THE DAILY A8T0KIAN. SVXIVVY MOKXIXfl, SEPTKMHEU , HUHI. gitUu glotctvian. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. SH. TKHMtJ r Nl IIHI KIITHIN. DAILY. Bent by mall, per yeer.. 6.iX) Sent by mall, per month BO Delivered by carrier, per month 45 WEEKLY. Bent by mall per year, S3 In advance, postojre free, to subscribers. All communication Intended for publt oatlon should be directed to the editor. Business communication of all kinds and rcmlttancea must be addressed to The Astortan. The Aatorian guarantees to Its sub tcrtltera the largest circulation of any Mwspapor published on the Columbia Iver. Adverllslrgr rates can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astortan, the second oMeat weekly In the elate of Orvsoa, has, txt to the Portland Oregonlan. the largest weekly circulation in the state. J no. F. Handley Co,, are our Port land agunts, and copies of The Aatorian can be had every morning at their si and, IX Third street THE SCOW HAY UKIVT. The work now iu progress on the Scow Hay depot has failed forth imifh favorable comment. The observations made yesterday afternoon by Mr. al ter Kobb fully substantiate the report ed plan of construction not only of the depot, but the other portions of the railroad. Sufficient work has been done to guarantee that every os3ible ac commodation will be afforded the pub lic and the citizens of Astoria in the way of city, passenger, express, bag gage and freight facilities. The pas senger waiting rooms and ticket office are now nearly completed, and as s,ton as the piles arrive for the foundation the baggage and express rooms will be erected. As soon as these buildings are well under way, the work of con tinuing the track will be resumed. From where the trestle ends at present, near the east end of the O. H. and N. dock, besides the main line, there wiil be two or three other long tracks through the depot grounds which could not be located until the buildings were in place. Along the water front will also be constructed a large freight shed somewhat similar to the U. K. and N. shed. All of this work speaks for itself and it is safe to say that the facilities for the transaction of the business of Astorians, to be furnished by the rail road company, will be ample for ail classes of business men. The substan tial nature of the foundations and structures furnishes every evidence that the company anticipates doing a large business. Before some of our cltiiens realiie it, we will have a full-fledged railroad, do ing business In our midst and making daily connection by rail with the rest of the state of Oregon and the rest of the outside world generally. While some people are still sitting behind clos ed doors and growling about hard times, the slowness on the part of the railroad company and others in start ing new business, manufacturing en terprises, etc., the very things which they have complained of will have been accomplished before they are ready to meet the situation. This is the time when every property owner and active business man should be laying definite plans for the conduct of affairs under the changed conditions which will have to be met in 1W7. Any other course on their part will mean the loss of time worth thousands of dollars. It is evi dent that the thinking men of the com munity do not intend to have their inter ests Jeopardized by further delays and lack of harmony, and that they Intend to be ready for business when the rail road shall be ready to transact their business. This is a most encouraging and hopeful sign, that upperciation has awakened, and that efforts are being made even in the face of ad verse circumstances to push forward Astoria, and develop her great shipping and commercial interests. UOOD NEWS OF THE CHOI'S. The enormous movement of grain 10 the East and the great demand for it a I road constitute the most c he.-rful news that has come to the ears of the American public for many a day. There Is no doubt that Europe will draw more heavily on the American wheat surplus this full than at any time since the palmy days before the American farmer was forced to meet the bitter competition of Argentina, ltussia and India. In those days he was master of fate and his granaries were the real gold coffers that controll ed the destinies of the world. The cause of the present ib-inand is manifest. Russia, which has le-. n one of the most active rivals of the I'nited States In wheat production, has suf fered a sever-- crop loss. nauthi.ri tatlve statement from Odessa niahcs it plain that the crop in the vicinity ol Odessa is all but a failure. The Hun garian minister of agriculture, whose reports are accepted all over the world, estimates that the total world's crop of wheat is 137,"i'JO,'eJO bushels und.