THE DAILY ASTOKIAX. FRIDAY MOKMNU, AlHl'ST 21. IBlMi. Sally gUUniun, JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. 64. OF Kl'MSClUrriOS. DAILY. Bent ly mall, ier yrtr Sent I y Mull, for month Dellv. red by carrier, per month .16.00 ... .50 ... .45 WEKKLY. I Bavi . wimII aa rnir t In r.,l-ianiN. ! po;ago free, to subscribers. All rommuiUcAtlona IntemleJ for publl oattor should be directed to the editor. communications of nil k' and remittance mutt be nddrvutd. to The Morian. The Astorlsn guarante. to lt tub serlN s the largiat circulation of any mwsi tpcr published on the Columbia -trer. Adv-rtlslmr rate can be had on appll catlor to the business mantvger. The Weekly Astorlan, the second oldest weekl In the state of Oroeron. has, next to Ui Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Jno. F. llandley Co.. are our Port land rents, and copies of The Asiorlsn can b- had every morning at their stand, IN Tl lrd street MR. BRYAN A FAILl'KE. SufT.cient time has now elapsed for sol-r and candid estimate of Mr. Brya' treat speech of acceptance. The r asterly reply of Hourke with the tenor of the presa comments In all sections of the country, leave no room Tor doubt that Mr. Bryan's much heralded effort was a dismal failure. It Is a wMretlc from the beginnlnf thron h all Its weary columns to the end. t nd there is net In it a single ag grtsal - e assertion such as should come from the leader In a (Treat political revolt tlon. When Mr. Bryan was com pelled to devote two hours to apologies and explanations as to the auituJe and faith of the rrt" he represents, he confe od that his lines were broken at every point, and needed the most ex haust .vo preparation for the assaults about to be made upon him. Anc even in Mr. Bryan's apologies and txplanations he is stransely at fault in his premise. He assumed throughout his speech that he is mak ing a battle to restore this nation to bimetallism, when in point of fact it has never been any other than a bi metal country, and today it has more silver money than either gold or paper. This money is ail issued by the govern ment, and stamped at its value, and ail the credit and resources of the government are pledged to Its mainte nance. It has greatly strained its cred it to maintain a silver circulation of over 425.000,000 legal tender dollars; but It has been enabled to do so solely because the government has been faith ful to its credit and faithful to the people, while financial revolutionists like Mr. Bryan have been denouncing every public officer who has saved the goverament from discredit We have ain a; s been a bimetal country, and n-vei so much as since 1ST8. Thus n.arl..- or Quite one-half of Mr. Bryan's spcec'.i in New York was devoted to an arcui ent In favor of obtaining what th- c mntry has today undisputedly, and hat It has had since its founda tion. Tho public have been waiting anx iously to hear from Mr. Bryan on the subje . t of the degradation of our cur rency by the free coinage of silver. He answ. red that in New York, but some what differently from the way in which he a wers it in the West. He has been teaching throughout the West and Tauth that free silver would en able the farmers and u:hers t pay their Jebts with double the east? with which they can be paid at present. He h..j taught them that they may pay back -.he honest dollars they have bor rowed under a free silver coinage at a reduc ion of nearly one-half; but in New Vork he distinctly repudiates the theor." that he and his associates "are advot iting the payment of debts in 50 cert dollars." The reason he gives for t. e free silver payment of debts in he. test dollars is that the adoption of fr. ; silver would "make silver bul lion vorth tl.2H per ounce In gold throu ;hout the worl I." No Intelligent thinker nttd be told I that ihe government could not, by any llglsit.lon, make silver bullion, now wortf: 6 cents per ounce, "worth 11.29 per i unce in gold throughout the world " any more than they could legis late r. half-pint Into a pint, or a half yard into a yard, or a half pound into a pou id, or a half bushel