The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 28, 1896, Image 4

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ad nth SU.
alex Campbell. pp.
Beaver Hill
and Oilman
Tor Family r Mum r.twwi . TrV It
ii kaSi HKAitoNALK ix ruin 111 il.
ELMORE. SANBORN I CO. Agents. Astoria.
Colamtia Harbor
Land Co.
4'" Cosher...' ,
.. BOND and
' flr-S OS 8f plICltiOB.
If you will look into the situation you will soe that
is the cream of west side property. Tho center of improve
ments is here, ami as an investment for business or a home
there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition. 'In
. . 1 ell- PA.I VA n ? .. . I A P ,v
lots are an larsre, nui size, ouxiw. rriees ranee irom
to $250 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save
your change and buy a lot iu W A RRENTON
A Beautiful Addition on the
West Side.
.-'.. .- . M-t.-,
Land &
Bond Street..
Astoria, Or.
New Astoria...
Is located at the terminus of the Astoria anl
Colombia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columbia River.
It fronts on the deep water ot the Columbia
River Harbor, and being perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docks for
ships on this bay: therefore, it is the exact spot
tor the seaport of the great Northwest.
These facts were recognized by the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted upon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
ty a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide. and. in
fact, it is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now nn
der way.
An offloe haa been opened by the pro
prietor, on door east of the Croeby
hardware store. Call, be shown Um
merlta ot this property, and lnreat
The New Astoria Company M&iSs. sr.
We Carry a
Fine Line of
Complete Stock of Summer
Footwear, Bathing Shoes, Etc
o'clock this
Horse show.
morning for Bristol's
Price, 50 cents.
John Hahn & Co.
479 Commercial St.
Local weather for the 24 hours end
ing at . p. m. yesterday, furnished by
the United States Department of Agri
culture, Weather Bureau.
Maximum temperature, 66 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 57 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st, 1898. to date, 77.11 inches.
Excejs of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, 1895. to. date, 5.81 Inches.
To be resigned when Ills betide.
Patient when favors are denied.
And pleased with favors given;
Dear Chloe, this Is wisdom's part;
This is that incense of the heart
Whose fragrance smells to heaven.
Nathanltl Cotton.
Dr. W. L Howard, Homueopathlst, W
Sweet peas and proud
worn by the summer girL
llllles are
Fresh strawberries every morning at
lowest market price. C. B. Smith.
Captain Ed. Hallock won the bicycle
at Sam Harris' raffle Saturday night
Captain Billy Smith came up from
his Seaside ranch yesterday to take
the Plnmore to Portland.
Neglige shirts that are so starched
that they belle the name, are the pres
ent masculine bargain rage.
Miss Callle Sweltzeer, of Hubbard,
Oregon, is in the city visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Hilton E. Dunseth.
ii r. vie beaming, city passenger
agent of the O. R. and N". at Portland
returned from the beach Sunday.
A carload nice fresh watermelons, also
a carload choice assorted fruits just
arrived today. Ross, Hlggins & Co.
"Our Corner" will in a few days ex.
tend its premises to take in the store
room immediately south on 12th street
Go to the Spa for your candles and
Ice cream. The only first-class place
In town. Crushed fruits always on
Mrs. Carrie Ray, medium. Readings
dally, 50 cents. Test circle Tuesday
and Sunday nights, 10 cents. 440 Bond
street Room 5.
captain Arcme reuse came over
from Ilwaco yesterday morning on a
launch, and returned In the evening
on the Potter.
i Ice cream by the bushel at C. B.
Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty.
Private parlors for ladles. 48J Com
mercial street
It was reported yesterday that salm
on were running very much better,
and that a number of large catches
had been made.
Dr. Klnneye says that It Is necessary
for one to stand on his head In order
separator cream in the ! ,0 reaa eeley's new map of the mouth
The finest
city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's.'1 of the Columbia.
Small sleeves are an assured factor
in the autumn wardrobe of the ladies.
Just received, a choice stock of fine
teas, coffees and spices, at Foard &
Stokes Co.
Best Ice cream in town, cheap. Par
lors for ladles. Astoria Creamery, 455
Duane street
Cream from the celebrated Mikado
cream separator, fresh every day, at
Foard & Stokes Co.
Miss Pearl Holden
with Miss Klnzle at
residence. Fort Canby.
spent Sunday
Major Kinzle's
Alex Gilbert's ball at Seaside Satur
day night was one of the most suc
cessful of the season.
