The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 07, 1896, Image 1

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Save time
The Dally Astorlan
, ana worry SI
"Ad " .
In Tur An iuian'i
" Column,"
... Family Circulation
Much mokii thai THBfs Titum as
1V0. 233
Our Handy Wagon...
Combines nil Ilia features of the. child's
plain u and a velocipede, ami, all
thins considered, cos is lbs consumer loss
than either. Bo desirable, convenient and
atlefacory has II proven, (hat, as a
ready "eeller," II has no vipial. We lass
sirlal prlils, loo, In delivering Ihs
same promptly and In faultless cond'
linn to ihs trad.
Something New
and Fresh...
Call and Be
Oregon State Normal School
A Training Sthool fur Teachers. Senior Year Wholly Professional.
Twenty weeks of Psychology and C.mcral and Bpeclal Methods; twenty
weeks of Teaching and Training- Detriment.
Training school of nlns grade with two hundred children.
Regular Normal Course of Thro Yearr.
The Normal Ilploma la recognise by law aa a Stat Life Ceru Meats to
I.lKht Kxpenw; Hoard at Normal Dining Hall II M per week. Furnish
ed rooms with light and fire, 7Dc to It 00 per week. Hoard and Lodging In
private families ll.W to U K per 'k
TUITION: Sub-Normal, I&.00 per term of (en weeks; Normal, 16.25 per
term of ten weeks,
tirades from reputable schools accepted.
Catalogue cheerfully furnished on application.
Address P. L. CAHPllLLL, Pres., or W. A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty.
The Successor of the
OrcKoti I raUlntf Co.
will inuiiKiiratc tin
o i 1
Sept. 30, at a p.
and continue until ."rdi.500 Is ruined from
the Mock. Sale positively without reserve.
H. l-KIHI3MAN.AMCtlonocr
Astoria & Columbia River
Beginning on Monday, Sept 14th,tratns on the A. and C. It. R. R. vii
run aa follows:
Leave Seaside at 7:30 a. m. dally.
Leave Seaside at I p. m. dally oxoept Sunday.
Leave Seaside at 4 p. m. Sunday.
Leave Astoria at 9 a. m. dally.
Leave Astoria at 4:45 p, m. dally except Sunday,
Leave Astoria at 6:30 p, m. Sunday. C. F. LESTER, Supt.
Oregon Industrial Exposition
SEPT. 19 TO OCT. 17
The great rcNoiu-ccH of the Pacilie Northwest, Agriculture, Horticul
ture, fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Machinery, Transput-,
tiition, Trade and Commerce will be represented
more completely than ever before.
Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening
Lowest Rates Ever Hade on AH Transportation Lines
for Exhibit apace, apply to Geo. L. Baker, Superintendent, at the building
B. C. MA8TBN, (secretary.
Base Ball
Croquet Tackle,
Sets Garden Tools
(.IAN AM) (il'.KMAN
Trustee for the late
1 IliOTIAiVIaa TliuStocVr1iiiHlHth.4
malk in wants
and Thousands of
other foods.
Kill nuns suit or the II f Fort to
Miikc the l'tuile
Aatit It.
t. I For Mv-lcn What "Krwi Sliver"
Will I'u fur lh" United HiKli'N Itnya)
I -- a ' Turn Hie Tide
uf Natural Law.
'I'll- following account 1 f " Inn'rutt
Ive cX i ilin-lit by th- HwoIWIl anvern-m-nt
In the clKhtcciilli century U ab
st:iicl. .l from ll-inUin !. t, one of Uiu
n!..ii itml lies! known Kue.llsh news
u.ris I'llntwl In III- I'nlti'd Htittca.
