The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 15, 1896, Image 1

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The Dally A st or Ian
I'xnurmg Haw?
ii n J worry L.:JlX
Has a PouiR
...F.nHy Circulation.
An "Ad".
In Thu AnimiAN'l
in Astoria.
"Wnt Column."
Vol. xl v.
NO. 22U
in it :
Tlio Ticket in hfing given ly 1 IKK MAN WISK,
tin Hcliablo ClotMor, to liirt
Not Transferable
M ,
IUh ImiiKlit over I'lVi: IMU.IARS worth of i;oil at
Herman WUc' Store an. I U lluicforc entitled to par
tit iMie in the l'auce t lie K'fn at
Un the evening of
DECEMBER 25, 1896.
Ami ii alio Kunrmiircrtl to receive a rcenl from the
.Vina tree, nt the ame ilatc atI lic. l'rcovnu will con
int from a bo of canity to a fine picre of furniture, and
from ollar tmitoii to a fine mit or overcoat.
l.adic, and children over 6, at well a (ientu must
have ticket. Only Okk;inaL I'i'stumi ki will be admitted.
The Reliable i-Prlce Clothier
Our Handy Wagon...
Combln ll lh features of tha child'
plain waaon and a vtloclprda, ml, all
thine ronsliUrvd, coda the consumer leas
than lthr, Mo dlrabl, oonvanUnl and
allfacory haa II provan, that, aa a
ready "allir," It haa no equal. W take
a Pclal pn.U, loo, In delivering iha
aama promptly and In fault! cond.
Hon to Ik trad.
Base Ball
Croquet Tackle,
Sets Garden Tools
There Was No Crime of i873MThc Whole Story
Is a Pure Invention.
No I'rovUioii for the ColntiRc of. StunJurJ Silver Dollars Appeared In
the Orluloitl Hill, hut Over VM,MMi.(MHi Were After,
ward Coined to I'uclfy Silver .Miner.
Largest Vote in the History of the
State I'ulled for Sound
The Moat Interetlng Content In Twen
ty Years Magnificent Work Done
From th Stump by the Cam.
paign Orator.
, Augusta. Mo., Kepi. 14. Maine haa
followed the example of Vermont and
lid not and the rvo-on why the ug- wlared f'r the Republican ticket by
(,1-ntlnn to continue In coin the to rid- '" m ii. uii.n,.
hlcuo, July t
To it.e !! illwat Ace:
V. luit l.-iila'utlon wa piu-aed In is.-::, 'urd dollar would have U. n absurd Is r",d,n" to the latest return tonight
Mi h 1. .onui... nly rnllrd the "n line of In iuo there had lcn no allver Uol- "" P'urallty for Power, the Republi-
T.I." ind b.arlim had l on Ihe liira In circulation In thla country for ra" candidate for R-overnor, will be
monetary m-iri of the country?
A till' crime win to be iull"
thirty-five year, or since lM.
over 45.000, and propably in the neigh-
a What wo Ihn ue of contlnulnif to ,J,,rh"0J .(0. The Hon. Thomaa B.
Don't Freeze Your Life Away This Winter 1
- HUT (lO TO THE -
Foard & Stokes Gompany
Buy one of their FINE ST0VE5 to keep you warm.
Tlioy alMi carry a comj.lcto stook of OllOCKKIKS, IIAKD
factor In Ihc ciunlon of thi allver culn a coin which did not rxlm? The l"'1 ' re-elected
. ..... ... ni.i lAfltfWI t.!.iralliv
lucatd n. I would like to lit rnlluhtcn- aiandan dollar did not exlat. Xol.ody
nl of It naturo, In the plain and in-
true live manner of The Hallway Aft.
A railroad clerk. 6M7 Lanrley avenue.
Chlcact. III.
