The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 06, 1896, Image 1

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The Dally Astorian
Ha a Rimia
.. Family Circulation...
An "Ad
In Iiip Amiiuhk'
"Wmi .olnmn "
Much mom tha thru vmr A
Vol.. XIV.
NO. 213
Our Handy Wukoii...
('MiiMiira all Ilia rwtturr of Ilia
pin I it traami ml a vi.-eli. d..,, ull
thlnga t-omdilariHl, eoaia tha i-tini-uno-r I
than lllmr. Hu ilnlml.l, cuiiviil. hi mill
MUfai'tiry ho It pniv.n, that, un
tintly "iwdlitr." II haa no iipial. Wo ink
n pcclal prlila, Iimi, In tli-llvi-rlng Hip
emtio promptly and III luulllox cuinl'.
i n lu tha Irada.
Base Ball
Croquet Tackle,
Sets Garden Tools
COMPANY... Wholesale ami Retail
I Sewing Machines !
Steel Cooking Ranges "m $js n
Mr. Iliiiiiiiiiiiiil's I'litmls I'liiisc t he
Wink Alri-nl) Dune in
A .luilii.
mi; M.w iupoi a ki w i
And I lie Hull mil Solid MrtKiuie lp-tt
ill fl .1 ml 1 1 a j I lit HcmicM TiaIIIc -l.'Hc
lumiiicrtc at I lie Mualh
ul Hit lulumliij
CASH. :.,
Ilutnti. tin
Cash or InUtallimnts.
.He Cm Snvc Yon Money.
(iWAMII: WAKI:. KOl'l-.
SIOVI S. IHUN I'll'l;. Tl K
HA CH IT A I'll'l-.S. AK
m i'ri.u:.s. i.ixKii.ks
Call and Be
Trustee for the late
Oregon State Normnl School
mc )nmi r ri i
A Training School for Teacher.
oiti'.di N.
Senior Year Wholly I'rolcsalottal.
Twenty week of Pny "h "I i:y .'-nil :-iu nil and Special Methods; twenty
week of Teaching and Tiuinlng De piirluieiil.
Training arhi-ol of nine grades with two tj mi l r..l children.
Regular Niiriiml fouiac of Tin Y.-uri .
Tlio Normal Diploma In i i;nl d by law ua u State Lll.- Certificate to
I. In lit K fii.H-a; 1 iourl at Normal lining Hull tl DO per week. Furnish
nt rooina with light ami lire, 7..r to JI 00 per nwk. Hoard md Unlglng In
prlvalo fnmllle K.IO to 13 DO T ueok
THITIiN:-Hub-Normal, IS HO per Iitiii of tn weeka; t;.niml. J6.:'5 pT
It-nil of ten wti'ka.
(irailea from repulnt'l rhiHila aoeepleil.
CataloKiii'a (lui rfully fiiriilnlu'il on iipplUutlon.
Adilre.H.t l. I.. CAril'lll.l.l.. Pre., or V. A. W ANN, See. of I nct-Hy.
Mount Anircl Colleue.
Mill ST, MltHN ("1 M V, 111: l-I.IIN.
Till'. IIIIMl i'..l.lil II.HIIillMU S.ll.H.I III Ull' Villi. url I Mir .i III. I'li' I" h. III.
hi'l imi'IIiiiiU hi I. iililiii: mill i'iil I. in In I - ul i'ivi.i I. in i.m nlul r" I Iriu ; In null ll
lulti un.t.1 ilU.'liihit." Vital nil llii' I.'xmi nm it ittl Ii.iM' lit. Iitt - Hill Ul' I III Ih'h llvt'ill
Iht'lr I Inn' : In u t tin in Milfliinlliil it ml l I lii.u.' in tl i.l.nlv In . it I ; In m i' In llit'll
ImhIIIx hi'iillli In ulMiti' Ih. hi iniinli' I'liinn i Inr im n'i. : ImUn I li.tnnir ll ".ul l.t.lfl Ion Hi
lllili lilt, iim Ui'll in. It. i.nri itU I .li nl vnittt. hut i' It. . Ii i M.i nli l llili. Milllilli f III ln'illllll
lliti mill It'M'llnw Hit' mmiiiiK. i.nliini: In tnM wnti r rln. N in it n ihi h fl -f tr ti in, In
t'lilitiulim Hit' fitl.lni'U. t'.'ll.. II..H-. Ill-nil v. t If. I'm' t.l ..ifi.iltn Is ,i in.fl itiini-li'li
t'liiiintt-it-liil mitt lliit-lm-MH l unit-' IIhiiI-iiii.-, i d'. M iiu- un nil infliiiiii- iil.'-. rllf Inr --i-t-
iliil Itrin-itl tin I'll I'lilNi ll'.M..
