' ' f V i t'f I.. . . VV . V ' "-- J,', '-y ' . - r ... ..,...- , 4 t ft . 7 TUB DAILY AHTOKIAN, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, IBM. MARINE MATTERS. Declaration of Principles 1 4 ft It lull WATRH. ! tAlW WATKH. llATK. A. N. i, I', M, Il A. . ' ; H. M. li.m ft' !h in ft hi m n :h in n OF TUB SASTD.BlA AYctfclnlilc Preparation for As Stlllllil I lug (Ik Food fitul lied ukl tliig llic buiuuuiu (iml Dowla of rromoteal)iicslloii.CIcciful ncss nivl Ili-M Conllns nclltrr OjmiiiT.Mtirylilne nor Mineral. jOT Nahcotic. am oew a-imnraaui A-rim SmU- Tl Illif.iiiS f I MMi ne Mm Apcrfofl Remedy for Connlliui lion, Sour Ston-ch.IlimrtaJi'a Worms ,Coi ivuLi ions . r'fvvri sh am aixlLoss or Sleep. Tc Simile Sniinluf of VT.W YORK. ifi Ifi ckact copy or wAppr.. I'ltOrKMHIONAL. CAHlsH II. A. HMITH. DENTIST. (.niijZ?,1 Iluumi I vrr C. II. nd t l'ythla hulldlnc Cuopor'i itor. Dll O. U. KNTEt, I'llYRICIAN AND BUKQBON. KlMK'laJ tlanilua to dlumi of wonxa and nurgT (.iltUw evr Danilnr'i nor. A tori. YtlrphoiM No. 11 J AT TCTTLE. M. D.. piitiiician. BrnoieoN and ACVOUCHEUR ORIim, Too mi f muI . Pythian ButMInc Hour. 10 la II and I to I HmMwo, JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Uffloa, uiMtaJrt, Anorlaa Bulldlnff. II. T. CROHUY. ATTORNET-AT-LAW. l CoinmrrlJ itraat I Q A. 1IOWLIIT. ATTORN ET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlc on Dond (treat, Aaloria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Diehard Nlioo. ChMler V. Dolph. IMDI.I'II. NIXON A DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT IJIW. I'artland. Orrgon, M. A M and IT. Hamilton nullitlnc All laaal and ool-Im-tlon htialn aa promi'tly altanded to. Clalma acalnat tha fovarnmant a apa elalty. SOCIETY MEETINOS. TKMPLR JX)IX1 NO. T. A F. and A. U. Rrular rommunlratlona bald on ha Drat and third Tuaadajr avanlnf of ach month. O. W. LOUNBDKRRT, W. tt. K. C. HOLDEN, Bacratary. MISCELLANEOUS. W. C. CAS8ELL. DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, Notary Public (II Bond Btrat. LODD POlSOU A SPECIALTY narfil.MU I'OISIIN p llliarf . Hma itrrurTiii tionin 1 1 'f M"n prtiti umlor Mum a nit ruu I ty If lnupr.'lnr incoalira4.a wuiniQ irnot lopnlf rnllronit f araand lU'lal 0lU,tiHl rofharra. If f t" '" ' ' ii"' ' mr WailHI K'I'IIIV' II r' n""wi. mi-r- ila ii.itiili. ami Mill li ayhM turjr, li'ill" ;.in,,Muial,i-haliiniuih,HiirylhriH I'....:. ... i imiirr olcirml Niiiita, lilrprK on n u.rtof tha .!. Hair or Kyabrowa tlilllnjr iuaraiiluriini. v U-li tli un lali-r..- ana nmllanaa Ilia world fi.r a .,VJici tenrr. ThU ttiiwo hn a n Imiilad tin. ah IM of I ha mnat iiilnriit pliynl rlu "" , ftOO.OOII Mimal b.'lill'd our linrmnlW . i i,i narautr. A Iwi n t rHif awl aoulnl ml i iniiilTS A.M"" Jl liKMr:iY CU. KI iiaMiuio X.uu'lo. CU1CAUO, llXt J. B. WYATT, Phona No. 60 Aaloria, Oregon Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Bpaclal Attention Paid to Supplying Ships. THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A passenger train on tha Chicago, Mil waukee and Bt. Paul Railway. No. It tarlni ara veatllmled, heater by iteam, and IlKhted by elentrlclty. Each aleep car berth has an electrlo reading lamp. Ita dining carl art the beat In tha nrnrid, and Ita ooaohea are palaoea on wheals. This great railway, connecting as It doea with all transcontinental lines at SL Paul and Omaha, assures to tha tai vellng pulillo tha best service known. Tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul r. nn anli, at all railroad ticket offices to any point In the United Slates 2 i2&i to ni or Canada. For maps, toiaers ana omer Information, address. C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J, Vf. CARET, Portland, Or Trav. Pass and Tkt. Agent, Portland, Or. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SICNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTLE OF Ctihirl Ii put t 1 taa-iti soulw oslt. It . . l I. . tl . 'l - II it BVt Wti 12 B..S. Vlll IWlQ. K-JUOV W Mil j'-.l: ') en l. jlrt or promlx tbtt II Il "J ml M gfu'." d liinu ntj pr ;h." tW jot (t O A 8-T O R-l-4. rsiiu t'.wtt UN tirf MttV4 II eivriri. TaAAa anava Otaiotj tATiiira. COaVsOMTa. aas. W tnfnrmn and fra Hanliaok wnialo mrn.