The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 18, 1896, Image 1

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    Save time
TjeDajly Astorfart
...Fimlly Circulation...
CxnuiiNtf Haw
itiiU worry
All AU
In TH AtfllKIAX'l
"W411I Cutumn."
NO. 22:1
YOU ufw
Tho followinn Ticki t in Kivin l.y IIKHMAN WISK,
tli' Rcliuli. Clothier, to hi
Not Transferable
ll.n lnniKlit i. ir I IVl. Mil I AKS wniili nf (.'.mmU al
1 1 ci man Winr's Store unit it tlnrt f. re i-ii'.itlol tn
til ll'JItC ill tllC h.llKC il 111! KIN CM 111
Oil the civiilnji of
DECEMBER 25. 1896.
Ami in also Ktinriiiitci-il tn receive a .rrsrn t frnm ti:e
X mui Irrf, ut the Mine ilate ami lai-. I'n-ictiH will t hu
ms! (nun u ln n( i ainly In a fine iue nf furniture, uinl
(rum a collar tuition to a fine unit or m-riuat.
1 ailic, unit i hililieti over 6, n ell at C.rnls must
have ticket. ( nlv mi;i.NAi. ("fit 100 ks will e ailinitteil.
it speech II'- l" ii' -l hi iiddii-. by
niutlng Hi"! ilurl UK mn U time a tie se
w'iy mini .hniild l' r-dy to ihI- inn
... In d- fi-ii... of llm lijihur and Inii-ii-rlly
of Ms country dwelt ul ome
length upon Hip past history of ihe It- mi party nri'l the uciafiil state
l.ltl iC (illtlltrllli III tllC NlU Mt Kin- "f irTnlr. iliroiiKh'iul lh "mntry under
1 1 m HilinlnliilrHlliin. II" touched upon
The Reliable i-Prlce Clothier
Our Handy Wagon...
ComMnaa all the futurra of the child's
plain Mm and a viduriprd, un.l. all
things ron.Moird, rutia th roo.utiicr kaa
than lllier. Ho daairat.lii. cunvrnlont and
aatl.tacory ha It proven, that, a
ready "arllrr." It haa no nqual. V take
a apodal iirnla. too. In dellvrrlnf Ilia
aama promptly and In fault lea com)'
llun to lha Iroda.
Base Ball
Croquet Tackle,
Sets Garden Tools
Icy t'liili Hcniliii"iricrH
;vi:knou i.oud i-ktsint
Many HlliPlnif h' Mml" f'.r H'mwl
Min'y mi't III'- Muliili-imiM" nf tin
i'i'''lll ut Hi'- liiiviTiiiiii-nr- Tti
VmlliK M' n lI'KUIlIt'-.
A lnri; mi'l nlliiiAlaitllr aii'll'-nre In.' nr M Klnl.-y I'luli riin
lam nlyhl. ami 'luiliiK llin fV.-nlriK -en
i I" i iany iilrlnll'- Mimiim-h Va
rl i " r iiiIiIiti. inu'l" ih.-lr r-K.rt ou
(.r r.- . of Ih" wink of nuiiliiK
i:iilKf. aivl imiiicnuia -ak.r rr
liiti 1ii' il l' ilu- aii'li.-iH l.y lli- pra
lilrnt nf lh clii'i
!iivrii.r Win M lrl ami Hi" Hun
W II ii'l.'ll. 'I'-rk of lli. iM'iiril ut
K'h"l Unit i.Miimlaiil'in.ira nf lliv aialr.
who are vlallliiK III III" 4lty. nui'I- thr
flrat aiitrrMi of th rv.-nln. Jvr
nr aal'l In part:
I r.-KP-l vrry inii h that I am not
In a romllllon IhhIkM I" l"-k I am
imt alinply llrt-il from minli IravPllliiK,
but atfi auffi-rliiK from a a'-vrn- Uln.-aH.
