DAILY ASTOIMAX, TIEHIlAV MO UN 1X0, AUttUHT 18, 18.0. , . ... . . ' 1 f i JBBB CASTORll AWilclii.ilv Pri'iMMlioii for Aft- slinllalliil ilr rood nml Wcv'iiU ling Hie SUinuidvt. iiml lkmrln (if Vronwlrs Diiiosllon.f Itfrful ncMulltt'sU'onliilniu:lllrr Ojminr.Mnrjililiu' nor tiiual. Not Nam c otic. Vlaanaaaaa- - 4h twtmm UU rWaaJW )limi aaaaer AirntVct itVincily fnrConstln linu.SourSloiiuich.DimitucA. Voi ui.1 .CoiiviiLsioiis.icvvmri lit j J and Loss or SLEEP. lac Smut Sijnnlur ef NEW S'OHK. exact coeror wrappch. THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OP CaiUirl I, tit ip la u-iIm MiIh oalr. It ll set told lo balk. Don't allow .craw to Mil ;mi itjlk.nf ill I tbe flt or pwmlt lUt It l "Just (riwd"a will nir iwj por- poe." B- tUt 701 t ti, ( VIXSKLS OX Till: WAV TO ORIXJOX. N l t 1-,-at aii vr m MM M'ltti- M. 1 1. Unity VllUel I-f1iIi Jiliilra Spaatlltll ..,. Al.i. It . V - ti tN,k 'ii'i'i linn i.ik iixiu : . . . ASTW I M'- V ll .hip (, W Vt "IIT! llliMIt t Hr .lily l.ltiiltatartl", I'AI l.i- ll r .hl. ttlnrr r .lrv la; U 1(11111 - Hilt .lt riilwtawll I Ht M. 1 li. Ini.l.i.l; I IV r III I lit lll II. IIOIHK ; H' hip Kn'a.la ! U l.llin lisn it l-aik atii'n; Itr tatk I tfnUii ., lit Lam Siih-.U'o ; M . -1 1 s, Ht l.a'k . I it'll ! Iir l.M' IU" k.lal; ... Illn l'. JAM 111" lit t..ark hatha t Ht alup ll" al tii-.it,., lit l"i'k nlriiaMi.il tit St, . lit tttk 1 oi.iiuiti; T tni : 11 t l.atk Mailt. ml Itr I'Nik 4ltfittil I B.tlr,' ..... V K 1 1 -lit l.ii' II itt.ni tl I! 1 A- l-'M S l tl.lt .-..klt.U ilf thtc tMrll'l. lit .1.1.. frlr.t.! . ... I n 'Mill 1. , I IV- lit hl t III l llariHiitiili lit t 1 1 I' il Hill I Hi.Si.KliNil lit Itlli I M" ' " Ilf I 1 1. Italian I J MAI III I II S lit I'trk lllfil.t'ili; . ht !' l flM-)MU tllM. t l ull, - Hr il KlvrlkiUlt ; HtlHHS Yx Lor h lm (.l,ifrlin KM tMill - Hf I'Hik S u ' I Hr ltl. -..inll.li A I'l l. 1 1 Ill I .rk A.l.irU I Itr iliiii MrlaiiM: - lit lat M tiHH.iu MliN I KVIIiKo- III lill' I'lKrlll.V tUll I'ANAMt- Hr uliiii l.ii nliil - 1-nllT l llllr lir hip fiirt Ji kiHi MtlKHtSK- lir liik rwliill I . ........ 'I'tti-it . Mikry. ttiMtttmnl . kin l.iMll 'IIA1 H1AII ...iJ 1IAII Jll'A litl .Hi'. I'AI lliaali.MRr .Siilliill A llrrli ... In lilt llilltit ,1'AIIHIAI ,'NiHllk. jl'cw 1 1 titiuikim... ll'iMiiXitl ll..ll.-. .. UlllLMH . , thafp . . . Mii'li . , Jiill.-S .. , !.C.-Ii. Mi'D'tiU .. , l.n.tt ... . Mulllo , .... io.J IwiAl ....'l I'.' UiAI I ... UK .n.l mAl .' iii .. I"i'i lAI . 11' 1 l"l 1.1 lifiAt .... i a. IH AI Hull. int. l ulllflo A Co irr, V. A l'o .... A li it. Mrrrr. V. A Co lulluur, (julliiir A I u ' I'Otl H'AI J". XII tt . I'l I'" t . li I'i'.M . "I'twlliri . II "I AAI l'iiri:..ii'l K:..ur Mli; ... .' 1 lll.lirll . M.1...II iivti.l. ... M. Kui,. l l ll. I.l ll . S!i'Ull'l ... Mi I alii. .. Mllim 1 I'riH J. . 1 . 1. t. .11 .l.-nklii" . I') nil I i.timiii 1 ,1'rJ.ilr 'Ml.-.ilm lMi l..-..l .fTlnifkilt'W Nnvlllp Ki'wUmW . Wit klmm.. .. Tn) lr Il..li!f , i.': i"Ai J lAl, "l-'l inf . I'Hi i5UI I'llll l'"AI r I'i'Ai IKiAl j. u 1 miii ti'ii ... ,.u linvl ') lni.M 111 l'.l . I.'V. :il.ll 1'nrllkll'l Flmlt MIIU Ji.i.' iAi - .'I w ImAI Il.,l iAl ;i luiAl ll'.'i IOIAI . 'iwn iiuaI I . Ul? 1KIAI 'sirt liWAI I .jjiuiit jlllO l.iO.M Aftll . US, !!': Mr IT, JIH '. Jnii .V, nl riixlivtil- Jnll '.'.'i'.'N, lUtV Mar 'l. IKt, : .HUH' -i, r ali , i-l I'.irllatiil Hill Man li .'.I, (N , V. April .'J. oil NiAiini Ilan,. ' frli Jt, par,l 'iiiHrnliiilil t'al. iaiMl j Imvrr Marrh l i-amotl arllljf March l . TOTAL tN Saw York... Ailolal'li' .. Alan Ha) Aiiiwiti... Hmnliajr .. .. l allao CiiiiiiiIi.., Calflnwit ....1.111 . 4.1-i-J .... 