t THE DAILY A8T0HIAN, WKDNKSIUY MORNING, SKPTKMKKtt 0, HUMS. JOHN T. LIOHTFR, Editor. Telephone No. fit. tkkms or M'lixcKirrioN. ..6.vX) .. .50 .. .45 , DAILY. Sent by mall, per yes.r Bent by mall, per month Delivered by carrier, per month WKKKLY. Bent by mull per year, H tn advance, postage free, lo subscribers. All communication Intended (or publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communication, of all kind and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantee to Its sub scribers the largest circulation of any tewspaper published on th Columbia Jver. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second oldest weekly In the (lite of Oregon, has, text to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Jno. F. Handley A Co., arc our Port land agents, and copies of The Astorlan an be had every morning at their stand, Ot Third street. "bent answer to the uft-repeat.M but "fallacious statement that the country "had boon suffering from the effect of "the act of 1ST3. which stopped the free "coinage of sliver. It Is an unansAvor "ahlo argument for the restoratloTt of "a protective tariff and the maliitcn "anee of sound money." MeKlnley. Secretary arllsle Is going to make some sound money speeches In Ken tucky. All the members of the cabinet are doing their duty In opposing the free silver Idiocy. It Is a spectacle the l.kc of which was never seen before - the entire administration arrayed nalnst the ivuularly nomlnalisl candidates bf the party to which It belongs Kcgtilttr ly nominated, certainly, but nominated, ail the same. In what Secretary Lament well terms a moment of delirium. The fact that there Is pot a sllv oeuntrv In the world in which labor I paid one half the average wages pal In the rnlted States and In which the monev when received will buy one-half as much as it w 111 buy here, furnishc a complete answer to Hryan's speeches, so far as the worklngmen arc concern ed. BRYAX1SM MEANS ANARCHY. Objection Is made that the Republi cans are denouncing Pry an as an an archist because he favors free silver. This Is not true. Free silver is not, necessarily, anarchy! It may. it ! true, lead up to anarchy, but a mere belief tn the IS to 1 ratio, in its ordinary man ifestation. Implies nothing worse than Ignorance or dishonesty. It Is not for advocating free silver that Republicans call Bryan anarchist. As long as he tuck to the silver question fcs the sole Issue of his campaign, w hatever else was thought of him, the country was char itable enough to believe that he did not favor anarchy. But Mr. Bryan's later utterances have dispelled this belief. He has abandoned the silver issue. The flaring Inaccuracies and crude sophis tries of his earlier speeches have brought upon him such an avalanche of solid facts in disproof, that he has been compelled to shift his line of battle. His position was indicated In his formal letter of acceptance which prac tically Ignored the silver issue. He had already thrown overboard the tariff Issue, knowing free trade to be, ln'the Hght of the country's experience, unten able. In his letter, and ever since, he has been viciously assailing the nation al government's authority to enforce United States laws anywhere in the Union. He Is making every effort to array the discontented elements of our huge population in bis support, under a. virtual promise that, if elected, he will not allow the national government to enforce its own laws when a riot Inter feres with the business intercommuni cation of the states and the transit of nails. This Is why so many good citizens now regard Mr. Bryan as an anarchist, and he deserves the characterization. Feeling himself whipped on the 16 to 1' issue, he Is playing a more desperate game, and in doing so is unmasking himself fully. His election as president of the United States would require him n March 4 to take a solemn oath to execute that office so as to "preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States." The constitution Tests in the president the executive power the duty of seeing that the laws of the United States are faithfully ob served. What would Mr. Bryan do if a mob should stop the malls and obstruct In terstate commerce, as one did sometime ago In the city of Chicago? His oath of ffice would require him to use all the pow;r of the national government re quisite to prevent the obstruction of the mails and start the wheels of commerce again. Would he obey that oath, or would he violate It? He has