The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 29, 1896, Image 4

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QEfl... A resort
and nth SU,
Columbia Harbor
Land Co,
BOND and
Mans ob application.
New Astoria...
Is located at the terainns of the Astoria and
Columtia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columtia River.
It fronts on the deep water ot the Columbia
River Hartor, and being perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very test docks for
ships on this bay: therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the great northwest.
These facts were recognized ty the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria Is platted upon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it. .
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact, It Is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL ST.
We Carry a
Fine Line of
: Shoes
Complete Stock of Summer
Footwear, Battling Shoes, Etc.
John Halm & Co.
479 Commercial St.
Local weather for the 24 hours end
ing at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished by
the United States Department of Agri
culture, Weather Bureau.
Maximum temperature, 67 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 56 degrees.
. Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st, 1895. to date. 77.11 inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, 1S95, to date, 5.78 inches.
Forecast For Washington and Ore
gon, continued fair weather.
. Tou gave us a fine time, said one of
the Picnickers to Herman Wise Sun
day. I am glad, said Mr-. Vise, if I have
helped to drive away dull care for
one hour, if I have brought pleasure
to the heart of one customer, I feel
amply repaid for all the labor, ex
pense and worry connected with the
management of this picnic.
What will you do next for your cus
tomers? I don't know yet; I am working on
some plans, which I will announce
soon; In the mean time my customers
.can save the little bills we give with
each purchase; these slips or bills will
be exchanged for tickets for our next
affair in due time.
For 15 cents you can secure an excel
lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant, No. 571 Commercial street.
They are also fully prepared to verve
all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of
the season, as well as oysters In every
Imaginable style at the lowest living
prices. Come once and you will con
ttnu to come.
A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond
and 11th streets. The finest brands of
liquor and cigars always on hand. Call
sad try us.
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn Drug Store.
iOc and 25c per package.
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
th highest cash price for fur skins.
Clarkson & fcmn
Promptly Fiirnlshed
Beaver Hill
and Oilman
r.r family .r steam larM.
If you will look into the situation you will see that
is the cream of west side property. The center of improve
ments is here, and as an investment for business or a home
there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition. In
lots are all large, full size, 50x100. Prices range from $150
to $250 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save
i . i i i .j.
your cnange ana uuy u uY m
An office hu been opened by the pro
prietor on door tut of th. Crosby
hardwire .tore. Call, be shown th
merit of this property, and Invest
There Is a pleasure In the pathless
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society where none Intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in his roar.
Picnic pineapple, 10c at Webfoot
Com. House.
Born To the wife of Henry Roe, Vp
pertown, a girL
Fine peaches, 70c per box, at Web
foot Com. House.
Business in the police court was yis-
teiday very quiet.
Dr. W. I. Howard, Homceopathlst, 586
Commercial street.
A black and white hat is always in
good taste for a lady.
Biggest pall of tobacco in town, 35c,
at Webfoot Com. House.
A large shipment of butter to arrive
today at Pacific Commission Co.
Lots of fruit cheap today for pre
serving at Pacific Commission Co.
Four cakes White illy soap for 23c,
at Webfoot Com. House, 133 9th St.
The Webfoot Com. House handles
full line of fruits and country produce.
The finest separator cream In the
city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's.
Twice as much lye for 10c as you can
get elsewhere. Webfoot Com. House,
The one great amusement now Is
to go to the seashore for a dip in the
And now the farmer's daughter Is
trying to do her hair like the city
Just received, a choice stock of fine
teas, coffees and spices, at Foard 4
Stokes Co.
What is the mad fascination In the
merry-go-round for the hundreds who
ride on it?
Best Ice cream In town, cheap. Par
lors tor ladles. Astoria Creamery, 455
Duane street
Special sale of raspberries and choice
fruits today at prices to suit. Ross,
Hlggins & Co.
Cream from the celebrated Mikado
cream separator, fresh every day, at
Foard & Stokes Co.
250 Boxes of assorted fruits to ar
rive today on California steamer for
Pacific Commission Co.
Some anxiety is being felt on ac
count of the overdue ships at this port,
but old mariners say that considering
Boom Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland. Oregon
Trir I
a . I IV II..
