The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 18, 1896, Image 4

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Misses', Youth's ani
Ladies' and Gents
Autumn Footwear
Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Etc.
John Hahn & Co.
4 79 Commercial St.
Maximum temperature, M degrees.
Minimum temperature, 49 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st, ISM. to date, 3.91 Inches.
Deficiency of precipitation from Sep
tember 1st, to date, 3.61 Inches.
For Oregon and Washington, fair
TO RKADCRS.-Th Dally Aetorlaa"
Ooartalaa twtee ea narh raadtag matter a,
may ether paper pablUhed la Aatorla. It
Is the oaly paper that preeeata It raadara
with a dally tlrraphk report.
tarlaa" haa mare thaa twice a, maay read,
era at aay other paper pablUhad la Asto
ria. It la therefore mere thaa twice a
yalseble as aa adrerUalng aaedlaaa.
The "Astorian" hereby of
fers to donate One Hundred
Dollars to St. Mary's Hos
pital, payable on demand
to Father Dielman, when
ever legal evidence is pro
duced shoicmg that any af
ternoon newspaper publish
ed in Astoria has printed,
within tlie last ninety days
expiring prior to this offer,
a single "special" or other
kind of "telegraphic press
report" received over the
wires entering either of the
telegraph offices in this city,
from any point outside of
Astoria, Oct. 15, 1896.
Mitchell and sound money tomorrow
Dr. W. I. Howard. Homceopathtot, SM
Commercial street. ,-
Mrs. C. W. Holt is at home, after an
extended visit to Portland.
At the Bee Hive, Ladies' Jackets and
Capes from COO to $10.00.
Mr. T. S. Barr, of Gray's River, was
a visitor In town yesterday.
Gunther's. the only candles In the
city. C. B. Smith, sole agent
If Snodgrass doesn't make
photos you don't get the best
Mr. O. L Peterson has returned from
a short business trip to Portland.
A complete line of ladles' mackin
toshes from J2.35 to $10.00 at the Bee
Just take a look at C. B. Smith's
famous Gunther candles. It will do you
The concert Tuesday night at Fisher's
promises to be a treat to all music lov
ing people.
Mrs. N. J. Craln and family, of War
renton, spent yesterday In the city vis
iting friends.
John H. Mitchell. Protection, and
Sound Money at McKlnley Hall to
morrow night. j
Judge J. Q. A. Bowlby returned yes
terday from a trip to Portland and the
Willamette Valley.
The Queen, the only heating stoves,
t Fisher Brothers. Price $10. Come
mod examine them.
Dr. W. I. Howard returned yester
day from a visit to California, bringing
his family with him.
Mr. M. McKlnstry, who died the other
day at Westport, was well and favora
bly known In this city.
Mr. F. P. Kendall arrived home over
land yesterday morning from a business
trip to San Francisco.
The Ladies' Guild of Grace Church
will bold their annual sale of fancy ar
ticles December 2, 1S9.
Children's jackets 90c, $1.35, and $2.00.
A few only. Ladies' felt walking slip
pers for 25c at the Bee Hive.
Annie Ness, of Young's River, was
arrested by the police yesterday after
noon; for disorderly conduct.
Will Tallant and T. O. Trulllnger are
preying upon the game near Seal Is
land, a few miles above town.
C. B. Smith, the confectioner, just
received another shipment of the fam
ous Gunther's Chicago candles.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the Con
gregational church intend to hold a doll
fair on the 4th and 5th of December.
The autumn leaves with which the
Conereeatlonai Church is most artis
tically decorated for today's autumnal
If other tea were roasted
fresh like Schilling's Best,
some of it would be as good.
In the meantime, Schil
lings Best is your tea.
At grocers' in packages.
A SctP.llni Company
but'cauciKe - tU
services, were sent down from West-
Wonderful test meeting this evening
at Carruthers' Hall by Raymond, the
Boy Medium. Good music and speaking.
