THE DAILY ASTOlllAX, WEDNESDAY MOKNIXG, OOTOljER II. IfliHI. JOHN T. LIGHT!". It, Editor. Telephone No. tS. terms or m Bst'Kirnos. DAILT. Sent by mall, per yeir W.00 Bent by mall, per month W Delivered by carrier, per month 45 WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, S3 In advance, postage free, to subscribers. All communication! Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communication! of all kinds and remittance null be sddrvseed to Th Astorlan, The Astorlan guarantees to Ita sub scribers the largest circulation of any jewspuper published on the Columbia .rer. Advertising rate can be had on appll emtkin to the buslneas manager. Tba Weekly Astorlan. the second oldest weekly In the state of Oregon, has, text e the Portland Orefonlan. th largest weekly circulation In the state. J do. F. Handler Co., are our Port land agents, and copies of The Astorlan tan be had every morning at their stand, IM Third street. Aticng r;cnt distinguished visitors to the Republican headquarters in New York was George P. Von Kolnits. of Charleston, South Carolina. Mr. Kol BlU has been a lifelong Democrat, and Is one of the best known public men In the South. In an Interview published In one of the New York papers. Mr. Kolnits says: "I was born a Demo "crat, have always been a Democrat, "am a Democrat now, and expect to "remain a Democrat I was elected "ta serve In the legislature and In the "state constitutional convention as a "Democrat I am convinced that Bry "aniam Is a positive menace to our "country. My personal ambition could "not rise above my patriotic duty, and "hence on that ground on August , In "a public letter, I declined re-election. "1 feel that Instead of remaining quiet 7&nd praying for McKinley's election "It would be more manly to come out "openly and work for It. In my posl--tion I feel that I am fighting Tillman- lsm fn the nation as I have been fight "tag It In the state. The sentiment of "nine-tenths of the business men of ''Charleston and other cities, I am sure, "ta for sound money." ONE DOLLAR WHEAT. The Iowa State Register says that "there can be very little doubt of the tact that wheat Is going to reach tl per bnshel In the American markets be fore another crop can be grown." The following reasons are given for this opinion,: "The world Is short of bread atuTs, and the only thing that prevents higher prices far grain than have ob tained for a quarter of a century is the lack of employment necessary to en able American wage earners to earn sufficient money to purchase full ra tions." This rise in wheat comes Just at the right time, and will make votes for Mc- Klnley, because many farmers have been deluded into thinking that the gold standard is responsible for low prices of their product. There is an extraor dinary foreign demand for wheat, and consequently the price Is advancing. All this is needed to complete the hap piness of farmers is the election of Mc Klnfey, for this will surely restore pros perity, and increase home consump tion of wheat and other cereals. With a good foreign market and a lively home demand, those who raise food products will have no cause for com plaint Under these circumstances what folly It will be for any one, and especially a farmer, to vote for a free silver and free trade ticket, and for a continuance of the uncertainty and doubt which has demoralized business during the pas four years. coinage. Ills Ingenuous Joy over this bit of princely impertinence can only be compared to that of the loyal Hilton of the last generation who was boast ing that the Prince Ucgcnt once spoke to him, and when asked what he said replied, with honest exultation: "He said, 'Oct out of my way, you blunder ing blockhead!"" Hut It Is not only princes who have the power to move the spring of Mr. l'ryan's facile sensibilities. We might have been sure, from the manner In w hich he hua Jumped front his sleeping berth In the gray dawn and deprived himself of his beauty sleep at midnight to abuse and vilify rich men, that they lay very near his heart, and occupied, more than was reasonable, his thoughts and Imaginations. It would have been safe to bet that If ever he came