THE DAILY ASTOKIAN. SATTitDAY MORNING, OCTOKKK 21. 18SMJ. gaily SUtmimte JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. TIKM1 OF til BSI'KirriOS. PAILY. Sent by mall, per yetr W 00 8vnt by mall, per month 50 Delivered by carrier, per month 45 WEEKLY. Kent by mall per year, 8 In advance, postage free, to subscribers. All communication Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Bualnen communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub scribers the Unrest circulation of any swspaper published on the Columbia -trer. Advertising rates can be had on appll aatlon to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second oldest eakly In the stats of Oregon, has, text to the Portland Oregonlan, tha largest weekly circulation In the stats. Jno. F. Handler at Co., are our Port land agenta. and copies of The Astorlan au ba had every morning at thetr stand, M Third street The "Astnriaa" hervby olTers ta donate MK HrxUREn DOLLAK ta St. Mary's TaTmpttal, parable cm demand to Father 7tMJMaa, ihwnr legal Tldeaee Is pre- Swlil staowlag that any alteram. news paper pwbltal la Astoria has printed wit tela tha last alnety days expiring he ar this offer a single "special" or shar klad of "telegraphic prena report, toeeivod aver tho wires entering either r tha telegraph oflloea la Astoria, from say point oautda of Oregoa. Aasurka, Or., October 15. 19. CARLISLE AT COVINGTON. The outrage suffered by Secretary Carlisle at Covington will be duly and can be moat appropriately resented by law-abiding cltlxena at the polls on the Jd day of November. Revolting as It was, it is yet doubtful If at this time there could have happened a campaign Incident more likely to result in bene ficial consequences, so far as the best Interests of the country are concerned. That a public man of Mr. Carlisle's ex alted standing and position cannot ad dress a, political meeting In his own native state without being subjected to abuse of so gross a nature that Its infliction upon a. dog would be a police misdemeanor in any civilized commu nity, is well calculated to bring a blush af shame to the face and produce a rankling sense of personal humiliation In the breast of every true American cituien. It is, therefore, perfectly safe to say thousands of men yesterday in vary section of the country bitterly raged over their Im potency to avenge the Insults heaped upon Mr. Carlisle, but there Is solace in the reflection that the secretary is both a sensible man and a patriot, and that after the first ting and natural momentary mortifi cation of the indignities offered him, he probably rejoiced that through the sac rifice of his own feelings a great good bad been wrought to bis country. Hun dreds of thousands of votes will un questionably be added to the majori ties cast against William Jennings Bry an in November through this piece of misconduct by his zealots In Kentucky. It is not simply in the Democratic votes which will be thus changed directly to the support of the Republican ticket that the rout of Bryanism will be made more decisive and overwhelming, but ft la In the rude awakening and reali sation of the kind of company they are now keeping which has come to thous ands of patriotic but misinformed free silver believers that the greatest bene fit results to the country. It Is the class who have felt hurt at the char acterization in the public press of Bry an and his co-conspirators as anarch 1st. Altgeld, Tillman, Watson, Pen- noyer, and three-fourths of the other Bryan leaders and managers, are an- arcnlsts, and they know It These men have been Inwardly and secretly proud and gratified whatever other feeling some of them may have professed- that they were recognized and denounc ed as anarchists. But the honest and deluded element among the Popocratic followers have been so infatuated by the pleas and sophistries dinned Into tnelr ears lor free silver that their Judgment was warped, and they were entirely oblivious to the viciousness of other principles announced In the Chicago platform and were unable to discern the character of the men whom Bryan's success would inevitably thrust Into places of