Ht liiNtl ttit'ii-t Si'i'li inlti'r llli.
1 1
iGojMENT Of THE jioiiY AVIES..
Astoria. Oregon.
OpimlnK ofii Duy inul lloHidliiir. I'l lnmi y, (irnnuiiiir nmt liiiih .School lor
OlrlB ly tlioHlHlom of tlio Holy Nmiiuii of Johum iiikI Miuy, tli'in St Mnry't.
Acudi-iiiy mitl Ciillt'tfn. I ' rt lit tul , Uii-tr-xi-
mi:i ri:Miu:i i-i. iwio
Purtk'iilur uttoiitttni Klven to niHtn'.rtinii in il o oitu i n.t I n rilo u
MiiHlr, Dniwlnir unil rinutniK.
Kor fiirthor piirtlculiirH wrilo for F'ioi pi-rt uti or iippty nt tl.i. Arniun.y
to HlMtor Hupnrlor. "
600 Commercial St.
Drg Goods
It will pny
ynu to tiiKc
in.l aiilnnc of
this fiii-ccd miiIc
you niivc M
to SO percent at the OREGON
Mats, Etc.
Clarkson & jcjrvin Room Company
Promptly Furnished
216 and 217 Cha niter of Commerce
Portland. Oregon
Tln-rn huh no fiilllnK un I'Htt-i'ilny In
I he I li I rth.t tiiki-ii by IrinlliiK tlll.'im
ami linn In tin- ill ."tOHtlt'tl
luiiiik'lit nltniit Ity Jii-Ik- Tuylnr'a 1-1 t. r
nf it f k hko. "ll tin- mil'Jft t of the
Injury ilmn- Mr. Iluiiiiiniml uinl tin.'
. -.111111111111 y Ity tin um ullttl fur iim-1 im-
jnnt irillilHin, Itotli pulilli- uinl i-rlvuti',
nf tin- niuk In lim ilniii' Ity tin- rullioiol
ii'iiipuiiy, uinl tin- Imti'l i-i mi fit ii y, Ituth
in tin- illy prttpi r ami ul Kluvtl. Aa
in. tiiy nf tin' lot-rvi-i.t. h mnl I'liiiiiiiiinl-
lliIIH UK II Ih h.h.,. i Kt'( III III H l
Hi, iirt- ptiltllrtht'il Tin 'Ui-ntliniH an-
MM ii-il uinl tllw uiHMi tl Ity Un- li 11. r f . i -
I'm :
W'nul iln you think of Jiitlin- Tuylnr'l
Iflit-r In Huinliiya Antnrlun?
t.t ynii ii-pruvi- nf the uitlrlt'H whli h
liuvf ni'i'tni --tl fr-nii llini- tit Hunt In the
Ivvt'iiliiK' IliitlKi-t uinl Wt'fkly llirulJ
niiaiirlni! Mr. Iliniiiiioml ami thf mil-
rnll'l rnlilputiy Hlltl l till ltl i II I UK of tlll'IT
iiit'tlnulH nf prnan utlnic the Improve
ini'iiii. kiiiiik on In i-t-?
1 1 Jim .Mr. Hiiiniiioiiil nr not. In ynur
JtitlKiiit-nl, full.-ii nhnrt of li I h proinlata
luutle with AHtnrla m-,-I,. roHpt-tlniji;
tint prnKitna Mini t liiinn lt-r nf tin- work
In. In ilnlllK hi-rv?