I navf i-oiiit. li'-r.- lunik-til ! " nnl
Ho- nioiii-y iU'illon ami hll ihr k-y
lull.- f tlin ultuutl'in kml'Ut I'lii'l ap-pliiun.-
w li.-n h'-' mu'l" Hi" lal"iii'-nl
Itiul notinO inori'-y Hlmply ni' ant that
v.-ry 'lollar lu'-l liy tti" ov.-riim.-nt
, ulioul'l '" oiih too "ni an'1 not M
'"iiln. H il.-li nl conilTabli. I"ni(th
upon Hi" HrKiiiii'-nt a lvanr.l liy ih-
othr ulijt-, ami il-inontial'-l lli'.-m loj
' I." fiilla l.-. , '
Hh'-rlfT Hur" a n'-it rail, d upon f ir j
nil H'I'li' .M ami muil.. a t:rrlnK appeal i
to voioia of Cliimop 'uunty to itaml
M .nuiri IllooJ no Mir o on ui (. h
Ih" ll'-pulilli-ao parly. H" li-rm-ly lllun hla liilk on lh- money nU'titlon
liy a Krnphli' Omi rl.lon of a atre.-t
onirovi-ray In I'oi-llnntl In hlh he
look part V"lmn'l:iy. Th" in- of
III" InlHirtiiK man Haa well i-iitiilillMi'l
In that urinim.-fit Th lalKirlnit mini
iv Hill, a (lollnr whli h nhiil! lie a in. aa
ur. of alti. on th. miiii prlm lpli- that
Hi" Mril Hlli k. ih" pound nri'l the hu.h--l
an- lti- aiumlunl of m-aaur".
("liy Atiorm-y C. J t'urtla rnuli- an
olh"r of hla patriotic apam-liM In which
In- kP.mI out uni'iiil vim ally for proi-t-tlon
ainl th- aollJ ni.-ajisrem.-nt of val
u.n After the adjournment f theelub the
youiiK men orKanlxed the I'lraiio I'lun,
prai tlrally an auxiliary to the McKln-
(."iiitiiiii StarKcy TclW of the Times
as They cre Sixteen
Years Ago.
To the IXM-k In Aaiorta The Neamlth
I'l-iiHliiK - feet "f water Came In
i.t liead Tl'le Will Light
er l'rt of Her Cargo.
ue inin.iu.e.i io you. i nip u. jour 1iy n(j .,, B1,1H.lnloj M.-aKn. John
illy waa purely a hualtu-aa one. Put I
The fine American hlp Neamlth,
arrived 111 l-ort Wednesday, la
In (ominiind of the veteran Captain
Stark' y. The vessel la 16?,n ton regl
t. r. nh a carrying capacity of IZOO
toiia, and ha a full cargo of Iron for
Cortland merchant, fhe la conalifned
to hutton & Hel)". her am-nta. She 1
a thr'-e-iiiBtel wMlen ahlp and left
New Vorli on A pi II 3, making the voy
age around the Horn In 1M daya. Cap
tain Htarkey raid lo an Astorlan re
ix.rter ycnterday:
"We ha1 a moderately fair voyaf
and eiperlenred no heavy norms. Off
Cape Horn, however. e encountered
unuaually cold weather. Our crew con
alata of twenty-two men all told. One
of my men. I am aorry to nay, died of
consumption on the voyage and waa
burled at ea.
"Klxteen yearn ago I waa In this port
Young, tie... Welch an I.mncan lie-,., mojitr of the Ilelle of Perth, and
U-an a a committee on cmatitutl-.n. ( mUftt ,ay ,hat , am ,m,Iy aatound-d
This evening. In McKlnley Club quar-4t the wonderful change vrought In
ten.wlll hold another meeting for the . )ur tmrU,r b). the ,.. Jrtty ,yBtem.
purp.v ..f cvnpletlng It orgiiU,il0n. Th Nt,mth. on loaded at pr.-aent. Is
A h.-arty Invitation In extended to all j ,lra inf :4 fwt ln nlt waIer- an(1
young in.-n of the city to Ik- prem-nL al,u, 2t fw, 6 n,.hM, ln fr(..h ater.
