SAVE TIME I'.xnuiiNU HOW? a iij worry " . An "Ad" - In rim AronN' "Wnl Column," Tbc Dally Astoria n Has a Rioiiun AND PmHUNINT ...Fimlly Clrculatloa... Morn than Tumi tim t IWII AH THAT ur ANY OTHfcM sash. m ASTORIA. EXCLUSIVB TICLrlCGKAPIIIC PRESS REPORT. VOL XLV. ASTORIA, OHMOX, HATt'ltPAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, l.l!)5. NO. 236 Our Handy Waj;on... Coitililns nil tlx fMtur of th child' plain rn in1 velocipede, nl, nil thing cunalileteil, roai the consumer 1 than either. Ha desirable, convenient and atlefacory Iim II proven, (hl, u ready "seller," II hti no equal. We lake imm-iI prlilc, too, In dellverlnc ihr hid promptly and In fault lee cond' Hon to lli Inula. Children's Wagons, Baby Carriages, Base Ball Goods, Fishing Croquet Tackle, Sets Garden Tools GRIFFIN & FEED CITY BOOK STCf'E .... J A DIKTAT PU'OKTA tiox or SCOTCH, HOLLAND, NOKUK (IIAN AM) CKKMAS MIKIMKTR AM) VOLL HKKKIMB IN IttKKKLSun.lKUt.S Something New and Fresh... - JHE FINEST ANCHOVIS AND Al NORWEGIAN STOCKFISH FOARD & STOKES COMPANY'S HARDWARE, PLUMBING TIN WORK JOB WORK o-o- UKAMTi! WAKE. KOPR, STOVES, IKON PIPE, TER. U CO IT A PIPIIS, UAK IKON. STEEL, CANNERY M PP1.IES. LOOKERS' TOOLS A TIDAL WAVE IX Tl Sentiment Now )verwhtniiiiiily Kc iiiMKiin ii ml rriimiMN n (.real Vl.torv. Ill LIGATIONS ,-ilM.L VISI J IXi With llu- Hume Men. Mlmn, Manufac tories, Money, mill Genius u In 1S10 In I1": Wlinl ('hiibis (In Pres ent lcpllSloll? AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION Call and Be Convinced SOL OPPENHEIMER Trustee for the late M.C.CROSBY Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH, OKKCON, A Training. Sihool fur Teacher. Senior Year Wholly Professional. Twenty week of Psychology and General and Special Methods; twenty week of Touching and Training Department. Training school of tiln grade with (wo hundred children. Regular Normal Court of Three Yean. The Normal Diploma la recognized by law aa a Stat Life Certificate to teach. Light Expenses; Board at Normal Dining Hall II. M per week. Furnish ed room with light and fire, 76o to 11 00 per week. Doard and lodging In private families ll.W to IS. 50 pur week TUITION: Bub-Normal, l&.OO per term of ten weeki; Normal, f S 25 per term of ti n weeks. Grades from reputable arhoola accented. CatnloKiit'i cheerfully fumlnhcd on application. Addres.i P. L. CAnPBELI., Pre., or W. A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty. I1ic SiiccwhMir f tli I I I Of I f .! . The Stock ('ouslHtsfof V' '"J,,' ..AULI IIJN.. DRY GOODS vim miiiiKiu mv: mi w w . -w -w ii ATiiiu OALC SHOES. FINE FURS Tli will Inuuuu Wednesday mij continue until i,5tMi h i-iiIncJ from MACKINTOSHES the htnek. Sale poHitivvly without reserve. and Thousands of 600 COMMI1IICIAL HT. other goods. H. KKIUDMAN, Auctioneer TIME CARD OF TFiE Astoria & Columbia River RAILROAD. Beginning on Monday, Sept. Hth.tralng on tha A. and C. R. R. R. will run aa follow: Leave Seaside at 7:30 a. m. dally. Leave Heiuldo at S p. m. dally except Sunday. Seanlds at 4 p. m. Sunday. Leave Astoria at t a. m. dally. Leave Astoria at 4:16 p. m. dally except Sunday. Leave Astoria at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. C. F. LESTER, Supt. Oregon Industrial Exposition PORTLAND, OREGON SEPT. 19 TO OCT. 17 The itreut resources of the Pacific Northwest, Agriculture, Horticul ture, Fisheries, Alines, Manufactures, Machinery, Transpor tation, Trade anJ Commerce will he represented more completely than ever before. Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening Sl'KCIAL ATTKACT10XS EVERY NIGHT Lowest Rates Ever Hade on All Transportation Lines ADMISSION, 25c; CHILDREN, 10c For Exhibit space, apply to Geo, L. linker, Superintendent, at the bnlldlog E. C. MASTEN, Hecrelary. TriiIihi, nh!,,. Oi J.iImt Mc K 1 1 1 1 ' ' I. lay u.blri'.m it III'4 'b-li iilluHH from Vt Vliylnln. nud from ii'tiiitt r..nty. ililn. Itf sail . 