The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 05, 1896, Image 1

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The Daily Astorlan
H RpnttiA
...Family Circulation...
im Astoria.
"Ad "
"Wani ( ,thinii "
V(H. .UV.
NO. 212
Our Handy Wagon...
t'oiiil.lnra nil (lie failuma o( Dm . 1 1 1 1.1 ' a
plain wason ami a v.-luclpi lu, nn.l, all '
thine rnixlilarrd, eoata Ilia con -uim r Ira
(hail either. Ho dcalrahla, oonv. nltuit una '
aallafacory haa II proven, that, ua a
ready "aller," U haa mi cipial. V take ,
it aprrlal pride, too. In delivering Itm j
aaina promptly and In faullleaa com'-
lion lo I ha trade 1
Base Ball
Croquet Tackle,
Sets Garden Tools
Wholesale ami Retail
I Sewing Machines
Steel Cooking Ranges
.'.AMI. .w
Iniliillaif nil. f PI
Cull or lul I.iIIiiiciiU.
Wc Cum Snvc Yi Money
i. Hiimmmiil .May Now llti-in In
Sic Mow lie M uimIs In
hi.i. or honor i.;ir.A.srs
Huai-lmsa Men Whom tin1 Proinnlcia of
Anlrt lit'M rr..Ri Jly Muy Depend
upon in eh.- I'utiir.-, Bland by
the Taylor Letter.
ou'AMii: WAK:. woi'i:.
IKON. Mi l l.. CANM KY
M li'l ICS. I.Oi(il".!5'
Street liilk yesd-nlay wus centered
upon I In mutter uf Judge Tuy
Ima Idler w ll Ili-1 In Inst Sunday's
Aalmliin Many ra.pi'cas.'d In I hi' moat
Ulicijulviit'lll language, their cll'loiae-
miMil of tin- mayor' a letter, uii-1 I tic-lr
h (i I I ... il r.f Mr. IIiiiiiiim'II'I and the rail
nuul i i i I'll u ' , iih well an nil other
wliii are making mi effort In advance
llir lui.-rrai of Hi" city, "llnr Inter
U.wa In uiIiIIIIhii lo those published
have bun huiidul In or oliluliii'l- an
Wiiut ilo you think of Judge Taylor'
letter in Sunday's AnIhi liin'.'
ln yoll UI'I'I l of III!' Itlllrli'H W 111' tl
have appeared f r. .in Unit' lo linn' In the
Hvoiilng MinlU'-l Mini Weekly Jli-rulcl,
i i nsuring .Mr. Iliiiiiinon.l und t It I H II
I. ui. I ciuiipiiiiy ami . oiupliiliiliig uf their
method uf pioa.i tiling Hie Improve
iih nla going i" here?
Hun Mr. Ilitiimiittiil or not. In your
Ji.lniiii-nl, fulli'ii nlmrt of la 1 a pnnniaia
iiiuili' wllli Aitlorla pie rtupeeiliig
Hie pii'Uii tu) uii'l t liitriu ter of the oik
h,. lit il.iliiK lien?
In y.iti think the i'miiiiiii iiIi inail.' by
llli' pup'Tc lelitriil to mi the i!eelop-
i. . i t .i... .i i
k. i nn III III l'fn im i.u linn no' wi't"'v wnvi
j' I oilier t oliHli in tti'tis on Ihln Hhle ill Irl
ri 1 lo Hie I'lillllnuilil y ?
A. J. MKiil.Klt.
1 am one of tile proprnloia
K hoi.l ttliirli for thhl)
Call and Be
Trustee for the laic
hllM l-'ll llllHItelereil illirlllK the K"nl-i-Ht
piol"iiKel liliHlii'-aa ilepriaalon t tl Im
round y Inui i Ver known. Mui h liua
lii i ii aitlil In Hie prevloua Interview a 1
nl.illvi.' lo the rui'i-ll.'llt work done on
Hie line, hill In tin iltae llH It li.-n j
exIIKK'-ritt'il. I l Hllliot IIIl'lerHlMII'l how 1
any r.Hiiieiit of tin i iiy, who la loyal Senator John H. Mitchell Openly l)t
lo 1,1m town, . an ,.,a.l,ly llml fuult , ,nor ()f thc St
with Mayor niyioia utter, or run to
'ii'lorx" the MiHltlon tnk.'ti l.y him.
