The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 30, 1896, Image 4

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m .r'
Beaver Hill
and Gil man
and nth St.
gentlemen ,
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mas oo application.
New Astoria
Is located at the terminus of the Astoria and
Columtia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columtia River.
It fronts on the deep water ot the Columtia
River Hartor, and tein? perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the vry test docks for
ships on this tay: therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the great Northwest.
These facts were recognized ty the Astoria t
& Columtia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted upon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
ty a high ridge tehind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and. in
fact. It Is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL ST.
We Carry a
Fine Line of
Complete) Stock of Summer
Footwear, Bathing Shoes, Etc
John Hahn & Co.
479 Commercial St.
Local weather for the 24 hours end- j
Ing at 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished by :
the United States Department of Agri- ,
culture. Weather Bureau.
. Maximum temperature, 67 degrees, j
Minimum temperature, 56 degrrees. j
Precipitation, none. I
Total precipitation from September j
1st, 1S95, to date, 77.11 Inches.
Eaceaa of precipitation from Septem- j
ber 1st, 1895, to date. 5.74 Inches.
' Forecast For W astern Washington
and Western Oregon, cloudy and cool
er; resh west to south winds.
' For Eaatern Washington and East
ern Oregon clear weather.
Big Insurance Company Makes a Good ,
Offer. j
Deposit J90 per annum for twenty
years; then draw $200 per year for bal- j
aace of life, and principal will be paid j
at death. "Special Income" Policy, Is- j
sued exclusively by The Mutual Life
Insurance. Company of New York.
Founded 1843, purely mutual, assets '
This Investment can be purchased by
ten annual payments, or by single pre
mium if preferred. Send exact date of
birth to Wm. S. Pond, State Manager,
404-5-6 Oregonian Building, Portland,
For 15 cents you can secure an excel
lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant, No. 571 Commercial street
They are also fully prepared to lerve
all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of
the season, as well as oysters In every
Imaginable style at the lowest living
prices. Come once and you will con
tinue to come.
A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond
and 12th streets. The finest brands of
liquors and cigars always on hand. Call
and try us.
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn Drn? Store.
10c and 25c per package.
Meany la the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
Clarkson & Mclryin
Promptly Furnished
r ra,::.mrx"jaT, flf
If you will look into the situation you will m'o that!
is the cream of west side projHTty. The center of improve-'
merits is here, and as an investment for business or a home
theiv is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition. In ;
lots are all large, full size, 50x100. lVieosi riuiijo from 150
to $2"0 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save
your change and buy a lot in WARRENTON
office has been opened hy the pro
prietor on. door east ot tne ltosdj
hardware .tore. Call, be shown the,
merlu of this property, and Invest.
i :
Who would lose,
Though full if pain, this intellectual
Those thoughts that wander through
To perish, rathi r. s vallow-d up and
In the wide womb of uncreated night.
Devoid of sense and motion.
John Milton.
Dr. W. I. Howard. Hom sopathlst, 5S
Commercial street
There was little or no business In the
county courthouse- yesterday.
Business with the merchants yester
day was reported as very good.
The finest separator cream In the
city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's.
Just received, a choice stock of fine
teas, coffees and spices, at Foard St
Stokes Co.
Best Ice cream In town, cheap. Par
lors for ladles. Astoria Cr-amery, 455
Duane street
Cream from the celebrated Mikado
cream separator, fresh every day, at
Foard & Stokes Co.
An extension is being built to the
book cases for the big tax rolls in
the county clerk's office.
Ealley's Complexion brushes remove'
Freckles, Tan and ftlarkhada. Sold I
by Charles Rogers, druggist. J
Regatta collections are still 'f,mng
in and there is every HHsur-ime that
sufficient funds will ),.; railed.
A carload nice fresh watermelons also
a carload choice assorted fruits Juntj
arrived today. Ross, Hlggins A: Co.
