The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 26, 1896, Image 4

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Wise's Customers Sec Whnt Tltey
Arc Buying
$5 in 10 Minutes
By Reading Our
Annexed Price List.
We do a cash business). Our cash se
cures bargains which no credit house
out obtain; our discounts enable ua to
ecure the trade of all smart buyers.
Will You Pay $5
More for a suit In other stores, or will
you save those hard-earned SS By
spending ten minutes In our store, ln-Testlg&tlng-
our claims
No trouble to show groods; we are
conscious of our advantages and know
yu. Will not buy elsewhere
When You
See Our
New Arrivals!
Misses', Youth's and
Ladies' and Gents
Autumn Footwear .
Ratters, Rutter Boots, Etc.
John Halm & Co.
79 Commercial St.
New Arrivals...
Fall Styles
All the latest anJ richest fabrics in
New Today:
A Full Line of Umbrellas
Maximum temperature, 62 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 47 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st, 1896, to date, 1.63 Inches.
Deficiency of precipitation from Sep
tember 1st, 1SS6, to date, 1.94 Inches.
TO HEADERS. The "Dally Astorlan'
ontalns twice as mueh reading matter as
any other paper published In Astoria. It
Is the ooly paper that presents Its readers
with a dally telegraphic report.
iortan" has more than twice as many reod
rsasany other paper published In Asto
ria. It Is therefore more than twice as
valuable as an advertising medium.
"Immodest words admit of no defense,
For want of decency is want of sense."
The Pat market for chickens.
Circuit court will convene next Mon
day. Don't forget the grand rally at Sea
Bide tonight.
Two hundred dresHed chickens at the
Pat Market today.
Dr. W. I. Howard, Hommopathlst, 586
Commercial street.
Your choice of chickens at the Pat
Market for 23 and 3.1c today.
If Snodgrass doesn't make
photos you don't get the best.
Gunther's famous Chicago candies in
sealed packages at C. B. Smith's.
It Is rumored that there will soon be
a McKlnley bicycle torchlight parade.
Attention Is called to the new- ad
vertisements In today's want column.
What They're
FIRST A pure woolen black clay worsted suit, limit with good Far
mer's Satin, satin piping around edges, sewed with silk.
Pants of this suit have one continuous waistband (avoids ripplngV
Suit guaranteed to fit and be worth $13 to IK. We sell them In
SECOND An all-wool black or blue cheviot. In sacks or frocks, superior
workmanship, silk sewed, well tailored, an elegant wearer, and always
worth $15,
THIRD Our entire assortment of
colors, plain or figured; these are
about by selling them at $11. 30
stores ask from $15 to $17.50 for
us a special discount. We offer
We have
Ingly low. .
large number of cheaper suits, too, w hich we sell correspond-
The Reliable Clothier c
C. B. Smith makes the only genuine j palgn portraits of McKlnley anil Ho
French boss candy In the city. Try It. jbart which greet the audiences and en-
courage the speakers at McKlnley Hall.
B. F. Allen and family returned yes-j
terday from their outing at Elk Creek
The rebuilding of Bond street be
tween 12th and Hth. was commenced
The Queen, the only heating stoves,
at Fisher Brothers. Price J10. Come
and examine them.
You can buy a razor strop at Rog
ers' Drug Store, 439 Commercial street.
from 20q to $i each.
For a box of choice candies, fresh
and neat, go to C. B. Smith, Astoria's
leading confectioner.
The railroad company has pust re-,
ceived twenty additional switch stands
to be used on the road.
It Is announced that the Hon. C. W.
Fulton wUI tonight address the Upper-
town McKlnley and Hobart Club.
Carbons are the only permanent
photos as well as the most artistic,
and Snodgrass knows how to make
Sheriff Hare will leave tonight for
Olympia where one of the men indicted
by the grand Jury Thursday, has been
vate lessons In French, will form a
A football team will be organized,, r ,nstru,on , tnat lan(fua(?e.
Monday evening at the A. F. C. rooms. ThoBe whlJ wIsh , J(ln th(, clasB are
ii is proposes to piay unaer tne inter
collegiate rules.
