The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 18, 1896, Image 2

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Sally gUtcuian
Telephone No. N.
TKKMs OF l HsntirnoN
Rent by mall, per yer
Bent by mull, per month
Delivered by carrier, per month.
But by mull per year, U In advance
poMafa free, to subscriber.
AU communications Intended for publl- ;
cation should be directed to Hie editor. ;
Business communications of all kinds
and remittances mint be addressed to
Th Astorlan.
The Asiortan guarantee to lis tub
jrrlbera the largett circulation of any
lewspaper published on th Columbia :
Ker. i
Advertising rates can be had on appll-
jatlon to the business manager. ;
The Weekly Astorlan. the second eldest
weekly In the state of Oregon. ha, text
to the Portland Oregonlan, th largest
weekly circulation In th state.
Jno. T. Handler A Co., are our Port-
fend agent, and copies of The Astorlan j
an be had every morning at their stand, I
nt Third street,
Mr. William A. Carney, first vice
president of the Amalgamated Associa
Uon of Iron and Steel Workers, was
the spokesman of a delegation which
recently visited Major MeKlnley. In
the cours of his address Mr. Carney
aid: "I am a worklngman and know
the hard worktngmen of this country
will not be carried away by the bal
loon 1st 8 In this campaign. I know and
they know that no matter whether we
have fifty billion dollars in silver or
ne dollar, to get money we must earn
tt by honest toll and when we get It
we want it to be equal to the beat
in the world." Here Is a man w ho has
evidently given this subject Intelligent
consideration and has arrived at the
cnly conclusion that such consideration
can lead to, -which Is that coining silver
free 'for the proilucers of silver w HI I
give nothing to the masses who labor
for a living. They must 'continue to
toil for what they get. though silver
dollars were piled as high as Ossa.
They have no bullion to take to the
mint Their capital Is their labor. The
only commodity they have to sell is
their ability to work and when they
offer this in the market they want to
receive for It the best money there is
and not debased currency of uncertain
value from week to week. They want
dollars of the greatest purchasing pow
er, dollars which if laid aside for the
"rainy day" will not shrink and depre
date, dollars which will not rob them
and their families while they sleep, dol
lars that do not deceive and lie to
them, dollars that are good everywhere.
Mr. Carney Is right, and the work
tn groan who will not heed his counsel
is blind to his own Interests. Free
silver holds out no promise of benefit
to labor. It will not start up the in
dustries of the country or create a de
mand for work for the hundreds of
thousands who are idle. On the con
trary the Inauguration of that policy
would produce conditions more disas
trous to labor than any yet experienc
ed. The loss and privation which the
millions of workln? people in this land
have suffered from the effects of Dem
ocratic tariff policy would sink into in
significance in comparison with what
would follow the free and unlimited
coinage of silver.
The attempts of Bryan and other
PopocraUc orators as well as of Popo
cratlc committees to falsify trte record
of James G. Blaine on the silver ques
tion by the use of garble 1 extracts
from the speech he deliv-ied in t:ie
senate on February 7, 1S78, has created
an extraordinary demand among Re
publicans in all parts of the country
for copies of the speech Itself. In par
tial response to this demand the Re
publican congress committee issued
several hundred thousand copies some
time ago, but the number was found
to be utterly Inadequate, and an order
has now been given for the printing of
a round million copk-s the !ars-at or
der that was ever giv-n f'T a single
document by any politi'a! committee.
If this number is found insuificb-nt
more will be printed. Mr. Bryan and
his supporters will be made to realize
before ht end of the campaign that
they mad" a cnvius nni rljsa?trous '
mistake when they attempted to falsify
the record and misrepresent the atti
tude of Mr. Blaine on the silv-r iues
tion. It seems strange that any man
U wam not a political idiot should!
have made sv.'h an aiu-mpt. In the J
course of the. ?pe-h referred to Mr.
Blaine said:
"At the current rates of silver the
free coinage of a dollar ontain: n
j grains, worth in irolil a',.u! l-J
tents, gives an ille-itiin.ite pro;.t 'o the
owner of the bullion, enabling hini to
take cents' v.ort'i of it to th- mint
and get it stampe.i as coin are! force
his neighbor to take it f a full dollar.
