The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 04, 1896, Image 4

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TUB npj1
VJUi 1... A RES0RT
n4 nth SU.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Ans oa application.
New Astoria...
Is locate! at the terminus of the Astoria anl
Columbia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columbia River.
It fronts on the deep water of the Columbia
River Harbor, anl being perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docks for
ships on this bay; therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the great Northwest.
These facts were recognized by the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted upon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact, it is laid out on modern plans.
. Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
The New Astoria Company
We Carry a
Fine Line of
Complete Stock of Summer
Footwear, Bathing Shoes, Etc.
John Habn & Co.
W arrested
479 Commercial St.
Local weather for the 24 hours end
Ins at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished by
the United State Department of Agri
culture. Teather Bureau.
Maximum temperature, 67 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 57 degrees.
Precipitation, .10 Inch.
Total precipitation from September
1st, 1S95, to date, 77.97 inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, 1895, to date, 6.50. inches.
Forecast For Washington, occasional
light showers, cooler. For Oregon, fair
weather, except occasional showers in
northwestern portions.
Big Insurance Company Makes a Good ',
offer i
Deposit $90 per annum for twenty
years; then draw J200 per year for bal
ance of life, and principal will be paid
at death. "Special Income" Policy, Is
sued exclusively by The Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York.
Founded 1843, purely mutual, assets
This Investment can be purchased by
ten annual payments, or by single pre
mium If preferred. Send exact date of
birth to Wm. S. Pond, State Manager,
404-5-6 Oregonlan Building, Portland,
For 15 cents you can secure an excel
lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant, No. 571 Commercial street.
They are also fully prepared to lerve
all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of
the season, as well as oysters In every
Imaginable style at the lowest living:
prices. Come once and you will con
tinue to come.
A gentleman', resort, at corner Bond
and 12th streets. Th. finest brands of
liquor, and cigars always on hand. Call
and try ua.
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn lrng Store.
10c and 25c per package.
Meany 1. the leading tailor, and pay.
th. highest cash price for fur skins.
Clarkson & Marvin
Promptly FBrnisnel
Beaver Hill
and Gilman
For Family or Hiram rnriiaes
If you will look into the
is the cream of west side property. The center of improve- j
ments is here, ami as an investment for business or a home!
there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition, Iu j
lots are all large, full size, 50x1 00. Prices range from S-loO
to $250 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Savei
your change and buy a lot in
An office bu been opened by th. pro
prietor, on. door east of the
hardware .tore. Call, be .bown the
merit, of thli property, and Invest.
75 kuy
any o?
j our
j $f, $1.15 to SI. BO
Albert Dunbar.
; Try the P. N. Summer Corset.
I Tbcy arc cool, and good fitter.
And as I wake, sweet music breathe
Above, about, or underneath.
Sent by some spirit to mortals good.
I Or th' unseen genius of the wood.
j Milton: II Penseroso.
The fishboats still continue to come
in heavily loaded.
Dr. W. I. Howard, Homisopathlst, 686
Commercial street.
The finest separator cream In the
city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's.
Best Ice cream In town, cheap. Par-
'rs for ladles' Astoria Creamery, 455
Duane street
The new electric light wire poles be
ing erected by the Trulllngers, are an
ornament to the city.
Griffin & Reed report that they are
selling three McKlnley campaign but
tons to one silver button.
Dr. Bushong, former pastor of As
toria, Is expected to preach at the M.
E. Church next Sabbath.
Go to the Spa for your candles and
Ice cream. The only first-class place
In town. Crushed fruits always on
Rev. Dr. Van Scoy's sermons at the
M. E. Church last Sabbath were high
ly appreciated by the large audience
Ice cream by the bushel at C. B.
Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty.
Private parlors for ladles. 483 Com
mercial street.
M. Babbldge has been appointed
baggage master on the Seashore road,
and the new order of mall service went
into effect yesterday.
Messrs. Walter Stokes and I. L.