Louis I'latfurm.
"I inn a property owner h'-re rikI pay I
luxe, utnl hellirv.' In proKreM. I e r-i Clevenij HuMulnH In I'ultlnif Ixn
Mob Vlolenee How Can nyono
Kmlora.' the lH'nnrllc
I the
am haa li-.-n
I. ml nit h" 1. 1 on llir I'oluin
W e hae alwitya etnl'-a oreil
Oregon Stntc Norninl School
in. imi'.iioN.
Senior Yvar Wholly I'rofoalonal.
M .Mi tl i
A Training S.riixl (or Icail rr: .
Twenty wiekn of !' y h"l -iul to ii. nn.l Spivlttl M.-lhoda; twenty
werka of T"iii'lilni! itn.l 'rniinlnn I cpai Im. i.l.
Tralnlnif m ln.ol of nine khhI with I wo hiiniln-.l t en.
Itrnular Nuriiuil t'oniae of Tl ret" Vritii.
The Normal lUplimin la i" KI'IihI by law aa it State I. II. Vrllllcal to
l.lKhl r.X en tea; IUuir.1 ut Noriniil l'lnlni; Hull II M per week. Kuiiilah
hI roiitna with Unlit ami lire, V;' to $1 ou p. r w.s k. Hour I ami 1-o.IkIih; In
ptivale fnitilll'-s I2.M lo 1.1 M per eek
TI'ITION: Hub-Normal. $1 UO per term of ten Meektt, Normal, Jii ;'5 per
term of len wi-eka.
I Ira. Ira from reputable aohnola aoeetited.
CataloKuea iheerfully furiilalted on iippll.allon.
Adilrev l. I.. CAni'HIII.I.. Irn., or V. A. WANN. Scv of l aculty.
Mount An.uvl College.
MI'ST ANtlr.l., W dtlllN t tit M 1 , tltl:itlN.
TIIK liio-l i lUnoillm: In tin
In--I nii'thoiU in t.-.n-lilnu mill I'lily n m l"' i '
lulu kimnI il Ini-I l tin' ; I., rxiirl nil tin- l. -.i.lis
Ih.-lr llnir; In ulir II. In unit vi
hiMllly Iii-kIHi lit ulllot llii'lo nmi'li' rtiuni'i' t..r
atllil.lltn iim Mi'lf in. lo l-unlil. I i l'l 'lit II 1 1 1 liti
lint ami leii-liuu Hie uii.iiihU, pun luu lii lo w "a
eltllllulliu till' i-iiMiii'I'-. I'.'ll' i'l lol.M, IIImiii'V rlr. I
t'olliniereliit mill Itli'.llH-fc'. I'liumi. I'niiktnil, i l".
elll) lernm at cure lo
tfrllool iih'in Hi-pt. Illtirr lilt.
k j I llllnl 111
l.ii il.i.r
r. ui.. v .1 1 u. .1
are Inl. i. sl.-il III a Miiall way 111 Die
pionpi i lly "f Una t II). We lime tu.rk
ei I In lo tin- Mentor pail "f our lives,
ami for the lu'it pint thereof, nn.l have
in mi- 1 ..-- i luu kwiinl wlihln our no aim
In ailMim iiiK nn.l lui tin t Iiik eM'Dtlilui;
that ii. 'ill. I I., lo lit oittiM lteH ami our
lute It Ihii m. We iIIn. otinteiianre any ami
all iii'wnpiipi-rx that IiihiiU any of the
I l. .in.. t. ii. of . ill. l i'i is. h In re. mi. I thai
Mlny an. I ui.tki' little of. or u.lli tile
.m one (hat eonii'a lo our i Ity Willi u
tii-w of liiM'MiK.iiim; or iii'iiiliiuu into,
or lufi'i iiiIik- HiiiiiM'hi H an to our nat
ural ailwiut.iKo.i upon whirli we liae
.in l.uo; I'UIII "in liop'-a.
