The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 17, 1896, Image 1

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Save time
The Dally Astoria n
Has a Rnuu
F x nemo nw
iiiiU worry
...Fimlly Clrcolatlon...
Much mops than tmm ti . a
An "Ad"
In I MP AttnaiAN'l
"Wain Luluam."
NO. 222
0) YOU
Tho fo'lowii.; Tick.t in l.finjr Kivfu l.y HICKMAN WISK,
tlii Kcliulilo Clotl.iiT, to lii
Not Transferable
M . .
Hat liiili".lil uvcr I IVi; llDl.l.AKS Worlll of giunls Ml
Herman Vic' Store iiml i tlicrcKitc cntitlctt ! (ir
li ia(e in the I inure in be .rn ul
t n the rwninx of
DECEMBER 25, 1896.
Ami i also (juiiruiilceil to rri civc a rcsriit from the
X-mm tree, at tlie Mine dale anil plate, rrrsetilt will roil
Hint (ruin a box of rnmly to a fine pine of furniture, ami
from a collar button to a fine unit or overcoat.
l.ailiri, ami children over 6, a well (iciils must
have tickclH. Inly (Imihisai. Cimomi.hs will be Admitted.
The Reliable i-Price Clothier
Our Handy WaRon...
ComblnM all the features of ths ehllds
plain (( and a valucipede, and. ll
thing ronldrd. coats lh conaumar Im
than tlthar. Ho daslrable, convanlanl nd
aatlararory has It proven. thl. a
ready "llr." It h no equal, W tak
a special prlda, too, In delivering lha promptly and In faulllaaa cond
lion to lh trad.
Don't Freeze Your Life
Foard & Stokes Gompany
Buy one of their FINE STOVES to keep you warm.
Tlioy also carry complete stock of CtllOCKKI KS, HAKD-
Call and Be
Oregon State
A Training School for Teacher. Senior Year Wholly Professional
Twenty weeks of Psychology and General and Special Methods; twenty
weeks of Teaching and Training Department.
Training school of nine grades with two hundred children.
Regular Normal Course of Three Yean-.
The Normal Diploma Is recognlxed by law aa a Stata Life Certificate to
,e" Light Expenses; Hoard at Normat Dining Hall 11.60 per week. Furnish
d rooms with light and flro, 76o to $1.00 per week. Board and Lodging In
private families J2.60 to 13.60 por week.
, TUITION : Sub-Normal, 15.00 per term of ten weeks; Normal, J6..5 per
term of ten weeks.
Grades from reputable schools accepted. ,
Catalogues choerfully furnished on application.
Aildres P. L. CAHPBELL. Pres., or W. A. WANN, Sec, of faculty.
Mount Angel College.
Tnr mont excellent Hoarding Hrhonl In the Northwest. Our principle Isr-tc, use the
I, ,1 ..Vet hods I I ,i"k and only leneher of great learning and exncrleiiFe ; l nuiln
I, Z, , Is. . i oexnet. iiH Ihe lesson, and have the nn.K.. the best, us. of
IV, fr V til.-- t.. it I em aubslnnlli.l anil good meals ami plenty to nil ; to see t.. their
. .. lr .V."1 .'. ........ r. exercise : to it ve thorough aul lalactlon to
5S. well Si to Psrent-V sum
? '"'!, rr;;!:'chhrcKm"n.,,if.::rv: z,r : ,rt
r."1" 1tl"l'..,,h . 1 ' A 2 iiiiklns . ele. Music on all Inalriimeiila, Write for ape-
i oi.Mi.i-r. ,io -
clal term" lit once to
School ii'ii September 4lh.
Base Ball
Croquet Tackle,
Sets Garden Tools
Away This Winter 1
Trustee for the late
Normal School
hv. r?,....ll HH ''?'r. I"
Indicated In the lill .MnrtlJlWC I'llld
Ytstinl.iv In KccurdcrV.
I'mvldnl fir at l In- rnt of H'i.wki per
Mlli- ivmial TruKl Compaiiy. of
Ni-tv York City Nanu'd aa
Tl UKti-f.
... .......
