100 A 1
I 1
aH lot) A I
? I
. wun'ne.u
J H Cameron a Co..
Am. Trading Co.,
... IW
.. IMJ
...J 7 UOAI
I nr.' 1(11 A I
... IKlluvAI
J K Cametiin C .
KKrKHKNCie - Iron
1 Aug IS. paaaed Anjer. I 4 Jnna Mh, S)N, W. Into Kin da Janeiro
2 June 11. p iaaed l.lianl: no dale, In Bay of prior to July 4; will hre to illaeharga pari
Hl.riiv Jim lo, r K, 16 w I or pargo. Aug. 4, told jsnu unit of cargo:
3 July Hih, paieH-il Hingaisire. I aallerl again Aug. li.
M lion ol x (ftaiofM Frtmch nlivulflmfi. milt aoirl
' V I Ul ito v.Um mnm r .t
1 1 V mi ft Vlatt ntT sail Ma. at.
voiit or dlw-Mra (-1 Ul) Rtiurtiuvt rui, aiiofa M ul MmiIvmmI,
Inwunnltv l'HliiHM)UitiHtu't(,fefii.rift Emlialnii!. ftermtia IMkUlty.
Fimplr, VnflinMi to Marry, KitiMtwUtiv Itrmni, Vnrtrwm,
Thin f rnt VtaM
tlon ol UoiofM Frtmch phriiitHiuuwltfquielityourTottr;
t'oiuilpiitlnn. 1 1 Mum till liMni hr lf or fiKtht rrm mtk k-
all tha hnmrmi( Imnotanry. jrril;NKrlewtMiUMUff, lit
kidnir ttfl thn urinary onraniuf ail iuduIIMsV
flVVR attmnrthaftfland rMlairMMmall WMk nrVstiia.
Ttit rHanun nufTirtrj ar no I nirMl by Ixirtnra In beHTtOM ntnaly prr Cn m tmnhlfwt wflb
PrMUt It la. Ct'l'l DKNK ( thoniy known rmrr Inntr without an npfi-atton. M mm Mt Intone
In. A Mfrittcn ipmmntfMt irlTf o an'l monny roturninl If m bnica 4im nofc aOaul mtuibiwi iur
XjJ0aM)X,iix furfvu), by mall, t'nU for russ circular and lentiiuunlaisV
AMnm UA Vol. 5IEDICIBIB COs, P.a Uol JD70,Bao rraiMtaoo. OaL JbrfHb$
CHAS H H2KHH. 4.19 rommcrrlal Ptrvet.
Half way
'round the globe.
poison. Headache, IndlKestlon, Consti
pation, Dizziness yield to Electric Hit
ters. Wc and 11.00 per bottle at Chas.
Rogers Drug Store.
The Duke of Orleans and the Arch
duchefw Dorothea will upend their hon
eymoon In Flume, in a chateau belong
ing to the Archduke Joneph, the father
of the archduchesH. At the close of
the honeymoon they will probably go
to England.
his motto Is "Never give up anything.1
Many political speakers, clergymen,
singers, and others who une the voice
excessively, rely upon upon One Minute
Cough Cure to prevent husklness and
laryngitis. Its value as a preventive Is
only equalled by its power to afford In
stantaneous relief. Charles Rogers
I MIhb Hamilton, M. D., the physician
of the Ameer of Afghanistan, ha been
obliged to resign her office and return
I to England on account of 111 health.
For Infants and Children.
Thl fw-iailt
1 b si
. A hacking cough Is not only annoying
I to others, but la dangerous to the pcr
I son who haB it. One Minute Cough
jCure will quickly put an end to It
' Charles Rogers.
If all the rails owned
by the Hurllngton Route
were placed end to end,
they would reach more
than half way around the
If all the cars owned
by the Tiurlington Route
were put one behind an
other, they would make
a train 27S miles long.
Mere bigness s not ev
erything, however. Qual
ity counts for much more.
What travelers want Is
Is to be transported
quickly, safely, and with
comfort. That is Just
what the Burlington
Route does.
Omaha Chicago Kan
sas City St. Louis.
Write for information
about rates and trains.
Portland, Oregon.