Into a bushel. Hut : Ir. ftryan gives this argument solely because he can give no other. He r ans to tell the honest money peopli of the East that under free sil ver t! ?y would get honest dollars back for e- ery dollar due them; but if he were to tell the farmers of the West that '.he free coinage of silver would make silver worth $1.24 pt-r ounce in gold , hey would turn upon him as a hypoe. Itkal pretender, for he has been teaching them for years that only by cheap money and plenty of It can they be rel.eved of their present oppressive debts. To which of these sections does Mr. 1 ryan mean to be faithful? To which has he told the truth? His appeal to the "common people" Is unworthy of a presidential candidate. Nine-tenths of all the men conspicu ous In statesmanship, in science, in commerce, in trade, in finance, and in fortune have sprung from the common people of the land; and they illustrate the opportunity offered to everyone un der our beneficent free institutions. Many of the "common people" of today will be the uncommon people of the next generation. It is not deemed un manly for candidates for constable to toour the pot houses and appeal to the common people, but the presidential candidate who does it, as Bryan did it over and over again during his Jour ney, distinctly proves his utter unfit ness for the responsible trust he seeks. As an Illustration of Mr. liryan'B naked assertion without presenting ma terial facts, we quote the following from his New York address: "When we ask that our mints be opened to the free and unlimited cliiase of silver Irt.i full lesal tender money, we are xtuply ssklnK that the Mine mint I'l'iv-! U.'kp be aivorded to stiver that Is now j a. roriled to gold. Had Mr. Itrvan in truded to pwsont the iiucr-ilon frankly, manfully and as a statesman would ' )r. sent It. he would have told his au.ll erre that the man who hrousht W in cold bullion to the mint Is entitled to Cviv eolnam' because his Isulll.m Is worth "o more In coin than In bullion. The government pays the expense for the convenience to the public In having I ihe coin for circulation But when u man brings $.3 worth of silver to the mint miiier n In eoinace system he would bo entitled to receive, free of all cost for oolnajre, l'V leul tender del lots, giving the silver owner a net piMllt of JtT. which the government must maintain as e.,.ial to gold. If he had the courage to tell the truth shout his financial theories, he vv .! . r spocled however he ml- SI oo deemed! as 111 error; but wher. i.e li.slsls that I the gold i-ro.'iver shall iw to mo '!'t from ht 1 ' h.le the s iter producer shall rtv. lv. t" per cent at the cost of the people, lie should have tho courage to state the truth frankly to the coun try. Kgually ;;t ;-.i:!t .ir- Vis veneral t m plains h! v.t the reduction if ngricul-tu".- and ether values because, as he alleges, of the demonetisation of silver In IS7J. Why does he n. t tell the truth and frankly state that agi (cultural products declined more during the eight years prior to ISTi when there was free- and unlimited coinage of both sil ver and gold, than they did for eight years after 1STJ. and that these pro ducts at times commanded higher prices after 1ST3 than for eight years before, regulated as they always are on the lines of supply and demand. The people expect facts frankly given frvm. a presidential candidate; and hen assertions are made the facts hearing upon them should be honest ly presented. In this regard Mr. Bryan has been greatly at fault; but it must be confessed that he may be more at fault because the truth would defeat hii ow n arguments than because of hi desire to Indulge in actual misrepre sentation. His Eastern journey has Iwn a failure. He has started the ebb In the tidal wave of cheap money fanaticism, and the decline and general disintegration of the cheap money movement may be dated from the two hours' speech of William J. Bryan in Mudison Square Garden. "I admit that the adoption of free "silver would cause a panic, but the "country requires a drastic dose of "medicine. Desperate diseases