The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 02, 1896, Image 3

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    L V.
VCf l.(1llHllltiniflktittl. MIHUjixiPfM iintvn Ita iritf
(til hi, Mt-W-tnu l ili0urtinU,i uurvu-fM I Mi ttu world. jhUnr nlu M p"iin I in 10 47 nl U imrnf
IU 10 link) III Wwh fllllioli ltl iMMitl Ulrttt.g UfrMUi ltit Iii4tllill'. Jltftt if A Imi, f"U will lit) rim
ItftHtKl w (etiHMit ynu lolMtlli'Vi intl w an. f'tr ft i'itr la lilutt-lr Ktiittnil("l hf lrutfMl,i Mf-mr
JiIhm Nnittl tttf itiir Imm.Ii li " hut f l uiiftt 'i hi.ii nmofcii Voui I.i'm Anr wrlth-ii ttnmi$utUt im)
1W T. rr. ap at niii
k: - - - - mm r-aaj pinnt i.
Twentieth St.
Good Reason
Why Lots
...Are Selling...
48 2 Bond
Itoumi 1 and t, rythl.n IlullJInt,
ov.rr C. II. Coutwr'a tor.
I It. o.
Bp-Ul .(i.nlluo to dlMUM o( toBM
mm! .uriarir.
Onto ov.r Dmlf a tur. AatarU.
TltlKHM No. U.
Ortlcn, ruonu I and (, rythlaa Building.
Hours, 10 to It and I 10 I Hwildaooa,
tm Cnlr urMK.
Offlc, Hpatalra, AatorUa Bulldlnf.
HM Comm. trial atraot.
omc. on llond atroot, Aatorla, Or.
J. N. Kolph nirhard Nlioa.
Ch.alar V. Dolph.
Port Unit, Orron, M. O, M and 17,
Hamilton llullttltic All Leal and ool
iMtlon builn-aa promptly attendad to.
Claim, acalnat th aovvrnmant a ipa
A. M Hrcular communication, bald on
the ftnt and third Tuoadajr avanlng ot
ach month.
o. w. LotiNsnEiinr. w. 11.
E. C. IIOLOKN. BMralarjr.
W. C. CA88EI.L,
Notary Fubtto.
6U Bond Btraat.
v-aA5PECIALTY onitarj orTir
l liUrf ll.oot I'OisOM P'rmam-tiiiy
1 t niraHlIn IfifilAila.L Tminl.lfalo.lM
i i tmropfi'rt.nioi'rittunilrMtuaauarMa"
':w iij. 1rr.1uiHKfrrtoe11tu.b0rawa1v11lth.1n.
11m iar tr.rt tonyrilndfnfaiitnlUt'i'
Boclnnr.!' k.'iii toruro. if r u liar, turn uirr
cury. I.llili iwt nil, anil llll hair. ar'iM aikt
r. in Ulurmi. l,ilirtninuih, Noro'I'liroi,
l'liutlia, l'i'irr t'nlorril Hpnt. I:l'rra un
tnt i)artollli.'llf. Ilnlror Kynhrowa rulllii
out. "l li ti i H...iiilMry lil.Ml Imis3
a vuarant.'OUiruru. WnatlirllUintit olmll
mt rMava anil rhillani;t llin w.irl.l lur a
rwrnn""tciir. l'hla ill h.n alwa..
linlllMt t h aklM "t nuwt uiUipnt .hyll
rhiua. a)AOOiOOt wihiiU Iwlilml our uiu-'iia
... ...1 (naTautr. Aliaulutp iriof. rirt oiiiii
J JUajouio ituiuilo, ClllUAUUk XLL.
Phon. No. 6ft
Aatorla, Oregon
Ship Chandlery,
Bpaclal Att.ntloa Paid to Supplying Ship.
A paa.anger train on tha Chicago, Mil
waukee and St. Paul Railway. No. Ita
tarln. ara v.atlbuled, heater by iteam,
and lighted by electricity. Each Heap
car berth haa an eleotrlo reading lamp.
Iti dining cara ara tha beat In the world,
and Iti ooachea are palaoea on wheel.
Thla great railway, oonneotlnc a It
4lo.a with all tranaoontlnental line at St.