I ItP I'Ullllll' o. I liw I'lNl.n ",. ..n.v.-
rln ami ' 'oliiiiili'u Hlvr Itullroud puli
llrh-d I . tin-tie rnhiniliH liiulij' inolitfia
ai. hit ' k- fully aulialuiitluti-d ly
tli- hl:i irl iiioitKiiKe yenli-nlay llled
In t'le 1 -onl'-r'a nltlre. The mortKKe
la I n ure an lau.- of S.Oiio.iu of, lit the rule or tm.iaai per mile,
the laatl,- helllK limited to mlli-a of
road, the Imiii.Ib to lie lnaue.1 pio rata
aa the llm-a The main f
line la di-alKimted aa xti-ndlna' from
Aalorla to 1'ortland via ilolile, and In-
i-ludm the riinatrurtlon of a line Imm
Warrenton to Klavel. and to Tillamook j
May. :
The morlKatie reada that to aevur
the payment of the Imnda. the entire
llne la lnortK'iKi-1 to the Central Truat ;
Company, of New York, aa trualee, j
and i-ovrra the railway conaiructej or
aiqulrel ty the Aatorla and Columbia ,
Itlver Kallroad Company, or to 4ie con-
atruited or arqulrel, cxtendlnK from a
Hlnt In or near Aatorla. In the atate
of nreaoii, via (ioble. to iMrllnml. In
auld atate, and alao from aome on- :
w-iii.-nt 1 on the line of aald road1
at or m-ar Aatorla. to Klavel and a
point on the Pa'-llk- ocean; and alao,
from a point at or m-r Warrenton to
Heaald. and thence to aome point on
the Nehaleiu rlv.-r. and thence to a
ol..t uiHn Tillamook liny, all In ald
atntc f iMcu-Mi, and all rullwaj-N
a..,l r..llav lli,. a of the party of the
(Hat part and lla au. '..M.r. li.-lli.-r
...ii.liucted or a.-nulred. nr to Ik- con-
atructeil or aciuln-l. until the length
of audi ialla. ahull amount In tit
aggntiate to :' mll-N. and all their
appi rteiiunce. lmludlng thervln. all and Mishta of way. auperatruct-
ure. ralla and tra. ka. aldetracka or
aldiniiA, bridge, bulldliiga, f.-nc.-a. d.-
pot, atutloii hou.n-a. ahopa. warehouac.
car houae. engine hmia.-. machine
ahopa, repair ahopa. bulldliiga, erection
and atiuctuie nii-eanry to the opera-
lion of wild railway or ald railway
line, and all and aliigulnr. the rolling
atock, e.iilpment and machinery at-
pertaining thereto, whether now nwned
to be herenft.-r acquired; and also:
all the rents. Issue, toll. Income,
earning and protlt of uch railways
and railway line. !
The document Is signed by A. V.
llammoiid. president, and Thomas N.
Strong. s.-.-retary of the A. and C. It. ,
It. It., and provide for the payment of
m-ml-anmial Interest at four per cent
on the bonds as mimed, which run for
me houdi'-d y.-nrs.
Only Itoullne llusliies 1 nins.ii ted Night--New Curfew
l.uw .
At the regular me.'llng of the city
council last night. Mayor Taylor pie
ld.M. M.-ssr. Schlehe. Young. Welch.
Parker. Slverson, Schern.s-kitu. Iierg-
nmn and McC.rcgor being preicnl. Less
than the onllunry nnmunt of routine
bulucss was transacted, and the m, -cling
adjourned until 2 o'clock next M"ii-
day aflernoon.
The applications of J. L. Carlson,
Larson. Ueigninn Co., and lioo. Mcis
ter. for liquor licenses, were referred
to the committee on health and police.
The report of Superintendent Holt
concerning the sliding ground In the
district bounded by llrand and Ken
sington avenues, and Tth and Wth
stive-l. McCluie s Astoria, w as ordered
llled. The report recommended ns a
remedy to overcome the dllllcully, the
grading of 10th street to the south
side of Harrison; Harrison from 10th ; Works. 1; referred to the lire and va
to the west aide of 6th; fith from Ex-; tcr committee.
change to Harrison, and the extension
of the 10th street sewer from the north
side of Grand avenue to tho South side
of Harrison, and the extension of the
StH street newer from Exchange street
to Harrison avenue. These Improve-;
limits, he thought, would overcome the!
dllllcully, carry off the surplus water
from the springs In the side of the
hills, and prevent the further sliding of
the grounds.
A communication from W. YV. rar
ker, asking to have a change made In
the wording on Pnge 11(1, In the "Old
Lien Docket;" the application of II.
