TIIS DAILY AST0H1AN. SIXDAY MOttXIXG, SEPTEMREU , lBOft. We Carry a Fine Line of Ladies' Gents' Children's Shoes Complete Stock of Summer Footwear, Bathing Shoes, Etc An Warranted John Hahn & Co 79 Commercial St. See Our Two-Clasp English Walking Gloves ALBERT DUNBAR 1 N. Corsets arc tine fitters. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Maximum tomiorntutv, su degree. Minimum temperature, 5 degrees Precipitation, none. Total precipitation trom September 1st, 1S, to date, .02 Inch. Deficiency of precipitation from Sep tember 1st. tss. to ate, . inch. TODAY'S WEATHER. Forecast For Washington and Ore gon, fair weather, warmer east if the Cascades. TO KEAlKK!t.-Th -Iaily A.torlao eoatalM twle a much reading mailer aa any olhr pa iter puMUhed la Aatorls. la tha odI j paper that preaeoU it reader with a daily telegraphic report. TO ADVEKTISKK3. -Tha "Daily Aa- toriaa" haa mar than twice aa many read ra aa any other paper pahllahed In Auto ria. It la therefore more than twice a valuable aa aa advertising medium. AROUND TOWN. God bless our going out. nor less Our coming In, and make them sure. God bless our daily bread, and bless Whate'er we do whate'er endure; In death unto His peace awake us. And heirs of His salvation make us. Fine livery turnouts at F. S. Da mant's. Frank Gerdes has returned from his vacation. Apples are selling for one cent apiece In Astoria. Dr. W. L Howard, Homceopathist. 5S6 Commercial street. Mr. Chas. Phillips, of Ilwaco, was vis iting in the city yesterday. If Snodgrass doesn't make photos you don't get the best. your Fay Gerald left for San Francisco yesterday morning on the State. Gunther's famous Chicago candles In sealed packages at C. B. Smith's. Gravenstein and King apples and Eartlett pears Monday at the Web-foot. Dick Carruthers. Mr. McDonald's new manager, did a land office business yesterday. The Rev. Mr. Walter is preparing to build a handsome business block in Al derbrook. Tomorrow being Labor Day, a legal holiday, all banks and public buildings will be closed. Bailey's Complexion lirushes remove freckles, tan and blackheads. Sold by Charles Rogers, druggist. Carbons are the only permanent photos as well as the must artistic, and Snodgrass knows how to make them. The funeral of the late Joseph Kiippa will take place at 1 o'clock today from the Finnish Church, on Eighteenth street. Congregational' Church Com in union and reception of members at 11 a. in. Other services as usual. All are cor dially invited. Ice cream by the bushel at C. B. Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty. Private parlors for ladies. 483 Com mercial street The fall flKliing season will open Tuesday morning. It is understood that nearly every cannery on the river will pac k fall dsn. Donald Macleod, Captain C. M. Noyes. and M. (. Hall, of Portland. were guests of the (x-eid.-nt yesterday while on their way to the I, each. Family commutation tickets to Clat sop beach over the Seashore railroad can be had on application to the- aud itor, Room 4, Flavel Illock. for Instruction In Hint Inngukgr. Those who w ish to join the class nri Invited to meet Miss (5 Illicit on any fVay this week, at her residence, I'.'S Third street. Dr. Fulton reports that the sailor who fell through the hatchway of the Ulvoisdale Thursday. Is still alive, but suffering considerably. He has not yet Slough; Charles KckUltid. Chinook; Oils, IVtv, Knnppa; M. Campbell, Deep Klv. cr; J. Paw son mul wife, Y cat port. Professor Retry Is milking a number of Important change In the Olympian skating rink, and will be ready for the grand opening Saturday night. A box Hire, skate room and workshop, and regained consciousness. ladles' and gentlemen's dressing rooms ha- been constructed. well as a The aftern.xm tea to be given nt the baml ejtand on the main tloor. The lloor residence of Mrs. Mitchell on 14th tls,.f being put in tlrst class oondl. street, between Exchange and Flunk- h,,,,, awl the rink will become one of iln avenue, will be one of the social Astoria's favorite pleasure resorts, Last events of the fall season. The Chamber of Commerce will hold Its regular weekly meeting tomorrow night. The members laid that It is much easier to remember the meeting night when there Is one every week. For butter, eggs, fresh fruits, teas. coffee-, and spices, go to the Corner Grocery and Commission House. 