Two parrots In an upper window on
Bond street yesterday afternoon cre
ated a great deal of amusement by
their funny antics.
A concrete mixer Is being built at
Fort Stevens, and about a hundred men
are now at employed on the govern
ment work at that point
Everybody Is going to take the spe
cial train at 6:30 tonight for Seaside to
hear the Hon. T. J. Cleeton speak on
the Issues of the campaign.
H. H. Ingalls will return tomorrow
evening from his two weeks' hunting
trip in the mountains near Neearney.
The boys say he is bringing back a
Mrs. liay, business and test medium.
Circles Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday
evening. Admission to circles, 10 c'.s.,
readings 50 cents. 440 Bond street,
P.oom 5.
All those who are Interested In tak
ing lessons In shorthand will meet Mrs.
Woodford at the Tlghe Hotel at 7:T
o'clock Tuesday evening, the 2Kth Inst.
Terms, J.I per monh.
It is reported that Mr. Chris. Even
Ron, one of the proprietors of the Cen
tral Hotel, who went to Portland on ,
last evening's boat, will be married In I
that city today. I
ir you tnink tne corner Grocery and
Commission House, corner 10th and j
Duane street, don't sell cheaper than I
anywhere else, try thejn and see and '
sav3 20c on the dollar.
Much favorable comment has been The Astoria Marble Works Is prepar
heard at the Iti-publlcan headquarters ing a Vermont blue marble tablet to
and about town on the lierthrong cam- rest over the grave of the late musi
or Frocks
Now for
sacks and frocks In dark or medium
the suits we created so much talk
(our celebrated $11.50 specials); other
the same poods; but our cash secured
you the benefit
And e $10
i Those who have not the opportunity
; to take an angling trip Into the coun
try seem to content themselves with fishing from the docks. The
latter Investment yields better returns
for a novice, It is said.
Sllversldes are beginning to make
their app'-arance In the river, and
while not yet in sufficient nuantltl-s or
numbers to awaken undue Interest,
preparations are complete to re eive a
host,of the immigrants during the com
ing week.
While loading a horse on the steamer
Dwyer yesterday afternoon, the gang-
waX slipped and the horse went Into
the water. Fortunately the tide was
high, and it was only necessary to
lower the slip for the animal to walk
jout on dry' ground.
' The O. P.. and N Co.'s dork has re-
Jcently been provided with extra appa-
ratus for use In the emergency of flr.
'At either end of the dock lsstatloned
a hand cart reeled with hose w hich can
1m? quickly transported to the desired
location and brought Into play at short
Miss Martha L. Gilbert, besides ac
cepting a few more pupils desiring prl-
Invited to meet Miss Gilbert on any
day this week, at her residence, 1M
Third street.
Strain was raised in the big brew
kettle at Kopp's new brewery Thurs
day and the plant thoroughly tested.
The boilers and engine will be com
pleted by the Astoria Iron Works In
about two weeks. Architect Schacht
Bays he thinks the brewery can com
mence the manufacture of beer No
vember 1st.
The boys who under a mistaken Im
pression carried home torches from the
Republican headquarters Thursday
night, are requested to return them as
It was not Intended by the committee
that the lamps should be distributed.
A mistake was made by those carrying
them In turning them over for return
to headquarters.
Mr. Clement Bradbury, wife, seven
children and his father, who have been
living this summer on their farm near
Seaside, left yesterday for Southern
Oregon, where Mr. Uradbtiry v-111 en
gage in mining. He took with him
his wagons and six horsi-s, and from
Portland th'-y will proceed n regula
tion prairie schooner style, to tlielr
A number of boys during the past
few days have been In the habit of
;"r"lr'K "P from th
Scow liay district
iin'' "hooting stones and bullets at the
chh - kens belonging to residents on the
Mth street hill. One lady expostulated
with them yesterday, and received an
amount of abuse w hich could only have
been expected from the lowest sort of
a man. The police have been notified
In regard to the matter.