It .ns v. rllt.-n by lr. John A. Knamlur,
A bos- nttuli.iiH'iits us a hlnlorlati have
lvcn him u r-utitti.n. Th-) spe
cial liilcitst of the urtlclc, bowevir,
Kpms out of the parallel between what
illil oi cur In Swi.l.'ii ami what would oc
cur In lb- I'tiltiil Htutes shuubl we
adopt the unlimited colmme of silver at
the 111 tltumn r at lo or 16 to 1:
"In the era of the Karollna, In the be
ginning of the eighteenth century, the
nrs of C'barli-s XII had wasted the
IHipulailon of Hweilen, linpoverlshist
the country, and destroyed the IikIuh
Irles. Tl.e tlniuiflal ijumilon, there
fore., aunn-l unwonted Importancv
uii.1t the exlllng circumstances of the
"Al that ilnte the lirculntliiK medium
oi.nli.t.-.l of nllv.T and copper. The
largest ruin was I he rlxlbuler llu Swv rlk.liileri. The rttlhulur was a
nilu aluitit tin- alxe of the orlglnul
Ann Hllver ilollar of 41$ grains,
hut Its nlu-. until ulxuit 1TIK. was tx
tlmlers sllv-r 'T tbr-- lhal.-rs copper.
-Vfler 1 T 1 s it wai, worth three silver or rune copper thalcn t:
liuirkm Almtit ITTC, II wiih vhIiim.1 i.t
six thitlers vllver or eighteen thalersi
copper iT.' rn. ul. i In conm .iieni e of
nuccrwh t Hlrriloits In the quantfty
of copT w ii h which It was alloyed In
the cowrie of l'.n yentu the value of the
silver thiiler bad fullen to a third or
fourth of what It wits In
"When that mi iik u In-, obstinate auio
cmt. Mr Hurts, whs ma.le minister of
llnanit-. tli-re was still a considerable
si.nk of inon-y In the kingdom. Hut
olng to lin k of ronll.lence It was
hoardi-d iin.l little money was In clrcu
lulloii. Mr. il.irts was a political ad
ventuier. ignorant of financial laws,
and he ili vls.-O a scheme to Induce the
wealthy clilr-iiH of Swinlen to purchn.
governinent s-ured by mort
gage Unn the real estate of the entire
nation, but pliu eil upon It without the
knowbtlge or consent f the ln.llvl.lual
wnein. A royal decree coinpelleil (ill
trusttvs of trust funds for church,
for schooh. and for the poor to vx
change their money and their s.s urltles
for these iKinils. vvhow value necessur
II v ileclined in proportion, and the flood
of cheap money row to a higher and
yet higher level
"Mr. (iortz. Ilk- our own Mr. ltrynn,
conceived the Id. the Sweden could,
'without unltlnK for the aid or consent
of any other nation,' establish Its own
financial system upon tin Independent
baals. He proposal to remlnt all copper
coin upon which lie could lay his hand
and give to the new coins an arbitrary
and fills ratio In comparison with nil
ver. The copper thaler, lie said, was
the 'money of tm' poor," the 'debtor's
dollar." The Value of the eopper bullion
which It rontalni'd, he thought, would
rise In the nmrki-t and the production
of copper would le stimulated and In
"It was further claimed that w'lth the
depreciation of the copper coin of the
country prices would rise, the farmer
would receive more money In exchange
for; fnrm products nnd would
revive, so there would he a demand for
labor, and the number of unemployed
would be greatly reduced.
Charles XII was too experienced a
man of the world and too wise a mon
arch to be deceived by these reproaen
tatlona, and it was with Die greatest
hesitation he slfrned the decree present
ed to him by bis minister of finance, tie
woud not allow- this cheap money t be
stamped with hla eflliry, nor would tie
permit It to bear the national es
"The new coin soon received the deris
iry title of 'calamity coin.' on account
f the IlimiH'lul ruin which It wrought.
I pleoo of copper worth half a cent wua
tamped '1 doler S. M.' (S. M. stands
for allver mynt or sliver money.) The
various mintages were popularly known
by the name of the engraved devices
by.'whleh they were distinguished the
Crown,' Tubllca Fide,' 'Jupiter,' 'Wis
dom Armed,' 'Rough and Ready,' 'Sat
urn,' 'Phoebus,' 'Mars,' to which were
added In the relun of I'lrlka Kllnora
Mercury" nnd 'Hope.'
'Not even Mr. Gortz Imagined that It
would be possible, to float an 'unlimited'
number of depreciated copper thnlers.