Osgood made the run Sunday on their
wheels from Gearhart to the Point Ad
ams lighthouse In one hour.
A large number of dead salmon
are lying along the beach In Upper
town, and are beginning to create a
Room Company
216 anil 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
Trf If
s I I J II.,
A CO. Accnts. AstorU.
situation you will sot? tht
loud disturbance,
city scavenger.
There used to bo a
The now fire alarm system ha been
completed as far as I'nlontown. and . " '
the new box will be placed tn position, j MiM x,.,,,,. ,;etJ llf Aa,e,U. CaU
at the Last Chance Saloon, a soon as ! ,, Vstinit wlth MM Kl,h 0lin
It arrive, from Portland. i
! Mrs. L. Klrchoflf and children have
If you want a tooth brush, nail ,.,. , . lleaoh for a visit,
brush, cloth brush, hair brush, hat ; '
brush. Infant brush, shoe brush, nuns-, -A. C. lilgger. symphnnlum agent.
Ins bottle brush, or nursing bottle tube Portland, spent yesterday In the city,
brush, (ro to Rogers. 4."9 Commercial j
street. j " Hammond. I.. IS. Seeley, and
S. H. Prown Jr. went to Portland Sun
Mr. R. L. Doyle reports that the j day night.
loans recently made by his company,
the Fidelity Trust and Savings In
stitution, of Penver, will be consum
mated In a few days, and he antici
pate, doing
a good business In As-
In Justice -Abereromblo's court yes
terday, J. J. Kenney was bound over
to the grand Jury for assault upon A
T. Ross, and was placed under bonds
of fc'.OoO. His sureties are Albert Sea-
feldt, Peter Dourel.
Charles Wlrkkala.
Alex Grant inj t
C B. Smith, the confectioner, carries
the only complete stock of French and
American candies In the city. Prices
from 10c to J3.0O per pound. All mall
orders receive prompt attention. Fresh
candles manufactured every day. 43
Commercial street.
The great demand for cheap and
stylish suits, capes, and ladies' sep
arate skirts, has decided Mrs A.
Modes to remain In the city for a few
days longer. Call at Mrs. McKen
xie's millinery store and see the best
bargains ever offered In Astoria.
A schedule of the steamer T. J. Pot
ter between Astoria and Ilwaeo has
been prepared for th month of Aug
ust. A copy will be furnished each of
the hotels. By calling at any of these
places, or at the O. II. anil N. or Tele
phone dock this information may be
Alex. Gilbert's pavilion and grounds
at Seaside may be had for use free by
persons or societies that wish to give
excursions to the beach. Itoth pavilion
and grounds are In excellent condition,
and those who wish to give picnics
would greatly add to the attractions
by accepting Mr. Gilbert's liberal offer.
At the recent great council of Red
Men, In Portland, Concomley Tribe No.
7, of Astoria, was awarded the ban
ner, a. the leading tribe of the state.
Grand Representative Cleveland
brought back with him the handsome
ly decorated broom which he present
ed last evening to the tribe as their
well-earned trophy.
The county court convened yester
day morning and among other matters
H. F. L. Logan was given permission
to maintain a tramway across the
county road at his Seaside sawmill.
The bids for the ferry approaches at
Young's river were rejected. James
Maher, a subject of Great Britain,
was admitted to citizenship. W. J.
Ingalls was appointed to take charge
of the draw bridge at the Lewis and
Manager Chutter, at Booth's can
nery, was yesterday very much sur
prised. An old man, bent with age,
walked Into his office, and in a mo
ment he was recognized as Dan Lin
den, who years ago used to fish for
the Booth people. Linden and his dog
are well known characters on the Col
umbia river. Everey season for many
years, he made the trip in a small
skiff from a point on the Columbia
fifty miles above Portland, to Asto
ria, to engage In fishing. He rows the
entire distance of 150 miles, with no
company except his dog, and seems to
have patriotic pride In .the salmon
fishing Industry. This Is) the first trip
he has made down the river in about
five, years, and while he was a little
late In arriving, and Ib past the SO
mark, he still expects to take his net
out on the river.