'Tin- Iti I'til'lli un ramlliliili- Iiiih nn fiin.ui 1 ,i -oiii'-rit In Kpi'iikliiK to Amrr Irilll litl'lli'Mi " Hi limn not have In imiki a illflVrwit ei--rb fur illlTerent liH-nlltli-s. W'lui t In witil'l wiy to the p--.,," of w.ii Virginia r any ulh.T Htnti of tin Hon Hi, tliut h would iy In New KiikIhihI or mi (he I'sltlc r.t, fur 1 h prlnclplin of (he ltepuh-i llran parly urv us natluiiul as our flag. The grint llioiiKbt of the people of this country, wlierevi-r Ihey may reside, or whatever be their occupation, Is how ite are to ft hark, as a nation, to the Id conilltloii of bunlni'M activity and proHTlly. S'liiiethlng has gne wrong. We have the same country; we have the mini- men: we have the some mltiits, the minic iMumfiii torli-. the same mon ey, tlit same niiistiTrul genius among our i-ipl i hud between litu and is2, but we have not the same degree of prusperlty now thai we hnd tlwn. And what Is the trouble? (A voice l'iii,i ruilf fre, iraileV) In a nln-f U oril l lie trouble with tin country In the lm k of cotiit'leiu'e. The merchant has cnfl'leme hen In atocka his shelve with more r.w's In (hu expit't.i lion of large .1' The inanufaeturi-T has conllih ru e when he Increiuiea hi machinery, hires more men. adds m ' fiu turl, ), la h hi his material In ad vance, certain thai It will nut ib-cllne before hl ftnlsheit rw1tirt is sold: con n.leiit that he can pay the wagca V laiiur anil tin pi Ices for his raw ma ti rial. an. I III not ttml In the end hi koimIs will be ilrivcn out of the Anierl can tnarki-t by forcltrn g'Miils under free trade policy. iTremen,ous cheiT lug ami nli-s of that's the stuff.') Th laborer feels this ronll'leiicc when as Slll'iil of fiteady employment." Aside from two oritanlnsl delegations McKlnley l.-lny met ninny InKulsh 11I i nlleis. A 111, mt: them were Hurry Cnrtlel'l. of uhlo; Senator Henry Cubot UmIkc. of .Miumachuwtls: Theodore Itoosevelt, New York: Congressman IMiiKley, chalnniin of the house ways and means committee, nf Maine; Hulh, erford Hayes, of Ohio; Congressman Dalicll, of rittsburg. Congresi'maii f dngley said he expect McKlnley's eliHtlon to be imphatlJ and overwhelming. He also expects the next house to be Itepubllcan and against fn-e silver by a larne majority. He Is hopeful that the senate will be carried In the general victory. Mr. Itoosevelt says the Itc publican sentiment In the Kast amounts to tidal wave and he believi-M It will sweep over lllld ellKUlf the West. Senator Lodge preilli'ts nn unpre. cedeiidnl Kepubllcan majority In Man siudiusetts and a complete victory In the nation for the liepubllcnn party Telegrams from James It. I'll line, at the Chicago heinhniarters, says the bad weather of this week Interfered with the w hec linen's arrangements for to morrow, but that about B.0O0 will come to Canton. Chicago will send between 3(10 and 400 ami the parties assembled at Cleveland, Pittsburg, and other points will gather recruits en route. Eleven delegations are scheduled for tomorrow. "-IWIIEAT MARKET A LITTLE BEARISH cntiil Id ports of Lower Affected the Chkaijo m, i!i(i, Is II.3X0. The larK'st nggn ii'jiorl'd for a like period since a 'if thlr character has been compiled. Tin ii'il Inrgesl correniomdlng total was ll,ll:i, for the name nine months In the panic, year of h'.i3 The total business failures through- out the nonunion of fanuda amount o ' Contlntntul Ktports of Lower I'rites i.'i.n ior ine nine iiioriuis, nn increase lt 315 coniriareil Willi the C',er..a,u.n.ll pi-rlvl last yriur. The Into! ilnlillities ' rll':- 'itiinuiit to ir.'.Jl.'si0, agiiinst !,2!r7,OUO last yeur. I . ! INDIA'S SHORT CHOP KEPORT TO ItAIKE THK t'MATIM.A. It Is Thought the Kfforts Will Jie Huccoasful. Hcatlle, October :-'upt. liisxliill, of Kan I'nini Ivcn, and 'a it. Hunter, of iho ship L'liuillllu. 111,. now haul at work nl Port T'.wns. iid with a force of men t i get evcryihliu' In riadinens In an efTi rt to rul- the I'lnailila und get her ai iiind the point and If necessary beach h'T. With the cargo out snd powerful pump to exhaust th. water from 4 he fore and aft compartments, and two other pumps to clear the fire room. It Is l-lieveil the steamer will come off (ho beach without much dim. ciilty. It may be pixwlhle to take her to thu drydis'k. The weather at Town send la reported threatening tonight and It Is feared storm may arise and Inflict additional damage to the steam er. The diver employed has found a hole about thre feet juare directly amidships near the k'-l. ' Hal lied Trice, However, and Prevented a Slump Htrong Market In Kan Francisco and Several Cargoes Shipped to Calcutta. I'bHuco, Octoler 2. Wheat opened today w ith Indications pointing to a de cidedly b. urlsh market, with accom panying lower price. To begin with the nrly Llverirool cable quoted spot wheat Id hlgh'-r, but futures 192d low er. Continental market were quieter and Inclined to weakness. New York wired that foreigner were good seller there and cable response to offer last night were generally that offer were too high. Hroker who were large buy ers yesterday on continental order, led In selling at the opening. Indicating that the rapid rise here was temporari ly stopped at least, on foreign demand for American wheat. The heaviness of northwestern receipt. UK cars against Willi.