The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 04, 1896, Image 1

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    Save time
i.-; ..3i:-
The Dally Astoria n
I'xrciiHo Hnw
iiiiJ worry "zJZZi
Has a Rmiiias
and Pbumanwit
An "Ad".
Family Circulation..
In Th AnHiAN'l
"want uiums,
4 TV 4 it
' " 1 1 1 1 '
4 ' '!
ff fe
Our Handy Wajjon...
ComhlhM all th fMlurx of Ih child's
plain Mon and a rlK!li)ixW. and. all
things conalitorwl, rusts IIm Las
than sllh.r, Mo dralrahls, and
Mtlafacory hu II proven, thai. a
rwidr "ullr," It has no equal, Ws taks
ihm?IbI iiiiil. loo, in dulivnrtnt ths
Mm promptly and In faultlsM com)
lion lo th trad.
Base Ball
Croquet Tackle,
Sets Garden Tools
Something New
and Fresh...
Call and Be
Line of Commerce Kunlilly Deuloi
lni on I'm If ic Northern
Till: I 1 11 Ki: WI LL OI T LI.M I)
Prominent Trultle Man tlVfH Fad and
Figures- Present Traffic Greater
Than Transportation Fa llltlca
Trade Moving Northward.
Pally IM' evidence lit traiiNpli lug
if llif Im-ri-ajiliig Importance of the
M.rl nt Hi,' Columbia lllvcr. Within
tlv yrnra Astoria will lie IIm acknowl
edged Lading port f the Northwest.
K-r'iliitiK k l(i in In thai direction.
Vcnttnl.iy Mr. Wm. Harder, the general
agent ut Portland of the Great North
ern hallway, spent the liny In the city
ml made a thorough ranvas of the
altuatlon. Mr Harder In a well known
nthualast upon the auliject of PaclUc
uul traltlc. nml while an enthusiast,
he In one- of the moiit conm-rvatlve men
In the traffic business. When asked re
garding the condition of trade with the
Orient, nml the future prospect, of
the iteveloimefit of that trails via the
Columbia. Mr. Harder aali lo an As-
turlan representative:
! have some pifullar Idraa an thla
auhjert. pli yuu ever atop to think
thai there are AuMion.ouo pnpl In China
ami in Japan? Sow then. If
only ileal with ten -r cent of thla
a-rona pippululem. or 44.(iOO.OoO people, we
will have luiAiiteMH tvlatlnna with a pop
ulation nial to 75 per cetit of the whole
poptilntlon .f the I'lilteil HtJtea. Thetc
are minimum tliture, anil I am aatla
fled that within a very few years our
Orlijln of
the I'nltrd Mutes
Hundred Years
Navy , Little Town the Scene of a Great
Demonstration for.McKinley
i and Stund Moncv.
'"lie uf the Klneat Ve-I of the Fleet,
hut Wit CoiniM-lleI to '! lo Han
Krnnrlaco for Kepalra liwauae
Aatorla iloa ,V'i I'ryl'x k.
One Hunilrel and Fifty Were In Line
Hon. T. J. Cleeton Delivered an Kx
cellent Addrena Club Formed
of About Fifty Members.
i ne pr.fM-ni e 01 in.- re nue cutler At 4 o f ,m k ycatcrday afternoon the
(iiminixlore Terry In the port of A- ,i,.mr o.i.n a .....: ...uv.ln..
toria ima i urtl no 111 tit- comment up- rarrylnic about aeventy-flve local Ke
on tin- service and Inquiry Into the ,,ubllin. A drum corps was along,
ineiiious 01 umi u.-paumeiu i ur kuv- ju, a al .. the Glee Club. Btops were
einnieiit. The Perry la one of the rt nest mii-le at Knappa, Clifton, and other
v.-hAelK of the fle.-t amler the onlrol of towns, and the Queen arrived at West
uie mtnury 01 uie ireanury. Mie was port at 7:20. A large number of ladle
orlKlniilly built for service on Ijike tt,i met the boat at the
Krl.-. uml came to the I'aclric some f..ur dock and the torchlight procession w
yeais ao. rne expw iea lo leave last formed. One hundred and fifty persons
Very Enthusiastic Meeting
I'roperty Owners Kas Held
Transportation andWater Supply Ques
tions Considered Permanent Or-
franlzatlon Effected and Com
mittees Appointed.