Into the bodily presence of a man worth a million he would, metaphorically speak ing, fall instantly on his marrowbones before him and offer him the incense of his adoring heart. The chance came the other day in West Virginia, when, ex -Senator Davis, a gentleman of larg.' wealth, preside,! at a meeting In M Pryan's honor. The Boy could net re strain his rapture. He called the worl to witness that he was now made re spectacle forever. Mr. Davis was an Eastern man and did not scorn him, though he came from the West; an el derly man. yet admitted that the Hoy was clever: most of all he was a Itlc Man, and yet was willing that a Poor Roy should be president. He felt him self gilded by the radiant propinquity of a millionaire. There was something at once ludicrous and pathetic about the exhibition. The man Is absolutely with out balance of mind or character. He knows as little of the world as he does of the history of his own country: as little of men as he does of finance. Nothing so trivial has ever been throw up by the convulsions of our politics. Food, undigested. Is poison. Digested, it Is life and strength. Millions of us suiTer from indigestion, but we often don't know It. We think it is some thing else. Even doctors often mistake the symptoms. Pale, thin people, who are overw orked, who need strength, who seem in want of proper food, should take Shaker Dices tive Cordial. It is astonishing what food ill do, when properly digested. It will make you strong, revive yc refresh you, sustain you, make you fat restore your color, make muscle, brain fibre, courage, endurance, energy; In crease your power to throw oft disease, and keep you healthy and happy. Indigestion does just the opposite, but indigestion can be cured and prevented with Shaker Digestive Cordial. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle cents. In his speech at Chicago which won him the nomination Mr. Bryan made bold figure as he stood before the con- vention, and. speaking of the people of the East said: "We beg no longer; we entreat no more; we petition no more. We defy them!" Last week this defiant individual was going around In the East making speeches in which he begged tne women to get their husbands to vote for him. Louisville Courier Jour nal (Dem.) ANARCHIST AND TOADY. New York Tribune. If you scratch a demagogue you are reasonably sure to find a snob Just un der the surface. The man who passes half his time abusing the aristocracy grows pale with rapture If he acci dentally meets a duke. The beery champion of human rights who thun ders at riches and plutocrats over his Bock generally cringes like a spaniel in the presence of a millionaire. The or dinary citizen is too busy with his own affairs to waste time in hating or wor shipping the rich or great. But to the oraterof the gutter the?e classes are of soch transcendent Interest and Import ance that he comes near regarding them with both these emotions. This phenomenon hag often De,-n observed among the small fry of acltators; for the first time In our history it has been maile evident this year In a candi date foi the presidency of the I'nited States. There is nothing which to exelts the scorn of Mr. Bryan nnd his like as the idea of paying any respect to European opinion in matters of finance. He Is never so heroic as when he throws back his hyaclntblne locks and roars his de fiance at European statesmen, telling some stevedore In the audience that he understands financial questions bet ter than all the financiers on the conti nent and tickling the ears of the groundlings by screaming that this country is great enough to have Its ow n financial policy. Independent of foreign Influence. According to him, we should have an American calendar, an Ameri can Bible, an American procession of the equinox. But under all this scream ing a toad-eater lurked, as naive and sasophlstlcated as any shopboy In London- wher worships In his chamber a photograph of the Prince of Wales. All the applause he has received from his fellow-citizens has not seemed to de light him so much as the receipt by Governor Culberson of a brief, con temptuous note from Prince Bismarck to the effect