Imi ynu mink tin- i iiiiiiii- niB mud,' by
the pui'rn n-li iri'tl to mi tin- ili-vt-lop-nu
tit ai n-iia I hi- liny u ml (lie ili-pnt and
nllnr ri'iintrui tlona nil IIiIh altlc ilt irl
nii iitul to the i-nniuiunliy?
HuvliiK li't n Inviifil to kIm! my vieita
nf tin lunttt.ra tliHruitmtl mnl iillutlt-tl tn
in tin- li-ltt r nf JinlKe Tiiylt-r. pulilLtht it
In (In- Suiitluy AHlt.rlun of Auiruat 3nh
luNt, I u Ul wiy that In u iiii'i-iIhk of
our eltlii'iia or ratln-r of the comiiillli-t-
nf tWl'llty-nn,. nf llllli'tlnll of out' lull"
riiiul t iiti-rpi Iim-. a-unn four or fix
nioiitliM iiko, i hi-r Hi'Vt-tuI of our elw
Itt-liH mil- iiltli In I n the at ll.m. or
non-tit tlon. im It Kt-i'ini'tl to In- at thut
Unit-, of Mr. Iliiinmnnil. I Mtiiti-tl -lis-tliutly
thut Mr. lluinmontl Inul ilone
.iml uiih ilnliiK i ttiiili rfiil lliliiKit for ua
un. I for nil of the people In IIiIh poi'tlmi
of iiri'Kini, Ly IiIm .t in Ini,' tin- liivi-st-i
on t of tun iiilllliuiH of il-ill il m In un
I in inula n I uinl ninth tit-r-tl-tl Iiiiiuiim
infill In our mlilHt mnl vit lnily, to-ult:
Iln- AHtnilu mnl liolilt- rullrouil. I unkl
II t il that r roulil Htunt'ly nay emiui-'h
In I'lalxf nf Mr. 1 1 ti 1 1 1 nit hi. I un Ills n
;t t latt-K I milt rate the name upinhin
iiou. I t lil nk my i-inarkN In that im el
Iuk ullfiite Hit- tarplliKH nf tin- wtiulil-
Im iiltltH nf Mr. Ilaiiiiiioinl then ami
ilfiv As In tin- iin-rllM or l-lame of
III - tiiiily pupi-ra n-fi-rreil to In Miltl
It tlt-r of Jinlni- Taylor. 1 huvu oftin
aii.l rveryn lii-iv expn-Hsetl the nplnlnii
Hint I lu ll- lll-atlvlsi-tl ami lut'iniKisleiit
flTuslmis about the rallptatl ami thore
eoiiin rli'tl wllh the etitt i pi lst', were
ic.'iiei i'lly m ul i allzttl an. I ii'inlt ietl
haiiiilt-SH ainolii: intt-lllKtiit an. I ills
f i litil'i.'UInt; people lie tin- vt ry style
of thi ii' nil n uttt-i uni t- In nth. r unit ies
of tin- saint- pultllt ulioiis.
-lit ll I'ttlltlll Inns In mi isolalttl t nlll
iniiuily. as nut's has liti'ti, are pt-rliapiti
In In- ispfflftl uinl must In- lii-me. We
hope for hetter tliluns lth the eiunltii;
nf Ktiotl Unit's; In tin- lii- it nt Inif lt l us
try to "live uinl lot live."
W. V. I'A l!K i;u.
self In our rlifiimMtani'i a. niii.le a prnp-, vale, mnl thut wo ahouhl Join Ininda
opltlnn tho tt-rina of wlilrh w-r- prnli-jwllh the rallroii'l eompuny or anyone
else makliiK un cITort to fertfi'tr the
:iiliit-Mta of I he elly,"
ultly Hi" only It-ri-iN Hit- iltl.i-ri of
Asl.-lla ioiiIiI have lulllllt-.l, mnl the
n-aull la we have tho Iron horae run
nlliK trains tliniliKh our Mllit lH l-nluy,
ami u IhiiiiHitiul men Ht work huHti-iiltiK
In (oliBlllnlniHt- the tank Mr. Iluiniiiontt
Iium iiiiil-'rlaki-n, the iiiuipl-'lloii of
w hit h I iii In i n ao aitlenlly tli-slri il ami
Im fraiiKht with mull Mot I lniiirt.'iin
tn every Aatorlun.