Regular quarterly teachers' exam
ination will be held, beginning Wed
nesday, August 12, at 1 o'clock p. m.,
at High School Rulldlng, Astoria, Or.,
and continuing the remainder of the
week. Applicants for county rertlfl-1
eates will be present promptly and
remain until the close.
Examination for state diploma will
be held Saturday, AugUHt 15, begin
ning at 9 a. m. at same place.
Sch. Supt., Clatsop Co., Or.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Odd Fellows' Land and
Building Association will be held at
Odd Fellows' Hall on Thursday, Aug.
27th, at 2 o'clock p m.
By order of the president,
A. J. MEGLER, Secy.
Architect Hchiicht returned yester.
t ilnv ft-,,.,, K..A..I.
Mr ti. V. Lmmsberry. who is con
j st.lerahly better, left last evening with
j his family for a flying trip to Port
j land.
M. Johnson. Stella; M. A. Seager,
I Portland; Win. Hetford, Penver; HI
I rain Parker. Vine Maple, are at Iho
j Parker.
Mr. Max Chillock. editor of the Elk."
j Journal. Portland. wa In the city
yesterday on his way
He.ich to Portland.
from North
Sam II. Story, I. It. Ogden, C L
Sehnabel. M. M. Harris, U. F. Heck.
1 F. Hackney and w lf. J. W. Seller
! wood. A. t. Rarker, the railroad man
It. II. Wilson. Portland; l. J. M. Lang
and wife, Chicago, TyKr llenshaw and
wife. (J. Sweet, and J. A. Hell. Sun
Francisco, were registered at the Oc
cident yesterday.
Saturday and Sunday there was
rush of guests at the Seaside hotels
that much resembled the run of snlm
on at present engaging the attention
of Astoria, the point of dissimilarity
being that the visitors were all w.
come and served to enlarge the already
numerous family on the Clatsop shore
tlearliart was fairly taken by storm
when the large crowd arrived.
Ivan Van Scoy, of the Portland
l Diversity, visited (Jearhart on Sat
A lady bicyclist made the run from
Gearhart to Flavel a day or two since.
This is perhaps the first on record.
Mr. J. W. Clemens, the Portland
agent of the Royal Insurance Co., Is
enjoying his annual encampment at
Gearhart. Mr. Clemens' tent possesses
all the desirable novelties of camp life,
together with the comforts of home.
Quite an addition to the tenting fra
ternity at Gearhart was made Satur
day and the width and length and
depth of their spreading city is now
considerable. The Verandas and parlors of Hotel
Gearhart are every evening filled with
people, each group of reporters pur
suing its own favorite amusement,
and from a distance In the darkness
the brilliantly Illuminated building
presents an aspect of a midsummer
night's holiday.
Mr. J. E. Hlggins Is a frequent vis
itor at Camp Wlnsted. The only ob
jection Mr. Hlggins has to Gearhart
is that it Isn't In Astoria.
Ju lglng from certain rumors some
misunderstanding relative tn the rates
at Hotel Gearhart must exist with
the public, which should be rectified.
This hotel, as Is well known, to Its
many patrons, Is one of the finest on
the coast, and conducted In a first
class manner at very reasonable rates.
For the benefit of those who have been
misled, It would be no more than cour
teous to say that the rates are from
$2.0) per day upwards. It has been
customary to make special rates for
those anxious to spend some time at
the beach, and undoubtedly Manager
Karmore will do his best In that re
spect this summer.
Mr. J. R. McCracken occasionally
finds time tomake a trip down from
Portland to Gearhart.
Mrs. A. E. English, of Omaha, has
come West and is located temporarily
at (Jearhart Park.
Mr. A. G. Rarker, the genial repre
sentative of the Northwestern rail
road, came down with his family to
spend a few day. near the surf.
During the recent rain, where one's
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gnld Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
A Beautiful Addition on the
West Side.
j !