given his answer to this question. His associate, Alteld, wrote and had inserted a plank In the Chicago platform designed to forbid the exercise of this very power, tn exactly that kind of emergency. Mr. Bryan has not only repeatedly stated within the past few weeks that he be lieves In and stands upon every plank of the Chicago platform, but has sought to emphasize this particularly obnox ious plank by criticising and condemn ing President Cleveland for the part he took In suppressing the Chicago riot. What else is Mr. Bry an doing in th-se declarations but advocating anarchy? If any of his deluded admirers are in doubt as to the propriety of applying thin W.rm to Mr. Bryan's present line of appeal to the people, let them read the constitution of the United States and then con ult some standard dic tionary and 1. ;irn the meaning of ;he word "anarchy." In Mr. Bryan's precinct In Lincoln Nebraska, that is to say his residence there live 292 legal voters, and there are. according to a recent poll, for Mc Klnley 111; Bryan 61; doubtful 11; Pro hlb. 9. If strength Is what you want, you should study what causes your weak news. It Is practically lack of food. But you eat three meals a day. and all you ran eat at a time. Yes, but do yvu digest It? F.xxl undigested Is not food. It not nourishment. It doesn't create strength. To digest your food take Shaker Di gestive Cordial at meals. After a while you will digest your food with out It. Then you will get well, and strong and healthy. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures Indl treat ion and ail its symptoms, such as nausea, headache, eructations, pain in the stomach, giddiness, loss of appe I tite. etc. It makes your food nourish I you, and make you strong and fat and hearty. Druggists sell It. Trial bottle 10c. The tornado swooped down upen the city, grasped the crowded auditorium as though it were a plaything and scattered its ruins for blocks around that once fair city. The ruins of the platform landed in a cornfield, and to the nodding stalks the orator, who had heroically remained at his post, said earnestly and convincingly, "The crime of '73, my fellow citizens, etc." Phila delphia North American. r i mm The highest claim for other lOKdCCOS IS "lust lis good ns Durham." Kvcry ,K! smoker VV? :v Pi imi:o i i! its just oil wi.l MM ivio vn:n :i ir.K'.8 c:icii irt.'i unci imv.ik.u iwo cot,- l!S lOI'.lC Cull lei r OUOvc Mi!e lO.ICLWell H 1 '111 1 1 Ml! I llliv :l lu; of til ;i fell iff1''' " liniteil tol coupon .Uu.iM oluocoaml ic.ul the b'i' ( X -which e,irs u list I, NL a' ilc presents ami how i rr ill i-rt thrill. mS'.J i a- - ........ m vs. sr. m . m J Mr. Bryan says that the present dol lar has too great a purchasing power. Did he ever work and sweat for ten hours through sunshine and storm to earn one? Philadelphia Inquirer. How much business can a man do whose sysum is In a state of disorder? Headache Is only a symptom. It Is not a disease. The pain In the head is the sign of rebellion. There have been mistakes In diet and other abuses. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel lets are a pleasant, effective renovator and invlgorator of the stomach, liver and bowels. They ass'st nature with out threatening to tear the body piece meal. There are no griping pains, no nausea. One is a laxative. A bxk of li'iS pages, profusely Illus trated, written by Dr. K. V. Pierce, ailed the "Peoples Common sens Medical Adviser," will be sent free f.r Jl one-cent stamps to cover cost of illing only The World's Dispens ary Medical Assvla(lou. .No, titu Main troet, Buffalo. N. Y, In Medieval Days When people wanted anything they knelt down and prayed for It How ever, that mn lime ago. Along about 10 a fellow named tliitrn- berg, who had "come do Hhlne over," was monkeying around a I carpenter shop In Lents. Ha whit- tied soma Utile Mock and actually I made an alphabet. Then he rUitrd a sort of well, a machine that would look something like our let ter press of today. He arranged his Mocks In order, put some Ink on tuern, also a piece of paper, and then screwed his press down. That was called printing. Old llutcnbcric made a howling success of tha racket, and his head liecame so swollen (hat he really nutded the king one day. The king overlooked It. however, for he had an Idea what kind of fellows printers wouM be. Well, nnally they goi the print- I ing system aoun pal, ami, us the centuries rolled by, began printing ' newspapers first person. Invariably I singular number, any gender and ; hard case. OUTWARD HOUND OMifiON (MAIN I1WMM.V. Sepl Ocl HOI Ml. II Ul kiiHUol " Hr I '.I ik IS lr .mo In Am lilp ... I" lie I. Ik.. :; Mr hip ... .1 lie Ih V .. 