"It la Inexpllt nlile to mi- how any
in.iniiKi'i of a lot ul Joiirnnl eoulil, fur
Hie sake of liny petty at-lf Intenat,
liiutiii lal nr otherwlae, ullow his pnp-T
In he the iiieiina of ftutllliK hIuih ii-on
iln molivia of the promotitm of un un
ilertakliiK whit h we all r-t nKiilie as tho
t'onimt-reliil hope of nur elly."
I'll. JAY TUTTi.K.
"I iln not think there la any on-r In
Anlttilii who really hellt-vi-a that Mr.
llaiiuiniiiil lias falletl In any -,f hli
pr.niilsea to the people of this ill), I
iln imt think there la any one In A-toi-lji
tvtio Ih ut all enrtversutit w ith 1 1 ic
fails w hu iloiH nut know that Mr.
Ilniiiiiit-n-l has tl' un- much more th in l.c
pi'iiiiilsetl; I iln not think there la any
one In Astoria who In apulle of Jin!-tin-,
ami w ho has i, I v.-n lie- inatt T ''un- JOIINHON.
".Mayor Tnylor'a letter waa Just what
waa iiei'-l-tl. It Im a (treat ahniue to the
fliy tn ItHik Inu k upon the way In
whit h some of the pasra anil aotne of
I he peiple have treated Mr. llatnrnon'l
ami tin railroad i-ornpuny. It la a dla-Kiatt-
tn have aueh newapapera In a
i tiiiiiininlly. Mr. Hammond haa faith
fully ierforinet ull the ohllKatlona on
his part to he done ao far, anil whut
n-as'tii anyone can have for vilifying
Ih- only bualm-Ma man we have yet been
able tn Interi-st In our Ix half, I can
not .--, The deMtt now being built at
Keow buy la fully three times an large
aa the di-manda of our business will ut
present Justify. 1 reaent the atate
inenta nfuili- by aoine of these papers,
In whit li It la Intimated that the rall-inu-l
luojiit hud simply a conspiracy
betwei-n Haiumond and some of our
large pi"s-rty own era to uuloiul upon
utiMusiMHtlng Kustern partlea a lot of
wildcat property and town lot. Noth
ing can be further from the truth, as
everyone know a. And auch blackguard
ism certainly In lures the Eissl name nf
sl-1-.a.lon. In view of tl,.- rhar.u u-r of tUv , Hy RIlJ )U dwn th(. vaue of
all gissl property."
"Aa to Judge Taylor'a letter, I think
he waa Justllhd In taking the position
which he did. I can see no reason for
the biick-bltlng that has been going
on in the papers recently, nor for the
talk made by some of our ?ople
agalnat Mr. Hammond and the railroad
company, aa well as some of our prop
erty ow ners. Kuch stutt-ments only In
jure the entire community. We know
they are untruthful, but outsiders have
: im iiieaiis or know ing, that they are
simply spite matters. I have not m-nt
join of these papers out of town to my
I friends In the Kast, simply because of
such articles I certainly cannot approve
of the attacks made aitaiiial Mr. Ham
mond and the railroad In some of the
articles recently published. They have
been untrue and detrimental In every
way to the city."
Ih.- w-.rk lrei:ily I in-- In the coilrui
II-. li of iln laiiroad. w l.o In dins for a
iiittiueiit that Mr. Iluii.ii.i'i 'l has un-.
tl'-itakin 1'ila v. irk f r Hi- p iimis,; 0f
boitiiiliig real esi.itf tr t'llini; with at
"The people of Astoria huie given
Mr. 1 1 .t 1 1 1 in- hi tl n lain.- r.n niitit nf land
as a subsidy, hut III -re ia baldly n 1- t,
or an a. re of It, tha la worth a o ut
In piev-nl value; If it is ever worm !
unyihini; ll will b- I't'-hi.K'f I'aininon t !