4 'I .. I ....I.""" ... I.'t'r.' i.MI ....ii.i.ll Irlmal.jr HiiiiKkiiiiii l.ivtriNtil ....... Maurliln Mi'lliuma . ..... M'.iiUniilni I'aiiauia HrlUuit? KKKICKKNCKH J l"" 7S.iew; a paii 1 im.aw. 5 Juiif '.i, p '.',! I. Irani im ilalo, In Mjr m Hlai av Jim 1A. A', N. Ill W 6 Juna fill. W. tut" llln ila .Unrlra) prlur u Jmr 4. Hill havi- lo iliM-hat.-i' twit u rani" Au . anlil -1U lull, "I ratu 7 July Mil. -li ti S, IJ..1II K. TIIIC WAV. Nnwraalla. SW .W TM H v lllo Jt- Jriirro n.l"'.' Y(ik.liui l.'''-' Mliitfamtn. JII.I - , I I'aj I ihiii I ill 1 Hamf lima lrt :i,iM I Hamallnu- lnl VH .U.l.C I 4.K1 i : .; .....4.'.'a:l J IS 1 1 4. lut ,...l.: ....... 1,4ml Hwrtla- MaKull Hhanirlial fori flrla.... Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Co. 31.1 to 331 .South .cpliili.c Street. CII1CA(.(. ILL. .... LAR0R5T MANUFACTliRERS OP ... . FIRE APPARATUS ... AND. . . FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES I IN THE WOULD -flc'ia. J ajralana.a i.aioi' a1 Champion, Hale and Greenleaf Water Towers Halicock Aerial Honk ami I.atlili'f Truck. 1'ntcnt I .ever Steering, Cicneral Service and Hand Hook and I.adu.r Trucks of All Kinds for Cities, Towns and Villages. Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated HAHCOCK and CHAM PION Chemical Kngine, Hand Fire .extinguishers anil Com bination Hose Carriages, Hose Wagons, and Patrol Wagons. We Cater to Western Patronage. Write for 1 $9 6 Catalog A. (. I.OMi. Northwcbtern Representative ,7i ioi uth sTWiirr . Portland, oheuon TIDE TABLE FOR AUGUST, 1896. I llllill WAIfH. lW WA1VH. ;HATK, A.M. j V. . ' A, M. v. u. ; !li. 111 fi !li. 111 fl li im fi !h hi ft FulllMlllV "li "li f. 4,'ilil) U f 1 1 4 I'lOTil, Kniinlnr in Tut V.'l f.:l. - Ufc.iU lii.J MiiiiiIi.v. a 41 fi I 5 lan VM M'I, Hlii.a. Tui.iiuv. i-niii.r a An I liiMU i ilium ttnllLilvfi II M,f,a .".! IH' I'l" Ihnr.iliiy 3 ll mil I I" ' :i AlrHi &'.:! Krlihiy. ill J II l!H i.iil-l l.i : . la in." i. in K.H. in, -l,Hi', l-iliiK !'. I hiiuiiia n( Mum-I A I h.i t. , k' Miaill, Mi, I IraUKi 'ft, Killl Miaill. WHICRATIOS MATTI2UH MARI1M2 Movtinlaa til Vviaiaclai at Mom ami I'.laawhvrni Wlmt I lkni Uone !iy the North west Hoard find Its Officers. fxliiliit.ua ti' Scut ft,! and tccurtrk VIII tutcr 'be MrlU Villi rrat tlcnt lllui!14li"H. fkt Th alfiuiHT lliirrlmiii iiii'IM"! In Hii' Ulility frmii '-'iiial puiiila Ttf lnuk Trnii, fr,iii IIhiikI'.ihiK, u i'iirli i itlllal'l" III"! t vi lllllK. Tli Htni nf riiiif.iinlH iirrlvti) ilnv n nii'l .-ft mil fiirly Hiii'l"y iiimnlnK. Hiitnlny llif KrfiH li Imrk Iu Quin- ililnw nml ll- Ililllali alill wfin tnwfil up rH'rr, Th MiiiimiiIi HI li-nvi- nut tlilii IHUtlllllK tr 111" rliiiltnl nit l"' liil 'luty which will iMiiIii li"i I'-n -'l. TIih llrlllah f'iiir-iiiti-'l !'. '. Ctn-I'i.. tur't, 173 ily fn in S rlmtl.y. ari'lvl In litHt .vi-iiltiii with u tniK" "f rullrtin.il Irtm. Tli" iimni'.'m hi l'-i'iinn i'i Imi'Tt ami mi" (lurliix tliln ''" "'" I I'U'li' - ulurly litipi.tliint nl tin- fn-iwiit mo mi M, iia In wlmt l l-'-iim hy the Mud- nt r'K"i ' i'i:'l,'"r Inltu- UI'lllK lllillllKIHlI'MI I" III" N'TthW'Ht I'm l lie i oiml. , . al-r.lMy !r. .. K. Unity. Hi" K"" iitil H"iil if H Wl"nln tViitra! Iliillr'iii'l Cmiii'iiny, h"'i'inrt"rii t llairliiiifl ivrtiantl, nnlved In lh city ""' K'-n- a-rul UNlri'-ai trip. Mr. Unity him f'rr viiira In-t-n HJi'in ini-ii wiiii iti mm.-i Hi'iVfiiifiitH liM.klnif toward th itrowih uin'. Imi r'.vi'ini iit "f the tt: 'if 'T" iriui uikI th Nnithwtal otiat 111 Ken- r:i'. Whrn (U"all'in-'l hy an Aatijriiin rti'-ai .