THE DAILY ASTOUIAtf, Tlf&DAV MOItNINfl, OCTOBER 13, 18'J. I ANtflcuitile PrcparalUMifor A 9lmllallii(J the rood owl Hetfula Uiig Ik Stomachs awl Unvcu of PromolcsT)iitc5tlon.Clrcirul ncss nnd RcslContnlns nclltw Otmim.Morptilne nor Miiiaal. Not Naiicotic. S( Joti Apfrfccl Remedy forCorwtlpa lion. Sour Stoniach.Dinirhucd Worms .Convulsions .fevtrish ucss and Loss or Sleep. Tac Simile Signalurs of NEW YOWK. !m,...UKt I ixact copy or whappeb. PHOKKHMONAb CAKUJ II. A. HMITH. DENTIST. Itouma 1 and t, I'yllilao Building, ovtrr C. II. Cooper's store. lR 6. II. KDTKfl, PHYSICIAN AND SUIUJICON. Special attention to diseases ( wsanea and surgery. Office ovr Danstgara store. Aslorta. Talophone No. U. J AT TUTTLK. M. D.. rilTSICIAN, 8URORON AND ACCOUCHEUIt Orflo. mo m ( and t, Frthlan BulWIn. Hour. 10 lo II and I to I lUdwoa, Cx1r nrt. JOHN T. UOIITKR. ATTOIINET-AT-LAW. Offlca, upalalra, Aalorlaa Dulldlnc. II. T. CRiWBT, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW. Ml Oommarclal airaaL J. Q. A. HOW LUT. ATTOHNKT AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlca on Uond atrMl, Aatorla, Or. J. N. Dolph. Itlchard Nlioa. Chnlir V. Dolph. IIJ!!. NIXON DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Orrgon, H. IS. M and 17, Hamilton llullitlna. ' All laJ and col (Mtlon bualn-aa promfitlx attaodad to, Clalma aaatnal tha gxivammant a ipa c laity. OCIETT MEETINO. TKUPLR IXIDOB NO. 7, A. P. and A. M. Regular communlratlona hald on tht drat and third Tuvadar avanlnc of ach month. O. W. T.OtTN8RKRRT, W. IL E. C. HOI. DEN, Bacralarr. UISCELLANEOU8. VT. C. CABSKLL. DKALKH IN REAL ESTATE, Notary Public til Bond Street qUODD poison m arnr-rtl A "P I'rimtirr. 0 Itinrjr IU.im1 u4()N prnmnttmiv 1'un,i1tnlutiia&f1nv VtmciiniMlroa(clti Itiimin fur um (irh unirr ntu KiiHritn i . if Hiutiicirr iooin)itini wn wilt con lrrttttriyrHni.l1 fn rim nil hotoltIH.inl HorhTyit, if w full I... uro 1 r yiu in. uwn uiir cury, Mint, M uctiim nii'ftrfl in nuin, ill'. I onurr I M'irrii pim"i w nr yartof th IhHir ,lllrr 7yj,1,f .JJVilV! u.iarm.l a t , a n fHA V Mill It'll ItlOUt Oltflti- in L en' and rhiiUciiat Cho worlii fur A run wnniniiot run. 1'hii haaalirnvi ullleUtltll4f tint mutt niilnrnt ih) Hl t luna AOOtOOt citptml N'hinl our mo null. Will iliitt-o luuu'lo. CU1UAOO, iiX. J. B. WYATT, Phont No. a Aatorla, Oragon Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplying Shlpe. THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT. A paaaenger train on tha Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul Railway, No. Ita tarlna are veatlbuled, heater by gteam, and lighted by electricity. Each aleep car berth haa an eleotlio reading lamp. Ita dining care ara the beat In the world, and Ita ooaohea are palaoea on wheal a. Thla great railway, connecting aa It doea with all transcontinental llnee at St Paul and Omaha, aaaurea to tha tarvellng publlo the beet eervlce known. Tloketa via tha Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul llnllway are on aala at all railroad ticket offlcea to any point In the United Si a tee or Canada. For mapa, foldera and other Information, addreea. C. J. EDDY, General Agent I. W. CASEY, Portland, Or. Trav, Paai and Tkt. Agent, Portland, Or. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTLE OP OmIoiU ii pot up Is tw-iii bottUt hIt. Il It ot l. U bulk. Dci't allow oyoo to asll jpas ijilltf ' on tU pU w pnwlN lUt II it Just (!" and "will Hint tTsry par- yott." 4-Ht tnat y9 U-A-B-T-U-SVl-a. I wttf. EZXZZ3 flawaTa. Tff Ana MABira. OlaioN PATiNTe, OOPwaicNTa. au. Vnf tnfnfflliaAtnaAJia ttM HAttilluili w Mia fa. MI'SK a CXI, HI baniuwir, l ,). OLImi barau Minot pauau la Amiirtro, t'wrf plnl Ukkra (Hit br u la bruuchl bfitw lb ihiUm b a Bouc (ia Ctp o(lvuwa ia IM Kai laiamaa, sal Unaawaj, w Vurk City, INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for HuflVrers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Tha objtcUona urged agalnat Indlo In the paat b tha large uumbera nhs otharwlaa would have been glad to take advantage of Ita beneficial climate, haa ben a lack of aultable accommodation. The Southern PacMo Company takes pleaaura In announcing that aeveral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Juat been erected at lndlo atallon. that will be rented to aupllcanta at ra eonablo ratea. They are furnished with modern conveniences, aupplled with pure artealan water, and ao situated aa to give occupants all the advantages to be le- rlved from a more or lees protracted rnaldvncM Ii thla delightful climate. (From the Ban Franctsco Argonaut) "In th heart of the groat desert of the Colorado which the Southern Pacltlo t'uvoraea therj la an oauls called lndlo, which. In our opinion, la the sanitarium of the earth. We belluve, from personal Inveatlgatloo, that for certain Individuals, theirs la no apot on thla planet so favor able." O. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "The purity of the air, and tha eternal aun ahlne, fill one with wondT and delight . . . Naturt haa accomplished ao much that there remains but little for man to do. Aa to Ita possibilities aa a health retort here le the moat perfect aiinahlne, with a temperature always pleaaant a perfeotly dry soil, for rain la an unknown factor; pur oxygen, donao atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired T It la the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a para dice for rheumatloa. Considering tht number or sufferers who have been oured, I have no healtanoy In recom mending thla genial oasti aa tha haven of the afflicted." INDIO. Is 6ia miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANORLES Fare from Los Angeles 3-oc For further Information Inquire of any Southern Pacific Company agent, or address B. P. ROGERS. Asst Qen. Pass. Agt B. P. Co. J. B. KIRK LAND, Dlst Pass. Agt Cor. First and Alder sts., Portland, Or I 8olntiCo American MARINE MATTERS. 11 Hi It WATKM. MlW W4TKM. I'ATK. A.M. i CM. I A. M. i e. M." a :ii.iu rt ii in n in ft MiiTTiiilnV 11 I 'i'K i'i i Miinilny ., II 12,11 (U'.H.T ! IMni'i, UUIAH Monday., 12 AWi.l!' (iB.'ilWI7! I Tuesday., l.i ii 41 h.v mi" 7 7 1 omn.ii' o 111,3 1 WediiMly ill mil n I 7II7IT I I'HMi man Thursday l.i vim . Mill T I il7"Mi! Jiu:;;i Friday,, II'. VimiI.u , nwiMi I'tWM 1" J tin in. p. in 1 ii, -ui. ih iow serw. nines or tluin-.1l, l.i ill, it, Kw Moon, l.i. I irsl nr. ill, Kull Mwui, The C'upli a aalled on Sunday, The Eurasia left up fur Portland Hun day aftnrnuun. The Columbine inailn a trip In Tilla mook Itm k and return yesterday. Tha steamer Areata arrived In yea- tcrday afternoon from Han Franciaco. The Htata of California arrived In yea tenlay morning with a large freight and paaaenger Hat. The ai hounrr Hndle arrived down from Portland yealerday, lumber laden for Han Franc Iik-o. The llrltlah ahlp tnrhapv Km k, Cap tain WIIhuii, arrived In yeaterduy af ternoon from Cullao. The iwhiMiner Iura May arrived In yealerday twelve days from Han Fran claco, and will lonl lumber at Port land. The llrltlah ahlp Mavlgwyn, which arrived down Holiday, anlled yesterday for Qileenatown with a cargo of 42,000 buahela of w heat. The llrltlah ahlp llrynhllda, Capluln J. MiKenxle. aMlli-d yi-atcrilay fir (jueeiialow n or Falmouth for orders Hhe carrli-d a cuuo of S1.0JI) buahela of w liettl. valued at SM.liVO. TUie llrltlah elilp Prix-yon. Captain Alex. Pyott. 110 days from Maurltlua, arrived off the mouth of the river laat night and will probably be towed In to day. Hho uaa a little overdue, and the delay had caused a little anxiety on the part of her frlende. The ai hooner Fanny Adele, Captain null vie, arrived In yeaterday nine daya from Han Franrlaro. partially In ballaat. 8 he will bad lumber In Portland. It will be remembered that 8. E. Hlaile and Captain Ogllvle a short lime ago bought the five-elghtha Interest In thla vessel from J. t. MrKlnna. The rap tain la now In control of the bualneaa. The veaael haa a capacity of JO0.OO0 feet f lumler. Her trip from Han Francisco la a record breaker and la all the more marveloua lm-auae the veaael waa oblig ed to put out aa far west aa 111 The Norwegian steamer H .W. Jarla berg, which Friday completed taking on a cargo of wheat for Port Coata, Cat, waa ordered late In tho afternoon to sail for Calcutta. In ordinary aeaaona shipping a cargo of wheat to Calcutta would be like sending coal to Newcaa- tie. There waa a ahurtage In the In dian crop thla 'aeaaon, and the, grain lenlera there are holding on to the out put In an effort to aend up prlcea. It la to break thla combine that the H. W. Jarlsberg'a cargo la being sent to Cal cutta, and there la a probability that the big Irainn ateamer Gleneak. now on ! her way to Han Franclaco from Singa pore, may be sent after her with a like cargo as soon as she arrives and can be loaded. VatcrsKuts have been observed In the Pacific frequently during the post summer. The yacht Coronet, which re cently arrived In Han Francisco from Yokohama reported having an experi ence with one In mid-ocean. Her crew reported that the volume of water waa about 300 feet across, and that It trav- led wllh frightful rapfdity and passed within a few hundred yards of the ves sel. The bark Santiago, which aailed from this port about a month ago, re ports from Hllo that during a dead calm In latitude 44 degrees 11 minutes north and longitude W minutes west a waterspout bore down from the welt almost straight for the vessel. When within about one thousand fevt of the bark It turned slightly to the north ward and passed In a scml-clrcle around the viubcI and disappeared toward the east. The Russian steamer Kotik arrived