some " times require heroic remedies." Mas ter William Jennings Bryan. "I hold the disturbance of the meas "ure of value, the means of payment "and exchange or any derangement of "the currency to be one of the most "unpardonable of political faults. He "who tampers with the currency robs "labor of Its bread. He panders. In "deed, to greedy capital, which "keen-sighted, and may shift for Itself "but he beggars labor, which Is honest "unsuspecting, and too busy with the "present to calculate for the future, "The prosperity of the working classes "lives, moves, and has its being In es "tablished credit and a steady mt "dium of payment. All sudden changes "destroy it Honest industry never "comes in for any part of the spoils "In that scramble w hich takes place "when the currency of a country Is "disordered. Did violent fluctuations "ever do good to him who depends on "daily labor for his daily bread? Cer "tainly never. All these things may "gratify greediness for sudden gain, by "the rashness of daring speculation "but they can bring nothing but In "Jury and distress to the homes of pa "tient industry and honest labor. Who "are they who profit by such a state "of things? They are not the many, "but the few. They are speculators, "brokers, dealers In money, and lend. "ers of money at exorbitant Interest "Small capitalists are crushed, their "means dispersed in various parts of "the country, and. such a miserable "policy having destroyed exchar.g"Sl "they have no longer either money or "credit All classes of labor partake, "and must partake. In the same ca. ' ".amity." Daniel Webster. TELL IT OUT. Don't sit down and wait for trade, 'Taint the way, Get a hustle, make her show, Push your business make her go, Don't sit down und wait for trade, 'Taint the way, 'Taint the way, If you've got something to sell, Tell it about, Let your neighbors see you're "fly," Get up "bargains," don't fay die, If you've anything to sell, Tell it out, Tell it cut. Folks don't know you if you don't Advertise, Keep things movln' every day. Talk about it; that's the way, Folks won't know you If you don't Advertise, - Advertise, FIRE ALARM BOXES. Box S-Trullinger's Mill. Box 6 Astor and Seventh street. Box 7 Ninth and Duane. Box 8 Commercial and Fifteenth. Box 9-Clatsop Mill. Box 12 Car Stables. Box 14 McGregor's Mill. FROM NOW CNT1L SPRINO Overcoats and winter wraps will be In fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling in the steam-htated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Hallway. For solid comfort, for speed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the 3 West OASTOXIZA. PKOKKSSIONAL OAUm A. SMITH, DENTIST. Booms 1 and :, Pythian Building, overr C. H. Coopor'a store. ;U. Ell.1V JAXSON. PHYSICIAN ANl Sl'KC.KON. Office over Olson's) drug store. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to o and T to S p m Sundays, 10 to 11. ttcldcnv over Kk Strom's Jewelry store. Pit O. M. KSTKS, PHYSICIAN AMI Sl'ltCKON. Siecl;U attention to diseases of women and surgery. Office over Panilgor's store. Astoria Telephone No. U. JAY TVTTl.R. M. IV, PHYSICIAN. SPIMKON A NO AOOOIVHHVU. OrtW, roonir f and , 1 vthlan NulMIng . Hours. 10 to It and i to i IS.vMence, ltd CtMar street i JOHN T. I.IO'ITKH. ATTOUNKV-AT-IJtW. Office, upstairs, Asterlsn Building H. T. CUOSBY. ATTOKNEY-AT-IW. 4t8 Commercial street J. J. A. POWLBY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offica on Bond street Astoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Itlehard Nlioa Chester V. TAvlph. DOLPH. NIXON A DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland. Oregon. K S. and fl. Hamilton Building. All leral and col lection busln ms promptly attended to. Claims against the government a spe cialty. SOC1ETT MEETINOS. TEMPLE I.OlXiK NO. 7. A. V. and A. M Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. O. W. I.OUNSr.KRRT. W. IL E. C. HOLPEN. Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. a W. C. CASSELL. DEALER IN REAL ESTATE. Notary Public. 