TI1K DAILY ASTOKIAX. FRIDAY MOKNIXH, S KPT KM UElt 25. HUM. gaily JVotoviam JOHN T. LIGHTER. EJltor. i Telephone No. S6. TKItM Or MBSCKIPIHIN'. TAILT. Pent by mall, per yetr JS.tXI Sent by mall, per month 50 Delivered by carrier, per month 43 WEEKLY, rot by mail per year, O In advance, postage free, to subscriber. All eomm..ntcatlon Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communication! of all km.lt and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guaranties to Its sub scribers the largest circulation of any jrwspspcr published on lh Columbia 1rer. Advertlslnr rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second oldi st sreekly In the state of Oregon, has, text to the Portland Creronlan. the largest weekly circulation In the state. J no. F. Handler Co., are our Port land agents, and copies of The Astoiian eaa be had every morning at their stand. Cl Third street ' cheaper now than then. If tills re flection be carried out to Us lnKlcnl conclusion It will show that instead of Itryan puslnir as the friend of labor he Is really, when examined In his true colors, one of labor's worst ene mies. He not only wishes to cut the value of the dollar now received by la bor rlRht squarely In two, but he also believes In an economic policy which would n've the labor of K.uropo the i benefit of the manufacture of a lnre proportion of the articles the people lof this country have to consume. The I fact Is -and every sincere currency re ! former like Poles, of 1 ;i. ha ad ' milted it the only lostcal ben. :!t that lean Iv expected by any country from !a destviit to the silver standard Is th.it jit reduces the compensation of l;th.T in j the ratio of its present exc, ss of pro jiluitite power over the normal d. maud J or cor.sur.-.tiKr power of mankind. In j this view of the case It Is plain that an experiment tinder Mr. H: van's ideas of won 1 1 r ally t-iul to of the capitalistic I classes an t tne coti-nnnem iicitrci.ti.on of ialvr. No man with brains in his I head who follows out the logic of Mr. 1 Itryan's line of argument can reach j political economy !the betterment atiy other conclusion. GOLD HAS NOT APPRECIATED. Editor Astorlan: According to all free silver orators, the gold bugs have cornered gold and made it so scarce that the gold dol lar has appreciated In value to a 'two hundred cent' dollar. Now. if that is a fact, how la it to be explained that gold watch that cost you from TS to COJ fifteen or twenty years ago can now be bought from 4M0 to $125, and Jewelry ornaments and the products f the fine arts in which gold Is used, are so much cheaper than they used to be. If their arguments are true, all those articles in which gold is used larroly ought to have risen in value, instead of falling. I would like to have you explain this through the paper, as I have never heard that point dis cussed. J. E. TOl'XG. Gold cannot be cornered, any more than all the wheat in the world can be cornered. Gold Is not scarce. It lies ra bank vaults and the federal treasury vaults, as security for several times its volume In paper money. The $100,000,000 gold reserve in the treasury ranks at par the 1346,000.000 of greenbacks and all the Sherman notes over 1300.000,000 In alt This gold in bank vaults gives security to the national bank circula tion and the hundreds of millions of bank credits. Gold has not appreciated, and a very simple example will suffice to prove it. If a property owner has a house and lot In a city which has been renting for t360 a year, and he finds that he canoes! rent It now for more than il30 a year, what does he naturally under stand? Why, that for some one of many reasons, or for several combined, the value of that house and lot has depreciated. It may be that the growth , of the city has been in another direc tion, or some other such natural rea son. But If he concludes to put the property on the market, does he ex pect to find a purchaser for It at as large a sum while Its rental income Is only $130 per year as he might have exacted for It when It brought a rental Income of 1300 a year? The amount of rent a property will bring Is, therefore. a true Index of its value. Now, Interest is simply the rent of money. If Interest rates go up. that money Is more valuable will buy more. Now, since 1873, a dollar has meant a gold dollar, not only In fact but in law. If gold has appreciated has become more valuable It ought to rent for more than In 1S73. In other words. It ought to bring more Interest. But what Is the fact? T'.v rati of 1 ltere.