In San Francisco Thursday from Putro liatilofxkl nnd Commander's Island, bringing a cargo of fur skins, tho esti mated value of which is nearly 12,000, 000. Included In the cargo are 200 er mine skins and 4.014 sable Hkiim. Fur dealers say that this winter those skins will be equal to about their weight in live-dollar bank notes. Then there are 14,418 seal skins, worth, at the present market value about 110 each; 136 sea otter skins, ranging In value from J200 lo 1700 each; 4 silver fox skins, worth from 1500 each, and 1,306 blue fox skins, worth from J2u to J40 each. There are also 3.12 enws fox skins, valued nt from $50 to 1250 each, and 3,132 red fox skins, possessing a market value of about 12 each. Uealdea these there were 1,276 bear skins, of an average value of about $40, aa well aa a great many bundles of wolf, deer, fawn, squirrel, land otter and beaver skins, walrua ivory and whalebone. The cargo la consigned to the Russian Fur Seal Company, at whose trading and hunting posts in Siberia and the Islands of Retiring Sea the skins were collected. Examiner. A thorough Investigation of the causes leading up to the wreckage of the Uma tilla Is to be begun at once, and the blame for the disaster will likely have settled on someone's shoulders In a very short time. The official report of the wreck has been filed with the cus toms house at Townsend, by Captain If you want a sure relief for l;rabs, use an Allcock's 7 Bsar in Mind Not one of P Hons is aa good aa the genuine. If your food Is Boriry, great, indigestible use TheN.K.Falrbank Company, HL Ix)iil,Clilro, Montreal, ftsu " Francisco, Portland, Oregon. flsAAW IAl ' Hunier and Pilot Lloyd, and it la dis tinctly stated that tha fog algnal at Point Wilson waa not being sounded at the time the ateamer atruck the rock, and that It did not begin blowing until juat aa the veaael waa run upon the beach. Thla la given aa the cauae of the accident, and the other officer of the vese who were on deck at the time, eight In number, agree with this statement of the captain and pilot. This charge, however, la flatly con tradicted by tha keeper of tha station, who claims that he can furnish undla putable evidence to the contrary. He declares that he haa had offers from half a dozen responsible persons that they w ill make altldavlta that the signal was being sounded ri-gularly at the time of the accident. He accounts for the statement of tha officers of the steamer to the contrary by the fact that certuln conditions of the atmos phere sometimes carry the sound of the whistle over a veaael off the point when It ran be heard beyond It but not on board. It seems now that there Is to be two separate Investlgutlona of the matter, one conducted by Lieutenant John C. Merrill, of tho lighthouse service, and the other aa to the retoniithillty of the pilot in regard lo the wreck. Lieu tenant Merrill will confine his Investi gations entirely to the question as to whether the signal waa being regularly sounded at the time the accident oc curred, and It will end only with the dismissal of the keeper In charge of the station or his complete exoneration. The queatlon or the liability of Pilot Lloyd will of course cover a much wider field, and the Investigation will touch on many points which will not be cov ered In that of the lighthouse Inspector, It Is claimed by some that the pilot has admitted that he waa not having the lead cast aa la customary when a vessel Is ao close In shore as waa the Umatilla at the tlma she ran on the rocks. Later reports from the scene of the wrck are to the effect that the divers have located aeveral other holea In the stranded vessels keel, making ten In number, which are being patched as fast aa possible. The pumpa are being placed In position and the vessel will be floated now Inside of a few hours. Tho statement of Captain Hunter places the value of the vessel at 1250,000, with Insurance at I23S.000; value of cargo, 1100.000; damage, 190,000; Insur ance), 110,000. Tacoma Newa. TO CI Kg A COLD IN OM( DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Druggist. Tom WaOion la still on deck carrying hla mouth with him. New York Trl- bune Many political speakers, clergymen. singers, and others who use the voice excessively, rely upon upon One Minute Cough Cure to prevent husklnesa and laryngitis. Ita value aa a preventive Is only equalled by Ita power to afford In stantaneous relief. Charles Rogers. This paper Is strongly In favor of the free and unlimited coinage of pro tection, reciprocity and sound money at a business ratio. Union City Times. The U. S. Oov t Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. When Tom Watson wakea up in the morning his first question Is: "Has that Interloper, Sewall, withdrawn yet?" New York Advertiser. Speed and safety are the