10th and Dunne street, stnvessor to Astoria Creamery. Pay cash and buy cheap evening bcrotv a few Invited guests Profesor Hertyy, In ordinary dress, gave nn exhibition of fancy skating. To say that the professor Is master of the art does not do him Justice. At the opening Saturday night tluV hall will be hand somely decorated, mid musicians will entertain the audience during t lie even COl'NTY KO.WS. Mis. Pauline Collx rt and Miss Nellie Phillips, of Ilwaco. left last night on the steamer Harvest ijiuvn for Ellens burg. Washington, via Kahuna, where they will attend the Washington state normal ch.nd. A solid carload of groceries and other supplies was )cstcrday shipped by lb ss lliggins & to. to F. K. Warner. Sea side. This is believed to In- the second carl.xtd of fivigl.t shipped to one con signee across the new bridge. l.leut. Commander Mcrrell. l S. X., lighthouse inspector of this district. A number of rancher who visited the ity yesterday, weiv heard to discuss the ipiestlon of comity roads. vOm re marked that he had been waVtiug a long time for the completion W I ho road to Seaside, and wondered a hat had become of the Young's Hay fel l ) to conmvt with the new I.evls and ChirVe road, which would give direct and easy ai-cvss to all of the Clatsop beaches. He aid: When this read is Itnlshcd It will make a great difference In the business of Astoria. The repairs nK t,.ng made to the Nehalem and OIncy road are also of great benefit to us. Judge tlray deserves the utmost credit for the work THE SIIKKPSIIEAD Fl'Tl lHTY. In a DrUiling Rain a Omit tiitcc Is Made. left last evening for Portland. It Is has done. We will now ha understood the captain will proceed to passable rud and a little more of such Wardnor. Idaho, where his w odding good work on the same lines w III make will take place in a few davs. the roads of Clatsop county something to be proud of. It has been n.vessary C. B. Smith, the confectioner, carries formerly to leave our teams at Olney the only complete stock of French and make a long wait for a boat, transfer American candies in the city. Prices our goods, and then take almost as long from 10c to 13.00 per ound. All mall to reach the city as if we had driven orders receive prompt attention. Fresh through by team. It is not so much the candies manufactured every day. 483 expense we consider ivs it is the trouble Commercial street. ami labor of loading and reloading and the loss of time waiting for steamer J, N.ppo was yesterday in great !- Lvnnectlon. If the roads were In Pro. mand amongst me laiiy customers at .., ,.. .... ....i.i ,i. Foard & Stokes. It was said that while he waited upon all alike, on several oc- New York. Sept. r. The line card which had been provided for this last day of racing al Sliccpslicad May drew a hug attendance. The event of the day was the gnit eastern handicap for 2 year-olds over the futurity course. In which all the best of the oungslera, with the exception of Winged Foot, wore contestants and at high weights In the llrst itiarter Sunny Slope shot j Into the lead, with V oter. T phoon and llannock following, while Ornament was slowly dropping back In spite of the urging of Sluinis, and 'Para I had brought Ogdon up to the sixth place. As they swung into the straight for the last milliter the bos were all at work. Yoter