matle p hi. mid when li- iiiukeA it vulu '
able I..- oak-i i v-ryitiU' t Isr o inlii.;
pr.-perty In Astoria )i: a much r'- ber
lu piopoition, 1h-hI eM inakln those'
i l- In r In oppf tt.iiiiy vliinwn no pn.p
eity. An) thing said or done, therefore,
to olistrut't Mr 1 1 am mom I In his work,
anything published den-gatory of his
i I. r or tmitugnlng his mntlvea in
this luisl- t -r ili-n leroim of his Inllu-'
eiillal flit'liits. la a dimtt blow tn the
lot - l i sts of eiery n-slileiit or irnierty ,
owner In Astoria. Those who live here1
promote the good of Astoria and tha
hurhor of the lower Columbia river.
I'hey are atill working energetically on
the same line. I-t some of the rest of
ua get up document, compile Informa
tion for the benefit of Investors, and
lake the trouble to show people about
ami help develop our wonderful natural
resources, and there would be no time
for unfavorable comments and disgrun
tled newspapers will not be permitted
to live."
"Judge Taylor'a letter suits me all
right. I am decidedly opposed to the
methods eof newspaper attack referred
to by him. I think we ought to be able
to get along harmoniously and work to
gether for our own good. There Is no
sense In trying to keep things back. Bo
for as Mr. Hammond Is concerned be
has certainly, up to the present time.
done everything he agreed to do, and
is the llrst man we ever hail here who
ha done so. It la a great Injury to the i
w hole tow n to vilify him and the work !
he Is doing. We ought rather to uphold i
him In every possible manner." '
Addresses a Large Audience in Chi
caijo on the Sound Honey
Dots Hot Kioh Tree Coisage Is
Every Saie Mm Kioms Agriciltiral
Staples Show Xo Effect of
l73 "Calamity."
Chicago, Sept. S. Central Music Hall
was packed to the doors tonight to
, hear the address of Carl Shun, who
spoke under the auspices of the Ameri
can Honest Money League. Schun
! paid particular attention to the New
York speech of Mr. Bryan, and descrlp
; tlon of what would occur If Bryan Is
! elected provoked repeated cheers from
his audience. He flatly declared that If
"Judge Taylor Is perfectly correct In Bryan believed certain things, which he
his letter of last Sunday and the ex-:,.uoted from Bmn', Nw TorV ad-
presslons made therein concerning the!dreM. then Ervan dl(, no. know wh.t
attacks made on Mr. Hammond and the ; free crfnaKe meanU even though he
raiiroa.1 oy some 01 me papers Here, waa Us most ardent advocate. Th an.
certainly meet my views. If a insolence, which numbered 3M0, received
-nc, not Know how to run a newspaper ; the address with enthusasm. He anok.
any better than some of the editors ln part as follows:
in this city, he ought to go out ln the "There are .rdlr rllarcntent. In
country and dig potatoes. If the re-
the country, partly genuine, partly pro-
Astoria Asphalt and Roofing Co.
All Work Guaranteed
Roof Pntntlnu
and 1-topctlrlntf Leulir Kuufa.
N. JGN5EN and R. 0. HANSEN
K. c. tiii.iu:..
Tin- folltinliig Interesting coiiiimiulcu
lioii from Mr. I-I. '. Ilolileu. for seven-li-eii
yenrs seiielaiy of the AnioiIii
riiamlier of ('tuiiiiieiie, uiltls lis tesll
mnuy In the railroad disc nssloii:
"III answer to your i'ctiiest thai 1
would in ltl my opinion of , Imlr.e Tay
lor's lelicr in last Sunday's Astorian 1
tun uulv say that 1 emphatically ap
prove nml eiulorst- every word of t.
How cull I do otlierw Ise, knowing us 1
tin Dial tile statements therein made
are nltolulely true mid the conclusions
reached lire self evident ?
'Perhaps no tun- here knows better
than myself the multiplied effort, thut
have been put forth by the leading clt-
ns of Ailni'u during Hit- past twenty
years to pioture, lint for their own
lieiielil only, hut fur the bene lit of every
mail who hud nil Interest In the ad
vam emeut and prosperity of our city,
mill "nd cnlinectlon between Astorlu
and Die nulslde world.
