The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 16, 1896, Image 1

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    ... ,
Fxncnao I0W
und worry V"".'t
An "Ad" -
In Tim AtniKiAN't
"Wnt Column."
The Daily Astoria n
rU a Rouia
.. .Family Circulation, ,.
Much mom thah thru tiihr as
in it ;
Tin. fo'lowin Tick.t in U-inj; given I.y IIKHMAX WISH,
ill" KfliuMit Clotl.ii-r, to hi
Not Transferable
.1 :
Hut bought over I IVK ItOI.I.AKS w.irth of gnml at
Herman VUc' Store ainl in therefore entitle! to in the I Uni t to lie given at
)n the evening of
DECEMBER 25, 1896.
Ami in also jjuaraiitceil to rereive a .rcHCtit from the
.Ninas tree, at the name ilate and plate. Present, will ton
il from a lux of ramly to a fine iere of furniture, ami
from a ollar Ittitton to fine ituit or overcoat.
l.atlie, ami rhihlrcn over 6, a well an (Sent must
have ticket. ( )nly OkujinaI. (."vmomi h will je admitted.
I III lit I ", l-k m.
VUtUI Ordered Hint the allowance of
diiy of term; same present a ycatcr-
Court met and Han duly op.-rnd at
H'lvrri mat imv allowance ur iiu
u-r tnotiih horetofore made Mm. Hchro-
cl.-r. Mm Sandy and Mm, I'U be re-
Lurc Amount of Koutlnc ISuine; . iui-'i t. w tr month.
Transuded liml Hills j f J. W. William, recorder.
appointing A, Lel-rman a deputy,
read. Ordered allowed, an compen
sation fixed at 13 per day while srtu
ally employed.
(.'rnriiunli atlon from O. It. Kates,
Chairman (itlx.-n'a Committee at Hea-
Chang. Mule In th rn-r of Hualrica I"1'1'- r""'1- "" h I"" 1"--Law
and Matter. Will r,,.d time houa-a have been
Hi- Conaldetvd on Flint Mon
day of the Month.
broken Into and property dt-mroyol.
The Reliable i-Prlce Clothier
v f l "NaT -v i ar
Our handy Wagon...
ComblnM all lha faaturva of tha ehlld'a
plain araaon and a vdiHMprda, anl. all
thln ronulrtMt, roaia lha cunaumor Ivu
than rllhvr. Ho doalrabla, conv.nlont and
aatlatarory haa It provan. that, aa a
raady "anllrr." It haa no equal. Wo tako
a apaclal prlda, loo. In dnllwrlna; th
aama promptly and In faulllvaa cond
tlon to lha Ira da.
Base Ball
caiiKliiK loaa and daniat to many, and
ankliiK that a r"anl of at Irani loo
tit nffi-r'd hy the rounly for Ihr arrent
and ronvlctlon of any p-ron found
ftilliy of any aui h doprpdaliona at K-a-aldv.
and oftVrlna; to nuarantci an ad
ditional aum of tl'Hi. And It apiHrlnir
to th- eourt that lh- n-aldi-nta of S-a-
ld hUV. BHlir,.l ailllM'fllif IliriM t,t .,m
l. .... . II t It t .. ,... . "
I' urii, - iitfii. ii if. itray. ju'ixp,
Lar(t and Enthusiastic Gatbcrinij at
the Court House Last
Protwtlon to American Lalxir, Hound
Mon-y and the Maintenance of the
National Honor Inaplre the
Old War Horaea.
ortli inl i-port. .itiipll"d hy K. 1 Dun-
liar, ( ounly l'l-rk.
In !!) I'ouniy Court of the Mat? of
'it "it. In and for I'laOvip county,
Ti. !, Heptemlier . iv.; nrat clay.
ChrU I'l'irrwiii ami llonvll t- la, t'oin
mUnlotii-ra; K. I. Iunliar, ('lrk; and J
W. Mare, Hhrrlff
The drat meet Inn of the McKlnley
f'luh alnce the openlna; of the cam
palirn n held at the court houae last
nlk'hl. There waa a larne Ratherlng
of the memliera of the club, whllat a
Kr--at many outaldera, comiwaed of ev
ery political complexion, (welled
the crowd. The court room waa filled
a a reward, and that It would be
to the U-at Int'-reaia of th county to of-
f. r a r.-ard In addition thereto. It Ii to m,nfHt capacity, and many atood
th'-ri-fore ordered that the county lurlKe!i i.. i.,m.