prominence and power. The scales have fallen from the eyes af tiiese men, and what the burning of the mill in Rhode Island failed to do, the mobbing of a member of the cabinet will accomplish. Bryan, of course, it may be - expected, will repudiate the action of bis henchmen at the coving ton meeting, but It is patent to every intelligent mind that he and no one ele, is responsible for it. For weeks past his speeches have been studious ly addressed to the large elements of unrest and disorder In various sec tions of the country- He has openly sought to Inflame the passions of envy, hatred and malice among his lowest and most ignorant followers. After this outbreak at Covington, no respect able citizen, whatever his views on the money question, can afford to advo cate the election of Bryan. He would be ostracised by respectable society la his community If he did. There has been no doubt whatever In the minds of well Informed men for three months past that McKinley would be elected, and there is now every reason to be lieve that the Covington occurrence will make the majorities against the mob cracy platform and candidates so stu pendous that the future historian will uder that the country was ever dis turbed by the spectral possibility of the election of such a creature as Bry an to the presidency. prostrate forms the remorseless Jug gernaut of wealth was constantly pass ing to and fro, like a steam roller on a new stretch of asphalt. Whatever his mental derioleneles mis lit be or his er ratic motions portend. It was generally conceded that he felt the warmest sort of Impulse to make himself solid with the toiling masses. Ills vocabulary was always drenched In tears for the vic tims of the gold conspirators who ac complished the hellish crime of 1S71 it was for their sake he went viilitlim around the country at a grvrtt personal inconvenience, when he mlcht have re posed peacefully In a Nebraska law of fice without a thinit to do. There we e a great many persons who thought lie wus a wonderful spectacle, and even those who were tiiean enough to tlunk he was ridiculous were honest eunuch to admit that ho was trying to bo sub lime. Put it looks as If this elevated view of Mr. Rryan's performance nuM have to be abandon? 1. er nt the veiy least revised, it is now announced without contradiction that there is a degree of dow n-troddenness w hich dins not appeal to him. It Is fatal to your prospects to be too down-trod .leu. You have got to be Just ilown-tro-Men enough. People, for example, who can't raise as much as J."0 f.s- a lleod of cotn rassion don't get one from Mr. Kryan. It Is alleged, to be sure, that his heart Is bleeding all the time, but his mouth doesn't leak at less than J10 a minute, There are scores of tow ns on his route where Juggernaut continues to do bus iness at the old stand while the Bryan special zips past with a tantalizing screech from the locomotive and not so much as a how d'ye do from the platform. Now this may be popocratic, but It Isn t tight. We don t want to give any rash advice, but we shouldn't blame people w ho are so down-trodden that Mr. Bryan has no use for them If they should make the effort of their lives to get out from under the Jugger naut for a few minutes on November 3 and vote for somebody who doesn't bleed so much. New York Tribune. r i 1 l jJMi iMf -JSi mm -mfpi Immmil l V W WA'-fii: ( ) I ie "Big as a Barn Door." THE HEMORRHAGIC CANDIDATE. Until recently It had been supposed to be a well known fact that Mr. Will iam Jennings Bryan's heart bled for the poor and down-trodden, over whose Added evidence that the farmers of the Middle West differ not materially from their fellows In Maine and Ver mont In their views on m.uiov obliga tions and national finances is furnished in a unique poll conducted by a Chicago firm of farm loan negotiators. It was unique in the fact that it was limited to tamers who are mortgagors, the class of voters to whom Bryan has looked most confidently for support, and for whose alleged benefit he would split the mortgage-paying dollar. The result is what might have been expected ex cept by those who have been too ready to believe that the farmers, as a class, are willing to be dishonest by statute. On the books of the Chicago firm were the names of 4.000 farmers In Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, IoWa, end Mis souri, who are borrowers of money si cured by mortgage. Each was asked to indicate on a postal card how he In tends to vote this fall, and, to make the poll a secret one, each was Instruct ed not to place his name on the card. Of the 1,26? who have answered thus far, 979 will vote for McKinley, 188 for Bryan. 