"As secretary of our Chamber of Com
merce for the lust seventeen years, 1
mi belli- w. lines to the untiling ef
forts of the members rumpnslng that
iiieinpiirntid organization tn cnmpiiss
this desirable end. Newcomers In later
years will remember the tens of thous
ands nf dollars subscribed and pnld for
stock In the Astoria nml South Coust
rond, and when that, tno, fulled of renl
l.alinii, till! not our hearts fall us?
Park days nf llnaniial depression nil
over the country followed. Hut when
the prospects Rivmed most gloomy, Mr.
Iluniimmd uppeured, and udapllny ldni-
can Judge of such stuleint-nta for them-! .
, , , , , . . .t WALTER L. rtOHR
selves, but whei they go abroad they
are of in. aleuliilde Injury to us; but i "l ,lllllk ,hat Ju,,-e Taylor's letter
If the very people who are urnst Injured , Published in last Sunday's Astorian is
by such statement like that sort ,,f , right. It is a good letter and takes
thing, let them turn the other check j ,ne r'Kht lotion. I do not in any
by!,;; tii-lr support-thi-y have r l'l,n,,f "leartici.-s reierrea
no kick coining. ! ,0 l' Jut,Ke Taylor which have appear
Ami while I am talking 1 wish to ay ,etl 1,1 "''tain of nur newspaper against
lint I have no patience with those who ' """inoriil and the railroad company.
speak disparagingly of Kin vet or War-,i,,r- ""'"mono nrt8 une all ne agreed
reuton; If there Is anything In the . to do right from the start, and has ful-
worl.l that I can do to advance the In. "is contract in every respect, and
t.-rvMts of either or both places I want 1 '"'"eve that he will continue to do
t.i know it. so that I shall lose no time i 80 u,ltil ,he ''"tile w,,rk ls completed.
in doing It: If I could make a city there ULT naving iau.-n snort or Ills
f live hundred thousand Inhabitants l,r"'ni" regaruing tne woik or con-
tttni.trrtiw, or one hundred thousand. , " ' J"1" me oun-r way. ne
tr ten thoiisaml, 1 would do It in a hur- "ns ,,""f mu' " '""re hun we could
' l...Uuil.Ur l.... .. ......t...l 1.1... .1..
ry. Iiciausc I should tie henelittlng As- i ' "- "-it-- ...ot ,.. uu.
toiia Just that much: and I should seel 1 ,( l,n,a visited tne M-ow Hay
these nil' people who lire so illsgrun-j !lluI '"'euliy Investigated the
tied will. Hammond. Scloy, Hrown. et iw'"'k '"''"K dol,L' ,lK're' The passenger
al moving right over there to get the ! wuiti" rwm. ticket olllce. and Itt.ll-a
iM-nellt. if more were to be had there iulul Kentleim-n's toilet rooms are very
than In Astoria. Tha.l. Trulllngcr Is m,arl' '"mpleted. The baggage, ex
n.y neighbor: do you sup".e that I press, telegruth olllces, will be built
would net get-up In the night and go """ ,ls P'K arrives for the
around Smith' Point if by so doing ! folatlon. The accommodations for
1 i-uld make l.lm live hundred dollars. ; fr,-iht ,ra"11- wi" "'"P'o in every
If 1 knew positively thut 1 would not I respect, und freight sheds almost us
get a cent myself? If you do y..u are : ''"tensive us the o. U. and N. present
away ..IT. ami there are few people ln!,1,'P" be 'rwtwl along the water
Astoria for whom I would not do the fr"1"- Tho rlous station buildings
sa Tha.l would do the same by!ild 'nnlnal facilities will Ih- all thut
mt- there are lots of people w ho. 1 be- ! we ,n" P""'' "eeil for yeurs to come,
li.-ve. woiiltl .1.. the same by me. or by : s""u" tillk h,u lwn "''"" the
olhers not isitivlally their friends, i " """""" "' ",,,,v "" ,m' irosue now
I'niiie. nii'ii und brethren, let's get to-
spectable citizens In Astoria stand by ducM by artificial agitation. There
age iaior ana their own Interests are farmers who comnlaln of low nrlces,
they will take steps necessary to put'of agricultural oroducts: labortmr men
a st ip to this sort of thing. There has , complaining of lack of remunerative
not rieen an issue, scarcely, of these ! employment; men In all sorts of pur
papers for the past six months butauu complaining of general business
what has been detrimental to the In-1 stagnation and of scarcity of money.