"We ilo not llefltitto to nay llutl ttotne
of I he new apitpera that have luvii t rit
n lsini; Hie work ilone here by Hie r.tll
I...I.I. unit the iitiitlveK of properly ow n
i in have ilone us an Injury. They have
ilrlteii eu.HlomerM fimu our iloora ttml
from lite elly. As we aro pultlle aer
Mints Me hope that there will be more
loiiri. sy and a belter fei lliin exhiliileil
by both the new Mpapers ami eitizi-ns
In n-i;ar.l lo the operiiiions iji.iiiK on
lure, anil a movement inii.le In em our
une on'isi.leis lo eonie in with us ami
iiiat-e II pleasant for any one who lands
mi our shores.
"Ho far as Jinli;e Taylor's ltt if
eolleerili'il. we know 11' it It ItlK llbollt tile
persona lefelleil to. but the general
Hen! iineiil eontaliieil tin rein, we hear
ii.wi-i. t no i'i iiuU'ii i- loti-M'tlu'
L-M .it I ilni: mill i m : iii-e : I" ii.ttlu
l.t h.i. III. l.o - Ili.lUe II..- Im t I.M'iil
I I- ii ii. I ill nl nuul . lo ie lo tl'eir
. ....I... Il.i. I 'h H.illxl.ii'lloll to
..'i.iir.l no MiiotiuT in I., aiiilit- lily approve or, ami we ilo !ui(ie thai
n ml u (M l le.i xi wi'l Mtslelli. Ill
lalnly iipprove of Juilite Taylor s lett-r, i
publialiiil In butt Huudiiy a Aalniliin.
"We I'ertUlllly ( II.I1 I llilnita
to move forward If we permit But h !
si 1 1 ii' ka lo be ina'le axaltiat our heat In- I "
leresta, aa are referred to by JudK ' Hpeelul to the Aatorlan.
Taylor. Honn of the papera talk about ' Woodburn, r., Hept. 4. Senator John
riavel'a Ituproveini-nia liijurlni, Astoria Ii. Mltehell thla afti-rnis.n a.blreasiil an
propel ty. Hui h alali iiii'nta are almple audleiii e of three thouaand people on
liosli. Tlila la one town, and a dollar the lltleal IxsU'-a of the day. Henil
spent on I he weal side of the buy h'-lpa tor Mltehell haa for aeveral years been
to Inerease vnlui-a on t Ii tat spin. It In all uu advocate of the free and unlimited
one proposition, and the booiht we aup- ioIiiiik" of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1.
i'Ii-hh the element that la ru rinlriK dow n but he loduy announci-d that he stood
mi- own i lly, tne ix-uer on we will Ih' with tlie itepuiilleun party anu tnat ne
jwiut of tlm opinion that bimetallism
(.'AIT. K I : I-: N I'AltKKIt. must be coupled with protection t
bring about thut decree of proaperity
that rlehtfully belongs to the I'nlted
Stat'-a. ripoukihg uf his Ksitlon on
the rluurielal question he said:
"While 1 have heretofore been In
Kicat doubt as to our ability to obtain
an international agreement on the sub
Ji I, 1 am now and have been for some
mouths past firmly of the opinion that
the proapet ta ut present, especially In
tlie event of the election of the Kcpub
llean ticket, for Bivuring such aKrt.
iii. nt la not only very much better than
It cer has been In the hiatory of this
government, but really exceedingly
gisid. While 1 personally have advo
cated and voted for Independent bi
metallism, and have done so earnestly
and honestly, believing It could be
maintained In connection with the pol
icy of protection, I have always InsLst-i-d
In every seech that I have ever
made UHin the subject, that it must be
coupled with a protective tariff, othet
w irv w o could not have prosperity In
this country.
"Judge Taylor a letter published last " "In other words, I have believed that
Sunday la all light. The p..ple of thla 'any gissl effect that might come from
iity want to stand together. A long free silver would be more than destroy
uii'l strong pull will win. We have til by the isilley of free trade. And I
piiiyid for ii man for twenty-ilve yeara ;am firm In the belief and always have
M give ua it lailroinl miiim I ion with' I n that without a proper policy of
Hie reel of the world. Mr. Hammond : protection In this country we can never
umlertis.k the Job. has so far met all have that degree of prosperity which
of Ills t oiitia. ta. ami lias done more ; rightfully lu'longa to us, whether we
(..r our general,l tlmn he agreed to huve bimetallism or not. Therefore I
.lo. I t annul understand why the peo- licllcve now, as I have always believed
and urged. Hint bimetallism In this
country, whether secured through In
ternational agreement or otherwise,
must be accompanied by a protective
system. While 1 havo argued earnest
ly and honestly in past in favor of Inde
pendent bimetallism, I have never, as It
seems la supposed by some, opposed bi
metallism through international agree
ment, but on the contrary, I have al
ways Insisted that If auch an agree
ment could be brought about it would
in all respects be a better and more
oblkiUlons. Imi as to the amount and ' ""'"'"' " "'- ".ueauon.