-t in all our financial centers is less than half what it was in 1873. The rent of gold has gone down. Is It not fool ish to say any kind of property has doubted In value which will yet bring only one-half as much rent or income as It formerly did? But If that Is not sufficient, take an other proof; Labor Is the one staple of all other articles. It is used all the time, ilf gold has doubled In value, the price of labor ought to be only about half what it was In 1S7.3. But as a matter of fact It is higher now than It was In that year. Can any body understand how labor can com mand more gold every day thn in 1873. If the value of gold has doubled? This we think sufficiently satisfies Mr. Young's request, but In this con nection it may not be amiss for us to su(.'g"st that the Republicans might eonr:de tie Colorado syndicate's con tention that (.old has appreciated UK) per cent in v; lue since 1ST!, and J'i.t leave them to answer the proposition as to bow it hurts the labor v.if-rs of the country if ih'-y get even no more tham the same rate of wages as In lST'i, paid tn the gold or its equivalent dollar. THE CAl'SKS OF IDLENESS. Mr. Bryan, in his Chicago speech on Labor Day, referred to Idleness as the cause of the Increase of crime. Any legislation, then, actual or proposed, which causes Idleness among meu who but 'for Its Influence would be at work, must be held responsible for whatever increase of crime we behold. In this view of the facts. It Is Democratic legislation, actual and proposed, on the tariff and on the silver question, that Is filling our roads with tramps and highwaymen, our towns with burglars, and pickpockets, making business for our criminal courts, tilling our Jails and penitentiaries and ripening fruit for the gallows. However calamitous the effect of the Wilson bill In curtailing the field of employment for our workingmen. it Is quite certain that the threatened free coinage measure has done Immensely more than any tariff ehantres to put a stop to Industrial enterprise and to check the flow of capital Into the pur suits that furnish employment for workingmen. Both together include all (the causes which have shut up our mills and factories or reduced their forces to the lowest limit. For all the enforced Idleness In the country they are responsible, and Mr. Bryan repre sents theoi both. As the champion of free trade and the accredited represen tative of the cause of free coinage he stands for the two things which. In many different degrees, have brought upon the country all the calamities It has been suffering for the past three years. And when the hundreds of thousands of men who cannot find any work at living wages inquire the rea sons for their misfortunes they will not be long in finding out that Bryan rep resents not only all the evils that be tide them, but a hundredfold more ca 1 amities in the future. BLACKWELL'S CCNUINC DURHAM ...V 4. lfi jyw - , SEE? Si II om will fltttl on foupuii I it hid M(h (wo OMittr bag, nl (wo connn lult rh ftmr owno hy of ItUrk mtts Durham. Hwjr bag of thla rrlthrftU! "bcro auri ratl I he cowWB-whlrh glvft ft Hit of vtttufthlr prra" rnii ami how to ! thm. ma i, K TJaV 1 ft AsOis I J'ccw VJKC ifT t T i IV IJ I NT . W sSiV .1 It you are in the habit of staying out I One may k.vp home by theoretical until midnight, likewise set Into the j know ledge, but that w on't do In riding habit of carrying a key. The neigh-1 the bicycle, bors do not enjoy the banging and ! ringing necessary to waking the sleep ing servants. Sometimes the most careful women re the most carclets. Many a woman bundles herself up to keep out sickness when she is neglecting the very worst sickness that can come to a woman. She allows a slight disorder to become worse, to slow ly sap her vitality. The little pain and the other slight Indica tions of trouble seem to her unimport ant. She goes on. w ith Increasing suf fering, until life Itself becomes a drag. Nervousness, "sinking spells." digest ive disturbance, and fifty other com plications may arise from the derange ment of the organs distinctly feminine. Over thirty years ago. the need for a reliable remedy for so-called "female complaints" was reoosnix-d by 1 'r K. V. Pierce, then, as n.ov. chief consult ing physician to the World's Dispens ary and Invalids' Hotel, .n Buffalo, N. Y. He prepared I'r. Plane's Favo rite Prescription, the most wonderfully effective remedy that has ever been used for such maladies. Send 21 cents In one-cent stamps and receive Dr. Pierce's p'S-page "Common, Sense Medical Adviser." Illustrated. ROYAL Baking Pow der has been awarded highest honors at every wwld'a talr where exhibited. Sometimes the meekest women de velop an unexpected vein of pluck. TO ft UK A COM IN : KAY. Take laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. ;.V. For sale by t'has. Rogers. Druggist. ilreen wall paper may make a room look like it leafy tmwer. but it Is not altogether cheerful In effect. OUTWAM) HOUND OKKGON (3KA1N FUMTHS!)