nlKht, but w ill net out early this morn
Ina for Sim Frani-laoi. where she will be
put on the dry docks for two months,
and will undergo very thorough re
pairs. While In San Francisco Captain
Smith will exchange positions with
Captain lioath. of the Corwin. All day
yeitterday the Perry was engaged In
were In line.
Hon T. J. Cleeton delivered an excel
lent address in the town hall, which
had been decorated for the occasion.
Mr. Cleeton confined himself wholly to
the money question and proved beyond
the shadow of a doubt the fallacy of
the free silver heresy. His Illustrations
taking on coal at the gas company's brought out his points plainly and were
dock, and notwithstanding this dls
agreeable work, she was besieged wilh
visitors all day. Captain Smith and
his officers are the most hospitable and
well entertained all comers.
Third Lieutenant It. M. Hturdevant
explained the vessel to an Astorlan
representative. Thf Terry Is 15 feet In
length, with !5 feet beam, and 10 feet
depth of hold. She Is barkentlne rlgsed
with a single expanaion engine, and has
trade relations on the Taclflr couMja speed of eleven knots an hour. Her
with iirl.-iitul comitrleR win far exceed ' I comminution Is com: aratlvely
these figures nnly yesterday I saw aismiill. On the trip fmm Ounnlaaka to
Trustee for tne late
Oregon State Normal School
A Training, School for Teachers. Senior Yeas-Wholly Professional
Twenty weeks of Psychology and General and Special Methods; twenty
weeks of Teaching and Training Department.
Training school of nine grades with two hundred children.
Regular Normal Course of Thres Yran.
The Normal Diploma Is recognised by law as a Stats Lite Certificate to
Light Expenses; Hoard at Normal Pining Hall II. M per week. Furnish
ed rooms with light and Are, 70c to $1 00 per week. Hoard and Lodging In
private families 11. W to 13 M per wek
TUITION: Sub-Normal. ID 00 per term of ten weeks; Normal, W 35 per
term of ten weeks
tirades from reputable schools accepted. '
Catalogues cheerfully furnished on application.
Addresa l L. CArtPBELL, Pres., or W. A. WANN, 5fc. of Faculty.
The SttcccHMtir of the
OrcKon Trading Co.
will Inaugurate mi
Sept. 30, at a p.
A IIPXIAM.. The Stock Ciislslsof
11 11J continue until $11,5,00 is raised from
the Htoek. Sale pimltively without reserve.
no Thousands of
other goods.
H. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer
Astoria & Columbia River
Beginning on Monday,
run aa follows:
Leave Seaside at 7:30 1
Leave Seaside at 8 p, m. dally exoopt Sunday.
Leave Seaside at 4 p. m. Sunday.
Leave Astoria at J a. m. dally.
Leave Astoria at 4:45 p. m. dally except Sunday.
Leave Astoria at 5:30 p. m. Sunday.
Bopt 14th,tralns on the A. and C. R. R. R. will
m. dally.
C. F. LESTER, Supt.
Oregon Industrial Exposition
SEPT. 19 TO OCT. 17
The great resources of the l'acltic Northwest, Agriculture, Horticul
ture, fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Machinery, Transpor
tation, Trade and Commerce will he represented
more completely than ever before.
' Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening
Lowest Rates Ever flade on AH Transportation Lines
Tor Exhibit spice, apply to Geo. L. Baker, Superintendent, at the bailding
B. C. MA8TEN, Secretary.
iiinii III Portland who has contracted
with the JiipaneHe government to sup
ply from Akron, oblo. all of the rubber
goods to In- used In the Japanese navy.
These nre matters which we do not or
dinarily think alniut Hut I believe
I am safe In saying that within five
year- time fmm now you will flni as
many freight steamers on the Pacific
ocean, plying between this northern
coaxI and the i li-nt us are now engag
ed on the Atlantic.
