The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 01, 1896, Image 4

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Misses', Youth's and
Ladles' and Gents'
Autumn Footwear
Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Etc.
John Hahn & Co.
79 Commercial St.
New Arrivals...
Fall Styles
All the latest and Holiest fabrics in
New Today:
A Full Line of Umbrellas
Maximum temperature, 59 degrees.
Minimum temperature. 49 degrees.
Freoiiilt.ulnn. M Inch.
Total precipitation from September
1st. Ls9, to date. Hi inches.
Deficiency of precipitation from Sep
tember 1st, 1SJS, to date, 1.67 Inches.
TO RKA1KK.-The Pally Aatortan
contalaa twlee a mirk readlag matter aa
any ether paper publlahed la A aloria. It
U th oalj paper tkat preeeata lu reader.
wtta dally telegraphic report.
tarlaa" ha mora thaa twice aamaay read
ra aa any other paper published la Asto
ria. It la therefore mora thaa twlca aa
valuable a aa advertlalng median.
Don't fail to hear Miss Carter Friday
night "She never fails to captivate an
audience." Sara Nourse Brown Sav
age, O. M Prof, of Oratory Willamette
"Miss Mabel Carter la meeting with
success wherever she gives one of her
pleasing recitals. The Oregon Scout
"Miss Mabel Carter in the "Tiger Lily
Race.' brought out the most general
and generous praise for the fine elocu.
tionary power and faithfulness of char
acterization displayed." Oregon Daily
Tr. W. I. Howard, Homwopathist 68
Commercial street
If Snod grass doesn't make
photos you don't get the best
Gunther's famous Chicago candies in
sealed packages at C. B. Smith's.
The L. T. L. will meet at Rescue Hall
Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock sharp.
C. P. Smith makes the only genuine
French boss candy in the city. Try it
Mr. M. Hunt, of San Francisco, rep
resenting Dalemand & Co., is visiting In
the city.
Rogers' Dead Shot never fails to cure
corns. Dont forget it Charles Rogers,
Those desiring to hear an Interesting
address will attend the McKinley Club
meeting tonight.
The Queen, the only heating stoves,
at Fisher Brothers, Price 110. Come
and examine them.
For a box of choice candies, fresh
and neat go to C. B. Smith, Astoria's
leading confectioner.
Congressman Ellis tonight at the Mc
Kinley Club ha!', will speak upon the
Issues of the campaign,
The Bachelors' Club has removed ts
home to the Welch homestead on
Franklin and Fifteenth street
The Columbia Iron Works is doing a
rushing business at present, having a
large number of contracts on hand.
Carbons are the only permanent
photos as well as the most artistic,
and Snod grass knows bow to make
.The merchants yesterday reported
that in spite of the stormy weather they
had one of the best business days of
Mr. David Keefe, John Days; Mrs.
Jno. Leahy, John Leahy, Jr., OIney; W.
H, Lewis, Nehalem; spent yesterday In
the city.
The Rev. Mr. Belboldt, who has been
spending some little time in Astoria,
leaves today for his poet, of duty as
chaplain at Fort Canby.
Frank Spittle, the well known lawyer,
returned from British Columbia Tues
day evening with his bride. They will
go to housekeeping soon.
F. J. Schofield Is an expert at flower
gardening and offers his services at a
reasonable rate for such work. Leave
word at Astorinn office.
The Library Association gives a tea
this afternoon at Mrs. F. P. Kendall's
372 Franklin. You are most cordially
Invited to come. Bring your pencils.
The mayor yesterday signed the ov
ordinance. Hereafter animals must be
kept off the streets and roads or the
pound master w ill take charge of them.
The parade tonight by the members
of the Young Men's McKinley and Ho
bart Club promises to be one of the
most interesting; eventB of the cam
paign. The popular steward, Geo. Simpson,
of the steamer Potter will leave on the
Columbia on her next trip, for Califor
nia, where he will spend a well-earned
It waa reported last evening that only
one prominent merchant of the city had
so far refuKed to sign the petition to
the county court for the Young's River
bridge tax.