-illative m tn what I rotrr"aa w In 'itf iiimiI" tnwarila ' urliitr l"iinlKra I). , t. Ihla iiat, Mr. I'ntty i. pll.il: "I am il.al t" ty Hii t thf '' Kir N'irthrt IminUratlun J..ard la ntii nmklnit a K'l Bhnwlnii. The v in k I ImIi'K imrU"'l m il"flti!t-ly Th" . It. It. nii'l N. river .fnint-r llaaaiiln. t'iiuii"lir"'l V"Hii t.iy makliiK u ui ....tti.ii.u't ,,f a i. . -1 1 m n . . 1 untlrr . rvl.ta.it -if th- 1'i.rtli.i.il lM.ur-1 tul.llal,.,! Hn mire to brlntc alx-ut ..! Al 'm.. APhl" ri-iun.. nf I'llnta. Cniliiln I'liini'. Al 11, II" mill "Hi' ll i'n In lh" w in k. ihkiik'-'I An lintni'nav BJii"tiiit or llt'tr hlui", il" tlitlvt; of I'rtK'in, Vahlng Inn mill M"ho. KlvlliK all of til" d"- lulla of th illtTt n-iit locatloiia In t-ut:h alul" ur.'l th"li iik ullur a.)a;.lul.il!ty to fui'inliiat Induatrlia, u wi ll an a loin ili ttr Kiildff to Hi" vurloua iiiaiiufm tur- liiK and inliiliiK ult.-n In llioa- ntnt.-n. la 1,1-lnif dlatrlliutt"! throughout tin riiuntry aa faot h It cun lr I'Ut up and mrllfd. A 'i-lnl car conlainlng ex .1,11.11 of tht varloua fann frialuita of rat.Uln II rt. Hoh. rl...iri, but raft 1 "r-K-.n l no h-lnie tir"i-ar"d which ,. ii f.,., KiMla S.tur-lav H' ""nl " Mlnnai-.U. and placed nla-hi U...I nni liori-d nrar th huoy on ,xh...tln thfre on the-Wth. I.ur- ,H,t Hundny al," wai Inwrd down tht-r "-'"K i i" '" nvvr and l.-d up nr K.nn. y-. c.n-!"f th. ..at. and particular y to h, ,,rryd.- k. wh..ra ah., will rrn.aW, dur- i.uthwt. who win Kiy. Illu.traud . . ' r-nUTtalnmrnta dracrlpllve of thl Inn in nrai uaya 01 inn n-navi-. I ooaat. Th" tuit Wallow u. w hich aaalali-d III towliiK th" Itohcriaoti infl down from Hti'llu. Iiiim not hirii a"t-n In tlilii har bor fur many mimtha Hh" waa wel- , i.-d ,y all of hr old tlm- frlcmla and Hi" watt-i front .-...l.r wire itlad to . her aniilii. WA.NTKD To buy a ft ah boat; also alxmt 2'aj fathom of 7-lnch meah gill net. Addr-a Jno. P. Moore, Weatport, Orwn. Th" NlpKin Yua.-n Kalaha h"a open- I "Thr iuttl"n of tmnnjxirtallon ti ..i , K,.n trranrlaro and la nuol- '"' tini"runt one In thl. connection, ... . .... - . . -i,h thai and aa a railroad man I can aay that ..t iin- rai.irr!n"t "'V " " the tran-contlnental rat,-, ant flac-d W ,-r cant low er. - uf ,h chk8 lln" ...... ,t, .... ... .,., th, I favorable to the movement, and are ikionitliy inia i. .-w .-' ... . , u i ,r airamer.. nw liclin i niaklnu apeA-IM Inducementa to Imml .... .... n,i. .r nnl.hed. i uranta. 1 look for active work to pre w han ,h., aervli e w ill l- increaaed. I rolt. In M-t..W thl. year, and 'am aatlalkd that ma that time we The .-.i..r.-.t.-d ahlf Illalrmore la toll -' '"" I'l'1" ltt",lln our be ..xiuiilni d in a f.-w day.. The work . prepared to make their home. ,.f vl. anlHK up" -till prire,.-. rj , In th" itarden a.ot of the wet and the by tomorrow .-very a."k of dirt will -'f h- '" k .r.t from .he veaael'. In. 1 other. In tlieir train Ail mat ib ..ecu. (erl..r A a ..am a all the mud ha -1 I" harmony anioi.K ourselcea. and been i.ah.'. v' the lllnlrmi-re w III i let H mnke a lonu pull and a .Irons i... . I. .. i,-.! nti.l li. r t lnaalili-at on will be : "k"' noted, r.-fore ah- iapaln.il the veaael na. rated 1"" Al at Lloyd'., and before til.. nWIK'ta Will adept her ht" ill hitv.v tn be put l ark in that rlasa The hull la na aniiiid aa the day the Veya.-l wj liiuiii hi'd. a- there will be H" dl:!l eulty In li'-iiiiiis the lilulniiore l ack on the reitlalec '"all. together The oitU-i r. "f the IminU-ratlon board nre Kill. HiiKhi.. president; II. S. 1'UKUe, U D. O'le. A. H. Ih-'Vi. I.. L. Ilnwkln; V.: Maaten. aeeretary. ' TIU'SE l'Si:Kl'L CCi.NDUITS. The kidney, and hlndder. .ometline. ImMir.e torpid and weak from unascer faptntn I'uxl-V. of the abandoned lulniible cauaeit. When this oicur. llililah ahlp lo.wnnhank. "I'd hi. chief their dlnchargliiB functions la of neces- olllcer, Mr, W.N.ililelil. urrued at riy- .