It vvna decided to limit the number of
2,000,000, but once on the downward
road no place was found for a halt short
:f the bottom of the precipice. By 1717
there were 13,0(10,000 of these thalers In
circulation. At the death of Charles
XII, In 1718, 40,000,000 had been minted,
of, which !f:,,'Kj,oiw were actually cur-I
r-nt. I
"In order to Insure th passage of (lie j
new l h. up money It w mi made u legal i
tender. The Miami' lh' government, '
iliilrr. H. M.,' was believed tu make a,
' 1 1 -1 - r lliiilvr equal In vului. to a silver
ihiii-T. Two of tin-in, thi- government
declared, must b- taken In trade and
payment of debts as the equivalent of a
silver rlxthiil-r. The government Itself
did not receive them at thin valuation.
"When tile purchas-r of government
bonds applied for their delivery they
were Issued to him only on payment of
:'.M copper thalers for every rni rlrtbal
ers In bonds. The rumor spread that all
the silver dialers deposited In the gov
ernment bank were lo be a-lx and cop
per thai ;rs given to the debitors In
stead, li rid that if lllt-y P-fused to agree
to this exrhanire their deposits were lo
I be forMlid lo This Imme ll
ji'tc ciit'ejiienic of f'ls loos of conil
1 K'lioe In the md falt'i of the govern
ment ' us tlu dlsuppetran. . . a i t by
magic, i f all silver money from c'n ula
Hon. "This che ip money Would buy n .thing
except at ruinous prices If a elt!..en
of Sweden presented himself p, his tail
or to be clothed the tailor demunded for
each ell of !ne broadcloth four thal-ia
In silver or fifty thalers In copper. Ev
ery article offered for sale had two
prices one in 'honest' money and the
other In 'cheap' money.
"In order to put a atop to double val
uation of goods the decree was Issued
making It a crime punishable by not
lees than four time the value of the
goods for which a higher price was
asked In copper than In sliver.
"The result of this decree was an Im
mediate reasalion of all tralllc of every
description, except In primitive form
of barter. The overvalued copper mon
ey ilpue the silver money Into hiding.
The Swedish people no longer dared to
use the sliver coin In th transaction
of business The next step taken by tht
government was the Issue of a decree
requiring all persons. In possession uf
silver, either native or foreign, wheth
er In form of coin or bullion, to forward
tin- same on or before July 1, 171. to th-
national treasury nnd re che 'cahimity'
coin In , xthunge for It. All allver there-
after found In
Ihe ,-e.,n of any
subject of the crown would. It was said,
be ciHillscuied. This caused an Immedi
ate exportation of silver from the coun
try. To prevent such cXHrtarion a law
w as passed requiring every Swede w jj
left the country to dec-lure In advance
how much silver he bad on hla person
or In his possession. This law was, of
course, a dead letter. In a very abort
time more than all ver thalers
were exported.
"A story is told of a merchant, who
shipped a larrre amount to Holland, but
dared not take a receipt for it or men
tion the matter to his wife and chil
dren, not even when he found himself
upon his deathbed. His family would
have lieen losera to tile amount of 70.000
rlxthulera had not the honorable Dutch
man with wtvn they were deposited
written to Sweden In 17:'" that he de
clined to be any longer responsible for
their custody- Persona who wvTe unable
to send their money out of the country
frequently burled It in the soli. In
stead of silver and iikt bimetallism.
the five nn.l practically unlimited coin
age of Hat copper resulted In the estab
lishment of copper monometallism.
"Tlit- amount of copper money In cir
culation at the time of tlx- death of
t'harb-s XII as has already been stated.
was 2;..lGs,IM thalers, and the paper
money :.0iK 0(H) thalers. In spite of the
abundance of cheap money tiie national
debt had risen to the enormous sum of
60,000.000 stiver thulers. Tlu- first and
most pressing question for discussion
by the Swedish parliament, which as
sembled In 1711". waa how to get rid of '
this debt.
"The decision finally reachirt was that
the 'calamity coin' ahould be redeemed
at one-half its faoe value; Wiat Is, at
the rate of one-half of a silver thaler, 1
or 1 allver ore. The government In- ;
vlted the people to bring their copper 1
money to the treasury and exdhange It I
for silver at the ratio of IS t 1. The
government, of course, had not the sll-
ver with which to redeem It. but It re- i
turned to the owner for each thaler de-
posited the Identical win deposited b,
him. which was thereafter to be valued
only two silver ore. and in order !
to make up the difference It gave him '
paper money valued at 14 silver ore. !
