V 1 1 - v i" ' ' . .kWBw -nt 4 THE DAILY AST01MAX. Sl'NlUY MORNING, OCTOBKR 4, lttilH. "1 gaily otovhtUe JOHN T. LlOHTrn, Editor. Telephone No, SJ. TKKMS OF M'HNCKirilON. DAILT. Bent by mall, per yew $4.00 Bent by mall, per month M Delivered by carrier, per month 43 WEEKLY-. Bent by mall per your, 12 In advance, poit a ire free, to auheerlbcra. All eomnvunlcAtloni Intended for publi cation ahould be directed to the editor, j Bunlnen communications of all kin.lt and remittance must bo addressed to The Astortan. The Astorlan guarantees to It eun terlbcrs tlie lanrest circulation of any lewapaper published on the Columbia 1rer. Advertltlrur rates can be had on appli cation to tha business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, Ui second oldest weekly In tha atate of Otva-on, has, best to tha Portland Oregonlan, the largeat weekly circulation In tha state. Jno. F. Handley Co.. are our i-ort-land agents, and copies of The Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand. Ui Third street. to lift hla mortRaire with ,V1-oent dollar and how will It double the nolllnir piU-e of the fanner' product? Mr. Pi-yan's jwhi are the moat nmnxlns exam ple of monumental absurdity In the history of American politic. He has not made a single utterance on the cur rency question that will stand the test of Ingle. AS TO FREK SU.VKK. The Interview In today's Issue with Mr. Harder, of the Great Northern Railway, gives many new and Interest ing facta concerning the future of traf fic on the Faclfle Coast, and the part that the harbor of the Columbia will play in the changed commercial rela tion of the United States with the Orient. When men of Mr. Harder's ex perienc and observation, from careful thought and study, give expression to riews of this nature, the world must f necessity place credence In them. There Is every Indication on all sides that the tide has turned, and de spite the present hard times, Astoria is on the eve of a future prosperity which demands the best judgment of Its foremost people, unanimity of ac tion upon every line tending to the gen eral good, and the hardest work upon the part of each citlen for the accom- htle Mr. Hryan Is denouncing trusts and syndicates, It mUht bo well for him to sivo some attention to the chaise that there Is a silver trust or combina tion which is behind the free sliver ab lation. Senator Hill, of New York, has ! declared that there Is such a combina tion and that the whole mltation for fne silver Is due to It. Mr. pavld A. Wells, w ho Is competent authority, has ' spccitically asserted In a published le. I tor that the movement for free silver !"ls-jho result of a rascally conspiracy of the silver-mining masnates of the west and certain politicians hose as piration are centered In the attainment of office and spoils." A New York dem ocratic newspaper has given what pur- I ports to be an exposure of the opera tions and the purposes of the silver j trust, claming that with that glgantlc syndlcate lies the chief responsibility for the free silver agitation. Mr. Itry an say that the demand for frvv sil ver is not made because silver is pro duced in this country, but no one will seriously accept this statement In view of other declaration which do not fit with It There is nothing Incredible In the al legation that a silver trust exists, or what amounts to the same thing, that there Is a well-defined understanding among millionaire silver mine owners in furtherance of the scheme to double the value of their product and their properties. Nobody will pretend that SenatiH- Stewart, for Instance, is inca pable of uniting with other mine owners to accomplish that purpo- The Ne vada senator, whose ardor for free sil ver Is Irrepressible, not only has heavy investments in American silver mines, but Also In those of Mexico. He Is president ami principal stockholder in the International Minlnc Company, which owns one of the most valuable ik rf 1. TCi f. ! 