TIIK DAILY A8T0UIAN, BUNDAY MORS 1X0, AUGUST 23 18M. 5 TUB "If? PI 6-31 UJ A RESORT FOR Corner (1PNTI PMPN nd nth tiU. .. AI.IIX CAMHMII.I., Mr.ip. WARRENTON Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. met on application. We Carry a Fine Line of Ladles' :; Shoes Cents Children Oomplat Block of Himun.r Footwear, Uatbliitf Mttooa, Etd. Out John Hahn & Co. Marraaltd 79 Commercial St. TEHTKUDAV8 WKATHKH. Na.lliiitllil trinraluri, ilrssrn-a JW lllllltlllll ti'llln'ItUI', Ml ll' lt'Oi B. I'rn lilutill, IHUln. Tulal iM-octiiltallun from Heiitumbor lal. lsi, to sat. 7M Indus. lCxi-iva uf r:liilltlon from Hopl.m W lit, li'O, lu data, t J7 lliulu'l. TODAT'B WKATHEIl. Form-aal - Pur WVatnrn Waalilnitton kiul Vcatrn Ort-Kiin. fair waalhir; arimr on I tin Hound, conlur oo Ilia c(. pur I'Miirn Waatilnittim mid Eaamrn tt'ii. fakir wi-athr, warnivr. AROUND TOWN. HI'MMr'U MIST III liliny krn of lllllrth)'"!. Thai ilrlfu ntx-ul In fnlt. folds A. Dim on Uk. tho iii'irtiltiK nil'l llr. intuitu all III. IlimrrrJ W'Kxli In irnnoni alnu'iiia'and frx It lliinrr. n Urn rratal alrroin, And ( thr auy drair" of amn riilrani'ltiic fairy drram. I wath It liutitly awlrl and Iwiat llpfnri Hip nun In tnnittiUJ i-aat, Till. I- Uk- Mi)' i'hr kli-l, It fr aaundcr liy iWrwa. Ho ruii'l til n-U1 It trnil and verra H. rt'iK-ly to i wind's ittrrss. Till amldi-nly It dlanrars, IH...iv.mI to nlr- iitliliiKni'i llnrprr'. Wn'kly Pin llvi-ry turnotita at F. mailt A t'o's. 8. Da- l"r. V. I. Howard, Hiimpalhlal. Ut Commercial alrorl. If Fnmlirrasa dix-an't mnt. your phciti nu Joii't Kt the brat. Hn-i- ami lai-ca yraliTday madr thr rar.i fwl llko running fur life. (lunthiT'a fanioua i'lilrao landlra In ami.-.! pn. kiK.-a at C. H. Hmlth'a. The atvamer Kmplre arrlvml In ' ti-riliiy fmiii San Ki iiiu'Ibio mut way pnrla. li.'iiutta CiH-ktulln. cool unit rofrcili Inii. can be liu.l ut The Olllce, Kleventh atrri'l. Well ftiriilahed rootna. with or with out Inmi'il. nl the IliirtholonifW Hotme, S- UKI'ld. KiiKi-m' licml Shot never full" to rure -oniii. I '"n't foriiet It. fhnrlea !l"K era. I'iuhkUI- The iiiiu'hlneiy for Kopp'a brewery H ii.iw In I'urtliniil ami will urvlve within ly of lo. The vlwllliiK ettltora yeHtenlny nmdc an I'Xeiii'Nl'iii to llwneo, where most of them will h .1 Sunilny. Mummer Johnaon, of the Western Union, la reKuliitlnn the ehronometera of the Hhlpa Troop Hint Antlnp. I'ubllc attention la called to tho fact Dint the Hciialdo trulim connect With the l'oi tliincl hontit ut Klavel only. Mr. Hlnnott, of The Dnllea. raptuln of the wlnnliiB team In the chnmplon ahlp race, la the aon of hla fnther. The merchant, yeatenlay did a land otllce bualneaa, and It woa a wonder to everyone where the crowds came from. Oo to tho Spa for your candle, and Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR. CREAM mm -mm Moat Perfect Made. m v 40 Yean the Standard. Beaver Hill and Oilman tnr 'aitillir or steam riirHta. II. II AN IthlNOISAI.K IN rillf'K ELMORE, SANBORN If you will look into tho ttituation you will ucc tliat WARRENTON it tho crcaiu of worn nido property. The center of improve incntH iu liere, and a an invcHtmcnt for bimineHH or a homo tluni in nothing to imjuiiI it in tho whole jtropoHition. In WARRENTON IoIh are all lurgo, full riiz', 00x100. I'rieeH range from $150 to $250 each. Sol-! on iiiHUlluientx. TerniK to Hiiit. Have your change and huy a lot in WARRENTON c. cream, The only nrat-claaa place In town, t'ruahuil frulta alwaya on hand. Carbona ar the only permanent pholoa aa well an I ho moat artlallc, and HnodKraaa knona how to maki tllelll. Hkiiii tlinri when the auuiid if aliiy limoinea thriiuirh the open window It la but a cloak to covrr the aoiind of aulil.lna- Ic. cream by the buahel at C. D. Hmlth'a. Iro cream aoda a apeclalty. Private parlora for ladlea. 