48 for Palmer, and S3 for the Prohibition nominee, 21 being unde cided. Eighty out of each hundred of these mortgage "afflicted" farmers declare for sound money. A much smaller ratio than this through the farming districts of the West would roll up a phenomenal majority against the Chicago repudiatlonlsts. i mil im PLU Mr. Bryan has made no reference to the advance In the price of wheat and the decline in the price of silver, al though he must be aware of It. It Is one of these stubborn facts, however, which like the record of the Democratic tariff he finds it convenient to Ignore. If he understands how completely it knocks the chief prop from under the free silver heresy be will not confess it. It Is pretty safe to say that Mr. Bryan will not allude to the parting of wheat and silver, but will go right on ap pealing to passion and prejudice as If no such thing had happened. The In telligent producers of the country, how ever, will not be blind or Indifferent to the plain and Irresistible argument pre sented In the rise of wheat and the fall of silver. It ought to be safe to say that It will convince thousands of them, w hose minds are still open to con viction, of the fallacy of the whole free silver contention, for when it has been demonstrated that its chief claim la false there is no reason for continuing confidence in the other claims. Bryan dally scoffs at the idea that this nation is not big enough and pow erful enough to establish and maintain a silver currency equal to gold, with out asking the aid or consent of any other nation on earth." Hut he always ignores the fact that under free coinage this nation wouid not employ any of its bigness' or power to bolster up sliver. It would not guarantee the value of the silver, as it does now. It would merely stamp the sliver dollar, and Its stamp would mean the same thing, whether the nation were powerful or weak. Hryan is simply hoping that a majority of the voters of this country are fools. TO CL'ItK A COLD l.N O.NE 1)1V, Take laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. If the president of the United States could be elected by "claiming," Mr. Bryan would have a walk-over. Every democratic manager is a Tichborne when It comes to "claiming." St, Louis C lobe-Democrat. For 10 cents you get almost twice ' i nn . .i a it t r i as mucn mrae ix as you ao 01 Pother high grade goods. Before the J days of "Battle Ax" consumers paid SJO cents for a small plug of the same quality. Now, "Battle Ax" High- tt est Grade, twice the quantity. That's fl ft true economy. "If by some act we could create a iemand for twice as many shot's as can be produced In this country today the price of shoes would rise; If we can create a demand for silver, the required price of stiver will rise." Mr. Bryan at Lynn. How would It do to try Mr. Bryan's silver plan on shoes? Let the government stamp every pair of shoes at twice the market value, thus cre ating a demand for shoes and doub ling their price. This Idea should be Incorporated In the next popocratic platform. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. McKinley has all the country east of Indiana and north of the IVtmniic river assured to his support. This region has 1M electoral votes. Only 2- are to elect. Nashville Banner. A card on the outside of office door says: "Gone to lunch. Back In ten minutes." And, the man will be there on time. That Is, for some days, weeks or even months, he will. Then he will be at home occasionally for a day. He'll tell you he had a headache a turn of cholera morbus, or maybe he'll say he had a lump In his stomach and felt too miserable to move. The lump was probably two of his ten-minute lunches condensed. The man who "bolts" his lunches will find Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best friend he ever had. Ther Is no case of biliousness, con stipation, Indigestion, "heart-burn," or any of the rest of the nlght-mare breed ing brood, that these little "Pellets" will not cure. They cure permanently. Send 21 rents In one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page "Common Sense Med ical Adviser," profusely Illustrated. 