'tNK illiipl very r-kO-sLii'tiVft,: This is the best Smoking Tobacco made. Blackwcll's Genuine BULL DURHAM Too will flm. mm coupon luttvl ivh t outu h nti twv impon lnMt wh 4 ounc tc. f? Hut ft ti4. PMkl th hiim. navl w b. to gvi yHtr Urv of A.UU in itrvwnt. plishment of the great objects in iew. ; ...... The net profits of the company now are The exposure made by the New York J " l tm IT.tW to is.ihv a week World, and reproduced In yesterday' '.and if under free coinage silver should Oregonlan. of the garbled translation of Bismarck's letter, is a fresh example t the infamy and dishonorable depths to which the desperation of their cause baa driven the Popocratlc campaign managers. How any decent citizen, no matter what his views on the money question, can longer support a candi date or platform whose representatives resort to such open and barefaced fraud to delude Ignorant and weak-minded voters passes all comprehension. It is much to the credit of the Intelligence of Astoria that the lying statements of certain would-be sealous Bryan advo cates In this city have turned scores f votes to McKlnley. There Is every prospect that Clatsop county will cast the largest vote In November ever given for the national Republican ticket in its history, and not a little of this cred itable and gratifying showing is due to the low character and methods of the men w ho have assumed to run the Bry an campaign In this locality. Fraud and forgery and dow nright ly ing have characterized the silver cam paign from the outset, and no matter how often the lies are exposed, they are persistently repeated, like the fiction of the "Crime of 1S73." the false statistics of "Coin." and the bogus quotations, which the coinage Is apparently free and unlimited. One of the most popular forgeries is an alleged extract from the London Financial News, which originated in Nebraska, and which the silver papers continue to print In defiance of the London paper's assurance that no such article ever appeared in its col umns. The Financial News, In its Is sue of September 14, recurs to the sub ject and ays: "In our Issue of August 13 we took "occasion to refer to the circulation In "the American newspapers of an artl "cle entitled 'The Grip of Gold.' pur "porting to be an extract from the Fi nancial News of March 10, ISM, and w e "stated that no such article had ever "appeared in this Journal. As certain "American papers continue to reprint "this article, crediting it to the Finan cial News, we have again to warn "our readers and American contetn "porarfts that it is a forgery, and its "whole tenor Is entirely opposed to the "view we have always taken of the ef "fect of free silver legislation in the Tnlted States." This will not make any difference to the Bryan organs, but as some honest readers have been distressed by th-lr forgeries we think it worth while to I give this paragraph prominence advance to an ounce these already generous profits would be doubled. There Is no difficulty, therefore, in un derstanding why Senator Stewart wants the mints opened to free silver and the reasons that Induce him to de sire this are equally operative with" the other silver mine owners, as a few of the more candid of them have not hesi tated to admit. The matter Is one for the people to think about Those who are support ing free silver because they think it will release them from the power of alleged gold syndicates should candidly ask themselves whether they would be like ly to Improve their condition by sub jecting themselves to the power of a silver trust. Will the silver mine own ers be any more philanthropic or any more considerate of the interests of the people than the goldbugs? May It not be practicable for a combination of the silver producers to "corner" money as the gold standard men are said to do? These are questions that may well be considered by those who are shouting In thoughtless enthusiasm for a policy that by the admission of its foremost champion would produce panic, the disastrous consequences of which no man can foresee. Men who wish work, men who wish' Chairman Jones, of the popocrailc na better wages, men who wish profits on ! tional committee, I worried about the their Industry, are all Interested In the 'State of New York. This I absurd of tariff, and that Issue, therefore, despite 1 Jones. It I ridiculous to worry. New all that IVmocratlc dthlgors may do. re-1 York svall right by about Jim.tMO ma- mains in the hands of the people as J-lty for honest money. New York one of the most Important to be d elded at the coming election. - Mall and Kxpres. A MVSTKRT. How the human system ever recov ers from the bad effects of the nause ous medicines often literally poured Into It for the supposltlve relief of dys pepsia, liver complaint, constipation, rheumatism and other ailments, is a mystery. The mischief done by bad medicine Is scarcely less than that caused by disease. If they who are weak, bilious, dyspeptic, constipated or rheumatic, would oftener be guided by the