! i
i j
! !
stove mas located In Hie .,n, U re
quired two to cook, tine to handle
the kettles nn, I the oilier to hold (he
Mi. 11 V l'mel I siting at the
Sclgfrlitl Young and Jullu Wilbur
have christened their camp "smoky
Astoria requit e a cut few to end
poopl - ti bed but Seaside need one
to rouse them Sunday morning..
A lingo crowd went down to
liuliv's on Saturday.
t-tirlnc the rire at midnight Sunday
Professor Navoni, the well known mu
sician, who came lure about two ami
a half year ago to niter the employ
of Peter iMircl, was smothered. At
the time the tire broke out, NitVonl,
with others, whs playing cards In the'
back room of the Anchor saloon. lie
hastened out and warned several
neighbor of the fire, and then at
tempted to mill his room In the sec
ond tloor to rescue his music and per
sonal effects. He was not seen to
enter the building, but was discover
til after the fire was extinguished. An
effort was made to resuseltute him.
without avail. It Is supposed that he
whs overcome by the smoke In the
building. He leaves a wife In Call
from whom he has been Sep-
ant) relatives in asnington.
P. C. and Cincinnati. The funerul
w III be held at 1 o'clock tttday, and
the Interment will b, made at Green
wood. The origin of the fire Is unknown,
but the loss to the pr-'pl letor. the
Hon. IlenJ. Young, Is small.
We take pi. aMiic In Informing our
pntpins un 1 the public generally that
we have r- tnoveil fmrn Twelfth street
to more coinm.Hlt,,us quarters, an I re
spectfully Invite an Inspection of our1
stock of the latest nov Itle. In clocks, i
silverware, Smyrna rims, curtn
portlers. mlir.'rs. pictures, Imp
dress goods, capes. llk waists, etc.
Goods soi l for rnsh or on easy pay
ltd Tenth Street.
P. S Ftr one week, beginning Aug-
list 1,
we will renew our Ihrlatms.
offer of one enlargetl. handsome rray-;
on portrait, free of charge, for II or!
more of purchase. This offer will pos- j
ltlvely continue for one week only.
An election will be held on Monday, I
August 10th, lSf6. at the house of!
Kescue Engine Co. No. 2, for the pur- I
pose of .lectins one Chief Engineer,
and two Assistants for the ensuing j
year. I oils will be open from 10
o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m. of
said day.
Judge. -C. H. Stockton, J. II. Mor
rlson, and Geo. Stevens.
Clerks, L. E. Selig ami W. T. Scho
flelJ. W. A. WENIO,
President Astoria Fire Dept.
Attest: F. J. Carney, Acting Secy.
The Sisters of the Convent of the
Holy Names have arrived In Astoria,
anil will remain here permanently.
They can be found at their residence,
Judge Taylor's former home, Frank
lin avenue and ICth street. Those who
desire to make application for term. !
of tuition, music, etc., wilt please call
All bills due the firm of Humphrey.
& M'.f'ormlck are payable only to the
john Mccormick.
Most so-called "salmon twines" or. col
ored with acids. The acids rot th. fibre
nd render the material useless. In th
office of Elmore, Sanborn ft Co. Is an oh
Ject lesson that ought to b4 examlnrd by
all fishermen. It Is the whole of th.
material used In the manufacture of Mar-
hall's twine from .tart to finish. Go
there and examine the color right
through. You will see then why Mar
shall's Is called the best In the world.
Home Is not such a bad resort after
all, but you can't get the young peo
ple of the family to think so.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Use Webi'oot Corn Cure. No
care no pay. For sale at Estes-Conn
liruir Store.
Sweet peas and bluets formed a
unique blossom combination In table
decoration at a luncheon recently.
. Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
time: card
Of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R.
In ettiTt July J5, tS.i.