Reserved seats will be on sale at the
New York Novelty Store up to 9
The Misses Foard and their brother,
who have been visiting relatives In
Astoria, will return to San Francisco
on the Columbia August 1st.
The Harvest Moon arrived down yes
terday afternoon with a large barge
load of bridge timbers from Senator
Borthwlck's factory at Goble.
J. W. Mlnaker, Knappa; John Grant
and Mrs. Winston, North Shore; Ed.
Lorenzo and Mrs. Harrison, of War
renton, were among the country visit
ors yesterday.
It was reported yesterday that Mr.
Frank GeTdes, while on a fishing trip
Sunday, got stuck on a mud bank and
did not get home until A o'clock yes
terday morning.
We guarantee our Headache Tablets
to cure any case of headache In fif
teen minutes. Price 25c. Can be sent
Orkson & Mcjryin Room Company
by mall. Chas. Rogers, Druggist, 459
Commercial street.
Tort Captain E. J. Rathbono. of
the O. R. ami N. Company, returned
Sunday from North lteaoh with his
family, where they had been spending
a few weeks' vacation.
Mr. C. J. Eddy, general agent of the
Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Hall
way, and wife, whv have been spend
ing a few days at Seaside, returned to
Portland Sunday night.
The steamer Potter arrived down at
2:30 yesterday afternoon with a large
excursion of people for Seaside. Su
perintendent Lester ran a special train
to accommodate the party.
The new army has at lost arrived
and will open its work In this city In
favor of God's American Volunteers.
Meetings will be held on the streets
until a suitable hall ran be secured.
Mr. A. Hodes, representing II. R.
Lltt of Portland, ran be found at the
mlllnary store of Mrs. McKentle, with
a full line of ladles' suits, capes and
separate skirts, for a few days only.
The occupants of a house on Grand
avenue, where the street grading Is
progressing, nearly made up their
minds to move Sunday, as the hill
side had begun to slide. No damage Is
Observer Grover has been trying
veiy hard for several days to make
It rain, but so far has been unsuccess
ful. He can ride a bike on the beach,
however. It he Is not much of a
weather man.
Within a few days the stock held by
Astor Lodge, K. of P., in the Astoria
Building and Loan Association, will
mutur and the already nourishing
treasury of the lodge will receive the
neat sum of J-DOO rash.
Mr. Wm. Whelan left Portland last
Saturday night for Astoria. He must
have fallen by the wayside, as when
last seen he was enjoying Herman
Wise's picnic at Cathtamet. His
friends look for him today.
The Japanes capitalists who are now
in Portland are being well entertained
in that city and there is a good pros
pect that the new line of fast steamers
will be established between the Orient
and the Columbia river. Hurrah for
Mr. James Layton McEwan died in
LTppertown Sunday at 5 o'clock In the
afternoon. The deceased was 25 years
old and was well and favorably known
in the city. The funeral will take
place from Grace Church at 2 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon.
The Eastern Clock Company has re
moved its quarters to 10th street, and
Mr. Chas. McDonald will remove his
working department Into the rooms re
cently occupied by the Clock Company.
One of his friends stated that he was
not moving because he couldn't pay
his rent.
Mr. Josef Gruber is In the city with
an Invitation to scientific men to ex
amine his newly discovered motor. The
descriptions of the machine, for which
patent has been applied, would indi
cate that it is a new system of per
petual motion. This Is perhaps some
thing that Astoria needs.
J. A. Waddle. R. W. Wilbur, T. B.
Wilcox, 8. H. Brown, Jr., J. M. Tur
ney, L. B. Seeley, James Laldlaw, D.
M. Dunne, Engene F. Samuel, Port
land, Frank Judson, Omaha; Geo. A.
Beavls, W. H. Garrett, San Franslco,
and J. T. Megler and wife, Brookfleld,
registered at the Occident yesterday.
Hln, conveying the undivided one- 1 anything of the kind heretofore seen,
quarter Interest In the southwest quar-; Their Intelllnence will prove highly In
ter, am-llon 2. township S north, range ' tcrcstlng and should mil net croud
7 west, and the undivided one-quarter : ,f people. The Sun Francisco I'hionl
Interest In the southeast quarter, see- J cle say "People marvel at the Won
tlen 2. township S north, rang 7 west, derful Intelligence of home flesh at
?-M- j the Auditorium last night, and grew
enthusiastic ever the wonderful equine
A very pretty fad has taken posse. ' ,xhlhltlon ,hat m given under the
sion ot a number or Oregon ladle
which Is no more or less than the
collection of rare old Indian baskets.
supervision of professor Itrlsiol. The
professor has certainly achieved won
derful siicccs In the tralnlne of
Senator of Salem, says that I Th1 ,,, )f
nis wire pas succeeded in collecting1
bankets from almost every Indian
tribe In the country. Some of them
are more than fifty years old and have
very interesting histories connected
with them.