..-,;. ll !. l HI. N4 . Alllll lit tlk I', . lh nr kino . .. sit irt l'oim.t ID -Via Mop .Ininc tiummim,t Vpt Met So IVo' Mar April Mv June Jul) Auguat Sept 10 11' I.. Ik. a: r iuii .. s llr lsA .. iir bark . . Mr l'lp ... II llr .in .. II llr I'ok . I' r -liio . It Hi -h 1 1 . is llr I'. ik I- Ur Iip .... i'l hi .hie , f or Ii tk '.'I 1,1 ik U sine ... . II lnk.. ' llr .hip ... s tin li p. ., ' I -lop . .. ' In .lor . if lit I. ok. .. I ' i., on . . llr .Inn ... 1 Ii.' I- irk . . J Ur ,110 ... -1 Hi slop . t ii r snip : Ii- .. I' llr .In :l ..cr .ll'p. ' lit l'.ir,V. : r :wp 9 II, .ll . I! II. -ho. .. ll Iir l-.rk .... Ii lit li p .. ll Hi l.'k .... I.' Ur l.tk . I'.' tier birk.. I.' Her -lop I'.' Mr l.itrk .. i Ur lin . Ht lok . .t ll alllc Iler li e k : tier baifc.. I.v nt liatk .. I r (Inn .. Ii. llr ii irk ... 1" iier hliv... If rbark . V llus, snip. llr IHi... 1 Ur hark ... I. Ur .hip . K llt.liip If llr tutk ... I llr link ... ix rk ... r . Mr hli . I. It lnp .'I lit l.ntk It llr bark .. 1 llr .hip tin bark.. ll tier hue. .N llr imp . . .11 Hr .hip : Hr.hni ti.slln I Vnliliiirili . Pa, .-I I on) llnl wl.. II !. II ill t u I l.l Ige til. 0 Poll .i. e, lie Ml ,. A ..In. Ill .!., . t'r .hkisiioi . Koriesl Hall , tl'I'Mllttlt VI,. .i. ..encii ... .. I M umiiiiilr . . ,. Vili liellesltll Pa-, ill rui.iler ., i.tfoin' I'nriK. . ,.iu.t I I !T 'k l'I.S4HKI hH . i JI4l I IVITIklol ., lls I Iveipmil... .... ll:il Hi tot. ) ,..Ji:i I'ork iiiii Cork 'IJ'U rUnioiilli ...... .... Mil Kliiiirosd .. .... ...IHM l ink . I ' t ullli id': . ... .. IlltU K ... jh: oik ....I i ; in KiIiiioiiiIi i " lt hi, mill .... iiu l.ltetkiol . .. t'erk .... I - i'.k .... i: is "iilinotiili. ,., ... .IT'is r'ltiiii.iuili . . I ft; iiisr rp jl'VI l- .tltllotllll , .. . ..Ilitii ll.irrtin .iv.) K I'lnonlli . unit on. , heivlilher :lt. 1 l. .vinber J.l ..I liiu'inber n. ,, Jiimnirv '.T .. tetinmrt 'Ji.J m , in... ll K.ul ot ell.iiilu 1 vil i ink l Ui bar II llr br em -ill . 0 II bv Mall . I II 111 lit ill' ..., Xl.iu.ie It ,. Uowt-liti 1 e i: ei It ., 'It rl bit kuictv. .. . I la't.bui . Tron n ol Se.illanil . i-tillusiiil r'i tiel .. I. ll oil! II kHlii ill h ii" I loin. ti.ilrnlii, . Petn lit it Ca.ile l:il.lle. -Htliarkailil ., Mow 'otii . h.bth a.,iii tie tiaiiia Hoiiia'kb.itn , I'tiklttiui'iii. . I'nw . Ca.tle . . lile.'.e Ut" . , tialnll.iii 11-iu.eu ... . J W ltnritii!lir lilrburtlMir Ik.lt t l.lilre ,. Cant'ir an klbrt . Kl illbo. . kiiiiilr.. . K-iuo W !( i a M-i kicii. .. . ! ln.b r Ahtiev . Mann licit , l ililn.iie . ,111.11' . Hiiilou l-lnhllmtt .. . k in ii.PtritfliMiIri' .. I'l llu palllv Ihiettivik .lilrr. . arana , .... M Ki-tnliaukt . V'l.luil'la: Melt. poll. ; . SotlOtllA . I ai-aalra f . Villi, tlaud.lilit-: . I'laeuisiinaiiiht e! March It " lb... : . t'eblllklV Maii'h &! ... Hebturv ,'. Maiell N .... V .... i ii .i " bi " Ii' .... prll . Man ll J .... April III. M.. II . :' . :t . '.'I .IllbS Pi. Jlll'll lU tprll ill June . Mt June 'Wl Slluii ..,1'lin t'.il.ilitll . .. sS I' uk .. li; l ink . 'PHI Kaiiniibtli , .. t vr i K liiinulli .... . '.' nun .. Vlisi I - liter ck .... ,. vn'. ik .. ir.il ' .. I.TB " iw: " .. IlkVl " .. l.ll'l " I 'U Ibl.lol limt'iiik .. rr. " .. I.'.T ' .. IAm .'aliitiiiitli . .. .. 'Jitw ' . . . .. I i..i " .. IIHl'llfK Il " . w Kaliiiublh , ,. !.- l urk ..i kis ''ape Tnwtt . ., liwi urk ,.;ttt.: " . . ..'lass ftalmnulh .. iwrntk .. '! VI I iiliilmi .. I.UA t'altiiiiiilft ,., I' ,lie Vtiwil.. ..mil r aliiioulli ... In: i ink . ..tl'iti t ltt ... .. Jl.T I'allllitlltll . I CO tlsiM lla. .. ..Iliwi fork ..li: ,itrrMki ..;is:i i iitk .;l.1is tli, Hay ,. .. .if Turk .. . .. .. In I'ntk .. mo ladltoat.H k .. l-'I'i I'ntl Salal .. r-t'i i iti'tintiii -. It.. ,t, l, l t.' i urk -ut, vlue f Jli.'.l II Hi . il .. la .v.. Ill - 10... . June ll . ., . June s .... . July n .. . June -it... ' '.., . June k.. . .Inly In Lino iv ., . July . . inly li.., . Jtina ., . intuit I... July 11 A .11. llu ill I.M .',"'l .V Ml :r,. .da. I im tin l ft.1 1. 