4I Com mercial alreet. Mra farrle Itay. Medium, lv read Itma Ui centa l'ln l Sunday, Tu. ! and Prlday nlnlil. Ut centa. No. 440 llotid atnet, Itoom (. Thio IiuvIiik iMioka which are the property of tho rioiieer and lllatorlcnl SiHlety, will kindly return the aame to Win t'lmncc. truati'e. One of the oddltlc In campalxn but tona la one worn by Judge Nelaun, whlili read.: "Vou have truublca of your own; don't oak mine." Mr. III. hard NUon and wife paaaed through the city eterdy on their way to Nurth lteuch. Mra. Nixon la a daughter of Senator l'olph. of Portland Mlea My Jonea. Aberdeen. Mlna ICm ma Worawlck. Ilolae. Idaho, Mlna A de laine liryan. Illllalxiro, Mra. J. K. Pal ton, l'ortliind, are vlaltlng Mr. and Mra A. M. Whaler. Mr. J. Thorburn Itoaa, and fatnlly, uf Portland, will take a vacation at llruf Imrl Park fr a abort time. Mr. It iaa la rnnnnKer of the (iuarantee Trjat and Aaaurance ('onipany. of Portland Prrah country egga. per doi-n; Albany Creamery butter, the only but ter to put on the table; freah frulta of all klnda, at the lew cat market price, at the Aatorla Creamery, Hi Duane atreet. The luxly of a mil ii waa picked Up In the river between the North Shore cannery and C.k'a llrat atntloii on the Waalfngtolt ald.v yaterduy. The name of Die deecaaed could not be learm-d. Yeaterdny u one of the warmeat duya of the aenaon, ami the adnoaphere waa aguln filled with amoke from for eat Urea. Still, compared with aomr plucca not one hundred mile, a nay, there waa nothing to complain of. After the race, yeaterdny, when the crow ds had ' dlapcrn-d. It w a. noticed th:it the atreet. wTe lined with b xea which hud been uacd a. chalra. The ilileatlioi ciiine tip ua to w hoae dur)' It wua to remove thin from the ekl wulk. Colicomly Tribe No. ', lied Men. will give n Kin ml exitiralon next Sunilny to HciiHidc KviT) poaalble arraiif;e llient will be lo.tde fur the clltel tlllll ineiit uiiil coinfni't of vlHlt.ua, and It la anticipated that a general good tlnie will he li.l.l. Contmctora I.lddlcout & Crllib will tomorroM' put on the MnlHliIng cout uf pnlnt on the renldiiice of Mr. K. li. Wiitta which bun been erected on the old P.tigciie llrock property on tho hill. .Mr. Watta him Micceedcd in Hcctirlug a little palace. Anions the country vlaltor. to the tournament yeatenlay were T. II. Hall and family, of Kmippton, J. W. Ml li nker, Knnppa; John Hogg, North Shore; tdcorgc 0. Itlchiiiilaon, Walliiakl; A. L Parker, John Imy's; Mra. Joe Cral?, Young'. Ulver. The iiiuhIc loving people of Aatorln will aoon have an opportunity of hear ing one of the world'a famous masters of the violin Kdward Hemenyl. Ar rangeinentH are now under conaldeiA tlon for hla appcarunco In Aatorla in the near future. C. B. Smith, tho confectioner, carries the only complete atock of French and American enndlea In the city. Price, from 10c to $3.00 per pound. All' mall order, receive prompt attention. Fresh candle, manufactured every day. 4S3 Commercial street. Alex