Captain Charles ilir hardson. of the
Columbine, wears the most unique
campaign button yet an In Astoria, j
All that the T'pp.-rtown people know!
now Is that there Is a big run of
and everybody is busy taking rate f'
Go to the Spa for your randies and
Ice cream. The only lirst-elass place i
in town. Crushed fruits always on I
hand. 1
Ice cream by the bushel at C. 13
Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty.
Private parlors for iadl-s. 453 Com-'
mercial street. j
Mrs. Carrie Ray. rrodium. Revilngs!
dally, 50 cents. Test circle Tuesday j
and Punday nlhts, 10 rents. 410 R.,nd j
street, Room
The street ears ye:iter,By a
rushing business. All v.ante, to rclc
on the trolley car, anl the conductors
had their hands fiil p, the I
Boom Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
...Try it..
& CO. Agents. Astoria.
Th warship rhtladelphla which left
out yesterday aftorn,.n fr Port An-,
getes. It Is rumored, left behind n mini-
foer of sailor who were visiting on
A large consignment of new dump
car., picks, shovels and other tools,
with a lot of horses, were unloaded at
Ranter yesterday for the railroad con
tractors. The funeral yesterday afternoon of
the late James M.Kwan was largely
attended. The sen ices w ere conducted
by the Kev. Mr. Short. a:id the In
terment made at ilivenwood.
Mrs. A. Hodc. representing II. II ,
Lltt, of Fortland. can be found at the
millinery store of Mrs. McKenite, with
a full line of ladles' suits, cape und
separate skirts, for a f w days only.
Pe sure to attend the Epv.rth
League social tonight nt the i Mdeiice
of Mrs. liusey. corner tith and t",ran 1
avenue. Tike along your friends and
have a Rood, time while patronizing a
good object.
Municipal Judge Nelson was the win-;
ner last night of the bicycle nt F. ard .
Jt Stokeg raftle. The lucky number
was L3A. The judge immediately dis
posed of tils wheel to Walter Stokes at
a Rood profit.
Yesterday afternoon at the can fac.
tory Harry Wheeler had one of his
fingers almost cut off by the machin- .
ery. The wound was a painful one.
but the little f.-lloiv is doing very u-ell
and brav. ly stood the dressing of it.
C. R Smith, the confectioner, carries
the only complete st n k of French and
American candles In the city. Prices
from Pc to M.'o per pound. All mall
orders receive prompt attention. Fresh
candles manufactured every day (3
Commercial street.
Fish. fish. I'.sh everywhere, was the
cry heard on all sides yesterday. Hith
er It's too hot or too cold, too wet or
too dry, there are no fish or too many
fish. All should be thankful, however,
that there is so g 1 a run with which
to wind up the fishing s.-ason.
A big tire w as noticed yesterday af-
ternoon on the mountain sel- n. ar
Crooked Creek. Evidently somebody
was burning over a large traot of
land. To say nothing of the moral as
pect of such affairs, it seems a terrible ,
waste of fuel which some day of other
might keep many families warm dur
ing the long winters.
Captain Richardson, of the Colum
bine, will leave out this morning for
another trip to Destruction Island. He
will take with him Captain Flske, of ,
the United States engineering corps,
who will inspect the repairs and Im j
provements recently made at Destruc
tion Island. They will return on Frl-;
day, bringing with them the workmen
who have been engaged there for the !
past month or two.
The newest fad with the ladles, par
ticularly the younger ones. Is mak
ing collections of campaign badges.
The Independent girls take all kinds
of buttons. Democratic. Republican,
Populist, Prohibitionist, and Free Sil
ver; but the girl who believes her
father's politics to be just about right,
will receive no badges except such as
represent his Ideas.
City Attorney Curtis, In removing his
office from Ninth street, where his
rooms were on the second floor, to
his present location, retained his old
sign, which read, "City Attorney, Up
stairs." Now he Is In a single story
building. A man looking for him yes
terday, reading the sign got a ladder
and went up on the roof to look for j
the city law giver. It is safe to say!
he did not find him.