P. Olsen. for tax redemption deed, and
similar applications from John Nelson
And Lambert Iiwson, were referred to
the ways and menus committee.
The communication from Chief F. M.
Green, of the tire department, calling
the attention of the city council to the
leaky condition of Engine Company
No. 3's house, was referred to the com
mittee on public property with power
to act.
The petition of property owners for
the construction of a sewer on Second
ain't, vmin ref.-r.-il to tin- eniiimlitiM! on
irH'U hikI public way.
The report at City Surveyor MHI rec
ommending On- paynn-nc of lh lil 1 1 of
i:. V. Ilowdltch, of Hoaloii. for I !':,, for
furnishing designs of wcun View Cein-
ji'l'T)', WB adopted.
, The report of the committee on
i'" - l,h I-" '"m t.t
; (ii NtiiliiK ul a lln iii- ty H. t rlPdiiian,
u, tluiiMT fir ttm uiii-x,lr-d term of
thrrv niuiilhN ami twiiily two day,
ixiillnn t a yir' lliiiw, m lint
i ty a Vntf of fuur to fur.
! Tlx aiillratlin of Mm. li. C. Thorn p
'aon for tin- t'n "-ar Iriatallmt-nt plan
'of pa in-lit on Hit Ki hanK'' atrrtft
' lmpivi'im'iit, rwotnini-rut'tj liy the coin
mlt(,f on tri t and public wayn, aa
. 'lo'l'''l
Tin lonuiilttw on flrn and walrr
"'"I " arantwl further
time to ri-port on the inttl t it of build
Ina" a tower for I'nlon t mv Co. No. 4.
The reirt of H-xton Win. Iw-nck, f
the n iiioval, hy permit, of lertaln lod-Ii-n
from the llillalde fiiiietery, Ull
Aiitorla Tranafer V. II; J. N, Hen-
nhaw. J.'K; J. N. H-nahaw, Im; Aamr j
llouw, $13 1; l-jnea-coiin Irui Co., 1
l 65; Mr. Mi t'rea. Wm. McCn a, j
:'0; Aati-rla Tranafer Co.. Mi-; Aatotia
t, Co.. 11.32; Clataop Mill Co., 133.40;
KreJ Kalx , tl; The.j. OI.-n. I3S.K; A-
torla Tranafer Co., 3 M; Aatorla Bus
c.. Ill); Aatorla Aaphalt and Kooflnc
Co., Il'o; O. V. Porter. 13.71; Aatorla A-
phalt and Hoofing Co.. I5.
The report of the city engineer mak-
n, the nnal eatlmate on the sradlng-
w,,rk (irand avenue, ahowlna; the
total coat of the work to be 12.23.T2.
lth a balance due the contractora of
T,46t$ A2.. waa ordered filed.
tut 11 A rvi. r.w.
The following ordinance were read
the llrat and aecond tlmea: Authorli
ItiK the lhauance of to 8. Nor
mlle for the Improvement of CJrand
avenue for II.MJi; appropriating
to S. Normlle, and accepting the
Krn lliiK mi 111- linproverneiil work of
'Irand avenue by M. Chriatlanaen &
'Co.. and n l.-a.lmr the H.nilamen.
" iiohuir w.uimmrs i
third r-udlni!: Making It a mlademean-
or for minora to 1. vr-on the atr.-eta of
"'' lly after certain houra without
th"lr pan-nta or giiardiann. or fre-m-nt-
lug variety theatrea and aaloona; cur-
few b-lla to be rung at Engine Co. No.
2. Columbia Engine Co. No. J. and the
fpl - rton achool: from S.-ptemlH-r to
April Inclusive the bell will he rung
t S p. m; fem May to August the bells
will rung at 9 p. m.;lnfrlngemenlB
of thl ordinance will subject offender
lo a fine of not leas than 2. nor more
than t:'o. or Imprisonment not exceed-
log twelve day at the option of the
auditor and police Judge.
Prohibiting animal irom running ai
large ana the apHintmeni oi a pouna
master to enforce the same.
Continuing the assessment on eclal
assessment roll No. 1., for the Improve-
merit of Ernnklln avenue from lTth to
Wth street.
The ordinance, establishing the wharf
line, after considerable discussion, was
recommitted to the committee on
wharves and water frontage.