Important to Americans seeking Eng
lish CaptuU fur new enterprkaes. A IVtt
containing the n amies and address im ot
3M succeMrfut promoters who have placed
over 100.000,000 Storting in Foreign In
vestment wltlhln Uis last six yean, and
over 118.000,000 for tbe seven raooths of
im. I'rlcn, 5, or 2S, payable by postal
order to the London and Universal Bu
reau of Investors, 20, Oheapaide, London,
E. C. Subscribe wil be entitled, by ar
rangement with the directors to receive
either personall or letter of Introductoln
to any of theae suocnaafid promoters.
This Ilat Is first Olaaaa D every respect.
ana every. man or nrm whose name op.
peara uierein may oe aepended upon.
ror placing we roiiowlng it will be
found invaluable Booda or Shares ot in.
duatrun. Commercial and Financial coo
oerns, aiorttnure loans, Sale of Land
Patents or Mlnea.
ntir i la a noB.poiannoiu
rMnoir for (liinorrliifa,
0m,t, Spermatorrho-a,
Wlillaa, unnatural dla
chnrsna, or anr liiflamma
li"n, Irritatlun ur ulcara
tlun of m neon a a,.m.
krHcErAN3 Chcuicsi Oil. branat. Mon-aatrlnL.ut.
klwiiiaIi,0.rT3 olal by Brogglala,
J. 'Jor aant In plain wrappar.
xprnw. prpaiii. u
or a botfl. tan.
Circular tear, uu rnquaak
ria I IOD4.r.
am v .10.1....
" annualae.
?"'i. ant.r. rrllalili. uiona ul
llrl.t to, rtMwa jrv.ii. Hi."
a Br,l In Hr uil lljj m.ulll
aaatliep. Hrtutt jm'-.i..?.?.?.
liaH"r,Bfc'rM'l", """'"5
Qo to Elmore, Sanborn's ofllce and see
machine. Take along some of the twines
"a good aa Marshall's," In your pooket,
and test them. Then see how much more
Marshall's will stand. It's monsy In your
pocket and fish In your net to find out
their new and handsome twine testing j cago, Illinois.
Sal a, J
oiveb choice or
Via Spokane and St. Pan!
Via Ogdeo, Denver aod
Omaba or St. Paul
Pullman add Tourist Sleepers
Free Pecllnlof Chair Qrs
Astoria to Sao FratMisto.
t'olMmbla. Tuesday, Oct. M.
Stat of Cal. Sunday, Oct. IS. '
Columbia, Friday, Oct. 10.
State of Cat. Wednesday, Nov. 4.
Columbia, Monday, Nov. .
Slate of Cal. Saturday, Nov. 14.
Columbia, Thursday. Nov. It.
State of Cal. Tuesday, Nov. It.
Columbia, Sunday, Nov. t,
Astoria and Portland Steamers.
T. J. roller leave) Astoria at T a. m.
dally except Sunday. Leave Portland
dully at I p. m Sunday excepted. Sat
urdays at 11 p. m.
Telephone loaves Astoria dally ex
cept Sunday at 7 p. in. Leaves Port
land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m.
For rates and general Information sail
on or address
Oen. Pss. Agt., Portland, Or.
e. McNeill,
President and Manager.
" white collar line
Astoria and Portland
Telephone leave Astoria dally ex
cept Sunday at 7 p. m. ' Loaves Port
land dally except Sunday at 7 a. m.
T. J. Potter leaven Astoria at 7 a. m.
dally except Sunday. Leave Portland
dully at H p. rn., Sunday excepted. Sat
unlays at 11 p. m. .
Ticket good on both boats.
U, B. SCOTT. President
E. A. Seelcy, Agent, Portland.
C. W. Stone, Agent, Astoria. '
Telephone No. 11.
Open every day from I e'olook to IJt
and to t:M p. am.
Bubsortption rates IS per anaum. .
Moat so-calltd "salmon twines" are ool
ored with aclda. The aelds rot the fibre
and render the material useless. In the
offlee of Elmore, Sanborn 4 Co. Is an ob
ject lesson that ought to M examined by
all fishermen. It Is the whole of the
material used In the manufacture of Mar
shall's twine from start to finish. Qo
there and examine th oolor right
through. Tou will see then why Mar
shall's Is called the best In the world.
For a dinner, served on the Dining cars
of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul
Railway, will be sent to any address on
reotlpt of a two-oent pos tag t stamp.
Annlr to Geo. H. RearTorrl. Gannral Pan. '
I senger Agent, Old Colony BuHdlng, Chi-