J. M. Hughes. Fay Gerald. H. Wa?-
ner and W. P. Swope, of Astoria, K. '
A. Evans, J. 8. Hharp and I,. H. Wag- i
ner, of the Chicago Portrait Company, ;
and K. R. Hughes, a new spaper man J
fiom Taeoma, left yesterday afternoon!
for Cannon Beach for a short outing. I
The Ktrangers of the party have heard j
often of the superiority of the Oregon ,
h-sif-hes, and they came down to In-j
'stigate. The party go well prepared :
for an enjoyable time. j
Mr. 'I. Wlngate, who returned from
fortland yesterday, stated to an
Astorlan representative that busi
ness In the metropolis Is quite dull. He
'. as informed by a friend of his that
tic- banks of that city were refusing to
l-nd money on the best of securities, j
and that they would probably continue
to do so until after the November elec
tion. The attitude of Oregon politi
cians on the; money question has fright
ened the money owners to a more or
1'hs extent throughout the state. Thlsj
has had of course a depressing effect i
on all kinds of business enterprises, j
Mr. Wlngate was of the opinion that j
Oregon has had enough free silver al-j
ready. 4
Mr, I'lonnan. of t'atlilamit. I
Ins his Astona friends
James Leahy and wife, of Muey. and
Krlck Manilla. P.-. p lliver were in (he
city .slenlay.
Mrs. Ktnsio and family, of Fort Can -
by. w 111 leave for California on the '.d -
umbla Saturday
Mrs. Mattle ltoscoe and dauiihter. of
Fortland. are vwltlng with Mr audi
Mrs. A
i yrus.
Martin Foard was under the w. alh. r ,
yesterday, and unable t be at his
place of business during the afternoon
Mrs. I', laly. who has be. n istllng j
at Long l"a.h. passed through the!
city last night en nutc to hoc home
In the metropolis '
Mrs. Win. llume and two .laught'i -a
with Miss Nettle Tuttle. returned ft. in
Elk Creek and Seaside yesterday, and
are visiting at the residence of pr
The Misses Carrie and Frances Har
ris. It. M IVnovun. II K Fat khurst.
I!. IS. May. Walter C. Smith. V. A
Seeley. A. M. K.dilberi;. W F. It. n-
nett and wife. Sanfor-I Hirsch. Th il Claldlnc. I'ortliind. S II
Shonimcer. Chicago. P i ireeiitimv. San
Franelsco; Ceo, Forbes. South lien.!.
It. It. ll'iidiieks anl wife. Kik'in. r -t"ii:
Mrs Haw kin. Ilwa, ... I' J M'
C.owan. Chinook. 1; It. Winter. W.i
terford. wer- at the oeel l.-nt y. ster
New attraction nr. dally pi. s-iit'ng
'.li. mselve at the benches atid the
Sources of these r. softs l.fe ,i et.u-
sue that no one form of amusement is
given an opportunity to become mo.
The l.uci novelty at 'iearhart is a
large Seal w hich was w ash-sl ashore
about a mile above the hot. I a day or
two ago. it was dlscoyei-.d by a
bather who had I im,. separated
from the throng further below, and as
joon us the announcement of it pf-s-"m
e v. as mail- the crow d deserted
their momentary pl-asures for the new
found curiosity.
A number of v .hales were plainly
visible from the beach Tuesday and
afforded an additional obje. i of Inter
est to those who were watching the
lighthouse tetid-r Manzanlta discharg
ing stores at the Tillamook lighthouse.
At Seaside a most enjoyable evening
was spent on the beach, where music
ami an excellent display of pyrotech
nics kept the merry crowd until the
wee hours of the morning.
Mrs. Wm. Hume has returned to her
home at Eagle Cliff.
R. It. Winter was a passenger to
ward the beach yesterday.
Attorney Newton McCoy, of Port
land, who has been camping at G.-ar-hart
Park, was summoned home on
business a day or two ago.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kinney came
home on a short trip yesterday.