"Such of the Swedes as had by Indos-
try and thrift accumulated a small fund
with which to support themselves In
their old age. beheld with dismay the bushels November delivery"
sudden disappearance of one-half of The advance, however, was not with
tbelr little savings, while they felt the out selling. A 2c advance even in these
pang of a terrible doubt as to the ultl- davs of rat.l.l nd ......,'
mae redemption bythe government otas very tempting, and It was taken
the paper which It had Issued and In advantage of with a vengeance and
........ ...... ,-..,..-, imtMcu,
In point of fact, the government waa
unable to maintain the credit either of
the paper money which It had Issued or
of the copper money which It had guar
antissl to uphold at a depreciated valu
atlon, but a valuation still above the
Intrinsic worth of the bullion of which
It wa made. The net result of this
manipulation of the national finances j
B u. .mi. en lemiieu ui poverty nnu :
many thousands were compelled to re-'
sort to beggary ns the only means of I
keeping soul and body together.
"On August 20. 1723, the desperate de
cision was taken to reduce the legal
tender value of every one of the copper
coins In circulation to one ore copper.
(Continued on Foiirth Page.)
'Crouds Visited Clinton Yesterday and
T.nthuscd the Entire
A Ilstlngulahed and Knthuslustlc Iiody
uf Men-Twenty Carloads of People
Call on the Next President. In
cluding Many Fanners.
Canton, f-ctober 6 Haln and slush
illd not keep the big delegations from
Canton today. No more enthusiastic
callers have be-n here than those from
Tonawaniiu ar: 1 Iluffalo and Syracuse,
N. Y., and L'liwe county, Michigan,
And through the showers and tnuJ the
callers marched to the McKinley home,
making the city resound with their en
thusiasm, while mounted troops and
largfr bands of music and finely drilled
companies, uniformed In mackintoshes,
invoked cheers from the thousands who
stood sheltered in doorways and under
aw nings while the visitors marched by.
The formal receptions of the visiting
delegations did not end the demonstra
tions. As soon as the city was shrouded
In darkness the clubs were again on the
street. Michigan, New York and Ohio
united to form a spectacle. When the
parade was well organized It marched
aii'i i uunter-marched paat the McKin
ley home and waa reviewed In the little
stand on the front lawn by Major and
Mrs. McKinley and a number of friends
of the family.
A special train of five coaches arrived
about 3 o'clock this afternoon bearing
the lumber dealers of Huffalo and Ton
awanda. This was a distinguished ap
pearing and thoroughly enthusiastic
body. It waa composed of business men
coanected with the lumber trade, and
ac-onllng to the statement of the
spokesman. Included many former Dem-
fccr.its. A reception was held in the
.Tabernacle, the rain preventing a dem
onstration on the lawn.
Shortly after i o'clock a eclal train of
five datches arrived bearing the Re
publican clubs of Syracuse. The iost
prominent in this delegation was the
handsomely uniformed and well drilled
Syracuse escort. There were also rep
resentatives of thirteen other cluis..ln
cludlng a detachment of wheelmen.
A few minutes after the Syracuse
party arrived a speciul train of ten
coaches reached Canton, bringing the
delegntlci named in honor of Lenwe,
and organized In the vicinity of Albion,
Mich. They were about ninety per cent
farmers. The delegation. In a pouring
rain, murched to the McKinley home to
view th lawn. They then returned to
the Tubernacle, w here Henry C. Smith
made the introductory address.
Takes a Cent Jump at the Opening
Chicago, October 6. The strength d!s
l lived by wheat at the opening was a
surpnse to most of the traders.
December, which closed yesterday at
S7. opened at 6siic, an advance of
a full cent, and In the course of the
first forty-rive minutes trading had
steadily advanced into 6'ic. The
strenKlh apparently came from the Lon
don and Herlln cables which both show
ed an advance. Liverpool was quoted
firm but unchanged In price for spot,
and M higher for futures. That about
balances yesterday's decline In futures
1 This certainly was no sufficient Incen
tive for th Initial Ic advance, but pri
vale cablegrams covering a later time of
iday at Liverpool, quoted another Hd
advance in futures, or Id rise altogether,
j Then the reason for the strength began
;to be understood. But it was only In
the course of an hour after the opening
that the commission houses which had
V. .. . I I.AB , 1 , Jt .
"""" lnal ume-
lmm to show dlspatchea they had
. .1 , cl . J:
l""4' ?? ' "December ap-
HAfirAil tr nova ran liiL.ilHn. .i n
TJ" ' "Z " ' DU
" " " , mo8t
Z? "
"Foreigners were heavy buyers
nniu aeiuui w uem. v e mnr n a.1 -
buying order for a continental house
for 100.000 bushels Octohee .nrf ianAi
prices graduallv sold off tr. car.. t-.
cember closed at 69.