1 iMl.lltll M.tf iMM i. i I lit llu iMil r.i.jni .HI IMI Ji.,11 m St sl.1 11 i:.,i 0.' n II si AI.SMI :u ; 1 1 n inn ,vi.;i .v I Id I ll.s.'l a. Mt l..'M ta.'sa J,.II "I..1IO J.vsJ 4-,lm Ss.lail (,! ts.ani I. w.iin MI M if. II 11 ."! IU,I I M.JIS j viu ll kl s :i itii k..cn 4.1, JI t, MM M.HI .11. fit :.io '".V. A Jl.l-I - tu i Hr. nli, 1-1.. A- .t'.KtH.b.a limit, t.il.i- Ki,.l II -Al-o II. iKl "" talue l-i.iil A I... I...1I. eai. tanto, talmi aiai tto K - .itiul i,. rlmir, talue S'alitu ral e .l tl. I At .' l.h ll i.ir. talue .ni.iki ,1 - Aim VTIA bid. It nit, talur a,ut; and value stvitti. I.- .ji Mil. Hour, talus p.0i) V -I I.T.'i bill, rl.ur. Tallin t i.ih 1 .. '.'li.ttn V-..iii M.ll e...i ill, urn .'..oil ,M,lll im tasl 4. 1 .IHVI .I..II. I M.ltll ti.IKU n.ikti 1 MU " A.iit'i" .hi mi ni u in ll,i nl.iatl lu.HU ":":'.'vii" fl.'.UW Mnii" hi urn Tu isal 'l.ikal '41,11.1 a'.iiki ' si.i'ni ' v. il ih.l I .'.' .1 i.'.bti '"ii'i,;i" JlHII II utl sn.iiu tvusl 4-l,s,o " Jf.'ati" 44.MW ", fit IV lift Utl .I.ISU Sl.Ual 4iW final M.ikkl 0..k r:,.ai 4 utl V'.litl SS, 411 ".l"lk)" a ll 1 1' pk lla, I'miUiiil ll. on Miiu"! Hull, ur, lliillnle A t'u ... ,. .. silmui & kurr Ik.mi .linn oall .ur, lltillirle hi ' .... .1 II i tlliintiiit A t'o I' I ' KI- t lint t it .,. I'liriimiil i l"t.r Mdia rtlb.iiti Ik Kerr ,1 II Turner, it & I it Il.ill 'iir lltillirle 4k C" .... I II I aim rut Co , l',.ill,i ..l r I -ii M"la II. II. .iii, mull li. in J It riniit'hill Id I'n I' r Mcv inr i n lUltont, llullirie ,V l o , Hb.nn A kfir Mai our. lititiitle A l it .,, I'.olla.ol lour Mills.. I' I k rvab.r t'o Il.ihtttir, t utltrie A-1 ii.,., . P.ullan.l H 'ur Ml.lt . Ilaifiuir, liuHtriK I n ... .1 It I' oner.. it A I'n minim A Kert , I' f r It'ialnl I n . . ... ... .1 It 1' mioitii Ai i'n id. .mi A hell . I'.ol, ....I Hour null 4 Iter, . H ill. . nt. liiiilttle t i'n . J It 1'aitientn ft tVt lUU. . HI, Unlhtlo A I n . . IVillmiil, Clout Ml'U IT hlrt.Mr I 'oa, Hlbami A Keir I' C levklnr I' . ,. I - Nlktnlt A Ka.r I H ratttrroll A I'n . I'.otl.n.l kloiit Mill. .... MbnKeir II .lfour. tiuilitlr ft I'n ... I ., A Iterf J H I summit A I'n I r klntamr t'o Ilalfoi.r, llullitlr ft l ii 1'nrllkiitl Hour Ml la " . Itaifntir, llnlltila 4k to .. tlbsttn ft Kftr iiatfimr liuilir.e ft I4 kibMiii ft Knrr I It raittrlmi ft I'll Ilaifiuir, ilullin A i'n . J b I'aineiitit A i n...HM. lla fou , tlilllirl" slut lialflittr, tliiihrln llu .. J It faun-rim A Co .. . Portland Hour Mill. Stlianti A krrr Ilallour, llullitlr ,t t il litis A'l Ui " i"'hV"!" 1,1 I - . ki r ,4.1 Ms ..... . VI II. Hit ,. I'l I I'l l it Wl 4.1 If. t l . 4.1 I ' 4.1 U...M , tl I . A' I .n . i'l It Li In . H I " "-I I I l th I' I I .'a IU II I ts 1 1 r. a. I ll lla M . II l.'a ltd ll li . ... . I'l lla tk! . I'l m l . Al Ha VHl L I I .. I'l I la - ll lla a.1 . til in . i'l in. Ad 1 1 lila 1,1 . ll lla m Ll I ta tkl . 1 1 I .la l . l l la III . II 1a . ll I . Al ITa d . Al !-...,. A' I l id , Al l-ia.... . Al I ...... I'l 1.'. kit Al l ll l.'a . Al Us Sil ll l.'a 0.1 Inltale. . A I UK.. .... , A I IM 3.1 . A l I tk l l la l .11 a Sil . Al I " l nrttalt. ., . Al na Ail . A t . titiuara so ll Al No people sufter so much from i.hys Ical disabilities as tlinse wtiose busi ness reiiulres little or ii.i nntsciiliir is . rtlon. The lack of eKerelse ciiim s the liver to becoiite sluggish and tit" nsuit Is constant t Vnstlpaflon. Indlg stlou, liiliousnttts and Sick Headache. To pre vent this take Simmons I.lver Ki'gula- for; It keeps the liver active and makes olio's condition us comfortalilr ns those who have much exerclnv talue SH.kkti (- .111 I A kurr r.OA elia fiarl'-r. tallta I l.takl ll - la.nao Imu rt..ur, alue tii.m : mwt ell barlet, taiun ailiki ,i.u tout ll. nit, t.oie st..ittl. I M l " Jl.'.'l Ml- flour" i II -.ur bUI-n.iur K IM.'n l-l-l. flour, Al... i,.i; i, i. it nut. a so n.i.ti i . .at ev. vaiun kti.i.it. o - . 7 tat M n.t.ir. t . i -i ...i u.. i..,. i.i.i. rf..... .i.... .t ...u, ., Hour, taliif A.Vtti, al.o llitiell. bran l-.tlvi al l.uia brail, tallie lllikt. and I'.'