"Whut was the main object of LI
Hung Chang's visit to the I'nltvd
States? He Is the chief executive ufTl-
cit of the (iiliiine empire. He Is now
engaged In building railroads and tear
ing down the various trade barriers be
tween the cantons of his nation. It Is
his Intention to adopt our lib'as and
methods of commerce and establish
trade relations with us. The Pacific
count will In a few years oe the bulls'
eye of the fluted States, and you must
not tie surprised If you se. the wheat
from Minnesota moved to the Pacific
coast Instead of to Chicago. Look at
the present condition of the wheat mar
kets of the world. The Puiillc coast
Is today unable to supply the demands
made by India uml Australia for bread
stuffs to supply the di lUiency cuusi'il by
the short crops In those countries. Th
(nice of w heat has gone up all over the
world. This Is the natural source of
supply for those countries and even
wore there not a shortage, the rice-cat
Ing nutloiiH are rapidly being educated
to the use of American w heat and flour,
Within the pusl few days you have
witnessed the sight at Astoria of the
departure (or the Orient of two extra
steamers loaded to the gunwales with
wheat and flour. One, the Chlttagong,
was run In the O. R. and N. line, and
the other, the Unpen. In the Canadian
Pacific line. Hoth had lo leave cargoes
behind which they were unable to han
dle. One Arm In Portland alone Is now
doing a business of 120,000 per day In
wheat, flour and feed to Australia, In
dla, Siberia, China and Japan. Other
firms are largely engaged In the same
traffic, the business la rapidly growing,
and It Is settled beyond a peradventure
of doubt, that more steamers will be
put on the lines now In operation, and
other steamer lines to the Columbia will
be organised.
Another thing which has been
brought to my attention lately, and
which of necessity encourages the bus'
Iness men and railroads of the North'
west, Is the fact that the whole ship
ping business of this coast Is moving
north from San Francisco. Nothing Is
going south of that port. Merchants
and dealers on both sides of- the Pacilic
prefer to deal with the men of the
North, who possess nerve and brains
requisite to the handling of large af
fairs Look at the whole shipping busi
ness of the world. Where Is your civ
ilisation? It Is In the northern coun
tries, where the men have that activity
and hard working qualities which ena
ble them to successfully compete with
the world. It Is not In the enervating
and heated countries of the south that
you find the largest concert and
greatest traffic activity.
"In all these rapid changes and ad
vancement In business, Is It not easy
for a blind man to see the position that
will be occupied In the near future by
Astoria and your new railroad? The
railroad la the key which opens the
door of this coast to the highest com-
Astoria, a distance of 1700 miles, she
used ninety-four tons of coal, having
taken on loo tons In-fore leaving port,
and hovlng six tons left la the bunkers
upon arrival here.
The follow Ing Is the roster of the ves
sel: Cuptaln, 11. I). Smith; first lieuten
ant und executive officer. W. CI. Itoss;
first lieutenant and navigating officer.
J. H. Hrown; second lieutenant, F. J.
Hake: third lieutenant, It. M. Sturde
van!; chief engineer, J. It. Pally; firBt
assistant engineer. J. E. Dorry; second
assistant engineer, J. It. Turner. All
told, she carries forty-three men and
The Perry's armament consists of
two one-pound rapid (ire guns. To this
will be added while In San Francisco, a
six-pound rapid tire Hotchklst
During the present season's work It
was not necessary to Ore a shot, al
though a number of Important selxures
were made by the Perry. The summer
the cause of frequent outbreaks of ap
The Glee club rendered several lively
selections and was forced to respond
each time. At the conclusion of Mr.
Cleeton'a speech the Westport McKin
ley and Hobart Club w as organized. 53
signing the constitution and by-laws.
Mr. itobert McMath was unanimously
elect. d president and Mr. McFarland
A feature of the evening was the ac
tion of three men In tearing Bryan
buttons from their coats, throwing
them to the floor and substituting Mc-
Klnley buttons.