-f m laAy ssi naoiiiwAr, new Yic OIiImI bqraau t'W aarurliis palanla la Amarleav Ktrf raiatii fakaa owl hp ui la limaahi b fw Iba pauls B a outioa alraa tna of aaaf la at 'ricnUfic awcrican IavmI etmiUHna of a artmufle papar la wwloV iu..udir uiuiintaaa. a imrilurmt swsMU lw whlwwi il Waailr. ai.ooa .Si3iaHmonihc AiLlma. MlllOra , la I auuadwar, Vua city. INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most r nvornhle in Ame for sufferers from . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Tha objtotlona urged against Indlo In the past b tha large iiumbsra who otherwise) would have been glad to take advantage; of IU beneficial climate, has been a lack of suitable accommodation. Tha Southern Facino Company taket. pleasure In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indlo station, that will be ranted to applicants at rea sonable rates. They ara furnished with modern convenienses; supplied with pur artesian water and so situated aa to give occupants all tha advantages to be de rived from a more or leas protracted residency In this delightful climate. (From tht San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert of the Colorado which th Southern Pacific fRveraue theiM Is an oaala railed Indlo. which, In our opinion, la the sanitarium of the earth. W bellevs, from txraonal investigation, that for certain Individuals, there Is no spot on this planet so favor able." Q. T. Stewart. M D writes: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, fill one with wondir and delight . . . Nature has accomplished so much that there remains but little for man tu do. Aa to Ita possibilities aa a health retort here Is the moat perfeot sunshine, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfeotry dry soil, for rain Is an unknown faotor; pure oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure water. Wh-vt more ran be desired T It Is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a para dise for rheumatics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I have no hesitancy In recom mending this genial oasis a tha haven of tha afflicted." INDIO. Ts 6ia miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 nilea from LOS ANOKLES Fare (rom Los Angeles f3.oe For further Information Inquire of any Southern Paolflo Company agent, or address E. P. ROGERS. Asst. Gen. Faas. ArU 8. V. Co. J. B. K1KKLAND, Dlst Pass. Agt Cor. First and Alder eta., Portland, Or UJ Solintlfio America" rvi i-ii- I a, rial aavav II a T.r Mniunliiy vi 'Jilin.il imhs.'i :Tari.1,. m.iii.l Mlllllllty . , x II In .!'! .r.fi W Hii a iM,' H lfi".:i s,7 ,V II .f.'IIU III HI 0,1 Moniluy,. ''JH! TlMallllV.,'.f7 Weil..l.'- 4 4', ti l' i id 1141 1 r,' nmrjl niM7 'm.M.i. ,i...i ii 1 1 7 n I (i i; ? 7 . U.7 I 1 n:t II. 1.0. IUI I hiirniiivjv Friday,, juij I) If. 1 Ml I a in, p. in .'J.;i, tt, -H. t. Mow eni. fimiiKs nf ftM,ii--fti, 1.111 Hr. 0, hew SliH.11. i;i, Hi.l cjr. i, Kull Mo.ni, The HarrlNiiii arrived yoatenluy from ,'.-lilem with a rargn of nier'hanll, A barge luml of telegraph poles for the Western I'lilnii arrived down yes terday. The llrlllsh ship City nf Madras sail ed from Nvwvaatle, N. B. W for this port fk'tulMT 20. ( ailiilii Ovurge Conway, of the III fale.J point Inna, which went ashore at Long llwh on the morning of Feb ruary 1, will succeed Captain Holies aa maater of the sleainshlp Columbia. Th steamer Kinplrn, from Ban Fran 1 laco and way ports, arrived yester day morning, with a large quantity of freight, the greater part of which was for Astoria merchants. The Ktnplre prix cedeil up the river In the afternoon. The llrltlsh ship Powan Hill, Captain Wllne. lliTH Ions, wa reported In the oiling Inal night, 115 days from Colom bo, Ceylon. A pilot was placed on hoard and the veaai-l will probably arrive In thl morning. ' Hhe la conslgnil In Jas. ljidllaw A Co. The steamship Htate of California ar rived down early Bunilay morning and, after taking on a large quantity of fielghl, pnmlpully salmon, sailed for Han Kranclaro. The steamer carried aa much freight as she could possibly ar coiniiMxlatir, every foot of space being taken. The llrltlsh bark (lolgorm Caatle, nlth tl.117 bunhela nf wheat, valued at Ki.'