-MJ raara laliiioli. I -. Al.it Dim bl.U il,it, talur t-n.itti' V HSSKI4S ox Tin-: WAY TO omx.ox. iffH MATH r liiKalus Kra. baa out lard I'allru It is the easiest thing in for a woman to get herself about, but It isn't such a simple matter ilaplng pockets are the most unlove ly sight, but women are very careless the world "v,-r ,hl '"r""n Ihelr costume. talked If you have ever seen a little child In the agon of summer comnlalnt for her t. prove that there Is no occa- you CM re(UU- of ,he tn)U ble and appreciate the value of Instan taneous relief always afforded by De Wltt's Colic and Cholera Curs. For dysentery and diarrhoea It Is a relia ble remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless It were a cure. Chas. lingers. I'rugglst. Tm ! in keeping with the style of argument .1 Bryan Is giving the vast crowds of laborer.! h att-nd his gatherings In the east, it Is probable he would explain that the reason why Mr. Young can buy gold watches so much cheaper now than he could In 1873 Is because the labor entering into the manufacture of watr-hes and other articles has been ground down to the lowest limit by the plutocrats who run our factories; but this will not do, be cause It can be demonstrated that skill ed labor receives more wages now than In 1873. The only other answer he coul! make and It Is the true explanation- is that gold has actually depreciated In value since 1S73, as measured by the present productive power of labor con irasted with that date. That Is to say, th improvements made In machinery and all processes of manufacture have o enormously increased the productive capacity of labor that It is able to com mand a better price than It us';d to do. And this Is true, too, notwithstanding that this Increased productive power has naturally resulted in a greater dis proportion between supply and demand than existed In 1873. This is why every ether commodity but that of labor is Daniel Webster's speech, delivered in January, 1S34, under circumstances sim ilar to those which now confront us, will bear continual quoting. He ex-clalmd: 'The natural hatred of the poor against the rich" "The danger uf a moneyed arist.icracy : 'A power as great as that resisted by the Revolu tion!" "A Call to a new Declaration of Indept-ndence!" Sir, I admonish the people against the object of outcries like these. I admonish every indus trious laborer In the country to be on his guard against such delusions. I tell him the attempt Is to play off his pas sions against his Interests, and to pre vail on him, in the name of liberty, to destroy all the fruits of liberty; In the name of patriotism to Injure and afTlict his country, and In the name of his own Independence to destroy that very Independence and make him a beggar and a slave. Has he a dollar? He Is advised to do that which will de stroy half its value. Has he hands to labor? Let him rather fold them and sit still than be pushed on by fraud and artifice to support measures which will render his labor useless and hopeless. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but the suf ferers want quick relief; and One Min ute Cough Cure will give it to them. A safe cure for children. It is "the old harmless remedy that produces Imme dlte results." Chas. Uoij'ts, druggist. I slon for the talk. MAP.I.VEK3 AXD TRAVELERS. j Speak tn high terms of the preventive ; and remedial properties of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a medicine peculiarly ! adapted to the wants of those called on to experience tne vicis.-ituu.-s or en-1 tn contemplating what we do for ulti mate, the Inclemency of the weather,,, we are vrry ,,,, , frBl.( whit the hardships of a seafaring or nnt-of-; we j f,,r ourselves, door life, or the dangers of a malarial or otherw ise peMllentlal atmosphere, i Don't trifle away time when you A small quantity of this agreeable ton-, have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Ic nullifies Impurities in water, forti- Fight them In the beginning with De fies the stomach against the conse- Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. You quences of an unhealthy or unarcus-1 don't have to wait for results. They tomed diet. It also enables the consti- are Instantaneous, and It leaves the tution to bi-ar up unharmed auainst unhealthy climatic Influences, and the system to sustain unimpaired In henith and vigor the fatigues of travelling. Kmlgrants, tourists, miners und others who have thoroughly tested the effi cacy of this article, declare It to be a sovereign preservative of health under conditions most unfavorable. bowels In healthy condition. ('!.! eratli most 'land rports that Industrial ns continue quiet and along conservative lines. The average woman prefers In Idealized to being understood. op- t lie. Ing Mo teuai'ii . er Nr Vulik- fihip Henri V All. Hi II lY- I'an b.rk llu lla J . ... ANTVi K..P v-Hr .hip li v Wiilirt ... HuM lit Y- Hr ahiu t.ludlafarne A'AI.LAit- hr atin. lnrh.