experience of Invalids who have thoroughly tested Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, they would in every instance obtain the speediest aid derivable from rational medication. This medicine is a searching and at the same time a thoroughly safe remedy, derive! from vegetable s urces. and possessing, in consequence of Its basis of pure spirits, properties as a medicinal stimulant not to be found In the fiery local bit ters and stimulants often resorted, to by the debilitated, dyspeptic and languid. TO CI RK A 1'OI.U IN Hi: IMV. Take laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. :So. For sale by Chas. Kogcrs. Prugglst. When the people know that distrust, panic ami Industrial disturbance bocun with the election of a free trade con grvss and a free trade president. It Is imixisslble for lom,vratic orators to get them to believe that free trade had nothing to do with It. OUTWAIII) HOUND ORIWON (IRA IN FI.KHT-lHD.ri;. K UI Ml, ,1 Ml. mcii-l llr nark sept Oct I tec lull l llr lil In Am hl Ii b b rk.. .'! br liti ... S llr bH'l .. I llr b.ark . : br tl'lp II Hi .In .. .. hum. ik I:: r i.lii. . . 14 lb vIhii.. . . ! brb.rk 1" br tint VI III lup ... .' ill b ik Jl Krlmik .' II lill .' b kuk i' bi oleic . iu li p. s i'r -it ii ! bi 1 1 i , IT bi bok . I,' II. -hi,. . J. br.llii. I br I. ii k J br -In. ... ;! lit slop ... i ii r Mop : llr hi I bi lil'. .'I ilei llll. , br Liu k . .' "r hip S br h ,. II br -II I' .. II brb.rk II br .Ice .. II bi l.k I.' br l'rk . I'J tier lurk I- tier -lnp I.' Ill bark .. . ' br liln .. br b,ik ." II .in iftier bok si (ler baik I.i H r t.ik . . . ur i'iii .... . in Hi t. .rk ... I tier .hip.. 17 r b.irk . t ltl!4 .hill llr .hip ." i br hark ... 1.1 llr .hip . h Mr .mi" V br Lark I llr btrk I Hr ttrk .M. II brtxrk. . . br.lilp I. Hr alllM Jl lit bark l Hr br ,il br hli A 1111 it .1 bn Im r k II tier lli ' Hr imp St Hr thlp . Sept 7 llr.hlp A -ji.nMiiim nur. value ilM.tt,! Feh Mar April Mar Julie Jul; NAM'.. Hire.. sicir i P uIiiih .Iilllli.. llllullleld iircilt .ulilltlrlil . Pa., cl I vny Hril-.eU. ... . i III.HII Mill ....,.. Iiilrl.rl.lit,. I.lell ( Per, .mii v Ill ll.lH Anilreiii da.. br iiiki.iaii I urie.t Hall bce.Mlrtil , . . I i. le eeili-ti ..... Iiiiiiiiiiiulr Vie lieiiiMirii I'm-, el rilluler ..... i, ,v. i,. 1'nrlK I OlICI I I K.irl ol Z,. iiul ii.em .Ii . ii nliv Mall .... Piiiinlil ilr ,. Vbti,,ii. bar l..,.-iiu IV iKMtMM , .. Hi rt HI. 'knierv,. . ... I'diV'-rlmi . .... t'r,wii of Scotland.. . ' er.lltiatul r'i Iter I nit . urn ... Ilckmiuli K tie I i,o in., Au.lreia, . .. I'enrlivn l'a.ili..., It.v.i.l.le .... Samarkand Mewiiaii ......, .... Kd.tll a.co tie llama Itaiinia'litMiril I'lillmiii'lia .... P.iw.Ca.tle.. .... tJU'ne.trn Matllll.lp l,..ell .. .... J V lliirine.ler - , . iileimaiMr . Ile.lf r Libra t'amiir an Kins .... r'i..iii.- iunlri'e .. ....ii .. Wc.irni M en , .... '.In l r- .Vc-ey .... Miiralll i .... I Ittrune .... r'.i'tai hlre .... .'II toil l.lltll I'.hll m, Kiieii.tlirtirli .)i . IM .... kill . . In eri.r,, .litre. .... Yar ma , Kernl.atikt,..,. . Ail.lral'la! . M. lr...b, ; Soii.iuia .... I a- aaiea I . i'itllrrlatnllitii'I.. . riaetu4M"atibl vl Hreiilnl la! 1,-ji.i.J II -Ala 1 " a.i,.. in... il, u,. " vJ,. . Sliiri'li It " Hi " T ... Kvlirtiiirv A..., . March 1W . t-ebriliirv It Maiell H II " in in . prll Jil March I April a " b ' 1 1 II " .'' ;i m -a dime In H . Jure lo . April ii June 7 .. ' lo J " i ' l . i ., . T , W , ft 10 .. T 10 . T'aci.kaakii roll .iiiiivmi it'KMAia Ivimi l.lverianil lieeelnliiir ill., Uhii l.lverpiH.I Ileecltiher 'i.'l.. X ITU Itil.lol Ilcei'inliiir rki., iriw I'orte Jaimaty 7 llii'i I'oik 1'i'hriiary 'J1., I.'ni I'll uiiiiilli . ml Mnureail .. iK4 t'.uk , .;l"l V '111111. mil IllVI'iek .,, Jls! .'It. j,IN K.tlmuiiili , I...'.' Phluelllll , lint I Ivcrpiail H lunii vira IV. I I 'ink III. I'tllllt..lllll. , I;. .'aimniill .. l.i'.i Auiw rp .." pi.i.1 Krfbii.ntili , Ulii ltarr.ii, ...kl K lllll.llllll.. I ,i l ork Id Slluo .n Kailll.illlll h .ii'oik III. I'oik prji Kaliiiiiulli.. , 'I'm K.liniiiilh .. .... ;..! Hull.. 'lid l.niier ck.... ilVaiiVrk ...cIT.It Ill: " Irtii " . jiwr IIKU " l.tl-J ' , I .i bll.lOl nm i'oik .JTi: il.-.-T 'li-'.l Kalm.iiltll .. aw " Ui " .... ism fork . ...Il-irtt " I imi raimm.iii , ., ! It fork Iiuiv H J Ats i'iips Toon .... June Ilwfnrk Inly mm " ... .Inn 9i. 