4 nr bark ,. J llr IUi II llr .In II Hrli ik ,. M r -li II m .hie ,. , li drli.rk If Hr Mile -I III llln r a or It ik H.-oi.w tiitf NAM' ,. Oill!.. sli ir i P ontin '.Iiiine li minuend InrealU Aiililgirili jl'' "I l.eli) Iliu-teU., , .,, . II lli-'ii Mill I'm undue . . llll'll if Peri S.sii i' ,, Heni .imIiiiiii dti. '!' oiki"i.iii l-oriv.l mil Pee JSII' Msr April Msr June Jolt - t V OMl k I ' 'te I oil, i , .' II ini' lriiiiiiiiiilr . ... J II, I hi ik tin lienexlrn llr lii)i... iI'aoI ruuiler a vnt Oi i 'On.m' I'urlK or .In i i i ,iMna i t ' Hi "lini Karl ( .vlUinl It llr b "k .. Pee null It Hr xlil ! ul.v Hall . '.'' llr liin , Iiiuiiilil ill I llr li.uk Motnic list . V Pr 'lot ... . Itiov'-iu :1 Pr liii . ... I'euuHi'in. ., Iiir-iliui ul.. il lili kiiier- or iilii i inv. ritiei i r"n or .seoiisihl I ertlliitnd Kik her I. irn i4i Kalkiiuuii Kale l i.oliu. Aliiliela I'elirllll I'snle II. viui.le SMinarksnd ., Mi'Wimu , Kdilli eo tie liiunii.,,,, llrtiiiiiH'ktiiirn I'llllntio'lie PiOUCirlli' lllclie.ltril Mslnll'le llrllwll J W lliiriiieilt'r -.. Uleni;,ilnr lle.lf.lMnre I'kiniir an Kliw. ., KhiIIIm'h Allltllree Ki'linl Weli-iti .i it en.. I tit tor. Ali'iev Mtrittli'itt IViliirilne r'urfto hire Ha nm l.iiiliiin,t kireiidiiritilitiiln. Plliieltllll luvfrnt'ki ililrr. VsrmiH Kerni'snk AilalrslMnl letr..,.l, ; Siilioliirt t'sem,.i ; siiliierlmidthtte; .. rli'iiimtMHtillt e II re ii hi Hi: ;H.Ult.ln, rt,.ur, Value I.O..HI ll U h--.V!o l-'.'.vr eu.- rs I tiiii'i value Swum I ji.ii.'a lh u iiir, vaitic a.iii.iii .1 Al I" llr ln 'I tier ulllli. :' HrharK.. . J''rliii n llr li.... II in liu.. II Hr n.rk 11 llr Inn . . II llr Imik I'.' Hr hark . I. tier lurk... I.' t,er "hip . I a Hr I'ark .. llr 'hlii .. Ilrlutk .... ."J II hli i" tier li.uk imtier liaik..., lMubaik,. . 1 i r iiiti... . m llr nark 1" tier 'hip. It -r bark .. . It Itll" amp.. llr hlp .. . J llr hark I I llr 'hip ... U llr 'hli It llr hark I llr hark IS llr hark II llrtnrk- . s Mr alup i: llralnp '.'I Hr hark 14 llr hark .... Ill llr ilttp Angti'l 1 Am hark.. . II tier 'hip.... llralnp ... SI Hrltlp . . cpl T llraliin value W.il r.il. . mi. T-aci.muMi ro ilN'l l.lverimul .. 1 W l.lverpnul .... IIMI llll'lol ., Wim fork Iliilii'urk .. ,.,. Il.'ll riMllnulll. ... mi KluiiroH'l ,. .. liKtr.uk '.'I 'I A lllllt'ilUl.. .'IIiiOi- k . . . ...j-Jla; 1 '"i k ... Ill K ilminiili , ,. ll'.".' t'l ittiiiitli ... ... Inn MtcrpiHil . ,. 1 1 ami fork ,.,'I.IM l ink .!lli' -itliiii'inlt. ... I'un r ainii'iillt .. .. lire, A mar 1 1' Iim.1 l'alltl"lltll , I ilii Harrow AVil K ilimnilli.. . I all fork W! Sltjn I'Hf Kaoniililll .. I'm I'm k li; t'otk '"Ul Kaliiinittli ll vti K 'liiniulli ..... S!..' Hull '.'tiCj l.aitera'k Iivii Cork llT-.W ,n; jl.Tll " ii.m: . . . . 1 1 All " Mill " ,1 (kl llllilol um link si'it 1 1 .i.'.i Kalnniiilli I I'MM " ilA'l " IUii fork " I v Kaliii.n.tli , :i.'i'ork 1 mi r.e Town .. Il.v Cork lui'i " ... .. i"''Kalnioulll l.ri l urk -.'I vl I miilnu I.HA lalliiiiiilh I ail (' iia run a I'll falmmtih ll'T fork luki A K lUv Jl.T Kalnniiilli HJ Osim Hay Iiwi I'nrk ..'ItT i.Ueriaail , I'M Cork in li Hay .... .Hi: Turk l'll I'nrk ; VlaillvuniiH'k I .'in curt Natal .. IM-i l iverpthii UM Al"a Hay 'l.'al ork ,KI i .t'i' .iiii.al r I i 'iiuivr.li en m ai a vai.i K, lli'i'i lulier III... A . Ili eeliiiier J I... 0 HI .Mil VM""1 , Hi I'l'lulier .'Mi . tl 'Jil il l IM.imi . January :1 , .. il'.iill .vv,ii . I eliriiarv '.'I... m ,iii . .1 " ' ;'J .. !ii.'i I " ii.i... al k;i v'i .mm ' Hi... IW II.I M,'"l " ll . bt,'H l'll "I ll ' l,.. T'.trij l.l.uhl , Man'li I; m :ul al,ll ,; " III. I llll.llHI IVl.KII " 7 . .. K M,'W li.1"' Ki'linmrv H ni.ti'l ni.io , Marell Hi .VI, i Is.-'nM . r-eliruai v .7 I'' i , Maiell S irtil.ij .,il II inuijil .'allBlll " .'a ... :i,Wa lllnHI " U.' .'Hi IMI ii.k" " III ' Tii.lIM lll.nkl " III ll M,! lll.llll , ll'lll '-V II , March : n:.;m .v:..v April m t..,.i ,v,.i " lo II " .i in.:ri .vsimi " 11 .vi.nl WiH " li ;w ill '.ini " 'Jl Mum 7. ml " 'Jl ,VI,7ial Mi.tMl " :'i fti.il .Vi.M June In. I . . ... Jure 10 ll.'JI stl.lNI April HI B.V.MI W. ! June I ni.'jM Mini " lo I,'U l.'.'no " H J i,ni tJ.lM " l K " ... i.iio '."ii ' 7 IJ.'VM .WttHI May ' I'.ltw 43 mi June ft ; a,.vni i.io ' 10 4H..HI 4.VKM " 7 a,.krj m,mi ' III I ., i 11,17 a: i Julie II 47.104 44.MU June s M July M. r.il Icon Jims '.M .''i.;'i rii i'ai " ;v ; fU.lll Mtilal Junes. ' ai.'jiD iw.uu " ;M . , . w wu di.iwi July in . li. .! 