(.'has. I'.rown, of Astoria, has return
ed from a short vacation at the beach,
and rumor says he enjoyed himself)
Prof. Wright's headquarters Is the
flag camp at eGarhart.
Max Young and family went down
to Clatsop yesterday.
The latest arrivals at Hotel (iearhart
are: W. S. Bennett and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. C. Flanders, Mrs, A. F.
Biles. Mrs. F. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Clemens, and Miss Jennie Clemens,
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. J. U
Barnes, Salem.
The Sisters of the Convent of the
Holy Names have arrived in Astoria,
and will remain here permanently.
They can be found at their residence,
Judge Taylor's former home, Frank
lin avenue and 30th street. Those who
desire to make application for terms
of tuition, music, etc., will please rail.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Qnld Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
A Beautiful Addition on the
West Side.
it it i : t kn's it.ivtion.
An . I.. t ;. .11 will be held on Monday,
AllKllat PHh. Ivii. nl I he house of
lies. ue I " i .; I t', No .', f,ir the ;mr-
"""' "r '"' ",,,! """ ''h,'f Kllll"'f.
A titn- r-r the muln
' '"' "Ml ' '"'n
' o'clock a m until t o'clock p. in. of
! .i.l day
I Judge i' II Stockton. .1. II Mor.
rlon. .in I ileo Steven
fl-rks. 1. : Sells an I V. T S. ho.
,i i - i VKlii
I'r ai.l.iil Astoria Fire l.p
Attest F J Cine Acting
tiik mai;ki:ts
ei -pool. July .'.i Wheat spot,
.pil.t. detianl poor. No red winter.!
.'s No .' red spume. .' 'vl. No. li
California, ,'d. !
I'. rtlan l. July Wheat - Walla
Walla. i -" . Valley. :.'.l.
Sf. n'Kllol.l dlltS' MKF.TINii.
The annual meeiiim- ,.f the t.vckho .
els of the "Mil Fellow,' .1111.1 ,
lUilldlm; Axo latlon will be held at
i '.Id Fellows' Hall on Thursday. Aug
-'7th. at '.' o'clock p m
iy ot.b r of the president.
A. J MF.ilt.MIl, Secy
I'sc WYliftiot Coi n Cure. No
curt' no pay. For sale nt Ks-tes-Conn
iM'lirr Store.
Report of the Corn itlon
ol tll
i 111 '.il- Vf n Ol Ml. .K .i fHttltifi ,
ItC'lt IK
.M v - tl tc.n.n r $ l K Ji
wi"' run . nr-l jt.i ., .-iiir.i i. ;
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i ti li n i t l i ti'U .,. ,, 1 , '! iU
k. 'l:M!;s .1. ,
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Kl I'-l "ti:it U,"T tltckrl-.,
ami i-i'im I"
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I 'Wil'i.if!tr nir Jl.Tii
li l iiiit ! (in ii m fh 1 fr' iimr
rr ivt.l, nl Mrvnnt i ii 'rt ;o
I I Hill lt:t
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I lIllllMleil .rel;,, ,o . efj r uml
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Niltlonrti I'Sttk Il..e uel. miilll.K
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Ill.lill.lllill tle(( .itejecl
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:,fM-. 117
II, .'.Ml IO
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1:1 m
i-n .
Tiu.p cmiic.ii,. ..f .i.w ii m-i.!h t
Total rif:n
Male ol Orr.ou. , , ,. , .,,. "
I. .1. K IIilvuiv ca.ii.r el the lw.
ii.on.Ml t.aiik . , ; rar that itw In.
atalrnietlt l lriN lu llir heal l my kto !e Il
HUll IM-Ilel. J K- II PCI NX. ('.illler
hu'jacnl.eil itntl aauril In Irt-lutrme Una lh 1. 1 July. HUMl M'lTII.K.
IKf Ai.j Notary l';inilc fur I'reiion.
