1 s ' ' v. TllK DAILY ASTORIAN. SATt'KDAY MOKX1NU. SE1TKMHKR 12. I8SMI. We Carry a Fine Line of Ladles' Gents' Children : Shoes Complete Stock of Summer Footwear, Bathing Shoes, Etc Oar UmU Art Wamwt John Hahn & Co. 79 Commercial St. New Arrivals... Fall Styles AH the latest and richest fabrics in DRESS GOODS ALBERT DUJIBflR New Today: A Full Line of Umbrellas TESTERDATS WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 5J decrees Minimum temperature. Si degrees. Precipitation, ! Inch. Total precipitation from September 1st. 1SS6, to date, .13 Inch. Deficiency of precipitation from Sep tember 1st, 1S9, to date, 1.4S Inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Forecast For Western Washington, fair weather; for Oregon and Eastern Washington, occasional showers, cool and threatening. TO BKADERSTh. "Dally Astorlaa' costal twice a ah reading natter a amy ether paper fmbllatrad la A Maria. It la the ly paper that praacau Ita reader with a dally telegraphic report. TO ADVSKTISEKS.-Th "Dally Af tortaa" has more thaa twice aaaiany read en a any other paper pabllahed la Ato liaw It ! therefore more thaa twice as valuable a aa advertlslag medium. AROUND TOWN. Therefore, think not that the Past Is wise alotie. For Yesterday knows nothing of the Best, And thou shalt love Is only as the nest Whence glory-winged things to Heaven have flown. Lowell. Webfoot for lard. Try Webfoot teas. Get Webfoot prices. Silver Prunes at Webfoot Petite Prunes, at Webfoot. Home Grown Bartletts, at Webfoot Tons of fruit today at the Pacific Commission Co. Dr. W. I. Howard, Homoopathlst, SS( Commercial street 100 pails assorted flavors jelly cheap. Pacific Commission Co. 230 boxes fancy apples all varieties. Pacific Commission Co. - Doc Madden leaves this morning for an extended trip to Alaska. "V Miss Sadie Hopkins leaves this morn ing for a short visit in Portland. If Snodgrass doesn't make your photos you don't get the best Gunther's famous Chicago candles In sealed packages at C. P. Smith's, Invited to meet Miss Gilbert on any laj" this week, at her residence, 1 Third street. Mr. Adam S. Collins, of the Geo. W. Olbh Company, and Mr. Jnhn Phalr, of W. r. Fuller Co., San Francisco, are visiting In the city. , There will be a meeting of the St. Agnes' Guild of Grace Church in the vestry room, today, September 1, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Joseph Gordnor left on the Port land steamer last night for Eugene, where he will complete the educational course at the state university, Mrs. Kay, business and test medium. Circles Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evening. Admission to circles, 10 cts., readings 50 cents. 140 Bund street. Room S. Mr. H. M. Adams, the well known travelling man of Portland. Is In the city, and says that business is quiet and will remain so until the election of McKtnley. A dosen little girls yesterday after noon climbed on a large truck passing down Bond street, and their shouts of laughter and evident glee attracted much attention. For butter, eggs, fresh fruits, teas. coffee, and srlces, go to the Corner Grocery and Commission House, 10th and Duane street, successor to Astoria Creamery. Pay cash aud buy cheap. The last through trip of the season from Ilwaco to Portland will be made by the steamer T. J. Potter next Sun day, September 13th. Seaslders should remember this and arrange according ly. The first dancing party of the seaso given last evening by Miss Genie Lewli was attended by a large number of both old and young people. The affal was most successful and promisee well for future dances. Yokohama, as was also the English Chinese fleet of eleven vessels with the flagship Centurlan at their sum mer rendetvous at Hakadaka. Mat ters were quiet on the other side on the sailing of the Chlttagong, and no Inter est was manifested In our election this fall, though the officers of the steamer were quite anxious to learn the general state of feeling here. TllK SCIUHU. DISTRICTS, Following are the correct boundary lines as compiled by the