'I notice," remarked a statistical ob server, "that the fellows who ride wheels are all for McKinley, and the fellow s whose v heels are In their heads are all for Bryan." Washington Star. MALARIA DISARMED TERRORS. OF IT3 Malaria, that fell atmospheric poison. Is disarmed of Its terrors, and health is Insured to thousands residing where the noxious exhalation periodically In fects the air, and engenders Intermit tent P.nd remittent fevers, by Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters, the most popular flB It Is the best of preventives, altera tives and tunics. In numberless local ities where the d'-mand for sulphate of quinine was formerly immense, the hurtful alkaloid has been almost en tirely supplanted by this safe, popular ami effective substitute, which Is prompt In action aid entirely unob jectionable. It nullifies the Influence of rnlasma by giving a more active Im pule to evr-rv vital function, quicken ing and enriching the blood, overcom ing a tendency to biliousness, and pro moting digestion. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Phctbe Thomas, of Junction City. ill, was told by her doctors she bad Consumption and that there was no nop for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her, and aha says It saved her Ufa Mr. Thomas Eg- gars, 139 Florida street. Ban Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approach ing Consumption, tried without lesult everything else, then bought on bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and In two weeks was cured. H Is naturally thankful. It ta such results, of which these rae samples, that prove the won derful efficacy of this medicine In Coughs and Colds. Free trial Tottle at Chaa Rogers' Drug Store. Regular slse U cents and 11. 00. There Is a good deal of blulfllng about the results of the election, but it is worth noting that the man with money who Is offering odds thnt Mc Klnley will be elected cannot find tak ers. Baltimore American. OLD PEOPLE. Old people who require medicine to reg ulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy In Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and con tains no whisky or other Intoxicant, but acts as a tonlo and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, add ing strength and giving tone to the or gans, thereby aiding nature In the per formance of the functions. Electric. Bitters Is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find It Just exactly what they need. Price CO cents per bot tle at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. Bryan travels In a palace car named The Idler." It passes a multitude of homes where the men are Idle becuuse Bryanism and Wllsonlsm and Tillman- Ism are rampant in the land. Chicago Inter-Ocean. BL'CKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos Itlve cure for plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Charl Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. A few words from Bryan telling the people where and how they are to get silver bullion for the purpose of having It coined Into dollars would be worth wore than all the speeches he has de livered. St Louis Globe-Democrat. Cleveland carried Georgia by a plu rality of 81,0.'.(i. lie cHn answer his free coinage critics by pointing to the con sumptive plurality secured at the elec tlon last Wednesday. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. 1AMLY VIGOR ONCE MORE In harmony with the world, 2000 completely enred meu are suigmg nappy praises mi me greatest, gran a est and niunt suc cessful enre for sex bal weakness and lost vigor known to medical science. An acnountof thiswn drrful dixemery. In book form, with ref erences and proofs, will tn an. faring men (sealed) free. Full manjy vtim.