Lovers of good music will not fall to
hear the Maglnel-Mullln Concert Co,
at Fisher's Opera House Tuesday even
ing. Carbons are the only permanent
photos as well as the most artistic.
and Snodgrass knows how to make
Morris Amandson, C. H. Tankt-n,
Qray'a River; Fred Olsen, James Leahy,
John Leahy, Olney, were In the city
In the police court yesterday Mr. John
Larson was fined $10 for being drunk,
and Chas. Baker, for being drunk and
disorderly was fined I'-IO.
If you want to hoar a common sense
ard logical exposltoln of the Issues of
the campaign, go to McKlnley Club
headquarters tomorrow night.
Mr. E. W. Tallant and son, Nat went
down to Sklpanon yesterday and re
turned with a killing of small game
and a quantity of mushrooms.
Mr. John Hobson, the well known pi
oneer of Clstsop county. Is very Ul at
his horro. only his most Intimate
friends being admitted to his presence.
Our Tooth Wash cleanses and pre
serves the teeth and gums. Imparts a
refreshing feeling to the mouth and per
fumes the breath. Chas. Rogers, Drug
F. J. Sohofleld Is an expert at flower
and general landscape gardening, and
offers his services; for such work at a
reasonable rW. Leave wop! at Alto-
rtan office.
Just received, at Columbia Shoe Co.,
Laird, Schober & Co.'s ladles' and
misses' and children's fine shoes for fall
and winter wear. (Successors Copeland
& Thorsen.)
The membrs of the Vppertown and
Alderbrook McKlnley and Hobart Clubs
will meet at their hall In Vppertown at
:30 o'clock Monday evening to take
part In the parade.
Mr. C. C. Stlffler leaves this morning
for Ogden. where he will take charge of
the office of Corey Brothers In that city.
Mr. W. W. Corey has Just started anoth
er large contract In Ogden.
A gentleman who' has Just returned
from Alaska, yesterday presented Mr.
Alex Campbell with a pair of large
eagle's claws. The bird was a Urge one
and made a hard fight for life.
Mr. F. F. DeYo returned yesterday
from his hunting trip in the N'ehalem.
He reports having had considerable
sport, and while no large game was
bagged, small game was plentiful,
C. H. Jackson. C. F. Pearson, Port
land; C. F. Fischer, A. D. Eisenbach,
San Francisco; Robert Q. bmlth.
Grant's Pass; C. H. Callender, Knapp-
ton, were guests at the Occident yes
twday. More boots and shoes will arrive at
Columbia Shoe Co. In the next ten days
than has ever ben received by any
store In the city In the same length of
time. (Successors to Copeland and
The letters received yesterday from
LI Hung Chang by several prominent
citizens, and which explained the mon
ey question, proved to be of great in
terest to those who could read the Chin
ese language.
Messrs. Goo. H. George and W. F. Mc- i
Gregor returned yesterday from a hunt
ing expedition up river, whither they
accompanied Capt. Webber on the
launch Triton. A Sunday feast will be
the reward of their prowess.
The annual meeting of the Women's
Exchange will be November 19, 1&96.
Fancy and useful articles given or to be
sold on commission will be received on
or after that date at the library rooms
corner 11th and Duane streets.
All Republicans of 65 years of age
and over, will tomorrow night march
in a separate company In the Mitchell
parade, under command of Veteran Mr.
Ward. This promises to be one of the
most Interesting features of the entire
The Republican parade tomorrow
evening promises to be the greatest
demonstration ever seen in Clatsop
county. A few hundred Oregon voters
will be in line and the display by the
various clubs of the city will be the best
yet mad).
Mr. Andrew Young. Mr. Normlle and
Mr. McGregor, who are the owners of
Block 34, East Astoria, have agreed to
give $100 towards the planking of 3Sth
street. Property la rapidly developing In
that vicinity, and a good street Is
much needed.
A very enjoyable smoke social was
given last evening by the local order of
the Y. M. I. A short program of in
strumental and vocal music was ren
dered, after which refreshments were
passed around, and all present passed
a pleasant evening.