Court met an, w.a .July ned .1 1 hr .u,hrixed , offer a reward .rf tioo. n,nt ornllatil,n WM effected enthu-
" ' ' " " aa reuinte.i tpy me iMUxen Commlt-
Aipllatloii of I' J. liiKHliiiin and .tee of Keaalde, In addltlm to the re
Ham Oliver, aaklnit that Mary Ann w ard offered by them for the arrest and
(iulon. an lndlent peraon. be (ranted conviction of any perann or peraona
relief, reentel. Ordered that ahe tw found fullty of committing; the dep.
allowed 14 per month. redallona complained of.
alaatlc apeechea were made, and a gen
eral aplrlt of anxiety and readiness (or
hard work was manifested among; the
members. Confidence was expressed
on all aides that a well conducted cam
paign In Clatsop meant an overwhelm
Crmmlaalonera reteraon and Lewla Th, '"""wing bills on the special ing majority for McKlnley. sound
Croquet Tackle,
Sets Garden Tools
Don't Freeze Your Life Away This Winter 1
Foard & Stokes Gompany
Buy one of their FINK STOVES to keep you warm.
They nhto carry a cotuplcto stock of (J HOCK HI KS, 1IAHD
NVA H 10, ( ! LA SW A H K, KTC.
Call and Be
Trustee for the late
Oregon State Normal School
A Training School for Teachers. Senior Year Wholly Professional,
Twenty weeks of Paycholojry and doneral and Special Methods; twenty
weeks of Teaching and Training Department
Training school of nine gradca with two hundred children.
Regular Normal Course of Three Ycatr.
The Nurmal Diploma la recognised by law aa a Stats Life Certificate to
Light Expenses; Hoard at Normal Dining Hall $1.60 per week. Furnish
'ed rooms with light and (Ire, 7Gc to $1.00 per week. Board and Lodging In
private families $2.(0 to $3.60 per week.
TUITION : Sub-Normal, $5.00 per term of ten weeks; Normal, $6.25 per
term of ten weeks.
Grades from reputable schools accepted.
Catalogues cheerfully furnished on application.
Addres P. L. cXnPBELL, Prea., or W. A. WANN. Sec, of Faculty.
! .
Mount Angel College.
TIIK tniwt. excellent Hoarding Hcliool In the Northareat, Our principle In: to use the
het iik'I hi kIn In li iii hliiK und only teiu'hera of iireiil lenrnlmr and experience: to inutn
liiln iinoil (llni'lpllne; loexiicl nil tlie liwaona anil have t lie boy imike the heat uaeof
tliclr I hui'; to ill vc thi'in aulnlniilliil anil kimmI mt ula anil plenly toent; to aee to their
bodllv heiillli liyulvliiK tlieni ninnle elmnee ftir exerclae; to give tliomiivli ntlntttotlon to
at il l i'l t a n well iia to pnn nU. (Ireiit auiua have lieon expenili'il thla aiiiuiiier In bi'autir
IiikiiikI luvellng I he Knninila, puttlnv In new water eliwela anil a ierfeet aewer ayaiem, In
enliiiKlng the ciiblnela, rolloetlona, llhniry, etc. One of our aprclaltlea la a uioat complete
Coiniuercliil unit liiialiinaa Courae, llolikllig, etc. Muale on all liMlriimenta, tt rile fur aiw
elal tcrma at once to ' THE WIINUPAU
Bchool oH'iia 8epU'iuber tb.
rep..rt that they have examined bridges r"'1 rund amlned and allowed, to
Xoa. 1, 4, i. H and l on the "Elale : ',,:
mad." built by O. A. Cole, and find the ' Flaher Ilrothera. $4 J5, nalla; Astoria
aame In acorlanie with the plana and Co., $3.M. lumber; scow "Pacific,"
apeclfiratlona. and recommending that I1SW. b.tlng lumber; Flaher Ilroth
the aame be adopted Ordered that the rr- n'-. spikes, etc.; Clataop Mill Co..