ten-sis of Astoria They seem to be In some Darts of the country. md-1s1-
trylng to damage the city in every I iy ln the South and" West, there are
ixissible way. There Is no personal many people- complaining of want of
feeling on my part against any of the 'capital and too high rate of Interest,
newspapers here, but I cannot approve j The cry for more money Is the favorite
of the papers, or any one. making pub- lcry. Beyond these complaints, how
lie attacks for jtersonal reasons, or oth- jever. the Impression has been spread by
erwise, againsi mose wno are trying agitators that an organized conspiracy
?- uuuu up me town.
Miller lii something of this spirit and
ln soiiiething.
V. A. i.akouci;.
"It is ban) to mid anything to what
hit already been said on the subject of
Mayor Taylor's letter lu last Sunday's
Astorian concerning the unjust criti
cisms of the railroad company and
peity owners of the city. I never
before lived In a town that run Itself
Inwii or permitted Us newspapers to
In so. Anil I do not approve of the
Hurts which have been made In that
"Judge Taylor's letter on the subject
referred to takes a position In the mat
ter which Is absolutely correct. Every
body knows my fivllngs on the sub
ject. If we are going to permit such
unjust and uni-uUod for attacks against
our ow n interests, what can we expect
outsiders to think? If anyone wants
to talk about the Chamber of Com
merce, or against It efforts, let him
come and see me. If anyone wants to
write a loiter on that subject and sign
Ids own iiunie to It, 1 will take It up."
"Judge Taylor's letter Is all right.
Ve must stop this thing of running
down our own Interests. The uncalled
for and untruthful statements which
have rtcently appeared ln certain of
mir newspapers characterizing the ef
forts lrude to advance the town both
by the railroad company and some of
in- property owners as a scheme to
iloat wildcat property, ls not only a
Meat mistake, but It cannot fall to
injure every foot of property In the
-ily. I suy thut it is time to stop all
such attacks, both In public and pii-
nmpleletl us far as the east end of
theO. K. and V dock. 1 learned today
that this was matle necessary because
from that point on through the depot
grounds there will be three or four dif
ferent tracks, the actual location of
which will not be made until the build
ings are completed. Mr. Hammond has
room on the depot grounds for eight or
ten different trucks, which will be built
as the business demands more room.
"As to Flavel It is most unkind to
ay the least, to criticise the work be
ing done there ami the nun who ure
pushing It. In the llrst place L. R
Sceley has done more than any ten men
in this place to forward the Interests
of Astoria. At ids own expense he has
provided maps and diagrams, and gath
ered together an Immense nniount of
valuable data which he Is able nt any
moment to give to any one investigat
ing our facilities und natural resources.
During: the past years he has brought
down here party after party of capital
ists and business men from all over the
country, has entertained them at his
own expense, hiring special boats to
take them about the city and up and
down the bay, and through thick and
thin, ami when times seemed to be the
darkest, he has always been cheerful
and hopeful. Mr. Hammond himself
has said to me that If it had not been
for L. H. Seeley and his Invaluable fund
of knowledge and data, he probably
could never have succeeded In floating
the railroad project at the time he
did. I want to see Mr. Seeley and his
associates succeed: I want to see them
muke a million dollars. All the work
that can be done at Flavel only bene
fits us on this side of the bay. It will
all be one town, and each side only
helps the other. I wish we had a lot
of men ln Astoria like Seeley and
Hrown. They have been untiring and
absolutely unselllsh in their efforts to
of monied men, mainly the great bank
ers In America and Europe, backed by
the monarch and aristocrats ot the
(Jold From Abroad Affords Timely Re- 0 a wona, is seeking the establishment
Uef I of the gold standard of value to monop-
jollze or 'corner1 the world's money to
New York, Sept. 5. The New Tork 1 lhe general detriment.