character of the work which he has u,'h '"' '"'ivietion. And. done. He is one man turning ""'''"' learns in part, I
ten thousand, and has s.t, cessf ully tl- a',H ul silver Mni tu B,tt"J b'
nam ieivil our piMjti l in the face of : Uu' "'ul'll," t"'k'',
i Ui"".Lii. ..f 111.. ..I....L. I.. .1.- ,il.t
the hardest times we have ever exne- ' " ' """ ' ' m 1 ... uSo
"tl la hard to any unithlng new on i
the subject of Judge Taylor s letter. He
haa certainly strui k th.- key note.
"If ccr)biHly would do aa I have..
mid stoppul those pnp-rs.
which huve coiitlnuiilly thrown dirt on
Mr. Haiumon.l and the railroad, as
well aa upon our own pmpi-t ty owners,
who have be.-n trying In do something
to build up Ihe city, they would soon
haw to go out of hiislucsa We cannot
expel slraugera living In the emit to;
nud such articles un not believe but
what tin y express our nplnlons. And
any mall would certainly be finiliah
to Invest capital In a town where Its.
own newspapers run down the very
proH.sltoi we are trying in Moat. We
know that our natural al.aiitagea will ,
In the long run win, but we cannot uf-
'r.l In have Ihlnga drag be-hu.-u of
unjust und ti in u for newspaper i
ciltit lsm. It la time to cull a hull." ;
ticket now stands eight for Kryan. four
liemocrats for Hewall and four Popu-
lUta for Watson.
lias Joined the l'opullats on General
Han IjI. go, Cal., Hept. 4. In the Pon
ullst county ('invention a aensatlon was
cauaed tixlay by J. W. McDonald, one
of tile delegate,, reading the following
letter from Jesse It, (Irani, a son of
General Grant:
Kan Diego, Bept. I, 1X9.
My laar Judge:
I have noticed with much Interest
your withdrawal from the Democratic
parly, and the espousal of the People's
party. This action meets my approval.
since I have concluded to enroll myself
In the same rauae. The financial plank
in the Kepublican platform must drive
from tliat party anyone who believes
as I do, and the financial plank In the I
Urge Imports of Gold I'ut an End
to Anxiety on Aanunt
of Money.
First Time In Two Months that ther
lias lleen a Favorable Outlook
There la a (Jain In Confidence.
New Tork, Bept. 4. R. G. Dun Co.'a
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
There Is a distinct Increase of confi-
Iwmocratle party must lose to It any!Qence' oue '"'W to the continuing of
person w ho believes In the protection of n""7 ,mP"r . """en P
American citizens at home as well aslan end ,u the money nxl,?tr' and '"
Abroad. j PO'tt'cai events, . which are closely
The platf.n-m of the People's Party, ! watched- Whlle 11 do" not T
on the contrary, has no obleetlonal.l. I mo m," ana ra'torle tnan are cl,'-
orlnclnlea and ,-m. i ..IT., . n, lln t"r want nt work. C"P
bal home that any American can
the speculative purchases of pis; Iron,
proudly enter. Yours truly ' w"ne olner ma(eri'. oy ex-
JtHHK K. GRANT Per,ent'el m whl believe that the re
, . " I vival of business Is not far off, and for
(.rant has Is-en a resident of San ',h . ,lm , naarl ,. .
Diego for several years. I .. . . . ,
u 1 1 1-1' t '1 Tiu'a r.l turn u . ,uin w I,. , V. n
" prices of manufactured products.
IIKYAN'S MOVKMENT8. j The gain In confidence and In the wil-
.... . . m, . .Ilngnesa to lend and invest gives reason
Chicago. Sept 4. Mr. Bryan spent I. u .. . , , .