CO. Agents. Astoria.
the weather there should yet be no !
alarm felt.
In honor of the Philadelphia, Observ
er Orover yesterday did himself proud I
on the weather question, j
Lieutenant H. F. Walter, of the Ha-;
wallan army. Honolulu, is visiting In !
the city with his daughter.
Bailey' Complexion Urushea remove
Freckles, Tan and Ulnckheads. Sold
by Charles Roger. Druggist.
A carload nice fresh watermelons, also
a carload choice assorted fruits Just
arrived today. Rossi, Hlggins & Co.
Go to the Spa for your candles and I
Ice cream. The only first-class place
In town. Crushed fruits always on
hand. i
The hose team that is to run during j
the tournament, regatta week, will j
meet tonight at 7:30 sharp, at Engine
House No. 2.
Ice cream by the bushel at C. B.
Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty.
Private parlors for ladles. 4SJ Com
mercial street.
Mrs. Carrie Ray, medium. Readings
uiljr, tfv irviua. Ii3( nil. u -.' j
and Sunday nights, 10 cents. 440 Bond
street. Room 5.
PA . - T . Mt-
The new religious organisation.
God's American Volunteer, will have
services in the M. E. Church on
Thursday evening. July JOth. with ref
erence to the new movement
Mrs. A. Hodea. representing H. B.
Lltt, of Portland, can be found at the
millinery store of Mrs. McKenxie, with
a full line of ladles' suits, capes and
separate skirts, for a few day only, j
The fishermen were Joyful yesterday '
over the great run of fine rish. The j
fish caught were equul In six and
quality to the best early catches, and
the canneries arc doing a rushing
Messrs. P.obb & Parker's real estate
office was yesterday noon decorated
with a sign bearing the legend, ilen r
prayer meeting today from 4 to 5.
p. m. Come." Just what the sign
meant could not be definitely ascer
tained. Regatta matters are getting along
nicely and the various committees
have their work well in hand. It Is
understood that the Junior Order of
American Mechanics will hold a meet
ing ot the state council in Astoria
August 11
C. B. Smith, the confectioner, carries
the only complete stock of French and
American candies In the city. Prices
from 10c to 13.00 per pound. All mail
orders receive prompt attention. Fresh
candles manufactured every day. 4S3
Commercial street.
AH are taking much Interest In the
bicycle raffle which will take place at
Foard & Stokes' store at 7:30 this
evening. Each ticket holder antici
pates that he will be the lucky man,
but it Is safe to gamble that only one
will carry off the prize.
The various canneries yesterday re
ported having received as fine fish as
at any time during the season. The
men made extraordinarily large
catches and some think that the qua!
Ity of the fish is even better than that
of the earlier catches.
Mr. W. G. agent of the
A. and C. R. R. R., returned yes'.crday
from Portland. Mr. Gosslln says that
work all along the line Is progressing
well, and that Contractors Honeyman,
DeHart & Co. have already a large
force of men In the field.
The Epworth League extends a cor
dial invitation to all Its friends to
attend a lawn. social next Thursday
evening at the residence of Mrs. Ilu
sey, corner 6th street and Grand ave
nue. Vocal and instrumental music,
games, refreshments, etc., will be In
dulged in. Strangers especially In
vited. The sun shone again yesterday, the
haze and smoke having b;en dispell
ed for the time. The evening hour
before sunset was a beautiful one.
The waters of the bay and river were
smooth, and dotted as th':y were with
the sails of hundreds of fishing boats,
majestic ships, steamers and Uncle
Sam's great war vessel, made a scene
to be long remembered.
An afternoon tea was given yester
day by the lalies of the M. E. church
at tue residence of Mrs. Rueker on
Commercial street. Mrs. Itucker and
daughter, Mrs. Tlmson, are noted en
tertainers, and it goes without saying
that all enjoyed the afternoon. Mes
dames Wheeler and Krager sang a
duet. Miss Ruby Walter a solo, and
Mrs. Judge Osburn and Miss Laura
Fox rendered several good Instromen-
tal selection. Fifty-two ladle wore
present during the afternoon.