4liu I'lim in N Jlllv JV 71a1 .'A.iml , Inly ll i 4it,CM M.imi June tt ........ 4.1, Ml IJ.KII AllHltat 1 la.iaM i T;,-"! July 1.1 0 :..lil , liinu .V.iui vi.nm I' S7.IIS tK, an '.'.".'."!!"','.'!" ;') ' rt.iu ti." ".'".".";"..;;r! k h r '.iitii I'.no I' 111,!'! .1i..i allll'I'Ula, I'.iilliinil I'lmir Mill' . Hallour, llnlliile t'u .. Sllniin A Kerr iihlt air, lliiiluli' It i'".. J l( roiiii'i'iii A l'n,.,. pr :i' v um r Pallia"'! I I 'lir M'lK HIIihiii Ai Keir , .1 II Cntrn 1 Il.tir or i.ttllirli' ill t'u I II ritnii'rnii ib Tn I'.iHI i,,.l rli'in M"l . 11.11, .11', lililli Ik Al i ii J II I imteri'll Ai I'u I' I1 hi. v tnr i n Hallmir, l I'll line f. I'.i . Hlliv.n ,v Kerr Ital iiur, tiutlirle t'u . , I'.irllainl 1'iur Mllla.. IT K eiai.ir i n Haliuiir. i-iiilirif .1 1 u.. , I'liillaii.i r'1-iir Ml.U Haliuiir, llilllirle I'u .1 II I'll run A I'u illi'im III kerr. IT kleiatorl'i I II I' lllenill AJ I'll "li'iiu kerr I'nrll out I luitr Mill A Heru Haliuiir. liitllirle A I'u J II Cameron A '" t!nlf"iti, Uiilhrlo A Cu .. . 1'iirllaliil, flour Xllla .., I' C hlevatiir Co Mllianll g kerr r I' Meratnr Co j i, H Hlliiuli A Kmr I l( Caiiii'mli g I'u . I'.irllonl Kluiti Mill . Mtiaull A Knrr llill.'iir, ouilirlra Co .. i " . A Hem J H Cauu'rvilt A IN' IT Kli'Valur Co lll..ur, iluiliilv A Co I'lirllaml Kluur Ml I . It'll. mi. II. Itllllli A I il sili'ini g kprr Iiall.iiir iiinlir r A Co sltia.iu A kerr i II Cameom A Cn Itall.mr. lOiilm A t'u .1 It Caliieiiili A t u M. Ha'l'iui, tiutlirli A Co . Itatflitir, tiiitlirio i i n I It Cameron A Cu Piirllaml Kluur Mill Ml I A kerr Ilall. ur, ' . n I lirlr ,t Cu Sll.i I ka I'M " k'i iu i " Ll Ilka ;ll Ik Il'l laa .. All U ..... ., 11 I I. Dil .. VI la....... . I I III. Ihl I I : tv. .,4 1 I I. . all II ., 1 1 I at ,. VI I'll VI I A. III. .... .. vl i; w 1 1 lit. lM VI i l . vl laa ml 1 1 7 ltd Vl II. .Ll ,. VI It. d Vl l. ...... . VI I I. V1 ,. Vl l' l . VI 17. l VI IV .. , Vl U Ikl , Vl II. i VI In. . VI l l VI Hi. l .VI II. ml VI l w Ihl . VI i n j tl in. ikl . VI I" . vl l VI 17. fcl . VI I n . ... V P M , Vl I1a..., . Vl In...... . vi l j. ed Vl I'M k l I J. . k l I la Ihl i,l I;, ml tilali.. . VI 11 in. M . VI I " til In. Ikl VI '"Ikl VI I Ml lirlv ale. ... VI Ha M , VI a.... . i. a nor. SO vV'ii.""" . VI i'ii A Krrr I . l lue aji.', III "i- vi. . I.'.'.vii ill. l.arl i. alil all. I'll Jl ''! rt.nil, Ai'iiv in. Iluiir, lain. $iiii. II -in.i,.. ln.l, rl.mr, value ltl.' II '' 1"ur lii'l. n mr, value su.viv and tt.itn.) ell. Iiarlet, vane ai.i.i.u k-li'.J'l 'i-l n.mr. In Sl.'.n.i. ii A'.e I ..rj to.1' n.mr, value si'.H.i. I. -.li.iai I.I.I' ll.iur. vaiua .liiill). M ll.T.'a lilil. n.mr, value MM. N -I'-.tiu hid' fl.mr. Value ll.i P-AI'.i 11. ITIIell. Ii.ulev, value III.KII. O - vl... 7 MO Itli'a llmir. i alur l.-J U.I K-1MIU I.I.I. (Imir. value HI nil a I'.UU Ulil. rloiir, value il, aln lli.l ol la lirau. I AIo i I. nil I. ran. value lni. and iV.t-t! eaai .alliii'ii. I Al... IVu.i l.i.l. ila.ir. alee I "..' Who can say the campai.-n is lacklnir In hum ir when it can be published In newspapers that at any time, on any subject, at any place. Mr. llryan has nothing to say? Chicago Tribune. In This Enlightened Day A MYSTERY. How the human system ever recov ers from the bad effects of the nause ous medicines often literally poured into it for the supposltive relief of dys pepsia, liver complaint, constipation. rheumatism and other ailments, is a i mystery. The mischief done by bad medicines Is scarcely less than that caused by disease. If they who are weak, bilious, dyspeptic, constipated or rheumatic, would oftener be guided by the experience of invalids who have thoroughly tested Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, they would in every Instance obtain the speediest aid derivable from rational medication. This medi'-ine is a searching and at the same time a thoroughly safe remedy, dtrtved from vegetable sources, and possessing, in consequence of its basis of pure spirits, properties as a medicinal stimulant not to be found In the fiery local bit ters and stimulants often resorted to by the debilitated, dyspeptic and languid. Bl'CKLEX'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, brulsea, sores, ulrers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Charles Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. It