The county board of equalisation yes
terday continued Its session. A num
ber of taxpayers have appeared before
the board and have put In their com
plaints beforehand.
If you think the Corner Grocery and
Commission House, corner loth and
Duane street, don't sell cheaper than
anywhere else, try them and see and
sav? e on the dollar.
Mr. H. B. Parker returned yesterday
from a business trip to Portland and
reports business very quiet, although
he himself was so occupied that he
could not visit the exposition.
OleOlsen, of Hlllsboro, Prod Rurman.
Seaside; J. W. Rruman. Flavel; J. S.
Rays, Portland; A.I It. Rrannon, Long
Reach; Sam Oliver, Pillar Rock, reg
istered at the Parker House yesterday
A petition was forwarded last evening
signed by numerous cltliens, to Gover
nor Lord, asking for the release of
Eddie Ness from the reform school
where he has been conrtned for more
than a yer past.
Mrs. H. T. Crosby announces that she
Is forming a class In reading music at
sight and solfeggio practice, and in
vltea those who desire to take advan
tage of this opportunity. Address tt$
Commercial street
It was erroneously stated In yester
day's Astorlan that Mr. C. R. Higgins
and wife were on the excursion to Fla-
vel, New Astoria and Warrenton. Inas
much as Mr. Higgins Is not married,
Mrs. Higgins was not along.
Airs, P. F. W oodford's classes in
shorthand for beginners meet every
Monday and Thursday evenings at 7:30,
Room 24. Tighe Hotel. The advanced
classes meet Tuesday and Friday even
Inga at the same hour and place.
The big brew kettle and various tanks
and pipes in the Kopp brewery were
tested yesterday by Architect Schacht.
About sixty tons of water were turned
into the tanks and through the pipes.
and the test proved to be most satisfac
tory in every respect.
Inquiry amongst the architects and
real estate men yesterday, revealed the
fact that there is a general movement
on fot amongst the property owners
to put up substantial buildings and im
provements to property during the win
ter and spring months.
School Clerk H. B. Ferguson yester
day received a stand of corn from the
West ranch at Clatsop Plains which
was In tassel and measured thirteen
feet in height above the roots. The
stalks were large and well formed and
would do credit to Nebraska.
Miss Martha L. Gilbert, besides ac
cepting a few more pupils desiring pri
vate lessons in French, will form a
class for instruction in that language.
Those who wish to Join the class are
invited to meet Miss Gilbert on any
day this week, at her residence, LS
Third street.
Next Saturday Is Red Men's day at
the Portland Exposition. A large num
ber of the members of the order In this
city have already signified their Inten
tion of attending. The steamer Grady
will leave here at 6 o'clock Friday even
ing, and will carry the delegates to the
At Fisher's Hall last evening the
dance given by the Rebekahs was one
of the few successful social functions
of the season. The hall was well filled
by a select crowd, the music waa excel
lent and the refreshments, which were
served the latter part of the evening,
were duly appreciated by all.
The street superintendent and his as
sistants yesterday afternoon cleaned
the mud off 11th street on the grade
above Grand Avenue. The dirty con
dition of this street has been a source
of annoyancj for a long time to resi
dents of that vicinity. The anion of the
officials yesterday met with tho most
hearty approval.
Mr. Daniel Rlerscn, w ho was in from
Alishawaka yesterday, jj tnat It was
now more J a pleasure than a hard
ship to lr.Vel over the county roads.
Thi work recently done by the Walluskl
people and the county court, he says,
was not only much needed, but was
well done and Is a great boon to the
The recent storms throughout the
middle west and eastern territory have
greatly Interfered with railroad and
telegraphic communication. The wires
are down in many sections and connec
tion entirely cut off. The storm waa
general and at the same time one of
the most severe ever known to sweep
over so wide a range of country.
The Astoria Iron Works is now build
ing the large marine boiler for Kopp's
new brewery. When completed It will
be one of the finest pieces of work ever
turned out on the Pacific Coast. It Is
72 inches in diameter, 16 feet long, and
of the type known as the Scotch ma
rine boiler. It has a 44-Inch corrugated
due, and 125 2-Inch tubes, 14 feet long.