'law Calmnutil " i I.trn'ork .Iiiuv a. VI h I onibm " i . , . I.11.V Kaliumitli Julv In i Ml t' ine run bom ill ., ,...!IU l-alin.iutli . . July N !.: l urk bllv 1:1. . ...' Ik A llav J in.' :l .... Ji.T Kalmoiiih kiisti.i I... , .. u.J ti,Ht Hay July ia.. . ... b OorH ... Jli:, Liverpool .... latl Cork Al.-a Hay ..M7 'ork il.il fork ," i viailuv.io.-k I.'i" enn Nmi.i , I'.fi l.lv..rM,.,l 1 , , 'l"J Al..a bar I.'.i . ork ll.Uk.1 eaaea a linen, value JIJ,IU " J . May June .. 0 '! i' ".ii" I r v nilii ihi i;.l H. '.iiJI Ail ,'HI t'.'.WTA Ml a,'l 110,4 HI la'.aiiN II tMUS I, I ,l'i I..I.H4H .si,ii.ir '.ail .VJ.klt I.' Ill ll.'J no m. :.l,Tn. ni i,,i Tn.a.1. i si I II s;,7iit IU.tk'1 II IH.7MI .,.sil to : ii at mo M.Tiai M..1IV I U..JI avH at.lM a..ViS T1 01.110 4.. 11 ns.Snrt a,.v I. TW.lrtT '.IK4 M ni.r.M V.'.VI Ha,l.1 M.Jill n vu 4.1'JWI ci Jl 1 711 il.XM 4.1, I TH.aua ..nl ,M,i,l 7.4lit 'is Art " ::.iu K i. jeakl ai.tM .'S.I'O V..,i,ll ftl.lNllI In.xl IH. min ..:,iio M, i im ml I.I.IMhl .Vl.il.kl (vi.iakl i:,ki o-...aa 4s.Xkl "a iV.Vii" 7lll inii a i ii II. KO lll..,,l in, mi "l;'.lvi" ;,.ol ,witi'' III ixl :n mil 7 1. 1l 'le.ual ni',iki 'U, l ,t ml U'MI 'i'.IUi "i,.oi ' jlll l,l A.iaat 4J,N) ".i'i.Siii'' 4t.laj 'w.mim' M 7 KI ii ik,i rki.iku Ul.ik.i II uu .isat M.illkl .(i,bl M,VI I J .! 'l,ll i, all .,ukl ; ,.,.ii aiui'i'Mia, 1'iiitlniiil rimir Mill.' Ilallcur, tlnlliiln t',.,, MIIiwiii A Kerr "all .in, iliillirle Jl t J U i nnii.r.iii 1'ti I' Kl viiini I'u I'.iiilai.il klmir M b. Hlliatm ft hmr i, .1 H t'ani.ir.ii X i o , .... llaK .iir i.itlliili & I'u ., I It 181111.11111 A I'll l'..ill'i",l H"in Mi.U IUII. ui', iliilh Ic ,V i u, . .1 II 1'i.itier-m it i'u , p i' He l.r i 'u llilllniir, lllllllrli. A I'. i . Mpi.iiu K kerr ... bal ..nr. llnllirlr l o PiiiIUhiI lour Mills. P (' K etraler I n . Il.itiiuir, i utlirli. i n.. I'.ollaii.l H nir MI.U . Ilall.mr, lllHhrte ft t il., J H t'liineri'ii A t'.i.,,M, sib.en Kerr. I' t' Klevalur I'u .1 It t' in... en ft I'u aiti.,111 St Kerr .... I'.irlUn.l 1 1 mr Mill A Mem liallmir, lluiluln A I'u.. J II failierolt A fit halfniit, iiutliile A t'u.. I'urllaiiil, Cbmr Mill 1 1 C kli'Valiir t'o Hllm in A Karr V I Iryaiot t'o ' Hili.n A Ksir I H t'amrMii A To I'.irllallil k'leiir Mill. .. stliaim A Kerr , II .lluur, iitiihrli. A I " , mr i U. I..IKI .M,l,k I ;A imri ,., J K I'm moron A Ci I' r Kl. vaiiir t'o Halloiir. liuilulo A l o, ,, ,. biirilaml Fl.mr ,Ml l "' , llall.iiir, llullula a, I'u... Sll.m A Kerr balteiir lintltr'P A l o , tfl,.,i A Krrr It i ain.'ioii A t'e .,.... bait. i. ii, il.illirie A J r. I ainei.tn A Co. ...mm. Half.. in, i.inlirla t i n... Ilalrimr, liiiilirl a i n . I H raiiiertui Ir-i ... I' mlaii.l ll.uir Mill, . sil'. iii ,V Krrr lull. .nr. iiiuhrli. A I' i MA I K i io...r ''iiViiia !!!!!! ill lia . ill I . k'l It...... . i Ii' W . Cl i'la.. ... A,' I bl. 0.1 . i'l 17. Ii.l , k'l I l k'l II .. cl U . ti 1. k'l ii .... 4 I la . k'l I7 lid , i 1 Ilia Ikl I I IJ l.l 4.1 I la Ikl , 4 I 7, . k'l II. ,1.1 . k'l 171 ll . kl Is. . k'l I Ik Ikl 4 I IH k l 17a Ikl . All I.M.,... , k'l PU lk Al Ilk i . k'l lia. . ci b M k'l Ina l . CI !' Ml Cl l ia Ikl . Cl IK Kl . Cl d . kl I . Cl I .. . Cl 17a d . Cl IM, ..... , Cl Ina d . kl I . Cl Ins ...... . Cl I'a d cl Cl l.'a Cl I Ikl Cl IJ" .! liilvate . Cl l' . Cl bl til . Cl IW . Cl I". M A M lk . Cl l l l.rUale. ... . Cl a J.I . 41 !-.... , ..wnpra so cl""iia'!! . Cl .la (I '-.. . I7.WH ROYAL Baking lo dcr has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. Slh.on A K rrr I k, ikl liurl.v bdi,,. a,-.,.,! "'.'.' ii rf. I.t.l. A. K-- Alfc. ls. I'a,, ,allll..t. ,alue li,l K - ,.1's.i, l,, n.mr. . ll.ir llllll Ii-la.ria. 1,1,1. Il . ft'.. ...i II ' ?-ki i.t.l. rt..... l-.1i.ir.wi.l . rt ,ur. lalur avi.n.i .1 -Ala,. VTi In.l. rl mr. value si4,uu ami 17 il . II. harlei . riin. nki.'o K -Mjii l,l,l. il,..ir. r..ikl hi.la n.nir, tine n.'.mi. u-ai 4.n; ,i, a rtnur. I.I.I, ll. .ur, valuo lil.i.u M-iu.au bkU I Al.o l.i.ov lil. I. Amir, later la iu r.ii .'lion. I-.v.ii.',. in. . n u.r. lAHtr s.-si,h,i .1 -Ala,. A.TI i tiiil, n mr, value Sll vmIi. ai. on I. . ci 1,1,1. f1i,r vi.li! a'O tkfei l ii r- u.l. n... n... .alio. ail.Kki r - Al... li.iTicii. Mi ley. value sti.iaii. Tkai Lie. il.mr, valuv l.-.'.ni! It ii..iir, vauie s.i."'