school board of the different districts within the city limits: For the McClure School, all lying west of Twelfth street. For the Shlveley School from Twelfth strevt to Twenty-third street. For the Adair School, from Twenty third street to Forty-first street For Alderbrook school, all lying east of Forty-tlrst street. All parents or guardians having chil dren attending these schools must see that they register In the district In which they reside. By order of the school board. H. B. FKRUt'SON. At the Palace Cafe last evening venison supper was given which was greatly enjoyed by a party of four. Host Whipple outdid himself In aerv lng the delicacies of the season in hi usual artistic manner. Captain Richardson, of the Colum bine, and Miss Cole were married at Wardner, Idaho, on the 6th Inst The happy couple are expected to arriv this morning, and will make their fu ture home In this city. C. B. Smith, the confectioner, carries the only complete stock of French and American candies in the city. Prices from 10c to 13.00 per pound. All mail orders receive prompt attention. Fresh candies manufactured every day. 4S3 Commercial street It is reported that Harry Phillips de clines to become a professional sprin ter. . Born Yeeeerday, at 961 Exchange; street, to the wife of Mr. A. W. Olsen, President Curtis and Chief Engineer Jamleson returned from up the line yesterday. If you are looking for choice, clean, mealy potatoes, go to the Pacific Com mission Co. Miss Nellie Nickerson returned Thursday evening on the Areata from San Francisco, The Queen, the only heating stoves, at Fisher Brothers. Price 110. Come and examine them. Bids will be opened today for the re pairs to be made to Bond street be tween Uth and 14th. County Clerk Dunbar yesterday Is. sued a marriage license to Abel Hak- klla, and Annie Wirkkala. Mr. A. N. Wheeler, chief clerk of the O. R. and N. freight office, and fam ily, are visiting on the Sound. If you want a tooth bniBh, nail brush, cloth brush, hair brush, hat brush, go to Chas. Rogers, Druggist. Arrangements are about completed to open the Republican campaign in Clatsop county without further delay. tarDons are the only permanent photos as well as the most artistic, and Snodgrass knows how to make them. Mr. Smith, the traveller for W. P. Fuller & Co., ma-Je a bet yesterday that Oregon would go 10,000 for Mc Kinley. Ice cream by the bushel at C. B. Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty. Private parlors for ladles. 483 Com mercial street Miss Martha L. Gilbert, besides ac cepting a few more pupils desiring pri vate lessons In French, will form a class for Instruction in that language. Those who wish to join the class are The grand opening tonight of the Olympian Skating Rink promises to draw a large crowd. Professor Berry will give an exhibition of fancy skat ing. during which he will Jump over a hurdle four feet In height while going at full speed. A grand ball will take place after 11 p. m. Captain John S. Seibold, post chap lain. United States Army, recently transferred from Jefferson Barracks. Mo., to Fort Canby, visited the city yesterday. The captain says he is glad that his duty called him to the Columbia river, as the change In cli mate Is most agreeable. Owing to the repairing which the Catholic church of this city Is under going, mass will be celebrated next Sunday in the new convent of the Holy Names at the usual hours, 8 and 10:30 m. Immediately after the last mass the blessing of the house will take place, and those desiring to visit the building will be at liberty to do so. The friends of the school are cordially Invited to attend the ceremonies. The school children are crowding Into the last few days of the closing va cation all the amusement and pleasure they can contrive or invent. Yester day afternoon the edge of the Flavel dock was pre-empted by a crowd of youthful fishermen and flsherwomen with baited hook and bated breath, throwing out their drop lines as a cow boy swings his lariat, hooking the fes tive tomcod or the uncouth