THE DAILY ASTOMAX. FlillUY MORNING, Jl'LY 21, IHiKl. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. S, TKKMS Or MBSCRIPriON. DAILY. Sent by mall. per year W.00 Bent by mall, er month M Delivered by carrier, per month.... .5 WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, In advance, postage free, to subscribers. AU communication Intended for publi cation ahould be directed to th editor. Business communication of all kinds and remlttancea muat be addressed to The Astorian. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub scribers the largest circulation ot any aewspaper published oa the Columbia liver. Advertising- rates caa b had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second oldest weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonlan. the Unrest weekly circulation In the state. Jno. F. Handley Co.. are our Port land agents, and copies ot The Astoriaa caa be had every morning at their stand, III Third street MR. BOURNE AGAIN. Hon. Charles W. Fulton, In a letter to the Oregonian concerning the con tinuance of Johnathan Bourne as sec retary of the Republican state com mittee, appears by the following sen tence to make a plea for Mr. Bourne's retention: "If Mr. Bourne will support McKinley, I see no reason why he ahould not continue as secretary. If he Is satisfactory to Mr. Hlrsch, the chairman." Mr. Fulton may not have intended his letter to be so read, but if those are his sentiments, we beg to differ with him and would urge that princi ples, not men. should be given consid eration In the choice of a secretary for this committee during the Import' ant campaign just beginning. There can be no doubt of the sound ness of the proposition that the secre tary of the Republican state commit tee should be a person who firmly takes its stand upon the platform recently adopted by the Republican national convention at St. Louis, and equally, there can be no doubt that Jonathan Bourne, being in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ra tio of I to 1. does not stand upon that platform; hence he is not a fit representative of Its principles, nor a proper person to have charge of a campaign In which the earnest advo cacy of those principles may mean so much for the Republican candidates. Mr. Fulton asks the question wheth er 'It Is proposed to serve notice on every man who has ever doubted or who now doubts the wisdom of adopt ing the single gold standard as the settled financial policy or this nation. that his vote will not be want ed for McKinley In November." Xelther in respect to Mr. Bourne nor any other free silver coinage advocate Is this the Issue. The question cannot ' be side-tracked In that way. The Re publican party platform adopted at St Louis does not declare for a single gold standard, as Mr. Fulton seems to intimate, but it does clearly and with out equivocation declare that "we are opposed to the free coinage of silver except by International agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained we believe the ex isting gold standard must be preserv ed." . Mr. Bourne has yet given no sign of a change from his advocacy of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 1 to 1, and probably will not But even if he should signify such a change in his convictions, the doubt which must always arise as to his sincerity would utterly unfit him tor the office of secretary of the Re publican state committee In the com ing campaign. The total treasury receipts for the first twenty-two months of the Mc Kinley tarl.t law were !,.-'50. The , total treasury relpts undvr the! twenty two months under the Wilson- Gorman law were J55S. 144.539, showing a net loss for twenty-two months of tariff-for-revenue-only of I102.275.7&1. Official treasury reports show a net deficiency of JS0,9.i3,977 for the first twenty-two months (ending June 30, 1896) of the Wilson-Gorman tariff law. The alarming losses in revenue caus ed the government to dip into the jcjBI reserve to pay the running ex penses of the government To make good the depleted reserve and provide against constantly recurring deficits the public debt was increased under Mr. Cleveland by $262,329,620. Under the previous administration and under the policy of protection the public debt was decreased J244.819.730. We would ask the people who contend that the tariff will not be an issue this fall where the government will get Its In come if free trade Bryan should be elected? The Republican national committee has resolved to establish not one but two campaign headquarters, at Chi cago and at New York. There will be plenty jof work for both of them, and if the forces of the committee are Ju diciously divided the double arrange ment ought to work well. Mr. Hanna baa pressed Into the service, as his executive committee, some of the most experienced campaign workers of the party, and they ought not to lose any snore time than necessary In getting ready