is said that Candidate Bry an never falls to catch a train. If that Is true Mr. Bryan is much better at catching trains than at catching votes. Kansas City Journal. There are many newspapers as a matter of fact. Hut It la an utter ImpoMlbliltv to get a newspaper to admit It. The advertising patronage ot a newspaper depend, largely vea, wholly upon Its circulation. A newspaper Is a great dead Ilk the human body: If Its circulation Is good, it prospers: otherwlae, otherwise. Borne paper publish Want Columns The Indianapolis Sentinel says the Republican vict. ry In Maine was ex pected by the Democrats. Of course It was expected! In what state, whose citizens have public schools on every section of land, would a Republican victor- not be expected? Wabash Tribune. If. as the I'opocratle candidate for president insists, free coinage would immediately restore th: market price of silver to fl.JH an ounce and keep gold and silver currency on a parity at the ratio of It; to 1, why does the Chicago platform i ropose to enact legislation to prevent contracts requiring payment in any specified kind of money? If sil ver is to be as good as gold, why pro hibit gold coitract8? What reason would any ones have to insist on gold payments if gold coin is no more valu able than silver coin? If a fn-e coinage law is all that is needed to restore silver to $1.23 an ounce, why any additional legislative props like this? It is true, as McKinley says, that the Republican party has never before ap pealed more strongly to the best sen timents and noblest aims of American citizens than it does In the present con flict. The man who votes with any oth er party this year has to vote acainst truth. Justice, honesty, and everything eles that is creditable and profitable, "Consider, my fellow citizens, the ad vancement we made between 11S0 and "1S90. and during those years we never "had free trade nor free Bllver. The "marvelous progress of the country be "twee HiSO and 1S90 is worthy the study "of all American citizens. It Is the Horace Greeley once said: "The way to resume is to resume," speaking of again putting gold into circulation af ter the war. But you may say "re sume" any number of times to that torpid liver of yours and it won't budge until you take Simmons Liver Regula tor. Many people seem to forget that Constipation. Biliousness and SI' k Headache are all caused by a slUKijish liver. Keep the liv r active. CURE FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy for all forms of Headache, Klectrlc Bitters has proved to be the very best. It affects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick head aches yield to Its Influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle. I and give this remedy a fair trial. In j cases of habitual constipation Electric ! Bitters cures by giving the needed tone ; to the bowels, and few cases long resist I the use of this medicine. Try It once. Fifty cents, and ll.'Xl at Chas. Rogers' i Drug Store. ; That Is. a column, or a number ot columns, devoted to small advertise ments. If a fellow wants anything trouble, a wife, a house don't make any difference what It Is he con get It by means of a small ad. Included tn the "s.st" column are "For Sale," "For Kent." "I-ost," "Found." "Stolen" and "Miscel laneous." Now, Just ses what chumps some people are! Why, a man has been known to hunt over a city this olty for days looking tor a house In which to live. llo.i he come to The Astorlan olllcn and asked for a want ad. he could have gotten his houiu- without the least bit of trouble and tor about ' cents. VHSSKLS OX Till-: WAV TO ORISON. rosr a in cn rH.m im Mtu. i arrats. rsa HATS. I'alleu Hoi tensci! . Ililtler Sorrta. I'nSNIllKRKa. I'A. nil l.'J HI'AI HOT M Viilllv- Ship lleurv Vlllard Al ton ll V Y- lan Lark llavlla ' . . AS VIA Hl.l'- VHr.lnp U V WnltTl Mll.MHAY- Hr ahln l.lu'tlafaruc . CAI.I.AlV- Hr .lop Inelienpe Km k; Hr .tup Sierra Ktre.la! IIVkKIMtil.- Hr slim Kellanee 3 Hr .till. Kara. la ; MKUinrfiNk- Hr liark Linden sharp . NKWf A.iTI.K, N. 8. W. I llr .hip t lly o Mailral I . UrlrMlu. Hr I Inn Haw.'dalel... lileele . Kill I'U JA.NMKtt- I Hr .hlii Kiyal Ocorte . Tairaart IH HllAl I iin iiii.il I CI .HI All Suit. in . II, el.e ... . Iia.. liai.M . . ' ;s liavt liOAt la. ;ll.nil I'M WJ HVAI Half i. nr. I'ullirlr A Cu . I ... Kotilliaou 'J' !' I ... jH ihe. j IMA UUAl llCV HI) A I .. I AT? Won ,...7SI IUUAI Hr hark tili'iialum . . Hailne. . Hr bark Heel Koiiertaon SWASSKA- I a llr tatrk Colombol Sprouts... TAHI.K HAY- Hr Hark Calsorm Caatlrt Man. in Yokohama- 1 llr .iilp He irleit Seeinsnn It Is Needless Tom Watson says Mr. Sevvall is a j knot on a tree. The cause of this un-j kind (ling may be traced to the fact that Tom Watson is a knot on a ticket. ' New York Press. ! 