- furuiaseuuy restorM. jrauurs Impossible, ERIE MEDICAL CO.jBUFFALO.H.Y, El Jli . CI .-fT .'V Chonlc constipation Is a painful, dis agreeable and life-shortening difficulty. It deranges the Bystem, causes sick headache, bad breath, and poisons the blood. It can be readily overcome by De Witt's Little Early Risers. These little pills are great regulators. Charl'-s Rogers. In Indiana the sporting men are of fering heavy odds that McKinley will be elected. But the takers are few. This is one of the straws. Baltimore American. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ntt- ? , OASTOniA. U n This is the day of antl-thls and null that, but what people need inou nowa days Is, the antl-blllous medicine, Blm mons Liver Regulator, the King of Liv er Medicines, and better than pills. " have used no other antl-blllous rem eny for six years and know from ex perience that for ladles of a constl pated habit nothing equals It." Laura V. Craig, Ellenbury, Fin. With liryun president, Altgeld should be secretary of anarchy, Tillman sec retary of pestilence and famine, Black burn Joint HM-retary of war, navy, and the lower regions. Louisville Post. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's tale where exhibited. No one is buying silver In the mar ket. No one Is betting on Bryan. TU ha il milt llgsiturt OUTWARD HOUND' OMSGON (MAIN FLKKT-lSll.HJ. HIM' I vl. I N M . .. .tugu't Mr lr miiiIi- '. IS itr iin isi- rr t I'-ui'Hi ... lit Am ltli .Urn.' limmmnuit "ept I let t !- Ii-iV. :t iit.inii ... .1 lr .. . I llr luirk . T Mr M II llr .hi II llr li ik.. .. Hi t hi 14 III tlll! ... . I I" Hr hl.,..M.. -i Hi-. Mi. v' l in-1 .i k. !!1 Irturk .. ,. Nov ' Hi Ih k-:: ::::::: jitn i Mr fthiit. li Am li u ! r .lii. li Hi lili... . It llr l.-k ,. I." Hr -III ' llr lun I llr dura S llr lu. ... .1 llr lil .... 1 1; r iii llr Hhi , l llr .III-. .'I i.e. hl., . . ! llr .. . "r IU. .1 llr ll ,. . II Hi -luc II llr l.i k II Hr hip ... . II llr l.nik I llr l.r . . I.Ue'r lurk , I.' i. ei iii. . IJ llr imrk . i llr ilnii .. '. llr I. ok - It Mhl,. .... '.V t;r l e k : (1. r l;. 1.1 nr l'rk . . l-i r i'lio... . Hi Hi u. rk I lier thttv. i: rl..irk. I" Kuo "! '.'-' llr -lili. .. . '.' llr Lurk 13 llr hii It llr -lili- i: llr kirk I llr h.rk I. Mr nark ...... II llr I'.rk . ... u llr thin I. llr iIiiii Jl Hi Lark It llr bark ,... .11 Hr till. Aiigux J Am hark li Her hii .. llr thlii 91 Hnhlp .. 7 llr thin 4 llr lili . ire'illn I viil.liiirlh . ... iTatt .-I l.ouy Ilni-M'l H mviii Hill jlMlritrlitiic lllllllNfl.ll . 'IVri S nttiei io. imm , .la.. . . . l-'riiikitinu .... , I'.irivtl 1UII II 'I'.M III! V I i -le II. Ml.- II iinimiiiiilr Au h.'iiftirii T ' I'l.kAHMI OII, .1HIVII-L llM 1-lveriMs.l,. . Itocomher .11., U4l Mver..a.l . , . 1 1 TV llll'l.ll IMS I'.irk , Iliiur.irk -;;ii rii mount. ... I I'a-t oi -'rtouler ... i.aeiti.. I uriK ..i.ti.iui U I- ill in .ell .ml, .... , . !.. nhv Hall , .. Iitumi'l Or .. Mei.iio llav Kf.lel.ll lYtiM!!! ih rl Mekmert.. , rltiv. rd.ui .. l'r'Mrn el S.'..lan.t ' Minimi r'u her -.'IT.H I. m . i 7 . ii.iksni.n . k !-' I i. .Mil a A "Ire.,. .. i'. mln n i'a, Irv 'l.i -i-t.le .. KM kliiKma.l IMi'oik ... .. ji'l Av.Hiimiiitli, Itm l'rk JIHf "V'lk Lis K.ilm.mili , .. Iv: I'hni.mlll ,. lull l.lersHil . . iit.rk ......, l.-tn t'.iik Ill "almmiih, .. in Kalm.mili., . It. Aniw rp l-u t'alm.Hiili , .- I: si lUrMW , ,wi K iim.iiuli ., Iaii fork 111 SIIki. llMM KrtlltlOltlh tii'..ik nir I'.uk Kalnemlli... IVfS rilimmlii.,., ii.' Mull 74cJ I nner ek I.vo Oerk Mar Am II Mav Juno Jul; Sept. larkaml . . M -i inn , , .... K l III . . hmm .1.' M . .tH..,. , . . Il. iil.H-khur ll t.melie .... I'. xv-O'il ' ... ili .to'tlrn rtliill-le ll litvil .. .... J lv lliirinov.-r . .... .. -l(aher . . lU.lf r.l.lure Ktna ... K -ul Imulrc ... I mil Vetl-.n t . n .... l.ln h-r a Aht.rtv , M .rain a ... II ntr.i ie w. .... K.'