Judge J. II. l, (Jray and party left
h city Monday afternoon on horse
back for a several day' trip over h
Nehnlem road. Near Flahhawk Fulls
iue pary will follow the new road
which circle the mountain Instead of
pawing over It a heretofore. The ob
ject of the trip I to Inspect the bridge
and generally oeiiook the work being
done on the road anJ take note of fhe
surrounding country.
One of the moat remarkable runs
ever made from Portland to Astoria
was accomplished yesterday by Pilot
Patterson with the I'nited States war
khlp Philadelphia. The rapUln left
Portland at S o'clock In the morning
and arrived at Ast rla at 1 t In the
afternoon. Not a single, top was made
on the entire trip, and th big war ve.
el beat the river boat down leaving
an hour ahead of her.
Much to the regret of Captain Cot
ton, the Philadelphia was obliged to
anchor in the lower stream oil El
more's cannery, instead of Immediate
ly opposite the city. Had the stream
been clear Captain Cotton would have
come to anchor near the O. K. and N.
wharf, but a that berth I occupied,
and there was nu time to make other
arrangement, he took the next best
berth available. 1
In the evening Mayor Taylor and
Dr. M. M. Walker paid Cuptaln Cotton
a visit on board hU magnificent ves
sel, where they were delightfully en
tertained for an hour or more by the
captain and hi corps of officers. Ad
miral lieardslec Is not with the shlo.
having gone overland to Seattle, it
being hi Intention to Join his IUg
ship at Port Angeles. Captain Cotton
especially requested Dr. Walker t wy
that he would be most happy to re
ceive any and all who desire to visit
the Philadelphia between the hours
of 10 and 2 today. The officers will
take great pleasure In showing visitors
over the ship and explaining the un
and machinery. If Captain Cotton Is
well enough he will come ashore some
time during the day to return the call
In writing to an Astorlan yesterday
Mr. L. T. Bradford, of the Boston In
vestment Company, Boston, Mass.,
said among other things:
"Our bank people down here are
feeling decidedly blue and therefore
are cautious. They are now very
much afraid of the West, due, of
course, to the convention. If It can be
called by such a name, held In Chica
gy, by the Democrats. Tou have no
Idea. Charlie, how this sliver craze Is
looked on by the real eastern business
man. 'I have had no less than three
letters the past week from bank cath
lers stating that owing to this silver
craze and the fear of Bryan's election
and the disaster that would follow
such they would not Invest In any
thins- western until after the election
Is decided. Repudiation of Just debts
and the scaling down of all one own
to one-half of its present value, Is
something not very attractive to the
average man."
Use Webfoot Corn Cnre. Xo
cure no pay. For sale at Estes-Conn
Drag Store.
Big Insurance Company Makes a Good
Deposit 190 per annum for twenty
years; then draw $200 per year for bal
ance of life, and principal will be paid
at death. "Special Income" Policy, Is
sued exclusively by The Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York.
Founded 1S43, purely mutual, assets
This Investment can be purchased by
ten annual payments, or by single pre
mium If preferred. Send exact date of
birth to Wm. 8. Pond, State Manager,
404-5-6 Oregonlan Building, Portland,
Highest HonorsWorld'. Fair,
tjnld Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.'
40 Years (be Standard.
A Beautiful Addition on the
West Side.
Judge A. A. Cleveland Is In Portland
attending the grand council of Oregon
ltd Men.
Mr. David Mcintosh, the school
teacher at Gray' !!lver, spent v-ter-day
In the city.
Mr. Captain Itehfeld left last even
ing for Uray's River, where she will
visit with friends.
Mr. E. M. Htmonson, the well-
known Portland broker. Is sperding
few day hi the city.
Mr. Thomas Llnvllle and family
are visiting with her father. Mr. An
drew Carlson, of Hear Cre"k.
Mr. Wm. Whelan. representing the
I'nlon Meat Company, of Portland, 1
svendlng a few days In this cltv.
Mr. Martin Kard and children and
Mr. lllldebrand Sr. returned last
evening from their visit to Gray tlv
er. Manager Western I'nlon Johnson j
and wife returned from their fiililng
trip to Knappa last evening n
aoout one nunureo; nno iroui. i
After a few day' sojourn at Mrlgli.
ton beach. Judge C. H. Peg returt.ed
last evening, well pleased with one of;
Oregon's most famous se Iteache. j
Fred oisen. omey; wm. Ander.on.