watchwords of the age. One Minute Cough Cure acts speedily, safely, and never falls. Asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds are cured by It. Charles Rogers. Mr. Rryan has made 150 speeches, and he never told a single audience why anybody should vote for him for presl dent. Toledo Commercial. Ture blood means good health. Pe- Wltfs Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, euros Eruptions. Edema, Scrofula, and all diseases arising from Impure blood. Charles Rogers. Reading, Mich., has a boy orator who beats Rryan. He is only 17 years old, and will not be defeated for president this year. Detroit Free Press. Tetter, eczema, and all similar akin troubles are cured by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at once, and restores the tissues to their natural condition, and never falls to cure plies. Charles Rogers. William Jennings Rryan hunts his crowds, while William McKlnley's crowds hunt him. Philadelphia Press. OA8TOIUA. Ti, fu ll all, ttfutut If bis sn The best chemical compound for washing powder la "Soap Foam," as it will not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the hands. It's the finest thing In the world for the bath. One trial will con vince you. paina in the back, aide, chest, 0 Porous Plaster the host of counterfeits sod bnita fettolene Declaration of Principles The Itepubllcana of tha United States, assembled by their representatives In National Convention, appealing for tha popular and historical Justification of their claims to tha matchless achieve ments of thirty years of Republican rule, earnestly and confidently addrea themselves to tha awakened Intelll gence, experience and conscience of their countrymen In tba following dec laration of facta and principles: For the first tlma since the Civil War tha American people have wit nessed tha calamitous consequences of full and unrestrained Democratic con trol of the Government. It haa been a record of unparalled incapacity, dis honor and disaster. In administrative management it haa ruthltssly sacrific ed IndlHjienslble revenue, entailed an unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary current expensea with borrowed money, piled up the public debt by I2H2.000.000 In time of peace, forced an adverse bal ance of trade, to a perpetual menace hanging over the redemption fund, pawned American credit to alien syn dicates and reversed all the meaaurea and results of successful Republican rule. In the broad effect of Ita policy It haa precipitated panic, blighted In dustry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and crip pled American production while stimu lating foreign production for the Amer ican market Every consideration of public aafety and Individual Intereat demands that the government ahall be rescued from the hands of those who have shown themaelvea Incapable of conducting It without dlsaater at home and dishonor abroad, and ahall he re stored to the party which for thirty years administered It with unequaled success and prosperity. A Protective Tarifl. We renew and emphasize our allegi ance to the policy of protection as the bulwark of American Industrial Inde pendence and the foundation of Amer ican development and prosperity. This true American policy taxes foreign pro ducts and encourages home Industry; it puts the burden of revenue on for eign goods. It secures the American market for tha American producer; It upholds the American atandard of wages for tha American working-man; It puts tha factory by the aide of the farm, and makes the American fanner less dependent on foreign demand and price; It diffuses general thrift and founds the strength of all on the strength of each. In Ita reasonable ap plication It la Just, fair, and Impartial, equally opposed to foreign control and domestic monopoly, to sectional dis crimination and Individual favoritism. We denounce the present Democratic tariff aa sectional. Injurious to the pub lic credit and destructive to buaineas enterprise. We demand such equitable tariff on foreign imports which come Into competition with American pro ducts as will not only furnish adequate revenue for the necessary expenses of the government, but will protect Amer ican labor from degredation to the wage level of other lands. We are not pledged to any particular ached ulea. The queatlon of rates la a practical queatlon, to be governed by the condi tions of the time and production; the ruling and uncompromising principle la the protection and development of American labor and industry. The country demands a right settlement and then It wants rest. Reciprocity With Other Nations. We believe the repeal of the reel proclty arrangements negotiated by the last Republican administration waa a national calamity, and we demand their renewal and extension on such terms