Dinner was served at Mrs. West's
resid-nce and the hearts of the hungry
Antorlans made glad by what was
unanimously pronounced the most ele
gant repast ever spread before a crowd
of politicians. The Kepubllcans extend
their thanks to Mrs. West and daugh
ters for the accommodation.
A Successful and Spirited Rendition of
the Piano Fund Program.
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
For lack of space In yesterday's Issue
a full account of the creditable per
formance given at the opera house Fri
day evening for the benefit of the High
School pluuo fund was omitted.
The opening number, Glover's "Wood-
bird Song." a duet by the Misses Reb
Hobson and Laura Fox, was an Indl-
work of the revenue cutters In Retiring cation of the excellent character of the
sea requires the men to board each program to follow- and received a har-
sealing vessel, examine It for Are arms, ty encore. Miss Mabel Carter's rendl-
ammunition, skins, shot holes In the tion of "Old Ace," or the story of a trot-
skins, and the sex of the animals cap- ting race for a girl. In which the win-
luroii. ner gets the girl, was a clever hit of
The captain's quarters on the Terry character sketching. Miss Ruth Garner
re elegant and complete In every do- next sang a solo In her usmual accept
or the officers Is able style. "The Village Idyl," a love
d up with every
tall. The wardroom
commodious und fltt
eoiivenit nee, both for recreation and
business. The staterooms opening out
of the wardroom are most comfortable
In all their appointments. All of the
servants are Japs w ho seem to give the
bwt satisfaction for this work. The
engine rooms, charthouse, and galleys
are complete and compact. The entire
ship is fitted with a modern system of
electric signals.
A prominent writer In the last Issue of
Frank Leslie's monthly gives an Inter
esting account of the V nlted States
revenue marine service. Comparative
ly little Is known of the real character
and duties of the revenue cutter ser
vice, although It has been In existence
for more than a century, furnishing 1
the treasury department with a little
navy of Its own. The motto of
corps has not been "Glory," but
scene between members of two families
which had been engaged In a feud, with
the usual difficulties and Incidents
which are attached to the principals In
such scenes, Including the Impersona
tion of the village gossips, as Interpret
ed by Miss Curter, brought out a round
of applause.
Sirs. Brenham anDusen's solo,
"Dreams," added new laurels to that
lady's well established musical reputa
tion. In the second part Miss Mabel
Carter gave evidence of unusual elocu
cionary aoimy. ner nrsi number was
entitled "On the Other Train," which
was a most pathetic production and
was listened to by the audience with
wrapt attention. "Prompt Obedience,"
or the story of a mischievous girl who
shuts up the skylight on her mother's
the , ord?r when she knows her aunt Is on
the 1 the roof, a thunder shower cornea ud
time-honored battle-cry "Duty." and and the old lady receives a shower hath
the. path of duty has led Its officers to ( which causes the girl to be locked up
many brilliant achievements. While ; for a week,was a most humorous recl-
the revenue cutter service, from Its j tation admirably rendered. Miss Car-
connection with the treasury. Is ap-! ter's closing number, the "Tiiree t iiv
parently a civil establishment, It has ; Race," which recites the prowess of a
always been upon a military basis. In . back number winner, was a good de
1790, when the finances of the country . scription of the progress and exelte
had been drained by the Revolution, 1 ment of the race. Miss Carter has un
und It was so necessary to stimulate the! usual ability as an elocutionist, and
commercial Interests of the embryo na- with the study which she proposes for
Hon, this branch of the public service : herself In the near future. Is destined
was organized, eight years prior to the : to make an enviable reputation.
building of our navy. The f nlted I Miss Pearl Holden sang "The Robin's
States did not, at the time, possess a ' Message," and Messrs. Belcher, Bur
slngle warship to maintain her newly nett. Smith and Garner gave several
acquired dignity upon the high seas. quartets which fully susta lned their
General Washington, assisted by Sec-! reputation for fine music. The enter.
retary Hamilton, of rtie treasury de-'talnment on the whole was a treat
partment, with characteristic care and j which well repaid all those who had the
foresight, selected the officers to form 1 pleasure of hearing It.
this new corps from among the com-1 -
Yesterday afternoon the east end
property owners gathered at the Aider-
Twelve States Represented in Yester
day's Delegations at
Made the Most Elaborate Demonstra
tion of the Day McKlnley Addresses
Sixteen Audiences Coming on Sp- -clal
Trains at Short Intervals.