Urge Numhcr uf Officials nntl Clti
icns Accept Hospitality of
the I'nrmcrs.
Addresses Made by Mayor Taylor, V,
J. Ingalls, Judge dray and Others
Favoring a Hiidge Instead of
a Kerry Across the lilvcr.
In response to the Invltutlon of the
Inmills Hivthors and other settlers on
the Lewis and Clarke river and vicin
ity, a number of cltlseus and taxpay-
is hoarded the stcajner Mayflower
yesterday mornlnit for the purpwe of
traversing the new road from Ilea,'
landing on the i bank of Young's
rner to Clatsop t'lty station on the
Hue of the Seaside railroad. The party
from the city consisted of lion, Frank
J. Taylor, mayor; Counctlmen Jan. W.
Welch. W. K. Mciitvgor. F. 1.. Parker.
and A. Seherneekau; lbn. J. 11. 1. Cray,
county Judge; Hen. Ward, county treas
urer; and tirund Jurors W. K. Jopllu.
Kd. O'Connor and W. J. l.oomls;
Messrs J. C. Trulllnger. C. S. Wright,
J. H Wyatt. U. C. llolden. M Foard.
W, T. Chutter. O. Sovey. Horace Thing,
('.. V. Porter, K. L. Kector, P. A. Stokes
and A. C. Fisher.
A quick run was made across Youngs
Hay to Hens' landing, where were
found walling several commodious
wagons with tine teams attached ready
to convey the visitors over the new
road. At 10.43, shortly after passing
the tine farms of W. K. lvment. J. V.
Keith and Mr. Ingalls. the upper school
house was reached and her a halt
made for rest and refreshment. Kor
the latter ample provision had been
made, both as to quantity and quality,
by the w ives and daughters of the Set
tlers w ho were present to preside over
the bountifully laden tables. After hav
ing amply satisfied the Inner man. the
guests were Invited Into the school
house for the purpose of exchanging
views In regard to the new road and
what was now required In order that
It might have unbroken connection
with Astoria; and thus the farmer
would be nble lo bring his produce In
his own conveyance to market.
Mr. Walt Ingalls presided at the
meeting, snd In well chosen words ex
plained the object the settler had In
view in Inviting the county and city I
officials and tax-paying elf liens of As
turla to come over and view the road
they had laid out and virtually com
pleted as rar as iund travel was con
eerned. They had now- an
cian. J. M. Navonl. f'n the fio-e of1
the stone Is graven a musician's lyre. I
followed by the name, dates of birth '
and death, beneath which npj-tirs In
Latin, the words. "Sic transit gloria
mundl. Th- piece Is rrowned with the
letters A. M. It.. In raised work, tto- ;
memorial being the gift of the Astoria i
Military Hand. i
An old Gorman lady. Mrs. Gruber. I
who Is :m adept In the necdb-woik for j
which th.- German are noted, a few ago put up many beautiful arti
cles of her own handiwork. ut a rallle.
The first prise, a pair of pillow shams,
was won by May I'tzlngor. I.lzxle
Grube won several handsome pieces,
and others got full value for their
money. The work was most artistic
and many of the pieces hail the ap
pearance of tine lace work. The needle
work Is most remarkable from the fuct
that Mi's. G ruber Is past 70 yeurs of
After the torchlight parade Thursday
evening, some of the participants
blew nut their lights and handed them
over to a number of small boys stand
ing about, under the Impression that
the boys were going to put the torches
away. It se-ms that the boys got the
Idea that they were being presented
with the torches, and carried them
home. In this way a large numlier of
the torches are missing, and the pa
rents of these boys will confer a favor
upon the central committee by s-elng
to It that the torches are returned at
Mr. G. O. Moen returned yesterday
from an extended sojourn in Norway,
having been absent frotn Astoria for
about five months. Mr. Moon's trip was
of a business nature and though con
stantly employed, he availed himself of
many opportunities to thoroughly
see the country of his youth, an ab
sence of twenty. six years having ma
terlally changed the appearance of
things. Iiurlng the stay In Norway a
Journey was made to Sweden, which
opened a new avenue of exploration
"Over In England," Mr. Moen said
"the lirltaln Is smiling at the prospect
of having the upper hand 'when Hry
an Is elected;' but from observations
made on this side of the water It would
seern that he has reckoned without his
host." As Is natural Mr. Moen Is glad
to be at home again and was busy yes
terrjay in renewing his acquaintance
with Astoria generally.
