. W1;!. .. .... . ..... I . V ASTORIA PUBLIG LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. The Daily Astoria n 07" Has A BlKldlAII AND PtSMANINT ...Fimlly Circulation... Much mnn than thrf timm ai LAW.! A tHAf OF AMY OTHIR KAFkM III AJTOKIA. SAVE TIME Kxpwiwo HOW? miiJ worry "Z.-L.L An "Ad" In Tim ArromAN't "Waul Column." ICXCL-USIVE TELEGRAPHIC PHICSS REPORT. 'ASTORIA, OUEUOX, FKIDAY M0IIN1X0, OCTOHEU 2, IH'.Hi. NO. 235 VOL. XIA'. I I Bill .:"yi''-ir ifc ..yl i - Our Handy Wajfon... Conililnra nil lh rwiturca of Ins ehlld's plnin w,m unit vakMipMU, and, all thing coiil,lr.l, rtwit the rooumr la than lthr. Ho drnirsliU. convmlenl and llrcory h II provn. that, u a rdy "Mllr." It hs no equal. We take a spool! prld. too. In delivering the M promptly and In faulllMW cond' llun to lha trade. Somethin and Fres ?New L. ALao THE FINEST ANCH0VI5 AND. Al NORWEGIAN STOCKFISH FOARD & STOKES COMPANY'S HARDWARE, PLUMBING TIN WORK JOB WORK p. o- AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION Call and Be Convinced Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH. OHKOON. A Training- Sihool for Teacher. Senior Year Wholly Professional. Twenty Wonka of Psychology and aenrral and Special Method; twenty weeks of Teaching nd Training Department. Training school of nlna gradia with two hundred children, ltrgular Normal Couraa of Threa Tear'. Tha Normal Diploma la reoognlaed by law ai a Btatt Ufa Certificate to teach. ' Light Ext enseal Hoard at Normal Dining Hall tl.W per week. Turnlah. ad rooma with light and Are, 76c to 1 .00 per week. Board and Lodging In prlvata famlllea 11.60 to W W pt waek. TUITION.- Bub-Normal. $8.00 per term of ten weeki; Normal, JS.5S per term of ten weeka. (Iradea from reputable achoola accepted. C'atalnguca cheerfully furnlhed on application. AddrcM l. U CAHPUELL, lr., or VV. A. WANN, Sec. of Fgculty. Th cu.mi iradi.m c. A 1 1 1 Or will IntiiiKiiruto SSTSSS , a. n,. SALE SHOES: FINE rURS una continue until 1.X In mine J from MACKINTOSHES the Mock. Sale positively without rvNcrvc. and Thousands of 600 COMMERCIAL, ST. other joods. H. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer TIME OF Astoria & Columbia River RAILROAD. Beginning on Monday, Sept, run a followa: Leave Bean Id a at 7:10 a. m. dally. Leave Boaalde at p. m. dally exocpt Sunday. Leave Seaalde at p. m. Sunday. Leave Astoria at 8 a. m. dally. Leave Aatorla at 4:48 p. m. dally except Sunday, Leave Aatorla at 8:10 p. m. Sunday. Oregon Industrial Exposition PORTLAND, OREGON SEPT. 19 TO OCT. 17 The ureut rcumireea of the I'ucillc Northwest, Agriculture, Horticul ture, I lshcrleH, illlnen. Manufactures, Machinery, Transpor tutlon, TruJe nnd Commerce will be represented more completely than ever before. Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS EVERY NIGHT Lowest Rates Ever Hade on AH Transportation Lines ADMISSION, 25c; CHILDREN, 10c Tor Exhibit spce. apply to Ceo. I. Biker. SuperlnteBdent.it the building E. C. MARTEN, Secretary. Children's Wagons, Baby Carriages, Base Ball Goods, Fishing Croquet Tackle, Sets Garden Tools GRIFFIN & FEED CITY BOOK STOKE A DIKI'.CT IMI'OKTA TIUX 01 SCOTCH. HOLLAND. NOKUR (IAN AND CiKKMAN MAKIXIKTC AND YOU. HKKKIM9 IN IUKKELS ami KEGS ORANITE WARE, ROW.. STOVES. IRON lllE, TER RA COTTA lllES. IIAR IRON, STEEL, CANNERY M I'I'I.IES, I.OMUEKS' TOOLS SOL OPPENHEIMER Trustee for the late M. C. CROSBY II 1 1 IM HRY GOODS avie . ATUIN ' CARD THE 14th,tralna on the A. and C. R. R. R. will C. F. LESTER, Bupt. THE REPUBLICAN At McKlnley Hull Lust Mijlit us n Very linthuslnst ic ' Alfnlr. com; hi ss.man ixns'.s sitkch Camp.iiija One fUUcation - Tlie feople Are Uniaij t lie TlMnkimi I lie Attack ui Saptcaic La liv Ike Iblca- qn rUllum. The Itrpulilli'un d-iiinimlratlnii luct nlillit a" fully I" kwplliK ilh the riilliiikiunni f II"' party In lutn'l county, mid pniveil I hut thu grand old I'Hity till h"'ld lt n In Antorlu. The pmiKl"- In the rly part nf the rriiltw mi f llig niiv an, I Inrluih'd tli drum i-"r. Ili Vountf M'-n'B lie-Klnli-y and lnl.iirl flub, tin- M Klnb y Club, the t .M-rliwn and Aldrrhrook flub, and tbf Third Ward Club. Tbtre were altiw-ttxT In line alxiut four hun dred, and tb pHKi-enlon, with In many lnri'h'-a, liinera and tranaparenclen. r Inaplrlng. Every In. h of apart In M KlnI y Hall u nile.1 limt evening with men, women and children of every political faith, In order that they might have an oppor tunity of hearing Congreaanian Kill. The audl-nre wan an Intelligent and a prulutlve one, and withal a mot re pn tful one. Tteprenentatlve Ellin l a lurgr man "f liiiltig apH-arance, well along In middle life; a man of the peo ple, relwd fnim the people, and for the people. He In a rapid thinker, and a very rapid ap.