for their campaign. Mr. Gorman complains that the As torlan has done blm the injustice of representing that he is a packer of Columbia river salmon. He wishes it understood that he is not a packer of salmon, but only a handler of other packers' salmon, which, it seems, he m.r.iv huvs and puts on the market under the labels of which be is the owner. The Astoria- cheerfully gives Mr. Gorman the benefit of the publi cation of his explnnatt n, but. the fact that a newspaper printed right at the seat of the packing Industry was so misled by the lithography of Mr. Gor man's label as to charge him with being a packer of salmon, should sug gest to his mind the advisability f such changes In the form of the brands he puts upon his purchased salmon as would save him from the suspicion of being a salmon packer among other buyers of salmon. John P. Irish charges that Bryan's nomination was brought about by A. P. A. Influence at Chicago. Mr. Irish, who ought to be good authority, further says Bryan's father was an Orange in the old days we used to have men with "influence." but In these times we have men w'th "pull" in stead. FREK SILVER WOULD AFFEi'T EVERYBODY. If fro? rolling of silver should be come a law of the Vnlted States pr.ces of commodities would be doubled. The first articles on which doubling the price would appear are those we lm oit. Of the articles we lnirt tea and coffee are the most Important to the common people. Every housekeeper knows what these two articles cost per pound to day. By doubling the price per pound the first effect of the free coinage of sliver can he understood. But It will be asked. Is there no bal anclng advantage to be gained? The answer is simple. Absolutely none. All the advantages of the free coinage of silver will go to the owners of silver mine property and to the classes Indl rectly Interested in that class of prop erty. Chicago Times-Herald. We are anxious to do a little good In this world and can think of no pleas anter or better way to do It than by recommending One Mlnue Cough Cure as a preventative of pneumonia, con sumption, and other serious lung trou bles that follow neglected colda. Chas. Rogers. White etamtne made In tailor fash Ion is much In vogue for ladies' yacht ing costumes. The difference between Pills and Simmons Liver Repulator, Is just this Fills don't do down very easy with most people, and you feel them after wards. While Simmons Liver Regula tor in liquid or powder Is very pleas ant to take, and the only feeling you have afterwards Is the great relief it gives from Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. It is a mild laxative and a tonic. A woman in a shirt waist wearing big diamond earrings Is an Incongruity frequently met with these mornings. Eli Hill. Lumber City. Pa., writes: "I have been suffering from Piles for twenty-five years and thought my case Incurable. DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to me as a pile cure, so I bought a box and It peiformed a permanent cure." This is only one of the thousands of similar cases. Ecxe- rna, sores and skin diseases yield quick ly when it Is used. Chas. Rogers. Why is It barbers act as though they thought the whole feminine world thought they were too beautiful to live. When Baby was skk, we gaie her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castor!. When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria. When she L 3iBdrai, aheg'thmCtorta. The gay colorings that distlnkulsh the rest of his attire have crept Into the summer man's hoisery. It would be hard to convince a man suffering from bilious colic that his agony Is due to a microbe with an un pronouncable name. But one dose of DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure will convince him of its j. ,wer to afford iii3iarit rtiief. It kiils pain. Chas. Rogers. Confectioners now park In the boxes all candy that is to be sent away. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Contains no Ammonia or Alum. When a man Is really conceited he can outdo anything in that line at tempted by women. PURELY VEGETABLE. The Cheapest, Pare and Best Family Medi cine in the world ! Aw Effectual Specific for all diseases oi tbt Liver, Stomaib and Spleen. Regulate the Liver and w-event Chills and Fever, Malari ous Feveks, Bowel Complaint;,, Revile mess, jaumiicb and Nausea. BAD IIKEATBI Nothing it to :inf !c.iAam, nothing to common, as bad breath; and in nearly every case it comet from the stomach, and can o easily corrected if you will take Mmmosjs l.ivi a Kloilatoh. l)o not neglect so Sure a remedy for this repulsive disorder, it will also improve your appetite, complexion and general health. PILES! How many suffer torture day after day, nutkmif life a burden and roU,i::x exj.tcn .e of al! pleasure, owing to the secret suffering fr',m Piles. Vet relief is ready to the hand of almost any one who will use systemati cally the remedy that has