had now assumed the bad. pass ing Sunny Slope, who had had enough of it. while Hi,' western, r. T phoon. had taken the s.voud place and T.uul had brought Ogdell up Into the follltll place I town to the llflli furlong they thun dered In a dilution; ram. T phoon bvitd ing. with Martin Matching voter, who was second, and ruling with one hand as If he were sure of the lace lint lie had not count,,! upon Ogd.il. who was coining along the rail, under 'Pa- nil's tierce urging, like a wlmlvvlnd. and before Martin knew It the lace was over Willi Ogden the winner Voter Vol third place Tunc. I in. WISE'S CUSTOMERS SEE f Till! . 5T0RE i IN TOWN y.' WHAT THEY ARE BUYING a tn;i: v i" li I V Mr I'.ivan w Net Vpprov, dlau.ipolis ii, kot. I of lite III. I Free to One Hundred Customers Milwaukee. Sept .'. Ill his speech today l'i v an said ; "Wa,.itv vvillllig to llglit the liepubll- can itiiy upon its platform and we aie wilkng to llglit anvhod) who op-j poses our position and will collie out and so state, and vv . will give to our: opponents who advo.ate what lliey l-c-lieve all credit foi lion, stv and sincer ity of purpose. Vint mv friends, w h, n a party, as did the parte at Indianapolis. , puts up one man for the purpose of olo t in ; au.-ther. vte d.-nv that th, se j men can be any move honest In their deslr-' f.-e li -iie-o mney than they were liie ,-onvei.tion $200.00 -IN- MERCHANDISE! TO 100 CUSTOMERS The lit. Ion t tit'ini-t it tut 1 1 1 u Hi'w i. It I. nil. -.I .ii Si-i-. lul Sunt, will "ith nt' nu n ImntllMO in utir hI"I 'v t'lit I1, .11 hIiIIh luii i Mdt'l tl fll I'M'. (I I. V , ..llo I Hot N Ul UIIKIV. I'Ut 1'iir tn in i iihIuiih'I n iiic i-ll;hl, lli. i- hull' tih' wtll tilmiiinl, Oiv H( Ui II, ;ttl't Mil' V .i, lt V till' Ihiu: Id. in al M :.i Mil In shl. -i vc iu u lhi Hint .ML' huil.ll. . lllhliUIM IN llllH IIDIUlh Ull" l.ti thi rvi- mi 1 1 -4. I: ini urn Ui uf an) I lititu In ftir Ntoiv FREE OP CHARGE HERMAN WISH r shape we could make the till' through by team from Nehalem to the in politKs in the past city In one day. whereas It now takes at l-nllunapoils was In Id in the Inter- caslons he was seen to become slightly fro thrw to flve da t() ulkt, ,,,,.! f ,,,.,,,. lllV,.,s if ,,. had emharrassc-d, which is contrary to his I m, ,r,p ,no ,lmini,. 14IV , ul. lhl. .llruKl. , , ,cir .onvi.tio... usual busings principles. L-v ..n hamt when w want them" I.-..., a.e'.l ti ,v e -is, ,1 t alor Mo Kinley. for whom tie v expect to vote.'' .The Reliable Clothier and Hatter A NOVEL, EXHIHITIO.N. The band saw at the Clatsop Mill yesterday afternoon broke in two ,ace. causing ,,..- ...ue u,m, ,Th Llbrary Asso,latlon Has a Treat out doing little damage, rromtneuesi , istoria information obtainable, it seems that a stick of wood or sliver got between, the An entertainment out of the usual carriage and the saw, and hefore the um. is promised the people of Astoria machine could be stopped things were h,y the Library Association Tuesday ripped to pleos. evening. Septemlvr 15. at Fisher's 1 M ra House. M. E. Church Morning sutdect, Ihe Eternal Gift." Evening. "Service and Its Reward." All other services us Arrangements have been made with Pr. PeKunnet. the Russian traveler and hvturer. to rive one of his il- usual on the Sabbath and during the ,ustrattH, ,,vtur on ,Ussia. Illumlnat- week, but three sabhaths more re- . . . . . BteriH,.,et.trll.ll, tal). main of the conference year. The pas- lv.lux tor hopes to see all the members of the A special feature of the entertainment .l....l. . n ,l,i. n.,. t , !.., U.l.l.alh I ,u..u ... ...... .... .j one entin.y apro,, (lf ,he ,.,.. mer . ivtrs. uiiu fiifiiua a cut ami iiina' tion to strangers. WARRENTON PKKI'AltiXii K'i; III'SINK.AS. I Land Co. ent eventful situation, will be thirty minutes of humorous politics under the stero-electrical rays. A LETTISH