The act of 173 wa a general coinage
law. It apeclfled Ihe Hat of gold and
liver coin whli h would thereafter be
coined at the United Htate mlnU. It
omitted from that Hat the "atandord"
dolltr ithotiKh It Included a "trade"
dollar, whl.h contained more allvtr ' Ignorance of hi audience. When the'
than the atundard dollar!, and. by ao) facta are once understood It la difficult
omitting the tandard dollar, It pre-1 " Imagine anything mm h more laugh
venled Ibe coliiHce of any au-h colna at able than Ihe common Ktatcmenta In
our mint l-Jtif aa tti act wa In i regard to the "crime" or they would
to the house by
The return how
wanted It to exlat. Among thoae who" mJ"rr ' "r uingley.
voteJ for the "crime of 'TJ" waa Sen- t"r ngreman from the Second dl
ator Hiewart of Nevada. It la thii fact trlr,: over l:0o for "'"""n ' the
which haa prompted aome funny writer Thlrd dl"trict- and prwctlcaJly the aame
on a dally paper to RUKgeat that Ben- t"r Bout" ln th Fourth district. In
ator Stewart now write a book and call ' ,h lllture the Democrat
It "The Crime , of '73-by One of the '"' PPrntly have leu than half a
Criminal." jdoien of the representatives In the
All the above statement can eaally :hou- and not one ,n ,h aenate. Aa
be verlfle.1. They are matter, of record n,lcPt'. the Republicans polled a
and hlalorj-. When any man talk of : nnaoua ve acured many
the "crime of '"J" he presume on the
It I alleg,-d ).y the silver men
ill. Thm tlitM al was paaacd ur-r.-t-t
II .iuty. nnhoiit proper dlni-UHnlon
or a full iinO. rxliin.lliiK of Ha pruvls
Ion, and
l.'i That I v stopping colnaKtf of the
standapl d 'llnr u "d'iolly blow" u
tnii 1. nt the Kurred rlKhls i f silver as
a iiuuiry meinl.
Till Is the "crime" of 1ST!
And when ,iuv iiihii calls it a crime
or nuikea either i f the stnt 'incuts
'Hi ited iilmve he either Is deliberately
dishonest or d"i s not know what he Is
talking about.
The fuels are tliee:
III. Was the net of ix? passed ur
be laughable If they wcr,e not so de- ,
elded ly false and ao dangerous to the
Democratic ballots. On the other
hand, many disaffected Democrats re
mained at home, and only a few voted
for the nominee of the gold standard
wing. Populist and Prohibition votes
have been received from only a few
towns, but It la evident that neither
party polled as large a vote as two
years ago.
If anything further needed to Th successful candidate for gover-
make them m ire laughable. It would nor ' the Hon. Llewellyn Powers, of
lie this: Houlton. Republican. The nominees of
The claim is made that the act of the other parties were the Hon. Mel-
l',3 stopped the coinage of standard vln p- frank, of Portland, Democrat;
dollurs and thereby so reduced the de- Luther C. Eateman, of Auburn, Popu-
inund for silver and o dishonored the "'t; Amml S. Ladd. of Calais, Prohl-
metul that Its price fell off and has hi Hon, and Hon. Wm. Henry Clifford,
b-vti falling ever since. The fact Is ' Portland, gold Democrat
that In all the S year In which our Hon. Thomaa B. Reed, of Portland,
government had existed, up to 1S73. from Ihe First district: Nelson Dingley,
there had not only been mined alto- of Lewiston. from the Second district;
How the Work 1 Progressing All Along !
the Line. !
'Number of Men Arrested In Glas
gow, Rotterdam and
Doing ne.
There are very few In Astoria who j
really appreciate the amount of work !
being done above Ihe contract work
now almost completed by Corey Broth
er. It Is known that Honeyman, De- !
Hart k Co., of Portland, have the con- j
tract for completing the grade to Go-!
ble. It Is also known that they have I
about six hundred men at work; but 1 GANG OF AMERICAN TOUGHS
Just what they are doing Is not .known, j
Sunday Mr. James Cuslck, the well j
known rancher, of Bear Creek, wa In .Scotland Tard Detectives Gradually
the city to attend to some private busl- j Drew the Line About the Plotter
ness. Mr. Cuslck Is one of the aub-1 and Bagged Their Game
contractors on the grade work, having Other Arrests,
the contract for the first mile west of 1
Mayger. To an Atorlan representa
tive. Mr. Cuslck said: , (Copyrighted, ', by Associated Press.)