.faikMre ... iti-ln I.iuIiiIh. ' . Kireiell-rUliiHliliv., . . I'l lMOt til.) . ....... , .. Inver .e ililre. ... Ya.'jii Kemtsiakt ... Aiitlralilai ... Metr.'ll 1 -... S'tmilua . l aaatea 1 , ... t.iihf rlaii.ltl.lie; . li .ema.iiiaiii.lll e; . HrenhllU: .il .nan. I ITil "; " ,.W " .i.iii " ,, . I l llrlilol . I lot Cork ..,!! I. ' " ,.!..T " , Uj:i Kalni.uiili ... , 'Juu " .ili " .ilJWl'.irk ..... ,.II-'14 " ,! i ralnioutli , ,'iyj. lira ,., lleeellllM'r , lleeelllher !kl. ... January 1t .., ... r.'liniary SI. ...I " V. ...I " 'J.I. ' lu. ...I " II. . .: " . ...I " 'J4. . Munii IT " III " T . . , . K.'l'iimrv .,., ... Manii .,, Kelirmirv if?,., ... S ' K ., " JO.., ...! " J " lu " 10 ... Mirll IM , . Marrh t ... April , . i lu ' .i .: ii " i at , n !;''.iiins in.:'."" , Jure III ., April il June I .,, ' 1U " II , " .... 4 .... t :l it lu ... -lu ..... .1 ... '.l-i II , ..wirM'4 r.nan .... J.iitw '.".' Hr "lilp t AuiUm. ... .' . ..r ha V I'liiill.ire limine, till ,. Ikibt '. Kr Lark 1 llr l.ark. r hi A value l:i r hip . Ilrhaik... v llr -li l o .. V llr h.rk ... II Mr h.nk ... 1'.' llr hl. . I.' llr h-irk . . jn,i'i,i. n M.' I.,r I Sh .llp.hiuv : K rU,-..nrl li)i. 'Ule.. Hull -Irvaiil I- .i,l.' . llryuhlUla Ma'-Iswhi itLrlt-mle . . . ... i.Y.I-,.. t.l.J " II t A'-'. lt,'.1 ratt taint tl H'.if ,, ,, lav. 'almeulb .... IW .'.irk .... ill .1 I ..ll.l. Ml .. ..., ..., l.i. ll almiMith..,.., kU (' ili I'.iHii ..tlai4alui,iiilli ..l4.Jii'.iik !l.i'., a ll v .... .... JI'JT yalni.mili ... :iNli 4l m Hay .... hWiCrH . ..,Jli;,l.lvriiul .... t:i i .iik ...nait II.. a Har .... AWT ''..rk Iii fork j iw Vla.llnuiiiirk ,.. I .'in curt Salal .. .... i.'i l.lverMml ...jUt.' All- liar . . i.'ti t urk I'N 141.1 .... .-.i Hull I'-fl,; ... l.iJ.Slll-.ll .... -J7.1- .. . llll . . .IVS l.rrt .it"'.". .... i mi .. l.'-o:. . . .ii:il . -iiiir . Juiit. I June . '.Ii ... In ... IS 1.1 .... ii ... Illsual I Sept II 0 ,. " 14 V Jul. ,i l-iiitt . July . inly J, i I tvi .,..... i HI llll IW..BS IIJ.IIll nil ,'ltl 4.'.in.i :u art wi.lui N,ll ll ?1.U'J III .1,1 IHl.lUll M,IW im.nM I' micrj inimit ;;i,7k1 nn ii Ji-,im 4,1 1 1. 1 II (I7.7IS 0.Ml II fit.;i M.aNl 7U ::l Kl.nlil M.7H0 cl.ll tlJI 11-M4 SI.'JM 4S.-WI "Si"1 1,1I0 W,i r,MI 4B.JHI 411.14 I. W.lsT 4. It M fi.H hi : o II .1,4 M i; M l 4I.U s 71 I'll iv.iJU 1,ll Ta.aiM l.lll M.t'll (11.41 " 1 ,7,IU iim il.l'l .la.)! li "i Tn.;. -j v 41, iM M,-J ll.trj ft.. IIL1 I It .1. ..i Ui.vA 1'l.u tt.i'l' .11 -HW 4.I.HH 41. .to ' K:lmn) Alto .11,0X1 raaea Im. m. ralne ijij.lll C-Ht,l;..Ml ,-nt lutrler, aln al I kl value, (taiuu K-JHtC hia, vsIik aiiyiui li-lil,,iv hi, It Knur, vain.- HI,,") i'H.lltl y.i,ii .vi. mi l,i. . III.Hll 'J,',im M.OI UI.IMI "ill.llkl M.iHI k.,ial l,',KU MHO 4.-yi '"..i.'.i'iii" Nlll IMOU 44.M ll,i0 4u,ll "'h".SvT j,im "Miui" 1,1 itU '.II KU 71, nil ,ln. ml HMtkl ".Vita" w. tut M urn l.'.mil JU.HU "iai.uu" .ikm Uuil iti.un) Hum kMat) "li.siii" 44, mi) ''"io.ri" li r-ai uiim .al.i4U 11 1, Ull 44IMI '"iyi'iiii" HIKII 7;,iai 4Jiu A l,Hl JI, w "'jri.iVi)" ;j,ho mill'l'klia, I'mllainr Hiuir Mlll llallniir, tliillulri IN Ml html A Kerr , Jrt.tmai JU.nHI ,ialf ur, llnilirlt. 1 I'u... ,1 l( 1' A C.I I'll Kh'VAtn. I'll ,., f.irlUml H.Hir Will" -.Ilium Ik hi-rr ,1 it l'am.r..i ti i .. Hull nir tliillulri I'n ... !.l H t'amertin Co , l',,rllii,.,l H--111 Mi It lit ll.iiii, llnlleli. A ru J H rimierni III I'd . - - I'C Kle .l,.r I'll llaU.nir, lliilhrie ft (' Hi.m A k.-rr , Hal .nir, iliillitlp A r , r..rllanl Mllla. I I' K evalnr I'll lUluiiir, MiIIiiIk A l u , r.irllaml r'l-'iir kllili Ilallmir, liullirm A l u .1 It ramer,.n A I't ., Hihtnn A Kerr IM' Kleialur I'n . J It O ,met..ii A Co aihtmi A Korr ...........m, , l'rll ul H,,nr Mill A Hera lUlliinr. Iliillulr A I'n , . J H t'amrnin A t'.i ... Halhnir, limhrla A I'u . I'orllanil, Klnur Mnlv I'll 10 Hih.,,11 A karr m , . I I'U Heal.irl'o " I'lbtmi ft Knr i - It i run A 1 , ISir'l -ml trh.ur Mill. -Mhanii ai Kerr 'Il.ll.nir, ,.uihrl Al'n I ,, M ia Mem ""I...;. I k ' "lllMU A t' , I' r I. I. v n i..r Co Ilallmir, liullnlr A I'u i .. .. "Sir'land ill ! , II til.. nr. il.iihrla a i'ii tili..m A Kerr ,ll ur i.inlir1 A 1 o Kotr - II i 'am .M. A t'" ll.ill-.iir, il.iiliriti A I n .... .1 i. 1'aitii.ioii A IV.. ..M ,11 l"U,, Oulhrla A ii.,hm 1 lial iViiiri i iii Wfi'ST!!!!r t . .. I H tlamnr..!! A r.i I'.inlan.l Kl nir Will. .. K.