Paul and Omaha, aaaurea to the tarvellng
public the beat ervloe known. Ticket
via tha Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t Paul
Hallway ara on le at all railroad ticket
oRlce to any point In the United Slatea
or Canada. For map, folder and other
Information, addreea.
C. J. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Portland, Or.
Trav. Pa and Tkt Agent,
Portland, Or.
In rltMtriiv thail-ttlrn h,t lilittwvi In it
' hi j)jir ftvvjit aa
I hf w wiM. HtlWM M'm'w V imm
0r tlinjlMiv htt ta rVaHt rWMi4K U-i'tt m w
vrW4 M 1 Vl kr I f H fW a-)
fr. ftuM all 4rMtfrr. 4 fW , I tv - ,..,r .i
, rwm
j, wrcONN.' A,.oL Aitorla.
pnd MeKee Ave. .
HituaU'd on tho Bouth side
of Antoriu'H hilln.
Twenty denrcoH warmer
nnl vegetation .'50 rinp in
advance of tho North Hide.
Magnificent hUch for reH
idcnceH. overlooking river
and hay, nunny and nln-1-tered.
JOasy and natural prudes;
tilth or no grading needed.
TBana a. . mam.
OlaiOM patiutZ,
OIJa.1 Nw ( MrTli la tnriit
If'.rT rtnl out by u. 14 ImHiffhl brtot
Ika imiUI. bj . Bulla. (If In. of Aug. to (B
rwi tiAi
a I ItnMdvv. k.w Kuril CIV,
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable, in America
for HuflererB from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objection urged agalnat Indlo In
th. pe.1 b) th. large dumber who
otharwlM would have been glad to take
advantage of Ita beneficial climate, ha
been a lack ot aultabl. aooommodatlon.
Th Southern Pernio Company taken
pleasure In announcing that aeveral
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Juit beeii erected at Indlo ita lion,
that will be rented to anpllcanta at rea
sonable rate. They are furnUhed with
modern convenlen lupplled with pur.
artealan water and ao alluatfd a to give
occupant all the advantuKi' to be Je
rked from a more or leaa prottarti'd
r.aldno In thla dnllghtful climate.
(From th. Hen Pranctaoo Argonaut.)
"In th heart of the great dcaert of the
Culoruilo-whlrh the Bouthern l'aclllo 1 an oaala railed Indlo,
whlrh, In our opinion, la the aanltarlura
of the earth. We believe, from prraonal
Investigation, that for certain Individual,
there la no spot on thla planet to favor
able." .
O. T. Stewart, M. D., write.: "The
purity of the air, and tho eternal aun
ttlno, fill one with wondor and delight.
. . . Nature ha accomplished so
much that there remain but little for
man to do. Aa to It poaalbllltlr a a
health resort her I th moat perfect
unahlne, with a temperature alway
pleaaant, a perfectly dry aoll, for rain la
an unknown faotor; pure oxygen, denae
atmoaphere and pure water. What more
can be deelred? It. la the place, above
all other, for lung trouble, and a para-
dlae for rheumatic. Considering the
number of aurTerer who have been
cured, I hav no healtanoy In recom
mending thla genial oaal aa tha haven
of th afflloted."
Is 6ia miles from
and 130 fli ilea from
Fare from Los Angeles
f j.oc
For further Information Inquire ot
any Southern Paclflo, Company agent,
or addrea ,
Aaat Gen. Pas. Agt B. V. Co.
Dlat. Pass, Agt.
Cor. First and Alder at., Portland, Or
I Solwtlflo Americas
m ar r m m m,.t
, mini watkn. i
DATK. a.k. ,. i: u.
lli.iii ft !li. in fi i
Kuliinliiy i'M II '.hi; In h i
A, M." 'I V. M
ll III ft III III .
II I.' 'ill (I'll II.
HMIMlHX . .17, 4 Hi It i .1 i.1 H I
.Miillilnf ,. V!
ftMlftAI 4 tn 7.W i V i II 1M
'I'tiiKilny. , v
Krliliiy,. i
Him '..'i ft i 7 n 'III IV ' i
7 mi .'i.ft n .'i . 7 I ! alJ u.i In .
Hi 5.7 7 : hi i i iu.: ln
li r; i,;, wi 71 tio.lial li i
p. in -JA J , -i. Hie, Im'Iiiw WW
ill, IjiiI lir,
7, 1'W
tl'Kiii. I I, Hri'ir.