1IIU COVERT SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. G. Calllouette, Druggist. Beavcrs vllle. 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Dis covery I owe my life Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Hav- j Ing Dr. King's New Discovery In my stord I sent for a bottle and be- j gan Its use and from the first dose j began to get bettci, ind after using three bottles was up ai.e about again. It Is j worth Its weight In gold. We won't I keep store or house without It " Oct a free trial at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. I To tell of The Astorlan's circula tion. The puper has been estab lished for a quarter of a century. Why, old Concomly read the llrst rumor of the hulldtng f a railroad to his braves from It. Circulation Is The Astorlan's long suit. Conse quently, when a fellow comes Into The Astorlan office, looks pleasant, throws down 2D cents on the coun ter and says he wants a house, he gets It. Why, Just Think ! The Astorlan goes Into every house In Astoria and a great majority ol those In the surrounding sections ot Oregon and Washington. Hence, It you Insert an ad. in The Astorlan, It Is equivalent to engaging a man to go around to all those houses and telling the Inmates that you want something or havo something for sale. Why, talk about a snap! Hr learner Anlalle I'rmeel nr .nip iiiiiion nam CAI'K TOWN Hr ahln PttrbrldKe I llr .liln Helen.! IMI.O.MHO. CKYI.'IN. i-nr ahln city ul lla.l'llintt.in Hr .liln linwau Hill I MAI KITII'S Hr bark prncron SlMiAI'oKK- Hr .Iiiti oreallR! SIIAMiHAI- Atn .ehiHiner 1 mil. Hr .nil. I'niialliH li AliKl.AlHK llr l.urk A'toria J- or 'lltti .Metaniiliet MliSTKVIIiKo- Hr ahlp li'ivenliy Hall Hi i It T liltlK- Hr .Inp H"rt Jnek.on lluKoHATK- Am 'ehr furrier linvr SAN 1A KIIS.M.I I- Hr ahlp ViirlliP'ru HAIIM- Hr ahlp I'nrvlncel II I Alii l- Hr bark Java! SANIOS- Hr ahlp Cambrian Prlueei. 1AITAI.- Hr ahlp I'e lulic'lleaj ' Aiuleraou .. Kuwlan.l... I .. Melnrhrn .. Shaplaud ... . MelMuald. ... ,. Mllu . .. ryntt UIJi ItvAl ....'ll'SJ 'A A I I .. lflaT lit) A I ITnUODM HIS UUAl l's tin. 1 1 I Meyer. W. . Co Hallnur, tiutlirle A Co Hair,. nr. (iullirl.A I'u I'urllau.l flour Mill. Hlt'.on A Krrr.. J K Cameron A Co l.-J II. .is I'TVItDAI .... 71 .IMllm.l I IW'.MiOAl . HiTli lui.M ItlM pBAI Stuart 170a ItHAl I'ea.ley . McUod '.D I .'.I HMAI Jaa Ul'llaw g I'u Nlinpaiiu laiintier lo , Tlinrkel.ell .... 14 UUAl rat Neville ,Iik ill' A I I iWlekhaiii Jll".lKe .l. III. hall . ,. Iavle. June. Fretwui.t lours lllelvea ,'W II.IAI ;l:i'.' liuAl ivi'. 'JUI IIIIAI !.-' IHDAI 'IX 11"' A I l.l'.i IUUAI HU A A I I Am. TradlliK Co... Altg lit, paaaed Anjer, Jail .1, ped ciixhavem Jan JS, 10W Mar It. 1S, lA'.W ; .Inne H, 7N r, W June '.). p '.Ned l.lnard : mi date, 111 Bay of Hlveayi June IS, X, N, 10 W TOT A I ON KKKKWBNCKM I Iron t Jiiua Mh, '..IN, a W. Into HI., de Janeiro prior lo July 4. will have lo ill.eliara pall nr rarici. Aug. 4. .old '.L.) tuna ol cargo; .ailed again Auk, 18. A Bit of Advice It Is appalling to think what would have become of the human race if Mr. llryan had died of m-asl-s w hen a boy. Kansas City Journal. PURELY VEGETABLE. The Cheape't, Purest e-Sy,, nd liest Kami.v ledi.Tf2ft -sfc sM lllll'IIW :ine iri the world As Kfpri tual Spf.cipic for ait dis:iv; iA the Ljver, bloniach and Spleto. Rc-yulate the L.ver sod i-rcvent Chills ND rKVf.H, Malari I'S i-KVEKS, I'OWfcL, fyII-LAIMri, KEsTLE - BAD I!Ki;.TH! N'-ithlnir i vt i;ri,.!t:t ..int. noihinc so common, Dad bre;ith; and in iic;uiy '-vrry cae it ctik frott ;lie st'imath, and c.r, cosily '.