report tie plated on tile, that the 117 :i. tumtier; H F. Prael & Co., $4,
brldgea be a pled, and that a war- hauling lumber; Foard ft Stokes Co.,
rant laaue on the county treasurer In " M. aplkea; James Ilpiwer, $75;
favor of o. A Cole for I1S7. as per con- J"hn Titus. $1 75; Howell Lewla, $7.M;
tract. William Chleholm. $1 75; John Reld.
In the matter of building a bridge l 15; J. C. ravl. $7; Fre.1 Ault. IC.15;
across Sklpniion i n ek at a point w here It- Louden. J7 .W; E. HuaJd. $12 70; W.
the county r-'H l from Main strew In Raymond. $10 M; Jamf Montgomery.
the tow n of Wareiiton croaaea the same. F. Lyons, $;':.; $ W. Nutter,
Thla matter coining on for considers- $!"; W. II. Hell, $t'.; v. Cray,
tlon at this time upon the motion to $U'6'.; X. McFee, $;ai, JI. W. Weeks,
accept the plans und bids of Clinton & l1 J I'Hulir, $'".3, IuIms, niad district,
Company, submitted at the lat term '!' "f Astoria: S. P. Adair. $J1. la-
"f the court, to hull. sld bridge. On Kou. IHtrict Xo. 1; I), f. Siaf-
r-ill rail J. H I iray und C. IVter- ford. $7. lalr; Warrenton mill. $15.75,
son voti-d to accept the plans and bid lumU-r ll.J Diatrlct Xo. ; Seaside
of Clinton Company, and It. Lewis w mill, $5:; J. Vahlcr, $;'; C. John-
vote.1 not to accept said plans. It waa "i. 1.'. poll tax remitted; J. I'. Rurke,
therefore ordered that the plans, spec- " '' s. fbllbrlik. $11.50, labor K.d
Ideations and bid of Clinton O.mpa- Mtrli t No. 3; John Roberts, l.'J W, la-
ny of $;Mii for th rinstrui'tbn of the ,'"'': I. J. Ingalls, $;' C5. material and
draw and $1 5 per lineal foot for pile la!xr. Road District Xo. 4; X. Hosier,
tn-stle, with 5 per cent added thereto $"10, alor Roail District Xo. 6; P. P.
for a bridge across Sklpamm crck. be Itoss. $i:.txi; H. A. Cameron. $12.W; W.
accepiwl. and that a contract be en- ": Stone. $lj.w; J. Snane, $.'00; J. A.
teri'd Into with said Clinton ft Compa- Hender, $i..00. labor Road District Xo.
ny for the construction of the same. lrt; W. H. Miller 19 o, labor Road Pla
in the matter of building a bridge ""let Xo. 1; Rosa. Hlgglns & Co.. $5.00,
across Hill's slough, at a point w here rope; A. J. Wherry $15, J. C. Pope $13.50,
the county road from Main street In James (lallagher $12.75, K. Westerland
Warrenton crosses the same. This mat- '15 75, K. Cole $J3.:'5. O. A. Cole $44.00.
ter coming on for consideration nt this F. Pope $19.50, P. Mnhoncy $:'.(X). Roy
time, upon motion to accept the bid of Wherry $1.50. J. Robertson $6.75, R. M.
V. Sanderson, submitted at the last Wooden $2.tW. A. A. Anderson $2.25, O.
term of court, to build said bridge. On,'- Jacobson $23.25. Charles Gronnel
roll call It was unanimously voted to t'.M, J. Adams $20.25. U. Gronnel $6.00,
ai-cept the bid of V. Sanderson. It be- S. Gragg $25 50. labor Road District Xo.