A number of political bets were re
corded yesterday afternoon. One wager
between two prominent men was $100 to
$25 that McKinley would carry New
York. Another was $100 to $100 that
McKinley would carry California. The
?take money in both casts was deposit
ed in the hands of a third party and
the outcome will be watched with in
terest. Mr. W. J. Ingalls, of the Lewis and
Clarke, met with unprecedented suc
cess In the circulation of his petition
yesterday for the levy of a 2-mlll tax
to create a fund for the building of the
Young's Itlver bridge to connect with
the Lewis and Clarke road. Every
merchant lawyer, real estate man and
business matt of prominence in the city
put his name on the list.
For once Mr. Observer Grover hit the
weather nail on the head. The mist
which he put up yesterday suited the
farmers to the dot. Orass was very
much In need of a little moisture, and
his country cousins were not slow In
their praise of the weather man yester
day. It Is threatened, however, that if
he does not restore sunshine within
three or four days he will be visited
by a mob.
The speech of ex-Uovemor Flower.
of New York, one of the old Democratic
wheel-horses, which he delivered at the
Indianapolis convention, has caused
much favorable comment throughout
the country. The governor Is well
known as a careful and successful busi
ness man, and his ringing speech Is
tilled from beginning to end with old
time patriotism and It would do any one
good to read It.
Professor Garrison, who has been
giving lessons In penmanship In the
schools of the city, clivsed bis term of
Instruction yesterday and awarded the
following prises; The tlrst prise, given
for the most Improvement given In pen
manship during the trm. was divided
between Ted Cherry and Clara Punbar.
The. premium was a f. gold piece. The
Judges were unable to decide w hich had
made the most progress, so the prise
was divided. For the best writing.
Jennie Curtis received the prlie, which
consisted of a handsome silver napkin
The stevedores yesterday In spite of
the bail weather, took another large lot
of rails out of the Fulwood. She will
be completed today or tomorrow with
the exception of 400 tons w hich will be
left In her hold ss stiffening, as was
lone In the case of the Chelmsford. Both
the Fulwood and Chelmsford are now
awaiting orders. If they are chartered
In Portland the balance of the rails
w ill be unloaded in that port and shipp
ed down the river on barges. Should
they be chartered in San Francisco, the
rails will be unloaded at Flavel and
and ballast taken aboard.
I'pon a cablegram received from the
managing owners in London of the
ship Fulwood, Captain Lewis, at 8
o'clock this morning, started three of
his able-bodied seamen overland via
New York, for Liverpool. England.
Each man was provided with a through
ticket to his destination, which coat
1113, with eight days' provisions to last
hm to New York, and a supply if
pocket money. The lunch baskets, w hich
weighed loo pounds each, were packed
by the Foard & Stokes Co. The men
111 catch the steamer Teutonic, which
sabs from New lyrk a week from to
At the recent great council of the l"n
Ited States, Imp. Order of Red Men.
there was a very Interesting and hot
discussion upon the question of liquor
dealers being barred from the order.
The proposition was defeated, the ma
jority of the council being of the opln
ion that the ballot box of the locul
councils was the place to exclude pro
posed members of the order. The ad
dresses delivered on both sides of this
question were element pleas and at
tracted the attention of every member
of the order In attendance upon the con
vention. Delegate A. A. Cleveland, of
Astoria, was engaged In the controver
sy, and made one of the best argu
ments during the consideration of this
question by the great council.
There were more teams In yesterday
from the Nehalem than have perhaps
eve- been In tow n before In one single
day. The cause of the large number of
country visitors Is attributed to the
Improved condition of the county roads.