The Alice Want-hard brought from
San Francisco the material for two
valuable monuments of Barre granite.
One is to stand at the grave of the late
D. E. PeaHe at the old Clatsop ceme
tery. Mr. Alex Gilbert is the purchaser
of the second, which will be placed at
The addition to the plant of the Paci
fic Can Co. which has been in course of
construction for some time Is now com
pleted, and workmen will now raise the
roof at the engine room to make the
building a two-story throughout. New
machinery will then be added to enlarge
the capacity of the factory.
It is reported that the crew of fifteen
men who are surveying the railroad line
north of Frankfort are working in the
Interests of the Northern Faoltlo Rail'
road. It la said that the line will ex
tend from Frankfort to IV K1L on the
Chehalls river, a distance of about
twenty-five miles above South Her.d.
The members of the local lodge of
Foresters of America enjoyed them
selves at a stag party at K. of P. hall
Thursday night. The program. It Is
said, was In the nature of a pot pourrl
and was highly appreciated. An or-
nostra lent music's charm to the occa
sion and a feast concluded the enter
tainment. Mr. J. M. Gillette, who returned Fri
day from a trip up the valley to Sa
lom and along the Columbia to The
Dallee. states that the sentiment for
sound money and McKlnley Is surpris
ing. The Dalles, he says, formerly a
Democratic town, will go for the Repub
lican candidate. Mr. Gillette Is confi
dent McKlnley will carry the state.
It has been stated that Friday night's
Bryan parade was the largeat demon
stration ever seen In the city. The
Jilghest count yet heard of the number
in line was 470. while a dosen agree
within ten that there were less than
400 In line, excluding the boys and
band. It will be remembered that the
first parade of the McKlnley people had
$00 torches out. and esterday about
400 new ones were purchased. Probably
thousand lights will be In the pro
cession Monday night.
Mr. O. Svlm, the well known black
smith at Fort Stevens. Is building a res
idence on SSth street. Mr. Andrew
Rauma Is grading his lot In the same
block in which Mr. Jensen's house Is
situated on 3$th stret, preparatory to
building a residence. Three more
property owners on the same street and
in the same block will soon commence
building. Apparently quite a move
ment has commenced for the Improve
ment of I'ppertown. In and around the
Block 34. owned by Mr. McGregor.
The I. R. and N. Co.'s launch Canby's
accommodations are taxed Just now by
the large freight shipments between
this city and Washington coast points.
Considerable quantities of cans are be
ing exported to the Barnes and Seaborg
and MrGowan canneries on Shoalwater
bay, and the return cargoes consist
largely of canned salmon and the fa
mous Shoalwater Bay oysters, tome 700
sacks of the latter having come to thl
city early In the week for trans-shipment
to San Francisco, Where there Is
great demand for them,
The assessment was completed yes
terday for the 8th street Improvement to
Young's bay. As soon as property own
ers slen the ennutract for the work. Mr.
Normlle will commence operations. He
Is very anxious to begin at once while
the good weather lasts, and hopes to be
able to complet the work by January
1st, as he will put on a large force of
men. The contract Is in the hands of
Mr. E, Z. Ferguson at present and
nr nertv nu npra ran nlim It at hi orn,-e
This is an important piece of work, and
as the owners of property have for a
long time been anxious to have It com
pleted, doubtless the contract will be
signed at once. .
On Friday Judge Gny and Commis
sioners Peterson and Lew is made a trip
up the Necannlcum five miles beyond
the Seaside House, to where a number
of the settlers were hard at work mak
ing the new road. The country court
were very much pleased to find that a
good wide road on an easy grade Is
being built. This short piece will open
up a wagon road to the forks of the
Necannlcum, nearly half way from Sea
side to the Clatsop county line. On
the way home the court examined the
new draw- bridge at Warrenton, but the
contract not having been complied with
the bridge was not accepted.
An enthusiastic meeting was held at
the Alderbrook schoolhouse yesterday
of property owners Interested In the
development of that portion of the city.