"Yes. I am doing some of the work j London. Sept. H. It is generally be-
on Hammond's railroad. My contract "M', cere tnt the police, by tne ar-
for the mile west of Maygefs. calls r" ot Edward Belt at Glasgow on Bat-
for completion of that much work by;uraft- Wallace ana jonn t,. .ear
December lt. I expect, however, to:"- M Rotterdam, and P. J. Tynan
have It done by the end of next month ;'No- l Boulogne-Bur-Mer-France.
and then take a new contract. Ihave,Bv "'PP1 widespread aynamlta
been engaged In railroad construction Plot ln th bu1- A Rotterdam the po-
over thirty-six years, and in all my j11 captured a number of infernal ma-
ex per lence In railroad building. I have ."ines ana soma correspondence wnicn
never seen such solid and substantial jmJr ln further arrest. A semi-
work as is now being put up by the i official communication on the subject of.
A. and C. R. R. R. It Is a broad guage the arrest of these alleged dynamite
road In every respect, and 1 being built I conspirators waa iaawued thla after
to stay. Men are on every part of the: OODO- 11 "Xf:
line from Knappa to Coble, and the! "There has been within full knowl-
white tents of their camps 1st aa close ied" ot the Scotland Tard offlcUIa for
together aa suburban stations out of mt tlm PMt an desperadoes
a big city. The work ts being done a;"""' engaged in America preparing
fast as men and muscle cak put It up. ramifications for an extensive and dia-
I have sixty men in my camp, and we boiicaa Plot to perpetrate a dynamite
are all working hard. In fact. I could Outrage in this country and establish a
scarcely get time to come down here KiSa of terror. Gradually, and quietly,
and attend to a little private business. complete network waa drawn around
might add that two steamers are : the plotters and the fact being known
kept constantly busy carrying supplies thal they were ln Intimate communlca-
from Portland for the various camps "on witft Russian Mhlllsta In the Vnlt
along the line." ed States enabled the police to pursue
Mr. Cusick 'drove out to his Bear an Investigation of the discovery which
Creek home Sunday morning, and re-!lea to obtaining the absolute evidence
turned In time to take the evening , that one of the most recent develop- .
boat for his camp on the railroad rnenta In the scheme waa a plot to
grade. assassinate the Csar on the occasion
of his visit to England. The prim
Beautiful Dedication Services at the
New Academy Sunday Morning.
geihi-r eight million silver dollars. Af- Seth Mlllikin. of Belfast, from the
I ter 1S73 and up lo lv.)5 there were coin- Third district, and Charles A. Bou-jc-l
too million silver dollars. It Is nuite telle, of Bangor, from the Fourth dls-
reptltlouly mi. I w ithout a full know true thnt silver has been steadily fall- trict. all of whom have for years rep-
nlge and under standing of Its provla-i'11 I""1''1' for over twenty years, resented Maine In the national house,
Inns? jnm' It has fallen because It has been are the congressmen re-elected.
The act of ism ns first drawn and Induced in constantly Increasing Everywhere at the polls the organlxa-
prcsented congress In April, lsTo. j 'luantitles ana constantly more cheap- ,on of tne Republicans was evident
It was pending In congress for nearly '' 11 ha fallen. Just as wheat or Iron ln ,he activity they displayed In get-
thrw years mid a under consider- j "r 'lvH has fallen. As for the act of ,n(r out a fun vote at the ea.rie8t
tlon during five s.-sslons of that biMly; ! having In any way reduced the possible hour.
It was distinctly recommended In two,'1''11181"1 for allver for dollars, there
reports of the secretary of the treos- va demand before, while since
ury and the director of the mint, and It I th,'n 4'K1 'nlllhin dollars have been
was ottlclally printed and laid on the I coined or llfty times as many as were
lesks of members of the
of the senate thirteen dl
,.. ... , . The campaign and contest today was
was no demand before, whl e s nee .. . '
ine nust interesting Maine has had in
twenty years. If ever In her history.
Tt h,a hnuanld.1 a i ... I .... . . . . .
e house andc"i"J In all the years of our national - o.
i nouse ana t nooo. fin arraved apanst his father, In the
Herein times ,'"-' ,,.. .....n
before the final vote was tuken on It.
It waa rend at length In the open sen-1
ate several times, and 111 the house at ;
least once, as shown by the record;
It was reported from commit tecs seven
These dollars were coined under the
lUund-Alllsiin ucl of 1S7S and the Sher
inun law of Ivhi.