- am would give to the country a depreciated I dollar, which would enhance nominal t fil,i..a tiiitl I.0 itH.,!! In Him r.aumun, , d'-bta, but would be attended by the) ruin of all Industries, the destruction ,,f public and private credit, and Irre parable mischief. Our plafurm commit us to the maintenance of the Terno-i cratic fiiith. II any of our associate, deluded by deceptive sophistries, are , supporting a coalition which disavows i the traditional faith of the Democratic party. The beat we can hope for them . . is that they may be defeated. and."FECT EMPLOYES SHOWN when defeated, they may return to the! safe paths that they have heretofore! trodden." BY PLUNDER J. Bryan's Great Scheme ti to Kailroari h Ei posed. ALASKA SALMON. i U'40 car last year, also received atten tion. Hut overshadowing all this were reiterations of the failure of the India The Catch of 1SW Better than that of tr"l. which came from both London Las 1 Year. and San Francisco, In the shape of fur- ther engagements for shipments to that Seattle, October 2. A Port Tow nsend country. These report came in soon dispatch to the I'ost-Intelllgencer say: after the opening and stopped what The catch of salmon In southwestern otherwise would probably have been AiimHa is aiiout jv per cent more than lively decline. As It was, prices rallied that of last year and about equal to the at once. The market elcsed steady at pack or the preceding year. The steam- C'.'!N a net decline of I.e. er Afognak. from Karluk Islami. re- it various THK PR VAX AFTERMATH. Philadelphia Times. William J. Uryan. the Lemocratlc Popullst candidate for president, was greeted In Philadelphia on Tuesday Eigh Hundred Thousand Men to Hold Office on the Roads at P!uura of Political Parties and Lose Their Jobs Every Four Year. URADSTRKKT'S REPORT. Not aa Encouraging aa Hoped; Total Failure Exceed the Panic of 'S3. New York, October 2. Bradstreet's tomorrow will say: Cool weather and continued pur chases by Interior merchants, notubly West and South, continued the slight Improvement in trade recorded In the preceding weeks. Merchants at pri mary cotton markets and large centers in the spring wheat region report a better movement of staples, due to the unusually heavy receipts of theee crops. Throughout the Central W est, including such points as Bultlmoiv, Clnclnatl, Cliicngo, and St. Louis, the olume of trude falls behind that of a year ago In some instancies, but It is equal to it In others. In Eastern cen ters an Improvement Is seen In a great er case? In money markets, and more disposition to discount commercial pa per, although at unchanged rates. Wholesale merchants report a better feeling very generally, but few antici pate any material Increases In the vol ume of business this month. Mercan tile collectkns continue slow and as dllllcult to make as heretofore, except In the cotton states, and at some points In the Northwest, where heavy crop receipts have enabled Interior mer chants to liquidate many long stand ing accounts. Tho total number of business failures throughout the United I States from January 1 to September lirls the following catches canneries: Karluk. 