-aker. To attempt to give hU entire spe.-. h of an hour and thtw nuarteiK. would le Imponnlble. He uld tint It wan n it hi Intention to do more than make ome nuKKeiiilona and give Home reaaonn for the Invtutl gallon of tUf great iiientloim ul the campaign by the Hople theinaelvi. "A few yearn ago the people llntetu d to the tump orator, fiom whom they expect id to g-.'t all their lnfotuiailoti nn the luinpalrn topic before thoin. Twlay they rea l the nepapera, bsk. and the record of the doing of congrm. The oial-r mii only lllui.li ate and cm ptlBJtlle the M,nt to be tudled. "Kellow (.Itiienn. I take Ixnue with nine who have been dlculng the platform of the various parti.-, par ticularly wllli Iht'w Kepubllcan who for UkIiI iaue have left their old-time party, under wlildi this country ha evn It niot pronperou time. Some people, lwiiue. they, could not fully agree with one out of the flflcvn planke of tho platform promulgated at t. Loul. have left our rank and. Joined the rank of the party whoae platform contuln fourte,-n plank with which they cannot p'xwlbly agre. and only one which the) can partially Indorse. 1 have been permnally censured for my action In the house of congresa In re gard to this money Uctlon. I want to say right here, fellow- cltlxens, that I endeavor to do my duty to the beat of my ability and convictions; but I 'am free to say that upon this olio paiticu lar question I have h:!d my doubts, but do not Intend to turn my back uihui all the other Kepubllcjin plunks, protuc- tlon to the American workmen, ui'.d those steadfast, principles which have leen the st.iy of the party for years, simply liecause of one plank of the platform alnnit which I am not abso lutely ure. I do not believe that there is anything that can be done by any other nation on earth which we can not do, but there are some things which neither we no any other nation can aecompll.sh alone or single-handed. 'On this free silver question I will say that I do not believe that the na tion can possibly prosper with free trade upon the one side and free silver upon the other. My friends, the lie- publican party Is and always has been, the true friend of sliver. And whatever la to be done upon this subject, I ra In favor of doing that work through the ranks of that party w hich has al ways stood for the best Interests of the people.(Applause.) When has the Demo cratic, party ever done anything within the ranks of that party which has not Been a botch? The Republican party today Is the only party which la equal to the emergency now confronting the American people. True bimetallism, if ever adopted, will be adopted by Inter national agreement and through the efforts of the Republican party. The St. Lnula platform pledges our party to this action, and If Mr, McKlnley Is elected he will take his seat In the White House pledged to that principle. We have bimetallism today In one sense. All our money circulates at a parity, and I do not want to see any legislation that will change that pnrlty. Every dollar which circulates among the worklngmen must be a dollar that la worth 100 cents. ' "Some of our adversaries say that we are now monometalllsts. Others argue that to adopt free silver would make us silver monometalllBts. Were these propositions true nnd we were compelled to accept one or the other of the horns of this dilemma, how much better that we adopt the gold standard and place ourselves upon equality with the other nations of the earth. Prom January 1st, 1S96 to September 1st 1836 the whole number of silver dollars coined v.ii gr.-utsr than the number coined from to IVd. If you will read the rnordu of cungre you will llnd thai when tin- s-ralM (rime bill jf pfifcjed. It dl'uiud thirteen time In the houn. hundred of copies j , t the bill ItAcIf, and huiiir.d of copies j of th.. committee rjM.rt being ircu-1 urnoii.! (he memher and their' inein. 1 no qurnon r. now jire- --ntil te the people wa not at Hint lime up for consideration. The matter I win considered of minor Importance, J aicl M,sslbly did not r- elve the atten (Ion of nolo- of the i-Kllatr that It 1 would have received had there he.