TIIK PAHA ASTOKIAN. Till KSDAY MOKXIXH, SKl'TKMHKll It, UW. We Carry a Fine Line of Ladies' Cents' Children's Shoes Complete Stock of Summer Footwear, Bathing Shoes, Etc. Oar John Halm & Co. Art Warranted 79 Commercial St. See Our Two-Clasp English Walking Gloves 1 ALBERT DUflBAR 1 N. Corsets arc tine titters. YESTERDAYS WEATHER. Maximum temperature, S9 degrees. Minimum temperature, 59 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total precipitation from September 1st, 189, to date, .0i inch. Deficiency of precipitation from Sep tember 1st. to date, inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Forecast For Washington and Ore gon, fair wather: warmer. TO KKADKRS.-Th "Dally Astorlan oatatM twtc as much raadlng waiter as ut ether paper published la Astoria. It la the only paper that preseau lu reader with a dally telegraphic report. TO ADVERTISERS. -The "Daily As torlan" has more than twice as many read- are as any other paper published In Asto ria. It Is therefore more than twice as valuable as an advertising medium. AROUND TOWN. The proceedings of the city council last night will be given In tomorrow's Issue. Dr. W. I. Howard, Homoeopathlst, 6S Commercial street. Frank Gerdes has gone to Portland for a short vacation. Captain Archie Cann. of the lightship, is visiting in the city. If Snodgrass doesn't make photos you don't get the best. your Gunther's famous Chicago candles In sealed packages at C. B. Smith's. Mrs. Carl Johannsen and son. of the Necannlcum. were in the city yester day. Well furnished rooms, with or with out board, at the Bartholomew House, Seaside. Toung Hellborn, who was out collect ing yesterday, says he is ready to vote for the gold standard. The up-river boats are so crowded with passengers that it is necessary to engage berths several days In advance. Tou can buy a six-ounce cake Im ported white Castile soap and washrag at Chas. Rogers' drug store for 10 cents. The first full carload of freight to pass over the Seashore road was con signed to Campbell Brothers yesterday. Carbons are the only permanent photos as well as the most artistic, and Snod grass knows how to make them. In the rear of Scholfield & Hauke"s store, Uppertown, yesterday, the steep bank was being reduced by hydraulic power. Kopp's new brewery is rapidly being completed, and will be an ornament to that part of the city in which it is located. Carpenter work on the Hotel Flavel has been finished, and the building will be turned over to the company today or tomorrow. Ice cream by the bushel at C. B. Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty. Private parlors for ladles. 483 Com mercial street. Mr. G. M. Berry, the champion roller skater, will commence giving his ex hibitions at the Olympian skating rink In a few days. The Blaine and Garfield Clubs, of Uppertown are to be revived and merg ed into one at an early date for the work of the campaign. The youngsters will give an entertain ment tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Star Theatre, corner of 17th street and Irving avenue. Go to the Astoria Creamery, 10th and Duane street, for Tillamook and Albany creamery butter, fresh eggs, pickled and packed butter cheap. Family commutation tickets to Clat sop beach over the Seashore railroad can be had on application to the aud itor, Room 4, Flavel Block. News was received by telegraph yes terday from Luverne, Minn., of the death of Miss Lulu Miller, sister of W. C. Miller, of this place. The remains of Mr. Jos. Itiippa ar rived from the East yesterday morning, accompanied by .Mrs. JUippa. The fu neral will take place Friday. Mr. Henry Casser, from whom was recently stolen a very valuable violin, yesterday recovered the Instrument, and is delighted in consequence, "Grandma Munra," the well known and popular hostess of the Log Cabin