-lty very Improperly performed, and mouth. Kin:., by .learner on July 2Tth certain debrla. which Is the result of and nave the local preaa the follow Ins natural bodily waste and decay, doe. reKiirdliiK the illHiiatroua trip: The nut escape a It should, but remain. tlowanbaiik left Harry late In January , to corrupt the blood and develop pels with a carito of coal, for lqulqul. andjonou. humor, and dangerous aa well waa accompanied to the .outhward by I a. painful diseases. It 1. one of the the (.'edarbank. which sailed aliout the beneficent effect, of Hosteller-. Ptom- .ame time from Ajitwerp for San Fran, inch Illtter. to itently .tlmulate the url' They Lack Life Thar art twines old to n.herm.n on the Columbia, river that .t-nd tn the iimt relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to th. human belng-they lack strength-life -evenness and laating qualities. Don't fool yourself Into U belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just as wall." Tney won't. Tcey cannot. A.8TOKIA IRON WORKS Concomly St., tool ol Jackloo, Attoil. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr land and Marina Englnai, Bollar work. Slaaa toal and Cannary Work Spaclalty. Cattfnft of All Daicrlptlnna Mada to Ordar o. anon nonet. John For... President and Bupertntand.nl A. I Fox Vlo Pre.ldent O. B. Prael Becratary First National Bank. Treasurer Cisco. The weather was very bad. They were fourteen day. fruitlessly endeav orliiK to round Cape Horn. On the mornluK of April l.t a ttale blew from the north northeast, gradually Increas ing to hurricane strenuth; every stitch of canvas on the flowanbank was blown away, and hliih seas swept the decks, and smashed the Ixnit. and bul wark.. At this time the Cedorbank nary organ., and prevent them from lap.ing Into a state of Inactivity, al ways provocative of their Inflammatory degeneration and decay. How much better, then, I. It to adopt thl. mild diuretic as a mean, of Inciting them to action, than to Incur the danger of this destruction. To expel from the ay. tern waste matter throui?h the bowels and kidneys, aud to regulate and parted company, and fears were enter tained for her fate. As the wind veer ed around to the west northwest Its remedy strength Increased, until, on the morn ing of the -2d. amid a storm of snow and rain, the masts of the ttowunbank went over the ship', side, ripping open the deck, and placing the crew In a terrible plight. Worn out with the la bor, of the previous fourteen duys, and and with their sleeping and living quarters floodi-d, the crew had to keep entirely on deck, while the ship drifted at the, mercy of wind and wave. The galu'.tlll prevailed on April 2:'nd, when the bark Lathom, of Liverpool, bore down on the distressed ship, and with much difficult y took off the crew and, after a rough passuge, landed them at Valparaiso. The tlownnbank was still alloat when abandoned, but was not expected to remain above water very I long. The Cedarbank arrived at San Francisco July 22, afier a passage of 187 day., San Francisco Commercial New.. arouse the stomach and liver, are among the chief uses of this valuable NEW PROPOSITION. Big In.uronce Company Make, a Good Offer. Deposit Jl'O per annum for twenty years; then draw J200 per year for bal ance of life, and principal will be paid at death. "Special Income" Policy, Is sued exclusively by The Mutual Life insurance Company of New Tork. Founded 1S43, purely mutual, asset. $221,213,721.33. This Investment can be purchased by ten annual payments, or by single pre mium If preferred. Send exact date of birth to