-rr w, Hall. nir, 'iullirla A I n , ... I Kara rrm nn..r ."I'itV'i'iki ZZ ' I kJ I l-K ..Jill ii...... .... V'l 14...... ., til I1 M .. 4J Ha .... 4JI !! lk .... i.1 I't Otl til I ... 4.1 4 I I In .... 411 I'M ... 4.'! I-K 4,' I I'-,,., .... 4:1 I7 M .. l i I Ud CI l.'t IK) .... i.1 IK (i .... il ! l tl lla 1.1 .... 411 I'a M ... 4.'! ...... .... k'l l-K W ,, . VI I'M n .... kl u w (.1 UK ... 4)1 I,! -l I . 4J I IK ., ... .... 4:1 j. .l t;l iria kl .... VI lit i , VI IK tttl , VI l-K l , VI UK W . VI K ..... . vl Ik . VI d . Vl IK.. ., , VI Px M , Ml I'U . , VI IK ...... . VI Ua t Vl Vl 1 4a ... VI IK l VI lla a.1 private. ... . VI , V lK fcl . VI IK . VI UK M .VI M . VI I W . prlvala. ... .VI W . VI .. , ..wnvrt ao VI , VI .... , 11 ta Vv .Jul 1 1 i l amer... i A (.'. ll.i'O IHallmir, uiiliirla A I n . 70,i) ISII v k.-rr ,.ll'.,nlrn. Mill. 41'Vl lllallour. l.illlirln A Co . ;il.,kkl U It l A I'.. .. . I',,rli,, K Mill l ik . hii-oii A Kerr . . Iluirour, c In i l.rle a. i.l i'n . niIumiii A Kerr I It Cninrrim A i i I aalht I lla M I li ! I 0a nt I IJ I II 1 lla t I I.K IHl I IHa I lla Id I I". I aa I III l I 1 1 Id ji.r;n,.a,.u7: II -jn.T-Jn 1,1,1. fl'Kif r .i e 41 i'n. I .li.a.vM.I. t r i,r, r.ilne SKi.O'i . Aim I TIM.i.l. tl mr, value') an, I 7 ikw .-il, l.arlet, rahm i;.,,u K-I'J,.'H 1.1,1. dour, value ait.ixi, , -,ii hi, It tl-nir. vitlua .'0 ii. M -II.7J1 l.hla Itmir ami' t-aiim, N Mil., von IJ,in. o-Alt.. ;v7 n.nir, value Jlt.'Xi '' lit.. II. ITvieiit I.Arley, value lll.iau. y - via.. Tku kbia, vain tJtjn K-li ftH l.Ma rt.nir, v.lna ij.o H-ni,a hhia rlmir value $.V. ai.,. iiki I'll. hru. r Al.o I bran, value llii, ami 4H.MJ eaaei aim. in t'--AU.i l.l.oul I, hit Knur, value t-'J."" V-Alao ll.; ui hhl. ll,, ,r, va'iie -.'.'. VKSSKI.S OX TUB WAY TO OREGON. roar aii.irj raoa tan mm. Nr.W YulU- Ship Henry Vlllart I'AI.I.AO- Br hark lllnhlan.l rnraall Hr hip Kn.hiria !.. I iVKhl'iinl- Hr .hip Kellanee , SKWi'ASTLK. N.8. W. Hr b.rk I ...lnl! llr h,p City ol Ma.lraat Hr hark Snowitou . H. llll) UK JANK1KI Hr.lhp kale Ih.-lliatU Itr alup IVnuwerinl m Hr ihip H yal iipime I Hr bark lllenalloii . Hraiilp I'araeverauea rirahln Ma, hrlbaoi.h. ... Hr eark He 8WANHKA- 4 Hr hark ro nmbol Table hay- Nor hark MaltUnU YdKIIIIAMA- Hr meam'-r Aalatlr f rlneet . llr ahlp lluttnn 1 1 all t . COI.OMHll. CKYI.IIN. 1-Hr .hip City .,t HarMlnginn Vltr ahlp iKiwan Hill SINliAI'OKK- Hr .liln nr.'allnl Jtll.M M IHMI- CirTAlK. Ta HATS. I'atua Hr hark Heawlnt;I llr ahlp linvenhy llall.. I'OIIT I'lKIK- llr ahip I'.irt Jaekaon HiiKiiliATK- Am a.'hr Currier buve. SAN'l'A KnSAI.I .- Hr tlitp YnrtiKerii HAIIIA- Hr ahlp Provliicet II I Alii i- hark MnKil-ilene', SANT'iS Hr thin I'atnbrlan Prmecta lALTal-r Brharkfrlfllt llr ahlp IViillii'.llcal VAI.PARAIHit- hHerl Hlrp liiy I.lnat llr ahlp Yallorl I.OTA- llr hark Hollo Hr ah p KiK-ktiunt llr thin VamJuaml NAilAri iKI- llr u Kee WrirJIltn. ...... Tti. m aa ,.llra ...... . Taanarl , .. llailua . 1 . Holwrtaou.. . .. rlpniula...., i . 1 A n.leraon . . KnwUuda.... . M, lionahl. .. . Mllno . Htuart I " A'l. kham ..' . . IIihIkh . LliLlTall ,. Iaiie . J.Hlea . ahoriimker... .Innai coaiionxk. Paa oft lin .UAII iSutloS A lV'b. aft I iuoii"'l!!'""Z Ilelyea . rlventon.. Th.Hnaa . Hoai'll . , Hi'avaii...- 24W IU0AI 1444 Inial 177 HUAI tii luiAl 1V1T nun ..I4!1 IIVAl ,JV4 luOAl .. Ill" HUAI . I77VI ,. l 101! A I .j US HUAI . Il AAl ' . IIKI HUAI ,. lira ui) a I ,.Wl HAA1 .. IU711 IUUAI JlTl. I011A1 .1.1.4 link . IWIt ill) A I . 'il-S HWA1 ... & . '.'inn HOU .rl IMA1 .. lairiuoAl .i:i'luuil . ll:i','imAi . IUU,AA1 I.HllpaiAl . llauUUAI J K7 iimAI . ll-' HUAI ! IWlw luuAl . IVil HUAI Meyer, V. A Co Hal r. Iliillina A Cn Turllau.t riour Milt ; laylor, You , A Co... HIlKon A' Kerr... J R Canicnin A Co Hallimr. Oullirle A Co Ju Uldlaw A Co . ISn J k Camer.-ti A Co ,: 4in. Tra.lliif Co .... . I J It ( ainrn ll A Co 1 Aim 13, pnanv.l Anjxr. 2 June II, p i, aeil l.llarit : ll.l rl ite, In Bay of Hlaray: Jiina HI. r N, in W 3 July Hill, pH.t-iil HIiiKafMiu. KKKKHKNCKrt Iron 4 Jimu dih, 'JON, 21 W. Into Kin fl Janeiro prmr tn July 4: will hare to .llteluiriri. part ..rraiK.i. Aim. 4. ail. -UHU lima u rarao. aiiaill AUK, in. 9 ILEA S WEBSm at SIGNATURE h now printed in BLUE, diagonally :rosi the OUTSIDE wrapper of every boiilc of ? 