that although he, while in office, demonetized silver he thought it might be a good thing for the United States to try, the experiment of silver A PARTIAL BLOCKADE Of the main avenue for escape of refuse from the human system Is utterly sub versive of regularity among the other organs. Let constipation become chron ic, and leaving out the imminent dan ger of inflammation of the bowels and their total obstruction occurring. Jaun dice is almost certain to ensue, the liver is liable to become engorged, the bloo'd and urine are poisoned bv the bile. which also vitiates the Juices of the stomach, and other unhappy conse quences follow. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a prime tonic alterative, pre vents or remedies these results and their cause, as the case may require, and Is also signally efficacious In over coming flatulence, heartburn, and va riable as well as constipated action of the bowels. It renews nerve power, im proves the appetite, stays the prog ress of early decay, relieves the infirm ities of age, and is a healthy appetizer. The Boy Orator of the Platte could get Into the midst of large crowds with less trouble and expense If he would take up his station at Canton, Ohio. Kansas City Journal. Many lives of usefulness have been cut short by neglect to break up an ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis, and even consumption can be ar"erted by the prompt use of One Minute Cough Cure. Charles Rogers. Sunday was the opening day of the Chinese Harvest Festival. Next Thurs day the Devil will be burml with all due ceremony. fUH,",',.l. IL.MI.I mil AregulatorI He Favorite Home lenieli. For all diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach. Keep it always in the house and you will save time and Doctor's Bills, and have at hand an active, harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic. If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS LIVER RlgL'LATOR will cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER Regulator. J. H. Zeliln & Co, PbiladelpfTia- f IS9II Rj mm The highest claim for other tobaccos is ''Jt'.st u:i good ns" Kverv oM smoker known there i ; initio j-.:;t as ;vovl iui OUTWARD HOUND ORKGON GRAIN FLKKT-KS!);r(;. ouili' IV : l.'l-r ll.liv'C t l:!.wUwll'sI'i,t!i.ii:i, Af 'i : tuc. (' till.. . lo- fJ'V ' il tokuvomid ii. el i!ie t?i t .i .. i.. , . Fk-Av- 4- -wliuii u.utie prrsrms Mini uovv v to get them. K The voters of this country will com-1 W heat Is approaching the dollar to "roll" Mr. Itrvan very early I mark, but let us hasten to add that it on the morning of November S, and i Is not the Ilryan dollar, which contln thev will continue the work until sun down of that day. Hy that time Mr. Hryan will have been resolved Into a condition of tenuity not witnessed In the case of a candidate for president since 1ST2. St. Louis Olobe Democrat. ue to b worth Just about W cents, with few takers. Cleveland Leader. A mirror could not lie If It wanted to. The glass has nothing to gain by (lat tery. If the roses of health and plump ness of beauty are leaving your face, your mirrvr will tell you so. Health Is the greatest beautlfler in the world. When a woman sees the Indications of ill-health In her face, she may wiih almost absolute certainty look for the cause in one or both of two conditions constipation, and derangement of the organs diMlnctly feminine. Dr. Pierce's Favorite lYeserlptln will cure perma- j nently and positively ar.y so-culled j "female complaint." Dr. Pierce's Pleas- , ant Pellets will cure constipation. There : Is no reason In the world why a woman should not be perfectly healthy. She will gain In health, strength and flesh. Hollows umi angles will give place to i fullness and grace. She will be that noblest and most beautiful of all crea tion a perfect woman. i Send 21 cents In one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, New York, and receive Dr Pierce's lOOS-page "Common Sense Med ical Adviser," profusely Illustrated. TO (i'HK A OLI IN ONK IMV. Take Isjtatlve llromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. I5c. For sale by Chaa, Rogers, Druggist. It Is a positive sin to bet on Uryan; first, because belting Is wrong, and, second, b-ause betting on Uryan Is unutterably foolish. Italtlmore Amer lean. 0-A.STOrt.XA. Atte stant BfUl tin After his defeat Uryan can call on Hisnmrvk nnd propose a J"lm crusade In Hermany to make all the silver of the worl I Jump to M.'