.ooo, and the Hritlsh ship Hlerra Ks trella, w ith 23.159 bushels of w heat, val ued it H6.000, nnd 17.500 barrels of flour, valued at ttio.VOO, were towed to aea Hunduy. Iloth are bound for the United Kingdom, The Hritlsh ship Pentheallea, 1 Ions. Captain C. A. Hellgon, arrived In port Sunday morning, 6ft days from Taltal. The Penthesllea la In ballast, having j0 tons of stone aboard. She Is consigned to Balfour, Guthrie A Co.,jpaM over Tacoma'a wharves will be and will toad wheat. She left up the river Sunday afternoon. Lumber shipment started off briskly thla week, three schooners, carrying X7,000 feet, sailing yesterday. They were the Fannie Adele, 800.000 feet; Laura May. 340.000 feet; Annie Gee, SIS, ooo feel. The latter vessel loaded at Hkamokawa. The cargoes of the Fan nie Adele and I .aura May are for D. H. j Illbb. Ban Francisco. The Annie Gee's cargo la also for Ban Francisco. The Chronicle publishes the following news from Mare Island: Work on the I Thu " ,h ot ntl-thls and antl Petrel, which la receiving a thorough j ,nHt- but w hat need moHt nowa- overhaullng at Mare Island. Is being l' ' antl-bllloug medicine. Sim rushed ao that ahe may be ready for ! mon Liver Regulator, the King- of Llv the sea next month. The pitch of thel" Medicine., and betser than pills. "I Monadnock'a propeller. has been;have no other ntl-blllou. rem changed from t f-t 3 In. he. to 10 feet!edy for ilx rear', and know ,rom 3 inches. It Is expected the change , 'er,ence ,hat for Mio of con"tl" il gr,-atly Improve her speed. The'P"ud haD,t ""th'" e""'" H."-Laura new 5000-pound propeller of the Una dllla haa been cast and Is now being bored. The tug will soon be docked to take It on her shaft. The rtrltl.h ship Fulwood Is overdue from Portland, Oregon. The vessel ha. a part cargo of wheat for this port, but when passing Mount Collin ran! aground. The steamer Harvest Queen 1 iiti up tne rreea sunuay to exincate the Fulwood, but failed to do so. The vessel is stuck fast. Bad, but true. This will necessliate llirhterlng a large part of her cargo, which, with Ihe fall rains, ....!... ...Ill 4.. I ..I.I..... .....Illr,. il III. II liiu B.i'11 1,1 ill nut. live, b. t-.iii.e, the liver, will float the stranded ship. The remainder of her cargo, with that part which has been lightered, will be j taken on at this port. . . . The llrltlsh four-masted ship County, Haddington, Captain C. McDonald, r- rlvi-d In port Bunilay. 109 days from j Colomno. ine iiauuington is a line Iron nlilp of lMi5 tons and haa 1050 tons of sand ballast. She Is consigned to Itiilfour, Guthrie & Co., and will load wheut. The Haddington had a plena- ant passage, except when, In the middle Pacific, she encountered a typhoon. InirltiK the heavy weather she sighted the I'oltolloch, which galled from this ort a month ago. The Poltnllovh , sccmeil to be making good headway and ; was not Injured by the storm. The Haddington sustained no damage. Cap- tuln McDonnld has a beautiful col-1 h-ctlon of Oriental curios aboard. : among them several black ebony ele- phants, with Ivory tusks, and many rare and beautiful shells from Celyon. custom-house officials "red-taped" the collection and only one or two Asto riuns saw the curios. The Haddington leaves up at 6 o'clock this morning In tow of the Harvest Queen. Just to show the Tacoma News that Astoria does not begrudge the Queen City her few tons of shipping, the fol lowing from that paper is published: If Portland men could have taken a look over the bay this morning they would not have found much material for their oft repeated statement that their port is doing all of the export grnin business of the coast this sea son. Since the arrival of the Glenafton yesterday morning tw. more wheat carriers have been adied to. the fleet already In the harbor, making a total i net tonnage of spot vessels in port al- !i vou want a sure relief for l.mos, use an Ailcock's LIkar in MlND Not one of t!oii3 is at good a. the genuine. In iom conditiemi tfie rAin from the use of SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil ii rapid. For this reauon we put up a 50c. size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold, or useful at a trial for babies and children. In other conditions train must be slow. For these Scott's Emul sion must be taken as nourishment, food rather than medicine, the food prepared for tired and weak digestions. art, and ieat all dragglaU nuwt 2S.0OO. The new arrivals are the City of