' ' tn honp that I h neeaartr -.-nl inl uK
some lime this afternoon with Cbalr-;, aV,1h T. ,
man Jones reviewing his letter of ac-jri,, m . '
ceptanceof the nomination of the silver !.,.,, ' ,,. ...,. . .
.... otiMn; cs ismi av- til IV I IU UAUC O-UIJi
paay. of which he will be formally ..... ho .
c tin i at Lincoln Tuewlay. Brjan will i . . . t , , A A. w
t " " , m WPMT Hl'll hilt rWl-tw1 II t t ho KAttavf
have tomorrow on the v-ulcago and !, , Tl,
Nor.hwes.ern for Milwaukee, where he otner came o( t makl
w nmke two apveches tomorrow. He the et decllne f(,r the weelc ft cetlL
will nturn Monday mumlnx early tola. .. .
t ' w i Aftr rnnnv u-M4f rt rfMllna an that
Chicago and leave for Lincoln In thethe average o( pr(ce9 f(,r t.
pie or the lii en should luu k-blte him."
J. K. Hltltil.SS.
"foiicei-ning Judge Taylor's btbr It
is only nui-ssary for me to say that it
was a much muled il. m n ni.-ti t and fully
expresses my views on the subject. !
"There la no quicker way to kill the
town than to send abroad newspapers
containing articles defamatory of the .
the null.. ad company und our property !
owners. Kvcryone here knows that
lliiiumouil has excoedul his contract
cannot lienor him too
'platform which condemns President
; Cleveland for suppressing mobs In Chl
cngo during the great strike, he said:
i "How- can any Democrat or Populist,
iletnid, and w
"All the talk about the development
on the west si.le of tile tmv inltirlng
the old town, is simple nonsense. lt 'ver Kepublican. or any other man,
Me o .. Ill Mi'Oln!!le- I- II IIIOM eoiio'ii'it'
.Mli-li'oii nil lli-lliiliu ui". W i lie mi
I III. I'lilM 1 1 A I
j ..GOJIVENT Of THE jloiiY aES.
Astoria, Orcfon.
Opening of a Day and Board lug, Primary, Griiiiiiiinr iintl High ."rhool for
Olrla by the SIsKira of tho Holy Names of Jesus ami Mnry, fi t in Bt Mary's
Acatlomy and Collogn, I'ortliiiul. On'gon,
ir Mt:i ri:ivm:u 1-4, im
Partlculnr utttinlltui gttui to nmtrut tu n 111 111c iiineii ni 1 1 nt.i 111 ti ci
t Music, Drawing and 1'iiiiitlng.
For mrthor pni'tlciilnrs wrlto for Prospectus or apply nt !':o Academy
(U to Ktstor HniMtrlor.
600 Commercial St.
itwiiimv 1T r. 1 Clothins:
vow htivc ;m ,
Jto'ftO per cent nt the ORLiGOlN
TRADING CO. Mats, Utc.
Clarkson & tfcmn goom Company
Promptly Furnished
216 and 217 Chainter of Commerce
Portland. Orejon
Astoria Asphalt and Roofing Co.
All Work Guaraiiteed
I. KtVK (HtllKltS
II. AVKI, lltll.ll'll
Hoof I'Hlntlnu
snd Uvpulrlny; Lenity Hoola,
N. JliNStN and R. 0. HANSEN
the community ut large, thc mcivhuiits,
hotels, mid all "Huts will look forward
lo 11 fnt lire for this place, will work In
harmony, mid encourage every enter
prise started for the general good.
"In all our intercourse with Mr. Ham
nionil we have always found hint' to do
Just as lie promised, mid we have learn
ed I rout experience that his reputation
abroad Is thoroughly borne out by his
every day actions."
Mr. II. C. Thompson, who Is on bis
way lo Chicago, writes front Portland
as follows:
Portland, Or.. Sept. 3, lS'.ifi.
lalilor Astiiriiin:
Referring to the letter of Mayor Tay
lor in lust Sunday's Aslorlan, t will say
that 1 consider it a well written nrtl
cle. und one calculated to do great good
by cncoimigiiig harmony nmnng our
Il was evidently owing to opposing
fnclloiis which a rose In our midst and
thai some of our citizens have fallen
Into the of ridiculing and oppos
ing our railroad, that culled forth this
couinitiniciilloti. We certainly cannot
hope to tu riiinplish much In a small
elly without strong concerted action.