.' -St. l.ouh-r.lobe Democrat. Vncle Richard Bland's cheerful voice is also missing from the Popocratic ehons. If these desertions continue It will be only a little while until the whole free silver outfit consists solely of Mr. Bryan and Jake Coxey. New York Mall and Express. FREE PILLS. Bend your address to H. E. Bucklea Co., Chicago, and get a free sample bos of Dr. King's New Life rilla. A trial will con vines you of their merits. These pills are easy In action and are particu larly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great ly Invtgoraet the system. Regular slxe. So per box. Sold by Chaa. Rogers. Druggist They are so little you hardly know y. u are taking them. Th, y cause no grilling, yet they act quickly and most thoroughly. Such are the famous little pills known as De Witt's Little Karly P.lsers. Small In slie. great In results. Charles Rogers. Sewall, Altgeld and Pennoyer appa rently find It dltlieult to establish a parity between their silver arguments and their gold contract. New York Press. Chontc constipation Is a painful, dis agreeable and life-shortening difficulty. It deranges the system, causes sick headache, bad breath, and poisons the blood. It can be readily overcome by De Witt's Little Early Risers. These little pills are great regulators. Charles Rogers. Senator Jones and Chairman Dan forth say they will put up a hot fight In this state. That was what the barn did when it was struck by lightning. Troy Times. C.t Oct Nor lee Jxn SOI.KK t'lAO. Aiiiiutt llr bsik . . IS llr HIi V Am hm I'M!.- I. .tk. ... -.J llr Mii a llr h ., .... 4 llr Imrk . ' br Mn H llr lll II llr li Ik l.'i r lile U Id luii IN llr li rk I- llr oltt .i Hi "Iiiii '.i t'oV '.'I t rlmik . ... .' II lili. -.' Hi link i' llr liii ., 11 llll h , t.r i .., t Hi lilo .. . I." br b.-k.. i: He iu . ... br .Inn I llr Lurk I Mr -III. ... a III- llll. ... I li r Mini . . 7 llr shii H llr .III ii '.! i er lilp, S llr Imrk J - r M llr llM.. .. II II. -Inn ... II llr lurk II llr .lee II Hr Im.k I.' Hr hark .. . I.' tier h i k I.' nel lop VI III Lurk . , . ' llr ituii .. , llr btik - -H II ililn ' Her lmk iii.-r li'K U llr li.rk .. .... I ' r i'uii in llr birk 1 tier hIihk I, i b.irk . . . . IT Kit- uiiirf Hr hli... ... 1 llr lutrk . I llr hi U Hr hli If llr I. irk 1 llr bilk l Hr txrk II Krtxrk. s Hr ihlp I: ll-liii. J lit b.rk U Hr brK .11 Hr ihlp Aunual i Am tiork II lier hlii M., '.V Hr iil .11 Hr.lne ... T Hrolim II Hr.liip . ."-.' Hr niuii ." .ir Kr Imrk Hr Imrk . Feb Mar April Mar Juuit Jul; Sept. I NAM .. T I'l.KAHKII rmi iMh ijiii l.lvvrimel .. sti iri Pilous ut l.tverpiHil '.I imei IIiiiiiiiiioihI , uTii llrlilol "rvAlln ki Ciirk,. Aiililuirlli iiiMi'urk Il't ef I.CII) iii:u I'ltlllillllll jl!rit.eln. ii kliiitrod .!l iiiii lllll iiki l ink ilbirlinilae ,,. Avoiuiioutli iileiiH(i,i 1 1 iui t'uik .... iPon Smiiiey vist i''ik ,. ,ie ii't , i,i f ilniiiuili , ... jAnilnMii da IV" I'liiiiinilli .,1'roikiiiiu , Inn l.lvrMHil ... . Korri'Ai llll nm t'ork ll-'ekK Inn I;l i ink V I e li, iinin ii mi. "uliii. mill .iirttimimlr I"iia r'Abimiiili Am lieiii'Airn I Aiitw rp ;riiif niuiler li.ii Kulmeinli , ... ,ji,iiip ('tiril-v, i;tii IIumh .:utiti.'t l, , vii KimiiiithH .. 'K.irl nl ell tint I ill Cork Ilcenetll IKll Hllipl . .... H"v iilii' 'lull !( fi ill. mill . . , Ihtniiiil Or uM'ork . Moinie 1a . i: Ciik I; H i IprJI KaIiiioiiIIi IV iiineni , 'I.WS iIiiiiiiiIIi ili rl Hlikmerv -Jn'.' Hull.. .... . liiiv.-riliiii ,. .'iiii i.ttiirr-ek . i'mwii of Si'oiUml tirk , : i'IMIiiaihI r'li hel .... IT.H I. .in i usi IT " Itilkauiili 1.1 " h ill' In urn, a; onlreia, ...,liu ' . I'l-iirlmi i'ii.le l.Mii " ,,. H.v i-Al.le. . ai . smnrkAiul 'itim'mk M.' nan jTt: ,, . r l III l.'