170JV case; Chlgnak Hay. 4IHD ciuk s: South End, if 0 c as -s; Jos Hume, Chlgnak Hay. Hi; l'acltic Whaling Co , Chlgnok Hay. Il.Oufl; John son's cttiinerynien. NusJ-.eJik !iu 115 .000; Cook's lul-A cannery, S2M). PoilTLANP PEMOCHATS. Promlm-nt Men Repudiate the Chicago .Ticket and Will Vote for McKlnley. INDIA BUYING WHEAT. San Franc isco. October 2. What has lately given the stnimtest kind of sur l"ort to the local market, and has be come a startling and sensational fee. ture of tht situation. Is the demand from India for California wheat. The rice crop has been failure there this year and the grain crops are also dam aged Within the past forty-eight hours two whole cargoes of California wheat, to go In steamers, have been sold, the des orceonlan ('nation of which Is Calcutta. These Portland, Octolier I. Th. will tomorrow publish letters from ex- '""' cargoes amount to 10.000 tons. If C.overnnr W. W. Thayer, Judge E. C more steamers can be procured and the Hnuiuugh and Hon. I lent on Klllen, all price of wheat does not go too high, prominent neinocraui of this city, re- "'her cargoes may be nought for ship piidlatlng the Iiemocratic nominees for n,ent to India. It Is likely a number president and vice-president. Judw of sailing vessels will be secured to Hronuugh states he will vote for Mc- ,"ai1 f"r Calcutta. Klnley. DECREASED ENGLISH IMPOHTS. We Are (Jetting Ready to Make Goods for Ourselves. Sheffield. England. October 2. Ex ports from this place to the United GENERAL PALMER. In Burning Words Can Only Wish the Democrats Defeat. The following words of General Palm, er, upon his acceptance of the nomlna tlon for president at the hands of the States for the third quarter of the National Democrats, deserve the most careful reading: Tou give me official Information present year amounted to ISiHl.fiHj, a falling off of over JUHVOOO, when com pared with the same period of 1SJ5. The that delegates representing the Nation decrease Is attributed to doubts as to the result of the presidential election. al Democracy of forty-one states, late ly assembled In convention in the city of Indianapolis, honored me by desig nating me their candidate for the presi dency. General Huckner ana I were once representatives of opposing factions. We met on the battlefield, where great public controversies that admit of no other method of solution are determln ed. I know he did his duty, and I trust the country believes I did mine. The ADVANTAGES OF THE FIVE PER nominations made by the National CENT DEBENTURE. Democratic convention at Indianapolis prove more conclusively than anything THE MARKETS. Liverpool, October 2. Wheat Spot, ilrm; demand, moderate; No. 2 red spring, 6s; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 6s 2d; No. 1 California. 6s 3d. Portland, October 2. Wheat Walla Walla, SS!ir9; Valley, 6Ki62. The late Nicholas Flnrer, a wealthy which haa occurred within the last luuacvu inanuiuciurer or auuuieiown, years that the American oeonle are Ky., on June 30. 1SSM, obtained a policy again united. I accept the unsought in the Mutual Life Insurance Company honor and responsibilities Imposed upon of New York for J100.000, on the five per i me by the National Democratic conven- cent debenture, 10-premlum plan, the tlon. I accept them as proof that my annual premium being $8,133. ! Democratic fellow-cltttens confide In The death of Mr. Flnser makes this ; my devotion to Democratic principles policy a death claim with the following so clearly and accurately defined In results: the proceedings of the convention v At the end of each year the company meet and deal with existing conditions. will pay $5,000 to the wife of the Insured, j and these the late National Demo- contlnulng such payments for twenty ; cratic convention addressed itself. Its years, then If she Is still alive the com- platform asserts truths which can be pany will pay the face value of the pol-: demonstrated, and It correctly defines Icy 1100.000. In case of her death be- ; Democratic principles. The convention fore the end of the twenty years the ; which assembled in Chicago, In de- company will continue to pay her rep-j mandlng the unlimited coinage of silver resentatlve the J5.000 until the end of 1 offers to the country a scheme from the twentieth year, when the full , which every voter may expect whatever amount of the policy will be paid, thus advantage to the country or himself making a total payment by the com- his reason or even his Imaginations pany to the heirs of the Insured of can suggest. The advocates of the 1111 200.000. limited coinage of silver do not airree The total amount of premiums paid as to what will be the consequence of by the Insured was J:M.3!3. thus giving the adoption by the United States of net profit nt the end of twenty years . their favorite measure. The more in- nf $1,5,601 over cost. itelllgent know that it Is lmuoaslbl,. hv In other words, by the payment of law, to give to silver a local value in the 24,3!i9 