Hankow, ll3 tons, which haa been lying- at Port Townaend several week awaiting a charter, and tha Drumnx k. ZIlU Ions, which was towed In'at an early hoar this morning from Vancouver, where ahe had been dis charging a portion of her cargo, cm slstlng largely of cement. One thousand tona of Iho carg were brought here and the work of discharging com menced at the ocean dock this after noon. Two other vcaacla now on the Hound or In llrltlsh Columbia waters aia also exepwted In a few days. Thine are the Iltitlah ship fiuneral and the ahlp Lota, the former of I'M tons and the latter of 1M tons net. Wheat ships now In the harber loading or awaiting cargoes are aa follows: Earl Iiunraven. 1210 tona: City of Hankow, 1143 lona; Drum ruck, 2918 tona; Glen afton.HUV tons; Drumcllff, 2IM tons; Ar temis, 1107 tons; Holynud, UiZ tons; DrumcmlK. ISM tona; Dumferllne, 2773 tons; C. B. Ilemint. lfW tons; Liverpool, 3X'0 ton. Of these the C. B. Rement and the Artemis have already cleared, the former leaving thla morning and the Artemis to leave tomorrow. The Dumferllne, at elevator A. will finish taking on her cargo of wheat tomor row at noon and will aojn leave for the United Kingdom. Added to the cargoes of these vessels should be tht large amount of wheat which Is being sent south to San Franclaoo for which that port 'IH receive credit aa the ex porter, and It will bl seen that the amount of grain which will thla year something enormous. ROYAL DaKittg Powder. Highest of mil la Icmvettlag ttrtagth -V. g. Oeveraasaat Report Any free railroad rioting that Mr. Del-, may find It his duty to encour age In Illinois had better be ordered now. Two months and a half hence there will be no anarchist In the ex erutlve mansion at Bprlrrgfleld. New York Advertiser. V. Craig, Ellenbury, Fla. The wheat famine In India la aa much a stroke ot political luck for McKlnley as a European war would be. The . fT.W , iiimn th. ) ik,' t Inn tnnwnt h. .fi,.nplniH,. . ,,... l y. sbht-st t a n. tu- tl gUJJ, mam. The Mexican dollar I. worth more th"n evPr before' not Intrinsically, but " a Btrlkln obJect lesson.-New York .4-lIU, Chontc constipation Is a painful, dls- Oin-AAnlilA and llld-Blinrlanlnv Irtlnnllu Aanngtm ,he avgtemj tick hp..llu.hB hafh nrt len. ,h blood. It can be readily overcome by De wut,s L,u,e RIse Thege . rwi... R n Reports from Illinois seem to Indi cate that Governor Altgeld has bus- iness at home which requires his un- divided attention. New York Tress. to ri ltE A ron IN ONE DAY Take laxative Rromo Quinine Tablet., All druggist, refund the money If It fulls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. mcn.iniey s majority Is getting so "'P" ,hat " " nt anchored we'd fwl ,h,re was "anger It might get HW"y nm us. Chicago rogt. j They are so little you hardly know you are taking them. They cause no griping, yet they act quickly and most thoroughly. Such are the famous little pills known as De Witt's Little Early Risers. Small In slxe, great In results. Charles Rogers. Judging from appearances Candidate Levering's campaign Is sadly In need of a stimulant of some kind. Chicago Times-Herald. De Witt's Witch Haxel Salve Is an an tiseptic, soothing and healing applica tion for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, etc., and cure plies like magic. It Instantly stops pain. Charles Rogers. After reading Archbishop Ireland's letter form Minneapolis, Bryan will prefer the epistles of St. Paul. Cleve- land World. pain, in the back, side, chest, or Porous Plaster the hort of counterfeit, and imita. Th. ..publican, of th. United Stale., assombltrd by their representative. In National Convention, appealing for th. popular and historical Justification of their claim, tu th. matchless achieve ments of thirty years of Republican rule, earnestly and confidently addres. themselves to th. awakened Intelli gence, experience and conscience of their countrymen In th. following dec laration of fact, and principles: For th. first tlm since the Civil War the American people have wit nessed the calamitous consequence, of full and unrestrained Democratic con trol of th. Government It has been a record of unparalled Incapacity, dis honor and disaster. In administrative management It ha. ruthUssly sacrific ed Indlapenslble revenue, entailed an unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary current expense, with borrowed money. piled up the public debt by 1262.040.000 In time of peace, forced an adverse bal ance of trade, to a perpetual menac. hanging over the redemption fund, pawned American credit to alien syn dicates and reversed all the measures and results of successful Republican rule. In the broad effect of Its policy It baa precipitated panic, blighted In dustry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, baited enterprise and crip pled American production while atlmu latlng foreign production for the Amer ican market Every consideration of public safety and Individual Interest demands that the government shall be rescued from the band, of those who have shown themselves Incapable of conducting It without din aster at home and dishonor abroad, and shall he re stored to tha party which for thirty year, administered It with unequaled success and prosperity. A Protective Tariff. We renew and emphasize our allegi ance to the policy of protection as th. bulwark of American industrial Inde pendence and the foundation of Amer ican development and prosperity. Thl. true American policy taxes foreign pro ducts and encourages bom. Industry; It puts the burden of revenue on for elgn goods, tt secure, the American market for the American producer; it uphold, the American standard ot wages for the American worklngman; It put. the factory by the side of the farm, and make, the American farmer les. dependent on foreign demand and price; It diffuse, general thrift and found, the strength of all on the strength of each. In Its reasonable ap plication It I. Just fair, and Impartial, equally opposed to foreign control and domestic monopoly, to sectional dis crimination and Individual favoritism. W. denounce the present Democratic tariff as sectional. Injurious to the pub lic credit and destructive to business enterprise. We demand such equitable tariff on foreign Imports which come Into competition with American pro ducts as will not only furnish adequate revenue for the necessary expense, of the government but will protect Amer ican labor from degradation to th. wag. level of other lands. We are not pledged to any particular schedules. The question of rates Is a practical question, to b. governed by the condi tions of the time and production; the ruling and uncompromising principle is the protection and development of American labor and Industry. The country demands a right settlement and then It wants rest Reciprocity With Other Nations. We believe the repeal of the reci procity arrangements negotiated by th. last Republican administration was a national calamity, and we demand their renewal and extension on such terms as will equalise our trade with other nations, remove the restriction, which now obstruct the sale of Amer ican products In the port, of other countries and secure the enlarged mar kets of our farms, forests and factories. Protection and reciprocity are twin measures of Republican policy, and go hand In hand. Democratic rule has recklessly struck down both, and both must be re-established. Protection for what we produce, free admission for the necessaries of life which we don't produce, reciprocal agreements of mu tual interest which gain open markets for us in return for our open market to others. Protection builds up domestic industry and trade and secures our own market for ourselves. Reciprocity builds up foreign trade and finds an outlet for our surplus. Protection to Sugar Producers. W. condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Republican party favors such protec tion as will lead to the production on. American soil of all the sugar the American people use, and for whlcb they pay other countries more than 1100,000.000 annually. Wool and Woolens. To all our products to those of the mine and the field, as well a. to those of the shop and the factory to hemp to wool, the product of the great Indus try of sheep husbandry, as well a. to the finished woolens of the mill wa promise th. moat ample protection. Merchant Marine. We favor restoring the early Ameri REPUBLICAN PARTY. can policy of discriminating dutle. for the up-building of our merchant marine and the protection of our .hipping In the foreign