-s(M. Hock! Hr ahip Sinrr Klre la! I IVLM'iMU.- llf altllt Kellanee 'J Br III. Kur-I ; -MK1.IHX ll.St- Kr bark l inden NKW't'AMTI.K, S. S. W. Hr h.p i ll) o( Madras I Hr .Mi. Haxt.dalc!... Kill !K JA.NKIKlt- Hr ililp k")'al liromr I Hr liark Ulriiallitn Hr brk Uavi .. SWASSKA- llr batrl I'olotnbnl .... I .mi.r. n.t i - Hr bark Tala-urm t'aatlrl Malum . YoKlillAMA- lirrahlp He .rlell-J Hr atetmer Aaiallo Prllirrt Hrahlu lliiiti.it Hall! CAP. TulVN Hr ahin Purhrlilst !.., llr ahip Pplruat OH.tlM Htl. I KVI.'IN. l-llr ahln t'liy uf MaddliKtou nr amp it I.. Hut! Norrlk...,., I Vt llaon , . 'I'taatC - Roblbaou.. l..het sharp . ....... OrlfHUn sirel ...., Taricart Hallo . .. ... Kolxtruoti . ...... Hproule.... Iivt aAil null. ui A Hmbe . . ixi.' iiwai n I .liaVlliWAl Im , Ifan litj.Kl I !'' ;1.VJ iiOAl . L't i) At Jls-i IKIAI H lilltl . i:;i lialAl Ik'l IIOAl Hi" lntAI 11 I V liu A I Hklfttiir. I'utlirlr A i o . MrTrr, ll' 4 I n Halli.ur, tiiitliilr A i'n Halfuiir. lonlirla A To luttlau.l Hour Milla -,. AAl MltiaonA Kerr . I.VT tlUAl dp Hunan Hill t . I I IIM- If you ow n an old oval mirror don't hang It up the way It looks as though it ought to go. Put It up lengthwise and you have secured the very latest bit of home decoration. If dull, spiritless and stupid; If your blood Is thick and sluggish; If your appetite la capricious and uncertain. You need a Parsaparllla. For best re sults take DeWltt's. It recommends Itself. Chas. Rogers. It is only the real glrly girl who ties bows to the handle bars of her bicycle The up-to-date maid manages to con real a little silver flask in that vicinity mwsm PURELY VEGETABLE. The Cheaprai, I'tire.l -s , Hid Best Kan i y Mecii- Xii7T- :ine in lite world ! As Kpi tcTi'AL Specific f..rail (iweuaea .1 the Liver, Stomach l-rld Spleen. P ijuUle the I-ver ind prevent Chilu .sr. rf.vr.H, Malaki- ' r, IeVEKS, liVA'F.' 'jMfLAIS'lS, kksTLC-S-. lAUNbl'.E AND ;.ai jea. li.M) ItltEATHI Nothing is vt oprjle-.'.iii:. nothing so common, ai nad breath; and in ntarly evrry 'aw it comet frorr .he tloma:h, and can I st eawiy corrcr.tcrl if you wil :ake slMMrsi, Livi K Icr'.CLAToR iJo not neglect V turn a remedy for thit repulsive divrd-r. It will alsr .mpruve yuur appetite, com piexion and general health 1'ILEMI How manv auffer tonure day after day. making life I biitden and roh&ing existence of all pleasure, owiri :n the lecret MjflennK from Tllea. let relief it rea.ly to the hand of almo-,1 any one who will use lystemati- aiiv the remedy that has permanently cured tnou- tandf. Simmons l.tvr.k Re..clatok is no draattc violent purge, but a gentle assistant to nature. CONSTIPATION SHOULD not be regarded a trihinK ailment in fact, nature demand the utmost refill irty of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to serious c!.ini;er. It ia quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from the boue.t as it is to eat or sleep, and no heaitn can he espectccl where a costive haijlt of body prevails. KICK JIEADACHEI This distressing sfiiiction occurs most fieiuently The disturoance of the stoma, li, anting from the imperfe. tly ui,:esled contents, utises a severe twin in he head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes wuat is vpu.jrly known as Sick Headache, lir tile rel.cf o." v.ok;Ii take Simmons Livi:m Kegulat'.s or Mett?:lE. MANt'EACTl MllO fjl.'I.Y ILV J. Ii. ZEJXIN & CO., ri,i,a.lelphia, Pa. MARVELOfS RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J Gun derman, Dlmondale, Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract: "I hnve no hesitation In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous In the case of my wl.'e. While I was pastor of the Haptlst church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeed ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with lit'l" Interruption, and It seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend rr. co. -.,.":(;:,: .1 Dr. King's -'' w D! t.ov ry; !t was quick in Its work, and highly latlsfactcrv In lis results." Trial bot tles free, at Chas. Rogers' Dr ig Store. Regular size, 5"c and 11.00. i Plaid neckties for men are more live than ever. f.-s- The whole system is drained and un dermined by Indolent ulcers and open sores. DeWltt's Witch Haiel Palve speedily heals them. It Is the best pile cure known. Chas. Uogers, druggist. Parrots of genuine winter hats. size lire seen on DeWltt's Sarsapanlla Is prepared for cleansing the blood from Impurities and disease. It tlo'es this and more. It builds up ami strengthens constitu tions Impaired by lis"itse. It recom mends Itself. Chas. Rogers. Anl the eri. nomiciil 'vriman takes h-r la-n year' v. int r gouri to be ly-'I, h",'iifi(r at-'ninst hop" that no one will 'iiHiov.