Correct Atteat;
' I, pkmn r. i
TIIKH. UK t.'KKIt. Illtrctof.
i . a. with. II r J
VA.'TEI Immediately, a girl for
general housework.
Miil Ii a flrat.
class cook. Apply at No. 2S0 Eighth
si reel. i
VANTEI At once; active agents
for each county. Exclusive control and
no risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred
dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full
particulars or 2Sc for SI sample. Dig
Itaplds Mineral Water Co., Dig P.aplds,
HO It SALE A desirable cottage and
lot, Clatsop (irove, (Seaside. Apply to
H. I". h. Logan, or Astorlan ofllce.
JAPANESE OOODS - Fireworks - Just 1
out Just received Just what you want, '
a, Wlnv Ta'a U, fVtmm.. nl I ......
Holt KENT Newly furnished rot-
tage, live rooms, or will sell furniture ijf
io lenani. in.i I'.xcminge street.
HOfl IlENT Newly furnished rooms;
hot and cold baths; call at this office.
FOR RENT Three furnished room!
with or without board. Apply 1X1 7th
rjn iir.oi r xnree or rour rooms, witn r
board, at Mrs. E. C. Holden's, corner i '
Dunne and Ninth streets, price reason
I.OHT Oil STOLEN A check
M.'i 30, drawn on First National Hank,
of Portland, endorsed by O. L. Hansen.
Finder please notify "F." care Asto
rlan ofllce. and clulm reward.
FOUNT) A skiff on Clatsop spit, be
low the breakwater. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
charges. Apply to F. Wlckman.
FOUND-Ilunth of keys on I'.ond
street. Owner can have same by P -
plying at Astorlan olflce and paying
for this notice.
W 1
I -
Two Nights and One Hatince
WcrfnV.S JULY 29 and GO
'ilt Mnllnco Tlmrsiln, nl
Till Ip lh llltsr ami IISI.V .H'VK It IM IC In .t.lll f lh ! HHt t !
I'WOK, 1. M. imiM I'ol.X
PONIliS AM) Ml'l.i:
"1'iimic-tlimiir.l.v the hirnol miJ innst ..inlci (ul clilbltbn mi
iouil lotclliKCtlvC knnil lo llic ni lJ."-Sati l i .uuUoo I Xiitotncr.
...Horses of the Rarest Beauty and Human I " tell ice nc . .
I'ltlCCH, -JAc, .)Hc nttil BOc. o llluer
Al Hip Msllnrp all rlill.lreu ar gl.rn a fte pony, i..l (Iipm any ppal In
Ihp li.itipp for t.1 rvtt.p.
TIIK.TS UN Ulllt A T Til K lll fll:
Of the Astoria &
In clici t
To I !,1To line il
J j 5
"C "j
- -
t 1 t
c ! i
1 .
(l:lO.H:4(i; :tl.'i;:H III : !' T .Xi Leave.
.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1
tl :IH H 41 7 OT IIs I" '.'' -' "
6 21H ;1T 1 1 " :- 1 Id 'J'. 7:4..
ij ;o") K;.V7 .1:1 5 .'i M ini 7 -A'
0 '.1 tsi 7 : 1 7 . 10 ill!. 7 :,VJ
C :Xi tltllj 7 :i ft :S5 1.1:4.1 7 ;.Vlj
.i . n a ijit ,.i.: t hi mi .jr. a in ',
(t i !( u 7 , H ;a.,i
rt :4!l :l!l 7 :" Ml :." H .IW'
M - :,H " :14 " "',!' :,3
7 :(lll:H1.7:47r5:"1 11 :01 H
' 1 il u :ii.7 M fl"l!ll :1I H :2i;'
i ,'. . ... ,, , ' Sai.l.. I Mn .1 "Ml 1'. J lllt.J'.? II Mil
, ' " " "" " .
t Trulita iinirKcil Aral claw curry iieraoiml
make lnl atopa al l nireliloll, I iirnillinli niol lirarlmil only.
nit Kntur'liiv Noa. ami i' run through one liour Peforn time yi in on unit, rnr.1.