bull-head and then bringing In the line hand over hand. In the manner of a Jack tar as cending the rope, Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock the trans-Pacific steamer Chlttagong Capt. Hughes, arrived In from the Ori ent. She sailed from Hongkong on the first day of August, touching at the porta of Amoy, Moji, Kobe, Yo kohama, and Hakadaka, Japan, from which she pursued her course direct for the Columbia river, making the pas sage In 'twenty-one days. The cargo consists of about 1700 tons of sulphur to Portland, and 700 tons assorted freight, mostly tea, and collections of curios bound through to Canada and New York. The Chlttagong is an iron steamer of 1241 tons register and is manned by a Chinese and Arabian crew with European officers. The pas sage across was uneventful, with mod erate northwest and southwest winds all the way. The United States, cruiser Olympla was passed In the harbor at BRYAN STARTS AGAIN. Lincoln, Neb.. Sept. 11. The silver clubs of this city, headed by a brass band, escorted William J. Bryan to the depot this evening where a large crowd had gathered to say good bye to the nominee of three parties. Bryan started on his campaigning trip through the south and east at 9:15 to night, taking the Missouri Pacific train for Kansas City. There will be demon strations along the route. Mrs. Bryan will not accompany her husband through the south, but Is expected to Join the party later. IS PILING UP tCenllnued from Klrst Page.) WARRENTON was being constructed In a inure sub stantial manner than any other road on the coast, and would be heavier metalled. Mr. K. K. Cooper, engineer In charge has of this part of the construction, his headquarter at Knap. Let the weary Brotherhood around Astoria who are afflicted with the chronics, and have been finding fault with the railroad, have a little pa- j tlence. and there will won be a graded 1 road, on which they can lake a free: walk out of town, and make room for a I new set of wandering Willie aud weary Walklnses, to walk In and take ' their places. It. Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mans on application. If you will look Into lliO situation you will nv ilint WARRENTON in tho ert'iim (if west nilo i'oorty. Tin wntov of impiovo mvnU is lioro, ami iit an invt'Htiiicnt for luiHiiit'wi or u home thcro is nothing to I'tjiuil it in tlio wholo proposition. In WARRENTON lots nro nil largo, full aizo, fiOxlOO, Trices rungo IYoi.i i 1 r0 to $'20 t'rtoh, SoKl on iuHtallmonts. Twin to mut. Have your clump) ami buy n lot in. WARRENTON NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. PHILIP ABRAHAMS. Notice Is hereby given, that the part- Mr. Prillp A'.iruluims, manager of the nershlp heretofore existing between Pacific Commission Co.. said vester- Sam K. Harris and Charles Wright, of day to an Astorlan representative: Astoria, Oregon, under the firm nam "Judge Taylor's letter In leiurd to of Harris . Wright, ha been by mu the uncalled-for criticisms upon Mr. . tual consent, this day dissolved, the Hammond and his railroad work, was ""''I K- Harris continuing the said to the point. I am convinced thai the business, collecting all of the outstand- class of newspap. rs referred to In Mr. "ig account and paying all the debts Taylor' letter has been more than any , l,u' nrm- one other factor the cause of holding, Dated this 1st ilay of September. 1V.HI. back Investments In this community CHURCH SERVICES TOMORROW, Congregational Church Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Themes, "Our Daily Bread." and "Hopeful on Stony Pillows." Sunday school at 12:15 and V. P. S. C. E. at 6:30. All are cor dially Invited. Subjects of sermons at the Baptist church next Sunday: In the morning. "The Teaching of Children, or Chris tian Edncatlon." In the evening, "Love for the House of the Lord." Sunday school at 12:15 and B. T. P. U. at 6:30 p. m Everybody made welcome. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given that beginning on Monday. September 28, 1SW, at 10 and clogging business. The., at tacks have been of a hull-dostug order. and with a Mew to stirring up strife simply for whit money could bo made out of It. That Is what I think about the whole thing expressed 111 a nut shell. Mr. Hammond has done more for this city than one man In ten thousand could have done. Any com munity that allow such vilification of its own Integrity and the character of the men who are building It up, to go abroad, only retards its own progress and prevents the rapid growth of Us Interests which would otherwise take place. I ran add nothing to what has been said In support of the work done. and only want to emphasise my SAM. K. II.WtKIS, CHAS. WIUOIIT. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants In dorsed prior to August Mh. IV4. to pre sent the same to the county treasurer for payment, a Interest will cease from this date. Dated this 1st day of September. A D. lv.5. It. L WARD, Treasurer of Clatsop Co., Or. NOTICE TO SIUPPEHS. Shippers are hereby notified that U' cul freight to points on the Seashor. (l,s. roud will be received at the Telephone TIME CARD Of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. To !'laloi lUa. li. is r. m r.H lllv c h - m. :3t e'3 d o' . if. , I'M J:)7:U).VSiMti::it7:nO Uave 8 :o0 N : III t :M 1 1 :X H M Arms Krom ClMon Heafli. Intlly i ! i i 1 If If 4 . fi e, 1 Ailotla Seaside A. M. A.M. CM I'M r.M. . . . Arrive 7 :M 111 :0ft ,1 Ik'. 11 4A ; ::I0 . . I -rare A 111 I) :IKI 4 :U 3 15 I ::10 On Saturday N'oa. 6 and t run through one hour earlier than time lvn. above, and on Sunday one hour later. First class trains carry baggage but no freight and mak way stop, at Warrenton and tlearhart only. No freight will be carried on Sunday. C. F. LUSTER, Hupt. approval of the methods which have been pursued by some of our Journals In throwing dirt on our own enterprises." dock only. All freight must be dellv ere.l one hour before train time. No freight will be received after 4.30 p. m C. F. LESTER. 8upt J. A. FASTABEND. TO t'l KK A COLIt IN ONK DAY, Tuko laxative Itronm Ouinlne Ttiltt. "A, a cntractor of many year,' ex- A lnl.Kl.t. rfuni, , m ,f falls to cure. 2'.c. For sale by (.'has. Roger. Druggist. penence, and speaking from my re cent experience In building the Flavel dock, and Tansy and Alder creek bridges' for the railroad company, I We f lands or other property appear ing on the assessment rolls of Clatsop county; when and where it is the duty of all persons to appear if they wish corrections made in said rolls, as no corrections or alter ations can be made on said rolls by any officer after the adjournment of said board. ALFRED GIBBONS. County Assessor. Astoria, September 3, ISM. DRUNKS OF ALL SEIZES! Little Ones. Medium Kinds, arid Great, Dig Drunks. 'Shimlney! But what a lot of drunks." said Hans Knackwurst as he watched Franlf Rogers unpack about '5 trunks in Herman Wise's store. "Come In and buy one." remarked ohnny Young, with an Uppertown smile. Hans looked puzzled for a minute; "I uess I trades mlt dot pooty good looking feller." he said; and Jim Bruce didn't do a thing but sell him r,no of the finest trunks and a 111.50 suit. to any railroad construction I huve ever seen. The timbers and piling have been of the heaviest and best Selected material. The lryiectlon has been rigid throughout, all of the trestles and docks sevm to be planned for a continuous and heavy tratllc. The work certainly does not benr upon its face the evidence of a Cheap John scheme . put up for ulterior purposes." Oregon Industrial Exposition PORTLAND, OKI-UON SlUT. iQ TO OCT. 17 The iirvut rvkiiiirccH f the I'iicIHc North" ct. Agriculture, Horticul ture, lishci lc, .Mines, .Manufacture, Machinery, I ranpr tutlnn, trade unci Commerce w III he represented more completely than ever before. Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening: SiKUAl ATTKACTI0XS PARKY NKiHT Lowest Rates Over flade on All Transportation Lines ADMISSION. 25c; CHILDREN. 