This is an undue, an unfair advantage
which the government has no right to
give the owners of silver bullion arid
which defrauds the man who is forced
to take the dollar. Evidently the first
dictate of prudence is to coin suth a
dollar as will not only do Justice among
our citizens at home, but will prov- a
protection an absolute barricade
against the gold monometallists of Eu
rope who, when the opportunity oilers,
will quickly draw from us the one hun
dred and sixty millions of gold coin
which we now hold. If we coin a sil
ver dollar of full legal tender, obviously
below the current value of the gold dol
lar, we are opening wide our d'ors. and
inviting Europe to take our gold. With
our gold (lowing from us we will be
forced to the single silver standard,
and our relations with the leading com
mercial countries of the world will be
not only embarrassed, but crippled. It
will' assuredly follow that If we give
free coinage to this dollar of Inferior
value and put It in circulation at the
expense of our better coinage In gold,
and unless we expect the uniform and
Invariable experience of other nations
to be In some mysterious way suspend
ed for otir peculiar benefit, we will In
evitably lose ovir gold coin. It will How
out from us with the certainty and ttie
force of the tides."
Mr. Ulntne was opposing and arguing
airalnst the coinage of S2-cvnt silver
dollar. If he were alive today what
would he say about the proposition for
..$6.00 i , j,,, f,v n,i unlimited coinage of eS
.. .50 0l,Mt .ioi'.urs. rvtiuMlcs of the aid or
.. . consent of any other nation on earth?"
On February li, lvTS, Mr. Rlaluc of
fered an amendment to the Ula ne-Alll-s
1,1 lull. I'll i.lnti! that the silver dollar
to Ih coined should contain 4?? grains
instead of li;1? stains of standard sil
ver, llis amendment was rejected, and
he voted against the bill which provid
ed for the limited coinage of yj-cent
silver dollars.
Hallway Aire. ;:oo Hallway Men's Sound
Money Clubs have boon organised in
the United States all the way from
California to Massachusetts an I they
have for their members UV.oAi railway
Mr. Itryan. the free silver candidate
for the presidency, attacks and ridi
cules the club. He says that you are
being driven'
and "coerced" Into or-
Thereby he Insults the Intelligence
and the manhood of every railway
man. Are- they cowards the railway
men of the country that any man
should talk of "driving" them to the
polls? Are you children, to be led
away by such boy talk as this?
Here Is no question of Influence or
what any president or manager may
think. It Is a question for your own
reason and your own conscience a
question of your own wages.
The presidents and managers of the
railways of the country are almost
unanimously opposed to free silver. Let
us be thankful for it and proud thank
ful and proud that, when the crisis
arose and the country's honor was at
stake, the men In charge of the rail
waysthe men who are over you and
wjth vuwer) f(uml aim,wt to nian
arrayed against repudiation and In
defense of the nation's prosperity and
the nation's honor.
It is good, most good, for every
worker on a railway to know that for
once at least all railway men. from
presidents to laborers, are shoulder
to shoulder in a common cause. But
talk of your being "driven" Is only an
Insult which dishonors him who offers
it. It can only intensify the resolu
tion of every' railway man to reject
the shameful doctrines which have to
be supported by such unworthy argu
ments. Every sliver orator proclaims that
free coinage w ill make all prices high
er. This Is the essence of their creed.
With this glittering bait they hope to
delude the farmer into voting for the
country's disgrace.
But what will higher prices profit
you? Do you wish everything you buy
to cost you more? How- will you be
better off If every dollar of your wages
will only purchase one-half of what It
purchases today? Take the silver men
at their word. They promise you
"cheap dollars" and "expensive goods."
Have you need of either?
No. Some people may foolishly sup
pose that they can prosper if the coun
try Is ruined. But with you and every
wage-earner your interests and the
nation's are the same. A debased and
cheapened dollar means the country's
shame It also means the robbery of
the wage earner and the payment of
labor in half-priced wages.
Organize, therefore. P.eswit the slur
that is cast on your independence. Or
ganize for sound money. Join the
nearest club. Go out and convert your
neighbors. It is for your own protec
tion you are fighting. Organize and
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago,
ays: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis
covery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs,
Colds and Lung Complaints, having used
It In my family for the last five years, to
the exclusion of physician's prescriptions
or other preparations."
Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes: "I have been a minister of the
Methodist Episcopal church for f years
or more, and have never found anything
so beneiicial or that gave me such speedy
relief as Dr. King's N"W Discovery."
Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store.