as will equalize our trade with other nations, remove the restrictions which now obstruct the sale of Amer ican producta In the porta of other countries and secure the enlarged mar kets of our farms, forests and factories. Protection and reciprocity are twin measures of Republican policy, and go hand In hand. Democratic rule has recklessly struck down both, and both muat be re-established. Protection for what we produce, free admission for the necessaries of life which we don't produce, reciprocal agreements of mu tual Interest which gain open markets for us in return for our open market to others. Protection builds up domestic Industry and trade and secures our own market for ourselves. Reciprocity builds up foreign trade and finds an outlet for our surplus. Protection to Sugar Producers. We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Republican party favors such protec tion as will lead to the production on American soli of all the sugar tha American people use, and for which they pay other countries more than 1100.000,000 annually. Wool and Woolens. To all our products to those of the mine and the field, as well aa to thoae of the shop and the factory to hemp to wool, the product of the great Indus try of sheep husbandry, as well as to the finished woolena of the mill ws promise the most ample protection. Merchant Marine. We favor restoring the early Ameri OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. can policy of discriminating duties for the up-bullding of our merchant marine and the protection of our shipping in the foreign carrying trade, so that American ships tha product of Amer ican labor, employed In American ship yards, sailing under the Stars and Strlpea, and manned, officered and owned by Americans may regain the carrying of our foreign commerce. The Financial Issue. "The Republican party Is unreaerr. edly for sound money. It caused the enactment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments In 1878; since then every dollar baa been aa good as gold. We are unalterably op posed to every measure calculated to de base our currency or Impair the credit of our country. We are, therefore, op posed to the free coinage of silver, ex cept by International agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained we believe the existing gold standard must be preserved. All our silver and paper currency now In circulation must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all measures designed to maintain Inviola ble the obligationa of the United States, snd all our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standard, the standard of the moat enlightened na tions of the earth." Pensions for Veterans. The veterans of tha Union armies de serve and should receive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given tha preference in the matter of employ ment, and they are entitled to the en actment of such laws as best calculat ed to secure the fulfillment of the pledges mads to them In the dark daya of the country's peril. Ws denounce tha practice of the pension bureau so recklessly and unjustly carried on by the present administration, of reducing pensions and arbitrarily dropping names from the rolls, aa deserving the severest condemnation of the American people. Foreign Relations. Our foreign policy should be at all times Arm. rigorous and dignified, and all our Interests In the western hemis phere carefully watched and guarded. The Hawaiian Islands ahould be con trolled by the United Statea and no for eign power ahould be permit etd to In terfere with them. The Nicaragua Canal ahould be built, owned and op erated by the United States, and by the purchase of the Danish Islands we should secure a proper and much-needed naval atatlon In the Wast Indies. Armenian Massacres. The massacres In Armenia have aroused the deep sympathy and Just Indignation of the American people, and we believe that the United Statea should exercise all the Influence It can properly exert to bring these atrocities to an end. In Turkey, American resi dents have been exposed to the gravest dangers and American property de stroyed. There and everywhere Amer ican citlsena and American property must be absolutely protected at all hazards and at any cost Monroe Doctrine. We reassert the Monroe doctrine In Ita full extent and reaffirm tbej right of the Unulted Statea to give the doctrine effect by responding to the appeals of any American state for friendly Inter vention In case of European encroach ment We have not Interfered, and shall not interfere, with the existing possessions of any European power in this hemlspheie, but those possessions must not, on any pretext, be extended. We hopefully look forward to the eventual withdrawal of the European powers from this hemisphere, and the ultimate union of