. ai.i iii.i en, nrau I .1 leua .ran, valllr SI llki. atnt 40,Mi er ,81111.. vkssi: IaS ox Tin-: way to oiihoon. t'l.Ht kllkl rit'.a AMI MHt, I Nr Tom Watson lias beei tlirouk'h Texas like a cvel cockle-burr under Its tall queer IhlnK alHiut It Is Hint he has be. n for the most part knocking over I'eino crntlc haystacks. Texas Slf!lim-s. fallen . lll t.MlM-11 If those European dukes and counts who teleirrapheil congratulations to Br"an were really sincere in the belief that free silver coinage w ould be bene ficial to the country' that undertook It they would try It at home and get the benefit for their own people. Chcnlc constipation Is a painful, dis agreeable and llfe-shortenlnf difficulty. It derange the system, causes sick headache, bad breath, and poison the blood. It cat) be readily overcome by De Witt's Little Karly Klsers. These little pills are great regulators. Charles Hogvrs. VnltK - swivpllltf . SJilp Henrv Vlllanl ,., Al.l.n H Y- ' ! Pan h.rk HaMla! Hut til.'! AMANKhl- -Hr .nip l. w w out; t'AI l.,l- Kr.iup Inch -ii.. H.s'k; nr .tin. r.n.i.iria I LIVKhl'llUl.- i Hr ahilt Kellauea Ki.tilninu 3 Hr .till. Kura la ; Mr l blH ItSk- Hr bark l.ln.leii N.KWf Asrl.K. S. S. W. 'Hr "lor. i 111 nf Maitra, br I. ark Mil. a .ion ( .1 43 .JAII I 1.TJ.1 IHHAI I i.SI.IS, .iutl.ili A lld . lilt lliltler I.A1 liMAI I n llauu Halfoiir. t'utlirls A t'o that CURE FOR HEADACHE. "What was that fine sentiment Rryan got off the other day?" "He said we must not drop the txiugh As a remedy for all fo'rms of Headache. th"rn u'M'n the c"rn!1 ,,f lttl,"r " Eiectrlc Bitters has proved to be the very i chll'aK H-ord. best. It affects a permanent cure and I the most dreaded habitual sick head- I How much business can a man do whose system is In a state of disorder? Headache is only a symptom. It Is not a disease. The pain in the head is the sign of rebellion. There have b-.'en mistakes In diet and other abuses. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel lets are a pleasant, effective renovator and invigoratnr of the stomach, liver and bowels. They assist nature with out threatening to tear the body piece meal. There are no gTiplng pains, no nausea. One is a laxative. A book of 10)8 pages, profusely Illus trated, written by Dr. R. V. Pierce, called the "People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," will be sent free for 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only. The World's Dispens ary Medical Association, Xo. 63 Main Street, Buffalo, X. Y. The worklnKmen of this country w ill never vote fur a man who seeks the presidency by trying to array one sec tion against another, or one cla.. of citizens against another. They, like all patriots, are in favor of a president who will art for the welfare of the whole country' and of all the people. aches yield to Its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try It once. Fifty cents, and H.00 at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. nsh. Cmila ttsAtue OAHTOniA. PJ4 Major McKlnley was right. We do not want to repeat this agitation every four years. The way to prevent It from rei.eatlnr itself is to vote It under by an overwhelming majority. Iowa lieg- Ister. t'ntil the Wilson bill, of which Mr. Bryan was as earnest and eloquent an advocate as he has since been of free silver, scared the country into a panic the workmen got the hlKhest wages They ate so little you hardly know y.u are taking tbem. They cause no griping, yet they act quickly and most thoroughly. Such nre the famous little Pills known as De Witt's Little Karly tne worm nau ever known and he got Itisers. Small In sUe, great In results. them regularly on a gold basis. Just as Charles lingers. he will get them again if McKlnley s elected. Philadelphia Inquirer. THIJ DISCOVERY 8AVED HIS LIFE. Mr. O. Calllouette, Druggist, Beavers vllle, III., says: "To Dr. King's New Dis covery I owe my life Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Hav ing Dr. King's Xew Discovery In my store I sent for a bottle and be gan Its use and from the first dose 1 began to get bettei, ind after using three ' bottles was up ai.o about again. It Is ' worth its weight In gold. We won't ' keep store or house without it." Oct a free trial at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. Why die not some popocrat or sip ullst declare that when free silver coin age comes the people or the govern ment shall have a part nf tl.e profits of such colnnge? Indianapolis Journal. Many lives of usefulness have been cut short by neglect to break up an ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis, and even consumption can be averted by the prompt use of One Minute Cough Cure. ('Iiarle.s lingers. Th -r. n.i t.-il decline will s.-. is no third t.