(jttci led if you wil take blMKoss t u ki'f.' LATod. Io not nejjlect c urc a remedy for (J..s rtpuU.e d.vrdcr. It will alsc iinpruve your appetite, tonifjlexion and general health FILES! How many lufTr torture day afier day, making life i burden and rnf,.;ing cxiiteni e of all pleasure, owing :o the secret suffnnt; fr itn 1'iles. Vet relief it ready to the hand of almost any one who will use lyMemati :al!y the remedy that h.it peminently cured thou sands. Simmons Livr.x Ht:.x:LAttn i no drastic violent purjfc, but a gentle issutant to nature. CONSTIPATION SHOULD not !: r-irarded u a tntlinfc; ailment in fact, nature demands the utmost regularly of the boweK, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to serious 'fanner. It i quite as Denary to remove impure acnif filiations from the biwi a, it is to tat or le-p and do hcaith can lr exported wliere a costive habit of body prevails. EICK IJEADACHKI Thit distressing aHliction oi.curs most frequently The disturbance of the sfiinaih, aminjj from the imperfectly digested contents, uausrt a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disairjceable nausea, a vi this constitutes wnat is populsirly known as Sick Headache, for the relief n wliich tajck Simmons LlVEK KbxULAT'R OK MBUttl.SE. SIAM'I'ACTLIIEIJ ONLY BY Jl. EL Z ELLIN ft CO., I'hiladclpbia, Pa. Max N' :;;; "i .-rali.- f'r f.r thff r !;'u's "pini"n that th- AmT- !- v. ill rr-t t'in t. 'Ivn- j at I'-ast l'.if yrars iu'iks bad i silver party. I'hiiU'lflphia 1 i t TO (IKE A (OU) IV ONE HIV, Tak'f laxativy Ilmmo Quinine Tablets. All druA-'intH refund th; money if It j fails to curt. For J-aU- by Chas. ; !:ir.rs, I;rut.'i,'iHt. I When you want iinythlnK no mai Xi r what ft I w hen you have any thing 4 or tmUr, whtn you Iohp, find or HtenI anythlnif, come around and tdl your trouble to The Astorlan. Hrlng 2T c ntM with you, and, above all thlriK", look pp'n.xant. Tell the cl.-rk that you want a want ad. In thf want column, Klve him your 2& ctnts and ko away hapriy. An H r man W'lH't would nay, a want ad. will restore the blind, the bald and the bowlctfpfrd to manhood. New York 3.U Adelaide .l.ut,' Altto hay l..r', Antwerp Bombay l.uj't ralUo 'V' Cohunhii i.hU rnp..t(nvti . .fi. .it THIC WAY. MvfrpoM 4,-.K. I Ni-wra-tlf, NSW X W Mriurltlus ,'.'. j Itto ilv JfiKTu 3.rt i M'lliiinic Miry SlnKnp.re l.Ttw j .Mntivi'lfn J.vih j H we nm l.l'hi j Krl-tnitic . I Hliatiirhal 'iWi Muku.Utr I Port Plrlr- 2,1 Vi Hl.iiro f Sunt KhshUk ... .a,Ki I lfnhU t -nim. 1 RW I Tabln It y .... Yoknhttiiia. .1 r; - -Villi Total 41, mid Same t line l '..' Satin' It in i- 1W1 I B.F.ALiIjEN&SON Wall Papr, Artists' MtrrU!s. Paints, Oils, (jlais, ttc. Japanfft MjtttufS. Rugs and Bamboo Tioodt 365 Cc mmercial Htrcct. ta a m n p"W nmii ! fa ir",,t:i'.ri.o TTm 1 Th- i.'-oi,!- ar- fl.K-klnir train loa.la to ' : Mi Kinl'-y. aii'l llryan Is locking In a I'alai.i- car to tli- .- jpl-.- Sh:lby-vill- f I r.-l. li'-i.uMiran. ' 3 Lines 0C for aJ Cents. Try It. ROYAL Baking Powder j has been awarded highest j honors at every world's tale where exhibited. j Wh'-n p'-opli; b'-xp'-Hk n-spiv-tful ton-1 slui-ration for Mr. I'.ryan iirntinn he 1 th; i an'11'lat'' of a cp-at political party they nhoul'l r"m;nili-r that the irrvat political party wax on a hi? drunk when It betoveil Its lan'li'laey upon Mr. liryan. St. Louis (;iooe-Icnio:ra.t. E.SViLIHH CAE'TTAu Ton AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. It doesn't matter much whether Blr.k headache, biliousness. IndlgeHtlon, and constipation are caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances; De Wltt's Little Early Klsers will speed ily cure thc-m all. Chas. Rogers, Druggist. Mr. Wand has probably abandoned the- Idea that the democrats can carry Pennsylvania. Kansas City Htar. Poison Ivy, Insect bites, bruises, I scalds, bums are quickly cured by Ife. Witt's Witch H'tzel Salve, the great! pile cure. Chas. Rogers, druggist. 1 Important to Americans seeking Eng lish Captla.1 for new enierprlaei. A lb containing the names and address. ol 200 successful promoters who havu placed over 100,110,001) Sterling In Foreign In vestments within tiie last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven months of WS. I'nc: 5, or S25, payable by postal order to the London and Universal Bu reau of Investors, 20, Cheupslde, London. E. C. Subscribers wll be entitled, by ar rangement with f.ie directors to receive eilhrjr persona,, or lettoM of Introductoln lo any of theao sucossfal promoters. This lint Is llrst class In every respect, and every man or firm whose name ap pears therein may ba depended upon. For placing the following It will be found invaluable lionds or Shares of In dumrlal, Commercial and Financial con cerns, Mortgage loans, Sale of Lauids i'at.-iits or Mines. I-rlrectora: hi u eijvvapi c. nos.s, HUN. WALTER C. PEPVB. CAIT. ARTHUR STIFFK. Copyrlirht. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Jno. F. Handley & Co., 124 Third street, and get the Dally Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. -T .1, it " ' n. n r-iar nmi. V i'1'.. 