HI, Kull Mihiii.
Movementa of V.nMla ait lloma
anil f.laeHare.
The Inl HhartMbury and the Ewx
are un thw way down thn river,
Tint Krltlah bark Mrlliwrn In reimrU'
to havo Ih'i-ii rharti-red, and It 1 auJil
tha. ! will go up the river today or
The United Mate revnu tuttur
Ciiiiiiii'Klorij Perry arrived In port yen
tenlay afternoon, win-re ahe hua liwn
irilemd for duty during the wlntiir.
Capialn Hmllh rvporta a ttn?aluou
Th Iw-rao gaaolinu laiinrh Morrow ar
rlvid yt-etfrilny inorrilnK from llandon,
n the CoiUllle rhir, with a rargo of
auliimn fruin the tlmidon I'axklng Com
pnny, f'r tho Foard A Htoki-a Co. Af
tcr illailibrglng iaid ahe will go to
I'orllanil where ahw will lake on freight
for Ilumlon.
Thn traeury di-partment haa leeucd
an onlrr reuniting that all veeeH of
the revfiiun rutter rvlre aaelgned to
the duly of rnforting the ani'horage
regulations shall 1 arry at the how a
llsllngulahlng flag, having a white
flell with a blue foul anrhor In the cen
ter, ilarrl at an anirle of forty-five de
Hupti-rriler 2X. thn Ht John ist Jlght
Wu moved to the "Old Hmlth Ik
Hi. John. Drrgon, atxmt one-eighth of
a mile In a westerly direction from Ita
former ixwlllon. From HeptemlMT I
thn pireent light la dlwontlnixM and
In Us '.') a fl x 1 white IlKht la shown
from a lantern ausM-mled from an arm
on a pile? on the lower or west slda of
U;e Hmlth dock. Ilgi-r.
The point of the compass may be
determined with th aid of an ordinary
watch. It la (Imply necearary to bring
If:? watrh In a position ao that the hour
hand Is directed toward the aun. The
south then Ilea exactly midway between
whatever hour It may happen to be
and the numeral XII on the dial. Let
us aupKae, for Instance, that It I (our
o'rl K'k, and that the tlme-pleie I held
In the position Indicated. The direr.
tlon of the numeral II will then be the
eaa.-t south. If It la eight o'clock the
numeral 10 will Indicate the eiact
southerly point Cleveland Marine Re.
In 1K72 Japan poeaiMutrd M merchant
sleamera of an mritreKale tonnage of
33.31 tons. They were, without excep.
tlon, veawel which hail bcn condemned
by their former foreign owners aa unfit
for further profitable use, were Ill-managed
ami neglected, and never ventured
beyond the roast of Japan, and even
IhHr roasting vnyaKea were Insig
nificant that their entrlca and clear-
nno-s were not iteenntl worthy of the
sllirhleet mention In the customs re
turns. In J Stt 5 Japan piwuvwil 617 mer
chant stHamera of the aKkTi'Kste ton
nage of S'Jl.l;': tuns, and the principal
imimny, the Nippon Yusen Kalsha, or
National Mall Steamship Comany,
alone Hnaessd a fWt of 67 ocean-go-
Ing steamer, with a tonnage of 101,343
The statistical summary of vessels
totally hmt. Condemned, etc., now pub
lished by Lloyd's IteulHtor. show that
during 1S9S the groan mluctlon In the
effective mrrrantlh marine of the
world amounted to 1237 vcoeels of 806,-
H Inns, excluding all vessels of less
than 100 tons. Of thla total, 310 vessels
of 372.4f3 tons were steamer, and 927
t 431.R1S tons were Bailing vessel.