.t ' it-,ule (I .nut. i.v.i Ctlimiuih tlAiinm'kliiir i -Jiaai ..... i'Iii inutile eV.. !1 " . I'.im v C"He jl.iuiCiirk , lil-i.l'Alril. I All M iiNinll.le ! ua-wii kmi rlmui,lU , . , JW HiiriiieA,-r - 'rwi.i'urk ... uli-nuAiier .., iviMirMp. riiwn ... II, . If .rMllre IIMjl'nrk , . I'Aiii'ir sti kliw Iis " . . . . , Kn.iili.' avi r'almuulh Aiiuiln- I.ii l urk , .... . toil Ji.n I niiilna ... VVe-ieni 1i n ell l:li.'AliiKiiilh , l.lll ler A ,l v j M.m.l'ille limu ... M.irAlli ii lu r'ulmiiulli i,...iriiiii- lnT l urk F.Ural,li i1k'Ai( B'V .... i leu I.m'i t,vi Jliff KaIiiii. mil km-iiillirurtrliln-. ... jltvl AlKiMt tuy .... Til i-lilll llmWCurk Inicrt.fM ,lilrv. .'lit UlveriHHil ..... YarniA !ia;i rrk , KernliAiikt I.lfc vUn Hay ... Amlrrtl'lAl sr; - m M Mi ln.pnlli ! Imi I'ork S'llmlllA w VU.ttvoaUick i . ie I i.'in 'iin Nsiel . AtitlierUmUlilie: r-.i l.lreti,Mil w rl ii'iiiAiinii,it e; . . MJ Al4 Hav Hri'iilul . I.'ai v rk ll.riiil ,l''!i..,. niHivmi. fiiH'i inlier .11." ileeemlier -J.1.., llwinlier M.., jAiuiAiy V .... ri'l'iiiArv l., W... " - I?::. e a J " Msnii IT " in " t .... Mirum Y ( Mrcli tt Kelinmrv -7...., Mkivh H " -M , . . . ' " " III , 111 t rll M , Mwvh 7 , April i " i .lime ' II.. " .. " W., " 111 M d.. Jims In.... Jlll'K III..,,, April ill June 7..,, " la.., " tl... , " A , " 4 ., 7..., n .... 10.... . J.iun ll ,. Juno V,...M ,. July -M ... . Juno 'i ... " .-June .. " -J .. . J nl r in , ,i '"lie ID ... . Iillf in... . 'uly u..., . Jioi" ... IIUA I,. , ,S..I "I II. ... 0 r; v ...j CKM AI A A" I Ml. Ill) il i.r;:i H.'.llJI fHIIAl v.m MHH till, tin Uli.NIS II Ts.iHi Kl Hi ini.imi K Al.lW im.iiii to,n V m rl IM lAII "J.jlkl .v. mill 7i,l i hl. II IT.7l tl-'WIl II .7l M.AMI ki.iiiii 4.1,7m MIH tl.UI 14 I, KM J W,il Hi. .110 A,,'WM iA.l 'J I, S0.HI7 I. M .- .'.VI ,4I1 (I I. .ill K.' yi 4.;.4aj Nl Tl : 4A..UI 4.I.MI Tajul X.HI fi:,ioi .',4I "ih ,s " ,IU H h J'.UIll ii,il vai.iik. !S.iii" -j,,iii M.umi 4il,.Vl Nl.ikAi Jl.imi M,VI iai.uo ""iil','l'lii" M.imo Vi.mi i.-.kii m.iaai 4a.Mii X'iiii" raluil IUIMI , 4l,l l,il 4H.IUI "i7.iVa"' fi;,iw n" 4ii KU llllAU TI.UAI NI.IKI (AI,UJ " wjnT M.KAI M lAI 4J,lkU lb, lit) ""'rAl,ll' ,1 k'Al U llll H'i.iau 4N.IOJ 4i0 """t.iiiu" 44.IM) '"o.i'm I.KU Ul.lkA) 4ltJ " '.'i.lAU ' ..l,ik l-I.Kkl 77,-iiml 41IIU vi.llll iA.AU ""i'vio" Jjat I.A.IXI AI.OU AIIII'I'KIIA. hiilW'iii Kl.nir Mill.,.,, llnl(iir,Uiillirln Co.... ii e i. Mlluiin A Knrr. naif mr, lliittirle i .1 II 1'iiiniirnii A Co I'll Kiev iiiir I'o I'urlUml Hour Ml la . . , illi... n A Kvrr l I la 4,ila, ,i li ainernii ain .., Hull mr loilhrle A l'u ... HATH iii m...,r ii'i" hh Z"'. Ai ,. 4il l.ia 4)1 Ita...... til 111 Iki ;i h.. tii in. tk) 4.1 I7 til ' I K t'anipniti A t'n , I'urlUiiil h I Mula Ililfniii, Until In A i ii... J II I'limnMH A l'u I'O Klevmr l'u iulfiiur, llullirle A t'n HImmiii A kerr Hal imr, liiiilirln A l'u , I'.irllau.l rlnur Mlllv I'O K KValnrt'ii HiHiiiir, Outlirle A I'o , I'urllaiiil Kl'iir Ml. I. Ilalfniir, liiiilirln A I'o .l It OAllteriill A Oo , siliAon A Kerr, I'O KleVNlnr On , M, .1 K II 'iiiioiin A Ou aiIiahii A Kerr ....., , I'nrllaml rlnur Mill A Hum . ilAllunr, lilllhrln A Co i " " " , .. ,1 K Oaiiietnn A Co !!"".",.! Hall.iiir, Iliiihrln A On , I'urllsiiil, flour NIHa. TO Klnv.tiirOo .., islliaiiii A Knrr , 10 rlrvalnrt'Ai I" H , t im Ihi'iii A Kni r 1 1 K I AinrMa A 0 fori nil Mniir Mill. Kilitnn A Unrt . III. Hour, i.uilitln A Ou 1 1 Hern .. ""!'.... I K i -moron A Oil I o Klnvainr Oo jllalfii'ir, (iiillula A Ou INirilanil Klmir Ml is Ililfmir, llulhrla A Oil.., , ai,.,ii A Kerr joAldmr 4iiilltriii A It , "lli.nii Kerr ' II I'.tll'M'Ml A Oo ..,... liAifn ir. iliilhnn A in. J li -aiiieinn A On. , ,(MMI HAifuu., iiuilirl A On.., 4.1 l. til I in til In ki l.w... Ai 17a M ki IHa IM Ai Pa M li l ki 7aM til II. Ikl Ul 17a M li im ...... II I. M 4.1 Ilia l ll 7l Iki li ins ... Il I.WIkl .... I'l III iki .. ii L ...... .... ii in, a.1 ii Ina i ., il Ita wt ,., ii l u vil ii l.ia tkt ,. li IM M .... II j.i it In ... li 17. td ,.;Ul Ai,... .. II PM W ,. Il ina .... II l.ia...... ... II !' M li llVa..... ... Il I II I U Iki ,. I I I I. Iki . , prllralll.,., .. li II ...... .... 11 HIA 9aI ... 