At the time of the passage of the act
of 17:1 the price of silver w as gm d
times, and the discussion upon it in notish too good for coining Into dol-
the house nils sixty-six columns of the,"11"8- " vvas worth moiv In the open
('oi)Ki'esslniial i.lobe, and In the senate
Call and Be
Trustee for the late
market for making Into forks and
seventy-eight columns. (spoons, men negnn tne great produc-
Mliul. these are not merely our state-l,l"n the Improvements in mnchin-
nients. They are matters of ulllclal " men ciieapemn n-just as wneat
reconl w hich anybody who chooses , "r lnm u ns cheapened. In 1S76 the sll-
nuiy verify for himself, and If he i " 1 " ul s" emmor ior neip rrcm
wishes he can read all those H4 col-j,'"n,:ri'!i' an'1 RO powerful were they
umns of discussion iiW and 7S are 144) 1,11,1 ,hl'lr 1"11'' that ln'l7S the Bland
I It the senate and the house. 'Allison law was passed, which pro-
Now, railway men. when anybody : vl,u '1 f"r ,h;' purchase by the govern-
tells you that that bill was passed OI "," uss tnan two million dol
without pri-r discussion, laugh atj
him If you think he Is only Ignorant, I
, i lurs" wi
rth of sliver ii month.
law continued until lS'JO,
but if he pretends to he Infoim.d mid U,L' 1"ke ,,f "vei' f,'u- ln sI,ile of
Oregon State Normal School
A Training School for Teachers. Senior Year Wholly Professional.
Twenty weeks of Pychology and General and Special Methods; twenty
weeks of Teaching and Training Department.
Training school of nine grades with two hundred children.
Regular Normal Course of Three Tearr.
The Normal Diploma la recognised by law as a State Lite Certificate to
Light Expenses; Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.50 per week. Furnish
ed rooms with light and fire, 70o to 11.00 per week. Board and Lodging In
private families fS.EO to IS.SO (tor week.
TUITION: Sub-Normal, $5.00 per term of ten weeka; Normal, $6.25 per
term of ten weeks.
Grade from reputable schools accented.
Catalogues cheerfully furnished on application.
Address P. L. CAHPBELL, Pres., or W. A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty.
Mount Angel College.
THE iiiokI excellent Hour
hi'Nt niellioils In teaohhiK
tnln n I illm'lplliie; lot
their times to give them
IIE mint excellent Hoarding Molmol In the Northwest. Our principle In: to use the
IK HIHl limy ICHlilier Ol lo no lilo ninK mm i-aii'i ii ' e , iu iiiiiui'
i exact all the loHNoiis uiul linve the lioys miiKe the bent use of
KiiliHliinUiil unit gooil mi iilK anil pleiil.v loent ; lo see to nieir
hiMlllv health bv giving lliem aniini' eliniiee lor cxereme; togive tnoroiign aimmeuoii to
nnleiils us well a" o parent. Ureal sums have been expended this iiiiinier In binuttr--linianil
leveling Hie ground", pultlng In new water eloseta mill o iMTteel, sewer yalem, in
eiiliiiiilng the cabinet, collection, lllimry, ele. One of nur sMvlaltlis I a most complete
Commercial and llusliins Coiutiu, lliinklng, etc, Mualc ou all liwtrimients, Wrlle for spe
cial terms ill .mire to THK l'HINCll'AL,
School open September (th.
to know what he Is talking about
tell him frankly thnt well. If he Is a
big man, that he prevaricates.
When the above facts are quoted at
a silver man. his usual way of escap
ing Is to say:
"Perhaps the bill as a w hole was dls-
cusstd. hut the bill as discussed did
not omit the standard dollar. The
name of thnt coin was somehow drop
ped after the discussion and before
the bill was signed. That Is where
tho surreptltlousness and the crime
camo In."
Now the answer to that assertion is
the aame as to the former statement.
The mmi who makes It Is either Igno
rant or deliberately false.
The bill as tl est presented contained
no provision for any silver dollar at
all, either In the senate or the house.
Afterwards, In the senate, the "trade
dollar" was Introduced Into the bill
(for trade purposes with China, Mex
ico, etc.) and remained there. But ev
erybody understood fully thnt no stand
ard dollar as provided for, and no
proposition was ever made at any time
In any of the discussions, either In the
senate or the house, that such a dol
lar should be coined, and this was be
cause everybody knew that the propo
sition to continue to coin such a dollar
would be absurd.