Tin- Me K lulc) CIul, alai haa a speelal Yet.-nlay we cn.ased what uaed to be
Invitation to attend the mi-tlng. J,llH ,,ar al dl.a,, ,(w (le anil found a
Tomorrow .-v.-nlng tnvetlnga will be ; ,.h,i ...,- A..,.ri ,ik
am very glad lo . a., much lnter.-t
Ix-llig taken In the principle of the
H.-pulillcuil party. I bclleie that th"
effort ymi an- muklng thl evening to
oiganlie clul.a and pieparlug your
aelvr to dl' uaa the laau'-a will. Il muni
Im conaldeiivd dining Ihe coming cuin
palgn, will not oiil) riull In treat good
lo the alate. bul to the country at
UL'I. .1 Ul U I II.' 1. Ol.fULlI.' LO Oil ..... i . . .. .
.i . en- ,. i . i , "" " "' ' l'l"""n. ami at Uaii i arrivil here at this time of the
,., ., . , , . in r- n.-w cliii-a will pe orv-an
Don't Freeze Your Life Away This Winter 1
Foard & Stokes Company
Buy one of their FINE ST0VH5 to keep you warm.
TllliV AUI2 ClIliAIM
Tlu-y also carry u 'oin.lfto stock of K'KRI 1, JIAllD-
wauk, (ii..-sv.i:i:. ktc.
Call and Be
Trustee for the late
Oregon State Normal School
A Training School for Teachers. Senior Year Wholly Professional.
Twenty weeks of Psychology and General and Special Methods; twenty
weeks of TenchliiR and Training Department.
Training school of nine grndes with two hundred children.
Itcgtilar Normal Course of Three Yearr,
Tho Normal Diploma Is recognised by law as a State Life Certificate to
Light Expenies; Hoard at Normal Dining Hall J1.B0 per week. Furnish
ed rooms with light and flro, 7Gc to J1.00 per week. Hoard and Lodging In
private families 2.60 to J3.B0 per week.
TUITION: Sub-Normal, IB.OO per term of ten weeks; Normnl, J6.25 per .
term of ten weeks.
Crudes from reputable schools aooepted.
Catalogues cheerfully furnished on application.
Address P. L. CArtPBELL, Pres., or W. A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty.
Mount Angel College.
TIM': mint excellent Hoarding Hcliool In the Norlliet. Our principle l:-to tine the
lies! met hoil. In leiiehlnv nod only lenehera orKrcnl learning uml ...viierieiice; to uialii
lalll Itnoil illaelpllue; In exuel all Hie liwaona anil have the lioya niiike Ihe lienl line of
their I line; lo ulvc theiii .iili.tiiullal 11111I gnod men In himI plenty In cut ; tn .ee to their
bodily Inn 1 1 H hv giving theiii ample chance for ex.wl.ej lo give tlioroiiKh an t t-roct li in to
tinlelilH iih well mm lo parent.. I. real Hum. have heen expended thl. Miuniiier In healltlty
Ingnnil leveling IheKniiiiiila, pulling In new water eloet ami a per feel .ewer ..v.leiu, In
culii ruing the cnhlncia, collection, llhmry. etc. tine of mir .peelallle. I. a niol complete
Con vlnl and lliialnea timme, llankliiK. etc Muale on nil In.tniincnli. Write for aa
clul once to T11K l'ltlNlil'Al,.
School open Hcptember Ith.
I HU'-atloii.. will-li a i .erl niil) altei I ti e
UlM'ilng man, Imt time lil iml l" itnlt
.'ell net'- I lll'le lo llolke A lengthy
'talk. We an- Intd -M'-d In having . v
iery dollar a. go..l a. every otle I dol
'. Uv l:i pin poin r. uinl every
I other kind of money I. deNaae I money.
! i Applau.e i There ha. lui n no time
'in the hl-toiy of our i ..until when de
mand, hale been male to the
'currency of our country will, h have not In dl.a.M.T. No man llivc.tnl
with the light of aurTriige ha the right
or prltlleg" of lieutlng that power In
differently I au onl add that I h"pc
lo your i lob m. .t pt'oiperoiis one,
and 1 thank .u for the courtesy ten-
deled to me tonight."
I'.etieial "dell waa next Introduced
and made a few inoi.1 appropriate re
muikH Among other thing he .aid.
"I did not come down here with tho
expii'latliui of talking, or trying lo
make a political apu-ch -In fact. I am
not a public apeak'-r. It him nt been
my calling 111 life. It ha been my
pleonure, however, lo come here tonight
and to do what little I can to .i ure
the election of Major McKlnley.