516 Bond Street. In Medieval Days When people wanted anything they knelt down and prayed for It How ever, that was some time ago. Alone about lfc a fellow named Quien berg, who had "come de Rhine over," was monkeylnc around carpenter shop in Lents. He whit, tied some little blocks and actually made an alphabet Then he rigged a sort of well, a machine that would look something like our let' ter press of today. He arranged his blocks in order, put some Ink on them, also a piece of paper, and then screwed his press down. That was called printing. Old Uutenberg made a howling success of the racket and his head became so swollen that he really snubbed the king one day. The king overlooked It however, for he had an Idea what kind of fellows printers would be. Well, finally they got the print. Irur system down pat, and, sa the centuries rolled by, began printing newspapers first person. Invariably singular number, any gender and hard case. In This Enlightened Day There are many newspapers as matter of fact. But It Is an utter Impossibility to get a newspaper to admit it. The advertising puironaxe of a newspaper depends larKfly yes, wholly upon Its circulation A newspaper is a great l.-nJ like the human body: If Its circulation is good, it prospers: othiTwIie, otherwise. Some papers publish Want Columns That Is, a column, or a ntimtier of columns, devoted to small advertise ments. If a fellow wants anything trouble, a wife, a house don't make any difference what it is he can get it by means of a small ad. Included In tne "want" column are "For Sale," "For Kent," "Ixist," "Found," "Stolen" and "Miscel laneous." Now, Just see what chumps some people are! Why, man has been known to hunt over a city this city for diys looking for a house in which to live, ila.i he come to The Astorlan oftloe una asked for a want ad. he could have gotten his house without the host bit of trouble and for about 25 cents. It Is Needless To tell of The Astorlan's circula tion. The paper has been estab lished for a quarter of a century why, old C'oncornly read the first rumor of the building of a railroad to h.'s braves from It. Circulation Is The Astorlan's long suit. Conse quently, when a feiluw comes Into The Astorlan office, looks pleasant, throws down 25 cents on the coun ter and says he wants a house, ho get it. Why, Just Think ! The Astorlan goes Into every house In Astoria and a great majority of those in the surrounding sections of Oregon and Washington. Hence, It you insert an ad. In The Astorlan, It Is equivalent to engaging a man to go around to all those houses and telling the Inmates that you want something or have something for sale. Why, talk about a snap! A Bit of Advice When you want anything no mat ter what It Is when you have any thing for sale; when you lose, find or steal anything, come around and tell your trouble to The Astorlan. Bring 25 cents with you, and, above all things, look pleasant. Tell the clerk that you want a want ad. In the want column, give him your 25 cents and go away happy. As Her man Wise would say, a want ad. will restore the blind, the bald and the bowlegged to manhood. Lines OC Cents. for - Try It. Auction sales of plants and bicycles seem to be the moat popular Just now. B.F- AhhEN&SON Oil. jlV V. .I,1!' M(Ul'aJ, jr$ Cc ..mereifil Htnret. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GEO. NIC0LL, Assistant. ornci:: Kopp's New Brewery INDIO i Absolutely and Pure Tropical Climate Dry Pronouiut'tl by Physicians the most Fuvoruhlf in America for SuflVivrs from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections urgrd agalntt Indlo In the past by the larca numbers who otherwise would haw been (!a.l to take advmntage of Its twnoAVl&l climate, ba twn a lack of suitable accommodation. The Southern Pai-itto Company takM pleasure in announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indlo station, that will be rented to aoplloants at rea sonable rates. Thry are furnlhed with modern convanlen.