The fhkai;o branch of the republican
arr.paign committee h;n put a clause
in all contracts for prlntingtlpulating
hat the union lale-l must app-ar on all
The Chww'st, Pureit
:rw; :n tSe wr,d !
As r.yyi ' ti'al .Specific
f ra.i 1jw:S A the
Lverr .M'jfriai.h
keuia-e Ujc I-jvct
uj1 jrevent Chills
i.n:j t f vk, Malam-
:''S i-KYr.K-., JWfL
' VliAIMi, Kk-jILK V
.r. , Jau.'-lule ANL
Nai jLA.
No:hir.(f is t- iir.j,,t. i','hin o common, ft
-jd'L r-rea.h; and in ii'.ar.y v-ry it cume fr'itT
J.t fct'.inat.h, and .;.n v. eak.iy i.wre'ted if V'ti wii
.aae MMMONb i.ivi u k km;laT'k. I-"' not neglect tf
ijre a rcir.rdy 1-r tn.s rcju!ive d;order. It will alw
ra prove yuur appetite, com eaton and general heaJtb
H'm many nffrr torture day af'cr 'Jay, malting life
l b'rdrn and f'tMng rxicn-.e of a'l pfeaMire, owin
:o tie ser.rt ..tfnri, from l'it. Yet relief it ready
:o the hand f aimost any i,ne who wij ue systemati-
.iy tne rem'ly trial has permanently ' urea tnnu SiuM'Oft I nut kEM i.ATOK it ti'i draiuc
violent Jjurge, hut a genne aaiiHint to nature.
SIKU LD not U rrgarrird u
a tntling aiimmt in fart, nature
demand the utnrrst ry;;ar ty A
the ryiwrn, anl any deviation
from th. demand pave the way
often t'j vrritii
quite a. nc'sary c remove,
impure ar.'.uniuiatiori fr .m the
bf,ei ak it it l' e:it or le-p, nd
nil health can be expe'teii where
a costive habit of b-xiy erevan.
Thii ditrewin( kfHictiiA orcurt mott frequently
The riiMurhance if the Momar.h, ariurjif from th
ifnperfer.tiv rjiiiested content. raue a wvere nam in
the bemri, aixomoanied with iiaiereeahie nauaea, arid
thia cemfttttutea wiiat it bonutarlv known at Sick
Headache, for the relief of winch take blNMUM
J. IL ZE1L1.N CO., Phiiaoelohia, Pa.
'x-i J. 'i liW r A -ml
ail!, i
Blackwcll's Genuine
Ye will fln.1 one coapoo lnt.1 Mch t ounce tag sml tww cuupena InaM ch 4 oases Imi.
Huj twtf. ivd tti AMitva nJ m how to ti jkt hnt of lti, Juu la pnwmu.
'Friso union stvemakers want peo-
ple to buv home-made shoes, and will
probably adopt a label that will In -
dleate that the goods have N-en made,
In California.
Tl'TlON More effectually than fever and ague.
That nerve-destroying malady, when
once It takes firm root, subvert every
function, exhausts the physical ener
gies. Impoverishes the blood and
clouds the mental faculties. No ef
fectual resistance can be offered to Its
destructive career by the use of the
pernicious drug, quinine. Hostetters
Stomach Bitters will, however, be
found all sufficient either for Its eradi
cation or prevention. Those conditions
of the system, such as a bilious, consti
pated habit, or lack of vitality, which
are favorable to the contraction of the
disease, are speedily reformed by this
pure and efficient alterative and linlg-
orant. which not omy regulates tne
system, but give a healthful Impulse
to the various organs, wh'we activity
is the best guaranty of health. Thor-
vu:hnfs of action i th chirf (.'harttc-
toristio of this Wading p-.:lc and pre-'
vtMitive. wh'Kh is vinln-'ntly a.Iapte l for
family use.
The Central Labor Council of Cln-
.innaii has been hammering the city
authorities for free public baths, and
pro pises to keep at It until the baths
are providel.
Health and strength carry us through
dangers and make us safe in the pros-
once of peril. A perfactly strong man
with rich, pure blood, has nothing to
fear from gem.. He may breathe In
the bacilli of consumption with lmpun-
ity. If there It a weak spot where the ;
Kerms may tlnJ an entrance to the tis
sues, then the trouble brrln. Disease
germs prupaate with liKhtninK-llke
rapidity. Once In the bliKi, the only
way to ffet rlJ of them Is to kill them.