In three years. Mr. Flnzer has United States, and, therefore, Mr. Bry- secured for his family and heirs a stat- ,on asserts his belief that the unlimited d Income of J.i.000 a year for the next ; coinage of silver by the United States twenty years, or a five per cent Invest- alone would Increase the value of bul- tnent on the principal of $100,000, which lion, which Is 67 cents per ounce, to remains Intact until 1916, not subject to $1.29. It Is something that this opinion loss by bad Investment or depreciation has no support In the by the possible mismanagement of the mankind. It Is enough for present pur- xocutors, administrators or attorneys poses to say It has no foundation other of his estate. . than the confident assertions nf thnp The widow and children are provided jwho share In that belief. The real ex Ith an ample and certain Income for : pectatlon of the great body of support- twenty years, when the original $100,- 1 ers of free coinage of silver, and one 000 Insurance Is paid over to whoever j much more In harmony with experience is legally entitled to the same. Is that the unlimited coinage of sIIvpp Nsw York, October 2. Attention la called In the Railroad Gazette to an- evenlng by an Immense concourse ofloth?r interesting feature of Boy Bry- people, and It U only natural that he!"1' grt scheme of government by might have lietn misled In the belief i Plunder. The Boy demand that the that he had an overwhelming sentiment (government shall own and operate all In his favor among the people of this 1 railroads, and that, therefore, all rail city, jroad employes, from the superlntend- Mr. Bryan1 meetings have been very!enU ""d chief engineers down to tha large wherever he has appeared. andjcrew of gravel trains, shall be made the character of them waa best llluat. J S-'vernment employes. He also de mited by the greeting given him atmn'i that there shall be no life tenure. Lexington, Kentucky, by one of the old- " Publlc office. How, a correspondent time' Kentucky colonols. There, aJ"ks, would the practical application elsew here, an Immense and enthusia- !of tnM Principles affect railroad men? tic assembly welcomed him to the home I Tn Ra'lroad Gazette answers them of Clay, while two-thirds of the people j Plainly and truthfully. It would reduce) of Lexington and a large majority of Ith8 tenur of every one of them to tha the people of the county will vote j terra of 'ngle administration. Every against him. iman, from superintendent to brakeman. An enthusiastic old-time Kentucky I would UaoU turned out every colonel who attended the Bryan recep-,four J""1- A cheerful prospect, that. tlon at Lexington, who had become 1 Ior ln men' na one promising a moat greatly enthused by the mixture of jefflclent service! The Gazette well odds Bryan and Bourbon Inspiration, grasp-that the Chicago platform Is "a bill to ed Mr. Bryan by the hand with all the 1 dtaco"" the performance of duty, fervor of the most generous Kentucky M we" " 10 Paralyze trade and tha hospitality, and said: "Colonel Er an, .administration of Justice." sah, by gad. sah. this was a grand dem- j Nor ' tnat Taw are now soma onstratlon, sah; altogether the grandest j 8d0') or "ore men employed on th ever had In Lexington, sah. since Jum-;""-1"8 ' United States. Mr. bo was exhibited." This tells the story i Erjan v"'ould roake tnMn JI govern or Mr. Bryan's immense meetings. I ,nent employee with no permanent ten The aftermath of Mr. Bryan's appear- !ure of mce oey"d the pleasure of tha .nice In Philadelphia, must be fearfully I administration. What patronage that HilN-rlng to his enthused expectations 1 woulJ give t0 tne la Power! What of Tuesday evening. It would grate ;a P0"1'"! machine for securing tha harshly upon his ears today to tell him ie0,jnd ,erm "h'ch Mr. Bryan S3 aua that the sober artermath' of lis' great t Urely dclars B o"' vn- never, demonstration in Philadelphia wlU be:nver take! The. postofflcea and cus hls defeat In every single ward of this ! tomhoue and consulships would fade city. He will be the only Democratic ! ""ff"-"eance comparea witn such, candidate who ever ran ln this clty!a fi?ld for "'w-dlng the faithful." with a majority against him In every I KeaJly' U mlsnt KOod POt-ca for Mr. war j Bayan to drop free silver and make hie It would also grate very harshly upon