To I 1st.,
I ',H , e.e, )il
a ,
i i
t M V M f l . I'.tl. i 1. l. V. M.
ti : Ills-H 7;ii0 .Vim Ii:.t7:.l'i U-arc
rt :lS:l.s;:l7. ;:s K::':i 7 4:i
, Junction
IS ;ol7:III.V4l Id '.Vi7;4;
. . Warrriili'ii .
, .SUpsnoti . ,
. . Morrison . .
. tllctmissl. .
, Cnrimlinn. .
. Weston
, .t'lal". City
. .UulltMlield '
, .to-arliart . ,
t:'.'.'H:MT.I33:4S M;,M7:K
fl :!t'i t r. it a .v in x.7 .:
tl :IM tVi 7 .VV liMi7..Vl
tl t! ll7:'.t!tl tl III 1:111
t! 41'J 14 7 .IIMI 01 III: p.m. (IV
tl !! U : l'.i 7 ::U f :O0 10 ,"4 H (Hi!
M II ". I 7 :3 M 10 .i s . 3
7.01 l.:il7:47ti."l ll:IK,N.:d
7 :! :.7 :6I .'. 1 1 : U H :M
7:10 0 -4o7 :.V. tl :tO U :3H:H0 Arrive Sea.ido .... tnv tl 77. a 43 4 .! 3 :4S 7 13,3 :u)
t Tratni nmrrl nr.! ,-lm
ird nr.t eliiu enrrv iwrwmal
llutK uy .to at arn i.leii I at union, nii.l
1 nn HMturdsv Nim. nit, t h run through
No jeoi.iieeu Willi ninlit boat from IWlnml; nl.o allli steamer K. I.. Im.n leaving
Adorin i " . in.
No. i coiiueeta w nn Mfatmr Pwyer, leaving-
No ei.nii wis Willi ibtv Inmi to, in l',,r ilni.,1.
alio Willi Hleamrr llwyor, lrwtll Astoria al 4
hour curlier
Stt. .H.nuerU with Mtc-aiuer ISillrr leaving
, N i .11., W,, i,,t 1hi mmi I'urtlan.l leavimj A.lorln at a. in Hu,l.f. alo
won iiner iw r i. nm .t.ioria at 7 c a.
No. 11 colllleela Willi btatla for Aalorla ami
SHh, Drq Goods
thin furccJ kiiIv;
V'MI C .1.1
li.'M percent lit the ORI3C30N
Gearhart Park
! I
j ;"
Clatsop Beach
For tha Next
Few Days
A Corrple'.e bine of
Liadies' Suits, Caps
nd Separate Shirts
All txit suaranlr.J Jlr.i from tin well known
prlcrt and aMaa. No IrotiMa Ift thow P'-"J.
Report of th Condition
or th.
First National Bank
At Aiturla. In the Stole of Ori'ituti, at the rinse
of business, July II. IKM,
II KKI Liters.
t naiim no. I ,1 l.noot. a,.,., ait. at
Ovenimfis accureil ii"riiri--piiiV-.L,""'. " lin.'i.-. !
I . H. Iltilul. to ..-cure elrcillstl.ili.w 1'.-.M III
I'Mlnlllli,. dm V. H. iMtmls.
I.imi mi
Htnrka, siriirltles, ete
Oilier Ileal fcniutu ami Moriuuue,
Duefpiin iialioiialiiiiikN (not react ve
llVCM xi
nitwits) S.tsT Ml
Hue from state banks ami thinkers , ri.Mt.1 Id
Due from npirove.l reserve luienta 4U,mm ii
Clierka ami other caah lleuis a.', ti
Nickels and renii vt
LAwri-i. Miimv Hkskkvk im IIask, Viz:
IJliecle S71.30O 00
neneiiiiiioii iiinn Willi i:, n. ireasllrer
6 perreiit.uf clreuliit loin.. nr.j ,w
Total i:n ,,',) 1 fi'j
Ciinltiil stock i.Hhl In
I no.iNNi nn
lo,ui) mi
! Mori, In. food
l' ml I v lil prollii le. e-
is'iises kikI taxes nalil VI ;i 7a
National hunk notes mil
"tniMlliig ",100 00
Individual depuslta sub
ject to cheek f.'ll.SSl tiO
iJumand ccrtlflcntei of ilu
pon 1 1 4S,7 1 1 M-W7 .ff-'fl M
ote and bills rflla
counted 0.720 117
Total ..i;u,Ml i:u
Hlate ol Oregon, i
County of Clatsop, f '
I, . rl. (ionloii, cBihier of the Bhnvw iiumeil
bunk, do solemnly nwesr tliitt the ahov.i slate
nient Is true to Hie liei.t of mv knoivl.-ilire anil
belief. S. H (IDUDiiN, i iihler.