One of the farmers remarked yesterday
evening that it was easy to see the ben
flt to be derived by the entire communi
ty from Improved and properly main
tained roads by the fact that even a
little work, and the comparatively
small expenditure of money had made
it possible for the farmers of the upper
Nehalem not only to reach the city
comfortably, but to make the trip In
about one half the time formerly con
sumed. If such good results come from
only a little work, what can we not ex
pect in the future when our roads shall
have been stjjj lurtljer bettered and Im
Notice Is hereby given, that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Sam E. Harris and Charles Wright, of
Astoria, Oregon, under the firm name
of Harris & Wright, has been by mu
tual consent, this day dissolved, the
said Sam E. Harris continuing the said
business, collecting all of the outstand
ing accounts and paying all the debts
of .said Arm.
Dated this 1st day of September, 1898.
I'pper Astoria and AMerbrook McKIn
ley and Ho'bart Club.
You are revested to meet at your
hall (the old Fishermen's mess house)
on this, Thursday, evening, October 1st,
at 6:30 o'clock sharp, to participate in
the torch light parade of the Republi
can clubs and reception to the Hon.
W. R. Ellis.
The White Collar Line will have
round trip tickets on sale, to Portland,
September 23d and 24th, and October
6th and 7th, at one fare for the round
trip. Tickets good going only on date
of sale, and good returning within ten
days from date of sale. Tickets good
on steamers T. J. Potter, Bailey Oat
zert. It. I. Thompson and Telephone.
Ladles wanting fine dress goods or
a stylish cape or Jacket at wholesale
prices should call at the Low Price
Store. They are closing out. Don't
be talked Into purchasing before getting
prices from the Low Price Store.
4H1 Bond St., corner lit h.
CtltCl'IT conn.
In the circuit court yesterday before
Judge McP.rlde, a considerable amount
of business was disp.iM-d of, A number
of divisions were rendered, grand Jury
reports received. nd order entered,
Andrew Ilendrlckson vs. Jacob Pant-
toja. Jury rendered a verdict for the
plaintiff for the recovery of l.'Ul.fil on
. promissory note,
State v, Chas. E. Ward. Defendant
was arraigned and charged with for
gery. He was given until today In
which to plead. Samuel Oliver vs. the
Astoria Savings Itnnk. This wits an
action resulting from a dispute over
the amount of a bank account. After
about fifteen minutes' consideration the
Jury- rendered a verdict in favor of the
A special venire was ordered for six
Jurors to appear In court at .3i this
The grand Jury relumed three true
bills and one not true bill
States vs. Chas. Woldcn. The de
fendant was discharged.
State vs. Louis Morrell, I'pon the
finding of a true bill by the grand Jury
the defendant's ball was ordered for-
Itod. and a bench warrant ordered Is
sued for appearance.
State vs. Edward T. Fivschettu. the
same order was entered.
State vs. Chas. K. Ward, the defend
ant, by his attorney, pleaded not guil
ty, and the case was set for trial Oc
tober 7.
Editor Astorlan:
As fall is fact approaching, the far-
loci's and loggers are taking the neces
sary precautions, and are by various
means preparing to live lu comfort
during the winter. The rain which came
a few days ago, w as most welcome, as
the soil Is badly In n.-ed of moisture,
and It will kill the forest tires which
have kept the air smoky and sultry.
Watson & Whiter are rafting their
second raft of logs for the season.
Mr. John Tybcrg has niovi-d to sec
ond bottom for winter quarters. He
will return In the spring when a little
more attraction arrives.
Otto Adolph Rruno Polllcarpus Olson
Is contemplating the erection of a new
barn on his farm. Mr Anton Anderson
has been busied for the past two weeks
Rawing the plans.
Politics are receiving their share of
llscusslon. The sound money senti
ment is strong, and Lewis and Clark
will give McKinley a big majority.
Mr. John Elander went to Astoria to
prove up on his claim Wednesday.
Olsen is painting his house. He
Intends to make
things look
around his place.
.Mrs. ... tncKson returned to the
river Saturday after an absence of two
The Olsen Bros, have put nearly two
million feet of logs Into the stream
this summer. As s.K,n as the river rise
they will feel Jubilant. A. A - n.
Olllce of Liddleont & Crlhb.
oJ! Exchange street.
Sealed pntposnle will be received at
this office, until 2 o'clock. Saturday,
Octoter 3. 1S:'. for the erection and
completion of a two-story frame dwell
ing to be erected on RIock 19, llo
Clure's, on Bond street.