-n any upprelieimlon on their part that there was liny danger to the rounlry In any chin,- of the bill Since then there have ben twenty yenrx of pnxp. roun lime, and I say row that It. hn not been the fuun'ial qucilon that ha brought ab- ut the prc.-nt condition of huliic4. The silver -mention now be- lug r:-ldeie 1 a r.cw question, and a never mentlon-d by Vr Hryan In the ho,iKe of representative In th b g. money w llh u tixlay. tut the mntter of circulating medium. We have money enough to do the buHlm-. of the coun- M"uw- al wwrnngron wnen sne waa try, and If we had the bunln, to do married to-Presldent Cleveland. CapL the money would circulate quick lth Is one of the bent-respected and enough. The word 'fn-e' Is a catch-, widely-known officers In the reve word. The only thing you embrace In ,nue "r naval erice. A man of high this world without money and without .education, polished and refined In price, U the air you breathe.. Free sll- .manner and a perfect gentleman, be er d- not mean that the money Is eannot fail to make friends wherever going to be dished out to any one de- "" The perr'. under bl con- slrlng It. We must have something to exchange for It. The laboring man would not be benolltel by having the I circulating medium Increased, but he will be benefited by having the demand for his lalxM- Increased. "In 1HT3 they ay this great crime was experience, although we represent the committed, but a a mutter of fact, way 'finest vessel In the service. We left back In the jo's the debt paying power! Ran Francisco April 15. and met with of silver was limited to 15. There were 1 extremely heavy weather two days goo I times then and no complaints were from port, when we were so unfw :nale. In M2 the campaign was non title as to lose our chief non-commis-on the tariff question. They said we sinned officer, Mr. Haverly, who was want a change. We have had the carrl.-d overboard. He was engaged chnnge. and I leave It to you. fellow In washing down decks at the time and Itllx.-ns. If we don't want another eKed himself unnecessarily during change. Yes. we want a change now the heavy gale which waa throwing which we can put Into circulation. We ; big seas over us very frequently. I can't afford to try ally mote cxpcrl- Immediately look personal charge of the nients. The child Is too sick and we , bridge and lowered a boat with volun mut npl'ly the remedy w hich will re- teers. anxious to make the efTort to res store a healthy condition of affairs. l"n- cue him. The unfortunate man, how der the Republican d.x-trines of prou-c- ever, seemed to sink right out of sight, tlon we have been successful, and every and w hile I was maneuvering to itet the time we have attynpted to use the Perry In better position, the boat sent Ivmocrutle principles we have suffer- out to his rescue was capslxed, and the ed. They promised n 1M':' that if vie- five men sent to his assistance were torlous they would give un certain free soon floundering In the water clinging trade legislation that would make pros- to the bottom of the boat. For a mo larity. Now they are talking about the ment my heart fairly stood still. I money question. U Is not a question of found that It was almost impossible to 1 to 1 silver, but a question of openlug get our head up to windward so as to the sixteen Idle factories to the one be able to near the capsized boat and now In operation. The opening of the throw out lines to the men. We finally mint would be of no benefit to us un- succeeded In saving them, but had to less we have something to take there ; work over them four or five hours with to tie coined. Rut when you open the the surgeon before bringing them factories and the Jobs nre hunting the around. men Instead of the men hunting Oie "From there it was a succession of Jobs, you Immediately bring about a : gales all the way to-Behrlng Sea, and prosperous condition of the country. lt has been gales and gales ever since. 