Canton, October J. Today was the
moat notahl ll&v for rielecrattnn val o- -
.-. io-xi per-1 prrlenced. In the
manent organization.
enormoua rrnvdl
The residents of inresent twelve lute. wr ,,Unii
that end of the city together with by delegations ranging from small club,
number of property owner, from down of wheelmen to many train load, of cit
town, were out In goodly numbers. and. representing all Interest.. The
showed by their earnestness and enthu-; demonstration began early and contln
slasm that matter, are not going touwj , iate, lpeclal tralna arrtvlnt
lie dormant on the east side any longer. jBl ,hort intervals from early morning
Hon. W. F. McGregor was unanimous tm laU? n lhe Urnooa MaJor Mc
ly chosen permanent chairman, and IniKlnley addressed sixteen audience, on
the absence of Temporary Chairman F. ;his lawn. These audience, represented
L. Parker. E. J. Smith was chosen per-1 many delegation., as high a seven
manent secretary of the organization, ! being Included In one audience. Tn
which will hereafter be known as the 1 reviewing stand from which th. w.lor
East End Imprivement Club. The ob- ta accustomed to review nade .n4
Ject. of the organization will be to fur- , tret demonatratlon. ... r.r-t1 ah
ther the Interest, of that end of the the front of the lawn.' All dar th.
city, and It la hoped that In a fe w .treet. were fiiled with marching club,
months' time through the effort, of the 'and gaily uniformed blcveliat .rmm.
club, that part of the city lying alona- nii i k.j a a - --a -
the waterfront and east of the Astoria ! kaleidoscopic effect was ever In vtew
Box Factory will not only have ample: with shifting banners, flags, streamers,
transportation accommodations, but 'decoration, and other campaign perm
will receive some of the benefits of the phernalla. The most elaborate demon-
new- water system enjoyed In all other 1
pans of the city. The Improvement of
a street from the present roadway on
the West line of Alderbrook east to
the VanDusen line will be a matter of
early consideration. Date street has
strati on of the day was that made by
the wheelmen under the auspice, of
the National Wheelmen'. McKlnley and
Hobart Club. The incessant rain of
the past week Interfered materially
with the proposed overland trio, but
and at the meeting addressed by Major
McKlnley clubs from twelve different
recently been surveyed to the east line many came br train and In the Darada
ot AiuerorooK, ana the city engineers'
estimate will probably be ready In
few days. It la expected the Drooert .j aa
owners of Alderbrook. through which behalf of the wheelmen were made b
the street will pass, will unanimously ;-n r -n-aiiror t.iw,' w e. wn.
approve of it. Improvement iiema. vIce-orMldent. and W w Wella.
The various committees appointed at executive committeeman.
the last meeting made only verbal re-1 . ,
ports and asked for further time. The j THE JOSEPH BANK ROBBERS,
time was given with an urgent request '
of the chairman thai 'fan rennet, Trace of the One Who Carried Off
handed In at the next meeting, two
weeks hence.
Dr. J. J. Walter said that he tinder-
stood other parties than the Astoria
Street Railway are ready to submit a
proposition, not only to the Alderbrook
people, but to the people of Astoria,
for a system of rapid transit, and mov
ed that a committee on transportation
be appointed to take up such matters
with any and all who might come along
with a proposition. The motion pre-
taueo ana on me committee were ap
pointed Dr. J. J. Walter, E. A. Seeley,
and E. J. Smith.