11 I ... li la M ... li Ikl ... til IM ml ....iprlvat. . ... li M ...til Aa .... nwimri M I'l , til llalriiiif', iiiiihrli" i n I K Oamermi A On I'.. ill. ii, I Kluir Ullla .. Alinii A kerr Ilnlliiiir, i.ulUtlo A On , II '.. ll u.l T.,ikki I ! I IU ki I II. H Ketbr ... I lot IM .. I I '. iM 1 I ll vl Aultiie 141.1 ii. ."ai I'liiimm .l IttOl ... .... Tli,'-? Imim,...ilu Iju ...., . iii-.ex . I.M'i II.'!1.'! 1 ll.ivti A-Ji.ill.h:a tl nir. i.lln.' 1'll.nn l-.Ui II.IKl . .e. .linen, ralue Ajiilli. :. .m, alue i-.i,i.i K ALU i,Ji o.ea .aiinnn. ilun jiaiuaj --HiviV Ina Amir, vnlin- S ai ihai iln,ilwi 1ml. tluiir. Value IlLiAal II ALTAI 1,1.1a Itnuf ill rillXI, I, Iili . n.i.,r. Value Ml.lUl .1 A Iin VTIMilila It nir. valun l 4.UU ail. I tr WWl ,1 1. Iiirl,,, aalu. SiMiu K-.!l I. .t. value S4.ii. l,--.ii.-.'.aiiiliA tlnur, ralun snni M -ll.Tii IiIiIa rlnur vaum saiiHi, N -I .,iui 1,1.1. n.uir, valiw U.iXn. tl Alanitvr blila flmir, value ii.ii. I'-Alvi 11. i;ueili li.ul y, value ll,ii. ij- ilao 74to 1,1.'. riuur, value .-.'.ii K-I.i.ius lilu fl.,ur, value fil.iu) ' s-ii,io l,tla tl.'ur value '.,'''. ali ll II. brail. I'-Ai.o At turn bran, valun llii, anil WM! i-a.i . .aim. mi. I Al.o 1,1,1. Hour, alnr l.i',i,i V-Alao i.:m Mil. tin .r. va'iu- -,..i.'. I It Oanwrmi A 0" Haltiuir, liullirlv A Ou. Ml, 1,11 A kerr l'iiriltti, Ki-ur Mil. . Haiti, nr. ilnllirle ,v 1 ,1 ail.;, aiu all.!"! . -Jl . r; I l.l.l. fl.uir. vi:ssi:ls ox the way to oreaon. imkt niun rHOD ami mai. Nr.NV YlUtk Ship lli iirv Vlllard ANT KkP Vltr titp tl W Wulff:.- CAM.Ait- Hr alilp Ini'h Uhi Kin-kl.... Hr .hip Kmlnria I I.IVKHIMIIU Hr Ainu Kellanee NKWOASTI.K. S. S. W. Hr .Inn lilr of Mail rail ... Hr bark Snuwilou i llr thin llreatnr Oaalle .... Hrliark Killiibumhahli. . Kill PK JANKIKO- Hr tlilli Hnval lieurfe 1 ..z:i. CtrTAIS. I'alten Hullnr.... Wllrain Kulilnaon larllfllln . p Royal iniirfe I ... 1 atriari Hr liart lilenalUm . Halllln. twi air. rtiKaiiiskita. Hi. ul'T 1471 IBAIt .SiiltnnA llenlin ........ HaVlliUAt iBaifnur, Cuthrln A Co 1 141" IMi liauT .IMiHMAI 1 Meyer. W. A On wn intiAt I mis uaiAI .iu loon 1 k Mrs. U It. Patton. Rockfnrd, III writes: "From personal experience can recommend De Witt's Sarsaparllla, a cure for Impure blood and general de bility." Charles Rogers. Present apearances warrant the pre diction that a month hence William Jennings Bryan will have ample grounds for a suit against the Demo- ratic party for non-support. New ork Mall and Express. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not have now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklen Co., Chicago, and get a sample box New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which Is guar anteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chas. Rogers, druggist. Odd Fellows' building. of Ther are three kinds of bugs in the present campaign the goldbug. the ail er-bug, and the humbug and Candl late liryan is two of them. .Milwaukee U'Licnsiii. Bryan i:i dolnT lots of talking now but after November 3 he will be one of the quietest men In the land. Haiti more American. A hacking cough Is not only annoying to others, but Is dangerous to the per son who has It. One Minute Cough Cure will quickly put an end to It, Charles Rogers. In the silver standard countries there are no building and loan associations and no savings banks. Indianapolis Journal. Many political speakers, clergymen, singers, and others who use the voice excessively, rely upon upon One Minute Cough Cure to prevent husklness and laryngitis. Its value as a preventive Is only equalled by Its power to afford In stantaneous relief. Charles I'.ogers. Candidate Hryan's contention that j free coinage w ould make silver ns good as gold would be more convincing If he were not at the same time holding that gold Is the worst tyrant and grind er on earth. Philadelphia Record. EUCKLKN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, ruis' -3, sons, ulc.ers.salt rheum, fever or 3, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, orris, and all Kkin eruptions, and ps- tive cure for piles, or no pay required. Is guaranteed to give perfect satls- aetion, or money refunded. Price, iia nts p'-r box. For sale by Charles ogers, Odd I-eHows building. The Am -richn people are not fools. rue, they were mistaken four years ai.'o as to the