-rm dnnger con wlth -Mr. Hi van. He has already 1 a second term, and the people Unit In- does not k'et the first. llr khlp l.-leeairr fa. lie br bark k.lbibiirKli-lilre. . Rill PK Jk.SK.lKi- Hr till. K val Ueorse J Mr bark lilen.ttuu . . . ......... Hrtiark lel Hraiilp I'uraeveraiiea SWANsKA- Mr lrk fotuiubot TA mi.K ItAV- Hr ilili. f andl.Ut N'n. bark Malllalld YOKOIIAMA- Iir .learner A.iatle Prince! . HnMp Hntli. n Mailt. CACK Tow k ilr aliln purhrldsi- C OMIMHII, ('RVI..IN- 1-llr ship t'Uy f iladdtiiittim Br Mr. Ihwan Hill I MAI'KITH'S- llr hark Procyon .SIViiApOKK- Hr ihtn Oreallat .... H AMill ,1- aiii .eh. Miner I ottla Hr hlp 1'i.itallocb. AliKI.Albr- Br hark A.t.irla I nr .bin .MiiaiiiiM! Mu.NTKVIbKu Br ihiii Ilmeliby Hall lliKT HKIK- Itr hip furt Jaekvon HilKuUATK- A'n ,.'hr farrier Pove santa Kigali - Br .hlD Vortlgrrn HA II I k Hr lil I'mrlncet IIIAHH Hr bark Javal SA Mi is Hr .bin l ambrlan Prince. a T 41. T lb Mr ship Pantliealleal HYDNKY Hr lllp Arctic Stream! VAI.HAKAIMO br ship Yallorl I.llTA- Hr bark Kollo II .ahei .....'sharp ... lirlfflilii... "'" f rowa.t .. -I ltl U.. IHIAI H tll PCI llUAl I 7 HAI ll UOAl l'.1,ll..l '. U4t nr. Meyer. V. A i n liallmir, UilUirle A fit . Tajtitart lk ul , . Iiallue Hum iihai . Kol.rrU.iu II" lidAl I770 . Sprouts lb aa , . . . lia iiu.M Half.. nr. llnllnif I'u furtiand riuur Mill . I'aylor, You ig A fo... Slbaou A Kerr .. Allderann . Kowlandi., . ins hai .... V PWAI I ileljuichl'u I M.'li.inal.l IA liOAl . Mltn. . I'yoll Stuart I'ea.leV , . McIihI , .iTtmrkelietl -'Neville U'lekliatu.. . Hod . J K f anierou A f o I.TVllUAl I 1 SI ki . IV.ti ilAI .. IWA IIUAI JlTllklOllAI Hallniir Uutlirla A f o Ja. Ul.llaa A f ii .... S. Hklkl 14.11 UOAl ll",.llAl . IWajlUlAl .bCHWAl .1 sltnp.nu I.MnilNr fe i lla'f.mr, i.utlirta A t; .l.ltidvall Am Trading I i... , l)avle 2 MM boll ! I Jiinei 'ircki niOAl ... Frelwu.t l IlkiAl ., i jli.uet . I'al ICIIAl jHelyea !inuAAI 'H.iwen ..t InOAl I . lino 100 A I HIIKKHKNCKSI Iron Aug It, paaaed Anjer. i June Mh, 'JN, a W. Into 1(1.. de Janeiro Jan .11, pa I I'mliau'ii Jan ."J. .".'N, llHV prior lo July 4. will have lo .llaeharge palt Mar HI, HIS, CiW; .lime J, TN MV ol ram... Aug. 4. a.ild 'JIMJ ti.lia uf rarun: June . p.. . d l.irar.l no inle, In Hay ol I lailc.l airaln Anil. W. Iiu. n) Jiina bi. l'. N. 16 W TOTAL ON TH IC WAY. Sew Y'ork.. Adrlabl...... Alioa bay.. Antwerp.... Bombay . ... i allao I'oli.inb.k ... ap-t'.wii ..Tt.ll'l ..'C. ...I Mi ...I.'SHI , ?,s'i ...l.sll a. .ii Mverpiad Matirillti Miilmriie M Mitevl'leo . HrUtmne link. .Male lll.iltn II, i In. ...,4 ."kl Newi a.lle, NSW 3 Itm ....l.'ill. Kin de Jeuerii .!. .I.irr'l Htuirap.ire I 7m .l.'iia .l.4ii:l . iM .. "4. I .;! swi-n.ea . HIianMlial I'nrt I'lrle Santa Koaalla Siiiiin. .. I.b'g : ..2. i.e.' I J.i'i , I ,.1'ifi i Talila II .y .,vij Yt)knliiia 1U Tutal ill.Kin Maine time latrt 7t.:i.(l Same lliiie laul k.;il 0. R & N. It is hardly probable that the Ameri can people are paying t-nuutth attention Just now to Mr. Bryan's r'-ar platform speeches to note all the glaring absurdi ties and Inconsistencies which they con tain. Having entirely abandoned the discussion of the fre? coinage question, and having persistently declined to state his position on the tariff, it can hardly be expected that the American people will continue to manifest fur ther interest in his utterances. Some of his recent speeches, however, present absurdities that are an Interesting Il lustration of the grotesque extremes of Inconsistency to which an Illogical mind can go. On one occasion he declared that free silver would benefit manufac turers because they could go into the' market and buy silver with which to pay laborers, and thus get labor as cheap as the foreign manufacturer can jet it. On another occasion he promis ed that the debtor could go into the siarket and buy silver and have It coin ed and thus lift his mortgage for 50 per cent less than It requires on the gold basis. On several other occasions he has made the statement that free coinage would bring the price of silver up from 65 cents to J1.29 an ounce, bringing it up to par with gold at the ratio of 16 to 1. If Mr. Bryan's election Is to bring the price of silver up to J1.29, how will It enable the mortgaged debtor j- ar PURELY VEGETABLE. The Cbeaprv, Purest nd fit rair,:;y Medi cine in the woritl ! An KFFi f tl'al Si'Fcipic f-jrall disease A the Liver, 5tumaJi and Spleen. Kegu!ate the Liver nti prevent Chills 4NU r KVFK, MAI.Aft .ii'i f EVKKS, 'nV,h:L '-l.v. JaLMjU-K AND HAD IJKF.ATH! Nothing