Mr. W. G. Manderson. a former resi
dent of Astoria, arrived last evening
from Prtnre Edward Island. Me sayi
that he tlr.ds Astoria greatly chung-'d
for the better since he left here. The
wonderful Improvements going on un
der the auspices of the railroad com-1
pany all along the river front, look
like the beginning of a new era. Mr.
Manderson says that crops In Prltlsh
Columbia are In very good shape this
The sheriff yesterday made the fol
lowing sales under foreclosure suits,
the plaintiffs In each rase being the
purchasers: First National Hank Vs.
Geo. Hill et al lots t and . block 10.
MeClure's. 110.160 3.1; P. Lowengart vs.
Edson Keith, and Aberdeen Hank,
southeast quarter section 7. township
7 north, range ( west, $;is 60; Martha
E. Brown vs. Robert Hell, tract of U7
acres In section :t. township R north,
range 10 west, $676.9").
The bouts up-river Saturday nlsht
were very much crowded. Mr. L. 11.
Seeley. w ho was one of the passengers,
was obligvd ti take a middle section
which was so narrow that when he
wanted to turn over he was obliged
to roll out on the floor to do so and
then roll back again. No alarm clock
was necessary to wake up the pas
sengers, as Mr. Sam Itrown's sawmill
snore kept everybody In a state of
suspense ur.tll the watchman call-.-d
company are pantomimic artists of
j great skill. There are thirty horses
In the band, and they all contribute o
' the success of the entertainment. Not
: the least amusing of the lot Is a mule,
; which Is a cloun of considerable abil
ity, anil which gives a very good Iml-
tntlon of a person delivering an ad-
dress." Popular price. JJ, 35 and 50
i cents.
Two Nights and One Hatince
Wc tines, ilny nn.l WW II X -sT" rfV
ilny KJ J 1l4 I tlllU
Knmlly Mntloo Thiirsitlny. at Ji.iO
Promptly Furnished
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
The Epworth League extends a cor
dial invitation to all Its friends to
attend a lawn social next Thursday
evening at the residence of Mrs. Ilu
sey, corner 6th street and Grand ave
nue. Vocal and instrumental music,
games, refreshments, etc., will be In
dulged in. Strangers especially In
In the police court 'yesterday Harry
E. Elason was fined t5 for the use of
abusive language; "Flddk-r" Larsen
was fined 15 for being drunk; Charley
Williams, who was arrested Sunday
night for being drunk, was fined 15,
which the court remitted In order
that the defendant might be placed In
the hospital to recover from sickness.
Henry Seymour, New York; T. J.
Henry, J. F. Steffen, D. B. Hendricks
and wife, Portland; Mrs. L. F. John
son, Oregon City; James Ashworth,
Athena, Oregon; Miss Maggie Crulk
shank, Aberdeen, Scotland; J. C.
Brown, Spokane, W. Wright, Ilwaco,
and Geo. Smith, Walla Walla, were
guests at the Parker House yesterday.
The only deed filed for record in the
recorder's office yesterday was one
from Allen R. Hurgren, to Moy Back
A visiting stranger who took a
drive out over the pipeline road Sun
day, says that this is one of the most
beautiful drives out of Astoria. Those
who contemplate making the round
trip should look out for a fallen log
on the lefthand side of the pipeline go
ing out. In which has been hewn by an
axe an arrow and a P. The road Indi
cated leads to Lincoln Parker's ranch
from where there Is a good road over
the hills, to the Scandinavian cannery,
and from there the drive Into town Is
a pleasant one. The round trip takes
about an hour and a half. A little Im
provement made on this road would
secure to the people a magnificent
pleasure driveway.