-ve, supplied with pur artesian water and so siliiaud as to give occupants all the advantages to be th rived from a more or lees prot:act'd residence It this delightful din, ate. (From the Ban Francisco Argonaut.) "In tht heart of the grrat desert of the Colorado which tht Southern I'acllle traverses ther is an oasis called Indlo, which. In our opinion. Is the sanitarium of the earth. We believe, from prreonaj Investigation, that for certain Individuals, there la no spot on this planet to favor able." O. T. 8twart. II. D.. writta: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, fill one with wondr and delight. , . . Nature has accomplished so much that there remains but little for man to do. As to Its possibilities as a health retort here Is the most ptrftct sunshine, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain Is an unknown factor: pure oiygen, dense atmosphere and pure water. What more ran be desired? It la the plare. ahovt all others, for lung trouble, and a para dise for rheumatic. Considering th number of sufferer who have two cured. 1 have no hesitancy In rerom mending this genial oailt as the htv-n of the ainictud." INDIO Is 6l2 miles from SAN' FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANOKLE.S Fare from Liis Angles fj.oc For further Information Inquire ot any Southern Pacific Company agent. or auilrtss E. P. ROC! Fits. Asut. Gen. Pass. Agt. 8. V. Co. J. B. KIHKL.AND, Dim. Pass. Agt. Cor. First and Alder sts., Portland, Or AorpntQ WflfitPii $10 to $20 "t,viiu Muiitvu aday. LIFEofM'KINLEY And HOHAflT. Republican Candidates for president and vice-president, by Itobt. l: Porter, the noted Journalist present editor of the Cleveland World, and Inltlmate frl-nd .f McKINI.EY for twenty years. Absolutely the only nu thentlc LIFE OF McKINLKY publish ed. For more than two yenrs In pp-p aratlun, and the only work that iia receiver the endorsement of MaJ. SIc- Klnley and his most Intimate friends No book equal to It as a seller. Kvery- uouy wants th'i book puMUlioii at McKlnley's home. Porter's book lis Our agents are clearing from $10 to i;o a day. Chance for thousands of others to do as well. This is the oppor tunity of your life. The hlchest corn- mission paid. ORDER OUTFIT NOW, Send 20c (stamps taken) as an evidence of good faith, which amount will be refunded with agent's first order. If It Is only for one book, making OUTFIT FREE. Rooks on time. Charges pre paid, leaving profits clear. Act quick or while you are waiting others will cut you out. THE N. O. HAMILTO.V PUB. CO., 1555 Arcade, Cleveland, O. R. L. Boyle & Co. Estate . LOANS AND INVESTMENTS tTJ aB COMMERCIAL ST. WHEN IN PO RTLA NO Call on JnoT F. Handley & Co., 124 Third street, and get the lially Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. Ol'TWAIM) BOUND OlilUJON (JKAIN Ml II, l l. l lUkHO llr 1'iuk I ll lili ... I ' Am -Mo ., " x.V. u,ii. ,V" iii roiMia .. .I.oil.. l, I h'i.miHh ti.l.luirili. IV Ml I.'H1 III. ! II IIH.IM Illll' I . l !..( I" I Poll S o.h'l . II' (, ,. A .Of, in ls Iro k .inn .... I inioi Hull . H. ihii tiu , V ! ..nil. II . Iiiiiliimlilr Voi lioiii lrn l'.i l ruinl.'t .. t'urll. , I i h K.lrl "l Z.'il, in. I. .,..., H. ,.' in ill . ,., 0 ion Hull ,J I'miiiiI lull .. ',.oilv lint ,. li .-i... 1 ,. i, , 1 I. I 1 II I. kllt'l . I.U . I, loll ,, i ri n .0 ollnii.1 ... '-I'lttlllNllll Kl lii'l .. I, oil Oal H ,lki.m ill h il" I hi'liiM ... i..lria .. l'i in Inn l ill'...,,,,.. li, .!!, I.' .. 'AHiiirkN.ul Mnw 'inn , .. r'.lilh ,'. i.rtiua IUi 'k'' IMI . . 1 III . ' 111 "II .' !'.. ,.C"tl.' . til.-..- or Irtl'ill'l.' l llll ... . J W liiiriut'irr ll. i ,,ii-.-r I..'.l..r,.h.r,. . . anil (iit-i hlllii . .i(ll.rk tinu..e I'mul , . V,.crri M-t .no'ii . : liolorr .I.NV . Uait!lin , . tiiuilriinr , l''.rlm , .,..., . l nl.MI l.illli.M , Kir-.i Ihrwlithtrv .... , l'lll.'l.4lll' , ln..riit hire. . . rit . K.'inl.:;!. . ili o'u! Vl. tr. -. l. ' I'1 11 ik .; h iiiii . S II tm'l I lO- llHl, ,. " bf Mi ... It 111 lll ... II llr I. ik .. I I t .Ion It II, -no, ., ! llr loK .., I llr -lili .'I III .il : Hi ! oi. '.'I I rl'uiV : lb -in. .. . .' : !-. k , llr . i' Viii h .,., s l'i Oo i ,, " Mi Iiiii . i; llr I'ok .. K II. .in., . .' IW -III" .... I 10 l,.iH ... Iir -Iim ... I Hi v:. , . 