-r that of lM:j. The Liverpool Coin Trade News estimates that Europe will re quire 3,1'od.OO'i bushels a we-k from America until the end of c'-i.einb-r. The hated gold is pouring in to pay for our products, ami even tlie most distrustful of lirntmrd strcvt can not object to this result. Good crops and good pricey are a blessing which would fall with etpiul favor upon all parts of the country and on all classes of people. The crop news of the day is a great burst of sunlight in a most dreary year. Arkansas holds a state election to morrow, and Maine on the 14th Instant The former will not attract much at tention, but the latter will be of un usual Interest, because the vice j resi dential candidate of the Democratic party, Sewall, is from that state, and Itccause of the high old mix nil which Maine IVniocrHls have gotten them selves. They held llielr slate Cornell tlen before the Chicago iMlhciiiij,. adopted a gold pint form, and nominated A ticket of gold men. The Malm' d'oi gittton at Chicago refused to vote, along villi New York and other gold stales. Since that time the five silver iViiio ernts, under Sew all's h ud, have "juried off" the gold candidate for governor and substituted a five sllvciite. What the outcome may be. no one mi pro tend to guess. In IV.'.'. tile Uepubdcuus carried the state by l.ViW plurality, and in lS'.M they had nearly ti'.'.iV) plti rality. It does not look very encoutag Ing for a five silver walk-over In tie Pine Tree stal". srKFKlUNU FOK A LIFF. TIXIK, Persons a'tUctisi Willi rheumatism of ten suffer for a life time, their tortures being almost without remission. The Joints and must les of such unfortu nates are in most eases shot kingly con torted and draw n out of shape. To aiTord them even temirar relief, the ordinary remedies often piuve utterly useless. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, on the other hand, is iivouclnd by per sons w ho have used it to be a genuine source of relief. It keeps the blo. d cod by promoting a regular habit of body, ami removes from it impurities which, in the opinion of all rational patholo gists, originate this agouUtiig com plaint, and lis kindled malady, the gout. Hesldes this, the Hitters remedy disorders of the liver, stomach and nerves, prevent and ciadicaie intermit tent fevers, promote appetite and sleep, and are highly recommended by physicians as a desirable medicinal stimulent and lonlo. The correct way to wear a vail is to have it apparently nady to come off the hat. This neglige style is all the rage among the best dressed women at Newport and Har H.irloar. FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E. Hucklen ft Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Pr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pilla are easy in action and are particu larly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great ly lnvlgoraet the system. Regular slie, JSo per box. Sold by Chas. Rogers, Druggist It has been Judtd 'landscape garden"r landscape architect." Incorrect to say the term Is lb-member this to make an Im when you next wish pression with your superior education. "Let parents not live for their chil dren, but with them." The mother hould allow no false modesty to stand in the way of her daughter's knowledge of herself, of her possibili ties, of her perils. For over thirty years Dr. Pierce has used his "Favorite Prescription" as a strengthened a pu rifier, a regulator. It works dlrectly upon the delicate, distinctly feminine organs, in a natural, soothing way. It searches out the weak spots and builds them up. A woman who would understand herself should sent 21 cents to the World's Dispensary, Uuffalo, N. Y., for Dr.Pierce's Medical Adviser, a book of loos pages. An idea origir.a.ed by hia woman is the rui.-im; I l'lliladel- f doves lo Id for do nations at be sold to Ilorists and be s, ing purposes amid the d'-c weddings. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not have now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which Is guar anteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chas. Rogers, druggist. Odd Fellows' building. Despite the fact that the sun as brightly and warmly as c sign, "New goo-Is for autumn" ing shown in the shops. llilies . tin is be- Ill II KK A t'ol.ll IN IMY, Take laxative Promo iuinlne Tablets. All drut-'t-ists r'-fiiiid the money if it fails to cui". -"tc. The moil-l husband is th-- oi never gets a spot on tie- tab! when he curves. w ho cloth PURELY VEGETABLE. The Cheapest, 1'uMt ind lient family Mii- :ine in the world ! Aw Kffw:titai. SfRrmc fr all dise.tses. n( the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. kegulate the Ijver nd prevent Chilis Hl rCVEH, MAI.Afl- jts jrtvfcsts, liowrL wOMPLAINTS, klvilLF.S NK'jS, J Al M1(. b amj Naisha. HAIJ IIRKATH! NMh'njj i w i:nj,!u;i;int. n'.ihin? 10 common, ai faj breath; ann in ii-ut.y ev;ry uv: u cmes iron the stomach, an'l can be so eaiiy f,'rr';(.t;' if you wil lake Simmon-. I.n i h Ki.i,k l- u-a riejrlcrt v ure a remedy for this r:r 'j!t;e d.vr'l'rr. It will aWf .m prove your appetite, cotnpiexiou and general health riLKSt How many '.;ff':r torturr r:iy af-r flay, making lift i burden arid ror'jir.jj i.Of-ri' e of pitiisi.rr, owing to the secret sutleniitf from I':.;s. -t finf it r:ady :o the hind of airnost ;i: y ont who wi.! ii.- yitemati- ;aliy the rcuiciy th:it li.i Tirn.tri'-n'.iv "jrtd thou- arni. hiMM''Ss I-ivi.K ki.',UA',p is no drastic violent purge, tut a KtM.e to nature. fONTII'ATION SHOT.XD not U rti-ardfd as a trirhnif ailrn'jnt in f.'.t. nature demand) the utni'l r; ty of the bowels, and any H'-viafioa from this d'rtii.iji.1 pavt the way often to sen": djr.ycr. It is quite as ncessary to r-niove impure from the bowi.U ai it is to tat or v--p, and no health ran be trtpei.ted where a costive haliit of boOy prevails. KICK IIKADACHK! This disseising afRirtion ocnirs most freuectl' ine (listurbance of the vumwtt, arising from ZEAl if rinc impertc' tly diijested contents, '.'ii;e a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disareeaMe nausea, and this constitutes what is popuUrly known as Sick Headache, for the relief of which TAKB SlM MUSTS hlVHM kECULATfyfct OR MliUlCINK. SfAfUPACTTKED ONLY T J. H. ZKILXN CO., Phaadelphia, Pa, MVKl.KN'S AHN1CA SAI.VK. The best salvo In the world for euls, bruises, sores, uleers.salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itive cure for piles, or no pay reo,ulreU. It Is guaranteed to, give perfect sails faction, or money refunded. Price. Si cents per box. For sale by Charles Rogers, Otld Fellows' building. Many a woman appears In town for the day for the purpose of freshening up tluery that a summer campaign has somewhat bedraggled. "He regubtr and punctual In all things" was one of the old maxims, tan :ht long ago. The last Is not for gotten, but the llrst Is scare remem bered, so Irregular Is the life of most ptvplo nowadays. The only corrector of this evil Is Simmons l.lver Regula tor, which keeps the liver active and prevents the Ills of Irregular living: lspepsla, lUllousliess, Constipation, etc. It also cures these troubles. Many women dross like pacr .lolls They have everything In front urrang itl for effect, but the back view is Anything but pleasing. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every hwTs fair when exhibited. Manv a really sensible woman suf fors I'll with Ixtllminotl eyesight rather than wear glosses, which she thinks are unbecoming. If you have ever seen a little child In the agony of summer complaint, you can realise the danger of the trou ble and appreciate the value of Instan taneous relief always afforded by IV Wltt's Colic and Cholera Cure. For dysentery and diarrhoea It Is a relia ble remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless It were a cure. Chas. Roger. Druggist. The campaign girl as a rule is the one who knows little of politics and yet takes rare delight In conversing through her chapeau. Don't trifle away time when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them In the beginning with De Wltt's Colic and Cholera Cure. You don't have to wait for results. They are instantaneous, and It leaves the bowels in healthy condition. Water expands In the frecxiug and so does the price, as many a house ife can testify when her lee bill comes m. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but the suf ferers want quick relief; and One Min ute Cough Cure will give It to them. A safe cure for children. It Is "the old harmless remedy that produces imme dtte results." Chas. Rogers, druggist. The woman with bleached hair may declare emphatically that she Is a lady, but she doesn't look it. It doesn't matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, Indigestion, and constipation are caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances; De Witt's Little Early Risers will speed ily cure them all. Chas. Rogers, Druggist C.olf stockings are worn by the fem inine cyclist w ho desires to be c slume-l thoroughly up to date OA8TOIIIA. IT af "Wf7 How strane the eiinstrian le'iki these days, and how eminently sii eriot to the bicyclists. If dull, spiritless and stupid; If your blood is thick and sluwclsh; If your appetite Is capricious and uncertain You need a Sarsaparilla. For best re sults take IeWltt's. It recommends Itself. Chas. Kogers. The Orientals must believe In treat iinf heat homoeopathlcally. They ui. so foml of curries. "Hoys will be boys," but afford to lose any of them. you can t He ready for the green apple season by having DeWltt's C'hollc and Cholera Cure In the house. Chas. Rogers, Irugglst A man cannot ! a hero to his vab r a woman a heroine to her cook. Hewitt's Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleansing the blood from Impurities and disease. It does this and more. It builds up and strengthens constitu tions Impaired by disease. It recom mends Itself. Chas. Kogers. The is the special letter most anticipated one that is longest coming. The whole system ts drained and un dermined by Indolent ulcers and open sores. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pile cure known. Chas. Rogers, drug gist. Hashes of figured Persian gauze will be "o..n on many of the smart summer gowns. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Contalna no Ammonia or Alum, It will not be long before theatre par ties wi!' take the place of picnics. OASTOniA. Tl ha muli n Hpi-.urt 'ITT vrtpptl. To l:eep your gowns always in trim never wear the street ones in the house. Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No core no pay. For sale at Es-tes-Coiin Driiir Store. Kmplre wreaths figure largely In the latest Jewelry designs. The best chemical compound for wash Injr powder Is "Hoap Foam, ' as It will not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the hands. It's the finest thing In the world for the bath. One trial will convince you. TNDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate l'roiioiiiitfil lv I'livsii'iitiis tin1 most Favralli in America for SiitVtTi'i's front . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objection urged against Itullo In the past by tint Urge numbers wlui ultti'rftlmt would have It-en glad lo take advantage of Its ts-u, (Ictal climate, ha Iteen a lack of suitable acomiitudation. The Southern I'aenle Company takes pleasure In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hate Just been ervvitM at Indie station, that will be rente, I to applicants at r somtMe rates. They are furnldied with modern eoiivt'iilen -c. aupplltd with pur artesian water and so situated as to atv occupants all tho udv aiitiigce lo be i rlvrd from a more or less protracted residence It this delightful climate. (From I he San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert of tlx Colorado-- Inch Hit Southern Paclilc faversea-ihero ii an ousts called Indto which. In our opinion. U the Mtiltailuro of the earth. Wo bclli-vc, from personal Investigation. Ihal for certain Individual, there la no spot en this planet so favor able." I. T. Stewart. M IV. writes: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, till one with wotul -r and delight. . . . Nature ha accompll-hcd u much thai t net e remains but little for man to do A to Its povtlbllliti-a as a health retorthere Is the most perfect sunshine, with a temperature a. way pl.asnnt, a perfectly dry soil, for rain la an unknown factor; puri' oxygen, denait atmosphere and pure water. What more lean Is- dt aired It Is the plae. ahow all others, for limit trout-les, and a para dife fop rhemnat les. Considering th numler of auaVrers who have been cured. I nit hesitancy In rvcotn mendm this gonial oasis as the haven of the altllt ted " INDIO Is 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO ; r-1 130 .liilcs from F.i; from t Angeles I ).0C For forth, r any Southern In! -rmnilon Inquire ot raclllc Company aKeiil, or a-ldrtsa K. P. Hi Hi Kits. Asst. Gen Pass. Ad. 8 P Co. J. 11. KIltKl.ANI). I'lst. Pass. Agt. Cor. Flrat and Alder ats., Portland, Or FOR TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STKAMIiRS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Augusta.... ...ALL... OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Sailing dales to and Irom rillumiHik and Nchalcm depend upun the weather. lor f-'reiKht and PavM-nxer Kate Apply In ELMORE, SANBORN & CO, AOI.N I M K .0. & N. CO., Ancnta, Portland. Beaver Hill d Gilmaii Coal ...Try it For Family or Steam Purposes. CLEAN... Heasoiuble in Price ELMORE, SAP CORN & CO. Agent", .iHtoria. A TWITTER. A twlntcr In twlstlnr May twlBt him a twot. For In twlHtlng a twist Three twists make a twist: Iiut If one of the twists Untwists from the twist. The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. That la, when It's twisted with any other twine than MARSHALL'S. Declaration of Principles The liepubllcuna of the I'lillcl HliHea, UKsembled by their rcpicacttlallvca In National Convention, appealing for (he popular mid historical JiistltUallou of their claims to the matchless aclilete ineiita of thirty years of Kepiibllean rule, earnestly and eonlldently address themselves to the awakened Intelli gence, experience mid const lence of their countrymen In the follow lug dec laration of facts and principles: For the llrst lime since the fit II War (he American people bate wit nessed the calamitous eoiiHciiieiiees of full and unrestrained Ivmofiatlc con trol of the lio eminent. It has been a rtvotd of tiitpnrallcd Incapacity, dis honor ami disaster In administratis' maiiagetueut II has rtitlibssly sacrlHc etl Itidlspcnslhlc revenue, entailed an unceasing delicti, eked out ordinary current expense with but row etl money, piled up the public debt by Jt'. '.'. n toe in time of peace, forced an adverse bal attco of trade, to a perpetual menace hanging over the redemption fund, pawned American credit to alien syn dicate and reversed all the measure and results of successful Kepilblhan rule. In the broad effect of Its policy It has prcflpltatcd panic, blighted In dustry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and crip pled American production while stimu lating foreign production for the Amer ican market. Every consideration of public safety and Individual Interest demands that lite government shall be rescued from the hands of those who have shown themselves Incapable of conducting It without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, mid shall be re stored to the party which for thirty years administered It with uuetiialetl success and prosperity. rptliTlivf Tarill. We renew and emphasize our allei;! mice to the policy of protection aa the bulwark of American Industrial hide p.-ndenc and the foundation of Amer lean development and prosperity. This true American pollrv taxes foreign pro ducts and encourages home Industry; it puts the burden of revenue on for Ign goods. It secures the American market (or the American producer; It upholds the American standard of wages for the American workltigman; It puts the factory by the aide of the (1111:1. and makes Hip American farmer less dependent on foreign demand 11 ml price; It diffuses general thrift ami founds the strength of all on the strength of tach. In Its reasonable ap plication It Is Just. fair, ami Impartial, equally opposed to foreign control ami domestic monopoly, to sectional dis crimination and Individual favoritism. We denounce the present IVmocralle tariff us motional, Injurious to the puli llc credit and destructive to business enterprise. We demand such etultable tariff on foreign Imports which pome Into competition with American pro ducts as will not only furnish adetpiatn revenue fur thu necessary expenses of the government, but will protect Amer ican labor from degredatlon to the wage level of other lands. We ure not pledged to any particular schedules. The uestloii of rates Is a practical question, lo be governed by the condl llous of the time and production; the ruling and uncompromising principle Is the protection and development of American labor ami Industry. The country demands u right settlement ami tin n It wauls rest. Rrdirihvil) Willi Olln-r NatioiK We believe the repeal of the reel. I'pielty arrangements negotiated by the l.i.-t Ki publican administration was it mitloiiul calamity, and we demand tle lr renewal ami extension on such terms 11s will equalize our trade with oiler nations, remove (lie restrictions which now obstruct the sale of Amer ican products In til" ports of oilier countries and secure the eiil;iine. mar kets of our farms, forests and fat toiles Protection and reciprocity nre twin measures of Republlciin policy, mid go hand In hand. Democratic rule has recklessly struck down both, and both must be re-established. Protection for what we produce, free admission for the necessaries of life which we don't produce, reciprocal agreements of mil Mci I Interest which gain open markets for