eating house at Meacham, on the O. K. and X., I spending a short vacation at the Seaside Huse, Taslor Walter, of the Methodist church, reports that the church debt I rapidly being arranged for. and will soon be pl.ccd out of the way. The hoes and girls of dace rhutvh v.ulld are requested to meet at the rec tory at 4 o'clock this afternoon. ISus inexs of Importance is on hand. Mr. A. M. Smith, president of the Oregon Tottery Company, Portland, Is visiting In the city, the guest of his uncle, Mr. Wade Hampton Smith. Mr. Henry Thompson leaves on this morning's boat for an extended trip to Chicago. Mr. C. H. Higglns will ac company him as far as Yellowstone Park. Judge A. A. Cleveland leaves tonight tor St. Paul where he will attend the i treat Council of the Imp. Order of Ued Men of the Cnlted States, which meets In Minneapolis on the :'Sth Inst. Pat O'llarn was over yistcrdny from Long ISeach. and reported that Hay den's place at llwaco was robbed of J;5 on last Saturday. A grand ball will be given tonight at the Hotel Port land. Fresh country eggs, 13c rer doi.m; Albany Creamery butter, the only but ter to put on the table; fresh fruits of all kinds, at the lowest market price, at the Astoria Creamery. 4:5 Puane street. A large Are was burning In the woods on the side of the hill above the Clat sop Mill yesterday. It Is thought by some that it might be necessary the Are department to see that flames were kept under control. The old Taylor motor which Is being used in handling the steel rails at Fla vel. broke down yesterday afternoon and was brought over to the Astoria Iron works for repairs. The engine will be ready for use again this morn ing. "Manager" Dick Carruthers will be in charge of Mr. Charles McDonald's store during the absence of that gen tleman from the city during the next ten days. It has been suggested that the new- manager will be all right on bicycle costumes. C. B. Smith, the confectioner, carries the only complete stock of French and American candles in the city. Prices from 10c to J3.0O per pound. All mail orders receive prompt attention. Fresh candies manufactured every day. 4S3 Commercial street. The Scow Bay depot Is under con tract to be finished by October 1st. The waiting rooms, ticket rooms, and toilet rooms are already nearly finished. The express and baggage rooms will be commenced as soon as the piling ar rives for the foundation. The Ladies' Guild of Grace Church will give an afternoon tea a week from today at the residence of Mrs. Mitchell, on Uth street, between Franklin ave nue and Exchange streets. Prepara tions are being made for an entertain ment and sale of fancy articles for the holidays. Mr. A. J. Taylor, nephew of Mr. J. M. Turney, and well known as the purser of the steamer Flyer, running between Tacoma and Seattle, Is visiting in the city. Mr. Taylor has Just made an extended trip through the south and middle west, and is in the city looking over the situation. Messrs. C. C. McDonald, Horace Thing, Geo. Smith, J. H. Seymour, V. Boeliln, and Manager Clark, of the Pos tal Telegraph Company, will leave at 6 o'clock this morning In buggies for the Nehalem, where they will spend a ten days' vacation. Each man will carry a shotgun, rifle, and fishing tackle. Mr. Tom Anderson, of Fort Canby, returned yesterday from an extended visit to his home In Chicago, where he spent his leave of absence of six months. Mr. Anderson Is the Fort's fa mous half-bark, and helped Astoria de feat the Union Pacific team, of Port land, two years ago. He says that Chi cago vvlll go strongly ror .Mcrviniey. He leaves for the Fort today. The new band saw now In operation at the Clatsop Mill, Is a magnificent piece of machinery. It was erected by Edward P. Allls & Co., of Milwau kee, Wis., and was sold through L. B. Hanson, their San Francisco agent. The