"It ha bti-n many jvun .luce 1 was
In A. 1. Hla. and 1 have noticed inlay
many and great Improvement In jour
city. I can ino.- t r l my that 1
am very much pi. and with jour coun
ty and the future prp. cis of Astoria.
I think ymi kin w a good thitit; when
you ee It, and the ainnuut of noli". ml
work going on here now is evidence of
that fad.
"We have had siic essf ul li. an
iunlnlslratl.ini for twenty-five su. c. s
slve year III the past, and wc all
know with what dl-aler the Demo
cratic iidiiiltilMiallon diirliu the last
three and one-half years has D . i
fraught. We all certainly believe that
It I het to follow out tile old lilies.
We have been fooled with long enough
and November third will see-a change.
I cannot tonight enter Into a discus
sion of political ou.Miions I am sim
ply here to express to you my iletct
mlnatlon and good will for the cause.
I thank you for your kind attention."
On motion of Mayor Taylor the re
port of various commit tec were then
received. The commit! n uniforms
and torches reported that they had In
vestigated the subject, a n.l recom
mended the purchase by the club i f '
cup and 20-Inch capes, the caps to be
i year on my previous trip sixteen j-ears
I ago, w ith this same vessel, loaded as
iHhe Is. I should have thought It neces
sary to wait for the hlgheat spring
tld.n before enlering the river. All of
my rargo 1 cmalgned to Portland, and
n. the vessel I so heavily mWfmm
ept. I? The foreign office 1 ""' Information which I can path-
mi il... .1,,, ...o.i.,n. er. I consider It alwolutely unsafe to
j attempt to take her up the river with
A KM KX IAN nou:"i;s. j
I'.xpi.Mion ,,f i .pinion (y the Hrltlh!
t.overuiticH. I
ha. given
.nil not.-:
"The outburst of the continental I "" "f th'" cttlK" ln h''r I shall there
prcs against i llntaln, which iif"r, lighter a thousand tons or more,
accused of selhsh design In the Knst. j""'1 f"r ,hiu Pur-e tie up to the o.
has aMonlshed otllclal clr. b-s. Noth- R- ttni1 N- J"' k '"''i,,rT"' or next day
Pig that is being don.- or coiit. mplat. d !for ,h,' purpose of discharging part
by the government could give the ! -f the cargo upon barge.
elighicM volor lo mi. h assertions. j "Thls ,he !a,,t voyage I shall make
"The government cannot hold Itself.!1" '" Nesmlth. a she haa I-en Skld
. ei ool.!.. fur II,.. ....l.,r,.l h.irror l. I i" l raK. ot .-an i-rancisco. so mat
all th'-lr candidate., so no t hnlcal ob
jection can be rala'-d an to their legal
right to be placed on the official ballot.
Will Nominate a Third Ticket as a
Kesolt of the Huffalo
ker, and Smaller Lights Con
trol the Convention.
Chicago, Kept. 17. During October
firyan wlil make speeches In Illinois,
Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota,
Wisconsin. Iowa, Kan an and Nebras-
Among the aaalgnment of speakers of !
national reputation made by Chairman THE RING STILL IX CONTROL
McConvllle, of the siieakers' bureau,
Kenator Teller, of Colorado, who will State Organisation Leaders Still at th
make five speeches In Kentucky this Helm-Hill, Murphy, Sheehan, Cm-
week and next. Following hi Ken
tucky engagement he will make five
apeethes In Ohio. Ex-Oovernor Holes,
of Iowa, and CoDgrernman Towne, of '
Minnesota, will speak at Sioux Falls, ; "Pdai to the Astorlan.
South Dakota. B-pteml-r 23. tiunaio, .-n. i Bept. i,.-ihe Derno-
cratlc state convention today nomln-.
MONSTER LIMP OF OOLD. 'ated John Boyd Thatcher, ot Allamy.