effef.t of free trade; which the most potent reason why they will not be bumoed by the same crowd Ith the naked hook of free silver, evay (Ind.j Reveille. A good recommendation for Simmons Liver Regulator Is, that It Is purely getable and strongly tonic. Then, too. Is better than pills because easier to ike in liquid or powder and with no griping, while the relief from Consti pation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, and Dyspepsia Is quick and sure. "I find Simmons Liver Repulator a very safe and valuable family medicine." Rev. M. Rollins, Fairfield, Va. An esteemed contemporary believes khat David II. Hill Is a gooose. This Is n ornithological mistake; he Is a duck, and a dead duck at that. Kansas Citv World. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's tale where exhibited. Speed and safety are the watchwords of the age. fine Minute Cough Cure actr. speedily, safely, and never falls Asthma, bronchitis, coughs nnd colds are cured by It. f'harbn Rogers. , Having designated the East 11s "the enemy's country," Uryan should not complain If biH welcome In this section Is not entirely cordial. New York I'res. Tetter, troubles; eczema, and all similar skin are cured by the use of De Witt's Witch Haze! Salve. It soothes at once, and restores the tissues to their natural condition, and never falls to cure piles. Charles Rogers. Torn Watson's threat of turning his tamed populists loose on the Uryan boom haa not produced any vlHlble signs of terror up to date. Washington Star. Hr bvk Hwi - Kolicrtaon . Hraiup l'nreeraui'n rtrahln Maehrlhaalah HM ........i SW'ANSKA- 6 Hr tr 1 olomtxit snrouie.... TAHI.K HA V- I Hr .hip OamlliUI ....... ' ..... Nor hark Maltland YOKOHAMA- I Hr ateanier A.iatie rrlnoej , llr .hi 1, Hutinii llalll COl.OMHO. OKYl.llN- i-nr amp oity 1,1 iiaduinninn Rr ihlp Ikiwau Hill I MAOKlTlt'S- Hrhark Procyon . BIMiAIMKE- Hr ililp Oreallal Stuart. SIIANl.llAl- A 111 kchiMuier I.ouli MOSTKVIIiKO- Itm inoAl lllUIUIAI III) 100 A I irrn Imi iuc A 1 llalfuiir. UulhrlaA On ,1'orllanil riuur Mills fainr,nu i ( A Oo.. .ilvv AAI SIliauDA Knrr. , IMI ItOAl I 7 Andaman .. .11 in HOAI Rowlamla ItMMitMt McDonald. ...i I'O A I Mlltl ....... ! luuAl J R Cameron A Ou M.lf.iiir tliillirln A On1 Jaa Lahllaw A Ou I'fntt.. Hr (hip H-ivynliy Rail. riiiir- I'eaalny . . .. . Wli-ktiam.. Ilnll! , Unilva!! ... Pavlet .. I, Jlllll'A . "T I'llKT llr .hip I'nrt Jack. on . IInKiiliATK- Aiii miir Onrrlnr Ihivn SAM' A It'iSAI.I - Hr .Inn Vurtliierti B WIU- Hr .hip I'rovlncel Ill knii-. Hr hark Java! Kn-lwUi.t iIAMi- I Hr Ahln Oamlirlaii Prlnrrai. fonei IA'a) luu.kl lAl.TAl I llr ahlp l'.ntheltea Ileljrna imu AAI 8TPSKV- llr .hie Aretlc Stream! ilownu . II' InOkl VAI.PArtAlMo- Itr Ahlp Vallor! I W ion A 1 l.tlTA- I llr hark Rullo K . I - lTUS I0OA1 J A-J) IUVA lUOAl IX! HOAI ... .. .... 'Jl UAIAI ... Iim inoAl I MviimAl klnii.iin I.uniher l'u Am Trailing t'u... . Aili( IU, paa.ed Alljer. June 9, p ,.Aed l.lxarip tin date, 11 may; June la, M N, 16 tV KKPKHKNCKH Iron I Jun 6th, 'JUS, a W. tut,, Itlo dn Janeiro In Bay of prior In July 4. will have 10 ,ll..'hr-n pail I 1,1 caiKO. Alls. 4. .nl, I MO tnlil of carnu; I salli'd again Aug. la. ni n li a nnn-porarinmia rfitiNlr for lMni,rrlnfia. l LUKf I "ht. Soi-rnialiirrhira, wniir., unnaiiirai ma rtiarie4, r any Itillamnia- 1 w aifLtrr-. (Ion, Irrllaliou ur ulrnra ,.di (nfliHua Cl"n .f ni 11 c ti n ninni' ,'niEl45Cnt,',i Ci). branna. Nuu-aalrioaKUl. ;icirio "frn Mild by limsBlaia, 1; a i 1,1 ,n P',n wrAppnr, Si TW tJJ 't""i prrnalil. for AAjatfc'V " Uircular anli. oa n.iiuak f rlrl,,. r'. r-M.H niaaaaail lleaaa, TNNYiF.UYAL PILLS r fTk"-h'ttr il.. Ih.l , '1 lird ajiitl ;(.