carrying trade, to that American ships the product of Amer ican labor, employed In American ship yards, sailing under the Stars and Stripes, and manned, officered and owned by Americans) may regain th. carrying of our foreign commerc. The Financial Issue. "Th. Republican party is unreserv edly for sound money. It caused th. enactment of th. law providing for the resumption of specie payment. In 117); .Inc. then every dollar has been as good aa gold. W. ar unalterably op posed to every measure calculated to de base our currency or Impair the credit of our country. W. are, therefore, op posed to the free coinage of silver, ex cept by International agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained w. believe th. existing gold standard must be preserved. All our silver and paper currency now In circulation must be maintained at a parity with gold, and w. favor all measures designed to maintain Inviola ble th. obligations of th United States, and all our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standard, the standard of the moat enlightened na tions of the earth." Pensions for Veterans. Th veterans of th. Union armle. de serve and should receive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given th. preference In the matter of employ ment and they are entitled to the en actment of such law. as beat calculat ed to secure the fulfillment of the pledge, mad. to them in th. dark day. of th. country's peril, W. denounce th. practice) ot th. pension bureau so recklessly and unjustly carried on by th. preMnt administration, of reducing pensions and arbitrarily dropping name, from th. rolls, as deserving th. severest condemnation of the American people. Foreign Relations. Our foreign policy should be at all times Arm, -rigorous and dignified, and all our interests In th. western hemis phere carefully watched and guarded. Th. Hawaiian Islands should be con- trolled by the United States and no for eign power ahould be permitetd to in. terfere with them. The Nicaragua Canal should be built owned and op erated by the United States, and by the purchase of the Danish Island, w. should secure a proper and much-needed naval station In the West Indies Armenian Massacres. The massacres In Armenia have aroused the deep sympathy and just Indignation of the American people, and we believe that the United State, should exercise all the influence it can properly exert to bring these atrocities to an end. In Turkey, American resi dents have been exposed to the gravest dangers and American property de stroyed. There and everywhere Amer ican cltlsena and American property must be absolutely protected at all hazards and at any cost Monroe Doctrine. We reassert the Monroe doctrine In Its full extent and reaffirm the right of the Unuited States to give the doctrine effect by responding to the appeals of any American state for friendly Inter vention in case ot European encroach ment We have not Interfered, and shall not Interfere, with the existing possessions of any European power in this hemlsphete, but those possessions must not on any pretext, be extended. We hopefully look forward to the eventual withdrawal of the European powers from this hemisphere, and the ultimate union of all the English speaking part of the continent by the free consent of Its Inhabitants. Independence of Cuba. From the hour of achieving their own Independence the people of the United States have regarded with sympathy the struggles of other American peoples to free themselves from European dom ination. We watch with deep and abid ing Interest the herolo battle of the Cu ban patriots against cruelty and op pression, and our best hopes go out for the full success of their determined con test for liberty. The government of Spain, having lost control of Cuba and being unable to protect the property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to comply with Its treaty obllgatlones, we believe that tha government of the United States should actively use Its influence and good offices to restore peace and give Independence to the island. Enlargement of the Navy. The peace and security of the repub lic and the maintenance of Its rightful Influence among the nations of the earth demand a naval power commen surate with its position and