:f'r governor. The platform endorse
New Tork. Sefit. 17.-The larg st'the Chicago platform and Bryao and
chunk of gold that haa ever been ln gewall.
thla ty waa today wheeled down ; it ia a significant fact that the state
liroadway to the United States ansay ;organlzatlon leader, who have hereto-
oiflce, guanle.1 by five detectives. The tore controlled the conventions of this
big lump weighed 4737 ounces and d Is party, are still at the helm. Senator
worth ,W0. It was shipped to the; Hill. Senator Ward Murphy. ex-Lieu-
asay office by the Bank of Montreal ' tenant Governor W. F. Sheehan, Rich-
Canada, and belongs to the Cariboo croker. and aach ot the smaller
Mining Co. of British Columbia. UlahU of the Dart, who serve under
! these men's banners, are undoubtedly
i satisfied with the work of today's 'on-
Washington. Sent 17.-A statement I ventlon- It been predicted up to
prepared at the mint bureau shows 1 lMt nlnt thl thes leaders would
that the silver coinage during the
have no control of the convention and
month of August aggregated I2.t50.000. 1 tht tbe7 themaelve. would practlcai
This yielded to the government a pro-:ly be read out of the party to max.
fit for seignorage of 2.027. :room tot mon youthful aaplranU. Th
result ot tne convention toaay is tma:
THE MARKET a. j The ticket la made up of the strict or-
Iganization men who have been nom-
Llverpool. Sept. 17. Wheat Spot, : inated ; the selection of a leader who
firm; demand moderate; No. 2 red did not attend the convention has ben
spring. Ds 5d; No. 1 California, Ds 8d.
adopted for chairman of the state com
mittee; the national committeemen to
be selected next week will be men fa,
vorable to the organization leaders, and
the platform is not aa radical as It
, was intimated some weeks ago it would
Those who are inclined to be ex-
evlta'.ly liipir,d in the minis of the
public by the atrocities at Constanti
nople. The policy nf Oivat I'.rituin
has. however, undergone no change
whatev. r, and the government Is aol
ing In complete accord with the other
power, ns it ha hitherto done. Nev
ertheless it Is becoming obvious that
public f.i-llng In tli-cut ttrtluln has
I n so ntitrngcd l.y the shocking
events In Constantinople that the gov
crnm. lit would never be supported 111
again with the p. Tic.
"If the powers canted sec their way
to adopt me.iiis to co-operate to end
the (.image, the one course open to
.li. at lailahi Is to stand lusidc and to
hope for
a ii.oic s.itisfactorj" stale of
l.iitl Rock, Ark . Sept. IT. Complete ivtuins from the recent election
sho.v the following vote for governor:
Jones, tl'om.l !1.1'JI; Kcmmcl tKep.)
vjf; Piles il'op.l 1:;.lnH; Miller il'ro.)
74:'. Total, lll.l.'ii; Jones' plurality.
The vote In is;.:' before the poll tax
law was enacted, wn as follows: Klsli
back ilVui.l '.10,115; Carnahan tl'op.)
III. 117; Whipple tliep.l :::?.; t : Nelson
i I'l o.i l.:;pi; total vote l.Ml.tSR.
The vote In IM'I, held under the Vros
ent poll tax-law resulted: Clark ilVm.l
74.MHI; Remmel tliep.l :'i-..i'Sa; Parker
.Pop i 21,, VII; Miller (Pio.l l.aM; total
vote, ! -'..".I'.'i-
when my cargo Is dlsehargtil, my duty
a her muster will end. After my re
lease from the Neamlth, I shall go
to my home In Hath, Me., stopping at
San Francisco on the way, where I
shall spend some time in visiting old
Authentic report was received yes
terday that the Ant lope, the regatta
flagship. Captain Banks, which left
Portland Wednesday with a cargo of
wheat, drawing less than twenty feet
of water, met w ith a similar experience
to that of the Harland. sticking on the
bar at the mouth of the Willamette
river, and that ut last accounts she
was still sticking. The day when trou
bles of Ibis kind for ship masters will
end is rapidly approaching. The A. and
C. K. R. R. will l completed by an
other wheat shipping season, and ships
can then take their cargoes ih Astoria.
Railway Age.