This Is what IT. Pierces tloblen Med
ical Discover' is for. It purifies the
blood. That nieans that It kiils the
erms. but that Is only part of hat
It dues. It assists digestion by stimu
latins the secretion of dlKextlve fluids,
so promoting assimilation and nutrl-
tlon; purifies and enruhs the blood
and sj supplies the tissues with the
f'od thy need. It builds up strung,
healthy hVsh and puts the whole b 'dy
Into a disease-resisting state.
I'nder a recent law no bakeries can
be established In Ohio ben-atlt the
surface of the sidewalk.
The best salve In the world for cuis.
bruises, sores, ulcers.salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itive cure for piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, 25
cents p-r box. For sale by Charb'S
Kogers, Odd Fellows' building.
Only union labor an be inployi d by
contractors on school work In Si.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Two i-.-ts of i he (otnpri.---tor
for str-et cars -.v.-i ma
Vork last week, ar.'l
nouticed w holly su. i. f'ii.
I air mo
le in New
We,.. ,p,-
Or. Price's Cream Hiking Powdei
Contains n Ammonia or Alum.
Trades unions are w
in pelfa.-t. Dublin and I'nt'x
Irish Trades r-ongr- ss was !'
at Liinerir-k.
and the
ntly held
o (i lie . i.i in nvn iiav,
Take laxative lii'omo Quinine Talilets.
All drUKiilsts refund the money If it
falls to cure. :'. For sale by Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
A large lirrn in London shares profits
and gives tl'W to every woman em
ployed who leaves to get married.
il mill
Four thousand men In Rucnos Ayn-s,
reprewntlnK a score of trades, have
struck for eight hours.
Theories of cure may be discussed
at length by physicians, but the suf- j
ferers want quick relief; and One Mln-;
ute Cough Cure will give u to them.
A safe cure for children. It Is "the old j
harmless remedy that produces Imme- j
dite results." Chas. Rogers, druggist, i
Th best chemical compound for wash-
ing powder Is "goap Foam, ' as It will i
not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the
... ....... ..I
nanas. ji in nnesi ming in ir.e wona
for tne Dam. une trial win convince
is the
very best
' It will probably be a source of com-
fort to many an expectant bride who
! ha not taken coking lesson to know
that It I deemed bad luck to make her
own w eddlng cake.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irvtng, HI., writes
that he had a Sever Kidney troubl for
many year, with sever pain In hi
back and lo tht hi bladder was
affected. He tried many so-called Kid
ney cure but without any good rrault
About a year ko he he in th im of
Kl.etrtc Hitter and found relief at once.
Electric Hitter I especially adapted to
cur of all Kidney and Liver trouble
and often give almost Instant relief. On
trial will prove ur tienunt. Trie
VV: and lt.00. At Cha. lbs!r' Prug
A man expects a woman to forgive
without a word of explanation on his
part, but she must talk herself deaf,
dumb and blind before there are any
signs of relenting coming from bltn.
Th bunltn of luNr 1j rouMnnlly bo
lnr liKhtntvl by nt-w (nvfntlonw, hui
nothing nvw htm vt Nfit uiovert'i. to
hiiKhten tht. hour of laNu nnl make
life worth living tiki Simmons I.Ivor
Kogulatr ilWs. It'n the King of Liver
Mellolns. A sluirKlsh liver depresses
one's spirits and onus languor, bo-
'sides upsetting the whole system. Hut
( Simmtms Liver Hegulutor itne up and
strengthens the btxly.
It Is very amusing to see the pro.
Prietrs of fruit stands dusting off their
wares just as a housewife does her
'U - e bric-a-brac.
, " 'U haVe ver ,een ll,tl rh"d
" """"" l'i".
" " -
ble and appreciate the value of Inatan
taneous relief always afforded by De
Witt's Collo and Cholera Cur. For
dysentery and diarrhoea It Is a relia
ble remedy. We could not afford to
recommend this as a cur unless It
were a cure. Chas. lingers. Druggist.
A cozy corner can be easily cb vi. .l
from a couch, a few cushion and s.-v-eral
yards of Chinese crepe.
Don't trifle
away time when you
Tave cholera morbus or diarrhoea,
Fight them In the beginning with !)e-
Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure. You
don't have to wait for results. They
are Instantaneous, and It leaves the
bowels In healthy condition.