Take laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
falls to cure. 2.1c. For sale by (.'has.
I Sogers, Drijgglst.
i;ggs--2.i cts. doz.
At that price almost any man can
m;ike a good living nnd save up
rnom y on a Clatsop county chicken
ranch. We have a small tract of
bind roar Warrenton that will
mak" a most desirable place for
raising chickens and we will sell It
so cheap that almost anyone can
afford to buy It.
3.1.1 Commercial street.
The U. S. Gov t Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Ms on application.
of Judging for themselves whether the
work had been done well or not. Mr.
Ingalls spoke of his determination
years ago that the settlers In that fer
tile section of the county should have a
good road all the way to the county
at ami a market He had never lost
sight of It. And. now, notwithstand
ing all the hindrance and discourage
ments, they had. with very little aid
from the county, less than $r.iu. built
a good road to tide water all ready
for summer travel, and the paramount
question now is will the county com
plete the connection, either by bridge
or ferry. For himself, he favored a
bridge as the moat permanent and the
most economical In the end. The gen
tleman said he would like to get an
expression of opinion from others pres
ent and called upon the Hon. !' J.
Taylor, who respondiM.
Mr. Taylor said he had heard much
about this road, but had never Imcii
over It before and was very much
pleased that he had now done so. lie
was both gratltlrd and surprised to find
such an amount of work had been nc-
!'-'I'llh.M and so well done. No coun-
try can prosper without gixd roads.
Astoria has suffered loss for the want
of them, and notwithstanding lh rail
road you cannot build up Astoria with
tit good roads lo afford easy and di
rect communication with your farming
settlement. This new road was of
mors Importance than might st first
appear. From observation and per
sonal knowledge of this section he
knew that roads could be built on easy
grad.w at comparatively little expense,
from many other settlements within
a radlu:-. of a mile or two which could
be connected with this new road No
.public money can be better Invested
jthan In building good roads and h
acknowledged nimseit a convsri to me
(opinion that this rd must be carried -,.,M., , , o, ..rflre of On
ion to completion He f.iv.. red a bridge .,.,.. ,.,.rL (,e inri f Equal-
; as better and cheaper In the long run
than a ferry. He was told that an
opportunity!"1" ""' ,,rllK''' w"h 11 ''
, f.h.t draw for f !.:" had been made und
he did not believe the tax payers ofun, ,,r ,,ther properly appear
Clatsop county would obj.-ct to the In-U(. n ,), BM. simciit rolls of
I vestment for th.' public g.-.d. M'lmsop county; when and where
I Judge Gray l'lug i nll.'d upon etidors-' lB ,uty ,,f u ,.ri,,
I sl the remarks and opinions .,f the ,,,,ear If they wish corrections made
mayor. He l !leve I that roads should ' u , r,,js. u no corrections or alter
;t p. n.d up to nil settlements In Uie nt,iu can be made on said rolls by any
county west ..f Young's river, lie did
not think a bridge with a ninety foot
draw i ould be constructed for tl .'is".
but h- was doclib-dly In favor of a
bridge as against a ferry, and he was
sure the lounly curl would favor It
If the tax payers called for It He
culled attention to the fact Hint nn act
of collkTess Would have to be passed
to obtain permission to build the bridge
and In view of an early session of the
county court he recommended that pre
liminary steps should 1-e taken by the
settlers at once.
Messrs. J. C. Trulllng.-r. Jas. W.
Welch. K. C. llolden, . I.. Parker. W.