The following dispatch from El Taso,
Tex., explains Itself:
El Paso, Texas, Aug. 2?. A number
of railway employes here have Issued a tremely radical In their advocacy of
lengthy appeal to the railroad men and giiver display some little disappoint
latKiring masses of the country begging ment tonight over the platform, but
them tcr rote for Pryan aad free coin- a a -whole ir Is taken -wttrr-rerr good -age.
to assert their individual man- grace. The state committee, as eon
hood and Ignore their would-be mas- stltuted, contains a majority of sirict
ters, the managers of corporations and y state organization men and the se
monopolies. The appeal a.tirms that lection this afternoon of Elliot Dan
wealthy corporations have on all oc- forth to be chairman. Calvin J. Hud
casions evinced their enmity toward on secretary, and the agreement to
latK.r by banding together to prevent imake Frank S. Campbell, of Bath, na
latmr from obtaining wages: declares tional committeeman as soon aa Sena
that gold 1 the representative, the tor Jones has notified the committee of
strength of monopolies In the United : the resignation of W. F. Sheehan. baa
States. The appeal denounces Hunt- evidenced a desire to conduct the cam-
llngton. Armouaand others, and charg-'paign from the standpoint of the state
.... h.i,i u-r.K Vmdiilrlnt. ,, een o '. : .1
e- niv... it,. ..-t-.. v UI BIlllvlOIl.
monopoly on the money of the land ; The refusal of Tammany to Indorse
to enable them to enslave labor. It the candidacy of one of its own mem
says that the employes of railroads bers. William Sulzer. waa m due to
dare not come out and declare them-1 any personal objection to him, but
selves for silver, but they can keep ; rather, as was explained by Senator
their own counsel on election day and 'Grady, .ecause It was believed that
nuletly vote for Bry an and Sewall. The Tammany would embarrass itself and
writers of the appeal say they are be accused In the event of Bryan's de
not able to lose their Jobs and cannot. feat, of selling out to the national tick
therefore sign their names to the ap-;et to secure the election of one of its
peal. They accuse corporations w ith members to state office,
calling on the government to shoot i It is very generally conceded tonight
dow n worklngmen w ho protested among the more prominent of the dele
agalnst having bread taken from the gates that the selection of Thatcher
mouths of the wives and children. The: will not be successful in preventing
appeal closes with these words: the gold men from nominating a third
Now, If the laboring classes will
act wisely In November next, the cor
porations will meet their Waterloo,1
and there will be no more strikes, as :
we will have legislation giving us Just- i
ice without striking. What have the,
promises of a corporation ever amount-!
ed to? Don't weaken. Don't show- the;
Preparations for a Eight Now Under
Way and a Buttle Expected.
Chicago, Sept. 17.-Branch R. publl-
of the "navy" put tern. The report can hcad.iiaiieis will probably be es-
wiiM referred lo the executive commit- tablished at Kansas City within a
too with power lo act. short time. This much ha practically
Secretary Stockton reported that there been decided upon us a result of the
were unite n number of llainbeau mid conference held yesterday between
common torches already on hand In Chnii inan llanna and a committee of
good condition, and that others could Misso tirlans headed by ex-Cotigress-
be puivhasul at a riiisonable figure In inan Prank, of St. Louis, and Major
the city, and recommended the full Blttinger, of the St. Joseph Herald.
equipment of the club with torches.
The report was referred to the exivu
tlve committee with power to net.
Chairman Smith, of the music com
mittee, reported that a campaign qtinr-
let had been orgunlznl, and that music
had been ordered.
The executive coiiiinltleo reported
that the hall had been oeured for Ihe i
permanent use of the club. Ita free use ;
having been donated by Mr. Oeo. C.
Klavel, A vote of thanks to Mr. Flu
vel wns unanimously pasaed by the
A large number of new members
signed the McKlnley Club roll last
night and great enthusiasm wivs ex
hibited a each name won added.
After the report, of the committees
Mr. t
Chicago, Sept. 17. Ex-Prcsldent Har
rison has naked Ihe Republican nation
al committee to make no appointments
for him to speak. The ex-president's
contract for literary work and en
gagement In a law- suit early next
month would prevent his accepting Invitation.
New York, Sept, 17. Laziird Freeres
has engaged nn nddltiotiul four million
In gold for Import to this country.