The various committees reported, and
the principal topic of discussion was
the Improvement of Date street from
the terminus of Bond east to VanDu
sen's line. The street car company was
represented at the meeting, and Presi
dent Conn stated that they wojild start
man out tomorrow who woul visit
all the property owners and ascertain
what could be done towards the exten
sion of a temporary line from 45th to
Slst street until the Date street im
provement could be finished. The meet
ing adjourned until next Saturday.
State of Oregon, j
County of ClaUop.f
We, tha uniteratgaed, local managers
respectively of tha West era Union aad
Postal Telegraph companies, heraby cer
tify that tha "Ually Astorian" la tha only
paper pabllahed In Astoria which now re-
ceWes, or at any time daring oar control
of said offices has rccelvad, a telegraphic
press report. B. D. JOHNSON,
Manager W. HIT. Co.
Manager Postal Tel. Co.
DIUM. Parlors 15 and 16, Flavel Building,
corner 10th and Bond streets. Sittings
daily, 50 cents. Sunday evening at Car
ruthers' Hall, 546 Commercial street,
wonderful test meeting. Fins speeklng,
good music.
A gentleman's resort, at corner of
Bond and Twelfth streets. The finest
brands of liquors and cigars always
on hand. Call and try us.
Great Bargains !
Ladies wanting fine Dress
Goods or h stylinh Cape or
Jacket at wholesale prices-
should call at the Low Price
.Store. They are closing out.
Don't be talked into purchas
ing before getting prices from
the Low Price Store.
i. cohp:n.
441 Bond St corner llth.
Great Dcmnnstrntlim Tomorrow Nlyht
in Honor of Senator
Three Hundrvd Men In Une Address
by Robert K. Smith, of Grant's Pitas
Warrvnton All Right for Pro
tection and Sound Money,
The following Is the order of forma
tion and line of march for the parade
to take place tomorrow evening upon
the occasion of the grand Republican
Military Hand on 10th and Bond.
Senator John II. Mitchell and Hon.
Geo. C. llrownell, npvaki'ra and car
riages. Young Men's McKlnley and Hotart
Club, east on Bond, with right resting
on 10th.
Red Klre Float.
McKlnley dub of Astoria, south on
llth. with right resting on llond.
McKlnley Drum Corps on llth and
Third Want McKlnley Club, cast on
lloml, with right renting on llth.
I'pper Astoria nd Alderbrook Mc
Klnely Club, on liond, between llth and
McKlnley Club of Seaside, south on
llth. right resting on Commercial.
McKlnley Club of Sklpanon, south on
llth, with right resting on Commercial.
Marine Band at llth and Duane.
McKlnley Clubl of Olney. Westport,
Knappa. Lew is and Clurke, Hear Creek,
west on Duane. right resting on llth.
Blue Fire Float, loth and Duane.
Floats, etc., south on Uth, right rest
ing on Commercial.
Fire works Irt the refer.
South on 10th to Commercial; east on
Commercial to 14th; south on 14th to
Exchange; east on Exchange to Iflth;
countermarch west n Exchange to
17th; north on 17th to Commercial: west
on Commercial to 7th: north on 7th to
Bund; west on llond to 1st; counter-j
march on llond to 5th; nvrth on 5th to j
Astor; east on Astor to th; south on
9th to Bond; u.t on Bond to Mckinley
Hon. John H. Mitchell will address
the cltiiens at the McKlnley Club mom,
and Hon. Oeo. C. Itrownell will address
the overflow from the Occident balcony.
The procveslon will start promptly at
7:30 o'clock. I.rns of march will be
!''rmeJ st 7 tt'c,uc- or """"
Torches wilt be distributed to the dif
ferent clubs as they form In line of
march, from wagons.