Ing the lowest nnd best bid received. 1": F. Springer $S 25; W. Thomanson
It was therefore ordered that the bid It- T. Gustou $2.00, F. Wooden
of V. Suiideraon of $1 41 per lineal foot $ ''(. C. Hutcbins $:.0i), J. (iiildes $1.13,
for anld bridge be accepted, for the w- Ginldes $4.12. T. Conner $2.25, W.
construction of a brblge across Hill's Hoitom t'.'.iHt, J. Court $11.25, R. M.
slough, and that a contract be entered Gaston,. Slii.OO, lubur Road District Xo.
Into with said V. Sanderson for the
construction or tne sunie. The following bills on the General
In the matter of bids for wood. At Fund examined und allowed, to-wit:
this time the following bid for wood Mm. Xoidlund, $10.00; Mra. Schroder,
waa opened nnd nnd: In accordance $tn.00; Mrs. Sandy, $l0.n0; Mrs. Pise,
with notice calltig for the same, to-wit: Jiii.ini; Mrs. Grubcr. $S.W: allowance for
D. D. It. Campbell, 40 cords of vine August; C, Xorilstiom. $HUH, cure if
maple at $4.15 per cord; 5 cords of tlr Sorglund: Charles Ward, $10.iW, cure of
at $3.50 per cord. This being the low- Ostium; F. A. Wilson. SvOO, care of
est bid received, it was therefore or- Nelson; Jay Tuttle. $5. on, examination
deivd that the sunie be accepted ami of P. Hull: J. A. Fulton, $.'..00. exumina-
coiiii-act awarded to D. A- D. R. Camp- tlon of G. A. Hell; II. S. l.ymun, $9.00:
bell at the prices bid. R. . Wright, $12. no; C. A. tjeurhurt,
In the matter of the bridge ucioss I2.IKI. Teachers' Rxamlnations; J. A.
Fishhawk creek at Jewel. Report of K.ukin. $17.50. legal opinions and draw-
II. M. Gaston, Supervisor of Road Dis- IK contracts; J. W. Williams, $2.75,
trlct Xo. 15. read slitting that he hud stamps, recorder's ullice; J. W. Hare,
offered to construct said above named $l::u.59. board of prisoners for August;
bridge for the sum of $1iki. It was or- $ltl,,",4, expenses serving papers;' F. H.
dered that the same be approved nnd Surprennnt. $7.00, expense making nr-
that the clerk notify him that the rest; A. Johnson, $10.00, launch for
commissioners would examine the work slieiin; A. L. Fulton. $2.00. visits to
about the 20th Inst. Jail : Giillln & Roe.1, $29.!K), two sets
In the matter of the Improvement of Hill's Code and stationery; R. H. Pat-
the Elsie road. Report of Gus Gronnel rick 4c Co., $2.00, rubber stumps; F. V.
read staling- that he hud completed Ferguson, $1S.50. letterheads nnd legal
according to contract tills Xos. 2, 9 and blanks; J. S. Dellinger, $31, legal blanks
11, and bridge No. 17 on the Klsle road, and envelopes; Geo. D. Human! & Co.,
ami requesting that the sunie be ac- $74. CO, records und blank books, clerk's
ceptexl. And It appealing to the court olllce; Fry & Meyer, $21.30, shelves for
that the commissioners had examined tux rolls; A. V. Allen, $2.50, supplies for
said tills and found that they are not In Janitor; Astoria Transfer Co., $3.50, llv-
accordance with the contract or satis- cry for sheriff; Glibble & Smith. $4.90,
factory, but did tlnd that the bridge Is 'plumbing, courthouse; Astoria Gas
according to contract and built In a Light Company, $I2.S5. gas, July and
substantial manner. It was therefore August; o. T. and T. Co., $3.00, tel
ordored that the tills be not oeepted phone; Herald Publishing Co., $12.50,
until completed according to the con- printing proceedings; Daily Astorlun,
tract, and further ordered that the . $22.50, printing proceedings and notices;
bridge Xo. 17 be accepted and a w ar- 3. S. Roberts, $4.00, warehouse for elec-
rant Issued on the treasurer for $3tl.50 tlon and storage; J. F. Sale, $15.50,
In favor of Gus Gronnel In payment of boating lumber etc., bridges, Lewis and
the same. j Clarke Road; Clatsop Mill Co.. $17.78.