The following resolution were read
mid ndopt.Hl:
Authoi-ixing the auditor and police
Judge to give legal notice of the in
tention of the council to construct a
sewer on Second street from the south
line of Commercial street to the harbor
Authorizing the auditor and police
Judge to give legal notice of the ln
tentlon of the council to establish the
grade on 2mh street at the Intersections
of Commercial and Dunne.
Appointing C. W. Stone as n mem
ber of the board of assessors In place
of Hairy Manscll, a property owner,
to make the assessment for the Grand
avenue Improvements.
Instructing the city attorney to im
mediately demand the money due and
'owing the city from various people,
and t commence suit for the same If
not pnld within five days,
i New Publishing Co., 3Sc; 33c; $2.:4;
SOc; sue: $172; referred to the ways and
niciins committee.
Columbia Ironworks, CA-; Dalgity Iron
j Foard & Stokes Co., J4.-.; rererrea to
j the committee on streets and public
C. J. Trenchard. Sfc.uO; rererrea to
committee on public property.
Tho ordinance for the Improvement
of the street over the hill to Young's
' Bay, w as read the first and second
, times, and after lengthy discussion,
j waa referred back to first reading and
to the committee on streets and public
ways. This Is an ordinance providing
for the same improvement which a
short time ago, In a previous ordinance,
was vetoed by the mayor.
On motion the communication from YV.
Denck and K. and N. Franetovlch re
garding the assessments on ISth street
and Franklin avenue, was taken from
the table and referred to the commit-
-tee on streets and public ways.
On motion the city attorney waa in
structed to draft an ordinance to cover
the matter of keeping a record of births
and deaths In the city.
On motion the council adjourned to
meet at 2 p. m. next Monday to con
sider the Young's Bay road question.
Tammany in Control and Sold Out
to the Silur .Mine
Will lie Endoraed If the Platform aa
heporttd la Adopted MuJi Excllt
mcnt I'revaila and Little Talk
of Kualon.
lluffalo, Sept. IS The platform of the
iM-mocrallc party In tbia atate, as
drafted tonight, will have aa its first
proposition this statement:
"'The Democrat of the state of New
York. In convention assembled, do here
by approve, and unreservedly Indorse
the platform adopted by the national
convention at Chicago, and we here
by unanimously approve the nominees
of said convention. William Jennings
Hryan and Arthur Hvwall, and pledge
them our earnest and cordial support."
The completion of the first day's ses
sion of the Democratic state convention
has not disturbed In any great meas
ure the forecast that had been pre
pared. The condition tonight, how
ever, are interesting, because of the
Internal fights which, while good na
tured upon their surface, are not want
ing In Internal bitterness. The prin
cipal strife tonight is to prevent the
adoption of the unit rule and to pre
vent thereby the nomination of any
candidate without a fair, open fight.
Particularly are the friends of Con
gressman Bulxer striving to this end.
It Is reasonably certain tonight that
the ticket will be:
Governor, John Boyd Thatcher, of
Lieutenant-governor, ex-Mayor Ryan,
of Syracuse.
Judge of the Court of Appeals, Rob
ert C. Titus, of Buffalo.
Chairman of the state committee, E.
P. Dan forth.
National Committeeman, Frank
Ttle slate has not been decided upon
without hourly opposition, and the op
position Is so bitter that while the cer
tainty of the ticket Is almost establish
ed at a late hour tonight, complications
may arise which will change any name
uim the ticket, with the possible ex
ception of Judge Titus. The planning
of the candidacy of Thatcher has been
In the hands of a man who is not num
bered among the delegate, and this in
Itself has caused some of the opposi
tion. The man Is Anthony N. Brady,
of Albany, president of several large
corporations and a stockholder In the
Chicago C.a Company. This fact has
arrayed the more radical free silver
men against Thatcher and they are
claiming many pledges.
The greatest excitement of the day
at the convention was the announce
ment that there had been a practical
fusion of Populists and Democrats, in
which Senator Hill's friends had been
active. In assisting the Populists. The
story came direct from the chairman
of the Populist committee of live. A.
Flske, one of the Populists, said:
It was agreed that the Populists
should support the nominees and plat
form of this convention, no matter who
the nominees were. If, In return for
this support, they will be allowed to
name live presidential electors."
The final ararngement has not yet
been made.
lie Ignores Scwall, but Denounces Gor
man ns a Traitor.