Let us hope that the fashion of wear
ing socks now prevalent among fair
cyclists in Paris will never reach here.
DeWltt'i Sarsapanlla Is prepared for
cleansing the blood from Impurities
and disease. It does this and more. It
builds up and strengthens constitu
tions Impaired by disease. It recom
mends Itself. Chas. Rogers.
It Nn't always th.- pn-ttb-xt woman
a ho walks off with tin' lest partner of
tlii- season.
Many a day's work is lost by sick
headache, caused by Indigestion and
stomach troubles. DeWltt's Little
Karly Misers are the most effectual pill
for overcoming such difficulties. Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
Soini- w ornt-n are "old
' hough !i' : I i i.! y y ai
they do Out lose tile pi'
ness if they happen to
maids," even
of , and
verblal prlm
apluro three
"Roys will be lioyn," hut you can't
afford to lose any of them. Re ready
for tie green apple season by having
DeWltt's "'hollc and Cholera ''lire In
th.. house. Chas. Roger, Druggist
A man may not know when his wife's
hat is on Hiralglit. but he reeognliji-H
lie- fault Instantly when II Is on
'rooked, and he doesn't b'-sliute alsmt
telling her so.
There's more clothing destroyed by
poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe
Cake" contains no free alkali,' and will
not Injure the finest lace. Try it and
notlre the difference In quality, Ross,
Hlgglns & Co.
Some days life seems so full of hap
piness; on others It Ik sadly empty.
Isn't it a pity an average cannot be
struck some way?
It doesn't matter much whether sick
headache, biliousness, Indigestion, and
constipation are caused by neglect or
by unavoidable circumstances; De
Wltt's Little Early Risers will speed
ily cure them all. Chas. I'.ogers,
For Infants and Children.
b n
Declaration of Principles
The Republican of tlx fulled State,
assembled by their ifpiofulullvra In
National t'onvcuilun, appculluii for th
popular and historical Juatirtcatbm of
their claims to the matchless achieve
ment of (hilly )cl of Republican
rule, catncMl nnd confidently addrrs
themselves to the awakened lutein
e.Micc. cxpci li nee and conscience of
their couiilt'.x men III lltf follow In dec
liilutlen of facts ami principle:
For the lust i lino since the Civil
War the American peopl hv wit
nessed the calamitous consequencr of
full and unrestrained Democratic con
Irol of the tioveinment. U has been
a rccoid of uiiptii illicit Incapacity, dis
honor and disaster. In administrative
muiiugement It has riithbasly sacrific
ed Indlspc nslhlo ii'vetiue, entailed an
unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary
current expense with Imirowthl money,
piled up the public debt by $:J.ik.t.W
In time of peace, forced an advene bal
ance, of trade, to a perpetual incline
huttgln, over the redemption fund,
pawned American credit to alien yn
dlcates and reversed all the measure
and results of successful Republican
rule. In the broad effect of Its policy
It has precipitated panic, blliihted In
dustry and trade with prolonged de
pression, closed factories, reduced work
and wage, halted enterprise and crip
pled American production nhit (tliuu
lating foreign production for the Amer
ican market. F.very consideration of
public safety and Individual Interest
demands that the government shall b
rescued from the hands of those who
have shown themselves Incapable of
conductlnc It without disaster at horn
and dishonor abroad, and shall be re
stored to the party which for thirty
years administered It with uneipialed
success and prosperity
A rrotci'tivp Turin.
We renew and emphasli our alleel
ance to th policy of protection a th
bulwark of American Industrial Inde
pendence and the foundation of Amer
ican development and prosperity. This
true American policy axe foreign pro
ducts and encourage home Industry;
it puts the burden of revenue on for
eign goods. It secure th American
market for the American producer; It
upholds the American standard of
wages for the American worklncman;
It puts the factory by the side of the
farm, and make the American farmer
less dependent on foreign demand and
price; It diffuse general thrift and
founds the strength of all on the
strenrth of each. In Its reasonable ap
plication It Is Just. fair, and Impartial,
equally opposed to foreign control and
domestic monopoly, to sectional dis
crimination and Individual favoritism.
We denounce the present IWtnocratlc
tariff as sectional. Injurious to the pub
lic credit and destructive to business
enterprise. We demand such equitable
tariff on foreign lmMirts which come
Into competition with American pro
duct as will not only furnish adequate
revenue for the necessary expense of
the government, but will protect Amer
ican labor from dcgredatlon to th
wage level of other lands. We are not
pledged to any particular schedules.