'I'nder free wool and lumber tariffs, lad I not had as fine a crew of men we find today that the sheep men are and officers as ever wore the blue and getting only four to eight cents for gold of the United States revenue ser wool and 90o to 11.23 for sheep w here for- vice, we would have had anything but merly they got ten to twenty cents per a successful voyage. After reaching pound for wool and 2 to 3 for sheep. Ouiialako, we went In to Bearing Sea. The farmers and laboring men today We obeyed every order we received, are wearing sixty-four pounds of shoddy to one pound of wool In their hours In any one port, and I am sat clothlng. They promised cheap clothing Islicd that the Perry has made as good and we have It. a record as any vessel that has been "Let us trust the welfare of this country to that party which has al- ways made tt a proierous country. I do not believe in Ill-mated people. In private life lt always makes trouble, and with political parties It must be the same. Look at Kansas today. The Popullstlc party is the result of a union between the Populists and Democrats, and now- you would have to use a lan- tern and a microscope to find a Demo- crat In the state. Its schoolhouses have been closed, and business has gone away from It. Shall we put our national affairs In the hands of such a party? I say no. (Applause.) The bet - ter element of the old Democratic party which through all the vicissitudes of time have stood by its principles, have rightfully stood aloof from such a measure. They are going back to Grandpas Palmer and Buckner In order that they may stand with clear con- sciences upon their own principles. "Like the old farmer In Iowa who for years staunchly supported the prln- clples of Democracy, when asked what he thought of the Chicago platform, he said that lt made little difference about the platform, as It was made for a corpse. He explained that the differ- ent parties which amalgamated at Chi- t states have been very rare. The sea cogo and had brought forth the so-j son can be safely put down. In point of called platform, were like the old lady who periodically went on a shop - ping tour In the village, made the clerk pull down every piece of goods on the shelves, and when the long-patient store man -grew tired and suggested that she take a certain pattern, she said: 'Well, tt makes little difference anyway, because the pattern is for a corpse' "There are other Issues in this cam- pal'gn more important than tho money question. The declaration of the Chl - cago platform censuring the president of the United States for declaring that the supreme law of the United States waa paramount to the law of any indl - vldual state and for exercising his au thority under that law during the (Continued on Fourth Page.) (REVENUE CUTTER ! COMMODORE PERRY Arrlies I'rom Ikhring Sea With Col rs f,n,,, Mnd Anchors Off I'luvcl Dock. 1 STAR CATCH OF THE SEASON The I'trry T.kc Three Sealers Into Tort os tier Hautcr it the Same Time Catches liijbt and 1 foor 1 Staws. Wl,h fla n'J IT"f,nt y,njf the "launch revenue cutter Commodore "lr""' nw "..rnoim. Th- Ferry la under com- "'""d of f'apt. H. V, Hmith. who. It will reoiemr ' '" ' ... -" T'""K L"' n 'r"rt her to the W hlte recora 10 oe proua or- ,n conversation wun an Astonan representative yesterday. Captain Snilth said: 1 1 "We have had altogether an event- ful cruise, and a somewhat unfortunate ami nave never oeen over twenty-rour connected with the Behring Sea cruises """i1 ye. "The present season has been an ex- tremely disastrous one. In fact, it has been one succession of gales which pre vented the sealers from securing good catches. For weeks and weeks the sealers have been unable to lower a boat, and I think that this accounts for the failure of 1SA6, and the inability of the sealers to secure the usual supply ; of skins. From Information that I could gather during the past winter, the winds from the south have failed to ' materialise, and consequently the bad 'season set In much earlier than usual j "We made the star catch of the sea- son. e seised three vessels in one ; day for being in the prohibited lone, and the fourth one only escaped from ' our surveillance because of our lnablt j lty to manage the three we already had In tow and catch the other fellow. Un, ider the circumstances we were lucky , to be able to tow the three vessels on our hawser Into port at one time. ! "The average catch of the sealers this season will not exceed three hun a red skins to the vessel, although In Isolated cases some vessels have secur ed as many as TOO skins. These In pecuniary value. In contradistinction ; to 1895, as a dead failure. In fact j do not believe that the sealers will In ma ly cases be able to pay their ex- penses. In conversation and Interviews I Wth some of the members of the mixed ! commission sent out by England and the Vnlted