band Is 45 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 14 guage. It has a capacity of 45,000 feet of one-Inch spruce per day, or 50,000 feet of fir. The saw operates over two eight-foot fly wheels, and revolves at a rate of speed of 10,000 feet a min ute. It makes little or no noise, and is handled easily by one head sawyer and two assistants. In operation it Is a great saving over the circular saw, as it only takes out one-half the amount of material in a seam. Above the saw in a cupola is the filing room, where the bands are sharpened for use. There are four bands on hand all the time, and the machinery for repairing and sharpening Is operated automati cally. Mr. Harnhart Is the machinist In charge. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Da Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. MfflVKDl If you want a sura relief for mn, use an Allcock's Bs Alt IN Mind Not one of tlon it ai good at the genuine. Family commutation tickets to Clat sop beach oer the Scnshoro railroad1 can be hud on application to the aud Itot. Koom 4, Klavel Week. INTEREST IS STILLDSABATED (Continued from First t'ge.) be a prospeivus one. Parties who be little any legitimate enterprise lit the city not only stand in their own lUhl. but Injure the prospects of their friend What we want here is united Chicago pluck the kind of pluck that made Chicago the city It In t-slay. Not money, but s. nsible enterprise Is the necessity of the hour, and If we all work with this end in view, we will have a town here second to none on the coast." 11. F. PK.VKU "Judge Taylor's letter In last Sun- dav's Astorlan exactly expresses my idea on the subject. 'I do not In any manner approve of the articles which have appeared In the Ibidget and Herald from time to time, running down A. 1'. Hammond 'or,anj th,, railroad. Mr. Hammond has the i not In any way fallen short of his agrvemnts and promises, but I can say from personal excrlonoe that he Is buving a large share :f his lumber and Umber from us; that he pays his bills promptly, and that the railroad con- -i ...i. . t ... siruoum .. ..... "-., ... "".. " assistance to the city. Had it not been for the railroad work the Clatsop Mill Company would have been compelled to shut down long ago. "The newspaper crltclsms and those made by individuals, referred to In Judge Taylor's letter, have been un fair, unjust and uncalled for." JAMES N. LAWS. "I think Judge Taylor's letter, pub lished last Sunday Is on the ruht lines I don't believe In kn'xking people Ir the head for rendering Inestimable ser vice to the community. We have had too much of this kind of work alrnidy. We have got to have some one to help us develop a city here and bring our natural resources to the front. Mr. Hammond has already done more than was required of him. and he should have the support instead of the kicks of the community." NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. The particular attentlon.of the public is called to the fact that no tickets will be sold to way stations on the Sea shore road on tlrst-class trains, lief erence to the published time cards will show that on tlrst-class trains passen gers will be carried onlv between As- torla. Warrenton, Carnahan. Gearhart Park and Seaside. Passengers nsl.le P.,.nr. for Sunnymead. Sklpanon, Morrison. G fen wood, Weston, Clatsop City, Hutter fleld, Ohanna, will take second-class trains. C. F. LESTER. Supt. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION". Notice Is hereby given, that the part nership heretofore existing between Sam E. Harris and Charles Wright, of Astoria, Oregon, under the firm name of Harris & Wright, has been by mu tual consent, this day dissolved, the said Sam E. Harris continuing the said business, collecting all of the outstand ing accounts and paying all the debts of said firm. Dated this 1st day of September. WZ. SAM. E. HARRIS. CHAS. WRIGHT. I GEARHART RATES. continued. For the balance of the season the- ln the senior scull Itol Johnson row manager of the Gearhart I'ark Hotel j e( ov,.r lne courH ui,,ne, no opponent announces that In order to assist In ; appearing. celebrating the opening of the railroad' ln today's regatta the senior fours line into Astoria his hotel will charge! was won by Victoria; Vancouver Iluat but f: per day, and 110 and tl:' perng Club second; and Durrani Inlet week for board. Since the best part of Rowing Club third. the season Is yet to come, and the opening of school has been postponed, Astorlans will thus have a good oppor tunity of enjoying the sea beaches. NOTICE CHANGE OF FIRM. Notice is hereby given that the Sea side Bakery has been sold to the firm of Hermann & Alopaeus, who will be found In possession after this date. The undersigned will be responsible for all debts now outstanding, and all ac counts due said bakery up to Septem ber 1, 18WS, must be settled with him. ALEX. HOLM A.N. Astoria, August 31, ISM. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants In dorsed prior to August 8th, ISM, to pre sent the same to the county treasurer for payment, as Interest vvlll cease from this date. I-iat'-d this 1st day of September, A. D. IMS. U. L. WARD, Treasurer of Clatsop Co., Or. Use WcM'oot Corn (Jure. No cure no pay. For sale at Ks-tes-Conn iJrusr Store. Naturalists say that a single swallow will devour six thousand lll-s In a sin gle day. Poison Ivy, Insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. Chas. Rogers, druggist. There's more clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake" contains no free alkali, and will not Injure the finest lace. Try it and notice the difference In o,uallty. Ross, I Higglns & Co. i naini in the back. tide, chest, or Porous Plaster the host of counterfeits and Imlta (Continued from First Pane t not as enthusiastic as they thought it . should be. Strong fieri is being made j to bring out Senator Palmer or ileneral I Iliac k. of Illinois Secretary Morton, of I Nebraska, and Panic! l.anler. of Min nesota, are also enjoying Incipient li.i ois. Senator Palmer does not desire the nomination, and there it said to be a letter here fn in S.vrclar Morton de clining to permit the use of his name. Wore ileneral llrnut; not In the way. Senator lias might I"' named, but he , absolutely refuses to consider the ques tion us long as Ceneral loagg Is In the Mold. The Walterson Iimih 'Iocs not ; grow. Hugh C. Wallace, of Washington who began booming Cleveland for the nomination when he came here a few days ago. Is now engaged In trying to undo all that ho has been doing. It Is said that he has been called off on an Intimation from Humird's Hay that his effort were not approved by the presi dent. ' Marvellous Performance tinlry. I New York. Sept. - In the free for all pacing race at Fleetwood I'ark today, , jn ,. ,;,.ntrv , ,r. tn,tght ha(!. nWn j ,,n(ih hlr,,. ,,u,(. , i ,(m ,.,., . ri,,,,r,, (and breaks the world's record for three heats. All the finishes were very close and exciting and the contest was from ev ;ry standpoint of view a creat ",e. I llobert J. had beaten his rival so often of late, and he was known to bt In such splendid form that everybody," In. eluding the keenest circuit followers, expected him to win the championship purse at Fl.-t'tuood. The odds were I't to ;! on his chance 1-efore the first heat, and so confident w. re hi backers that he would win that the recoil-hold-r remained the faorite to the end. starting at even money against the Held (n in,. fMll .,n. Marvellous is the only weird that d -scribes the performance of John I; Gentry. The day w.tt. to., i hilly to fa vor fast time, and a stiff breexe retard ed the horses In the home stretch. Fleetwood, never a fast truck, was In gil condition, though not at Its lest, ('entry k'ot two l.