10c Tor tUibit spice, apply to (ico. 1. Hiker. Hsperisttiiltil. at (at billdi.a. :. C. MAMTtlN. Heeretary. by sflling Kootls for uhnost nothing. Think of the Ar cade cutting iis prices iintl yon will realize how much the other stores will have to purej their figures to meet them. Come now. Don't wait till your neighbor hns obtained the be?t bargains ami then say you wish you had been more forehanded, f'r it's like Olympian Holler Skating Rink GEO.M.BERRY Minifcr Grand Opening Saturday Even ing, Sept. 12 TELL IT OUT. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DFL- CREAM mm Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Don't sit down and wait for trade. 'Taint the way, Get a hustle, make her show. Push your business make her go. Don't sit down und wait for trade. 'Taint the way, 'Taint the way. If you've got something to sell. Tell It about, Let your neighbors see you're "fly," Get up "bargains," don't say die, If you've anything to sell, Tell It out. Tell It out. Folks don't know you If you don't Advertise, Keep things movln' every day, Talk about It; that's the way. Folks won't know you If you don't Advertise, Advertise, FROM NOW UNTIL SPRING) Overcoats and winter wraps will be ft fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the tam-neat4 trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the West. OUR CORNER. A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond and Uth streets. The finest brands of liquors and. cigars always on band. Call and try us. ANDERSON & PETERSON. Go to Elmore, Banhorn's office ard e their new and handsome twine testing machine. Take along some of the twines "as good aa Marshall's," in your pocket, and test them. Then see how much more Marshall's will stand. It's money In your pocket and fish In your net to find out. Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No cure no pay. For sale ut Ks-tes-Conn Drnar Store. OABTOniA. Tl fu ll nila Ugutim ef li n Trr vrtfpat. Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. flack and white promlnes to be more In favor than ever. CONTRACTOR WATTIS. Contractor Wuttls. member "f the firm of Corey Itrothers. and superin tendent of construction for that firm, , picking Up mollt-y says: TI t V WH'AWV "In regard to Judire Taylor's letter, will only say that for many years - : : I have been enKHK"l In railroad con struction work, ami latterly, as y..u know, we have been building the grade on the first ten miles above the city. and doing other work for Mr. Ham mond's road. In all my experience, taking all In all. I never saw belter WANTED. WA.NTKO Two table boarders, gen tlemen; private family; addrct.s II, cure Astorlan. Wanted A few pupils on the piano. Miss Martha L. (jllbert. m Third railroad work put up than has been "n";t- lone all along this line, in no to $Sptr week for men nml women work at the expense of Its quality. In my mind the road is evidently being built for a permanent and heavy traf fic. I cannot s-e how In any possible manner th grade work or trestle of Mr. Hammond's rond could have been done better. The work Is so good. In fact, and inspection so close, that it makes It very expensive and hard for easy home work. No books or canvassing. No experience. Rons fide offer. No Catch. Send stamp for work and particulars. E. HERMANN, 213 a. Hlxth street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED At once; active agents for each county. Exclusive control and no risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full IOC 10c 10c 10c I Hiring the evening I'mf. Oeu. M. I b-rry will give an exhibition of . FANCY HKATINO. Grand reduction In price for the open evening entertainment, Including da in lng. lt)o, pie, liv, 10c, 10.'. Raymond's ball-hearing skates the use of the evening, IjO, JSc, :Jc, 25c, !jc. Plain bearing skates, IV. for 10c 10c IOC 10c Band of Music In Attendance. Everything First-Class ...Hat Checks Free... Hall, Corner 7th and Astor, 3d Floor work for contractors who are rigidly , particulars or 25c for tl sample. Rig held down to the strict letter of the . Rapids Mineral Water Co., Big Rapids, specifications on the highest grade of' Mich. work I have ever seen." i - A STRANGE COINCIDENCE. Met His Namesake and is Nonplussed. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Five room house on As tor, between Second and Third. P. J Uoodman. River! to FOR RENT Two cottages, 7 rooms each, besides bath and pantry. Ad dress H, Astorlan office. FOR RENT Three or four rooms, with board. Mrs. E. C. Holden, corner 9th and Duane streets. Mr. Mackintosh, the Gray's logger, came to town yesterday. ' 'Hay, Mac, what brought you town?" Inquired a friend. "The rain always brings Mclntoshes ; FOR RENT House on Exchange, or to town, ' replied M-ac. 'cottage on Duane street, for rent. Ap- "Are you made out of rubber? I ply to Geo. Noland thought you Were a wooden man," said his frthd. "Oh, Ifldeed," says Mac. "You ought to got fn out o the wet. Why don't you get one of those new rubber mack intoshes Herman Wise Just got In from the East? He has over 100 of them and ofTers them at a 10 per cent dis count to dispose of them. He has them from !3.r,Q to the finest sllk-llned ones, cape or box coats." "I guess I'll take your ad-Wlse." He bought a $10 coat for IS.00 and the treat was on Mac. FOR RENT A furnished suite of rooms on ground floor centrally located. 414 Exchange street. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold baths; call at this office, FOR RENT Three furnished rooms with or without board. Apply 181 7tb street SALVATION ARMY, FOR SALE. For Disposal M0 yards earth. Apply to Dr. J. H. Rlshop, or Rev. E. 8. Itol-llnger. liig welcome meeting to Major and Mrs. Parker, the new leaders of the N. P. division, will be given In the I FOR HAI.E A good sturgeon skiff, Army Hall on September 13-20. Coffee j Including oars and our Iqcks. Address and cake after the meeting on the 10th, It. Astorlan office. 10c. The Major and Mrs. Parker will lead all meetings on Sunday.- All are welcome. ENSIGN II. P. NELSON, j FOR SALE 12-room Lodging House. Centrally located; cheap lease; bar- : gain. Astoria Land and Inv. Co., 3DD I Commercial street. GRAND ANNOUNCEMENT. The Olympian Roller Skating Rink will open on Saturday evening, Sept. 12th, 1X06, at Erlckson's Hall, 7th and Astor streets, under the management of Geo. M. Rerry, champion roller skater of California. Watch for further announcement. JAPANESE GOODS Fireworks Just out Just received Just what you want at Wing Lee's, C43 Commercial street. The U. S. Gov t Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. LOST. LOST A yellow canary. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to this office. FOUND. FOI'ND A bunch of keys. Owner can get name at Astorlan office. An Intellectual Treat... DR. DEKANNET ...THE CELEBRATED... Russian Traveler and Lecturer - AT - FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE Sept. 15th, at 8 P. M. AdmlfiMlort 50C. Children 25C. Onllery 25c Deata can be Unserved at Ntraaaa'a Hook (tore FREE OF CHARUB Benefit 3 the Astoria Public Library C. A. HANSON Cash Grocer B79 COMMERCIAL STKEET the npn VJCI 1... A RESORT FOR GENTLEMEN Corner Commercial and nth Sta. ALEX CAMI'liP.I.I., Prop. ASTOItIA IKON WORKS Coit'only St., foul of Jacknon, Attoru Genera! Machinists and Boiler Makesr Li id jnJ Mirlnc En.lnaa, B' lltr work, Statu boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Caatln-a of All DTiptinni Made to Order oo Short Notice. John Fox.... President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. II. Prael Recretary First National Bank Treaaurer There's more clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake" contains no free alkali, and will not Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice the difference In quality. Ross, Hlgglns 4 Co. R. L. Boyle & Co. Real Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS COMMERCIAL, ST. ' "The Louvre- AST0KIV8 COIKillOlS ENTERTAINMENT HALL a Ki.ooiiM Flue lUualo. (liiniea of All Klmla. Two Magnificent liars. cvkiitthim; rntsT-cuss Good Ordei' and Everybody's Rights BTKICTI.Y OIINKKVRII. Kalton Hea Halt for baths at tho KstcH-Conn Drug Store 10c and 25c per package. I