permanently cured thou sands. Simmons Livpr Kkol-lator is no drastic, violent purge, but a gentle ass.stant to nature. CONSTII'ATIOJI SHOl.'LD not be rezarded as a trifling ailment in fact, nature demands the utmost reufjr ty of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to senous danger. It it quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from the , bowel as it is to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where costive habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE! This distressing afflirtjon occurs most frequcntly The disturbance of the stomach, ansinir from IM imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disareeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick Headache, for the relief of which taks Simmons Live kaouLATos or Medicins. MANUFACTl'EED ONLY IT J. H. ZtLLLH CO., Philadelphia, Pa. MiTir.i ii . Blackwcll's Genuine BULL DURHAM Too mil ttikl oa coapoa IntMs sue t oaoee Bar a bag. ml tlx emiiwo and es bo to ft Every well-regulated household Is i enlivened by an Imaginary burglar about once a month, provided the , women members live up to their repu-1 tatlon on that score. j WHEREVER MALARIA .JSC'STS. i The bilious are Its certain prey. In Intermlttant and remlttant fewr, , dumb ague and ague cake, the liver I always seriously affected.' and the blood contaminated with Mle. "ne , of the chief reasons why Hos.Mtet sj Stomach Bitters Is such a sure tie-, fense against chills and fever and every form of malarial disease, is. tnai It does away with liability to the dls- ease, o- renaming irresumrt-, , rhHolunii Corn, ,nJ AM 8kn Erup blllary organ In advance of th tir- j Von KnJ cur, for mrt or no rival of the season whon the disease . is prevalent. There Is no finer fortify-; Ing preparative for those about visit-; ing or emigrating to a locality where ; the miasma taint exists. Th-'re Is no I certain immunity from disease In an endemic or epidemic form, to be se cured by the use of the averase tonics j and antl-spasmodlcs. But where ipil- j nine falls the Bitters succeeds both ... v....... ; it removes every vestige of dyspepsia ( and overcomes constipation rheum. . tlsm. Inactivity of the kidneys and bladder, and tranqullises and strength ens the nervous system. A woman may own fifty gowns, but It is sate to gamble that there will come some time when she will hope lessly declare that she has nothing j suitable to wear. i Who does not know women nj young girts who are continually In I tear.? Who always see the dark tide? , Wbo have frequent fits of melancholy without any apparent cause? The In telligent physician will know that tt Is some derangement of the complicated and delicate feminine organs. The young girl suffers, bodily and mentally. In silence. There Is undue weariness, , unexpected pain, unreasonable tears, and fits of temper. Dr. Pierce's Fa-1 vorite Prescription exerts a wonderful j powsr over woman's delicate peculiar! weaknesses, Irr.-gularities and painful! derangements of women. Careless, i easy-going doctors frequently treat ! their women patients for biliousness, nervousness, dyspepsia, liver or kid ney troubles, when the real sickness Is In the organs distinctly feminine. and no help can come till they are made perfectly strong by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps to I Worlds Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1WS page Common Sense Med ical Adviser. Illustrated. Is there ever one woman who reads all the books she lugs away from home, making her trunk heavy, even though the literature Itself Is light? ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which is guar anteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chas. Rogers, druggist. Odd Fellows' building. Riches are rather an uncertain thing to lean on, but how many there arer who like t- lean on that kind of un certainty. FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen ft Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Tills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are eus7 In action and are particu larly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great Ijr Invlgoraet the system. Regular size, 25o per box. Bold by Chas. Rogers, Druggist, The day a lady plans to wear a thin gown, and has one especially done up for the occasion, generally turns out to be cool or rainy. When we consider that the intestines are about five times as long as the body, we can realize the Intense suf fering experienced when they become flamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure subdues Inflammation at once and completely removes the difficulty. Chas. Rogers. There's more clothing aestroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake" soap contains no free alkali and will not Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice the difference in quality. Ross, Hlggins Co. This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. bast "J o coaront InaMt Mch ( vase tm Y your soar of f3W,iM in promt. & No combination survives so antlafnc b illy season In and sc.iaon out" as the blue and white one. RQYAL Baking PowdCf has been awarded highest ! hnnnr mi everY worl(f fair when exhibited. t one entire day a month spent In , in,, rejuvenating process adopted by many wurnout belles. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA HALVE The the wor fo Cuti . BrM VXttt gait Rheum. Few -. ch,)pfj ,UmU pay required, it Is guaranteed to give -.-.. .-ttafaotlon. or money refunded, prk-w, cents per box. Tor sale by Chas. Rosier-., Odd Fsllows' building. The night watchman now has a : chance to take a nap In the porch chairs. Small In slxe but great In result. I tleWltt'a Utile Parle Risers act srentlv but thoroughly, curing Indigestion, dya pepsa anJ ,-,.,,,-. Smal, m Ro The duties of a professional shopper are not easy by any means. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wall papers are dally growing more unique and artistic. fmoM h.. . coumn n ., f sensation In 'he throat, may overcome It at once by a dose ot One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. Gold lorgnettes are the desire of the summer girl. "Wake up, Jacob, day Is breaking!" so said DeWitt's Little Early Risers to a man who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. Chas. Rogers, watermelon rum mimes tiengntioi preserve. Pass the good word alung the line. 1 Tiles can be quickly cured without an i operation by simply applying DeWitt's I Witch Hazel Salve. Chas. Rogers. - tHmned orsandles look as ,.,,.,, ,h mlM,.,rr rsv .,f sunshine . . . h . . Pure blood means good health. De Witt's Sarsaparllla purifies the blood, cures Eruptions. Eczema, Scrofula and all diseases arising from Impure blood. Chas. Rogers. If a woman does not own a tiny chatelaine watch you are sure of her favor If you give her one. Do you lack faith and love health? Let us establish your faith and restore your health with DeWitt's SUrsaporlUa. Chas. Rogers. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that E. R. Hawes has made a general assignment of all his property for the benefit of all his creditors; and that the under signed, C. J. Tronchard, has been ap pointed aslgnee of said estate; and all creditors of said estate are hereby noti fied to present their claims against said estate, under oath, to me, within three months hereafter, at the store of said E. R. Hawes, at No. 505 Bond I street, of said city. I C. J. TRENCHARD, Assignee. Astoria, June 25, 1896. filLOOD P01S0H iA5PECIALTYonrro';?S g-Jary lll.oOU I'OJSON penntntntlr inured In 16to&f dan. Vou can btroot() si homefortnme prMieau'lerivnineicnnraa itv. If ma Drofertooomebera wwiiieon- " unetw par rot I road faroand hotel billi.and Doetitm, If wo t -U to car, itjou hfire ten mr- I cury, iodide potti4h aoa stui nt and t rioiple. Copper Colored Hpott T'lcftro oa 'HOB, J aju a bimjjtisiiii uiuui nsu sa jmvf idt oart of the txulj. II sir or Fyebrowt railing oat. It is this Heeorsdarw l(LOOI POISON srecnarantwStoovirsi. WesoliolttbstnostolxU uate eases and ehUeiiK the world for a case weeannotcure. Tbisdl-easo bos always battled, theaklll of the moat eminent ph-at Ciaua SjaOOrOOO capital behind our uncrindl. Lkmal fcroaraxilr. Abeofnt proofs tent scaled oo smillcatknn. Aodmst COOK kKMKOV CO, u4 Mif"'" la pie, tU ICAUO. LADIES' Cloaks and Suit made to order or ready made at the ..UNIQUE.. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING C. A. LE VERE & CO. Ladles' Tailors. Declaration of Principles The lirpubllcNiis ot the Culled Rlates, ni-eitttilt'd by tlutt representatlvea In National Coitvi'iilloii, appealing for the popular and historical Justification of their claims to the matchless achieve ments of thirty years of Republican rule, earncntly and coitrttb'titly address themselves to the awakened lntelll Bonce, experience and conscience of their countrymen In the following dec laration of facts and principles; Kor the first lime sine the Civil War tln American people have wit. itrKsrd the rulnmltiiiia rontueiu'ea of I full and unresi rained Ivmoeratle con trol of the liovernnii'ttt. It has been a record of uiipniulU'd Incapacity, ills liour and disaster, In administrative iiinnngcmeitt It has ruthltssly sacrific ed lnillsiMiilhlr revenue, entailed an unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary current rxpenses with Innrowetl money, piled up the public debt by IJiU.iVO.OOO In time cf peace, Meed an adverts bal anco of trade, to a perpetual menace hanging ovrr the redemption fund, pawned American credit to alien syn dicates and reversed all the measures and results of successful Republican rule. In the broad effect ot Its policy It bus precipitated panic, blighted In dustry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and crip pled American production while stimu lating foreign production for the Amer ican market. Kvery