Sulwrllied iiii'l sworn to lieloie me this Jolli
day of July, misi. FRANK I.. I'.Mtli Kit,
Notary Piilillo.
Ciirrect-Attesl :
JOHN A lihVMN, Directors.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria .ad Upptr Attorl.
FlntTass ind Colfeaa, labia D.llcadM, Domaatk
tni Tropical Fruits. Vaeatahln, Sucar
Curad Hania, Bacon, tc.
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
Land &
Bond Street...
Astoria, Or.
Ihttlv, rVrt
Arrive 7 'jou 4." ft UIH 40H ;,1(K
7 UI7-87 I .V.'rt .' .iff.v.V
7 K 'i .at 4 ,4i. il;:? .0I 3:4l
- I'H-i ::': 4 4'.'S.SI7 .VS 41
!tlU i!-J HTtl h7.3;'R 87
,il M'l 17 4. Sill 11 7 473 .".'J
(l .M'.i m.'.'Hrt 11,7:4.13.7m
II 47 0 00 4 74 0 07 7 .110 3 74
II 4:1 0 0.14 70 tl HI 7 :!I.VS TO
it HOW ill 4. 13 3:3o 7. .lO,VI3
tllC.H Vi4 .10 3 M; : 73 3: 111
il :m H :M 4 03 3 -Ml 7 70 3 113
lvajrfi.e. iml a,,: rrclehi. N,
l. rluirl, M
out) hour l-rfor time e wn oil lime rnrd.
Aslorin at - l. a. in.
nt.i Willi Ihmk n.ou Ilwaeo ( Portland
il p. III. rti-rpt tinlnv w lieu im.r la un af I n m MMinr1M mi..i i.i..n.
in atu..i.
Port Slid
C. f. I.Pxl upi
600 Commercial St.
Hants, ntc.
! i
Jl . J a.
'. : .
: S3 a .
The Ideal Summer
Hhould oftur gaiety for tbo ray. ml J
Tor tilt) weary, a beautiful country for
the nature lover, plnnxatu horn, and
gonial climate for all. Thcwtw and many I
othtir attraction, may be found at the
Gearhart, within eaay rnach of Astoria-
For additional information, ad-drtMa-
In nil the I.atct Style anj
PvNluns, M ill he
DlspliijcJ ut
il sod riAiN kii.
hom. of H. II. IITT, of IvmunJ. Call anl x.mlna
MMM, A. ll(tlBM
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those w. servo, w.'r. tryln la
very way to m.k. th.m th mo.t .n.
Joyabl In town. All the "good things"
of th. season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious styl.. per
feet service.
If you Invite a frland to the Palact
Rnstaurant the place la a aulTlclent guar,
antco that he will receive a good meal.
The Palace Restaurant
Wall Papar, Artists' Materials, p.lnti,
Oils, Glau, ate. Japanaia MalllnBi,
RueianJ Bamboo Gnodi
36.-J Cc mmercinl Htreet.
They Lack Life
There are twine, .old to fl.hsrm.a .
on the Columbia river that .land la .
the .am. relationship to Marshall'.
Twin. a. a wooden Image doe. to th .
human being they lack .trength llf.
-evenness and luting qualities Don't -fool
yourself Into th. belief that other ,
twine, beside. Marahall'a will do "
.. well." Thejr won't. They cannot