Mother and Three Children Burned,
Clasped in Each Others' Arms.
Sllmmlt TW, no rv. ,
The house of Thomas Savage, two mllei
from hert?j burne,, SundaVi am, hu wfe
nm three
children perished in the
llames. Yesterday morning Her in...
discovered the house burned, and a
search of the ruins revealed the awful
The body of Mrs. Savage was found
near where the foot of the bed had
been, with her legs and arms burned
off. At her side lay an Infant child
burned to a crisp. On the spring nat
tress were her two boys clasped In each
others' arms. It Is not known how the
Ore started.
Writes Ills Formal Letter and Makes
His Itow.
Bath, Me., October . The Hon. Ar-j
thur Bewail, Democratic candidate for
vice president, tonight made public his '
l-ttc-r of acceptance. It Is In part as
"I hate the honor to accept In writ
ing, as I nave already verbally done,
he nomination tendered by you on be-1
half of the Democrats, the candidacy i
for vice president of the United States, j
and In doing so, I am glad to express I
my satisfaction that the platform of
our party, which has commanded my
life-long allegiance. Is honest and fully
declaratory of all the principles and of
the absorbing financial Issue, upon
which, as you say, I took my stand when
the pours or triumph seemed remote,
and when the arrogant money chang
ers throughout the country boasted that
the conquest of the American masses
w as completed.
"These principle have been of late
In abeyance, but only because those
whom we trusted to maintain them have
failed to do so. These principles can
never die. We have rescued our party
from those who under the influence of
the money power controlled and de -
based it. Our mission now Is to res-
cue from this same power, and Its for- their construction are -of three-six-el
gn alliance, our own beloved country, reenths rolled steel. The deck J -eon-
thin is the first and highest duty Im-
posed by our party's platform upon
the performance of this duty all other
reforms must wait-
"The free and unlimited coinage of
silver Is the sole remedy with which to square inch and carry a working pres
check the wrongs of today, to undo the sure of 2j0 pounds.
ruin of the past and for our Inspection ;
ii, have the Justice of our cause and.
those cherished principles of Jefferson
and Jackson which shall be our guide
on our return to power."
In Florida,
Used for
the First Tlm
Pensacola, Fla., October 6. Tht gen
eral election for state and county offi
cials was held througnout Florida to
day. There were three tickets in the
field for state officers. Democratic, Re
publican, and Popu:ls and also for
county officers In nearly all the coun
ties. The gold Democrats supported the
Democratic ticket. There Is no doubt
of Democratic success by a good ma
' fc "
" , . .
"r ""--""'"
ballot system was used for the first
time In this city. Thj result of the
new system was very satisfactory. Ow
ing to the length of the ticket it Is Im
possible to give the returns tonight
Several Important arr.crlii'ents to the
state constitution wete voted on, the
most Important being one to abolish Oc
tober elections. It Is believed that this
amendment has been adopted.
Sonora. Cab, October 6. The Oakdale ; committee appeared at the office of
stage, that left here Monday night at 10 Secretary Pixer with the foregoing
o'clock, with five passengers, was held ticket of nominations and were inform
up by a lone highwayman on Crimea 'cd that it could not be legally filed for.
Hill, near the Crimea House. The mail 'he reason that a certificate had al
pouch and Wells-Fargo's wooden treas- ready been filed by the convention held
ure box were rifled. Only a small sum j under his call. It Is rumored that Rose
was secured. The passengers were not ' w111 fllht In the courts, and perhaps by
molested. The robber thought a large , tne mandamus route, to compel the
sum of money was aboard being , secretary' of state to file the free silver
shipped out by sports who attended the certificate of nominations,
races. i ,
New York, October 6 J. & W. Selig-
man will receive, through their San
Francisco correspondent, the Anglo -
California bank, about t2.5O0.O0O In gold Roseburg, Or., October 6. Two en
from Australia, due to arrive In San gines collided on the Southern Pacific
Francisco October 22. I near here today. John McGonlgle, of
. . 'Porttnnil AMm.n J a xr , .