These fttturea exceeil the average of the
prrcedlno: four year by AS steamers of
M.M tons, and by 5' Hnillng vessels of
4J.940 tona. As r-'gHrds steamers owned
n the t'nlteil Kinirilom, the return Is
uIho above the avenure, while ns re
irards snlllnK vessels It la somewhat
below. The Increase in the case of the
former Is flue not to actual wrecks, but
to th largo tonnage broken up, con-
letnmil. -tc. Apart from such casm.
the I'nlted KiliKilom steam tonniiRe lust
lui lnif 1S93 Is only eiiunl to the average
of the lost four years, notwlthstanillng
that since- 1S!U the tonmiRe owned bus
Increnniil by one nnd a half million
tons. ,
Wlll.unetto Illver, Channel to Portland,
Or. St. John Post Light, Position
Notice la hereby given that on Sip
tetnlier ISth, the Rt. John PoRt Light
will be moved to the "Old Smith dock,"
St. John, Oregon, about one-eighth of n
mile In a westerly direction from Its
present position. On and aftr Septem
ber 28th, the present light will be dis
continued and In Ita stead a fixed white
light will be shown from a lantern
suspended from an arm on the lower
(west) Bide of the Smith Dock.
This notice affects the List of Lights
and Fog; Signals, Paclflo coast, ISM,
Page 24, "No. 1085; also the List of Ttea
sons and Ituoys, Pacific Coast, lS'JS,
Page CO.
Ily order of the Llgrhthouse Hoard.
Lieut. Commander U. S. Navy,
Inspector 13th L. H. .District.
Office of the U. 8. Lighthouse Inspect
or, Portland, Oregon, Sept. 26th, ISM.
ROYAL Bamng Powder.
Highest of all la leavening
Strength. V. S. aov.rnm.nt Report
Tillman's other name 1 Burchard.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet.
All druggists refund the money If it
fall to cure. 25c For sole by Chas.
Kogers, .Druggist.
Philadelphia Times.
It I known that as wxin aa WIMlam J
llrynn rear-tied Wa.hlngt'in lust week,
aftor a hurrah campaign through the
West and Houth, he for the first time
n-nllxed, after consultation with the
lenders at tils nutlonul lieaibiuarlers,
that his cause waa utterly hopeless In
thn Kurt, and that both the West and
Houth were (lepertlng his standard. One
who aiwompnnl'" film largely tnrougiw
out his Journey report hlin a having
left Washington looking tn years older
than he did when he enU-red It, and
that aim' then he haa exhibited a de
gnu of bltternes and violence In hi
harangue that could emanate only
from despair.
This was clearly developed at Wll
mlngton on Monday last, when he
launched out In one of the vilest tlrad a
against the minister of the onuntry In
dlscrlmlnatnly, because they have had
thn courage. In many Instances, to de
clare for public and private honesty
and the maintenance of public and prt
vat credit. The Wilmington New thus
report Mr. Ilryan's brutal assault upon
the ministers aa a class delivered In
that city:
"In hi BM-rh In the Auditorium lost
"evening, William J. Ilryan, candidate
" of thn Popullatlc party for president
"made a brutal, cowardly and unwar
"ranted attwk Un the ministers of
"the rnltcd Statu aa a class. His de
"nunclatlon of mlnlsUr of the Oospel
"waa far more bitter and far more con-
"temptlble than the mist savage utter-
'ames of Hubert O, Ingeraoll. Mr.
'Ilryan said In effect that more bitter
"nesa hail boon shown by minister of
the Oospel, aa a ela-s. against the ad
"viwates of free silver than hail been
shown by the politicians on the plat
"form, and that It was not that thi-y
hud so much attacked free sliver as
that they had shown their gernral dis
regard for the Interest of the people.
He sold the ministers were In league
"with the monopolists, that they lived
In ease, opulence and luxury; that
"they were unnciuulnted with and had
"110 regard for the condition and wel
fare of their flocks; that such a condl-
"tlon was not one which ministers of
"the Uospel ought to occupy; that they
"should be ready and anxlou to give
their follow men a helping hand; that
"ministers should be made to feel that
"It waa a part of their duty to share
'the burden of the needy ones of the
"congregation: that they had, however,
"no regard fir tho condition of their
people, thinking more and solely of
their own comfort and condition; that
"they were In their work for what they
'get out of It. and that the minister
'inado up a aelflsh class, and more
"along that line too contemptible to be
There were several minister In the
audience who heard thla vulgar tirade
axalnst the minister of. the country,
and among them waa Rev. Francis B.