To answer this wo will take up the
second statement of the silver men.
(2). Did the omitting of the stand
ard dollar strike a "deadly blow" at
the sacreel right of allver as a money
Not precisely. The reason why It
these enormous purchases by the gov
ernment, and the silver men cried for
more. help. Again they beset congress
with their lobby and again they got
w hat they wanted a part of It. for
nothing would have entirely sntistied
them. They got the Sherman act,
w hich provided for the purchase of four
and one half million ounces per month
by the government and four and one
half million ounces will make make
nearly six million standard dollars.
Think of It! In ninety years we had
coined only eight million dollars; and
now the government began to buy sil
ver at the rate of six million a month
more in every six weeks than had
case of the Hon. Harold Sewall. of
Bath, who took the stump to argue
against the principles of the Hon. Ar
thur Sewall, the Democratic nominee
for vice-president. Most effective work
Was done from the stump, and never
did a more formidable array of cam
paign orators expound Republican doc
trines In Ihe New England stale. But
the struggle was not entirely one-sided.
With Internal dissensions and lack of
funds to contend with, the Democrats
made a very strong fight. In the last
two weeks the gold Democrats took a
hand In the struggle and several of
their leaders addressed large audiences
In the cities, but the returns tonight
Indicate that the principal effect ef
their participation in the campaign
was to strengthen the Republican
ranks. If the names of the nominees
of the gold Democrats had been on the
ticket, however, it Is believed a very
good show ing would have been made.
(.nmllilute Hateman was the main
strength of the Populists in their can
vass, his efforts being mainly de
voted to keeping the members of his
party who favored free silver out of the
Democratic ranks. His opposition has
been baaed on the candidacy of Sewall
for vice-presidency, which he main-
tins Is Inconsistent, and his objection
to the Democratic ticket on that ac
count has been most strenuous. The
figures at hand indicate there has been
some decrease In the Populist 'vote. It
is believed that some of this loss has
movers were Fenians in America, and
when the plot had beea-earrled as far
as possible there. Us chief agents were
: sent to Europe to consummate the de-
L lt ,, , , signs adopted. Every precaution was
The new Catholic academy w as for- . . ,., . ... "
i taken In shtnnlnflr tham uinnratnltf and
mally opened Sunday morning, withi. ., " . t ,
' , ' . ,, v by different routes. The emissaries f
the celebration of High Mass by the-- , , .u.
. , : every movement, with the result of the
rooms of the Institution. These rooms, I ,
. , . . . . captures above mentioned,
which may be thrown together by ;
opening the folding doors that separate j
them, had been beautifully decorated '.
by the sisters and thei many friends.
Trailing vines and bright hued flowers
were arranged gracefully around the !
woodwork, while the altar, which had j canton. Ohio. Sept. U.-In Introduc
been constructed on a raised platform iTlg the delegation of wool-growers who
at one end. was one solM mass of called on Governor McKinlev today.
brilliant bloom. Many of Astoria's best 'Attorney-General Holllngsworth spoke
gardens had been stripped of their at gome lenfta on protectlon and th,
choicest flowers for the occasion, and importance of Harrison county as a
the effect was Indeed beautiful i wool-growing center. In conclusion he
Long before the appointed hour the gaid;
building was filled to overflowing and j . In i, dilemma. Governor McKln
many were forced to stand In the halls ley the wool-growers of Harrison, ir
durlng the services. The reverend fath-. respective of party, are turning to
er aeuverea a loucmng sermon ana y0U. They hall you a
paid a high tribute to the sisters having faith In the
Congratulate McKinley Over an Assur
ed Vlctotry in November.
those noble women who devote their
IliMn r 1 . 1 .1. 1 , V, 1 - ..... n . I . . L
been coined In nine-tenths of a centu- . I , . S
rv-as much everv week as ,1 w The VOte ln the d,s,rlc' lnd'-
...i.. ,i ....-...;., i . v"cates that Congressman Milliken Is
V k once,, jeur re.eleotea by 1! 000 p,urallty a , of
before-as much every day as had been about 1700 V my, a gain oi
coined In each two years before-or i Th ' ' ....