Liverpool, October 6. Wheat, spot,
firm; No. 2 red spring, 6s 2d; No. 1 hard
Manitoba, 6s 2d; No. 1 California, 6s 3d.
Portland. October 6. Wheat Walla
Walla, 5$jJ59; Valley, 6162c.
Dr. I. D. Driver, one of the presiden
tial electors of the state of Oregon, will
deliver an address on the political situa- jat Albany. He assured callers at head
tlon at McKinley hall this evening. 'quarters that the senator would give his
The Hon. S. H. Piles, of Seattle, one
of the foremost stump-speakers of
Washington, will deliver an address In
this city on the 14th Inst.
The Hon. T. J. Cleeton will address
the people of Chadwell on the evening
of the 9th.
ne circuit court was engaged ail aay tlon accorded W. J. Bryan on his arrlv
yesterday and all night up to 11 o'clock jal in Indianapolis today was nearly as
on the case of I.elfur vs. OHis. At that ! great as any he has received during his
hour the Judge charged the Jury and entire trip. He made five speeches
they retired to the Jury room with in- j here, two In the afternoon and three
structlons to render a sealed verdict. tonight.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report.
j Wolff k Zwickcr, of Portland, Get
i the Contract for Two Tor
pedo IViats.
Will He Engaged In Their Construction
The Boats Will Be 14 Feet Long
and 14 Feet Beam Work to Com
mence In Three Months.
Special to the Astorlan.
j Washington. October . Wolff A
Zwlcker. of Portland. Or were todar
awarded the contract for building the
1 two M'4 knot torpedo boats for the gov-
Portland, Or., October . The award-
ng of the contract for the construction
I of Jhe two 22V-knot torpedo boats to
( Wolff & Zwlcker, of this city, todag.
'will give employment to about ZOO skiU-
ed mechanics. Work will not begin on
' the boats for about three months, aa
j nearly all the material must be ordered
from the east.
! The boats will be 14 feet long and
only 14 feet beam. The platea nsed In
vex like that of a wbaleback.
' The two boilers, which will also be.
1 built in Portland, are of the special
type known as the "Thorny Craft tubu-
lar." They are tested to 00 pounds per
Republicans In Nebraska Get the Best
! of the Free Sllveriies.,,
Omaha. October 6. A
Bee special
from Lincoln says:
pursuant to a call for a free silver
Republican maas convention. Issued by
'A. L. Ko& yesterday, several hundred
Republicans got into Una this morning
and held a convention under the call
without the presence or support of
; Rose. The convention came oft at the
i Republican county headquarters. Af-
ter the meeting from four to five huo
1 dred Republicans visited the Lincoln
! Hotel and ratified the entire national
and state Republican tickets. They did
- .,,, i , ,
: likewise at the Capital and Lindell, be-
'fore disbanding.
The rold standard ReDUbllcans thus
stole Rose's thunder and nominated the
regular ticket as heretofore filed with
the secretary of state, while Rose, with
a handful of chosen silver disciples, met
'somewhere and held a starchamber
j mass meeting, nominating for gover-
nor, Robert Armstrong, of York, a far-
j mer.
The gold standard convention hustled
, Itself around, and filed Its certificate of
nominations of the regular ticket at 12
o'clock noon. One hour later the Rose
Head End Collision on the Southern Pa
cific Causes Three Deaths.
! Special to the Astorian.
I ... v ,,u n. . Auy, oraae-
man, of Salem, were Instantly killed.
Fireman George Happersett, aged 27,
died tonight. He leaves a wife and
two small children.
New York, October 6. Elliott Dan
forth, chairman of the Democratic state
committee, has returned to town after
having an Interview with Senator HUL
adhesion to both the national and state
Democratic ticket. Danforth left it to
be questioned, however. If Hill will ac
cept the Chicago platform.
Indianapolis, October 6. The recep-