Wm. S. Pond, State Manager, 404-5-6 Oregonlnn Building, Portland, Oregon. MONET LOANED. First mortgages on Improved Farm Property Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages upon Im proved farms In Oregon, Washington and Idaho with Eastern parties and foreign captalists at the usual rate of Interest, Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other companies, now out of business. Address (with stamp) MERVIN SWOKTS, Baker City. Oregon $10 to $1S per week for men and women for easy home work. 2o boogs or canvassing. No experience. Bona fide offer. No Catch. Send stamp lor work and particulars. E. HERMANN, 13 8. Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. WHY WILL YOU SUFFER With corns, callouses. In-growing toe nulls, and bunions? You can have them removed without pain or subsequent soreness by the well-known Chiropodist and Optician. Trof. llibbons. I do no cutting, nor use acid, but sim ply cause a separation between the corn and the flesh, and lift the corn out whole, with a pure vegetable oil. Charges reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for calls at residences. Olllce at Main Street House. ROYAL BaKing Powder. Highest of all In leavenlnf Strength. V. S, Government Report Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No cure no pay. For sale at Es tes-Conn Drujr Store. 1 The cholera epidemic is decreasing In Cairo and Alexandria, but increasing In the provinces. if you want a sure relief for pains in the back, side, chest, or limbs, use an Allcocl Porous Plaster Bear in Mind Not one of the host f counterfeits and Imltava tlons is as gooa a. me bjcuuuic. OUTWARD HOUND OliKGON GRAIN FLEfflM89,rC Annual Hr bark ! Hr alllp ... I Am alilp , 10 fir It.rfc. Ti Hr . i: Hr : a, k I llr ! ok ,. ' Hr IH..., 11 llr ailil ..... II llr !rk ,. Hi r .iiii... H Hr -inn ., n Hi I. r. .. I- Hr .Hi) .I ii. Hr li ',, li Krliark '.' Hr alala ... I Hr Im ik . r, Hr ad n..,. ri.AO, ma- Slit litlh-a.. an rr fatima .faliiaa IrrmiiiiK'llil 'tfalla UulilKirth. I'a, f f-aai.jr , .... . Hril'aela ,.!i in. Kill 'Itiirirliltia ... . . W.Wif I ll'i.ri aii '.y ...... ar ,1'la (A 'ilium tla. .,1'r gikunitt .. Ki.rreat Hall , Irraawlru ,jV I a im ' aaurll ....... 'Iirtiiiiiiin'r ..... .. Aui'lieiit airn Jl'a i ,l ' ro dar. Im: Jan rel. Mar April Mav June .!'! T a t ha; l.raarwail Htrfl I iverjiotu. 1 171 Hrlalol i;ia Cork Ili?tl"rark lyi, Mi mouth val Kliiirroad IIH l;rfc ..... (V.IIII'lUtll.... ,li" Corlt " , ii;a Y .Itnuieh iX'.'l Pllnn!ll itai, l.tvarfaajl , iirm C, i .IW.I ; ; llla falln'Ti'li. .. I7: fa'iii.illll. ,, Hil Aiilw ro S 'l Calill.'lllil . ... .tin all . oaorK" Curl la. ITHi Kit "rani. ., aii.aiia i. yr . I 'r.iiri oi i:i ,iei.. ,,a--,. - - Haemal, W.I Hll'. . . ,, H nl.y Hull ........ I!" y'ii"uiu. ... Iirtiinlalalr ...;! ' -Miibii Iter. !irv.rk... . lo.wi.ii I"2I """! 1 . .VnKmn .v?5 K-lim-ntl. . All.-rt Hlt kmera.... H''"- . I laavrilVi'i I'JK'J '''"' c" ' Crown of "Hand .....r0' .. . K.ralmalid Kia. I.er .... I7JI " I..l . Iia- ill Hiikaiii.h. ... K.ile I l.oina .. .. Ai.lretn, I'Mirhvn taitle.. H.vrlalila. ..... ...... aaitmrkaiid . . .. M'laniau ., K.ilith - V aae.. all (inlua., Hatilltarkhiiril .... , ... I'lilloriitie pnwva Caatle . ia)a:icalr,i Wllill, In 1 uaaen I W lliiriairau-r... .Kaarn V"H aMIIIV.li. itHtAIJt, Jla'tvliilier Hi... laaeamliar XI la Hr .hu K Hr bark IT Ht ahli. . . .. Hr .hlia I llrl.Mrh 'I Hr -Im- H Hr a,'i I er Ship . - Hr alop . la Hr rlllla 71 lier alila. ii Hr Lata I t'r ahlp . ... III ahio II Ht -h';. II llr lurk II Hr alt ata 11 Hr Imik VI Hr leirk . . . I?'.nr liark i.'i.er lnp 12 Hr iiark c Hr "lilo ... . p Hr lurk .la Hr alilp.... 