Ordered that the clerk notify super-i lumber, Lewis and Clarke road; S.
visors of road districts Xos. 12 and 15 Savory, $10.S0. boating lumber, Knnppa
to apply to supervisor of road district road; R. Harry. $15.00; drawing plans
No. 13 for rope required for said dis- j for brldgea; J. Llndberg, $31.00, building
trlcta. And It appearing to the court bridge, Vesper road; Chas. Rogers, $6.00
that the supervisor of road district Xo. ! drugs for poor; PeholnVld & Hauke,
13 has rope that has been used by him, ($4.95, provisions S. Matson; Ross, Hlg
that can be purchased at a reasonable i gins & Co., $6.35; provisions, J. M. Mur
Pr'i'. 'phy, $5.95, provisions. Mrs. Banish: A.
Ordered that court adjourn until to-V. Allen, $9.05, provisions Mrs. Teterson
morow at 9:30 a. m. (July and August, $7.70, provisions A.
Hakka, July and August, $12.25, provls-
W'ednesduy, September 9, 1S96; second
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
money, protection for the laborer, and
the maintenance of the credit of the
Cnlted States. Each and every mem
ber of the club seemed desirous of put
ting forth hla best efforts for the cause.
Committees were appointed to look
after special departments during the
campaign, a meeting night was se
lected for each week, and a committee
appointed to hire permanent head
quarters for the club. During the meet
ing many well known Democrats ad
vanced to the clerk's desk and signed
the roll of the McKlnley Club, declar
ing their Intention to stand by sound
money and the best interests of the
government. As each one marched up
the aisle he was loudly and enthusias
tically chewed, and for a few moments
amidst great confusion, a regular old
time love-feast was held. The presi
dent Anally succeeded In calling the
meeting to order and proceeded with
Its regular business.
Among the well known and tried re
publicans of Clatsop county noticed In
the audience, and w ho took and active
part In the proceedings, were: The
Hon. C. W. Fulton. Hon. F J. Taylor,
mayor of Astoria; Hon. J. H. D. Gray,
county Judge; F. I. Dunbar, county
clerk; G. C. Fulton E. A. Taylor. C. J.
Curtis. Albert Dunbar. Otto Hellborn,
Andrew- Palglty, W. T. Chutter, F. L.
Parker. B. S. Worsley, C. H. Stockton.
Justice Abercromble. W. H. Barker,
and many others equally prominent In
the workings of the club and in Clat
sop county politics.
President Dellinger was in the chair
and culled the meeting to order. In
the absence of Secretary Wherrity. C.
H. Stockton was chosen secretary pro
teni. On motion Thursday night of
each week was selected as the meeting
night, and 7:30 p. m. as the hour for
meeting. The next meeting will be
held tomorrow evening. Hon. C. W.
Fulton, chairman of the executive com
mittee, was Instructed to select per
manent quarters for the club, and his
decision will be announced In these col
umns before the meeting.
A recess was here token, during
which the strangers present were in
vited to come forward and sign the
rolls of the club. Between forty and
fifty of those pn-sent marched to the
front nnd put down their names for
principle nnd hard work. Among them
were a number of well known Demo
crats who announced their Intention of
standing by sound money and protec
tlon regardless of other Issues. As
each one came forward he was cheered
to the echo, and Inst night's meeting of
the McKlnley Club will go down In
history as the most enthusiastic one
held In eight years.
When the meeting was again called
to order, which was only effected by
nsldernble difficulty on the part of
the president, as the proceedings had
partaken much of the nature of a love
feost, entailing considerable confusion,
the following committees were appoint
ed: Music Smith, H. G., Burnett, Bar
ker. Uniforms and torches Taylor, F. J.,
Dunbar, A., Prael, H.
Banners Stockton, Cutbirth. Parker.
Finance Hellborn, Dunbar, F., Chut
ter. To organise outside clubs Gray, Cur
tis, Worsley.
The executive committee was In
structed to write to the Hon. T. T.
Geer and engage hitn to make a speech
in Astoria on the 24th Inst.
On motion of Judge Gray a club yell
or cheer was adopted' to be given on
all occasions under direction of the
captain of the club.