V. McGregor, nnd It. VanPusrn were
nil called upon and responded with
words of commendation for the road
they had travelled over, and endorse
ment of an early completion of the good
work begun by Hie construction of a
connecting bridge. The meeting was , Notice Is hereby given, that the part
closed w ith a hearty vote of thanks ' nershlp heretofore existing between
from the Astoria party to the settlers s,,m E. Harris snd Charles Wright, of
who had arranged the pleasant trip. Astoria. Oregon, undiir the firm nam
and to their wives arid daughters for , of Harris V Wright, has beon by mu
the bountiful spread of good things. j tual consent, this day dissolved, I ha
MiA-h credit Is due to Messrs. Ingalls, jsald Sum E. Harris continuing the said
Dow, IJdke, Elmore, H.ckard and oth- 'business, collecting all of the outstand
ers, who furnished the excellent teams ' lug accounts and paying all the debts
and vehicles for the pleasant Journey
of ten nnd one-half miles through tide
land and timber, landing all safely at
Clatsop City station shortly after 3
o'clock, where at 3:30 they took the
train for home. I
Alice McElroy, a courtesan, endeav
ored lo commit suicide last night. Af-
ter becoming Intoxicated she swallowed I
a quantity of carbolic acid, and at
midnight was at the point of death.
Dr. Estes, the attending physician, says
that, owing to Miss McElroy's condi
tion he could not state whether the
dose would prove fatal or not, but
seemed to despair of saving her life.
The unfortunate woman has made sev
eral attempts at self-destruction, but
was always discovered In time and
saved. Her parents live In San Fran
cisco, where the woman wns horn.- Hhe
Is 23 years of age.
Many a day's work Is lost by sick
headache, caused by Indigestion and
stomach troubles. DeWltt's Little
Early lilsers are the most effectual pill
for overcoming such difficulties. Chns.
Itogers, Druggist. I
Salton Sea Salt tor hatliH at
ie KsfPo-Conn In up St
rue r.srcs-i onn Jiiuir
10i! and 2"h; per piiciuitre
Notice for Bids.
ProKisals are asked for turfing a'pot't
2"'i0 square yards on the Fluvel Hotel
grounds. Turf to be three Inches thick
closely In Id and rolled, of close-r-ripiicd
whit" clover and free from weeds nnd
wild grasses.
Right reserved to reject any or ill
State price per square yard.
Ilids to be closed October 3d.
Flavel, Oregon, j
If you will look into thu nit nation you will mo (lint.
in the o renin of west side property. The center of impiovo
ntents is here, nntl ns un investment for busmen 01 u homer
there is nothing to etjunl it in the whole, prousition In
lots are nil hirge, full size, 50x100. Prices range iVoni $l.r)0
to $l!0 each. Sol. I on instnllinentH. Terms to suit. Snvt
your clump nntl huy a lot in WARRENTON
Clarkson & Wcfrvin
Promptly FurnlshcJ
Astoria Asphalt and Roofing Co.
All Work
Woof I littlnu
wit Mepolrlnii I.eoUy Hoof.
Ottleeof l.lddlcoat A I'rlbb,
t.'S Kchangestrer.
Sealed propowile will be received at
this office, until 3 o'clock. Saturday,
October 3. Iv. for the erection snd
completion of a two,stry frame dwell
ing to be erected on lllock ID, M
''lure's, on llond street.
I'luns snd spevlitcatlona and nit ne
cessary Information can be om allied
at this office
l.ll'l'ICOAT CIlllUI,
All members of the McKlnley Club
are reUesied to meoi at their halj at
15 p. m. sharp, lo go to Seaside, and
take pari In the parade and rally to.
night. Train will leave Telephone duck
at 6 30 p m. All other Kepuun.sin
lubs are linlliil to participate,
J S l'i:i.l.lNOKH. I'res.
II J HlCltiTV.
j ,,i, e is hereby given that beginning
,m M,,dny. September Iv.rt, at b
j,,.,!,,,, ,,f riutsop county will hold
,, ,,.e,.tlng for the purpose of pub-
j u.-iy examining and correcting sll er
r,,r, f 4tthiallon and description of
officer aft
r the adjournment of said
AI.FItllK Gl Hilt NS.
ounty Assessor
September 3, iwm.