1 1. r vi.. i : llr Oiip I llr hlii :i i..r li:(i. ' llr Mr), ,. . "r hip :l llr .Ion . II Hi lui. .. II Hr h, ik II Ur .Iri- . It llr .iV .. I.' Ur l'rn . I.' i.. r I-irk.. I; -lop i let Nov I i.c ' III mirk . llr .In .litli II .M II llr I. uk in,. i-r I-ok ' i.i r I'.iik.. n ur Lark . l ' r hin .. hi Hi Mrk ... l- lo'r liltv. . i: -r Kirk IT Itu.. lui.. ..' Ur .lui. .. .' llr l. irk ... I.i Ur hip .. 11 llr.liii. .... i; llr hx,k ... I Ur bm .... I.N llr irk II llr hok . . Ur hip . I.' llr .hi I. .... .'I llr hr It llr I'.rk ... :il Hr.hl. .... Keb Mr April Juue .IlllT t.:a ri.uir. ml. iw k. i, to" il - jiIm. .11 t alur l-i.'Ml K Alo l R . .n, ...... tahir 'llii' 'l ''. I -Ver.-M.l.. 11.. ir. alip S.MI.IUI alui Hi-,. to. .l'..'ail.lila rl II. Tu ,- ur u,u, vii mi. train :i.,aw t aim' vi:ssi:ls ox tiii: roar a m ki. m. am. im SKW VoltK Sllll' Unit; l!Ur. I -hl. Mui.-a Neaiultli Alton m - Ur tuts l v.pi.-a: I'a. i I'ara. lUiil ' . ANTWIhl'- a-Br iliii. t. ' W.ilrt' llr alio, in, uf ;. Ht'.MH tS - llr alup l.lti lMami. CAI.l.til- llr alio. Sirrra l alrr la; .. I.KIM-IIV- t-ir aliip I uUi.kI: tl tlil'tii'l.- II r imp Krl.aii, o 3 Rr afi i. l ira.ia : I'eltoit Surkoy , ,4Mlwttrd Mo. teuacu Huller.. ., . urirstlta.. Noma... I'a, . II , l ea. , Hllllaml. , .ihar. , Stlli , Jotlra . filreli? Men.lua ... . laa-aart ... . bailor . MKI.Iun llNK- Mr l'rt Mv a irn: Mr bark l.iti.lrii .. Hr tmm Mllia.lale : SEWi'AsTM!. N.3- w. Ur Lark i io. li ; Mr ahtt Hawaa.lalr!.., KID I'E jA.Vi.lll.H Hr bark hallia ma, Hr ahli. Hotal linirsv 1 Ur hark oli-nadi u SWANsti V- 6 llr lrk t'otomNil . . T.WII.K iiaV- Sur Lark Matllaud llr t.rk I a la-. Till I aatlr;.... YuWuMAM A- llr al,l. II, ill, in Hall; . CAft ToW S Hr aluo luirbridc !... llr ahlp I'tlriia; . ...... . CtlUiMHt l. rtVl 'lS- llr ahlp l itv uf lla.Mlii(t.ui Hr ahlp tKoaan lllll 1 IlilNi.KliNii - llr ahlti 1 riM-ii MAt'HITH S llr l.ark Minlaton! Hr bark I'ria-yuii SlNtrAI'tlHK- Hr alitj. Hlvcradali.; Ml AM, II Ai- Hr t.ark Stiaaet: Hr ahli. r..lllli h Al.KI.Aflir- lir i-rtik ttorla : IT aH( .. 'an, .j,,,; llr l-ark "iio,i.u Jli iN I K V 1 1 1 Ei i llr alilt. Imv. lit v Mali I' A N A M A - llr .lili. i.l-uliil I'i'ItT l llilK- llr ahiji perl Jii. lea. n HKI.-HANr- Hr hark Tweed vl!e M, ICrtlllr Mrlatit hi ll . .Shapiaud .... M, lii.nal.l. ... .'.Milne . Ji-tlkllta I')"" - jurirtlih . Mai.'., lin ..... Mi-...-l ,Jn"0riaH - Nellur :K"laii'la I W i. .ham . Tayii.r , ll-U .. J.'ll'-a KICK KUKNCICM April .-4. IIS. WW- Mat If, .'m l"tV. Jail -V, paaae1 CuxliatHti Jnn .'.'N, 1"W Mar .'I. in, :'W .Inn.. ,. N Kelis. p.ed l'..rtl,i'nl (till Man Ii M, I 'N IV. April .'.'. i.lf Stl. ii Mine! TIITAI IN . 4.1M . I. . 4 JM ...'All , 4.1"'. .I.'"l ..l.-i: l.i"i Sew York.. Ali'lable... Alw. 'a Ha) Antwerp..., H.irnl.ay . .. falla rol.utiiKi. . I'apet.oTIl ..Xlt'. -. I '-l'i I ..l.'ai'l . I.C' I ..LUI I ...ill I ilrlin.'iy .. lli.nifkoiia' . ,lvi-rH,..l Maiiritnia M.-llnirii.. M Ullei l lr, I'ali.t'na llrlalilltll' Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Co. to 111 Ninth IV-rlii'"!.' Street, CIIICAI.O, II. I.. .... I.AWIiCST MAM'FACTl'KLKS OP .... FIRE APPARATUS AM). FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES I !N TIII2 WOULD n ..ft Champion, Hale and Greenleaf Water Towers lialirock Aerial Hunk ami l.aililcr Triick. Patent I .ever Steering, Clciicral Scrvi:c ami llaml Hook ami l.aililcr Trucks of All Kiiuls for Cities, Towns ami Villages. Sole Manufarttirers of the Celelirateil liAKCOCK ami CI I. AM -1'ION Chemical Kiiine, llatnl Tire Kxtingiiishers anil Coin bination Hose Carriages, Hose Wagons, unil I'atrol Wagons, We Cater to Western Patronage. Write for 1896 Catalog A. (j, I.OMi, Northwestern Representative 171 FOURTH STREET EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Adam Bat ter, deceased. AH persons having claims airalnst the estate are requested to present them to me at the law office of Frank J. Taylor, at Astoria, Oreiron, within six months from this dute. All persons owlnir the estate must pay their Indebtedness to me, at the same place. LOUIH KIKCHHOFF. Dated, June 24th, 1898. I rl KtHHH OH llilllt HI 'l-jHi I Iti'rii.x'l , 1 iiil'i'i 'I A .11. Illl ,Hi .1,1 i U ,Vl .11 I .',"T ;. M i n (III ', II 7t""J ui i.i i.i.i.tu m.'o; L'l.ll'l .u. K i,1 ii.'J i J I t,l" Vl.ialil 7",u l n,-n II .is i.ji( ii iu..t .' ; i ; 'I s i mo iM.T'll ,. IIS I tl .