One of the most enthusiastic rallies of
the campaign was lust night held at 1. That omission of the silver dol
Wurrcnton under the auspices of the j tar from free and unlimited coinage In
McKlnley Club of that place. A delega- 1i73 destroyed half ouf money.
lion of the Astoria McKlnley und tin;
Young Men's McKlnley and llolutii
Clubs went over with the drum corps mi
a special train to a.wlst In the parade,
In which there were over 300 In line
and marched to the hall. The hull was
already holf full of ladies.
In a few well chosen words Mr. R.
E. Abbott Introduced the orator of the
eve.ilng. Robert 0. Smith, of GranVs
Poms, w ho spoke for an hour and twen
ty minutes. He said In part: "People
are studying the financial question alt
over the country. Ever since the days
of Washington and Hamilton, the men
who have been the loudest in shouting
about liberty, like the people of France,
have been the first to receive Napoleon.
Since the days of Washington and
Hamilton, from 17S9 to 18:0, we have
been under a coinage ratio of 15 to 1. It
was then found we cothn not change
the law of value. Since 1820 we have
had bimetallic money, but In 1834 It
was found necessary to change to a
market ratio. Andrew Jackson was op
posed to a silver basis and t'nlted
States bonds. At that time silver was
overvalued, and gold undervalued
which caused gold to disappear. Mr.
Bryan tells the farmers that they know
more about finance than Washington,
Jefferson,' Cleveland and McKlnlpy.
From 1834 down to the present time
there has been a continuous system of
bimetallism. At that early date 371 4-16
grains made the silver dollar, which
was used In exchange. Do the people
want a dollar whose purchasing power
Is only 53 cents, or do they want a pur
chasing power of 100 cents. The at
tempt to debase our currency Is one of
the moot damnable schemes recorded
In history. The hardest thing In the
world Is for the wage-earner to get his
wages raised when once they have been
reduced. They say you can pay your
debts with these dollars. The debts were
contracted on a gold basis, and I for one
call such a proposition repudiation, and
I do not believe that the people of Ore
gon on the third of November will give
their verdict for such a scheme. If
your wages are cut In half how could
you pay your creditors. You couldn't
be honest If you tried. Beware of the
man who Is always shouting "Liberty,
liberty," for thefe have been many
crimes committed In that name. The
man who starts a factory Is a benefac
tor, and makes a market for the far
mers' products."
After the close of the address the
McKlnley quartet rend red several cam
paign songs, three cheers were given
for McKlnley and the speaker, and the
meeting adjourned.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn Ding Store
10c and 25c per package.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mnon application.
lfwaco. Wn October I?, 1W.
Editor Astorian:
1 enclose with this a clipping from
the South Iteiul Journal, as follows:
'lioee Dalton expect to get that '300
majority' In Astoria? The papers over
there arv unduly Interested In his cam
paign." Knowing that the people of Astoria
are Interested In the welfare of thtl
great salmon Industry of which tiaip
county, of Oregon, and l'adilc county,
In Washington, are about equally con-
rued, have quite an Interest In the I
e Vf,n I.I It.- V....t,li-
ton legislature, for tho reason that the
gentleman has always been deeply Inter
ested and an anient supporter of ef
fectlve legislation for Ihe good of tuv
Columbia river hatcheries. He Is thor-.
oughly familiar with every branch of
the business and for years past has
been a strong friend of the Itshlng In-'
c rest of the Washington side rape-'"'11
dally, and has done all possible for
fectlve Joint legislation. To his efforts j
are largely due the establishment of the j
hatcheries on the CiJunihlu liver. At j
every session of the Joint committee on
flshoiies of Oregon and Washington, for,
the past ten years and at euch session
of the legislature, he has always been
one of the representative men laboring ,
for just and effective measures, i re
spective of the methods employed or to
the benettt of any particular class of
fishermen He was one of the orUlnal
promoters of the Chinook flh hutcheiy
on the Chinook river In Pacific county,
and has always advis'Stid that a sim
ilar hatchery could be us successfully
operated on Young's Klver, below As
toria. The Republican papers h.ive another
:reiijt,in fo tie lot eresteil In the election ff
JU 8 miin.y
will vote for a sound money senator
und uphold Republican principles, fn in
which Oregon will receive Its benefit as
well as the state of Washington In par
ticular. Very Truly Yours,
The U. S. Qov t Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
Buperhf to mil others.