1 r'-triHy f.,r lM,i,..rrti.i', Jwf 1 Hi.r. ....... .i. ( i. i i i.t, ., -.ialwi.1." J . il is U..r.nt.-"l 'i iri.'. r afir Ililliii'iMi i ... u .irie.or' .,..,1, irii.aii.'ii t,r ijiiitiv 'r.'.uu cai.taKioa. tl"n of m u r o n . imi'Im ''llEIKS&IIU"'ii !lo. kranra. Nun uairliiKi ut. Mnlfl nr llrusslau. or .writ In plain wrnpprr, .-ipr"'.. 'r,.ai'l. tut l in. ,-r :t Im,iii... -.'.t I'iri'iilar vui uu riiiu.l. SEASIDE SAWJVIlLli. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, ' and all kinds of tlnlah; mouldings rnd shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. II. F. L. LOO AN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. Are You (Joing KastV Be aurs and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. re e tiny Capaulos aro tuperfo' Balsam of CoDaiba, r CubebsorliiectionsandfMlDlf tUKh IN 48 HOURa NX the tame diseases without Inconvenience. i'i'r all Jrurfiilt. j FROM NOW UNTIL SPRINO Overcoats and winter wraps will be In fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the stenm-heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Hallway. For solid comfjrt, for speed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the West. Go to Elmore, Sanborn's nfllce and see machine. Take along some of the twines "as good aj Marshall's," In your pocket, and test them. Then see how much more Marshall's will stand. It's money In your pocket and fish In your net to find out. their new and handsome twine testing CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This Is the GREAT SHORT LINK Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and SoutL Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car I Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. II. MEAD, F. C. BAV.'.OE, Oen. Agent. Trav. F. and P. Agt. 248 Washington st, Portland, Or. rlrh..i, r'. Knsll.h ntaaanxl ItraaS. I rtnf.Yf.UYAL PILLS Arc, ;Jw.tt rHUi.le. t.oic uk W llr.t hi fd lt4 U'M III Mil No' I'hsim ., i,., rj,(tlB -'alia n u(hiT. tut ,tannrauM tk.i. on.-ir, f imttnt,.m,. Ai llr uxxt.ii. or am.) 4 KrlliT Tnr I. A 'Ilea, tn Inttr, t.r mtmm a"" 1 l'-"n,-.i.i.le rtMpr 0.R.&N. tllVKS ('HOICK OF -2- TRAflSGONTIflEflTAIi ROUTE5. Vis Spokant and St. Paal Via Ogdfln, Denvep and Omaha or St. Paal Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining-Chair Cars Astoria to San Francisco. Hlnte of t'al. Saturday, Srpl. J. Columbia, Tliui.'tny. Sept. 10. Slnte of Cl. Turailay, Hepl. 15 Columbia. Monday, H.-j.t :0. State of Cal. Friday. Hcpl. Ciduinbla. Wediiis.Uy. hept 30 Slate of Oil . Monday, Oi l. i. Ciduinbla. Saturday, (ti l lo. Astoria and Portland Steamers. T J PnTTKH Leave Astiirbi Tueaduys, Thursdays ami Suturdnys at a tu. Leave I'orl land Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days at 7 a. in IIAILKY CATZKIIT. Leaves Asl.irbi Tusdnys. Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 p in. I-nve I'urt bind Mondays, Wednesdays. Fridays ami Sundays at H p. in 11. It TIKi.Ml'SiiN. Leaves Aatnrla Mondays, Wednes days, Fridays an. I Sundays al 7 m. Leaves I'iirlland Tuesdays, and Thurs days nt s p. m., and Saturdays ot U p. in. ti:i.i:piihn'.; U'ns-f Astoria Mondays. Wednesday, and Fridays al a. in. Leave Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at For rales and general Information call on or address O. W. LOCNSHKUHY, w. ii. iiimi.iimtT. ln. I'hs. Agt., I'orilnnd. Or. K. Mi'N'FILL, I'lesl.ient and Manager. WHITE COLLAR LINE Astoria and Portland Tclcphmie bines AHt..rtu Mii,ay, Hr.in.-s.liiy llll.l I'll.lily r,,K ,lt t a. in. Leaves I'.ulliiii.l Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday oj 7 B. Unlley lut K.-rt leuv.-s A-.li.rla Wed-ii.-Hdiiy, Friday and Suinluy i,g,t at 7 p. 111. Leaves Pi.iiland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nlgbls at 8 n! 111. (. It. and N. Cd.'h steamers T. J. Potter runs alternate days with Teloi Phone, and It. It. Thompson runs ol termite days with llalley UuUc-t. Tickets kihhI on all boats. IT. H. SCOTT, President. K. A. Keeley, Agent, Portliuid. C. W. Sl.ine, Agent, Astoria. Telephone No. 11, S. Fl!l MAN. I.I. of Freeman & Holme.. H. T. bAKm, lale of Slui klon. Cal. COLUMBIA UN WORKS FOUNDRYHEN Illacksmlth.a, Machlnlsta and Holler Makers 'nX'A'y All Kinds of Machinery Iron and Brass Caatlnrrs Ueneral Blacksmith Work (1'RCIAI.TIKS-WeUh Palest :Whwl, Shis kiT, ".'!""' "nJ Stenmh.nl Work. Cannery M lMIM Mnrlllnerv. Marina ami C..l..n.-U er. Bulll to Order. Sperlflllveitilrped for lopuen' work CorrcknonJenct tnlkllrd 18th and Franklin. Phone 78