Mr. Earl M. Wilbur, secretary of the
Maxamas, writes from Portland to the
Astorlan describing a proposed trip of
that order to Crater Lake on August
16. He says that the excursion prom
Ises to exceed In magnitude and Im
portance any like movement ever pro
Jected In this country, and that It is
the desire of the promoters that It
shall be fruitful of even larger and
more Important benefits. A modest es
timate of the number of those w ho will
Join the excursion Is 500. Many who
have probably not heard of the Maia
mas and the object of their enterprise,
and those who have already enjoyed
their hospitality, are invited to Join
this Bpeclal excursion. Full particulars
can be obtained of Secretary Wilbur,
THE PKol'Elt Sl'IltlT.
You gave u a line time, said one of
the Picnickers to Herman Wise Sun
day. 1 am glad, said Mr. Wise. If I have
helwd to drive away dull care for
one hour. If I have brought pleasure
to the heart of one customer, I feel
amply repaid for all the laHr. ex
pense and worry connected ith the
management of this picnic.
What will you do next for your cus
I don't know yet; I am working on
some plans, which I will announce
soon; In the mean time my customers i
can save the Utile bill, we give with PmCBH 2Bc af,c mU BOi;.
each purchase; these slips or bills will "
. Hpcclnl ESnuciitement
Tilt U fh riKT -art OXI.V A I'fKA It A N( la AITOKI A .r the t'Kt.KIIHATKI
'TitiUctioniiMy t lie largest lit) J iiiim.1 wonderful exhibition of an
imal Ir.tellluenee known to the world." Sun FruneUco I xnntlner.
...Horses of the Rarest Beauty and Human Intelligence...
IN lllutior
be exchanged for tickets for our next ! Al th Mails. all ehlltlr. ar glea a fr pnay rid, ami sr. lm any .! a
alTalr In due time. ! t h f.if v.ut.
The following unclaimed letter wer i
advertised at the Astoria postofflc. on
July 27. 7SM: i
Itlumar Mrs Unilc ;
Deff.l, Moran j
Hall, Miss li.
Ijine, Rev. W. M. 1
Mohan. Mr. i
Ilerrler, John
ltoldson, ius.
Gnrness, A. J.
King, Kr-tley
Martin, Willie (2)
Nelson. Mrs. M. C.r-at-rsonfl Peat
Qiialmun. Chus Spauldlng. I.udnlg
Holm, C. I-irson. John G.
Persons calling for any of th. above
letters will please say "advertised."
Additional postage of on. cent for each
letter advertised is charged.
Of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R.
In c fieri July i$, iSi;6.
To tiatsop llench.
Mlly, ctcvtl
KriHtl iltlMii Pesrh.
iHilly, etr... Muh'bty
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Odd Fellows'
Building Association will
Odd Fellows' Halt on Thursday. Aug.
27th, at 2 o'clock p m.
By order of the president,
A. J. MEOLER, Secy.
Wednesday evening Prof. D. M. Bris
tol with his wonderful horses, will be
gin a two-night engagement at the
Opera House, including a matinee ses
sion Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
One of the features of the matinee will
be a free pony ride for the children.
Comparatively speaking, Prof. Bris
tol's horses are said to be wonders of
equine Intelligence, far superior to
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.
If.M. A.M.r.M. I'M I A.M. U. VI.
fl:lHH:4(7:5:!llilll:ir,7 :HA
I fl : 1H S :4H7 :07 fl :.'1M 1(1 :3.7 :4'.'
!fi:.18:M7:10.V4l lll:2i:7:C
I 6 :.) 8 :.-7 ; 1 . 5 10 M J -AH
! fl ::Mi II :( 7 : 17 ft :5H1() :3.'),7
! fl as i UV7 qi R in in 7 -.mi
uin.i ami fl. 40 9:ld7 :'.fi (1:01); 10 :4.V8:0I
be held at B:449:H7::iriaKK;in:-HtlH:(k')
6 A'J U : llt(7 :34 fl 10 M 8 :0U
6 M 0 :2i,7 :3K (1 :14 1(1 :fi ;ia
7:01 :UL7:47B:.IjU:0(18:.l
7:0fip:8(1.7:Gr6:Srll:ir8 :r,l
7:10 II:40!7:Vj'6:1I:1oH:I
i n
3 i
I .care. .Klavel,
Forecast For Western Washington
and Western Oregon, fair weather.
For Eastern Washington and East
ern Oregon, probable light showera
The U. S. Gov't Reports
thow Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond I
and Uth streets. Th. Anest brands of '
liquors and cigars always on hand. Call '
and try us.