The people of Alderbrook. In fact all
that part of the city east of Hanthorn's
cannery, are sorely In need of proper
and adequate water supply. Vp to the
present time they have been depending
on the springs back in the hills, but as
hat end of the city has Increased In
population the supply became more and
more inefficient. Today thev are ex
periencing almost a water famine.
hairman McGregor brought the mat- i
er before the meeting, and suggested ;
that an effort be made through a com-
mittee, to have the city water extended
Into Alderbrook. His remarks were ,
followed by a number of others directly .
Interested. Upon a motion by Mr. Van j
Dusen, Max Young. George Nelson, E. j
Peterson and W. F.' McGregor were ap- i
pointed a committee to confer with I
the water commission,
1 the- 8wu.
LaGrande, Or, October 3. The exam
ination of James Tucker for participat
ing in the bank robbery at Joseph on
Thursday, took place today. He waiv
ed examination and was held In five
thousand dollars bonds to appear be
fore the grand Jury. The posse search
ing for Cy. Fltzhugh, the robber who
escaped with the money, has returned
to Joseph. No trace of him was found
after he changed horses. However, a
j hunter claims to have seen Fltzhugh
iJust before dark Thursday evening
twelve miles from Joseph. Fltxhngk
; was on the trail leading to the Snake
river, evidently Intending to cross the
river at Brownlee's ferry. He u alone
and carried no rifle, being armed only
with a pistol. From this It Is thought
Impossible for him to escape.
His Letter on the Populist Nomination
Short and Very Sweet.
St. Louis. October 3. Bryan tonight
gave out for publication his letter of
acceptance of the Populist nomination
for president, as follows:
"The nomination of the People's Par
ty for the presidency of the United
States has been tendered me In such a
generous spirit and on such honorable
terms that I am able to accept the
In reference to the protection of the !same wlthout departing from the plat-
ship channel along that part of the city. lurm uoPlea r democratic na
B. VanDusen. F. P. Kendall, and E. J. i tionaI ""wn- I appreciate
Smith were anoolnted a committee toitne bdth ot patriotism which has
confer with the commerce and navlga-' actuated the member "t the People'.
tion committee of the Chamber of Com
The people of Alderbrook are awake
to the situation and propose to see that
East Astoria has good roads and proper
recognition by the city. Every feature
the situation was thoroughly dis
cussed before the meeting adjourned to
two weeks hence.
Dallas, Texas, October 3. Judge
Woods, a Populist elector-at-large, and
Merriam M. Williams, the elector for
the Tenth District, made the public an
nouncement today that they will not
support Bryan for president. The Wat
son feeling Is intense.
Party, who in order to consolidate the
sentiment In fabor of bimetallism, have
been willing to go outside of their par
ty lines."
Portland, Or., October 3. Zera Snow,
as counsel for the gold standard Demo
crats, has filed a protest with Secretary
of State Klncaid against placing the
fusion candidates for electors on the
ticket as Democrats. The protest Is
based on the claim that Chairman Starr
had no authority to fill the nominations.
and that there were only three vacan
cies to fill as Oglesby, who had accepted
the nomination of the Democratic state
convention, had not declined when the
(nominations were filled. The gold
I standard Democrats seek to have their
nominees classed as the regular Demo
unt mlors of the continental navy, the
'lighting quality" of each individual '
being his best recommendation for ap-;
polntment. Upon the recommendation j
of Secretary Hamilton, congress au-1
horlzed the building and equipping of steady; demand, poor; No. 2 red spring
-u , 01 cocu ..01 10 e-i6s. No- 1 nar(j Manitoba. 2d- v 1
ceeci iuvu, 10 ue munneu ny a cap
tain whose compensation was to be HO
a month besides his subsistence; a first
second and third mate, four mariners,
San Francisco, October 3. Hops, 2s -1.
London, October 3. Hops, l IDs.
Liverpool, ocioDer 3. Wheat, spot.
i California, 6s 3d.
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Suppose the ratio should take the Job
out of the hands of the politicians and
fix Itself? Washington Post.
Beginners' class meets on Tuesdays lcrat,c nomlneM.
and Fridays. Advanced class meet on
Mondays and Thursdays. Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
MRS. P. F. WOODFORD. the highest cash price for fur skins.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report.
11 v w h