-Jt IO Ml II I. '."M t '41.1 -''l K Hi 11(1 I,J (111 II-, I i'..H 'J ,ll VI n.:.u l IHI I II 'l(l''l .. ., i, , . inn. r .'I Ill II Hi l.ll.l ,. I'urk .. ,11.1-M'oik i'.V'li I'll HI. "Illll ... .i 'hi tviiimoii.l .. ,. IIW i oik .'I 'I tl"iilllitllll . .. Iliti I'ulk , .!: ' "Ik ,.jl , In 1'itliiiiillill , ,. Il-," I'll in. mill . . .'lllll I Ul'l1H'l .. , ii-nw lr ,,1.1't i "ik ,.,U hHlntiiiilli. . . ITiim I'rtlllliilllll . I't.'.i Aiiiw ri IM KitlllliMlill . ,. . I. iii l:imnt . .nm: Kiiliiiinilli . . I oi i ork ,.' ml tllilo . 1-Hr. KmHII'IIIIIi . !. l ink . ill. t'olk I .'1 t-'atllll.tlll tl M .. n: i k -.11.1.111111 , . ..- Hull. . .'1..V I .iltlrr .1' k , iv,i C.'U " ir " . I.T.I l: " . IC. " . " I llllltul um i 'oi it . ' I V i Ksliiiii'iiili'l.'" . Jtttl ' . I . tiiii fork w . " . v Kaliu, i,lli , , l. folk , i, i aw fimu . . Ilvfoik . b.w " . ralimiiitli . I V fmk . ;'Ui I . I.OV Kshiinillli I VJI'.W I'llKII . In r'aluiouili ... li.: fork , l.i K II ) ... H.l Kllli,..llh.. II-.' tl" ll .. ,V tir .ItTjLltrpool ,. .. . lTt fork ,:t.Al... ijr ... . .WT fork 'I'll fork ii4'..iiili.r i Jm.iiHiv 17 .. , ri'hruaiy " , It " in I't'hlilillt 11 ... . MhivIi it , ri'htuniy ,7 , Msit li .. .... , ii .. .m " ' " iu " III ,' -rll Jil M-rh . Al'tll I. " I' " II ' li " '.'4 . " Jl " rt . June Hi . Jiii in . . April HI , Jim ' . " lu " I I ri:. , , in in . , Mitt June .tune II . Jinn ii . Jul) Jllllf. I A'.. ii i fll.JIU mhi tl .lu S Tl I'll f.Ot .l,Jl I.i. m .w.tll Jim a, . .lull I" . Jiinr. in . July . i. or i.i ..Inn . ,tu.m I ... 0 :" tj" ,:.iui a:, tin I IrA"'", .:,ui iWi . '.... .li....ii ..Liliillu ii'i'i l.'.'.MI (Isalml K - JtlivW l.n tliuir, t,ilu aioilti. II J A lui .1.11 1 Mill It jur. t alii., a I l.urJ ami l M M u.:.'M'hl rt'iir. ia,nr fiinii. -I'.imj Mila 11 1. tall, ij - at,,, : i.a l.hla llour, t alna l."J.4i wax to om:;o. laa i.i 1 .ian,KI a IIM M At I . Iiai.1 MAll lll'll l.a'tl jl.i'. IH'AI !.l I.WAl lit? IK'AI Jlti.i iriAI !l.l'.' I.WAI ': His iAI . lltlAl lll l'Ot Ii' lia'AI , lU III Al l.v.i iAt . i:il US'AI : ' ill. II , l'l I'.iAl IliM lil'AI Suit. hi .t Hcel.v ... Hall" nr. t'ullirtc A I n . Mrjtr, W . i n u.-i.r w . fo llall.uir, l.'lllillr at t u Hortlau.l CU'iif Mllli sproule 11 AAI ... Hli-a-en .... i r Vlaln.B l-'iT I'UAl .... l' ItaiAl .... . Itrn liWAI a ill A I , itlt liOAl . !li.-. litlAI i.aiAi IV.' lil'AI HV l.titl . .;lA. ..'l.'l l.aitl I'lltl hi.-i i.'i toe ,iai 1 1 .a.-. ..nil I . 1'.)a ia . Ii: liOAl .'I-.' nil I Si Haiti J Iron A June 1 'aar.l l.liar.l no dale. In Hay uf Ilia. a. June In L', N. HI U 0 Jnn. t.ih, ,'i.N, il W. Itiln Illu de Jaii.'lro prler lu .Inly 4 nlllliateto illaehnrke perl ill caiKo. All(. 4. aol.t .111 tuna of rarifu TIIIC WAY. NVw. aille. NlW 3 ir. Ta'.le Hay .',.'1.1 lliu.l, li n.-r,. I Vokiiliama , I, ilnKatiore ...'ill iua a 1 fu Tula! ..'J ilinimlial I.ol lame time li't'i .. la, IJS I'orl I'lrir .. . . i.l ll -aine time lai'l ....-".. 17 PORTLAND, ORIiOON Cheap Clothing The Hop Lee Clothing Factory and merchant tailors, 608 Commercial at., makes underclothing to order. Suits and trousers made to lit perfectly. Every order punctually on time and satisfaction guaranteed. Oood goods old cheap. Call and ba convinced. iC.-ar-riJ FLMMT-kSil.rO. 14 1 l l'K ll. I'.iiiUn.l I I, .it r Mill. Hull., nr. lliilhih. , fo lltlk t;l iiu ii i" ., 1 1 I a 4,1 I II IK ... n i i. U.I . II I .a. ... I I I'll ".I . I I I ' I'.l , tl I'a ... VI I ! . tl I - tl I" tl I .a ,. fl l .. I I l a I'd . 1 1 1a Hd I I I . a Id t l I." 11 I I ".I 4 I I la :kl t l Ka wl tl I'a .. t I I la Ikl tl l'i l ll l.'a U-.l 1 1 IV, tl I la Ikl tl Ita Ll . fl I vi . , 1 1 I"- nl tl !" Ikl , tl !' l tl I la l . 