N'lTICE Th Till: I'll' 'l'CKTV OWN.
I'.KS 'I- AI.Ii:UIHt' i K AND
Notice is In f. by given that a public
uns'ting will bo held at Hie w Ihh.IIh.ush
In Aldei brook on Saturday afternoon,
September :;, at 2 o'clock, for the pur
pose of considering the advisability of
Improving that section of the city by
buildings streets, extending the street
lull way line and i-ncournglug the locu
tion of manufactories nnd other enter
prises. All the property owners of East
Astoria are requested lo be present.
f said firm.
Dated this 1st day of September, Wll.
SAM. E. HAftlUS,
Shippers are hereby notified that lo
cal freight to points on tho Henshor
road will be received at the Telephone
dock only. All freight must be dcllv-
ere'l "e nour before train time. No
freight will be received after 4:30 p. m.
C. F. LESTER, Bupt
If dull, spiritless and stupid; If your
blood Is thick and sluggish; If your
appetite Is capricious and uncertain.
You need a Sarsaparllla. For best re
sults take DeWltt's. It recommends
Itself. Chas. Rogers.
A rentlemsn's resort, at corner Bond
and Uth streets. Th finest brands of
liquors and cigars always on band. Call
and try ua
Menny Is the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
Ttuftg- .
" T7
and nth St 5,
HlttcUeimlf Iin.
Special attention paid to e'isamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc.
117 Olnsy street, between Third and
and Fourth. Astoria, Or.
Boom Company
216 and 217 Clumber of Commrru
Portland, Orefoa
i.Ktt k t. mucin
At IOII) 'I I.
N. JUN5I1N anil K. O. MANSLN
W'ANTKO lly competent dressmak
er, engagements by the day 1uUli
llootu 7, Commercial street, over I'un
Ixtr's store.
VANTKl Hltuallon. by mmprisut
girl, to do general housework Address
la. Aslorlan ofllce.
VASTKl-An apprentice at Mrs.
Johnson's dressmaking parlors, crimr
flh and Commercial strerla
XVANTKO lly Japanese boy, place
In doctors or lawyer's ottlen. Address
K. K , care Asiurlan.
VANTi:l Sllualloll a
r expetlemel Ixsikkeeper
First -class
, references. Address A. Aslorlsn oftlc.
J " WANTKlT arTne7' Immedhttely.
, nianufactuiing business; W rash re
; mil red. All rimmIs sold rash In ad
vance. Address S , Astorlsn "fflw,
Wanted -A few pupils on the planp.
Ml.s Martha I, Gilbert. IM Third
f 10 tu $IH per cik fur una uml voiiicb
for easy horn work. No hook er
ennv asking. No experience, lions, fl la
offer. No Catch Send stamp for
work and particulars K. 1IEIIM.VNN,
:il S. Sixth alrvet. Philadelphia. Pa.
Foil KENT -Cheap rtrvrsj room cot
tage, with bath and modern Impinve
in. Mils Apply at tin Anlorlun ofllce.
l-'olt KENT- Furnished rooms, rq
suite or single. Inquire room IT, l'l
vel I trick.
Foil KENT Three or four rooms,
wlih board Mrs. E. C. llolden. corner
oli and luanu streets.
Foil KENT -Newly furnished rooms;
hot and Cold baths; call at tills office.
Foil KENT Three furnished rooms
with or without board. Apply 1st 7la
FOR HALE - 12-ruom lodging House.
Centrally located, cheap lease; bar
gain. Astoria Land and luv. Co., lli
Commercial street.
Just out-Just received Just whal yuu
w ant-at Wing Lea's, Hi Commercial
"The Louvre"
Asroitii.' t.imi.rniH
s ri.oottsj
flue Musle. tlames of All Kinds. Two.
Magnificent liars.
rvrmriiM; niisT-mss
Cood Order and Everybody's Rights
c a. hanson
Cash Grocer
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Real '
Dccoi'fitcil Platen,
OOc a Set.
Perorated S-yrnp I'itclierH,
Clenrnnce Halo Priced.