Financier says this week although over j "Are these complaints well founded?
seven and one-half millions In gold ar- That there has been a considerable fall
rived from Europe, over four millions ln the prices of many articles since
of this gold arrived too late to be in-!1S3 Is certainly true. But was this
eluded In the current statement. From ! ' caused by the so-called demonetl
ihls time out the banks should begin Jzation of silver through the act of
to reflect the full effects of those heavy j 1873?
shipments. The statement otherwise "The facts prove conclusively to
Is a reiietitlon of those for three i every sane man that for nine years
weeks previous. The banks are losing I after the act of 1873 the prices of ag
heavlly to the interior and are making j rleultural staples show 'absolutely no
up for withdraw als of cash by con-j 'race of any such effect as would have
trading their loans and also by taking i heen produced upon them had a great
out as much new circulation as possl-and sudden change In the purchasing
ble to tide over the present stringency, i power of the money of the country
Just how long this policy of contrao ! taken place; and that It would be chlld-
tlon could be continued without serious !lsh to pretend that but for the act of
results ls a question, but fortunately 1 173 these prices would have been 100
the supply of gold received, or now ln j or W or 25 or ten per cent higher, and
transit, w ill render further action of j that, therefore, all this talk about the
this kind unnecessary. gold dollar having become a ZOO cent
The one favorable feature w hich the ! dollar, or a 150 cent dollar, or a 125 cent
week's result shows Is that withdraw- 'dollar Is, pardon the expression, rank
als for hoarding do not figure to any ; nonsense. But what is It, then, that
extent. has caused the decline of prices? I ap
peal to your common sense. The new
economic conditions, somewhat sudden
ly created in nur lima hv tho vnal Im.
Taenia, Sept. 5.-The fall games of , lirovmlMt , ,hB m... , ,..,n
uie lucoiua Atnietic I.IUD tooK place
today. Follow ing Is a summary of the
lwo-yard dash Won by Connor; Dick
son second; time, 10S.
One-mile run Quackenbush won;
Shut tuck second; time, t.bOH.
Cue mile walk Young won; Cooley
second; time. 8:07.
2-0-yard dash Dickson won; Connor
second; time, 23.
880-yard dash Shattuck won; Whal
ley second; time, 2:12H.
Pole vault for height Palmer won, 10
Running broad Jump Barrager won,
20 feet 7V Inches.
440-yard run Bushel I won; Whalley
second; time. 5S.
Points won In the track and field
Tacoma, 29; All Seattle teams, 34; Port
Townsend, 8.
Points won ln bicycle races Tacoma
22; AH Seattle teams, 14.
Tlotul points won Tacoma, 51; All
Seattle teams, 4S; Fort Townsend, S.
of production and transportation, have
surprised, puzzled and perplexed the
minds of many well meaning people.
They became alarmed at the natural
and necessarily following decline of
prices of agricultural as well as indus
trial products. Honest people In that
state of mind fell an easy prey to the
equally honest financial quack as well
as to the dishonest demagogue. Thus
they were readily persuaded that the
so-called demonetization of silver was
the true cause of their troubles and
that the free coinage of silver would be
the true remedy, while thorough inquiry
and calm reasoning would have con
vinced them that the true, cause of
the progress of civilization in produc
tion and transi-ortation, and that the
true remedy can be found only In the
adaptation of our schemes of husband
ry and our business methods to that
Southern Pacific Engineer Too Much
for the Robbers.
Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 6. An at
tempt was made tonight to hold up the
overland express eight miles west of
this city. The engineer killed one of
the robbers and then pulled out the
train and reached the city. Sheriff
Johnson and a posse have gone to the
scene ln a special train.
Tillamook. September 5. Mark L. Co
hen & Co., doing business in this city
and Portland, made an assignment to
day to N. GtHulman. Their assets are
reported to be $2:1,0(10; liabilities 122,000.
Erie, Pa, Sept. 6. The transconti
nental relay passed here at 6:05 central
standard time, seventeen hours late.
Meany ls the leading tailor, and pay
the highest cash price for fur skins.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
i Powder