. .Junction
. . Warreiiton. "
" . .Hklpsnoii.. "
" ..Morrison .. "
" . .(Ilcnwood. , "
" ..('arnahan.. "
" ..Weston.... "
" ..Clatsop Oily "
" ..liulteiileM. "
" ..(tearlittrt.. "
" ..Ohana..,,. "
Arrive. Heasido Imw
1A.M. Jk. M.lf.M. I'.U A. W.'F. U.
. . . Arrive 7 :! 4S fl :IM (1 :4U 8 : .fl :O0
7:1J7:!I7 4:W(1:II:,H :07,ft;fti
7:07 :H1 4:4(1 il .'.'7; .01 5:4(1
7 m ! :S7 4 :42 :'7 :?, -M
1 :IW 0 :' 4:37(1 :l 7 ;.V.V87
tl :S4'0:U' 4 :i : 14:7:4715 H
0 :M :1!I'4:W 0:1 1 7:i:52
(5:4711 :01I4:'.4(I;(I77:!W5:24
1:4:l9:05 4;:ilfl:lllj7:85:5:O
:8.V8 : 5Y4 :10 ft :ftf7 ;2S'ft :1ft
(l:.'W8:fi(V4flftfi:fto!7:'.'0 8:0(V
II :ta 8 46 4 :( 5 :4.M7 : W5 KX)
No. 1, V, T and
t Train marked flril els rsrry personal Imsgnge, but no freight,
make war .loin at Warreiilon. ( srluiliiin suit Orrliurt onlv.
1 On nturly Nm. ti and t run (hroiiih on hour he(ora lime glvmi on time enrd
No leouniK-i will) nlglil boat froin 1'ortlaiiil; alto with Hti.m.r K. L. Iiwver I
Astoria at a ihm. m. '
So, t connect, with Hlramer Pwyer, Imvlng Astoria at :l. a. m
No. (conneeU Willi ilay Insit rniiu i'ortlsiiil; iilao wild lonU from llwaro ri.r Voriland'
li with Hlramer Dwyor, lvlng Astoria at i:tu p. ni. except Hatunlny when llino It on
hour earlier.
No. s eoonreu with Hleamer PolU-r hvlng Portland at 1 p.m. Katurduy and Astoria
about (I mi p. in.
No loconnert with night bonl from Tortliiad linvlng Aslorl at a. in Kuinlay also
with Hteniuer I)w.vr leaving Aatorl ul 7 Un. m Hiimlny.
Ko. II coiiiiorl with bouU for Astoria and 1'orPand. C. K. I.KmTEH gupt.
please Take Special Notice..
Mortgagor's Sale
Of the...
J Oregon Trading Co.
The chance of n life time to
htiy the bent quality of good
nt h trcniciiJotm Hiierlllee. . ,
For 15 cents you can secur. an excel
lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant, No. 671 Commercial street. I
Thy ar. also fully prepared to lervo mmmmmm'mmm mmmmtm -.4- --- -w--t--t--.
iiia ui ii.ii, linn na aeucacle. of
th. season, as well as oysters In .v.ry
Imaginable stylt at th. lowest living1
prices. Come one. and you will con-'
Unu to come. I
No combination survives so satisfac
torily season In and season out as the
blue and white one.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Saiton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn Dniir Stnr
10c and 25c per package.
Meany Is th. lending tailor, and pays
th. highest cash price for fur skins.
Gearhart Park
Clatsop Beach
The Ideal Summer
Should offer gaiety for the gay, rest
for the weary, a beautiful oountry for
the nature lover, a pleasant borne and
gonial climate for all. These and many
other attractions may be found at the
Ooarhart, within easy reach of Asto
ria For additional Information, address-
ummmmmmmm mmmmtmm mmm mmm mmmm ml
r 1
R. L. Boyle & Co.
The Hop Lee Clothing Factory and
merchant tailors, (08 Commercial at.,
make underclothing to order. Quits
and trousers made to fit perfectly.
Every order punctually on time and
satisfaction guaranteed. Good good
old cheap. Call and be convinced.
The best chemical compound for wash
ing powder Is "Sosp Foam," as It will
not "yellow th. clothes," nor burn the
hands. It's th. (Inert thing 1n the world
for the bath. One trial will convince
Will set the best table and putun
city llo-uld refreshment In the
billy-WRIGHT & COLE-cash
Use Welfoot Corn Cnre. No
cure no pay. For sale at Estes-Conn
Drujr Store.
i ...
f ' i
1 ";
r -l -.v i" r ' -1 '
ai H-