Plans and specifications and all ne
cessary Information ran be obtained
at this office.
You are earnestly requested to meet
at your hall tonight, at 7 o'clock Bhurp.
ami take part In the grand parade and
demonstration to be given In honor of
Congressman W. R. Ellis, who will ad-
lress the people of Astoria. Every
member Is expected to be present. Ruin
r shine, the parade starts at 7 p. in.
H. J. Wherrlty, Secretary.
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Finnish I!rotherhHl will be held In
Pythian Hall, on Thursday evening,
October 6. A full attendance is desired,
and all absentee will be fined. Hy or-
r of J. KASKI,
Help the boys and girls of the High
School pay for their piano by attending
the entertainment Friday night. You
can secure tickets at Strauss' Book
Store. No extra charge for reserved
Third Ward McKinley and Hobart Club.
You are requested to meet at the Go
ble Hall this, Thursday, evening at 6:30
o'clock sharp, to take part In the torch
light paraI e and reception to the Hon.
W. It. Ellis.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
fails to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
Will Cure A
Stubborn Cough
when ordinary specifics
fail It restores strength
to the weakened organs
and gives the system
thef orce needed to throw
off the disease.
50c. and fi.ooat all druggists.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Ms on application.
At 12 o'clock last night Frank Cab-
ants, who some time ago was arrested
for holding ut. the . 'run uitiiieitt the or
nor of Rond and l.'lh street, was ai-
icated by otlleer Ohc.g and placed III
the city Jail for attempting to draw
a gun on an otlleer.
r.urner in me evening ine man. who
was under the Iniliieiuv of liquor, Is r-
ported as going Into Krlckson's and
placing ins gun on ine tame, threaten-
lug that If he needed money he would
get It. Little attention was paid to
him there, and he then crossed the
street and entered SeafeldT by the
side door. Here he used abusive Ian-
gouge and finally attempted to pull the
revolver on Captain llallock, who. by
a quick movement, caught his bands en to a silver basis -to sliver mono
while Obeig disarmed him and inetulliam.
marched him to the Jail. The case will lUiuetallUm cannot he secured by In-
probably be heard today.
""" r r i..uib
Susan ll. Anthony. '
First. What urc the fundamental '
prlnclpli-a, sucunctly staled, upon
which It Is claimed our women ought
to have the right to vote?
The Kline exactly uton which man
bases his right of suffrage; the one fori
which Martin Luther fought, the right
of private Judgment; the right of self
government and Individual sovereignly,
the principle that "governments doilvei
their Just powers from the consent of
the governed," thut taxation and rep
resentation are Inseparable; the ssmr-j
Hon of Abraham Lincoln thut no man
Is good enough to gioeiii another with
out In consent," thut this should be a
Kovcn.mtiit of the whole people and
i,t f half the people.
The difficulty wlih those who ask such
questions as this Is that they fall to
I recognise In woman un Individual ml
ty. but l.s.k upon h.r as a subordinate
part of man. Woman Is always thought
; f, spoken of, and l.-glslat.-d for, simply
' us an udjuuel to man. In this w hule
Lmeslloti of the suffrage the relation of
the woman to the home, the husband,
the family, to society. Is freely consid
ered, while there Is never a thought
us to Its eff.vts um the woman her
self as an Individual.
Second. What are the evils. If any
sulTered by women by reason of their
not huvlng such a right;
I 'Isfrui.cMseme nt Is ever and aluas
! degrodatlon. In this country men urv
1 disfranchised only for cause, and this
'cause Is always alt. tided with huiull
lation. If women do not feel the degra
dation of disfranchisement, then this
very fact Is one of the mst prominent
of the evils; to make It Impossible for
a woman to have any voice In the levj-
Ing and the spending of taxes; to deny
j her the right of making the law s or of
selecting the lawmakers or the official
w ho are to enforce the law ; to refuse h
any participation in municipal govern-
inen. In questions relating to the, or In deciding the environment
of h"r family; to hold her responsible
for the conduct of grown-up children
ami forbid her all power to remove
temptation from their pathway or to
make the community a tit place for, us she made the home. In the
world of wage-earn., woman's dls
frunehbornent forces her Into subordi
nate positions at Inferior wages; or If
permitted to orcupy us high n position
where she does the same work a a
man and does It equally us well, t com
pel her to accept lesi pay for It.