Thi' history of Ihe nourishing cities of
I. os Angeles, Spokau. and especially
Seattle, shows what great results fol
low the united energies of a small com
munity, t strongly oppose the course
f some of our newspapers that have
spoken In disparaging terms of our new
iitcrptlsrs and their very able pro
moters', r.very resident of Astoria
should have only the very best wishes
for Mr. Hammond, and should enite.iv-
ir in every way to insist him In the
accomplishment of these great projects,
for It is to his wonderful energy, per
sistence und executive ability that we
owe the success of our railroad, which
esptvially u veteran of the late war.
who believes In the doctrine of the
Is nil one proposition, and those people
ut I'luvcl will do as much for this side
r ii,.. ..lie in ,t ....Ifxecution of the supremo power
the,,,. No. the whole principle of the,h m,"'m "' ,ht' fui,hfl" "' of
adverse criticisms mentioned In Judge
Taylor's letter is absolutely wrong, and
the attacks made by certain of the
newspapers of this city have not only
been untruthful, but have hud an effect
abroad not generally appreciated. These
articles have directly Injured the city
and the prospects of every business
man In It."
Helena, Mont.. Sept. 4 The First Na
tional Hank failed today.
products went the lowest since early
last year, prices have started up a
No gains as yet appear in the demand
or prices, but marked speculative buy-
The last statement published showed 'P ' "hW "'
that July 14 there was due to other
banks, deiKvsitors, and on checks out
standing, a total of H.&0O.OO8; loans and
discounts.; stocks and securi-
the sales for the week were S, I77,SOO
pounds, of which only 655,700 were for
eign. The failures for the week have been
ties. srxo.OOO; real estate. 1300.000: due i4 the United States against 186 last
from ...w i.,.ni,. .t ... !" 31 'n Canada abalnst 38 last
Wheeling, W. Vi
LI Hung Chang in Washington, D. C.
Sept. 4. The state
executive committee of the. Populists j Washington. SepL 4 Ex-ecretary
and Democrats. held a meeting at'j. W. Foster, who has acted aa guide
Clarksburg today. The Populists re-: today, during a tour of the capital by
pudlated all efforts to bring about fu- Li Hung Chang, made an effort to pre
sion. I. C. Ralph Snyder, whom they j vail upon LI Hung Chang to visit the
had nominated for governor, declined 'new library building, telling him that
and they nominated Mat Ward Fits-'it was the finest building In the city.
gerald for that office. "i it finished?" asked LL and when
'told that It was not, he declined to
make an inspection.
He appeared to take more Interest
St. Paul. Sept. 4.-F. S. Clarkson. of in Librarian Snofford .han In th honks
Omaha, w as today elected commander- j and spent mtle time , the old ubrary
in-cniei oi tne u. a. k. c,-- , v.. ......
i.'pv.tviu, nuvii 'i trotriitcu, turn mo VIBll-
I or that while the library contained
THE BIG FISH. "50,000 books, there were about 600 Chln-
"I can only ay that Mayor Taylor's
letter came ut a time when It was
needed. It Is the greatest folly to per
mit newspapers or others to circulate
pnlpnhle falsehoods about our city and
the men who are building the railroad
and making every effort to advance
the Interests of tho community. Mr.
Hammond and the railroad company
have today done more than the letter
of their contract culls for, nnd are
building a belter road in every respect
than they need have done und still
have kept faith with us. A Joke Is
mo thing, but a public statement com
ing from a newspaper that outsiders
an only take as representing the firl-
Ing of the people here, und which per
meates thousands of channels, can not
fall to Injure the city."
Topeka, Sept. 4 Hon. W. I'. Perry.
w ho for years has been a leader In Ihe
Hemocratlc councils In this stnte, und
who was 1'nited States district attorney
luring President Cleveland's first ad
ministration, has bolted the Chicago
candidates und platform.
Family commutation tickets to Clat
sop beach over the Seashore railroad
can be hud on application tu tho ftud-
Hot, Room 4, Flavel Block.
national laws, in all parts of the coun
try, by suppressing ntob violence and
lawlessness, whether with or without
the consent of local authorities, give
their votes to the Chicago platform,
and to elect the men, w ho standing on
that platform, seek to be made presi
dent and vice president of these United
States of America?