( mtliio' 1 f'U uiu- riMxiti. TiftLa li't-iir dtlHrrunt tuitliitt. i -.. imn.,n.,Ht a 1 lru(fisti,4r4mt)tS4tJ KiHl-f ft l.nilli-." tn Ulttr, ht ItMffr Mail. 1 1 , n,l(M,i-,i, sm impr fhrltr1 uvmli-ul t ualludUnn Wintu t St. I rv I MAN, Isle cf Frr-t-miO & IMmei. R. T. tAPLh, late of Stoikton, CM. 7 afrktv l-nn th I'L- I I Bl U ail Luaal lUi M WORKS FOUNDRYHEN IUflckmith.s, Machinists and Boiler Makers Mmu'Zk'"t fll1 Kinds of IHaehinery Iron and BrnHfl Catitlnirs Uenerul Ulocknilth Work , PFC1ALTIKS - Welch Pitant Whl. Ship Siiilllung and Sti-amboat Work, Cannery and J.Vllll M.iihlnnry. Mjrlnt and Stationary Boil ers built to Order. Specially equipped for Insert' work CurrcAponJence a,liclted 18th and f ranklin. Phone 78 CASTORIA For Infantt and Children. Thi fts-ilalla Hpiiurt Of b n mrj Ki The:,e tiny Capsules arc superiof to Balsam of Copaiba, """N CubebsorlsjectionsandlMIEHf) CURE IN 48 HOURSVly ttia came diseases without! Inconvenience. Sold ly all ttrurfistr. BREMNER & HOLMES HlaclcnmlthA. Dpeclml attention paid to namboat r pairing, first -claaa horseshodlng, etc. LOGGING CA1WP fflORK A SPECIAIiTY )JT OIney street, between Third and and Fourth. Astoria, Or ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBflAfly REABINO ROOM FREE TO Are Y011 Goinsf JastV B sure and that your ticket reada via THE NORTH-WESTERN I 1 1 is. 1 cr I I I -M l . Uu CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and . OaMAIIA RAILWAYS. This la th QUE AT SHORT LINK Between : 1 t DULUTH, ST. PAUL, v CHICAGO And all Points East ami South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves tlbuled Dining and Bleeplnj Car Trains and Motto: O.R.&N. 01VE8 CHOICE or -2- TRAflSGOHTINEflTAIi ROUTES. Via Spokane and St Paul Via Ogdeo, Denver and Omaha or St. Paal Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining- Chair Cars Astoria to San Francisco. Htate of C'al. Hat ur Jay, dept. 6. Coluinhla, Thursday, Sept. 10. Htate of t'al. Tuesday, Hept. IS. Columlila, flunilny, Kept. :0. Htate of Cal. Friday, Sept. K. Columlila, Wexlneaday, Hept. SO. Htnte of Cal., Monday, Oct. 6. Columlila, Hntunlny, (rt. 10. Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. I'OTTKll. Iave Astoria Tuesdays, Thursday! and Haturilays at ( a. m. Ieave Port land Mondays, WeOnemlays, and Fri days at 7 a. m. DAIT.KY OATZKHT. Leaves Astoria Tusilaya, Thursdays and Hatunlays at 7 p. m. Leave Port land Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday and Sundays at 8 p. m. 11. 11. THOMPHON. Leaves Astoria Mondays, Wtxlnea days, Fridays and Hundays at 7 p. m, Leaves Portland Tuesdnys and Thurs days at 8 p, m., and Saturdays at 11 p. m. TKLEPHONE ' Louve Astoria Mondays, Wednesday! and Frlilaya at 6 a. m. Leave Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Hatunlays at 7 a. tn. For rates and genertil Information call on or adilreu G. W. LOUNBHERRT, A it on t W. H. HllRI.niJIlT, Oen. Pas. Ant., Portland, Or. K. Mo. SKILL, , President and ManiiKer. WHITE COLLAR LINE iTELEPHONE AND BAILEY GATZERT 41 ALWAYS ON TIME Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passentrera carried on the veatlbuled trains without extra chance. Ship your frelrht and travel over this famous line. All asenls nave tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. BAV-iQK, Oen. Agent. Trav. F, and P. Act 248 Washington St., Portland, Or. Open every day from I o'clock to l:N and :W to 9M p. m. Subscription rates 13 per annum. H.W. COH. ELEVENTH 4V DUANK 0TB. WHEN IN PORTLANrj Call on Jno. F. Handley & Co., 124 Third street, and tret the Dally Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. SEASIDE SAWMILL. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings end shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. F. U LOOAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. Astoria and Portland Telephone leaves Astoria Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornliiir at t ft. in.' Leaves Portland Tiicmlay, Thurs day nnd Saturday at 7 a. 111, rialley Outsort leaves Astoria Wed nesday, Friday and Sunday nlttht at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Tuinday, Thursday and Saturday nlnlits at 8 p. m. O. It. and N. Co.'s steamers T. J. Potter runs alternate days with Tele phone, and 11. Tl. Thompson runs al ternate days with Bailey Oatzert. Tickets good on all boats. - U. B. SCOTT, PreBldent K. A. Reeley, Agent, Portland. C. W, Stone, Afrrrnt, Antorla, ' Telephone No. 11. Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. CLEAN... Reasonable In Price ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. Agmta, AatnrU. f ' , , ' -1 T- ir 11 inn,. , , in ' - r "l,iaii,iin mi " 1 '" " " ' It