us In return for our open market to others. Protection builds up domestic industry and trade rind secures our own market for ourselves. Reciprocity I ull'ls up foreign trade uud llnds an outlet for our surplus. I'roliTlinn lo Sur i'miliiccrs. We condemn the present admlnlsl ra tion for not keeping faith wllh the sugar producers of this country. The Republican party favors such protec tion as will lend to the production on American soil of nil the sugar thi American people use, and for which they pay other countries more than 1100,000,000 annually. Wool and Woolens. To all our products to those of the mine and the field, as well an to those of the shop and the factory to hemp to wool, the product of the great Indus try of sheep husbandry, as well as to the finished woolens of the mill we promise the most ample protection. Merchant Marine. We favor restoring the early Amerl- OK TIIK REPUBLICAN PARTY. tan policy of disci Iniliiallng dullcs for Hie up building of our iceit liant marine ami the protection of our shipping In the fort-Inn cm r Inc. tintle, no that Amcili.iu ships Hie pioduct of Amer ican l.ilor, cmploietl in A 111,1 It-it 11 ship v.ndi. r.illliiK miller the Hints nutl M1I1-. , iiml manned, oitlceied and otm I ' A merit nits tuny lenaln the can li, ; of our foreign commerce. Tlir I'iiiiiinial Nmu'. The Repulillt mi I "illy Is uureseiv aouud n 1 II eiiiiHeil Ihe lit 1- i-tl.o I' nl of Hie l.ttv pro I. ling for Ho r- -.-tin ;t li-ii of np. vie panieiita In 1?'.' -In,.- 1 leu every doiur lias 1 11 as ko1"'! ns gold We nie unalleralily op pen. . I lo every ineiiauie 1 11 U-11 1 I. it tode bti.te our cm rent v or impair the en-tilt of our ct'iintiy. We nie, tlicit-foie, op pteietl (o the fite i-oltl.icc of nllViT, ex cci't bv lute rtiatioitiit act cement with the lending nation of Hi 01 1,1, which in- pleilr.c oiiiHi-lvt-a I- promote, and until such agreement cntt be ot'tnltletl wc btllrve the i&lntlllg k,ol, -Cntidard lllllit be prefelv etl All our silver ami paper cut rency now In . 11, ul.tllon limit I"- maintained ill 11 parity with K"ll. and vvn favor nil iii'-.imii es deslrnt it to iiialiitnlii Inviola ble Hie obligations of the 1'nlte, States, uud nil our money, hcthcr Coin , r paper, at the pri st nl ttandatd, th" stall, laid t.f tilt' lltoM elllightelled lltt Hons of the cm th " iViiMiitis fur 'clfr;iiit. The veterans of the t'nlon nruili a de serve ami should receive fair treatment and neiier-'Us ret ognli I.01. Whenever pi in lit able they nlionll be given Ihe preference in the mailer of employ meiit, and they are entitle, I to Ihe en ac'meut of ntich laws ns best calctilat id to Secure the f 111 tl 1 1 lllellt of the pledge tiinde to them In the tlaik day of the country's peril We denounce the practice, of the pension bureau so recklessly and unjustly carried on by the present administration, of r.-,lu,-ng pensions and niMliailly diopplug 1ut.1tt.-s fioni the rolls, ns ib-Hervltig the severest I olldelllUa tlotl of the Ainericnil people. Mi'lin Ki'l.iliims. Olir foreign policy should bi' times firm, vigorous and dlgnlfl nil our Interest! In the wesli-rn nt nil ,1, and henils- pliere enrefitlly wiitehcl 11 nd gunidisl The Hawaiian I-,liinds shotil.l be con trolled by the l ulled Elates an-1 110 for eign pow. r should be pennltetd to In teifere with tin-in The Nlciiiagua 1 'anal sli-oiM be built, ouiiet) and op einlisl by the I'nltetl Stalea. and by the purchase of the Panlah Islands we should si-cure a proper and mm h-neei. ,-tl naval station In the Went In dice. Arillt'llidll Mil su'ri'. The mass. n t es aiotis.-tl th., ,.-ep Indignation ,-r Hi- In Armenia have syinpiithy and Just Atllelleatl 1 pie. and we b.-lleve that the fulled States should eXeii lMe all the liillueiiro It inn properly ej.-rt to bilng these atrocities to an 1 nd. In Turkey, American resi dents IlllVe 1 11 exposed to III" giavest 'lungers mid American property de stroyed. There iiii-l everywhere Amer ican citizens ami American property must be absolutely protected at nil liu.unls and at any cost. Mnlirnr Diirln'iii'. O' le,IS!," til" Minimi doiiim,. In run extent ami 1..11II1111 the right of I null"! Slates b, ,;u,. the dot 11 ln , I by 1. spon, limr to Ihe appeals of any American stale r,,r friendly Inler- eiilloii In ins.' of l-:iiiopean encroacli- meiit. We have not Interfered, and shall nol Interfere, wllh the exlstlm- possessions ,,f any Kutopoan power In mi" licuiispilclo, hill those possessions must not, on any pretext, be exietnled. We hopefully look forward to Hie eiitual