Gilbert', pavilion and grounds nt Seaside may be hud for use free by persons or societies that wish to give excursions to the beach. Hoth pavilion and grounds lire lu excellent condition nnd those who wish to give picnics would greutly add to the attraction, by accepting Mr. Gilbert's liberal offer. Ir. Jny Tuttle yesterday morning re turned from Tillamook Itock on the tug Itellef, where he succeeded In res cuing tlte man Mnrcaol who was one of tho workmen under A. E. Withers, superintendent of the repair, deourt- ment of the Vnlted State, llghthouee service. The man waa taken off the rock In a basket rigged up on the tele phone cable, and safely landed on the COAL Trtf It . 11 lit A CO. Agents. Astorli Itellef. The work waa very smoothly done bv the crew and Dr. Tuttle glvca them every credit. The patient l In a critical condition from the Injury re ceived, and was placed In St. Mary a hospital for treatment. Another hem orrhage occurred whllv Mr. Marcii'l waa being transferred to the city, but from the luteal r-porta last night he la doing better, and will probably re cover. In the circuit court yeatenlay the following rltlxena were admMtcd to cit- I. enahlp; Kll Anderaon, Charles O. Johnson, ). J. Ortlund, all of Sweddi; iieirge He.-d. of Kngland; John I'ulo, Koat Alexou. otto Carlson, Andrew linns, n ami Michael Krlcson. all uf Ituaala, and l. W. (luiideraon, of Nor way. Charles J. Hrhnabel. 'Alfred F. Bear., Jr., A. Ito-ce, Mra. C. J. Campion, II. II. Compaon, Mr. and Mra. It. H May, Win. Itraden. M. O. Hall. Port land; II W. Freer. Cleveland, fihlo; C. L. rhllllpa and wife, The Dalle.; Q. It. Ilegardl. Fort Steven.; J. P. Car.on, New York, reglatered at the Occident yeatenlay. Yeaterday Mr. Harry Smith, deputy county clerk, was presented Willi a beautiful water-color painting by Mr. John N. GrltTln. The picture la a work of art and la entitled. "The Frighten ed Nrgreaa, or. Knough la as Good aa a Feast." Mr. Hmlth has had the pic ture framed and It will a. n grace th. cvunty clerk', office. 1 njrlng the regatta anil tournament week, among the prominent leader, and. hard worker, for the success of the different events, must be noticed Chief Green and F. J. Carney, of the lire department. They worked early and late, to make the tournament a sue cera. and the verdict of the' public must 1h- that they accomplished their object. The member, of The Italic, hoae team last night expressed "themselves as being more than picas. -d with the treatment received In Astoria, and said that every event In the tournament whs conducted In a fair and Impartial manner. They hope when the tourna ment meets In The Iiatlcs next year to lake care of their visitors aa well aa they have been provided for here. The Hotel Genrhart will join In the generul celebration of the completion uf the railroad fnun C.earhart Park to Astoria. And In order that Astorlans as well as the general public may have an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of the Seaside at Gearhart Park, (now that the time between the Hotel and Astoria', business center Is but f rty five minute.) the proprietor announces that he will hove the hotel open at bust two weeks after August '". r.nd will receive guests at 12 00 per day or from 10.00 to 12.r.O per week. In the police court yesterday there were but two cases. Joe I eathers wua charged with drunkenness, but the case