-ngths the worst of the send-oft in the first heat, un I tailed the leaders, while Hubert J. and Frank Asun w.nt off to the thre,-,uart-r pole. Hubert J made a br-.ik In the "'""'1 " r. leaving Agan In the lead J ....I.e.... .lull u gr. Ul I.JiM utile of spot-d. and beat him u short neck in th" drive to the w Ire The second h'-ut was 11 repetition of jof the first, except that Hubert J. broke befure reaching the first turn and Agan I was three lengths in the lea. I at the stretch when Andrews made his drive 'with Gentry. Like an arrow the lit t stallion came on and cut down Agan's bad, winning In the last strides by n short neck In the last heat Gentry gut away un ven terms with the others and was lot headed. V A N ( -o I V i : R R KG A TT A. ; Vancouver, II. C., Sept. 2 This morn ilng was tak.-n up with a military and naval review and a sham light, In i which the local militia and sallurs and marines from II. M, S. Conius t"ok ipart. In the afternoon the regatta wus Fur professional single sculls Hob Johnson, of Vancouver, won; McLean, of Vancouver, second; and Martin, of Nanalmo, third. IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord, N. H Sept. 2. The Demo cratic state convention met today. The platform commends the Chicago con vention and Its plaform and pledges earnest support to Ilryan and Sewall. A resolution endorsing the administra tion of Cleveland was lost. The gold Democrats left the convention hall. Col. Henry Kent, of Lancaster, waB nominated for governor. MORE EUROPEAN GOLD. New York, Sept. 2. The North Ger man Lloyd Steamship Company an nounces they received a telegram today that the steamer Trave, which sailed from Southampton this evening for this port has on board M.ar.u.OOO gold. ROYAL DaKing Powder. Highest of alt in leavening Strength.- V. S. Oovernment Report NEW KKCOKU of John It SllltOII SCH Salt for blltllS llt!PaU f lnw'lu"- C.eupsl.le, London, . , , , . 1 K. C. Subscribers wll he entitled, by ar- tlie i'.Stl'S-l OHM Jl 'I'll LT OlOre ' r,r,i.,..,.r. I mltl. Hw. illrnetn In r,e!v lOtj find 2.M! jicr package. It was reported yesterday that busi ness around the corner was lirst clans. The best chemical compound for wash Ing powder Is "Soap Foam,'' as It will not "ycdlow the clothes," nor burn the hands. It's the finest thing In the world for the bath. One trial will convince OAOTOJIIA, 1 you. WARRENTON Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Ma"s on application. - UUI 1... A ntsORT FOR Corner Commercial and nth Sts (ll-NTLI-MI-N Al I CAMI'lll'l 1., Ptup. ito.vun v i:jr.i.i..vTiiN m i:i:t- INU Notice is hereby given that beginning on Monday. September ;s, v,m, t n o'clock a. in, and cloKing on Saturday, iV,,lt.r j lv)li Bt 5 ,, ,. ,,. i..,-,i vt KUal!atlon of Clatsop county will hold a meeting for the purpose of pub 1 til y rxiimlulng and comvtlni; all er ror of valuation and description of lunds or other properly app.ai lug on the UNMeHMiuent rolls of Clatsop county; when and where It Is the duty of all persons t.. appear If they wish correction made In said roll, as no correction or alter ation inn be made on ald loll l any otlleer after the adjournment of said board. AI.FKKP OIHIH 'NS. County Assessor Astoria, September I. Is'":. WESTFISN CNION HATES. The Western I'nlon Telegraph Com pany has announced a reduction In rates to take effect September 1st. The, reduction Is unite general throughout' the country, and applies more largely to non-competitive point Itelow Is a partial list of principal places In Ore gon and Washington, which are af fected by the change In rates from As toria: licdiicod from Irt to ;1 rent Cascade I'cks. Pallas, Independence. fayette, McMlnnvllle. Monmouth, Ore gon City. Salem, Woodltiirn. Kodiiced from .Ml to I" cents Adam. Albany, Arlington, llr ou Hie. Cor atlis. Empire City, Eugette, Itos.burg. The Ii.ill.s. Anacort.