Short, pastor of the Harrison Street
KplscopaJ Church of Wilmington, who,
In a letter to the Press, eaklng of
Ilryan's speech, aya:
"HI denunciation of clergymen waa
'equally as uncalled for, uncharitable
'censorious and malicious as were the
'moat heathenish utterances of Robert
Ingersoll, w hom I heard speak In your
'city on May 13, In Walnut Street The
"Many auditor have since expressed
'their profound Indignation for this un
'dlgnlfled attack upon the cloth, and
being an humble member of that hon-
'ored body of men myself, I desire not
'only to enter a protest through your
'local paers, but also to ask my breth
ren from North tn South and from
East to West to register their protest
'In November next by voting for a man
who Is too high In thought and moral
'piety to thus denounce the greatest
factor In preserving the peace and ele-
'va'.lng the moral standard of the
Such a speech, made by one who is a
andldate for the highest civil trust of
the world, could not have been deliv
ered by any other than one who is dis
tempered In mind and felt that his own
defeat was Inevitable. It was mid
summer madness, even if he believed It,
thus to attack the great organised
agency of our religion and our clvlllxa
tlon, for the pulpit confessedly gives
the highest standard of effort In the
promotion, not only of religion, but of
the best rlvlllzntlon, and for the main
tenance of public nnd private Integrity
and law and order.
It Is not surprising that Rev. Mr.
Short, who heard the utterances of Mr.
Ilryan at Wilmington, appeals to his
brethren of every persuasion "to reg
ister their protest In November next,
by voting for a man who is too high In
thought and moral piety to thus de
nounce the greatest faotor In preserv
ing the peace and elevating the moral
.standard of the country."
Don't sit down and wait for trade,
'Taint the way,
Oct' a hustle, make her show,
Push your business make her go,
Don't sit down und wait for trade,
'Taint the way,
'Taint the way,
If you've got something to sell,
Tell It about.
Let your neighbors see you're "fly,"
Get up "bargains," don't say die,
If you've anything to sell,
Tell It out,
Tell it out.
Folks don't know you if you don't
Keep things movln' every day.
Talk about It; that's the way.
Folks won't know you If you don't
Tat he
ll all.
Th best chemical compound for wash
ing powder I "Soap Foam,'' aa it will
not "yellow th clothes," nor burn th
hands It' tha flneat thing In th world
for th bath. On trial will convince
Declaration of
Th Republican of th United State,
assembled by their representative In
National Convention, appealing for th
popular and historical Justification of claim to the matchless achieve
ment of thirty year of Republican
rule, earnestly and confidently address
themselves to the awakened Intelli
gence, experience and conscience ot
their countrymen In tha following dec
laration of fact and principles:
For th first time alnce the Civil
War th American people hav wit-
Messed th calamitous consequence of
full and unrestrained Democratic con
trol of the Government It ha been
a record of unparalled Incapacity, dis
honor and disaster. In administrative
management It has ruthlessly sacrific
ed Indlspenalbl revenue, entailed an
unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary
current expense with borrowed money,
plied up the public debt by 1262,000.000
In time of peace, forced an adverse bal
ance of trade, to a perpetual menace
hanging over the redemption fund,
pawned American credit to alien yn
dicate and reversed all th measure
and result of auccessful Republican
rule. In the broad effect of ita policy
It haa precipitated panic, blighted in
duatry and trade with prolonged d
prtaalon, closed factories, reduced work
and wages, halted enterprise and Clip-
pled American production while stimu
lating foreign production for the Amer
ican market. Every consideration of
public safety and individual Interest
demand that the government shall be
rescued from the hands of those who
hav ahown themaelvea incapable of
conducting It without disaster at home
and dishonor abroad, and shall be re
stored to the party which for thirty
years administered it with unequaled
uccess and prosperity.
A Protective Tariff.
We renew and emphasize our allegi
ance to the policy of protection as th
bulwark of American lndu trial Inde
pendence and the foundation of Amer
ican1 development and prosperity. This
true American policy taxes foreign pro
duct and encourage horn Industry;
it put the burden of revenue on for
eign goods. It secure th American
market for th American producer; It
uphold the American standard of
wage for the American working-man;
it put th factory by th side of the
farm, and makes the American farmer
less dependent on foreign demand and
price; it diffuse general thrift and
found the strength of all on the
strength of each. In It reasonable ap
plication It is Just, fair, and impartial,
equally opposed to foreign control and
domestic monopoly, to sectional dis
crimination and individual favoritism.