against him was dismissed upon his promise to ubstnln from the use of vile compound, for one year. Andrew Sohenl was accused of using abusive language to Mrs. Currlu 1'duck. Mrs. IMack was placed upon the stnnd and testitled Unit the defendant had come to her house and abused her in a shame ful manner. She suld he had been a source of great annoyance to her when she lived In Portland and thut ho Insulted her children win never he met them on the street. Soherd, while at the house abusing Mrs. Illnck. was severely chastised by a boarder. His face wua badly cut and his eyes were bloodshot. The city attorney sugfest cd that, as the defendant was a man with a bad record, he be fined enough so Unit he might. If the opportunity presented Itself, leave the city. He was tlned J100. At church the deacon raised the tune With nasal twang Hrst low, then louder; At home his good wife raised the ca!e With some of Cleveland's baking pow der 'Twuh vainly hoped his tune he'd make One half as good as her line cake. Koss, Hlggln. & Co. The U. S. Oov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to alt others. A little wrap Is necessary on the porch these evening.. It doesn't nintter much whether sick headache, biliousness. Indigestion, and constipation are caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstance.; He Witt's Little Early Risers will speed ily cure them all. Clias. Rogers, Druggist. Not a person living Is entirely free from superstition. OABTOniA. n ha il aiii ttfUtlU, If ha a Beautiful Addition on the nrnr West Side. Astoria HtKC Land are HSULOh iT' BARGAINS Bond street - DAMUrtlllJ ...WATCH... Astoria, Or. FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT Roseleaf Cigar Store Will Madison, Prop. Imported & Domestic Cigars Smokers' Articles ONLY THE KEPT IN Elegant - Card - Pjoors If You Want to Smoke- A GOOD The Roseleaf ZT 1ZVWZ-1WZ. TsYWCTi lHJII taVK .GOrWERT OF TlHE Astoria. FRANKLIN AMD Opening of a Day and Boarding;, Primary, Grammar and High School for Girls by Uie Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, from St. Mary's Academy and College, Portland, Oregon, SEPTEMBER 7, I8O6 Particular attention given to Instruction In the different branches 01 Music, Drawing and Painting. For further particulars writ for Prospectus or apply at the Academy to Sister Superior. time: card Of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. In effect July 25, 1S96. To Clatsop "each Sunday liiilly, except Sunday. uiily t p 0 V, 5 'A r.xt.'A. m.'p 6:10 8:40" 11:18 8:487 C:21S:.117 (1 :L'o S :55,7 6 : 11:007 (i :a-) S):tV.T (1:41' 0:107 0:410:147 (1:40:10 7 M.IA.M. a'.m.i :0O5:!i0tl0:1517:a'vI.ovo ;07 5 ::!S;itl:i;3 7:411 " , .Junction.. " Warrenton. " .Skipanon.. " .Morrison . . " (Uonwooil. . " Oariiolian.. " .Weston " .Clutsop Citv " Iliittoiiiold.' " tioarliart. . " .Oliana. .... " ill) ," :4 1 id :2d. 1 :4.i :l,'i 5:40 10:;!0 7:48 ;l7 5:W!lO:a'i7:f'2 21 5:,-).") 10:40 7:50 2(iti:00 I0:4.")S:01 SO 0:0-1 10:4!l8:0o 4 0:00 : 10:51.8 :(! 8 0:14 10:50 8:13; 6:M!:24 7: 7:01 0:817 47 0:21 ll:0tl;8:22 :M:2(! 11:11 8:2(1 7 :( ! ::iti 7 : 7:10 0:40,7: M 6 :8(I,U:1".8::UI Arrive t Trains marked tlrst clans carry personal haggnge, but no froiglit. Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8 make wav Flops at Warrenton, I'lirualmii and (leurhart only. 1 (iirsatiirdav Nos. .s and iV rim ttiroiigti one hour before time given on time card. No . 