"To my mind the issue presented by
this plank In the Democratic platform
overshadows all others In Important
in this campaign
Of Visitors Will Arrive in Clinton To
Canton. Sept. 4. The delegations of
visitors coming to Canton to cull upon
McKlnley. from Pittsburg and Beaver
county, on Saturday, promise to exceed
In point of nunibeis anything yet wit
nessed. Seventeen hundred tickets
have already been sold to those who in
tend coming. Senator yuay will In all
probability head the delegation.
The Pittsburg people will not arrive
until uftei noon. Advices received ut
the Fort Wayno ticket mllcc from Pitts
burg, are to the effect that seven trains
of twelve coaches euch are already as
sured. Over 5,000 tickets have beon
sold from there.
Omuhtt, Sept. 4. The state Demo
cratic convention met today. C. J.
Sinythe, of Omaha,, was selected for
attorney general, the only place the
Populists had left vacant, and the bal
ance of the Populist state ticket was
endorsed. The body named four elect
ors und Indorsed four Populist electors.
The Democratic and Populist electoral
;ese works on its shelves.
About three weeks ago Mr. Curtis i ..Hour Trt ura v,.. ... 0.t B.
Trenchard shipped by express for . 0 be,ng toW tne Ilbrarlan',
I'jer. to a inena oi nis in snreveport, jagp ne said.
La., a large salmon, fresh from the wa- j ,.you have " book. vour hM1, ..
ter. packed In ice. Yesterday Mr. j ..More out of .. re8ponde(, Spoffordi
Trenchard received a copy of thei. whlrh ,hR rilln HMitr m.t
Shreveport Times containing ,h follow- iwltn a deprecatory Kefiture whlch
mg account: !.., .. TJ
Yesterday Mr. Gus. Guynemer. of this' deal of ...-.,, , fh
city, received what may well be term-8i2e ,)alntlnps o( Washngton. He ex
ed the champion nsh. and one which i np , rt. , ,,
matie me longest journey on record. In
its fresh state, by express, and still ar
rived fresh and sweet.
"The tlsh was a Columbia river, Ore
gon, salmon, w hich weighed on arrival,
."I pounds. It was packed In lee at
Astoria, Oregon, In a box with a mova
ble lid, to admit of re-icing on the road
when needed. The tlsh was kept in
Ice all tlie way by the express company,
the employes of which replenished the
ington monument and asked If the air
was good and if there was an elevator.
Portland. Sept 4. Congressman Mc
Call. and Apsley, of Massachusetts to
night adressed a crowded house at the
Marquam Grand Theatre on the polit
ical Issues of the day from the Repub
lican standpoint. The Mul torpor Re
stock of Ice In the box as fast as it j publican Club, in full uniform, after,
melted, and that Is how the fish came i giving a street parade, escorted the
to arrive In such perfect condition. 'speakers from their hotel to the theatre.
"The tlsh was sent to Mr. Guynemer A' 'he conclusion of the meeting Judge
John F. Caples proposed three cheers
for the Republican party and they were
given with a wild hurrah.
by Mr. H. B. Dyer, of this olty, who
has Just returned to the south from a
visit to Oregon and other western
states. Mr. Dyer is associated wtth the
office of Contractor H. C. Llndsley, of
this city, and will in a day or two
reach the. city in person. The fish was
taken to the Commercial restaurant.
whena th process of carving steaks
from It was witnessed by the Times re-'
porter. The fish, if we may call It
tlsh, w as a bright salmon color, and
w as as sweet, apparently, as If Just j
taken from the water. A number of I
Mr. Guy neuter's friends were favored Liverpool, Sept. 4. Wheat, firm; de
w ith cuts, and still there was enough Iniantl moderate; No. 2 red spring, ts
left for a big tlsh dinner which we Vid; No. 1 California, 5s 6d.
learn w ill tuke place today at the Com- j Portlund, Sept. 4. Wheat, Valley, SCVJ)
mercial." j 51 : Walla Walla, 4Sf.i49.
London, Sept. 4. The Evening Stand
ard's stock exchange report this after
noon says:
"Americans are rising sharply, owing
to the belief that the third candidate
ensures the election of McKlnley."
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
S Powder