After the meeting adjourned the
young men present arranged a meet
ing tomorrow night for the purpose of
organizing a Young Men's McKlnley
Club. They will probably meet In the
court house. Due notice will be given.
One of the most notable events of the
day was the visit to Astoria of Mr.
Max Pracht, of Ashland, the well
known politician. Mr. Pracht Is the
representative In Oregon of the Na-1
tlonal Protective Tariff League of Chi
cago, and came here to look, ths groun
over. The results of hU visit t
much of a surprise to himself as
to the local politicians. He bruoght
with him 250 McKlnley buttons for
distribution. In company with C. J. i
Curtis he vialted East Astoria and from Partial Returns the RcpubllcHS
there distributed 110 buttons, and If pi....u. ps n
he hail had them could have put out ' iUT'"tJ 0lCr
another hundred. Out of 200 or 250 men ,
visited, only nine declined to wear the '
buttons. Fishermen, workmen In the I
canneries, saw mills, merchants and CONFIDENCE NOW RESTORED
clerks, were all anxious to get a badge. '
The same story was repeated In I'nlon ,
town, where 100 buttons were given out . 7 1 ,ne mluwkn u Brwwn by the
amonr the fishermen, workmen a i w th Tld Betting-Chairman
various employes of the canneries
and different factories. If any one '
doubts that old Clatsop will roll ,'
up a big majority for McKlnley, pro- i
tectlon and sound money, let him take '
a trip through the city and county.
Babcock Points Out the Facta
From Past History.
Augusta, Me., Sept 1J. With over
1 100 towns to be heard from yet th
j Republican plurality In Maine figures
up 4H.425 and will probably be 50,000
when all of the towns are in. The re-
A Surprise Sprung at Buffalo Hill Men i turn" re complete from 419 towns.
Compromise. i cities and plantations In the state and
from ten of the counties.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 15. It looks Ie j Tie towns heard from give Powers
a state convention tonight, and the ar- !OHep. 78.940; Frank Dem. 32,155; Ladd,
rival of the Tammany delegation has Pn.;2.74; Bateman (Pop.) 1,731; CUf-
done more to bring Into Tlew old con- iford (National) 576. Over 82,000 Repub-
ventlon faces than anything that haa : Ucan votes. It Is estimated, were polled
happened. During the afternoon there j and about 33.000 Democratic.
was every evidence of friction, but as The Republican vote has exceeded
the evening wore on, the Tammany I anything bfore known in Maine. The
delegation arrived In town, every light I nearest approach to It was "9.401. re-
controversy that had arisen was jceived by Governor Burleigh in 1888.
smoothed over, and It became more I
and more evident that the convention Washington, Bept 1J. Chairman Bab-
was to be dominated by the great poll-'cock, of the Republican congressional
leal organization from New York. 'campaign committee, said today:
From the time Mr. Hinckley arrived ! "The result of the election In Maine
this morning and announced that the : la of very great value to all business
selections of Elliott Danforth, N. Y., 'and financial Interests at this time. It
member of the Bryan and Sew all noti- I will restore confidence in financial clr-
ncatlon committee, for state chairman, cles, not only in this country, but
and Frank 8. Campbell, for national ; throughout the world. The key of the
committeeman, were favorable to Mr. ! situation In the campaign is to deter-
Hill, until late tonight when this news .mine which way the tide Is setting,
was confirmed, there had been a oon-IThis Is often extremely difficult to do.
diet between the assembled delegates. Two years ago at this time, after the
It ends tonight by the withdrawal of Oregon, Vermont and Maine elections.
Mayor Malloy from the contest forji recognized and claimed that they
stat committee chairman and the en- j w-ere Indicative of the sentiment of
dorsement of Campbell for the office of ; the whole country and stated that I
national committeeman, an endlnar i believed that Dractlcallv settled thm
that to everybody's mind signifies a -contest and my opinion and predlc-
compromlse with Senator Hill in order i ttons were fully borne out by the result
to keep together the state organization ' in, November. . . M ,
and the withdrawal of Senator Mur-1
phy's candidate in the Interest of har
mony. The politicians were given a surprise
this afternoon by the appearance here
of a number of Populists who, after a
proiruciea conference, appointed a
Old Soldiers Royally Received by Mc
Klnley and Citlzsn of. Canton.