Omaha. Sept. 16. A special to the
llee from Lincoln, Nebraska, says that
Congressman Thomas Watson address
ed nn audience of 2.000 people nt the
Lansing Theatre this afternoon. Wat
son said that In accepting the nomi
nation of the Populist party for the
ollice of vice-president of the United
States he had been given a plain duty
to perform. He should remain on the
ticket and carry forward thnt duty un
til the end of the tight on the night
of November 3. He refrained from any
mention of Sewull, and when a voice
from the balcony inquired "How about
Sew-all?" this was the only question put
to him which he ignored. He said the
recent elections in Vermont and Maine
had conclusively proved that the mon
ey power prevailed in the North and
East. There was great danger that
Bryan would be betrayed In the house
of his alleged friends.
"Do you know," he asked, "who has
been selected as an eastern man and
friend of the banks and money power?
Gorman Is trying to betray the party
and Bryan."
Washington, Sept. 16. The state de
partment ha been advised that Ty
nan, alleged to be the famous "Number
One" of the Phoenix Tark tragedy, now
under arrest at Boulogne, has appealed
to Ambassador Eustis, claiming exemp
tion from surrender to the British au
thorities by reason of his American
citizenship. Officials of the state de
partment decline to say In advance
what action would be taken In such a
case, but the practice in the past has
b'-en to avoid Interference and permit
the aurrender, preaumlna; thnt the rf
("IIcka are In ai:ordance with the
u-iuul lejtal corle of the two countrUa.
Arneriian cltlzenahlp cannot be let up
t pievent the extradition of a per
a m arreated In one country for a crime
jc inmltted In another.
Criticize the Becretary's Recent Es
planatlon of his Official Duties.
Washington. 8pt. R The letter
published this morning from Secretary
Carlisle to a gentleman In Kentucky,
explaining how- parity Is maintained
letw-een gold and silver, la the subject
for much comment at Democratic head
quarters. Chairman Faulkner, in aa
Interview, alleges there has been a re
versal of the policy of the treasury de
partment In regard to the redemption
of silver dollars In gold. The feature !
f the secretary's letter which has oc- j
casloned the moat comment Is as fol-iln
It Is the duty of the secretary of
the treasury and all oher public offl- j
cials, to execute In good faith the pol- i
Icy declared by congress, and w henever shock Just forward of amidships. Cap
he shall be satisfied that the sllvtv j tain Glam at once ordered the port an
dollar cannot be kept equal in pur- chor out. The hook held firmly and the
chasing power with the gold dollar. ! ship gradually swung broadside on the
when such exchange Is demanded. It I
will be his duty to adopt that course."
Senator Faulkner expressed his "Re-
gret that the secretary of the treasury I
should have announced a policy which!
invites the depreciation of our curren- j
vy. and will at once encourage the gold !
speculators and money lenders of the
country to additional raids upon our , point to be so shallow. An examlna
gold reserve, with a view of forcing : tlon waa made and It was decided te
the government to continue issuing
interest-bearing bonds to carry out the .
policy suggested In the letter of the '.
secretary of the treasury." j
; fell the bow began to appear above
GRAIN INSPECTION. 'water and tonight It Is out of water.
The stern Is on a line with the water.
T acorn a, Wn.. Sept. lS.-The state A1I naval officials who have seen the
grain commission la In session to nx.vefwl ajmit that her position la a
the grades of wheat, and other grains, dangerous one.
for the ensuing year. Tomorrow the The tug Aquldnack arrived alongside
Portland grain dealers will be given a within half an hour after she struck,
hearing. It Is thought desirable to ex- and qu0kly got a line out. The war
plain the system fully to them, It be-, shiPi however, proved too heavy for
ing their Intention to have similar the tUK t( handle, and was apparently .