1 1 I ta U.I . tl '"a VI . I I Pa 1 1 I tl ITa 0.1 tl . kl I' d . tl IVa 1 1 I -a , . t l Ua r-l tl I tl Ua t l I - ud tl Ua ml .rllali . .. . t l laaaj ...... tl H't M .tilt tl I'a VI ll "a Ikl 1 1 I ta M l.rltalw. . tl a VI tl fa.... . a ail ail fka. !!!" . . .i,mi 'JV.INKI Ul.iVtl ,'ll.'t.i ,'.',il ,M, ! lUI.IItt) "i.l'.u'io" .vi.uim Vi.ltl (;.'i rvt.mai "v.i" .Vi um M ! !... I III.I"! U,HM "AT.'vii" W,'i M ' in itm '.II mat Tl.oru mi.taml ,Vi.l JS.Itt iV. 4k M itl J,tV 18.'.lil Hi.okl .tl ! il IMl.lktl t Itll tt.Ntl ".ii ! ' iti..' M l XI ( tkl .Vi.'tw Ul.lkll 41 tu Tyiki) M.i e'.itki ?;,vi ii nki v mi tat. aiu ."' Mllni.n k Kerr hill oi r. Ilutluh, Co ,1 It i iiiiiiroii A, t'o re i;i t.tini f.. I'nrlhui.l IiiiiT Mill a MIkiui ,1 11 f Ni.ifron f Ilitlliuir iiiillirii t'o . .1 II f um. r. in i n . IVrilitnil M.'in Mi U lull, mi. 1 1 il I II' lo tin J 11 i'i.hi(.r"ii It fo I' f Kh i .l..r i n lull,. nr. liuilirie il fo,. h.,i.ii K k u . IUI i. nr. loiihrl.' tin, . ',,iil.ii.l i' lour .MIIK. I' f h t'o ,,, Il ilhiiii, liiillnl.. k f n . I'.olUll.l Kl.'lir Vlllla llall.uir, I OH hill' A I'll J II f.oiti...ll A fu I. ,h A, ktr . I'f kli'talor fo J It f..ll.ron K I'll K hcrr I'.otlan.l l-l.iiir Mill t M.'rs llall.uir, llullirlv A t'o J K f aiiierttn A Co Ilnir.uii, iititlirit a fo . r.irllaml, flour Mlllt I' f KlKtalol t ii Kiliaou re rh-iaiort Milium a Keif I K I aiiirron tt fo .... . I'.iriUit.l p'li.iu XI Ilia Mi.aou a Kirr II ill.'iir, i.iitltrla t I'd . ,t Hi' is J K I ann.roit si t'o I' f Klat alr i'ii Ilaltuur, llilllult. a Co C.rllall.l MHI ' . hallntir, llullilla Hi . rlll.oll i Kmf Nall.iiir tiiitlirie to Hil..ii krr ,1 II f amiau 4) f llall.uir, iiuilin & fu J M t'o-.-Mto lia'hHii, iiuiliria fu . Halti.iirl tiiilliVTi a l u .... tl -a , :i l.i.t. HuT. tjk hi.:, n. Mir i IM. il J. It f amrroii fo ,lia I, art talua SI i.iall I .'I. l.,..M.l.N ri.uir, I aim. III. ml II .1 ella tuulrt , tahlit l Vl K I" n.nir. lue l.'.t. It-Ala. l.ivr hi, la Hour, SEASIDE SAWMILL. A romplrte stork of lumber on hand In the mush or draoaed. nuorti.s, rue tic, nailing, and all kinds of nnlah) niouldliiss end shingles; also brarkal work dun to order Terms raMteoiiable and price at laxlrock. All orders promptly attmdaal lu, (irtlr and far 4 al mill II r. 1. IamjaN, I'rop'r. Heavald. Oreajon. ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY RKAOINO HOOM mCB TO ALU . i a Opaa every day from I o'clock te IJS an U ts p, sa. atubeofipitoa rmleai n per tvnaum. W. COR. KLKVRNTII A tUAN m. UREMNER ii HOLMES Illaoktamltfita. Hpecitvl attentloa paid to steavmboal re pal ring. Orat-clajea boreeasboeirul. eto. LOCCING CBftP QORK A SPECIALTY tIT Olney street, between Third and and rottrtk. Astoria, Or. ) . A KASTAHUNI), Ol-NLKAL CONTKACT0K. luniKc noinrc BNn muBDc Rini.nco 1 1 v wk ariiwaa raaar w . 11 1 vwivvita, HDl'MK MIIVKH, Hue Maying- Teela tar Keel. A8TOKIA OHKUON IH7I tSl Fisher Brothers, Luhruatlng OILS A Spedilly. Sell ASTORIA I Ship Chanilt'lery, j Hani ware, i Iron & St4i'l, Coal. I (Jroci'rit" it IVovisioiiM, Flour it Mill FcimI, l'aint.i, Oils, Varnish, ' Limits Supplies, Kairhank'H Scalfs. j iKlOl'H it WindowH, ' Agricultural Iinplcmcnt'' WiigniiH A Veliioli-H. A. V. AULKN, DIALtRIN GrtKcrlfs:, Flour, Pr J, Provlslon,, Fruits VrgrlahlM, Crokrry, (ilassaiij Pl.tlr J Wure. Loggers' Supplirs. Cor. Tenth and Commarclal trits. S. I'pi 1 ttAN, lata nl ft Mulmri. R. T. PltllS. lala of Mmklull. Cel. FOUND WHEN lilnckaniltha, Machinists anil Holler Maker M,nu'CX"d fll1 Kinds 0! Machinery iron ana urns unntlnir UunniiU IlliWkMiiiltri Work S pnr.iAi.Tins- wtM p.iit Wheal, si.ip Smllhlnif ani Steainbiist Work. Cannrrv anj Mill Matlllnerv. Marina and St.iin.rU I1..11. rs Hull! tii Order. Specially e.iulppel (or Inircer' work Lorrrtpurulanc siillcltrJ 18th and Pranklln. Phone 78 P M.r. llla,M ... ENNYKUYAL PILLS t.iwaie irll.l.l. UaBiiaaeh ."Ml 1. 1 i.,r titkMfr-9 W iff .l h, tut ,immo' Iim uh 1.1 u rliitnn, Talis NKVlhrr. ttrhttt (IalMitt(xa sauJaiiifu. nuNe.iruf imiliMt.'N. At llmtsi, mi , IUIIr f.-r LnrfltMiniftitv. br rimrn aater ROSS HIGGINS k CO Orocers, : and : Butchers Aatorl and Upper Asturla rina Taaa and Coffra. Table Dellrac'ea, Oomaitlc ana Tropical Frultt, Vagaiabla, Su(r Cured Haots, Bacon, fclc. Choice Fresh and Salt Meata. COLUilA IN WORKS alU a