2eoniieets with nlglil boat froiu Portland; also with -Sieumer K. L. lawyer leaving Astoria at 6:I5. in. No. 4 eonneeta with Sleainer Pwyer, leaving Astoria at 9:W a. m. No. Beonneeta with day boat from Portland; also with boata from Ilwaeo for Portland; also with steamer Uwyer, leaving Astoria at 4:;0 p. ui. except Buturday when time la one hour earlier. . ..... No. h ranneeta with Steamer Potter leaving Portland at 1 p. m. Saturday ana Astoria about 6:80 p. in. No. In connects with nlglit boat from Portland leaving Astoria at I a. m. Sunday; also with Steamer Hwyer leaving Astoria al 7:4f ft. m. Sunday. No. 11 connect with boaU for Aatorla and PorUand. C. F. LESTER, Supt. FINEST STOCK CIGAR You Must Go to -l aV mT SawT i-ffc JoiiY flaps. Oregon. SIXTEENTH STS. From Clatsop Beqeh. lttily, except , Sunday r-iimifty only S I - s A. M.IA.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. .Flnvel.... Arrive 7 :20 ,0 :45 5 :(X) 0 :40 8 :la!6 :00 7:12 7:8714:52 6:32 8:07 5 :52 5 :40 5:42 7:07i!):31i4:40 0:2718:01 :03 0:271:42 6 :2;i 7:57 (5:58 9:224:87 6:18 7 :5l 5:87 0:54 0:17 4:82 6:14:7:475::!2 0:ftl():134.'2S(i:llj7:4;!5:28 (i :47 0 :0i) 4 :24 0 :07 7 :39,5 :24 6 :4.'i 0 :05 4 :20 6 :(7 :3.5 5 :20 (! :30 il :00 4:15 5 :.rv 7 :;t();5 :1ft 6 :35 8 :5, 4 :10 5 :55 7 :lT!5 :10 0 :308 :50 4 :05 5 :50 7 :20!5 :05 0 :25 8 :45 4 :( 5 :45;7 :155 :00 Seaside .... Leave Foard & Stokes Company . . . Wholesale and ..GROCERIES. SEWING MACHINES AND COOKING From $25 Up FRESH FRUIT EVERY DAY Our Fruit Department Is the Largest in the City Hardware and Crockery ! Our Assortments Are Not Excelled in Oregon We Carry a Liquors and Cigars Imported Wines Foard & Stokes Gompany ma to ft non-wmonotu romtHly ftr Gonorrhura, (llHt, Spertnat orrha, Whttv", nntiktaral du oiiartft. or uy iiiUanitu. linn, irriCfttit'U or u I ra tion of niucoim mem- or B in in piatiD winpfsr-r, by eipreM. prvpaid, lot or 3 btittU-n, 12.75. Circular kwut uu ruuuost. ASTORIA. IRON WORKS CoocoalySt.footof JacktoB. Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Mafeesr Und and Marina Engines. Boiler work, Staam hoat and Cannerv Work a Spaclalty. Caatinia of All Descriptions Mada Is Ordsr OB juvi l pwm. John For.. ..President and Buprlntjidant A. L. Fox Vloa President n n Prt Bsorstary First National Bank, Ttsmupsc 1 'manU rati 11 100. Retail Dealers In . . . RANGES Fine Line of if nnn PUfUfirifi 1 ijLUUU UIUU A SPECIAL! T oVdarorTS Mary liLOOU 1 OiSON permanentlf -uredtn I5to& dfly. You can be treated a home for same price under some Runrao ty. If you pri'fer tocouiebero wbw iiRtii tract tupnf railroad fareand hotel billi.and nocbanre, tt we fiul to cure. If you have taken tuer cury, i oil I tie ot:iHh, and cull bare ahe and pains. Muoounl'atchefl In mouth. Sore Throat, tiuiplea, Cupier Colored Sputa t leers oa any part of the body. Hair or Eyehrowa fnlllns out. It to this becouUury liLoOO FOISO ve fruarantee to cure. We solicit tbe raont oostl Uate cases and cballence the world for c-axe weoaDDntcure. lb la dbeaae baa alwart tuttleU the skill of the moat emioeut ph jih clana tt500,40O capital behind our nnxtidl Uunal naraiitra Abftolute proofs wnt wealed oq application. Addreaa COOK KKMKUY tt), Wh4 UMonio Temple CUl-JAliO, ILL Partlee deetrlnff the beat of Job printlnf at the low eat prices should call at the Aatorla job office before coins; elsewhere. to)