-r her deeeptl-.n later on. Tlicrf Is no ptimireu like sleep you f.el this particularly true when you liav.- retlre'l at f" or ami rl " n nt sev AlAt'Kll Hr hark pmcvnii SISiiAPltKK- llr shin orcallst flisM.ll tl- Atti seluw.rter I utila llr stll. Pti'lallia'h AI'KI.AfliK- llr I. ark Anuria I i t "Int. Mi laliepi I . . MilXTKVIIiKii llr all t p !. trill. y Hall I'l'KT PIH1K- llr ahip l'..rt Jai ks.ui llnKilliATK- Aui si'hr i 'itrrli-r Pove HASIW KOS M.I - Hr slitii Vi.rllKeril RtltlA- llr ship Pnivlnre; IIIAi.il- Hr hark Java! HASTtiH- llr ship raratirtau I'rilireaa 1 tlTAI.- Ilr ahip I'anlhi'sll. a! Heeitiann ' Allilersoll HtittUatla slrljuiihl'll . ., .4lla.laii. M. i..na. M Una . . IMA Ilk) 1 1 , in not I . Inns il 1 1 l Haul . I'lCl 1.4) ll lat.s tian A t . I iiti i.si.tl J H fainrnui A t o . Pynlt Hiuarl Praalev Mc Und . Th.trketaell Neville V l. khani .... I llititktt Jl.ln.likll I . Pavlca Ji.llea ...... Krt'lwu.at .... Iiinea llelyi-k Jaa Ulillaw A I'o . iisja ! w . IM iiiuai ;.. .. VII .. Ji m balAI . I4A ItnAl . Iran I141AI lltll I ttlinpanll t.uiltln.r l.'i 1 rj ,u a I w. '.'Hal I'ti.tl ltrxi IIOAl ita 111' A I Xii lutiAl lull 4 A 1 Am. Trailtnt I'tt . Jl lIKfKIIKMCKH t Inm 1 Aug U, paaaeit Atijer. , Juin i.ih, JUS, 1 W. lulu lllii il Janeiro 2 Jan .V, passr-l I'uihaveti Jan rJS, loVY prlur In July 4. will have to itlactiaritit pall Mar Jl. IAS, CW : June i, TN .fW I ol rargn. Au( 4. si.l.l .uo lout uf rargo; A June i, , .ta,,, i.isanl. nn ilate, In Hitjr of I skllttl agalu Auk. 1.1. Ht.eav Jims III. Ci N, Hi W I TOTAL ON THK WAV. New York n.lltl MvertHHil 4 .ki j Newraatle, SsW a TaMit Bty I..VW A'li'lal le :i.'i.l7 Maiirllllla I.'4C. Ill" tin Ji lterii JA.li' Vuk.iliauia. 5,1 10 Alvna Hay l. r.'.'. M.'ll.nriit' 1.117 Miixkimra 1.7'ft Antwerp I tiil'l M ullet lili-. i !,'. I Hw.uiaea I.l'ki : Tntkl tll.nuti Kuinliay I.iaw Hrlsliitne H...l,4tt.l i Hhklntlial. 'JJi I Hauie tlitin stig '.V l allan -'.'i IIiiIi'hIiiIii iui Purl I'lrla l.l.u name lluta litttt V..7II t'nlnmlio I.HI lllngn , t- Santa Ho. alia . . .1. n. t rni'et.nen .f. .:l Hultla 1 .uuil -ntttna I .sn I B.F. ALihEN&SON Wall Paper. Artists' Matarlalt, Paints. Oils, (jlasa, ttc. Japanaf Mattings, Vug knd Bamboo Gnudt 3ftaj Cc nimercIiAl Htreet. fJI.KCTRIC IllTTKRh. Klectrlr; Rltcers is a medicine suited for uriy mahon, but perhaps tr.ore gener ally needed when the lai.guid, i.xhiiusied feeling prevails, when the liter Is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative Is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and per haps fata' bilious fevers. No medicine will ac more surely In counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Consti pation, Dizziness yield to Klectric Bit ters. 50c and 11.00 per bottle at Chas. Rogers Drug Store. It doesn't mutter much whether Hick headache, biliousness, Indigestion, and constipation are cans' i by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances; De Witt's Little Kttrly Risers will speed ily cure th'-m rill. Chas. Rogers, Druggist. To set on the strayed perron miM.-ry s.-t your eyes unhappy canine that has Into a dry good a shop. "Hoys will be hoys," but you can't afford to loso any of them. He ready for tte green apple season by having DeWltt's Chollc and Cholera Cure In the house. Chas. Rogers, Druggist Women ought to take as much Inter est In insuring their own lives as they do in Insuring those f their husbands. ' fiiittons fo match lu lt buckles are the latest feminine extravagance. BUCKLKN'S ARNICA HALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay required. It is ji'jarn.tee'l to give perfe t K itls- faciiov., or money refunded. Price, 11j cents p:r box. For sale by Charles, Ro!,er,4, Odd Fellows' building. Poison Ivy, Insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns are quickly cured by De Wltt's Witch Ilnzel Halve, the great pile cure. Chns. Rogers, druggist. The movement of merchandise. Is growing heavier at Nm-hville and all lines are comfortably busy. CASTORIA CABTOniA, Tufts- J For Infants and Children, TkifiS-limtli ll futon li n tfiry Triffll. ..i"' rTL nt' in 1 ti.ifflt4- flit Vai trliof" rc'MiiiJ eo dim u.o. iu. i 4 . , "la 3 J a nn-witiHinoft tj TMiiwJy f.if lii iiirrtiri-, Art You Going Eastf Its sura and sen that your tlckst reads vim HE NORTH-WESTERN line:. T .i M i tit ii. I ii r r ti lii ''. i. h ii i ' r tt 1 On.