grades established In Oregon, to possl- flxed firmly on the rock. The tug waa
ble. The system of state grain Inspec- obliged to give up the attempt to float
tlon started last year Improved the for- !the monster battle-ship tonight, but will
elgn market for Washington grain and make another attempt at high tide to
resulted In several San Francisco firma : morrow morning which will be at I
coming here to buy cargoes sold In o'clock. The Texas came In to get a
London and South Africa, on condition
that they receive the Washington state
Inspection. At least one cargo of Ore-
gon grain was sold on similar condition
the state grain commission being asked
to send an Inspector to Portland to
grade It. ;
San Francisco, Sept. 16. After eight
months' of quibbling the provisional in-, hfh promises to eclipse the
surance compact, entered into at Mon-jbS meetings of war times. Senators
terey last February' has been converted I Thurston and Cullom. Corigresamaii
Into an operative board know n as the I McCleary. of Minnesota Governor
Fire Underwriters of the Pacific Coast, j Hastings, of Pennsylvania, and Gover
The last signature was obtained today ! nor Buahnell. of Ohio, will be present
when Pacific Coast Manager Henry K. ind speak. The railroads which enter
Belden affixed his name to the const!-; Canton have arranged for nfty special
tution. in behalf of the Hartford Fire lus, consisting- of from ten to fifteen
Ins. Co. His main objection was re- coaches each. Upwards of H.000 peo
moveJ when commissions were read-.P' are expected from Pittsburg alone.
Justed and the rate for San Francisco. A large delegation is coming from
Oakland and Portland was made 20 .Wheeling, and a delegation of wheel
nn.t f,r nil other cities 15 men is also expected from Toledo and
per cent.
' Sun Francisco. Sept. 16 The little entry Into Canton on Bicycles. Big
schooner Ivy. which left port yester-; delegations are expected from Clncln
day for the Oregon coast, came back natl, Kentucky and Indiana. At least
late this afternoon w ith her flag at i six states w ill be represented. The
half mast. The mourning signal was present estimate of the crowd which Is
for the death of Captain John Holland, likely t attend is from forty to fifty
master of the craft, who was lost thousand.
overboard this morning about daylight, j
miles off the Faralloncs. through the .
carrying away of the mainsheet by a j
northwester. The crew spent several ;
hours In a fruitless search for the body
and then put back to port.
eo.,i s..f i -The Pom.llst Bern-
ocratlc and Silver Republican county
conventions adjourned tonljrht after
fusion ticket.
Out of
thirty-three county and legislative
offices the Populists have IT.; Democrats
10, and the Silver Republicans S.
Portland, Sept. 16. The store of Car
los Una, a dealer in wooden ware at
the corner of Front and Vine streets,
was gutted by fire this evening. The
loss was about $10,000 and was covered
by Insurance.
Liverpool. Sept. 16. Wheat, spot,
steady; demand, poor; No. 2 red spring,
5s 4d: No. 1 California, 5s 7d.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report
1 w c
The Texas Kent Ashore at Newport
Yesterday and Now Rests
on i Kock.
Executive Officers on Duty Mistake the
Depth of Water and Cncle Sam
May Lose a Fine Warship In
Newport, R. I., Sept. The battle
ship Texas, while coming Into the har
bor this evening, ran aground opposite
the torpedo station. She rests on
big rock amidships and Is considered
a dangerouse condition.
When she reached the harbor th
'tide was running out strongly and was
at about "half ebb." The first warning-
the officers had of danger was a slight
beach. She waa firm and could not be
: moved so a to make the least head
way by means of the anchor. The ebb-
Ing tide left her a fixture for the night
at least.
Captain Henry Glass and Lieutenant
J. D. Kelley were both on the bridge
'and neither supposed the water at that
send for a tug. At the tide below half
ebb, five fathoms of water were found
under the bow and about the same
depth under the stern. As the tide
supply of torpedoes.
, Korty thousand Visitors From Vari-
ous States Will Be In Can
ton Today.
I Canton. Ohio, Sept. 16. Preparatlona
are under way for the formal opening
of the local campaign Friday on a
Detroit. The last named delegation,
which will consist of several thousand
in numbers, will leave Its train at Mas
sillonfi eight miles west, and make Its
Chicago, Sept. 16. The Republican
national committee has decided to send
campaign speakers of national promi
nence out through the silver producing
states and the Pacific slope. The ad
vance guardof these exponents of Re-
i publican principles will be Congress-
man Butterworth, of Ohio, who, it Is
announced, win speaa in v. yomuig
September ana iv, ana in Colorado
September 30. From there he goes to
Oregon, where he expects to deliver
three speeches, and thence to Califor
nia, where five speeches are scheduled.
Other speakers are being communicat
ed with, and will be sent west when
negotiations are completed.
Portland, Me., Sept. 16. Complete re
turns from ten of the sixteen counties
give Powers (Rep.), for governor, 5.V
712 votes, and Frank (Dem.), 23,014.
These figures bear out the estimate
heretofore made that the Republican
plurality will not be far away from