flght on railroad i8sue a'one" t his eVs to be told that this city that hundre1 thousa"d -ces to be welcomed him with such enthusiasm fllled- no clv11 S6rvlce rulea- Bnd 't0 What a very hun- on Tuesday night, will cast over 100,- 000 majority against him on the 3rd of November; altogether the largest ma jority ever given against any candidate In the history of Philadelphia politics. It would be extremely distressing to Mr. Bryan to continue the atory of the sober aftermath of his appearance ln Philadelphia by telling him that Phil adelphia is only the reflex of the state of Pennsylvania, and that , for the first time in the history of Pennsyl- victor belong the spollsr ' I campaign cry to arouse the ' gry and very thirsty!" BARKIS IS WILLIN". St Louis. October 2. Vice-President Stevenson arrived here today. A rep resentative of the Associated Press In formed him soon after his arrival of reports that Sewall and Watson would resign or be dropped from their re spective tickets and a candidate sub- vania politics, a Democratic candidate stituted who could bring the voters of will be defeated by a vote of more than two to one. The majority against him in Pennsylvania will certainly be greuter than his entire vote received In the state. It would alsj be an unpleasant re flection to Mr. Rryan if he could be made to appreciate the fact that, of the tens of thousands who hazr.aed themselves hoarse at his welcome on Tueseday night, not one-half of them and mor? likely not one-fourth of them will vote for him on the third of No vember. A citizen of this state, as In other stales, must be qualified as an elector; and not one in a hundred of those who wer? most enthusiastic In his welcome would qualify himself as an elector to vote for him by the pay ment of the trivial tax of 50 rents. In deed, there were more voters ln and about the Academy of Music on Tues day night last than the entire vote Mr. Bryan will receive In this city. In 1S72, when the Liberal Republicans held a most Imposing national conven tion ln Cincinnati and nominated Hor ace Greeley against Grant, his friends who were there to study the situa tion reported to him In great alarm the character and number of the Lib eral movement. Grant quietly puffed away at his cigar until he had heard the story, and then he said In his sen tentious way: "Yes, they were all there." Not only were all the Bryan men of Philadelphia out to welcome him on Tuesday night, but curiosity called out many, many thousands who will vote ln the most direct way to de feat his election. Such is the sober aftermath of Mr. Bryan's grand demonstration tn the City of Brotherly Love. the Democratic and Populist parties to gether. He said: "This Is the first time I have heard of the matter and I think it amounts to nothing more than newspaper talk." In reply to the question whether If such action was taken and the nomlna tlon offered to him he would accept. General Stevenson said: "That Is hardly a fair question to ask under the circumstances. I have not been offered the nomination, nor do I think I will be." THE CEDAR KEYS STORM. Jacksonville, Fla., October 2. The re ports that have been sent out concern ing the loss of life at Cedar Keys are. grossly exaggerated. It Is so far pos itively known that twenty persons have been drowned ln that vicinity. In ad dition to this It Is feared the crews of numerous sponging vessels were lost, but aa communication Is still Impossi ble, any statement of the probable num ber would be the merest guesswork. In the interior of Florida the destruc tion of property was very great, but no loss of life Is reported. (Signed) The Jacksonville Citizen. If we were Mr. Bryan we would wor ry less about our second presidential term and more about Mr. McKlnley's present chances. Chicago Record. RESPECTFULLY DECLINED. Washington. October 2. Secretary Carlisle today sent the following self explanatory telegram. "C. P. Thompson, Louisville, Ky. My Dear sir: Your favor of SeDt. 29. mik ing a division of time with John C Blackburn at all the appointments I may make to speak ln Kentucky Is this moment received, and the request la respectfully dcllned. Yours very truly. John G. Carlisle." THE WEATHER. For Oregon and Washington, fair weather, cooler eaat of the Cascades. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE 11 w