- di (. r it'iv luilMinni ll n, irrltsiHt.fi nr uli r- (Ion uf Mi ii c i ll Itti'ii; -thtv- EnrjCiiFM rii flit rnn. Sn li)iii-Nt iilirio fl o llruKf bta, or ivrit in plmn wmpinr, l.r tiprt-nji, tin-imii, fi.r ll m. i.r .1 .Mtiili. K!.V. Cj r-:u )itr m-h uti riHiuimt. SEASIDE SAWMILL. A complete stock of lumber on hand In Ihe rough or dresned. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings end shingles; also bracket tvotk done to order. Terms reaaonsblt and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended tn. rimes and yard at mill. H. K. L. IXJOAN, Prop'r. H-aslde, Oregon. You Waste Twelve Hours deliberately throw them awayof you take any other line than the Ilur llngton to Omaha, Kan sas City, Ht. Louis or ANY OTII ICR southern or southeastern city. Tickets, time-tables, and full Information on application to the local ticket agent or by addressing C. SHELDON, G. Portland, Oregon. A. WHEN IN PORTLAND CaH on Jno. P. Hundley A Co., 124 Third street, and get the Dally Aslorlan. visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. CHICACJO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This Is ths GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points Euat and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves tlbuled Dining and Bleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carrtaxl on the vesllbuled trains without extra charge. Hhlp your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. II. MEAD, P. C. BAVOHJ, Gen. Agent. Trav. P. and P. Agt. 248 Washington St., Portland, Or. tTilohr.t. r'. KnsH.h l!aae4 llraaaV, 0.R.&N. GtVKM ciioicb or asaat TRAflSCOfiTIflEflTAL R0UT05. Via Spokjni od St. Paal Via Ocjden, Dtover and Omaha of St. Paal Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to Sao Francisco. HtB.tr nf I'al. ftnturdsy, Pept. t. I'olumbla, Thursday. H. pt. 10, , Statu nf Cl. TueuUy, Hept. IS. t'olumbla, Htiliday, Krt. :0. Hlnle nf l"al. Friday, Hept. :i. I'ulumbla, WcilniktUy, Hept. 30. Htale of f"al . Monday, Oct. S. i'ulumbla. Saturday, Oct. 10. Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. POTTKK. I-ttve Astoria Tues.lnys, Thursdays snd Halurditya at a. ni. I.i-me '..rt Imtd Mondays, Wrslnesdays, anil Krl days at 7 a. m. II. It. THOMPHON. leaves Astoria Tus.lays, Thursdays and Hatiirdnys at 7 p. in. l-uve port lantl Momlitys. Weilnesdays, Prldays ami Hundnys at K p. in. HAII.KY IIATZKHT. Ix-avea Astoria Momlays, Wednes days, Krl.lnvs and Htjuilttyn al 7 p. m. Leaven Portland Tuesdays, and Thurs days at 8 p. ni.. and Kiiiuntnys at 11 p. in. TICLKPHONK Ijpitve Astoria .Momlays, Weihiea.ln) s and Fridays at 6 a. tn. Leave Pnrtliiml Tuesdays. Thursdays und Hulnr.liiys at 7 a. m. For rates and general Information call on or address Q. W. I.OUNHIIKItltr, Agent, W. II. HUltLIIITItT, tlen. Pas. Agt., Pnrlliinil, Or. 10. McNKILL. President nnil Malinger. WHITE COLLAR UNO TELEPHONE AND BAILEY GATZERT Astoria and Portland Telephone Iravi-s Aslorlit Monday, Wednesday and Friday innrnlng ut t a. in. Leuves Portland Tuesday, Thurs day nnil fiatuiiluy at 7 a. in, Hnlley (Inl.ert leaves Astoria Wed nestlny, Frltluy und Huipluy ulglil at 7 p. in. LcaVca .Portland Tuesday, Thursday ami Hntiiiilny iilKhls at S p. m, O. H. and N. C'o.'s steamers T. J, Potter runs alternate days with Tele phone, anil It. U. Thompson runs al ternate days with Ilalley (Intzcrt. Tickets gisMl on all Ixnita. U. II. Ht'OTT, Preshlent. E. A. Reelcy, Agent, Portland. C. W. Htone, Agent, Astoria. Tulephonn No. 11, rENtlYtiUYAL PILLS SaUtu IIHrln.l a.ll llnl. Oaaal.a. aft. ui..., rHIal.la, iat.ua a. lltMCHln fur fXtrkftttr Knatiik fit. mtma U"ul It. llrd atwl ttJd n,.UIII.S IImiw. ...lei ih ,U. ril,l.Ht. 1'aka aaalhcr. Ilrhtu dangntnu n4.IMa. Una ,.n.l ,mir,.l..,nf. Atl.ruv.l,.. .wit. '.!tV."l?J"' I'ri totilara, l..tlnnl.l, auk ll.llrr f..p I atlf..M la uu. br M.n "all. I'l.tll"; I- - lai.u. A.,.. r4!klrktsstaTl:aailatil C.,MuM... a,.,, . Lasat UtauMia. PliluZLlC S. FklUMAN, Ills of r r.aman & Hulmsl. H. T. Eamlb, late of Storklon, Cal. COLUMBIA U WORKS FOUNDRYHEN Blacksmiths, Machinists anil Holler Makers Mnu,Cir'!nV.,;t A" Kinds of Machinery Iron and Brasri OaMtlnm Ueneral Blntskamltb Work t PEdAI-TII'S - W.lrh Patent :WhaH, Ship Smithing and Slrsmhuat Wutk. Cannery and IMIII Maclllnerv. Marina and ts,a.n.,u I1..M- ' Uullt to Order. Specially eulpped for luuitera' work Correspondence tullclted 18th and franklin. Phone 78 V