The question of rates Is a practical
question, to be governed by the condi
tion of the time and production; the
ruling and uncompromising principle
Is the protection and development of
American labor and Industry. The
country demand a right settlement
and then It wants rest.
Reciprocity Willi Oilier Nations.
We believe the repeal of the reci
procity arrangements negotiated by the
last Ri publican admlnlsf ration was a
national calamity, nnd we demand
their renewal and extension on such
terms as will equalize our trnde with
other nations, remove the restrictions
which now obstruct the sale of Amer
ican products In the purls of other
countries and secure the enlarged mnr
kets of Aur farms, forests and factories.
l'rotection and reciprocity are twin
measures of Republican policy, and go
hand In hand. Democratic rule hail
recklessly struck down both, and both
must be re-estiibllshed. l'rotection for
whut we produce, free admission for
llio necessaries of life which we don't
produce, reciprocal agreement of -mutual
Interest which gain open markets
for us In return for our open market to
others. l'rotection builds up domestic
industry and trade nnd secures our
own market for ourselves. Reciprocity
builds up foreign trade and finds an
outlet for our surplus.
Prutcction to Suj,rnr Producers.
We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with th
sugar producers of this country. The
Republican party favors such protec
tion as will lead to the production on
American soli of all the sugar the
American people use, and for which
they pay other countries more than
1100,000,000 annually.
Wool and Woolens.
To all our products to those of the
mine and the Held, as well a to those
of the shop and the factory to hemp
to wool, the product of the great Indus
try of sheep husbandry, as well a to
the finished woolens of the mill we
promise the muit ample protection.
Merchant Marine.
We favor restoring the early Amerl-
can policy of discriminating duties for
the up-buiullng of our merchant marine
I and the protection of our shipping In
' the foreign carrying trade, so (hat
i American ships -lh product of Amer
ican labor, employed In American ship-
yards, sailing under the Hint and
I Hlilpes, and manned, officered and
owned by Americans may regain the
1 carrying of our foreign commerce,
The Financial Issue.
j "The Republican party I utirescrv
! rxlly for sound money. It caused 111
I enactment of th law providing for (he
! resumption of specie payment In 19.
: since then every dollar lias been as
I good as gold. W are unalterably op
poaed t every meaiur calculated to d
' base our currency or Impair the credit
I of our country. We are, therefore, op
I posed to the free colnag of silver,
; cept by International agreement with
the leading commercial nation of the
world, which we pledge ourselvo to
promote, and until such agreement ran
be obtained belief th existing
told standard must b preserved All
our sliver and paper currency now In
circulation must be maintained at a
parity with gold, and w favor all
measure designed to maintain Inviola
ble th obligation of th United
Htate. and all our money, w hether coin
or paper, at th present standard, th
standard of the most enlightened n
lions of the earth "
IVnslons for Veterans.
The veteran of the Union armle de
serve and should rtvalv fair treatment
and generous recognition. fl'hinivit
practicable they should b given th
preference In th mttr of employ
ment, and they are entitled to the n
ac'.mnt of such law a beat calculat
ed to secure the fulfillment of th
pledget mad to them In th dark day
of the country's peril. We denounce
the practice of th pension bureau to
recklessly and unjustly carried on by
th present administration, of reducing
pension and arbitrarily dropping
name from th roll, a deserving th
severest condemnation of th American
Foreign Relations.
Our foreign policy should b at all
tlm firm, vigorous and dignified, and
all our Interest In th western hemis
phere carefully watched and guarded.
The Hawaiian Islands should be con
trolled by th United Htate and no for
eign power should be permltetd to In
terfere with them. The Nicaragua
Canal should be built, owned and op
erated by the United Hlsles, and by
the purchase of the Danish Islands w
should seour a proper and much-needed
naval station In th West In. lies
Armenian Massacres.
Th massacres In Armenia hav
aroused the deep sympathy and Just
Indignation of the American people,
and we believe that the United Htate
should exercise all the Influence It can
properly exert to bring the alrocltle
to an end. In Turkey. American resi
dents have been exposed to the gravest
danger and American property de
stroyed. There and everywhere Amer
ican litis. 'ns and American property
must he absolutely protected at all
hsiard and at any cost,
Monroe Doctrine.