Nn ; coiiiicctp with night howl from I'orlland; ul.o m 1 1 It Mcatner I.. Pwyer leaving
Aatorla Ml i'. 4 . n. in.
No I roliuia tp a Itli Mli iimer i yer. leaving A.lorla at I', a. In
No. Hniniiecla Willi ilnv leal, (roin Portland; iiImi with Imala from llwnco for Portland;
nlao w ith Mti Hiner llwver, leavliiK Aalorln nl I .11 p in. ci. c.l h.,lut.l, alien time l una
hour earlier
No. a . ..nnecu with Hleainer Poller len lug Piirlliind ul I p. in Hatniduy sml A.lorla
llliont il hi p in.
No Id coii ii.-. ! with iilitht Imu rniin rorunuu lenvnnf A.toiin nt u in. Hun. lay; alio
' with Ml.iuiier loiypr leaving Aatorla ill 7 t.ii.
..n ,. ...... ABi.trii.,
It will puv
.,. ,..u u u
you navcld aw ,
to fio percent at the OI-CliOOIN
xmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm
I Gearhart Park
Clatsop Beach
immm mmt,mmmi;tmxtmmi
The Hop Lee Clothing Factory and
merchant tailors, 60S Commercial St., ;
makes underclothing to order. Bults
and trousers made to fit perfectly,
Every order punctually on time and
satisfaction guaranteed. Good goods
sold cheap. Call and be convinced.
The bt chomlcHl ronipuunt. tor wash
In powder I "Bn; K'.nm," nn u will
.... ..y.i1(lW P0,h,o nor burn h.
1 hands. It's the finest thing In th world
I for th. bath. 0n, trial .111 eonvlnc.
i you.
Land &
Bond Street. .
Astoria, Or.
l'M ip J
firrrtm Hii'clnl F.innucitiCMl
Columbia River R. R.
'il' 1
t 3
. .
. M. . U I M . I' II
M P M.
A rrive 7 :! lo ft W ! " i ,1ft tl IKI
" 7 1J7 117 .W:.,S:l:ft:.V.
W iiriehton .
Skips lion. .
. Morriii n . .
( HciiwikmI .
.('uriiahiiii . .
. Wl'.toll .
.Clatsop t'ity
. Ilultiinield '
tienriiiirt .
7 :"7 '. Ml 4 d'l l '.'7 :OI ft -III
7 :.. '.'7 I a'.''l;l7 .l'7ft:4
H:ftM'J 21 I 11711 h 7 ..'; ft 87
ilftl'i 17 1 !Kfi:l7:17ft::i'J
il:M !i :l, :.. ll;7:.;ift:'.M
Il 47 tf.M 'Jltl 07 7 :! ft :'J4
ti 4.111 lift I tlfl-)j7:3ft'ft-l
il .:KMi (Ni4:13Jl.lV..I?::Ul.ft:l.'
tl .Sft H-.V, 4 : III ft :M 7 :-ftft -M
llmtiii. . . .
II ;:ill M :.Vl 4 (1,1 5 :.Ml!7 :'JO ft .Ift
- -' '"
nnmiiiue, inn no freight.
, 7 and
in Hnn.tuy.
I'.iri it.i.i
t:. F I.KhTKH, Hupl.
600 Commercial St.
UUUUb fancy
TRADING CO. Hats, Etc.
The Ideal Summer
Should offer gaiety for the gay, rest
for the weary, a beautiful country for
the nature lover, a pleneant home and
genial climate for all. These and many
other attraction! limy be found at the
Ooarlmrt, within iinsy roncli of Asto
ria. For additional Information, address-
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Oo to Elmort, Bantxjrn'ii orTlce and
tklp fflpftW and hnnrlinma tva.i. . ..
I machine. Take along som. of the twine. .
f00." Mah,.'' 0"r po,.,,,
.'."im "e,"C.h.T"'! .
I pocket and flab in your net to find out.