Third. What are the evil, if any,
suffered by men by reason of women
not having such right?
It Is not good for men to associate
with Inferiors. It develops In them the
traits of the autocrat; It fosters their
self-esteem and cannot fall to muke
them more or less tyrannical ami over
bearing. Women, In a similar position,
would be no better. It require! ft per
fect equality between men and women
to develop the strongest and best char
acterltslcs of both. Man thinks that
woman can more successfully lead him
to nobler things while she Is subordi
nate. We know that when woman Is
given her perfect freedom we will have
a grander race of men than the world
yet hus seen.
The U. S. Oov t Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Shippers are hereby notified that lo
cal freight to points on the Seashore
road will be received at the Telephone
dock only. All freight must be deliv
ered one hour before train time. No
freight will be received after 4:30 p. m.
C. F. LESTER, Bupt.
fit he
ll milt
Olj'lt CORNER.
A gentleman's resort, at corner of
Rond and Twelfth streets. The finest
brands of liquors and cigars always
on hand. Call and try us.
Salton Sen Salt for baths at
the EsteH-Conn I irp Store
10c and 25c per package.
If you will look; into the nit nation you will wt Unit
is tho cream of west nido proporty. Tho ctMitor of improvo
nicnts it4 hero, itml an nu investment for business or a lioino
thrro is nothing to equal it in tho whole proposition. In
lots 1110 nil large, full size, f0xl00. hit-on range from $150
to $2"U each. NM on installments. Terms to suit. ISavo
your ohiing.. ami buy a lot in WARRENTON
letter ok .uveptanci:.
The mere d.vliiiHtlon tmi e Peiun-
- cents nron,...., in liiiiiiitri.t Him f.-,,..
and unlimited of -liver I. a
menace to our tlua... lal and Industrial
j We must not be misled by pluos.-s
nor .leiu.l.d t.y talse theories r rcc sll-1 WANTED- Situation, by competent
v.r would not menu that sliver dollar ! Krt, i do general housework. Addrv
won. to lw freely had without cost orU. ai,.i m.
' Tho owner of the silver bullion would
got the silver dollar; tbe people, would
get It only by their labor.
What would keep the new silver dob
lars at r with gold? There would be
no obligation on the government to dol
II. the lniilo truth K we would be drlv-
; depend, nt acti. n on our part, nor by
opening our mints to free silver until
tlt, luU,m agreement l had ll ! the
duly of the fulled States to maintain
the gold standard.
We now have more silver than gold.
Eighty-four per cent of our foreign
trade a with gold standard countries.
The Republican parly la not opposed
to the use of silver money, and has
done, all It could for It consistent with
We have more silver In use than any
country In (he world except China or
Free coinage would defer. If not de
feat. International bimetallism.
Fr.-e silver would contract our cur
rency and drive (""MMM") gold dollar
out of circulation. J
The money of a country should never I
U the subject of partisun contention. ,
In addition to free silver we are asked '
to enter on an era of Irredeemable paper
currency We are not a nation ,,f ,
classes, ami appeal to prejudice should
be rebuked.
In the light of the present political
filiation lu this country, the follow. '
lug extent from the great essay of!
Macaulay, written on the future of the
Amorlca:t commonwealth, and publish
ed In the year IMS, Is certainly one of
the most astounding prophecies ever
made In the history of the world:
"The day may com.. In nu. I'nltcd
"State w hen a multitude- of the .
"pie, oppre.-scd by bard I lines, will be
"culled Upon to choose ruler, i n one
"side will tnnd a slulesmun preach-
"lug patience, r.-spect for vested rights,
"and strict observance of the public
"faith, (in the other side will stand
"a demagogue, ranting about the tyr-
"anny of usurper and cupltalim. Ia-1 '
"us hope that If such u season of ml
"vcrslty ever come, the American nu
"llon will not act like neonl.. win.