-s. Everett, North V.iklma. GUANO EXiM'ttSl.iN. The Presbyterian Sunday sellout will give an excursion and picnic to Flavel on I'll. lay. September ; The steamer Gialy will 1. 11 v , Mam sheet dock ut '.' in the un. ruing, returning at ." In the evening, thus uffurdlng everyone u Hue opportunity lu See the elegant new h". ted and Inspect the steel ship I'h.lms ford. Tl k. ts, adults. .;, cents, children I.', cents, on sale at liuss. Higglns Ji ., and at C. A. Hanson's lie sure to bring your bathing suit. . I HA NO ANN' H'NCEMENT. The Olympian Holler Skating Rink will up.-n on Saturday evening, Sept. Uth. lV.Mi, at Erl. kson's Hall, 7th and Astur streets, under the management of Geo. M. Horry, rhmtudon roller skater of California. Watch fur further an nouncement. NOTICK TO SHiri'ERS. Shippers are hereby notified that lo cal frelKht to points on the Seashore road vvlll be received at the Telephone dock only. All freight must be dellv. ere I one hour befure train time. No freight will be rwelved after 4.30 p. m. C. K. LESTER, Supt. OUR CORNER. A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond and Uth streets. The finest brands of liquors and cigars always on band. Call and try us. AJJDERHON A PETERSON. Eighty thousand canaries are yearly imported from Germany to this coun try. OABTOniA. ! simile Iks njpts. Wild ducks are estimated to fly 90 miles an hour, swallows two hundred. C. A. HANSEN Cash Grocer 870 COMMEKCIAL STKEET ENGLISH CAPITAL. FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish Captlal fur new enterprise. A Us containing the naimes and addresses or 3M successful promoters who have placed over flOO.'W.OOO Sterling In Foreign In vestments within tlhe last six years, and over ,18,000,000 for the seven months of IMG. Prlcj, 5, or t-, payable by postal order to the. London and Universal Bu- r.mgernor.t khr persona! or lottcrs of Introductoln to any of those succMsful promoters. Tills lint Is first Class In every respect, and every man or firm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following it will be found In valiiabla Bonds or Shares of In duntriall, Commercdal and Financial con cerns, Mortgago loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Director: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PEPYB. CART. ARTHUR STIFFEN CopyrlglKt If you will look into tho Munition you will m thut WARRENTON is tho ('roam of wt'Nt hMo property. Tho contor of iinpiovo iin'iits is hero, mul as tin invontiiinil for liusiiii-sM m a liomo thoro is nothing to oipml it in the whole proposition In WARRENTON lots tiro nil largo, full size, fiOxlOO. Prices range f.om $150 to $-'.)() each. Sold on installments. Terms to miit. Save ywirch,ng ,,l,,uyuUin WARRENTON Beaver Hill and Oilman ror ramiiv- ttr ateam l'urimi M.KAN HKtMtiN.U.K IN I'KM K ELMORE. SANBORN time: card Of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R., To I Int. op Heai'lt. Iail). J. r3 i i ; y i T ! : , i. . M. ? i "3 !ifl y r. M r.M A. M. i .hi ;:io5.:i in ;.in r m i.obv . Astoria . Seaside on Satin day N'os. & and ( run throutih one hour earlier than lima glvrn alMive. and on Sunday one hour later. First i las trains curry baggage but no freight and make way slop at Warrenlon and Gearl.art only. No freight will be can led on Sunduy. C. F. LESTEIt, Hupl. FOARD & STOKES COMPANY... Wholesale and Retail Sewing CASH. SIS ALL KINDS sni.i'5 Steel Cookinq Cash or Oregon Industrial Exposition PORTLAND, ORIUION SEPT. 19 TO OCT. 17 The giviil resources of the I'iicIHc Norllnvc!, Agriculture, llni tieiil' tin e, l ithei'le, .Mines, M.iiiiil.iclui es. .Machinery, I l un-p.n . I.itlon, I rude mul Coin iik tee vvlll he represented 111. re completely tluin ever before. Grand Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evening SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS I'.VKKY XKIHT Lowest Rates liver flade on All Transportation Lines ADMISSION. 