The Astoria Iron Works yesterday re
elved via the Northern Pacific a full
C. Fulton was called upon for I cargo of iron from Chicago.
Copyrighted. 'SHI. by Associated Pr. ss.)
Rarja-on-the-Nlle. Sept. 17. The ex
pedition of the Anglo-Egyptlman tr ops
numbering about 1T..0H0 men, under Sir
dar and lien. Sir Herbert Kitchener,
arrived here today from Fareig after
a wearisome march of eight miles over
a very bad tract of country. Intense
heat prevailed, but the troops are all In
llrst-clas condition. The present stop
ping place Is onl- tifteen miles from
K.-rina. where the Dervishes are known
to be concentrating a strong force of
cuv airy and Infantry. The scouts, how
ever, have not sighted any dervishes to
dny. although they were pushed for
ward a considerable distance. Further
advance will be made tomorrow.
Kerma has been looked to as a point
where the first battle would occur, but
reoonnolsnnces thus far made have
failed to develop any force of the ene
my. It Is not expected, however, after
tho desperate kind of lighting done by
the Dervishes at Ferkeh. that they will
retire from Kerma without lighting.
McKlnley Addresses Workmen of the
Thompson Steel Works.
Canton. Ohio, Sept. 17. Major Mc
Klnley todav addresser! Iht. , ,.!., .... -
white feather. Stand by j-our princl- ,h r-.. ' t,, . , ...
, ' , 'f the Edgar Thompson Steel Works,
p es and manhood. If this Is to be ... i,.i,-, i , ,, ,
of LiaJford, Pa., who called on him.
war between capital and labor, let it j!t saj.
be known that the railroad class of
laboring men tl i not show the white
feather at the first tire."
It will f.e noticed that the heroic
men who issue! this appeal and call on
railway employes not to "show the
white feather," but to "stand by their!
manhood," are themselves afraid to .
sign their names! Brave men! j
They say: "If this is to be a war lv- !
tween capital and labor." I
According to the census, recently
taken by the newspapers in New York,
it appears that in July, 1M2, 577 em
ployers of labor in the United States
gave work to 114,231 hands. How was
It in July, is 56? The same employers
gave work to TS.Ono hands; 35,331 men
who had been employed in 1SI2 were
thrown out of employment in 1S96 and
put iV5 a state of Idleness resulting ln
Chicago, .Sept. 17. Secretary of State
Illnrlchsen gave It out today that the
gold standard Democrats will have to
adopt another name ln order to get
their ticket on the otllclal ballot. "No
petition taken out In the name of an In
dependent Democratic party shall be
certified to while I am secretary of
state." said Illnrlchsen.
He stated that he had been looking
up the law In' relation to the tiling of
petitions and finds that a voter can
sign the petition of but one elector.
The gold standard Democrats have,
however, already prepared petitions for
i the loss of more thnn .In nm.
It Is not any such war. It is a war i.,h,,i. i i,,... ...
.... , , . . . : " "" me wages paid
of the honest laborer to protect hm-:, n..i, ,,, . . , .
, ., . . ., it0 114 a bands amounted to J3.il23.0OO.
self. It s n question of whether then- t,.,.. lt ,,, ,
! m Julj, 1S, the earnings of 78 500
worklngman wants to get his pay In j hllm)s am,nm(ed ,0 on,y j24(1!, a
"i0-cent dollars.
The talk about the "commands of
their would-be masters" will not scare
any thinking worklngman. He wants
honest money In pay for his honest
work, and he proposes to see that he
gets it.
An Incipient row took place on lower
Main street last night in which two
men, several milk cans and many bad
words were conslderablj- mixed up.
Captain Ilallock took the men in
charge, leaving the words and milk
cans to look out for themselves.
loss to labor on a single month In those
establishments of forty per cent.
"Yes, and Pennsylvania, like all the
rest of the country-, will vote this year
wlth more knowledge.
"In 1892 the monthly averages of
wages paid by these establishments was
$:!4.50; in 1SH6 only $31.00."
Washington. Sept. 17. The treasury
today lost J50.5O0 in gold coin and $11,500
In bars, which leaves the true amount
ofthe gold reserve $114,490,176.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.