Canton. Sept. 15. The reception of
- u in j
committee of five to visit the Demo- 7 T x 1 encourag-
cratlc state committee and present a The Oman's Relief Corps and
clan for fusion In thi. .tt . thousands of Cantonlans followed the
feat the Republicans.
parade to the McKlnley home. Every
nost fn the miniti, a .4 man.. I
I J uil UU... U-
i Joining counties were represented. Ma
jor McKlnley was given an ovation
Lexington. Ky., Sept 15. Kentucklan land was Interrupted by cheers at short
hospltaliay and Southern enthusiasm 1 Intervals.
were showered upon Wm. J. Bryan on
his trip In the blue-grass region. The
greatest demonstration tendered him In
the south was at Lexington, where he
addressed from 15.000 to 20.000 people
at the fair grounds. A procession,
unique In Its character and impressive
to a large degree, passed by him as he
was on the speaker's stand. People
from the surrounding country got Into
Lexington early this morning, covering
the entire distance on horses. While
Bryan was adressing the audience,
horsemen were seen entering the gates
W'hen the hand shaking was reached,
there was a great rush. The delegation
from Somerset Pa., over 2,000 strong,
was approaching, and It was feared
there would not be time for all to
reach McKlnley. The Pennsylvanlana
had five bands and many banners
and emblems. This delegation of far
mers came over 250 miles.
The Hon. Richard Kerens, national
committeeman from Missouri, was at
the McKlnley home today. His state
will send the biggest delegation of far
mers in the West. October 5. from
of the fair-grounds, riding In double i along the Santa Fe road. Kerens says
file and carrying appropriate Demo
cratic campaign banners. It took 25
minutes for 20,000 people to file past
the nominee and every one of these
yied to out-do his neighbor In yelling
and cheering.
Bryan spoke to the farmers and It
was a speech Intended for the farmers.
Frankfort. Ky.. Sept. 13. In his
speech at Frankfort, Mr. Bryan em
phasized his statement of last night
that those who did not believe in the
free coinage of silver. Democrats or
Republicans, should vote the straight
RetiublicAii ticket '
Rain was falling in torrents w hen the
train pulled Into Frankfort, and Bryan
was conducted to the platform In the
court house square under umbrellas
wheich were knocked aside every min
ute by the efforts of his Southern ad
mirers to grasp hishand. During his
speech of fifteen minutes, the rain con
tinued to pour dow n, but his audience
of 1S00 people stood in the wet and
yelled for him to go on.
with four tickets in the field In Mis
souri. Republican success is highly
Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 15. The re
turns from 73 out of 75 counties of the
state give Jones (Dem.) for governor,
S6.590; Remmel (Rep.). 34.139; Files
(Pop.) 13.325; Miller (Pro.) 671; Jones'
plurality. 52,353; Jones' majority, 38,255.
Salt Lake, Sept. 15. A special to the
Tribune from Boise, Idaho, says:
P. A. Walsh, secretary of the Dem
ocratic national committee, arrived In
Roise this evening, for the purpose of
making another attempt to adjust the
differences between the silver forces
in this state. He represents not only
the Democratic committee, but he has
full power and Instructions to speak for
the national Populist committee. This
Is the second attempt to secure recogni
tion for the sliver Republicans.
(Copyrighted. '96, by Associated Press.)
Ferelg, Soudan. Sept 15. A detach
ment of the Staffordshire regiment and
camel corps belonging to the Nile ex
pedition has been sent southward from
here ahead of the main advance of the
expedition to check the operations of
a body of Dervish raiders, w hose head
quarters is at Kormoh, where the Der
vishes have concentrated a considera
ble force for the purpose of making a
stand against the British advance.
The pilot schooner Jessie left out
yesterday morning.
Liverpool, Sept. 15. Wheat, spot,
firm; demand, moderate; No. 2 red win
ter, stocks exhausted; No. 2 red spring,
5s 4d; No. 1 California, 5s 7d.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report
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