Krlck Mttiiwell. Deep Klver; Andrew
Young. Young s River; C. W. FUher
and John Christians, of Walluskl. were
In from the country yesterday.
J. S. Sharp. Chicago, James P.rown. .
Portland: Thomas Canning, Chlnoik;i
F. Johnson, San Francisco; Sam OH-!
ver. Pillar Rock; and L. Michael, of ,
Stella, registered at the Parker yes- i
terday. j
Among the visitor In th city ye, j ;
terday wer John linker. F. A. lani. j
Miss Cevll Gherson. Tillamook; II -nry
Fiecki nstlne. H. Welnhard, J. A. Mar
tin, Portland; Mis GurreUon. Oyser
vllle; W. Turnliull. Nuhcotta. and T.
S. Robinson. Chicago.
II. B. Ilorthwlrk. Gohle; Rev. Dr. J.
Bloch, wife and daughter. W. A. Pu
chunan, G. H. Aydelotte. W E. rtraly.
J. H. Vodt, Wm. Whelan. II. O. Colton,
J. W. Cook. Portland; H. W. Price,
Skamokawa. and A. J. Ferrandln.
South Ilend, are guest of the Occident.
Mr. It. Campbell, general freight
agent; W. H. Hurlburt. general pas-
senger agent, and Mr. E. J. ItathtMin.
superintendent of water lines, O. R.
and N. Co., were in the city yesterday.
Messrs Campbell and Hurlburt return -
II lr, ..ii. iiiiw,..ii7 , .n ... ..
day on business.
Havana. July 2S. The official Ga
rette publishes a d n-'ree offering a re
ward of $24,000 to anyone enabling the
Spanish cruisers to effect a seizure of
filibustering steamer, and offering a
further reward of $9,000 to any pcron
enabling the Spanish cruisers to cap-
ture filibustering
over 205 tons.
sailing vessels of
Cleveland, July 2S. Governor Mc
Klnley spent a good portion of his
lime at the Hollendon Hotel where
he received many callers. This was
woman's day In the centennial cele
bration and many ladles were among
those who greeted the presidential
The Sisters of the Convent of the
Holy Names have arrived In Astoria,
and will remain here permanently.
They can be found at their residence,
Judge Taylor's former home, Frank
lin avenue and 10th street. Those who
desire to make application for terms
of tuition, music, etc., will please call.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Odd Fellows' Land and
Building Association will be held at
Odd Fellows' Hall on Thursday, Aug.
27th, at 2 o'clock p m.
By order of the president,
A. J. MEOLER, Secy.
The U. S. Oov't Reports
Bhow Royal Baking Powter
superior to all others,
A woman may own fifty gowns, bu
It Is safe to gamble that there will
come some time when she will hope
lessly declare that she has nothing
suitable to wear.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Two Nights and One Jlntlncc
WecJncnclny timl
Ksmlly Malln
rHt u ,h rUT ,ul NI.V ArfKAHAM'K Is ATOIU of IK. Kl.gMltATgrt
$lOI'. It. l.
rmtictloiiHhly the luri'Ht nnj numt wonderful exhlMU't of nn
html lutclliccncc known lathe worlJ'-Sun I'ritiuUco Kxiimlncr.
j ...Horses of the Rarest Beauty and Humsii I ii t ell f ge ft cc. . .
. . -' ' ' '
! PHICHH, 2Bc, Oltil HOc, IN HIHer
. A (. M , r-,u ,.
i th. hoMM1
Of the Astoria &
In effect
To Clatsop rteaeli.
tnllv. r&cvpl
P.ll. A. M. I' M. f.M.IA.M. U.M
6:108:407:IX3:!).lll:l!y7 :3.',l
n :1H H :4K 7 :07 5 ::! in :28 7 :42
:M H :657 :W ft :45: 10 :3n'7 M
! 8 ::i0 0:007:17 1 :. If ST. 7 :5J
it .at n ..: .01 K r.K A .Jit 7 -Kit
J; ;; a 4
j ft :44 9 : j'7 :Kt HM't 0 H :Ut
a.'jy 9:1(7 :34 6 :(!; 10 M H.IKI
1 6:M U :247 :3HH:H 10 :ot H:1H
7:0I 11:817 :47 fl:'.'l II :Wl 8 :'.".'