consideration of public safety and Individual Interest demands that the government shall be rescued from the hands of those who have shown themselves Incapable ot conducting It without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, and shall be re stored to the party which for thirty years administered It nlth uneo,ualetl success and prosperity. A Protective Tarld. We renew and emphasize our allegt ance to the policy of protection as the bulwark of American Industrial Inde pendence and the foundation of Amer lean development and prosperity. This true American policy taxes foreign pro ducts and ancourng-s home Industry: It puts the burden ot revenue on for eign goods, It secures the American market for the American producer; It upholds the American standard ot wages for the American worklngmaq; It puts the factory by the side of the farm, and makes the American farmer less dependent on foreign demand and price; It diffuses general thrift and founds the strength ot all on the strength of each. In Its reasonable ap plication It Is Just, fair, and Impartial, equally opposed to foreign control and domestic monopoly, to sectional dis crimination and Individual favoritism. We denounce the present Democratic tariff as sectional, Injurious to the pub lic credit and destructive to business enterprise. We demand such equitable tariff on foreign Imports which come Into competition with American pro ducts as will not only furnish adequate revenue for the necessary expenses of the government, but will protect Amer ican lubor from degredallon to the wage level of other lands. We are not pledged to any particular schedules. The question of rates Is a practical question, to he governed by the condi tions of the tlrri" and production; the ruling and uncompromising principle Is the protection and development of American labor and Industry. The country demands a right settlement and then It wants rest. Knciprwiiy Willi Other Nations. We believe the repeal of the reci procity arrangenvtita negotiated by the Rrpubllcan administration was a national calamity, and we demand their renewal and extension on surh terms as will equalize our trade with other nations, remove the restrictions which now obstruct the sale of Amer ican products In th ports of other countries and secure the enlarged mar kets of our farms, forests and factories. Protection and reciprocity are twin measures of Republican policy, and go hand In hand. Democratic rule has recklessly struck down both, and both must be re-established. Protection for what wc produce, free admission for the necessaries of life which we don't produce, reciprocal agreements of mu tual Interest which gain open markets for us In return fur our open market to others. Protection builds up domestic Industry and trad and secures our own market for ourselves. Reciprocity builds up foreign trade and finds an outlet for our surplus. Protection to Suar Producers. We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with ths sugar producers of this country. The Republican party favors such protec tion as will lead to the production on American soil of all the sugar the American people use, and for which they pay othcr countries more than $100,000,000 annually. Wool anil Woolens. To all our products to those of the mine and the field, as well as to those of the shop p.nd the factory to hemp to wool, the product of the great Indus try of sheep husbandry, as well as to the finished woolens of the mill ws promise the most ample protection. Merchant Marine. We favor restoring the early Ameri ok Tim REPUBLICAN PARTY. can policy of discriminating duties for the tip-bulldltif ot our merchant marine and the protection tit our shipping In the foreign carrying trade, so that American ships the product of Amer ican labor, employed in American ship yards, sailing under the Htars and Hlrlpei, and manned, officered and owned by Aiiifrlcans-may regain the carrying of our foreign commerce. The Financial Issue. "The Republican parly Is unreserv edly for sound money, It caused the enactment ot the law providing for the resumption ot si-cla payments In since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are unalterably op posed to every measure calculated lo de base our currency or Impair the credit of our country. We are, therefore, op. posed to the free coinage of sliver, ex cept by International agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained we the existing gold standard must be preserved. All our sliver and paper currency now In circulation must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all measures designed to maintain Inviola ble the obligations of the I'nit! rUatcs. and all our money, whether ouln or paper, at the present standmd. the standard t f the most enlightened na tlnns of the earth." Pensions for Veterans. The veterans of the Cnlon armies de serve and should receive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given