We denounce the present Democratic
tariff a sectional. Injurious to the pub
lic credit and destructive to business
enterprise. We demand such equitable
tariff on foreign Imports which come
Into competition with American pro
duct as will not only furnish adequate
revenue for the necessary expense of
the government, but will protect Amer
ican labor from degredatlon to the
wage level of other lands We are not
pledged to any particular schedules.
The question of rates Is a practical
question, to be governed by the condi
tions of the time and production; the
ruling and uncompromising principle
Is the protection and development of
American labor and Industry. The
country demands a right settlement
and then it wants rest
Reciprocity Wi h Oilier Nations.
We believe the repeal of the reci
procity arrangement negotiated by the
last Republican administration was a
national calamity, and we demand
their renewal and extension on such
terms as will equalise our trade with
other nations, remove the restrictions
which now obstruct the sale of Amer
ican products in the ports of other
countries and secure the enlarged mar
kets of our farms, forests and factories
Protection and reciprocity are twin
measure of. Republican policy, and go
hand in hand. Democratic rule has
recklessly struck down both, and both
must be re-established. Protection for
what we produce, free admission for
the necessaries of life which we don't
produce, reciprocal agreements of mu
tual Interest which gain open markets
for us in return for our open market to
others. Protection builds up domestic
Industry and trade and secures our
own market for ourselves. Reciprocity
builds up foreign trade and finds an
outlet for our surplus. ,
Protection to Sugar Producers.
We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the
sugar producers of this country. The
Republican party favors such protec
tion as will lead to Uie production on
American soil of all the sugar th
American people use, and for which
they pay other countries 'more than
1100,000,000 annually.
Wool and Woolens.
To all our products to those of th
mine and the field, as well a to those
of the shop and the factory to hemp
to wool, the product of the great Indus
try of sheep husbandry, as well as to
the finished woolens of the mill we
promise th moat ample protection.
Merchant Marine.
We favor restoring th early Ameri
can policy of discriminating duties for
the uu-bulldlng of our merchant marine
and the protection of our shipping In
the foreign carrying trade, so that
American ship th product of Amer
lean labor, employed In American ship
yards, sailing under th Star and
Stripes, and manned, officered and
owned by American may regain th
carrying of our foreign commerce.
The Financial Issue.
"Th Republican party is unreserv
edly for sound money. It caused the
enactment of the law providing for the
resumption of specie payment In 187;
since .then every dollar ha been as
good a gold. W ar unalterably op
posed to every meaaur calculated to de
base our currency or Impair the credit
of our country. We are, therefore, op
posed to th free coinag of ailver, ex-
cept by International agreement with
the leading commercial nation of the
world, which we pledge ourselves to
promote, and until such agreement can
be obtained we believe the existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
our silver and paper currency now In
circulation must be maintained at a
parity with gold, and w favor alt
measures designed to maintain Inviola
ble the obligation of th United
States, and all our money, whether coin
or paper, at the present standard, the
standard of the most enlightened na
tions of the earth."
Pensions for Veterans.
The veterans of th Union armies de
serve and should receive fair treatment
and generous recognition. Whenever
practicable they should b given th
preference In th matter of employ
ment, and they ar entitled to the en
actment of such law as beat calculat
ed to secure the fulfillment of the
pledge mad to them in the dark days
of the country' peril. We denounce
th practice of the pension bureau so
recklessly and unjustly carried on by
the present administration, of reducing
pension and arbitrarily dropping
name from the rolls, as deserving the
severest condemnation of th American
Foreign Relations.
Our foreign policy should be at all
time firm, rigorous and dignified, and
all our interests in the western hemis
phere carefully watched and guarded.
The Hawaiian Island should be con
trolled by the United States and no for
eign power should be) permltetd to In
terfere with them. The Nicaragua
Canal should be built, owned and op
erated by the United States, and by
the purchase of the Danish Islands we
should secure a proper and much-needed
naval station in the Wast Indies.
Armenian Massacres.
The massacres in Armenia have
aroused the deep sympathy and just
Indignation ot the American people,
and we believe that the United State
should exercise all the influence it can
properlyexert to bring these atrocities
to an end. In Turkey, American resi
dents have been exposed to the gravest
dangers and American property de
stroyed. There and everywhere Amer
ican cltisens and American property
must be absolutely protected at all
hazards and at any cost
Monroe Doctrine.