all the English speaking part of the continent by the free consent of its Inhabitants. Independence of Cuba. From the hour of achieving their own independence the people of the United Statea have regarded with sympathy the struggles of other American peoples to free themselves from European dom ination. We watch with deep and abid ing Interest the heroic battle of the Cu ban patriots against cruelty and op pression, and our best hopes go out for the full success of their determined con test for liberty. The government of Spain, having lost control of Cuba and being unable to protect the property or Uvea of resi dent American citizens or to comply with ita treaty obllgatlones, we believe that the government of the United Statea should actively use Its Influence and good offices to restore peace and give Independence to the Island. Enlargement of the Navy. The peace and security of the repub lic and the maintenance of Ita rightful influence among the nations of the earth demand a naval power commen surate with its position and responsi bility. We therefore favor the contin ued enlargement of the nary and a complete system of harbor and coast defenses. Immigration laws. For the protection of the equality of our American citizenship and of tha wages of our worklngmen against tba fatal competition of low-priced labor, we demand that the immigration laws be thoroughly enforced, and so extend ed as to exclude from entrance to tha United States those who can neither read nor write. Civil Service. The Civil Service law was placed on the statute book by the Republican party, which haa always sustained It, ana we renew our repeatea declara tions that It shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wher ever practicable. Free Ballot. , We demand that every citizen of tha United Statea shall be allowed to cast one free and unrestricted ballot, and that auch ballot shall be counted and returned as cast lynching Condemned. Ws proclaim our unqualified condem nation of the uncivilized and barbarooa practices, well known aa lynching or killing of human beings, suspected or charged with crime, without process of law. National Arbitration. . We favor the creation of a national board of arbitration to settle and ad Just differences which may arise be tween employer and employed engaged In Interstate commerce- Free Homesteads. We belters In an Immediate return to the free homestead policy of tho Republican party and urge the passage by congress of the satisfactory free homeatead measure which haa already passed the house and la now pending In the senate. Admission of Territories. Ws favor the admission of the re maining territories at the earliest prac ticable date, having due regard to the Interests of the people of the territo ries ana or tne united statea. All tha federal officers appointed for the terri tories shall be selected from bon lids residents thereof, and the right of self government ahall be acorded as far as practicable. Alaska Representation. We believe the citizens of Alaska should have representation In the con gress of the United States,to the end that needful legislation may be Intelli gently enacted. Sumptuary Legislation. We sympathize with all wise and le gitimate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils of Intemperance and promote morality. Rights of Women. The Republican party la mindful of the rights and Interests of women. Pro tection of American Industries includes equal opportunities, equal pay for equal work and protection to the home. We favor the admission of women to wider spheres of usefulness, and welcome their co-operation In rescuing the coun try from Democratic and Populist mis management and misrule. Such are the principles and policies of the Republi can party. By these principles we will abide and these principles we will put Into execution. We ask for them the considerate Judgment of the American people. Confident alike In the history of our great party and in the justice of our cause, we present our platform and our considerations, in the full assurance that the election will bring victory to the Republican party and prosperity to the people of the United States. Less dust, more comfort If for no other reason than because of its com parative freedom from dust you should take the Burlington Route when you go East. Mind you, we do not claim that our trains en Joy ABSOLUTE exemp tion from dust. Such a statement would not be true. But we do claim- ana we Know we are right that our tracks are better ballasted and bet ter maintained than those of any other railroad to Omaha, St Joseph, Kan sas City, St. Louis and Chicago. A. C. SHELDON, G. A, Portland, Oregon. Parties desiring the best of job printing at the lowest prices should call at tha Astoria Job offloe before going elsewhere. (Wlij