iai.tKK) every hour in a temhour day! hv -;,'"'..." V!T
can figure it out for yourself i ' 1 . '
that Is not correct. The ! " ... Z " . "c 1 ,uu"l
, , , piuraiuy over 4. wnen t leves was
mine-owners could work the r men ten , . , ,
. elee-ted by almost 40,000 plurality, of
hours a day all the year round and ,., .JL, x, ... 1 " . ' "
produce J20.0.X. an hour, or 1200.000 a T J, ? Potion of the
day, or 333 a minute, and know that ""olf n, tT W
.i, ,r ......,, o . w , ltate the plurality for Powers will be
...v . .......... llk o-iif o ,aw!between 45,
io nine ineir entire output ana pay
them for it
and see
Why was not that protection given
to wheat or to labor? Are the silver
mine owners such paupers that they!
need government charity on such a
scale? Remember that the govern
ment was losing money all the time.
The price of silver kept on falling,
and every time the government bought
a million ounces, the value of Its stock
000 and 50,000.
! Secretary Beane. of the Democratic
state committee, concedes the election
of the Republican ticket by over 40,000
majority. To an Associated Press re-
; porter he said:
"I am satisfied that Powers' majority
will be over 40.0UO. It is much greater
than I expected. I have nothing to
say of the result."
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
their leader and
Intelligence and
common honesty of the American voter.
lives to thegood of humanity. The mu- ,hey venture here and now to congrat
slc. though hurriedly prepared, wasex- uIate yi)U on an agsurej v(etotry ln
cellent. the mingled tones of the piano, : .November over the allied hosts of free
organ and violin blending sweetly with trade, anarchy, repudiation and na
the voices of the singers. A happy tlonai dishonor."
coincidence, and one appreciated by j
the sisters, was the necessity caused by ; SILVER DOWN.
the repairing of the Catholic church j
of holding Mass In the convent on the New Tork, Sept. 11. The steamer
morning of its dedication. Oriziba, from Havana, brought J300,-
The attendance at the opening of WO in gold. Heldelbach, Ickelhelmer &
school yesterday was most promising. Co. have an additional $250,000 la gold
and the good sisters have many friends on the Campania. The total engage
who wish them success in their new ments, Including arrivals, aggregates
Held of labor. iJ29.SS3,0iH).
j A further decline Ts noted In the price
LEAVING ALASKA. : of bar silver, sales of 60,000 ounces tak-
-ing place at 63664, as against 68 a
Miners Quit In Large Bodies Because . shol.t time ago. The doging was at
Unsuccessful. I60'i'i63lk The weakness Is sttrlhotort
depression In eastern markets, entail
ing a lighter demand for bullion.
A prominent Oregon hop ouyer gays
that If all the hops are picked In this
state the crop will not reach over 52,
Portland. Sept. 14. Wheat Valley
52533; Walla Walla, 50S51.
Seattle. Sept. 14. Seventy-six Cook
Inlet prospectors w ere brought down I
by the schooner Sophie Sutherland, j
which arrived this afternoon. Those I
of the prospectors who were seen Liverpool, Sept. 14. Wheat, spot,
stated that the rapidity with which-flrm; demand, poor; Xo. 2 red spring,
miners were leaving the Inlet had re- 3s 2J; No. 1 California, 5s 6d.
duced the number there to about 500 j
exclusive of the number at Coal Bay.
They calculated that $390,000 had been
expended in taking men In and out of
the country, while the amount from
the mines would not be more than
$100,000 at the highest.
Starvation was a remote possibility,
as departing prospectors have disposed
of their provisions at a sacrifice. The
majority are able to leave the country,
and not more than 100 will be destitute.
Baltimore, Md., Sept. 14. Kilraln was
knocked out In the first round In two
and one-quarter minutes by Slavln.
Regular meeting of McKinley Club
tonight, Tuesday, Sept. 15th, at the
Court house, at 7:30 p. m. sharp. All
members of the club are requested to
attend as business of importance will
- come Derore tne meeting.
000 bales, and should .prices be low : J. S. DELLINGER, '
many yards will be unpicked. H. J. Wherrlty, Sec. President.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Yen ragacE
v-SywU Iu)5TVTi wflirri
M ;eM
11 V