We reassert the Monroe doctrine In
its full extent and reaffirm the right of
the Unulted States to give the doctrine
effect by responding to the appeals of
any American state for friendly Inter
vention In case of European encroach
ment We have not Interfered, and
shall not Interfere, with the existing
possessions of any European power in
this hemisphere, but those possessions
must not, on any pretext, be extended.
We hopefully look forward to the
eventual withdrawal of the European
powers from this hemisphere, and the
ultimate union ot all the English
speaking part of the continent by the
free consent of Its inhabitants.
Independence of Cuba.
From the hour of achieving their own
Independence the people of the United
States have regarded with sympathy
the struggles of other American peoples
to free themselves from European dom
ination. We watch with deep and abid
ing Interest the herolo battle of the Cu
ban patriots against cruelty and op
pression, and our best hopes go out for
the full success of their determined con-
teat for liberty.
The government of Spain, having lost
control of Cuba and being unable to
protect the property or lives of resi
dent American citizens or to comply
with Its treaty obllgatlones, we believe
that the government of the United
State should actively use Its Influence
and good offices to restore peace and
give Independence to the Island.
Enlargement of the Navy.
The peace and security of the repub
lic and the maintenance of its rightful
Influence among the nation of the
earth demand a naval power commen
surate, with its position and responsi
bility. We therefore favor the contin
ued enlargement of the navy and a
complete system
coast defense.
of harbor and
. Immigration Laws.
For the protection ot th equality of
our American citizenship and of th
wage of our worklngmen agalnat th"
fatal competition of low-priced labor,
w demand that th Immigration law
be thoroughly enforced, and o extend
ed a to exclude from entrance to th
United States those who can neither
read nor write.
Civil Service.
The Civil Service law waa placed on
the statute book by th Republican
party, which has always sustained ft,
and w renew our repeated declara
tion that it shall be thoroughly and
honestly enforced and extended wher
ever practicable.
Free Ballot.
W demand that every citizen of th
United SUte (hall be allowed to cast
one tree and unrestricted ballot, and
that such ballot shall be counted and
returned aa cast
lynching Condemned. A'
We proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of the uncivilized and barbarous
practices, well known aa lynching or
killing of human beings, suspected or
charged with crime, without procea of
National Arbitration.
We favor the, creation of a national
board ot arbitration to settle and ad
Just difference which may arise be
tween employer and employed engaged
In Interstate commerce. .
Free Homesteads.
We bellev in an Immediate return
to the free homestead policy of th
Republican party and org th pasaag
by congress of th satisfactory free
homestead measure which has already
paased th house and la now pending
In tha senate.
Admission of Territories.
We favor the admission of the re
maining territories at the earliest prac
ticable date, having due regard to th
Interests of the people of the territo
ries and of the United State. All th
federal officers appointed for the terri
tories shall be selected from bona fid
residents thereof, and th right of self-
government shall be acorded aa far aa
Alaska Sepresentaiion.
We believe the citizens of Alaska,
should have representation in the con
gress of the United States, to th end
that needful legislation may be Intelli
gently enacted.
Sumptuary Legislation.
We sympathize with all wise and le
gitimate effort to lessen and prevent
the evils of Intemperance and promote
Rights of Women.
The Republican party is mindful of
the rights and Interests of women. Pro
tection of American industries include
equal opportunities, equal pay for equal
work and protection to the home. W
favor the admission of women to wider
spheres of usefulness, and welcome
their co-operation In rescuing the coun
try from Democratic and Populist mis
management and misrule. Such are th
principles and policies ot the Republi
can party. By these principles we will
abide and these principles we will put
Into execution. We ask for them the
considerate judgment of the American
Confident alike In the history of our
great party and In the Justice of our
cause, we present our platform and our
considerations. In the full assurance
that the election will bring victory to
the Republican party and prosperity to
the people of the United States.
Ask the
ticket agent
when you consult him
about your eastern trip,
to tell you about our
service to the East and
Ask him to tell you
how much shorter In
time aa well aa mile
our line Is to Omaha,
Kansas City and St.
Ask him, too, about our
service between St Paul
and Chicago.
Get one ot our folders
from him and study the
matter youreelf. Do this
and your ticket will sure
ly read; as It surely
should, via the Burling
ton Route.
Portland, Oregon,