We reassert the .Monro doctrine In
Its full extent and reafllrm th right of
the Unulted Htate to give the doctrine
effect by responding to the appeals of
any American slate for friendly Inter
vention In case of Kuropean encroach
ment. We have not Interfered, and
shall not Interfere, with the existing
possession of any Kuropean power In
this hemlspheie, but those possession
must not, on any pretext, be extended.
We hopefully look forward to the
eventual withdrawal of the Kuropean
powers from this hemisphere, nnd the
ultimata union of nil the F.nglish
speaklng part of the continent by the
free consent of Its Inhabitants.
Independence of Culm.
From the hour of achieving their own
Independence the people of the United
Htates have regarded with sympathy
the Htruggles of other American people
to free themselves from Furopean dom
ination. We wafch with deep and abid
ing Interest the heroic battle of the Cu
ban patriots against cruelty and op
pression, and our best hope go out for
the full success of their determined con
test for liberty.
The government of Bpaln, having lost
control of Cuba and being unable to
protect the property or live of resi
dent American citizens or to comply
with its treaty obllgatlones, we bellev
that the government of the United
Htate should actively use Its Influence
and good offices to restore peace and
give Independence to the Island.
Enlargement of the Navy.
The peace and security of the repub
lic and the maintenance of Its rightful
Influence among the nation of the
earth demand a naval power commen
surate with Its position and responsi
bility. We therefore favor the contin
ued enlargement of the navy and
complete system of harbor and se.
coast defense.
Immkratlon Laws.
Tor the protection of the equality of
our American clilseushlp and of th
wage of our wm klnginut agalmt lb
fatal competition pf low prlce.l labor,
w demand that the Immigration law
be thoroughly enforced, and so extend,
ed as to exclude from entrance tu th
United Htale those who can neither
read nor write.
Civil Service.
The Civil Hervlc law was placed on
the statute book by Ills Republican
parly, which has always sustained It,
and w renew our repeated declara
tion that It shall be thoroughly and
honetly enforced and extended w hr
ever practicable.
Free Ilalloi.
W demand that every cltlsen of th
United Htate shall b allowed to cast
one free and unrestricted ballot, and
that such ballot shall b counted and
returned a cast.
hnt'lilni; Condemned.
V proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of th uncivilised and barbarou
practices, well known as lynching or
killing of human beings, suspected or
charged with crime, without process of
National Arbitration.
W favor the creation of a national
board of arbitration to set lie and ad
just differences which may arise be
tween employer and employed engaged
In Interstate commerce
Free Homesteads.
W bellev In an Immedlal return
to the free homestead policy of th
Republican party and urge th passag
by congrea of th satisfactory free
homestead measure which has already
passed th hous and I now pending
In th ssnat.
Admission of Territories.
W favor the admission of th re
maining terrltorle at th earliest prac
ticable dat. having du regard to th
Interests of th people of the territo
ry and of th United Htate All th
federal officers appointed for th terrl
torle shall be selected from bona fid
residents thereof, and th right of self
government shall be acorded as far a
Alaska Representation.
We believe the cltlsen of Alaska
should have representation In th con
gress of the United the end
that needful legislation may be lutein
gently enacted.
Sumptuary Legislation.
We sympathise with all wise and le
gitimate effort to lesson and prevent
the evils of Intemperance and promot
Rights of Women.
The1 Republican party I mindful of
the rights and Interest of women. l'ro
tection of American Industries Include
equal npportiinllle, equal pay for equal
work and protection to (he home. W
favor the admission of women to wider
spheres of usefulness, and welcome
their co-operation In rescuing the coun
try from Democratic nnd 1'opullHt mis
management and misrule. Huch me th
principles and policies of the Republi
can party. Ity these principles we will
nbldo and these principles we will put
Into execution. We ask for them the
considerate Judgment of the American
Confident allko in the history of our
great parly nnd In the Justice of our
cause, wo present our platform nnd our
considerations, In the full assurance
that the election will bring victory to
the Republican parly and prosperity to
the people of the United Htates.
All No. Pac.
Ticket Agents
have tickets over the
RurlliiKton Route from
Hillings to Omaha, Kan
sns City, Ht. Louis nnd
all other Houthern nnd
southeastern cities.
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Portland, Oregon.
Hllk shirt waists, exact duplicates of
the lummff variety, will be worn un
til the snow i file.