'i (ier liaJk Mi Hi t liaik. If, Hr i rk I', Hr nr In H' o.rk ..... P, li. r nliip , 17 'r l..rk . , 17 Hu. atop i' Hr .lill. ? llr l..-irk l;i Hr a.'iip II llr -HI', 17 V.! l.rtc I Hr uk ,I7H " , . .. 1 1.'! " fjli., " IlitUt " ,at llrlalsl ...... Illoi Uurk Y-r- " ur, - ...... "'-'it PaliiKiutli .. !... 2" ' ... . I ." " '.aKiOrit ... ll ) " , ; V al Kai.-nOI.lll , .i:o ' ,ia laarainiier ...(; January 17 ... rriiniary an.. ii.. " 2il.. l.. a...; .,.! Hnri'h 17 i l I - 7.. ...r tVlarilllt V ft Maif-li it 1 ki-tar'uir -7....' Maicli ! 'J " I M '.' In li) April JO........ Mari'h 7 April " Hi .. ' : n::::z 1 i . " K4 21 " '.' . lime ....... June in ,...,.. April 21 June 7...... " 10... ' " it.... " la . " 4 7.... TI.,... Mhv Jlltia 10 ... 7 H.... June II . o...... I.. hiia i six! limp --. timm It-.tr r.Miire 1 IV, fork ...July a.. ami nan King. I , . v " ' KIMtla-a I -rnlmonlh - 3 !.); i.ilia .,. 'Z.Z'-.....'.M I 'lidon - ....... ." 'f . i;o', i-aliii'iiiwi J'liy I a r - Town l-na 1- 4 - aini'-utu.. tlllilin-a ... Hf-liM.....- "" Wea'. ril " a:eh... .... I.lli-lor-a AMjee Maralll -ll - .... liiintmiie - , ... Knrfarrliire - Manual wnitiii-iuj... . Jul V 11 - fik . "Hf Jl-1 Alra " . ...run " outh y, ir ,,.tk KirctidliriKlilsniro li oar 11 Hr lurk I'llui.ll.alll) li.. .Inn . Auiiuat I.. i. Hr al.lu . U )r alilp... Jl Hr l.ark II Hr l-ark ill r.r 'ilp... jnieriieaa-alilre. , aralia , f.rnttaiikt . Aiialrui'la!..,..-.. M.'lr.,..ba ..I'-'lIT ..ivarpool . ...1I-7I Cork .. ialAIo. Hay .... ".CiCork . l-Il Cork f!ll(l w;i7S .V'.'I ,Vl 7l 4J,7.) 31 f7l i ll ll'i BC.-H l 7-iarJ Si. 1,1 f. t ni M.i.7 .'J'4 .V.M'I K in mn.i 73,7i.'. .,..', 7r,.-i !'. II an.7) f..'.''4 H M.7! M.arll 7H "11 A! 010 !:. M.iir. I Il7.'l a,a.l 4a.'am "l K 91.110 t!.2 4'. I'M V.Jtil 4a .."Wl f. i.l',7 4Ma M 7J0 ,V ai ftl..'" a' iai 4. '. 'In s 71.171) la JEW 4:i.-.'l 3M.MI J7.4KI 7.4l'i .H.1 .() ',,) .V..IM) 4f,,'l M.ftl r,)n Vl,') OitajO "7i'V" J!.'0 rv.,i I7 WJ ""Kiiii" 7i i tUtHO 44.IHO KIJKal 4o, mi &".. H;J) Vi i'.i HiD 711 la 7I.HM nm H'n ' .!" .V.' Ml ll0 42, i.Hii "sijao ,1i 'al f.'rtll l.l) .'..' 4.iil0 7i.fVai' j.7'a iia.ua .'ij ft ,iaa II w 7i.'"l .V.ma) 49.' ) 77,) tt"n .VJ.fail OlrlHO ailll'I'fKa, I'urtiaiiil "tl'n'ir"iliil . Ilaltuur, Oulhrle at Co Mllin A Kerr "alf ntr. Onlhrla ft Co I K ' iimarnll 4 Co IC El. aiin Ci ., Portland Hmir Mllla .Iltaatti it Korr ...w.........' " .1 RCamer n ft to ...... Hiiilimr (iullrrle 6. Co. t ., . .1 R Cain-r-'n 4k Co rnrtlaiiU rl"itrli.la... Ha Knur, Uulliilr a Co J Kliimi'fn' ('o PC Klavattaf Co Halfour, Hu hrl Jl Co HllM.n a Kerr Hal our. (aiithrle 4k ' o....... l-nrtlaiirl r lour Mills. .1' C V avator Co HaPnur, lolllirla A tin....... 1'iirllaiiil I'l ur Mbla Ilai'iur, IHlihrlH aV Co.. J K I aioer.,n 6 Co -ail.aa.r. 4t Ki-rr,.,Mm...H.., fC KiatainrCo .1 It (4namn & Cm aP-aoii k'-rr Portland Hour Mill 4 lt.T balluiir, (linlirlr li Co t.. '..MM A t Camamn aV Co.... Hall ui, liuinrl t ' o, ....... i-otlUn,', Kiniir .li.la... PC i-l-naoar Co rilMon li ka-rr r C rlayalor Co Mlnon Ka r ...'."Z.T". . I KCatnar .n It I - ... . Ponland ilour Milt ....... .11110 K-rr . . . B.ilfi.nr, .u hrh-. Co. , M . H A Bar ... J H ameh'ti C PC Elevap rCo Kalfwir. lic' rie A Co....... Portliinl H-itr Ml'U'" . B.ifi-n-, fi' thru Co.... "il-iii it K'rr alfiiur linttir e 41 Co .tt'on A- Karr J K ' anictiin A Co.. I'.iif'.iir. (iuilirta aV t o .1 K lain'-rtiti At C Ha tour, UiHliria a l o I Hl' , " ''" " avT ltaa!;!." -;i;l I -a.... ail I -a. CI IIH ..... .. all I 1 kvl .. ail i .