AND 1NSWKK. The usual services will be held in the Presbyterian church today. At the morning services, 11 o'clock, the pas tor's theme will be "The Preparation of Herman Wise, the World for Christ." At the evening Clothier: services, the time being changed rrum v ny don t you have a special sale on to 7:30 o'clock, the theme will be bovs" suits, similar to the special men's Behold the Man!" Sunday school at suit sale? School will commence soon J. Christian Endeavor at 6:3'). A cur- and I need a suit. Yours truly l: dial invitation is extended to all. An ice cream sociable will be given on Tuesday evening at the residence of JOHNNY KN'OCKAHl l'T. Pear Johnny: All right; I will do this for the little Hev. J. J. Walter, corner of Kuane and t,y!,. a anrt ,,, 9ult8 , , th. A tine musical and literary pro gram has been prepared. Several of the young people of the church will xn leave Astoria to attend school Among them Misses Susie and Flora Elmore, and Miss lluby Walter. The irmer young ladies go to Washington, I). C, while Miss Walter will attend ortland l.'niversity, and this will prob ably be their lo-st social in Astoria for some time low Tiiic, and on long pants suits under $ .1 .'JO, 73c; on long punts suits over I3.H0 1 will allow $1.00 off, during September. Smilingly yours, HE It MAN WISE, The Reliable Clothier. In. II mapolls. Sept '.. V'ey lloltituit. 1 of Maine, has h.-cn .i,..-,l to the ev- - - cutiv e committee of the National I 'em-, f .-rat:.- party II In, , will h ave chaig. XOlUlTlD IE HtlTDOr or (lie ntei i-y i n'--aii. ami i.. . ixrauii of Missouri, will take charge of the speakers' bureau. Senator I'affery. of Louisiana, v. Ill d-iiwr the notification sp.erh t- o-iieral Palmer at Louisville, Septeii.l.. r 1-'. "n ill" same day. In ;hc j.i..ie city. John li. Fellows, uf New York, will notif.v O.-neral liiickner f his notniitalioti for the v ice-piesl- ency. After the notlllcatloll of both .ii.d: latt s, a short tour will probably CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mns on application. be made by t1 .itclM.it. s through one r two of the South'-rn stat.-s. I set' that If von will l )k into tin- situation vou vv WARRI:NT()N is tin- crtniii of wi si sitlc ii'oifi'ty. Tln ct'iitt r of iinjirovp iiu nts is lifi't', and ;h an invt-stmcnt for Imsiiipss or a lioiut. tlu'i'p is notliin to fijiial it in tin' whole H'oo.sition, In WARRENTON lots nit' al! lai'ov, full size, ;"( x 1 ' " . I'riii's rauitf from ." 1 .r0 to -'.(! fiii-li. vmir fliaii'"' and lid on iut.il l'ii' a lot in liiu iits. TrrtiiH to suit. Savo WARRENTON A NEW PHPAC'ITUE. St. I'aul. Sept. .", . Archbishop Ireland has I'sitcd a letter announcing that liercat't -r al Catholic paps lnal sclnmls no tuition would be charged, such barge for tuition heme considered an obstacle to the growth of the schools. c. a. hansen Cash Grocer COM.MKKUAL STKKRT TIME CARD Of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. THE MARKETS. the n. c ri Liver sept. :,-wt,.at spot, j VJUil... A RESORT steady; ib-ni.i tii. piir. No. 2 rid spiiiig, FOR :.s vi; No. i California. :.s :i. Corner QENTl.HMnN Portland, Sept. 0 -Wheat Villi, y. .',1 i',:. Walla Walla, 4:i .VI. Corner Commercial ' and nth Sis. ALKX CAMPBHI.I.. Prop. ItoAliU OF LOCALIZATION MLKT-I INci. : uThe Louvre op Ilea. II. I allv . . l" i ' -i i y - I' M P VI VI V. VI. V VI J:.'"' 7 :lb-i .in lil:.;n 7 .Vi Leave :j .'.! h , in ; :c, n ;:i:m ,vi Ainve 1M p lletirlt. ' V Aflorni eilside ' r 4 J - '.-I a Y. S.t if. P.M. I'M p vt. . Arrive 7 ::w l M.'i IV'i fi M :M h-uvi-ll :KI II :IHI 1:1X1, ri:Vi I oil J. A : : i ' . . V. M. A. M. 77 NOTICE CHANCE OF FlliM. Notice is hereby given that the Sea side llukery has been sold to the llrm f Hermann & Alopaeus. who will be News nas just b.-.