0WSJZm,?., I LILT" IIIILL..11J-JI11 JMUnn&TrTZmXlt-.?.&.; W:a,-Jimffli4' Mmmmmimm t The Orl 'lnal and (lentilnc VJiCliSTI;RSHIRR, as a further pro- S $ tectlon against all Imitations, - i 4T A.,.n.i..,fh.iinii,i ..iea lliHM niTrjrAfV'C CllMC M V S. Fpi UMAN, Ut of rreeman & Holme. U. T. Laui.U, late of Stockton Cat. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS FOUNDRYHEN Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers M,nu'Pu.ionV"f fll1 Kinds ol IHaehinepy Iron and BraHH CaHtlnpa U.itieruJ BlavkHOiltti Work V PHCIALTIKS - Wekh Palrnt Wheel, Ship Smithing anJ Steamboat Wnrk, Cannery and Mill M i, liinrry. Mjrlne anil Slatlonary Boil er i Built to Order. Specially equipped for lojfireri' work Correspondence kullclled i8th and franklin. Phone 78 WHEN IN rORTLANB Call on Jno. P. Hundley A Co., 124 Third street, and get the Dally Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. rt n I. . n,,n ......... r- in im! r,,r ll,,,.,.rpl,... I l'l,'l. Mr,,rinl,.r rh ,.' WliltfNt. iiniitlnr.l ,1,.. I rl,arf(., or ativ Inllarnnia inn, irriiatlon or ulrra . in ., , ,f uinui- 'HltvtMi C'iCM Ho, uranea. Niin-aairlnxi'iit. amia b uraaalata. or atnit In plain wrapper, hy Kipriwa. ,r..pal,l, foi i...i, or .1 nolll.-N, Circular aeni uu riNiuoit, ZUHitttilbL PILLS riKmiii mma imry Vrnatne. vtlfm 'T nmMff$ Knout IHa a ''I Ufd A'1'1 UoU IllftAllloS i"l 14 li llui rit.h..n. X-L- no aihfr. Uifnit danoruua tufutHtt. tttin unit tmttMUiHM. i llramaii -r aaJ A- l?.?'Tm'f I'HifiUrti, I'-ailroonUU id " iiriiur Tur lau'lli-," in uttf, hr rlnr M la I ia k Amtm J frJ Unartnid ani iu iirlatar-. aaTaHS rassnia axifituln 1 71 tWfc.I it Sat kr ail Lotal PruiaJMa, Parties dealtinf the best of job printing at the lowest prices should call at the Astoria job office before going elsewhere. 0.R.&N. (hvks choice or -2- THAJlSCOUTIflEIlTAL ROUTES. Via Spoktn inr St. Paul Via Ogdeo, Denver and Omaha or St. Peal Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San pranolsao. Coluiiilila. TuiHplay, Oct. 10. Htatn "f Cal. Hunilay, Oct. ii, t'lihimlila, Krlilay, Oct. JO. Klnte of Cal. VtHlneaJay. Nov. 4. Columbia, MunJay, Nov. I. Bute nf Cal. Kalunlay, Nov. U. Culutnlila, Thumrlay, Nnv. 11 Btate of Cal. Tumlay, Nov. 14. Columbia, Humlay, Nov. ;9, Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. I'OTTEH. Leave A at or I a Tueedaya, Thursdays ami Hatunlays at 6 a. m. Iave port land Mondays, Wmlnrwlayi, and Fri days at,T a. m. R II. THOMPHON. Leavea Aatotia Tuadays, Thursdays and Saturdays at T p. m. Leave Port land Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays und Humlays at 8 p. m. IIAU.KY C1ATZKHT. Levpg Astoria Mondays, Wednes. iliiyn, Fridays and Hundays at 7 p. rn. I.iavca Portland Tucadays and Thura diiya at 8 p. m and Saturdays at 11 p. m. TICLEPHONIC Leave Astoria Mondays, Wpdni-ndayt and Fridays at a. m. Lwive Portland Tueadnys, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. ni. For ratna and general Information oall on or addrvte ... a. W. LOITNHrtKltRT, Agt.nL W. H. HUHI.IIUnT, Oen. Paa. Attt., Pnrtlnnd, Or. K. McNKILL, . Pfi-sldent and Milliliter. WHITE COLLAR LINE TELEPHONE ANdTaILEY GATZERT Astoria and Portland Tirlophone luavos Astoria Monday. Wednisday and Friday mornlnir at a. m. Lt-avus Portland Tueaday, Thurs day and Saturday at 7 a. m. Halliry Cutzcrt leaves Aatorla Wed. nusday, Friday and Sunday nlKht at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Tumday, Thursday and Saturday nlithts at 8 p. m. O. II. and N. Co.'i stfatners T. J. Potter runs alternato days with Tata. Phono, and It, II. Thompson runs al ternate days with Ilalley OnUert, Tickets good on all boat.. U. n. SCOTT, Prealdent. K, A. Seeley, Aont, Portland. C. W. Rtoni Ajrent, Antorla. Telephone No. 11. ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READING! ROOM FREB TO ALL. Open every day from I o'elook to 1:11 and :M to :K p. m. Bubecrtptlon rates tl per annum. 8.W. COR. ELEVENTH DUANH T1. -;-.. . ( '--t.-'k--'... - -? A