The per capita circulation In 1S73 was
$is.4. in 17.1 we had neither guld nor
sliver In circulation. The total of our
money. Including treasury coin, was
$7f.l.Ssl.So. July 1. m, our money In
circulation conslstiil of gold coin, $4C6.
U'S,4S3; standard silver dollars, J.'.;,175,
9'js. with M7S.61 4,04.1 In the treasury;
subsidiary silver. ."i9.9il4; gold cer
tificates. $42,320,759; silver certificates,'
$33l.2f.9.509: "Shermans." $93,217.3(11;
"greenbacks," $225.4rit.3j8; currency cer
tificates, $31,840,000; national bank notes,
$215,331,927. This makes a per capita
in circulation of $21.10. (See official
treasury report)
2. That the act of 1873 "destroyed
silver as money."
lender our limited coinage of silver
we coined from 1878 to 189, eighteen
years, a total of $471,927,729. During
the entire eighty-five years previously,
with free coinage up U 1873, the total
silver offered and coined was $222,586.
921. (Mint reports.)
3. That the act of 1873 was a "gold
conspiracy against silver."
It was earnestly supiorted and voted
for by the senators and representatives
of the silver states. The bill was re
ferred to the finance committee of the
senate April 28, 1870; submitted to the
house June 26, 1870; passed through va
rious stages, all publlo and of record,
until February 12, 187J, when It became
a law. (See Laughlln'i "Bimetallism,"
page 98, or Congressional Record for
the years Indicated.)
4. That legislation can keep up the
price of sliver.
During the operation of the Bland
Allison act (1878), when the government
was buying $2,000,000 monthly, and dur
ing the operation of the Sherman act
(1890), when the government was buy
ing 54,000,000 ounces annually, sliver de
clined per ounce from $1.16 to 73 cents.
(Mint reports.)
5. That because silver cannot be
kept at par with gold. In a "poor'
country like Mexico, It must not be
presumed the United States cannot
keep the metals at par.
This is suppresion of the fact that
all the countries now on the gold stan
dard tried to keep the metals at par
and fallod, one group consisting of the
combination of France, Italy, Belgium
and Switzerland. Can the United Stales
hope to succeed alone where all the
greatest countries In the world, singly
or In combination, failed?
6, That gold and silver with free
coinage at 16 to 1 Is the "money of the
Read the constitution.
7. That free coinage of sliver at 16
to 1 of gold Is the money of Jefferson,
Hamilton and Jackson.
fleiul their writings. Each knew that
unless the coinage ratio approximated
closely to the market ratio the un
dervalued metal would not circulate
and advised accordingly.
8. Bryan garbles Blaine and quotes
Carlisle before the great era of silver
production set in.
10. That while free coinage of silver
A glance ttt tho mnn will show that the town of
contains the host situateil property on the went fhle of tho
bay. Already MX hiimlreil pinip'lc live within a Htoiiot
throw of ihe new railroad depot, and at the
Spcclnl PHccm
now ollVrod there can ho uo better invent meat fbr
Choice lots are hcing; sold daily at specially low price,
on installments, to suit the tinios. In a few wcckh there will
he an advance. Now is the time to buy tho beet liiirpiiim
on the Peninsula.
will advance prices of commodities,
It will also advance wages.
Tho same report shows that between
I MM and led!, w hen gold wont to a
premium, as It will under free coinage
of sliver, the average price of all art I
cles In this country advanced 114 per
cent and the average Increase In wages
was 43 per cent, although during that
tliuo there were withdrawn front the
Ulmr market men, making a
scarcity of labor. There will be Uo
withdrawal now. Wages, therefore,
'cannot rise, because the supply will be
n axoeas of the demand.