Trains maraed first els, carry personal boinrsse, but no frelslit. Ni. I, 3, 7 and I
make wsv sliiisial Warrenlon.t'arniihaii siul Urlirl only.
t im Haliinlav Nos. &nd 1! run thrutish on. hour belor. Ilmeglvsn on tlmeesrd.
So ironnert with night txwt from Portlaud; also wild Hteaumr K. I liwyer leaving
'"mnmi'iswIthMtearner lwyer. leavln Astoria at i. tn.
So s connect with ilsy Imal fnim Portland; lo with IsmU rrom llwaeo for Portland;
also with Hleamer Uwyer, leaving A.lorlout :') p. ni.. Knlimlsy wbeu time Is on.
to,,UNr'rnnirU with Steamer Potter kvvlng Portland at I . m Kiturdiiy and Astoria
b".o8 '-linni-ets with nlfcht boat from I'ortlnnd leaving Astoria t I a, 111. Sunday; alio
with Hlenmrr Dwy.r leaving Anions si
No. II eannerts with bunts for Aalurla and
please Take Special
Mortgagor's Sale
Of the... -
Oregon Trading Co.
icmwwM mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
Gearhart Park
Clatsop Beach
The Hop Lee Clothing Factory and
merchant tailors, 08 Commercial St.,
makes underclothing to order. Suits
and trousers made to fit perfectly.
Every order punctually on time and
satisfaction guaranteed. Good goods
sold cheap. Call and be convinced.
The best chemical compound for wash
mg powder Is "Soap Foam," as It will
not "yellow the clothes," nor burn th
hands. It's th finest thing In th world
for the bath. One trial will eon vino
Land &
Bond Street..
Astoria, Or.
"l '-' Kniinueuienl
JULY 29 nnd GO
ThuesJsy, nl Ji.tO
. r,.. ,., ,..e. .! . y ...I I.
ft,r 1s trtt.
AT Til trl. I'l.WK
Columbia River R. R,
July J5, 1196.
From liMt"p Itrneli,
IHtllr, rteepl , Mulolit)'
t I ! 1 7 S t
! s I
11 I
! H
a-i i
'A. M. A. M. CM . I'.M 'A. V.'IV M.
. . Klavct .... Arrive 7 :, : 5 :40 :I.V :
..Junction.. " 7:rj7:a7:4:o2nt.'H:in.Vll2
" ..Wnrrentoii. " 7 :07i!l:8l 4 :4H1 :2"iS:0l S:4i!
. " ..Hklpumm.. " 7:(l3lt:'.,7 4:4'-,fi:l;7.67 ft:4I
" ..Morrison.. " tl:N :! 4 :87 ;Si7 :K 5 H7
..Olenwooil.. " :Mll:174:!Kfl:M,7:47.5:;li
..lanialisn.. " tl:M H:l!l 4 "H f) :11 7:4:tjS:2M
..Weston.... ! :47i :0!l 4 :24 .-0717 ft :24
" ..Clatsop City " :43 0 :05'4 : :!T :JK'ft :20
..UutterlleM. " 1(1:8011 :0(! 4 :1ft ft :&i 7 i.ttkft :1ft
" ..(.earliarl.. " rt;bViH:M4:105:6:i7:'.6:10
..Oliana..... " rt:.TH :S0 4 :05 ft:.VIi7 :) 3:0ft
Arrlvt-.Krasid. . . . Ix'sve ll :V 8 :4ft 4 :00 ft:4ft!7 :lii:00
1 1 nun......
The chnncc of 11 life time to
hny the bent quality of good
at a tremendous sacrifice. . .
The Ideal Summer
Should offor gaiety for the gay, rest
for the weary, a beautiful country for
the nature lover, s pleasant home and
genial oil mate for all. These and many
other attractions may be found at th
Oearhart, within easy reach of Asto
ria. For additional Information, ad-'J
' Manager.
R. L. Boyle & Co.
- Estate
Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see
their new and handsome twin testing
machine. Tak. along some of th twine
"a good as Marshall's," In your pocket,
and last them. Then se how much more
Marshall's will itand. It's money In your
peckit and flan In your net to find out.