i o i:n; erisiint. n'ithin to common, w owi bre:iih; and 1:1 i.:jriy every cK it comet Uult me st -iiiach, and tan .1 o easily '.orrccted if you wil :alce :mm"Ss I.ivi v. Ki '.i'I-atob l' not neglect v mre a remeay f r tl.ii repuirtvc diwrd-r. It will als jn prove yuui appetite, i-'-iiipiexion aad general health VU.ESl How many uffrr t'.rture day af:er day, malting life I burden and rbini; t.x:atcn e tA a!! pleasure, owing :o the secret stilfenn' frim l'ile. Yet relief ii ready to the hand A a.rivt if.y one who will use yt em au rally the remedy that hx terrn:inently ured thou lands, SnutwNS l.ivn kEM i.atk i no draauc violent purge, but a g?n:le akistant to nature. t'ONTITATION SHOULD n-,t be r-srded U a trifling ailment m fart na'ure demamlk the litmost reytilarity of the bywels, and any deviation from this demand j aves the way often to ieriotn fi tner. It ii quite as neces'-.try to rrm'.ve impure a'T'iiMiiaTions fr .m the bjwe, as it in to eat or .ie-p, and no h-i it h can le eitpec'ed where '.'St:ve hajl ol b' ;y previa.. 6ICK HMADACIf KI Thii di'.'rev.ing affliction ' curt moit J ne diviirbance "f the jtoni:i'h, arising imperteuly digested Contents, .;tii'e a tevere pain in the bead, accompanied with disarwiabie nautea, and this constitutet what it populrtriy known u Suk Headache, (or the relief of wh-ch takb Simmuxs Livek Kegulaioh fjR Mnuicrr e. HANt'FACTI KZU ONLY BY J. IL ZEILIX ft CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Tom Watson ia made a sperh in day without one wall. P'-rhaps th' n-porttMl to have X braska the other rrifntlonlj.n Mr. St.- ' 0""rirht ran'lidatt1 III. I'hilHl-Iphia !.. I K"r. Mrs. I.. l. I'utti.ri. Itorkfurt! writt-H: "Krom personal xfrl'nc; I can t--f r::n:-:j( I ,. Witt's Sarsapanllu, r Irnj.ur.- bi-M .1 and K-n.:iul -It-Charh-H UoK'TH. a cur? hlilty. h'ip3 that the p'-ople will fr-t who; Mr. Hewall (h if he refrains fnun saying anything ahout him.-.-w York Press, j om of th- !ryan s-p-.k-rM at I.ouls vlM ctil't:fzf. Us f'afi'tt'littr :ih th 'K,nat-sl .'inai' hi-t ih vcr live I ' Su h f-anl'ir v, i!! BL'CKLKN'S AHXICA .SALVE. have tn hi- (lir'our- nwl.- l!"Hton Journal. t frcitiently (T from the The best salve In the world for cuts, i bruits, sors, ulcers.salt rheum, fever i sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, A hn,.k ro.jh h not o7y arm coins, and all skin eruptions, and pn8-;t(, t,,. htlt ,H ();inir,rnlls lo iut? uuie tor itiii'u, ur no pay re4Uiru. wn,, j)JIS It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money rnfunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Charlei PaOers, Odd Fellows' building. ni ti tn a ri"n-to!onnni r-n i,,r ittiiinrrtta4t, t-l't. Hpr mat nr r Itira, W iiltt i, u n n it t ii r t I iUm-i-UnnfM, nt any imlnmitu tl-tn, irriutixii or uIota Vmu 4T(ifii4S4iioe. linn i-f in u c n ti imm Hold by HruKfUU, or vnt In plKiti wrapper, i'7 I I' 1 1-tttt ll. fur II l, . r 3 iMitllii, f.' 7,'.. t'lrruli.r wii' on ri'iut. g tm to" 4j Vl w (infnt4.l H mi ik-mMiii.g fill'? lll (ljily Cliurlf-3 I!dkts. i im-put Mlniit iri fml yiriK i.-r-'oiich t.. It. As th- 'arniniis from jountry ;iin;xiinatir y-ar (jr'i.j'ition to scaltr jiow'f.-r of thi rnoni-y in wanes in thin ! 17.200,000,'KjO a j the purchasini; j whlrh they are I If thf Irulh r-uiyt d,. t,,,, senator TcIIit'h pi'ilictlon of ISrynn'n siiich has a v-ry ii'nlllili. h'jy-in-ihi.-k;ravc-yunl Houn'l.-Si ranton Trilium-. Iai'l Involvs conn'iu.n'.- of vita.1 Im portant? to thow; who work for wages. Indianapolis Journal. Many political speakers, clergymen, sini,"-rs. ami others who ime the voice excessively, rely upon upon fine Minute Counh Cure to prevent husklness and laryncltiH. Its value as a preventive Is only equalled by its power to afford In stantaneous relief. Charles Koi?ers. Tetter, ecz'-ma, and all Hlmllar gkln trould's are cured by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at once, and restores the tlnsues to their natural condition, and never falls to cure piles. Charles Holers. The railroads rea;hlni? Canton, Ohio, will pay dividends this year. Chicago Inter Ocean. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tin f 19-limlli dgSAtlUt If ra tirr So far nothing has happened to make youni? Sewall regret his refusal to wal low in the same puddle with the uld man. Kansas f.'lUy Journal. i Witt's Witch Hazel Halve lan an tiseptic, soothlm? and h-allnir applica tion for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, etc., and cures plies like nmi;ic. It Instantly stops pain. Charles lingers. Sound money converts mil"! be nought amoriK reasonable pwiple. Speed and sfety nre the watchwords of the Btfe. f)ne Minute CoiiKh Cure ac-ti; upeedlly, safely, and never falls. Asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds are cured by It. Charles Rogers. SEASIDE SAWMILL. A complete atork of lumbar on hind In the ruuich or dressed. Flooring, ma lic, celllnir, and all klnila of llnlah; tnouliilnK" nil shlnglen', alao bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable an.l prices at bedrock. All order promptly attended lo. Office and yard t mill. II. V. L. LfXlAN, I'rop'r. Seaside, Oreffon. Job Printing The Astorlan invites attention to its Job Printing Department Are You Going East? ht aura and that your ticket readi via THE NORTH-WESTERN I line:. TRY U!5kAftr Pnilrkm, p I nr'l.k lllaaiaa Rraa. ENNYNUYAL PILLS Iniij t i. r 'k,rhfter m Funlfh lut , IKmff ftr.,rl , t i d f)1 ti,U IlirUllloS IN.! itP .i Mm, ,io rjMmaj. Tnk no olbrr. ltfittatnirou mhttitw I tom unit ifMi'Unin. Ai IruRilni. erwtnttsu In lsrii. f'.t .artf ulari, f ailinonUli knt. " ictih-r Tnr l.a'tlf," m ittr. bf rtmrm Mail, t.it,u 1 tiiiiontil A.ina tyw lf-kk4.l.P iai.tnli.aa I t'.n.. tl.ntl.fla. lia.... kM4 t til iaMaVa UlUUMU. I'illJjUUta. 1' CHICAGO. ST. PAUL,, MINNEAPOLIS 4vnd OMAHA RAILWAYS. Tola la tha . GREAT SHORT LINE Batwoaa DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and kSoutl;. Their Mornlflcent Track, Peerleaa Va tlbuled Dining and Blueplng Car Tralna anal Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have Riven tnia road a national reputa tion. All claMea of paaaenmri carried on the vastlbuled tralna without extra chance. Bhlp your freight and travel over thla famoua Una. All agenla hava tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. BAV-Ore. (Jen. Agent. Trav. F. and P. Aa-t. 348 Washington at., I'ortland, Or. mvicH rnoicB of. TRAflSCONTINENTAIi ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paal Via Ogdtn, Denver and Omaha or St. Paal Pullman anil Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San Francisco. Kittle uf t'al. Hntuntay, Bepl. I. t'ultiiiibla. Tliurailny, Hepl. 10. Btulv nf t'al. Tu. a.lay, Brpl. 15. t'lilumbla, Hun. lay. Hrpt. :0. Slate nf Tal. Krlilay, Bil. :J. Coltiinbla, Wnln. ailny. Kept. 30. Htutn of t'al., Munilay, (let, 6. Columbia, Saturday, Oct. 10. Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. I'OTTRH. t-avn Aatorla Tucaitnya, Tliura.taya ami Hnturilaya at 8 a. in. I,ive I'ort liind Moinliiya. Wr.lnra.laya, and Frl iluya at 7 ik. in. IIAII.KY (1ATZKUT. I.eavra Aatorla Tiia.Iaya, Tliuradaya and Hittiinlaya at 7 p. in. I.i-ave I'ort land Mim.luya, Wedneatlaya, Krldaya iin.l Kumlaya at H p. in. It. It. TIIOMrSoN. I.i4kvea Aatorla Mon.liiya, We.lnea ilnya. Friday and Hundnya at 7 p. m. U-avca 1'i.rtlftinl Tuca.lnyi and Tluira- .liiya at 8 p. in., and Biilunluya at 11 p. in. TKi.EPimNR Leave Aetntia Mnndaya, WnlniHidaya and FrMnya at 8 a. in. I,i-ave Portland TiicHiliiya, Thiiratlaya iin.l Hiilur.lu) a at 7 a. m. For ratea and general Information call on or addreaa O. W. LOIINHIIKItltT. , Aaent. H. lllIHMliritT. Oen. I'aa. At., Portland, Or. K. .MnNIJILL, Prcalilent and MnmiKOr. W. WHITE COLLAR LINE mEPHOHE AID LUILEY GATZEBT Astoria and Portland Ti.i.phoni- li'iivi-a Aatorlu Mniuluy, U'l'ilmailiiy an. I Friday iiioiiiIiik at I ii. m. I.i iivoh Portland Tui'Mday, Thum. day ii nd Hattiriluy ut 7 n. m. Hullry (iaurrt leavea Aatorlu Wed noHilay, Friday and Hiimluy nlKlit at 7 p. m. Li-avna Portlnnil Tui-mluy, Tliurmlay and Hut unlay rilnhtn at 8 p. m. O, It, and N. Co.'a Mti-ami-rn T. J, Poltirr runa alternate days with Tele phone, and 11. H. Thompaon runa al turnato ilaya with Ilallry Ontzi-rt. Tlrkots kikxI on nil boat. V. II. HCOTT, Prealdont E. A. Swley, AKi'iit, Portland. C. V. Btone, AK-nt, Aatorla, Telephone No. 11. WHEN IN PORTLAND-Call on Jno. F. Handley Co., 124 Third itreet, and get the Dally Aatorlan. Vlaltora need not mlaa their morning paper while there. Fun-MAN. late nf Freeman ft Helmet. T. E4RI.I, lata nl Stockton, Cal. COlUilA U .WORKS FOUNDRYHEN Blacksmith, Machinists and Holler Maker MnuC" Kinds of Iflaehlnery Iron and Brain- Caatlnp; Ooneral Butckemltb, Work ' SPECIALTIES - Welch Patent '.Wheel. Ship Smithing and Steamboat Work. Cannery and Mill Machinery. Marine and Stationary Boll art Built to Order, Specially equipped for loggert' WOrk Correspondence tullclled 1 8th and Franklin. Phone 78