- ,. il liM ! .. tl IT (id .. ll ia. , il I -.. ,. il I .. ill IX ,. J l'. . til V..... .. til IT tld .. U li tail . all I7 W . ail lit -! ., tl 7 M til ll l .. all ITa a.) ,. til I"..... kl lit" VI , ail ImH . u r w .. i i ... ,. il I ' M .. all It 4l ill 14 . Cl a l til 1-i a! Ail IT fltl a; I l-n ial ... ail J.la tal .til ma 3.1 ... CI I'. , CI I ... ill 17a d .. ail I ...... .. tl pi 3.1 tl 1.1.- . tt Ka ... ail la ltd ... ail IV.., .. ail . a i ' i .. ail li' kl . . itlval. ei pi. cl is- 3d .il I-'-..-. . til l t ail a lt .. 1 M- W atl-.t1, . ei 3d ... ti ' .. owner aw "' i;'i""Si'Zn ilalfour, Guthrie A Co C !' ii. iu, A'o.iai). I A-- '.'ii. n.uir, aiif -- - t k.. ri....r ..Hu. a'aiiaai ..I,... taiui l.arav. .1 mill. iainc?.i"-i. r N-li.0t Valiia H .'!. 1 ralua H.'l. P- Ai! 1 11.170 "tl. I.rler T.lne SlUa). i- Mu 7W) I.I.I. Hour, r.lna l-JjU-a.) rtv ' ti .'.. ' . . - J. B Caitiamn t Co .- "it, t'tia l,rl-T. tnUue ti.i.iaio. u-UX lil.i- tfiuT, ;-ltli'. !''! notir, value W.kjO. H-i'TJK bl.lf rl sir irtla barler. tIii ii,liaj K-P.t.iMI Mil Dour, uuu nour, tralue t!.i,. o Also .. iu uoim. WANTED. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Apply at 667 Exchange street. w a VTF.n At once: active agents for each county. Exclusive control and no risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full particulars or 25c for $1 sample. Big Rapids Mineral Water Co.. Big Kaplds. Mich. 1872 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Fisher Brothers, Sell ASTORIA FOR RENT. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold baths; call at this office. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms with or without board. Apply 181 7th street FOR BALE. FOR SALE Two cottages, new. In quire of Mrs. Hall. 361 Exchange street, or A. A. Cleveland, Kinney Building. FOR SALE 12-room Lodging House. Centrally located; cheap lease; bar gain. ABtorla Land and Inv. Co., 3o5 Commercial street. liPAVF.SP r.OODS Firework. lust out-Just received Just what you want, at Wing Lee's, Ml Commercial street. STEAMERS Bailey Gatzert & Oeean Wave (White Collar Line.) TIME CARD. OCEAN WAVE. Leave Astoria Leave Portland- Tuesdays 7 p.m. Mondays 8 p.m. Thursdays 7 p. m. Wednesdays 8 p. m. Sundays 7 p. m. Fridays, 8 p. m. Connects at Astoria at 8 a. tn. Sun days with steamer leaving Portland 11 p. m. for Flavel and Ilwaco. BAILEY GATZEKT. Leave A.torla Leave Portland- Mondays a. m. Monday. 8 p. m. Tuesdays 6 a. m. Tuesdays 8 p. m. Wednesday 6 a. m.Wednesday 8 p. m Thursdays 6 a. m. Thursdays 8 p.m. Fridays 6 a. m. Fridays 8 p. m. Saturdays 6 a. m. Saturdays 11 p. m C. W. STONE. Agent Emil Schacht RRGHITEGT GEO. NICOLL, Assistant. OFFICE: Kopp's Hew Brewery Cheap Clothing The Hop Lee Clothing Factory and merchant tailors, 608 Commercial St. makes underclothing to order. Butts and trousers made to fit perfectly. Every order punctually on time and satisfaction guaranteed. Good goods sold cheap. Call and be convinced. Most so-called "salmon twines" are col ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre and render the material useless. In thi office of Elmore, Sanborn A Co, 1. an ob' Jeot lesson that ought to be examined by all fishermen. It I. the whole of the material used In the manufacture of Mar- ahall'a twine from .tart to finish. Go there and examine tht color right through. You will see then why Mar- hall's Is called the best la the world. Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & 6uelt Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour ik Mill Feed, Paint9, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank'8 Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons & Vehicles. SEASIDE SRWM- a nnmnl.1. atm-lr nf lumbar on hand in th mueh or dressed. Flooring, rus tic celling, and all kinds ot finish; ! mouldlnes nd shingles: also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bed rock. All oraer promptly attended to. Office and yard at mllL H. F. L. LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Ci nam arrerr day from I o'clock to IJI and (JO to i p. m- SubK-lptioa rates u per annum. 