States, I learned that in thelr opinion the seals are not receiving the protection that they deserve, and in all probability precautions of a widely different nature from what have before jioen used will be adopted during the ; coming season. President Jordan, of j Stanford University, who Is a member 0f this commission, is much interested 1 n this subject. "We left Ounalaska September :ist, and had nothing but southeast gales all the way to Astoria We would have mode tho trio thirty-six hours sooner had the wind been dead ahead. "Captain Warrington D. Rrath. of the Corwin, will succeed me on the Per ry, while I will take charge of the Cor win. within the next few days. Krom fan Francisco the Corwin will go to Han IMego. As far as present orders are concerned the Perry will be sta tioned In the Columbia durmg this win ter, and I am very sorry that I cannot stay with her, as I am much pleased with the appearance of your city." Captain Smith and his officers were entertained lost evening at the Palace Cafe with a banquet given by a num tnrr of prominent cltlxens. EVERYBODY BOUGHT. Active Condition of Trade In Wheat on the Chicago Board. Chicago, October 1. December wheat, which closed yesterday at Wi', open ed this morning at 6S69c, and in a little over an hour It went as high as 10c, being 13 cents above Its price on Monday, September 9. an average ad vance of -c per bushel a day for the Intervennlg twenty-two daye. An ad vance so steady has not taken place since the spring of 18&5, in May of that year 20 cents per bushel having been added. A remarkable thing about the rise now In progress is that It Is In the face of more or lees uncertainty regard ing the political outlook. The advance to 70M, waa followed by a reaction to but that In turn was succeeded by a still further addition to Its early strength, and before 12 o'clock the price had r!?ctt to "04c for December. Such continued strength surprised the crowd who were looking for breaks. But lt was not nam 10 explain, ime r.ew York dispatch read as follows: 'English houses again accepted a good deal of wheat There Is a demand here for cargoes for shipment as far ahead as February." Stocks at Liverpool were reported as only 1,4M,C00 bushels, about SO0.00O bushels decrease since September 1. and sufficient only for about ten days con sumption were engaged at Liverpool for shipment to India, something un heard of, and San Francisco wired con, firming the reported purchase by Lon, don of wheat in California to go to Cal culta. This went a long way towards confirming the reported failure of crops In India. Rice, one of the chief edibles of that country, was reported to be worth more In Calcutta than wheat. After it reached "04 cents there was enough realizing to put the price down to 6946 "S, w hich was the closing rate. The boom in wheat was largely In strumental In causing a good advance In corn and a big trade in that article. Trade in provisions has not for a month been as general and active as lt was today. Everybody bought DISTINGUISHED VISITOR. A Japanese Capitalist Seeking Trade Relations with the Pacific Coast San Francisco, October 1. Among the guests at the Palace Hotel is K. Noro, a Japanese capitalist, who comes from Kobe, Japan, in the furtherance of a scheme for the improvement of com mercial relations between Japan and this country, as well as between Japan and England. He is vice-president and managing director of the Naigawal Russian Trading Company, of Kobe, w hich has a large capital, and will en gage in a general trading business. When seen today he said that his com pany was preparing to deal extensive ly In silks, mattings, embroideries, art goods and other products of Japan. These are to be placed on the market here and elsewhere or exchanged for flour, canned goods, machinery and such other articles as can be profitably sold In the Japanese markets. After remaining here a fortnight it is Mr. Noro's Intention to go to Portland and other cities in the Northwest to see If he can do any business with the big flour mills in that section of the country'- He will then go to New York and London, establishing agencies for his company In both places. STARTLING TELEGRAMS. Canadian Pacific Operators Awaiting the Action of Other Employes. Toronto, October 1. The question now discussed regarding the railway teleg raphers' strike is, will the railway or ganizations Join the telegraphers in their fight against the Canadian Paclllc. Both the company and the strikers are awaiting the action of the engineers, conductors and trainmen as to the pol icy they will adopt. The trades and labor unions In the city are In sympa thy with the strikers and the fact that United States operators are coming to this country to fill vacant positions In tensifies the feeling. It Is proposed to urge on the local members of parlia ment the necessity of making without delay such regulations as will prohibit the lmiortation of American labor. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE SOUND MOSEY JN KANSAS General Howard and General Alijer Enthusiastically Greeted In Topcka. A SURPRISE AT ATCIIISO.V School Childres. Old Soldiers. I sited Statct Regitars, rireeei and Civic Societies Juis is the Reception- Del icate Attention Topcka, Kan., October 1. The federal general entered Kansas today front Nebraska and made their first stop at Atchison at an early hour this morning. The party had not been apprised of any demonstration at that point, and were agreeably surprised when ex-Senator Jno. J. lngalls entered their coach at S o'clock at the head of a reception committee. The party was escorted te the depot where several thousand school children, a flambeau club, and a band were lined up to receive the vis itors. Senator Ingalls acted as presi dent of the meeting and Introduced General Howard. The general waa en thusiastically greeted. He spoke at some length, upholding the St. Louis platform, and was heartily cheered. As General Howard stepped from the platform a shower of bouquets were thrown by the school children upon him and three cheers were given for Generad Howard and Senator Ingalla. General Alger, spoke briefly, saying; among other things: "I want to say that I don't believe all the stories I hear that Kansas Is going; to repudiate her obligations and con tinue to go down hill. There Is nothing the matter with Kansas." (Cheers.) General Sickles 'followed and said he wanted his hearers to send Senator Ingalls back to the senate. Continuing; he said New York would give McKlnley 500,000 majority. At Tcpeka there was a great demon stration. As each of the "generals entereS the reviewing stand he was given a rous ing cheer. The parade was participated In by the old soldiers. United State regulars, Kansas National Guards, Bre men's association other military and civic societies and something over 300 school children. The number of per sons in the line was variously esti mated from 35,000 to 40.000. Twice as many more people thronged the streets. The members of the party unite in saying that the most pleasing Incident so far of their journey was the delicate bit of courtesy shown by Mrs. Bryan, the wife of the Democratic candidate for president, who, while the procession in honor of the visiting generals was moving past her bouse In Lincoln, dis played over her door a large portrait of Wm. McKlnley tastefully draped In the national colors. It was a touch of womanly grace, beautiful as lt was unexpected, and Gen. Alger says that he will cherish It as a sweet recollec tion plucked from an acrimonious cam paign until the end of his days. ANOTHER BRYAN TRICK, Leadville, Col., October 1. As a re sult of the miners' union meeting last night a majority have decided to re main quiet until after election. If Mc Klnley Is elected the present intention is to abandon the strike; if Bryan is elected the hope is that the price of sil ver will advance and the managers will at once concede all the demands of the union. Active preparations continue tor a resumption of work on the Bison and other large mines. AN EASY WaNNER. Readvtlle, Mass., October 1. The fea ture of today's harness racing here waa the race between Star Pointer, Robert J., Frank Agan and Joe Patchen, In a free-for-all for a purse of 12750. Star Pointer hau an easy victory, winning in straight heats. His time was 2:044. 2:04, 2:05. Robert J. was second, and Frank Agan third. REDUCED RATES. Chicago, Oct. 1. The roads In the the Transcontinental Passenger Asso ciation have agreed to make a rate of $60 for the round trip from points In California to Canton, Ohio, for parties of not less than 100. FORECAST FOR TODAY. For Oregon and Washington, fair weather, cooler in the western portions of Washington and Oregon. OREGON WHEAT. Portland, October 1. Wheat Walla Walla 591?60c: Valley, 6263. Baiting ! Powder