withdrawn! of Ihe Muropenn powers from this hemisphere, mid tin iilllmate union .,f 11,0 lOnellsh. ealilng pun of Hie continent by the o consent ,,f lis Inhabitants. IikI l'lt'!!'ll'IMT I'll I'M. I' rout the hour 111' I' pi llil'-lice III if ai lih-v lug their ow n people of tint I 'lilted Stales have regarded with sympathy Hie slll!g-;lcH of other American peoples to free themselves from Kiiropean dom ination. v,. vvi,., wllh deep and abid ing Interest the heroic bnltle of the Cu ban patriots iignlind cruelty and op pression, and our host hopes go out for the full success of 1 heir determined con test for liberty. The government of Ppnln, having lost control of Cuba and bi-lnrr unable to protect the property or liven ,,f rPH. dent American citizens or to comply with lis treaty obllgalloiie;',, we believe Hint the government of the United States should ncllvely use lis Influence and good olllct-s lo restore peine und give Independence to the Inland. Kiilurirnient of Hie Navy. The ponce and security of the repub lic rind the maintenance of Its rightful Influence turning the nations of the earth demand 11 naval power commen Huruti! wllh ItH position und responsi bility. We therefore favor the contin ued enlargement of Ihe navy and a cle h) nielli tb felines. of harbor and ca- lllillilunillnll 1,11 WS. For Ihe iT'ilet llon of Ihe cqnnllly of our Anieilian 1 Itlaciinhlp Mini of Ihe vviiges of our win klnmiieii amilnsl the ratal conipetlllon of low priced Inlmr, we 1I1 iniuid Hint Ihe Imuilgi lit loll law be Ihoiouulily I'liforceil, and an evlelld etl as lo include from ill 1 1 11 lice lo the I'lilletl Hliiles Ihonn who can neither lend nor w rile. ('Ml NlT.l.T. The 1'lvll Service law was pint e, on Ihe ntulillc book by the lie publican party, which hua nlwaya aiistnliietl It, ami vvn renew our repealed ibs'laia llniia Hint It shall be Ihoiouulily ami honestly infiiii-fil and extended wher ever pi art lc able. "ret Iliilliil. We demand Hint every cllUeii of th I'lilletl Stales ahull b allowed In cast one free 11 11, 1 inn I'strl, led ballot, anil Hint such ballot shall bo counted and returned ns csat. I.WH'llill"; I'llllill'llllll'll. We priK-lului our iinqimlllli'd condein nation of the tiuclv llUed and barbarous piactlcea, well known us lynching or killing of human beings, suspected or charged with crime, without process of la-.v. N,iilnii;il Arliliruiinn. We favor the Clenlloli of a tiilllolial board of urblliutlon to settle and ad Just dlftereiicea which inn) uilan be tween employer and t'titplo) etl eugaiftH In luletatute commi'rce. 'n't- Ilniiiolni IS. We bellevn In an Immediate return to Ho' fiei hoinesirnd policy of the Republican party mid urge the puiaa; by cotigieaa of the satisfactory frra horn, mead meaaiiro which hua already passed the. house and la now pending In the senate. Ailmivsinn of Terrilories. Wn favor the admission uf the re maining territories ut the earliest prac ticable date, having dun regard to the Interests uf thu people of the territo ries iiiul of the United Htates. All the federal oltlcers appointed for the terri lories shall be selected front bona ride sldeiits thereof, and the right of self- government shall 1m arorded as far aa practicable. Alaska KeireM'iilaiion. We believe the cllUens of Alaska should have lepreKetitiitlon In the con greas ,,f the I'nltetl Slates. to the end that needful legislation may be lnte. g'-ntly enacted. Nlllllllin l.tx'isliilion. Wo synii'iitlilxe with nil wise and l- glllu nie efforts to lessen ami prevent the evils of Intemperance uud promote morality. I!ihls (if Wllllll'll. The II, -publican party Is mindful of the rights 11ml Interests of w, 11 Pro tection uf Auicrlcnii Industries Includes .guiil opportiinlili e. equal pay for equal vvotk uud protection to the home. Wo favor the admission of women to wider spheres of usefulness, uud welcome their 01 operation in rescuing the coun try from Iiemocrutle mid Populist mis management and misrule. Such are Ihe principles ami policies of the Republi can parly. Ity these principles we will abide and these principles we wilt put Into execution. We ask for (hem the considerate Judg nt of the American people, t'onlldenl alike In the history of our great parly mid In tin Justice of our cause, wo present our platform ami our considerations. In the full assurance that the election will bring victory to Urn Republican parly und prosperity to Ihe people of the United Hlllles. Job Printing The Astorian invites attention to its Job Printing Department TRY US 1 omp 1 oust