"would In a year of scarcity devour all
'the seed corn, and thus make the
'next year a year, not of scarcity, but
'of absolute famine."
nox S-Trulllnger's Mill.
Box ft Atur and Seventh street
Box 7 Ninth and Duane.
Box S Commercial and Fifteenth.
Box Clatsop Mill.
Box 12 Car Stable.
Box 14-McOregor' Mill.
Moat ao-rallsd "salmon twtn" art en.
orrd with acid. The acid, rot th. (Ibr,
snd render the material useless. In th
olTlce of Elmore, Sanborn A Co. Is an ob
ject lemon that ought to be examined by
all fishermen. It I the whol of th
material used In the manufacture of Mar
hall's twine from start to dnlih. Oo
there and examine the color right
through. You will see then why Mar
shall's Is called the best In the world.
tine Webfoot Corn Care. No
cure no pay. For sale at Es-tes-Conn
DriJjf Store.
Eggs, 25c per Doz.
At that price almost any man can
make a good living and save up
money on a Clatsop county chicken
ranch. We have a small tract of
land near Warrenton that will
make a most desirable place for
raising chickens and we will sell It
so cheap that almost anyone can
afford to buy It.
355 Commercial street
Special attention paid to sTeamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc.
117 OIney street between Third and
and Fourth Astoria. "
Clarkson & Mcjrvin
Promptlv Furnished
Astoria Asphalt and Roofing Co.
All Work
Hoof Painting
md Hopalrinif Leaky Hoofa,
WANTED -Girl for light housework.
Apply nt 4i; Kxi lwiiitic street.
W A NTKP- lly potent dres.niak-
' '" """" ' "- '"H'lr.
I 7' ,"'''"'r 'l r-i. vr Pun.
j '.f
WANTED- Situation as accountant
or experienced bookkeeper. Klrst-clasa
references. Address A. Astorlan offlci.
Wanted A few pupils on ihu piano.
Miss Martha L. tlllbrrt, fit Third.
$10 tu $IH per week for men urnl women
for easy bom work. No book or
canvassing. No xperlenc. Bona Ad
offr. No Catch. Send stamp for
work and particulars. K. HERMANN,
!I3 H. Sixth strati. Philadelphia. Pa,
FOR RENT -'braK-Seven room cot
tage, with bath and modern Improv.
moot Apply at the Astorlan office.
FOR RKNT-Thre or four rooms,
nltli board. Mr. E. C. Hidden, corner
Dlh and Puane I reel.
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms:
hot and cold baths; call at this offtc.
FOR RENT Three furnished room
' with or without board. Apply Ml 7th
Folt HALK-l:-room Lodging llou.
Centrally located; rhrap lease; bar
gain. Aatnrla Ivnd and Inv. Co., 3i5
Commercial street.
JAPANESE t;)OP8 Fireworks
Just out-Jut received -Jul what you
want-at Wing Lee's, MJ Commercial
I,i 'ST Mi the night of the parade.
1 11s. t Thursday, a purse, containing mon
ey and a gold ring. Finder will tw re
warded by leaving same at tho Anu
ria 11 olllce.
and nth Sis
Houm Moving Tool lor Rent.
Coesoaly St.. fret of JackKB, AitoH
General Machinists and Boiler Makesr
Land and Mwloa En Iiim, Bollw utk, Sitae,
boat and Cannary Word a Specially.
CaatJnea of All Drlptlent Made to O.d.i oa
Short Noil,
John Fox... .President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox Vice Prvaldent
O. n. Prael Secretary
,;.' Nadonal' Danli;'::::
Cash Grocer
R. L. Boyle & Co.
"The Louvre"
a ruioitg
Fine Mualo. flamra of All Klnila, Two
M agnltlcetit Itara.
Good Order and Everybody's Rights
Boom Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
AT It. 1 ,
KI.AVKI. Ill If !).