8.W. COR. ELEVENTH DUANB BT BREMNER & HOLMES Blacksmith a. RnMi attanHna iJd to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, eta LOGGING CflJUP DORK fi SPECIflltTY. 117 Olney street between Third and and Fourth. Astoria. Or. J.A FAST ABEND, QENERAL CONTRACTOR, HOUSE, BRIDGE RflD QIHRRF BUILDER HOUSK MOVER. Hons Moving Tools lor Rent. ASTORIA OREGON GIVES CHOICE OF TRflpSGOOTEflTflli ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Paul Via Ogdeo, Denver and Omaha op St. Paul Pullman and Tourist Sleepers ; Tree Reclining- Cnair Cajjjs Astoria to San Francisco. Columbia, Wednesday, July 22. State of Cal, Monday, July 27. Columbia, Saturday, Aug. 1 State of Cal.. Thursday. August 1 Columbia. Tuesday, August 11. State of CeX, Sunday, August 1J. Columbia, Friday. August 2L State of CaL, Wednesday. August 2X. Columbia, Monday, August tL Astoria and Portland Steamers. T. J. Potter leaves Portland Mon days at 8 l m Tuesdays and Thurs days at 8 p. m. and Saturdays at 1 p. m. Leaves Ilwaco Mondays, Wednes day, and Fridays at 4 p. m. and Sun days at S p. m. Leaves Astoria Mon days, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sun days at 7 p. m. R. R. Thompson leaves Astoria dally except Sunday, at 6 a. m. Leaves Port land daily, except Sunday, at i p. tn. Saturday at 11 p. m. Tickets of steamers Ocean Wave and Telephone are good on all these boats. All four boats go to each other's docks each night and morning for freight and passengers. For rates and general Information call on or address G. W. LOCNSBERRT. Agent W. H. HCRLBPRT. Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or. 1 C-ktrkaatrr-a t'.r'Uk tHaaaa4 Rra-A Pehnyroyal pills w .X . i SV .... 11 ran r-ilaAia. a.AOIl -1 fl VntttliX tor rttrtsT rvt4- Pt ask Brnd 19 Ktd and G'vaU KrtlawVVft c-aioj vita. tlo ncix. ifMktl VJT ataai aaaauawA tukin laiu ana tmUStot. At UrfWlt. MO. 4V in nr frr pAntenl&ra. itijwlal u-1 MK4ir Tor ..adlr." wow. netmm SfllV b 1-1 LtMU prkiat-w. I'kJiMfk. s tarn A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tenth and Commercial streets. S. Freeman, late of Freeman & Holmes. R. T. Earie. late of Stockton. Cal. F0UNDRYHEN Blacksmith-, Machinists and Boiler Makers Manuiaoturine ij flu ijqJs of Iflaehinery Iron and Brass Castings Ueueral Blacksmith W ork - PECIALTIES - Welch Patent Wheel. Ship SSmlthlnif ana Steamfoat Work, cannery ana Mill Machinery. Marin and Stationary Boil- Are You Going East? Be sura and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. 'ers Built 10 OrJer. SpKlallvequlpre-l 'or lotcers' work Correspondence solicited 18th and Franklin. Phone 78 ROSS HIGGINS k CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Aatorla Flat Teas and Coffees. Tibt Delicacies. Doa.atlc sad Tropical Fruits. Vacuoles, Sugar Cured Hans. Bsc 00. Etc. Choice Fresh nd Salt Meats. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This Is the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ve Ubuled Dining and Sleeping Car Train, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion, All classes of paasengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over thl. famous line. AU agent, have tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt. 248 Washington St., Portland. Or. Parties desiring the best of Job printing at the lowest price, .hould call at the Astoria Job office before going elsewhere. r 'I 7 ( t r 1 s ) 1 E -'i