Notice la hereby given that I have
!een apiKitnted administrator of the
estate of W. II. Ityan, deceased All
persons having el Urns agalnsl said es-
tate must present the same to me at
Astoria, within six months from the
date hereof. All persons Indebted to
estate are hereby notified to pay
ef-!"111 Indebtedness to me. forthwith.
October . ISM.
Astoria. Or.
The best salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers.satt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, ohllblaina,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itive cure for plica, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, U
cents per box. For sals by Charles
I toners. Odd Fellows' building.
There's more clothing destroyed by
poor aoap than by actual wear. "Hoe
Cake" contains no free alkali, and wilt
not Injure the finest lore. Try It and
notice the difference In quality. Roes.
Hlgglns & Co.
Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No
enre no pay. For sale at Kh-tea-Conn
Ilnur Store.
187a I'M
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery.
Iron it St'el,
Groceries it Provisions,
Flour it Mill,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors it Windows,
Agricultural Implement
WagoiiB & Vehicles.
House Moving Tools lof Bsnt.
Wall Papsr, Artlitt' MaterUlt. Paints,
Oils, Glsat, ttc. Japanaat Maninga,
Ruga ana Baa boo Good,
365 Cc mmerclat Street.
A. V. AL,L,KN,
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Tenth and Commercial streets.
Cash Grocer
the npn
and nth Sts,
"The Louvre"
Fine Mualo, Oainea of All Kinds. Two
, Magnificent llnra.
Good Order and Everybody's Rights
VANTKlA good girl, competent
to i-vok and to do gonntal hotiwoik
for a (1111111 family. American I'refei red.
Apply In prison or by letter to J. M.
Turnry, Flavel, Oleum.
$10 to $IN per wccKfor men tint) winners
for easy home work. No books or
canvaaalng. No experience. Hons fid
offer. No Catch. Sand stamp for
work and particulars. IS. 1IKIIMANN,
311 S. Sixth street, rhltadnlphla. Pa.
ron HINT.
FOIt HUNT Three furnUh.-d ronm
for light houskeeplng. Astoria Land,
and Investment Co.. JM Commercial St,
FOIt ItENT Three or four rooms,
with board. Mrs, E. C. lloldvn, corner
9th and Puane streets.
roil ItKNT-Three furnished rooms
with or without board. Apply 11 Tth
FOIt SAI.K-U-room ldglng House.
Centrally located; cheap lease; bar
gain. Astoria Land and Inv. Co., Ul
Commercial street.
Juat out-Juat received-Just what you.
want at Wing Ie's, M Commercial
Cedar Shingles
GaaahiKi,laol4 Jk4i. Awili
General Machinists and Boilor Makesr
Laaa an4 Marina Eogm. bnar vof a. Slaae
tMiai ani Canntry Watt, a Serially.
CaiUnta of All ttoarrlptfmt MJ to Or4 oa
StMKt Noee. ,
John roi..,.rralilont and up'rlntendaat
A I. Fox Vice ITvaldtint
n, II. l'ra.l garrelar
First National Hank Treasurer
R. L. Boyle & Co.
e m
A complete stock of lumber on hand
la the ruuih or draaaed. Flooring, rus
tic, railing, and all kinds of flnlah;
mouldings end ablnglee; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office snd yard
at mill. II. r. U LOO AN, 1'rop'r.
Seaside. Oregon.
Emil Schacht
CEO. NIC0LL, Assistant.
Kopp's Hew Brewery,-
St any mail coining out ol
our store and you'll get s
portrait of s man brlmmltm
over with pleasant thoughts.
Huon quality In the llquora
ws have to offer are enough te
please say mas.
The Palace Cafe
Is the Place for 2
Good Meal...
Eastern Oysters
' Is the) slid I or ci
Served to Order or Sold at Retail ,
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Aatorla and Upper Aatorla
rint Taae and Coflwa, Table Dallradea, Don. alia
and Tropical Frulfa, Vegetahl.a, Sugar
Cured Hama, Bacon, Etc.
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.