responsi bility. We therefore favor the contin ued enlargement of the navy and a complete system of harbor and coast defenses. ' Immigration Laws. - For th. protection' of th. .quality of our American citizenship and of the wage, of our worklngmen against th. fatal competition of low-priced labor, we demand that th. Immigration laws b thoroughly enforced, and so extend ed as to exclude from entrance to th. United Bute, those who can neitbsv read nor writ.. Civil Service. Th. Civil Service law Was placed OS the statute book by the Republican party, which baa always sustained it. and we renew our repeated declara tions that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wher ever practicable. Free Ballot. - W demand that .vary citizen ot the United State, shall be allowed to cast on. free and unrestricted ballot, and that such ballot shall be counted and returned as cast . .. Lynching Condemned. . W. proclaim our unqualified condem nation of the uncivilised and barbarous practices, well known as lynching or killing of human beings, suspected or charged with crime, without process of law. National Arbitration. We favor the creation of a national board of arbitration to settle and ad just difference, which may arise be tween employer and employed engaged In Interstate commerce. Free Homesteads. W. believe in an immediate return to the free homestead policy of the Republican party and urge th. pauage by congress ot the satisfactory free homestead measure which haa already passed the house and is now pending In the senate. , Admission of Territories. We favor the admission of the re maining territories at the earliest prao ticable date, having due regard to the interests of the people of the territo ries and of the United States. All the federal officer, appo'nted for the terri tories .hall be selected from bona Ada residents thereof, and th. right of self government .hall be acorded as far aa practicable. Alaska Representation. W. believe the citizen, of Alaska should have representation in the con gress of the United States, to the end that needful legislation may be Intelli gently enacted. Sumptuary .Legislation. We sympathise with all wise and le gitimate efforts to lessen and prevent the evil, of intemperance and promote morality. Rights of Women. The Republican party Is mindful of the rights and interests of women. Pro tection of American industries Include. equal opportunities, equal pay for equal work and protection to the home. We favor the admission of women to wider sphere, of usefulness, and welcome their co-operation in rescuing the coun try from Democratic and Populist mis management and misrule. Such are the principles and policies of the Republi can party. By these principles we will abide and these principles we will put Into execution. We ask for them the considerate Judgment of the American people. Confident alike in the history of our great party and In the justice of our cause, we present our platform and our considerations. In the full assurance that the election will bring victory to the Republican party and prosperity to the people of the United States. ENGLISH CAPTTAi, TOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to Aiuertcans seeking Bng- Bah Captlal for new enterprises. A Use containing the name, and adaraasee ot 360 auccessfut promoters who bare placed over DOO.tyiO.OOO Storting in Foreign In vestment, within Hit last six years, and over 08,000,000 for the seven months of Use. Prtos, 5, or t2S, payable by postal order to tha London and Universal Bu reau of Invaexors, SO. Cfaeapatde. London, E. C. Subscribe wil be entitled, by ar rangement with the directors to receive either personal or letter, of lntroductoin to any of theae successful promoters. This Ikt Is drat dUa. In every respect, and every man or firm whose nam ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following tt will be found Invaluable Bonds or Sbarea ot Io dutttriefl. Commercial and Financial con cerns, Mortrjfe loans. Sale of Land Patents or Ml nee. Directors: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS. HON. WALTKR C. PEPTB. CAPT. ARTHUR STIFF Copyright. WHEN IN rORTLANt Call on Jno. F. Handley A Co., 124 Third street and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper wh!!; thcra.