25c: CHILDREN. 10c fur tvhil.it iu.c apply In Leo. L. Il.kcf !iupcrintrB.lcot. at the tu i 1 .1 1 11 I-:. C. MANTCN, Hotrvtary. R. L. Boyle & Co. Real Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS H 1 iP COMMRHCIAL MT. "The Louvre" ASTlIKU S I.OKt.r.Olh ENTERTAINMENT HALL S M.OOItH Fine Mu.lr. flames nf All Kinds. Twit Msg-Ill nrrnl liars. evkkytnim; riKST-iuss Good Order and Everybody's Rights HTItlCTI.Y OltMEKVKI). Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purpose v CLEAN... Reasonable In Price ELM0PE. SANBORN & CO: Agents, Astoria ' STEAMERS Bailey Gatzert Ocean Wave (Whlto Collar Line.) TIMIC CARD. Of KAN WAVK. Leave Astoria Leave Portland Tuesdays 7 p. m. Mondays 8 p. rn. Thursdays 7 p. rn. Wednesdays H p. m. Sundays 7 p. in. Fridays, 8 p. m. Connects at Astoria ut 8 a. m. Hun days with steamor leaving Portland II p. tn. for Flavel and llwaco, lltll.KV (iATKllT. Leave Astoria Leavo Portland Mondays 6 a. m. Mondays 8 p. m. Tuesdays 6 a. m. Tuesdays 8 p. m. Wednesday 6 a, mAVednesday 8 p. m. Thursdays 6 a. m. Thursdays 8 p. m. Fridays 6 a. m. Fridays 8 p. m. Saturdays 6 a. m. Saturdays 11 p. m. C. W. STONE, Agent. COAL Ti, le ... I 1 It., A CO. Agents. Astoria. r'roltl rliituip llmrh. iMtily a . S ! . U A M. r M f u . Arrive 7 ;tn II) ;llft ft lift tl tft '.' -JK) Leave" III il ;1MI 4 IHI ft :VI I ;:() Machines l-Mialltirafv fid Ranqes i:kom IP Inlslallinciit. Wc Citti Hove Yon Money. WANTED. W A.Ti:i--Tvv.( table b..rder. tleuien. piivte family, address. II , Ant. . 1 Inn gen cure WAN'TI.'D-At oner. K. Libelees. Ap I ply nt M. Klin. .re's 1 'til. nt n rannery. iflOtti flS per Keck fur men ami women j for easy homo work. No hooks or j canvassing. No experience. II. ma fide ' offer. No Catch. Heiid stamp for i work and particulars. K. HKIt.MANN. j :13 H. Hixth street. Philadelphia, Pa. VANTK! At mice; active ugrnta ' for each county. Kxcluslve rontr.d and - no risk. Will clrur 12 to 2f hundred -j dollars a year. Enclose slump for full particulars or 2f.c for it sample. Itlg I Ituplds Mineral Water Co., Hlg ltuplds, Mich. FOR RUNT. Furnished rm to let, Mrs. Fosb.rg, 14711 Franklin avenue, Knit ItKNT-A furnished suite of rocms un ground floor centrally located. IH Kxchange street. FOU RENT Newly furnished rooms hot and cold baths; call at this offlce. FOH IlENT-eThre. furnished rooms -with or without board. Apply 181 7th street. FOR BALE. FOH BALK Two cottages, new. In quire of Mrs, Hall, 861 Exchange street, or A. A. Cleveland, Kinney Ilulldlnf. FOR SALE 12-room Lodging .House, Centrally located; cheap lease; bar-, gain, Astoria Land and Inv. Co,, 365 Commercial street. JAPANESE COOLS Fireworks Just out Just received Just what you, 1 wnnt at Wing Lee's, M3 Commerclul street. LOST. FOUND A lady's shoulder wrap. Owner can have sumo by culling at thu Astorlan olllco and paying for this no tice. WHEN IN roitTLANn-Call on Jno. V. Hundley A Co., 121 Third street, and get tho Dally Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning pnpnr while there. Most so-called "snlinon twin" are ool .irvd with adds. Tho acids rot the fll.re and render the material useless. In the office of Elmore, Himliorn A Co. Is an ob ject lesson that ought to be examined by nil fishermen. It Is the whole of the niatnrlul used In the manufacture of Mar- hull's twlnn from start to finish. flo there and examine th color right through. You will see then why Mar shall's Is called the best ln the world. Parlies desiring the boat of Job printing at the lowest prices should call at th Astoria Job office before going elsewhere.