-n received trom II- funa ln possession after this date. V.ato tnai Wle l.l Hlsn Snip l.ietllUl, I 'l-l,,, lindersilfnt'-d w-ill bp resttonMilil f,,r huh arrived in last week, had a very a v utl!tan,lln,. linil aM u, . I narrow escape irom being w re, kc.i. in t ,imits due said bakery up to Soptem the dense fog which prevailed at the i, is'j, must be settled with him. time, she sailed a little north of the louth of the river, and the skipper, eing the masts of the wrec ked I ib.-ii- tnorag. on Long li-aoii. naturally thought he vva sailing into the harbor, ami made straight for that vessel. Only ALEX. HOLM AN. Astoria, August 31, lvifi. CALL FOR WAIillANTS. Notice is hereby given to all parlies hen the bow of his ship had entered noming Clatsop county warrants in- the breakers on the shot,- did he dis- Pncir to -August sin, in. to pr-- .ver his mistake. Fortunately he was h"nt th,! SH,,,C " the -'"""ly treasurer ble to put about an-1 get away from ".r payment, as interest win teas- the threatened calamity. o- Dated this 1st day of September, A. untry I). 1S'J. II. L. WAHI), Tn-Jisurer of Clatsop Co., Or. ASTIIHU'S I.OKl.r.lllS ENTERTAINMENT HALE Notice is It. r -by given that beginning on Monday, S, pteinber : 1.;, at 10 o'i-Iih k a. III.. Ill the ollli e of the county clerk, the Hoard of Equal ization of Clatsop county will hold j 3 '.""lift 1 I ting for the purpose of pub- fine Mu.lr. Camra tit All Kllol., In ly examining and correcting all cr-1 tors of valuation and description of! lands or other property app.-ur- ing on the assessment rolls f Good Order and Everybody's Riqhts HTUIt'TI. Y OIlSKIll Kl. Tm M acul Merlil llara. r.vi:KYTitiMi riKof-ti'ss and w lu re ' persons l'i Clatsop county; when it is the duty of all appear if th.-y wish corrections made in said rolls, as no corrections or alter ations can be made on said rolls by any otlicer ufbr the adjournment of said board. AI.I'KEO CI I :!! i.NS. County Assessor. Astoria, September :i, IVui. NOTICE. Merchants yesterday reported general business as very grssl. Collwtiona for the month have ben easy, an-1 a more buoyant feeling is prevalent. Miss Nellie Nick'.-rson is expcet.cd to arrive from Eureka, Cal., on th- Area ta, tomorrow. She has been spending the summer with friends In California. Attention is called to the Astorian's Want column. No better medium could be found for short advertisements than a well-worded item placed in this column. R. P. FabJ, special agent of the Fire men's Fund Insurance Co., headquar ters in Portland, was in the city yes terday transacting business at Iiobb & Parker's office. Miss Martha L. Gilbert, besides accept ing a few mure pupils desiring private lessons ln French, will form a class Among the visitors from th est week were W. If. liadcllff, Kuappa, Mis. Corinan. Catlilaniet, (jus. Hrandt, II. Lundberg. H. Jai kson, Martin Ol son. North Shore. M. I'. Anderson, Ska rnokawa, Anton,- Soi. nson, Chris. Sor erison. Win. Anderson. Cray's Liver; J. A. lb-, kard. J. N. H.-egard. Win. le kard. Lewis and Clarke; A. L. Par ker. John Imys; En d ' 'Is-n, John Lea hy ami family. .Ituio-s L ahy, Jr.. Mrs. i-'arrell. ( iln.-y; John I'.unke, John Chris tians. Jo,-. Oraje;. Nor-ris Staples, John Fry. John Chisholm. Walluski; It. M. Caston. Nehaletn; Andrew Young, Young's River; A TTENTION I! I i iTI I E U.S. The members of the Finnish Hrolh-r- li.Mnl are le-rehy notilied to assemble at their hall at 1 o'clock p. tn. Monday, September 'I. to atti-nl the funeral of their late brother, Matt Jarvela. )iy order of the president. JACOH KASKI. fiRANU ANNOUNCEM ENT. The Olympian Roller Skating Rink I'.ill Williams. Rlind will open on Saturday evening, Sept. liith, at Erlckson's Hall, 7th and Vstor streets, under the management of Ceo. M. JSerry, champion roller skater of California. Watch for further an nouncement. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR OCR CORNER A rentleman's resort, at corner Bond ana Utn streets. The finest brands of liquors and cigars always on hand. Call and try ui. ANDERSON PETERSON. CREAM !A1 i'.ibbon will be used as a skirt trim ming this fall. m mm OASTOniA. Til ft. llaiH teuton, tf li n To Whom It May Concern. I iH,st V.Mld like to .ec- dot f,,r vot sharge me JIT, for mine soot; kieutz- I dolillerblit.elinocheiiim.il. but I Vo.,d L;lf llliy ei ti'-'-K lot of pliee. l. ! V'y, I can buy me em better sool mil : lleriiinii Wine for Jli r.n, nud I gel : worth of uood.s l,esi,,-s, for ii'iddins. 1 I dell you dot Ib-nnan Wis,- he- vos bigger than I'.ismiuvk. than Von Moitkel or liltl- King Liili-e; vy? Voost be-I itause In- dresses I pb-s mil line gh-so for iioddiiiK.s, while dein odder felieis. j yoost gill Frenchmen mid lax der I iiitc-hinens. j Old you ze,. Herman Wise's ad? Veil I you ought to rend It n,jt di-r Aslorlan. i Go to Elmore, Sanborn's ofllce find s-o their new and hamlromc twine testing machine. Take along some of the twines "as good as Marshall's," In your pocket. and test them. Then see how much more Marshall's will stand. It's money In your pocket and fish In your net to find out. ROYAL DaKug Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength V. S. Government Report SallonfSea Sal; for births at the Estes-Coiin Dnitf Nlorc 10t and rid' .in. k.ijro. R. L. Boyle & Co. Real Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS COMMERCIAL, ST. As solid as a rock If then. Is one thing more than another the lliiiilngton Route is proud of, It Is lis truck. Smooth--solidly built free from sharp curves laid Willi the heaviest and most expensive steel rails, It Is as near perfec tion us It i nn be made. Add t'i this that the Hur llngton In the shortest line und offers the best service to Omaha, Kan sas (ity and Ht. Louis, ami you will realize why It Ih the i'RKFKHRKK routo to the east and south. A. C. SHELDON, G. A., Portland, Oregon. ui S.iliu.lay N'os r, mid Cum Ihroiich one hour earlier than time given above, and on Sunday one hour later. I'll n t lass tialns carry baggage but no freight and make way stop at Warrentoii and C arhart only. No freight will be t aui.,1 on Sunday I'. F. LESTER, Supt. Oregon Industrial Exposition PORTLAND, OREOON SEPT. iv TO OCT. 17 I lie nival rcMMii'iiv, of (lie I'aolic Nnrlhwc!. AKriciilliirc, Horticul ture. I i-Iki tc. Mines, M.iiiiii.ivtiuvs. Machinery. Transput-, latum, I r.uie and I onniierce will He represents! more completely than ever before. Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening MT.IIAI. ATTKAITIUNS KYKKY NKiHT Lowest Rates Ever flatle on All Transportation Lines ADMISSION, 25c; CHILDREN. 10c Cot f vliilni si,ni', iiidv tn bin. I.. Il.iacr. Siiirrintcniltnt. nt the Iniililimi i;. C. MAHTCIN, Hi'iriiiiry. Olympian Roller Skating Rink CE0.M. BERRY Manager Grand Opening Saturday Even ing, Sept. 12 Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. TO CI'ltK A COM) IN O.VE DAV, Take laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure. 2Zc There's more clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Family commutation tickets to L'lat- j l.'uke" contains no free alkali, and will sop beach over the Seashore railroad not Injure the finest lace. Try It and can be bad on application to iiic a.'jd- I notice the difference In quality. Rosa, I tot, I too in 4, Flavel Llock. I lllggina & Co. Kxliilikion of I'iii cy t-kntiii1' ly I'l'oi'c.-Hor ( It o M. lii i ry. I lr lupin I'iici- lor iiir K;iy- (I'n IH'VV lull I llPill'il) Six entries, local till- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 skill.''!-'. L'I it After tin' ent"i'l oiiMiieiit in tin; rink ;i l;ill w ill In- iven on the sunn) lloor. Admission to the Opening, 25c. For the use of Raymond's Ball-bearing Skates, 25c for Evening. Hall, Corner 7th and Astor, 3d Floor