the preference In the matter ot employ ment, and they are entitled to the en ac'.ment of such laws as best calculat ed to secure the fulfillment ot the pledges made to them In the dark days of the country' peril. We denounce the practice of the pension bureau so recklessly and unjustly carried on by the present administration, ot reducing lienslons and arbitrarily dropping names from the rolls, as deserving the severest condemnation of the American people. Foreign Relations. Our foreign policy should be at all times firm, rigorous and dignified, and all our Interests In the western hemis phere carefully watched and guarded. The Hawaiian Islands ahould be con trolled by the United Status and no for eign power should be permlteld to In terfere with them. The Nicaragua Canal should be built, owned and op erated by the United Plates, and by the purchase of the Danish Islands we should secure a proper and much-needed naval station In the West Indies. Armenian Massacres. The massacres In Armenia have aroused the deep sympathy and Just Indignation of the American people, and we believe that the United Htatrs should exercise all the Influence It ran properly exert to bring these atrocities to an end. In Turkey, American resi dents have been exposed to the gran est dangers and American property de stroyed. There and everywhere Amer ican citizens and American property must be absolutely protected at all hazards and at any cost. Monroe Doctrine. We reassert the Monroe doctrine In Its full extent and reaffirm the right of the Unulted Plates to give the doctrine effect by responding to the appeals of any American state for friendly Inter vention In case of European encroach ment. We have not Interfered, and shall not Interfere, with the existing possessions of any European power In this hemisphere, but those possession must not, on any pretext, be extended. We hopefully look forward to the eventual withdrawal of the European powers from this hemisphere, and the ultimate union of nil the English speaking part of the continent by the free consent of Its Inhabitants. Independence of Cuba. From the hour of achieving their own Independence the people of the United States have regarded with sympathy the struggles of other American peoples to free themselves from European dom ination. We watch with deep and abid ing Interest the heroio battle of ths Cu ban patriots against cruelty and op pression, and our best hopes go out for the full success of their determined con test for liberty. The government of Spain, having lost control of Cuba and being unable to protect the property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to comply with It treaty obligation;, we believe that the government of the United State should actively use it Influence and good offices to restore peace and give Independence to the Island. Enlargement of the Navy. The peace and security of the repub lic and the maintenance of It rightful Influence among the nation of the earth demand a naval power commen surate with it position and responsi bility. We therefor favor the contin ued enlargement of the navy and a complete syati'in of liarlmr and soa I'oast defense. liiinilitnttlon Laws. For Ihe pfotxcllon of Hie equality ot our American rlllsenshlp and ot the wage of our woiklngmen against the fatal competition of low-priced labor, we demand lhat Ihe Immigration law be thoroughly enforced, and so extend ed as to exclude from entrance to the United Stairs (hose who can neither read nor w rit. Civil Service. The Civil Bnrvlce law was placid on the statute bunk by ths Itepubllcan party, which has always sustained It, and we renew our repeated declara tions that It shall be thoroughly and honeatty enforced and extended wher ever practicable. Free Ilallot. We demand that every cltlirn of the United Plates shall be allowed lo cast one free and unrestricted ballot, and that such ballot shall tie counted and returned a cast. I.ynclil k (Viuleniiifil, We proclaim our unqualified condem nation of the um lvllla. d and barbarous practices, wvii known as lynching or killing of human beings, suspected or charged with crime, without process ot law. National Arbitration. We favor the creation of a national board of arbitration to settle and ad Just differences which may arise be tween employer and employed engaged In Interstate commerce. Free Homesteads. We believe In an Immediate return to the free homestead policy of the Republican party and urge the passage by congress of the satisfactory free homestead measure which has already passed the house and I now pending In the senate. Admission of Territories. We favor the admission of the re maining territories al the earliest prac ticable date, having due regard to the Interests of the people of the territo ries and of the United Btatrs. All the federal officers appointed for the terri tories shall be selected from bona fid residents thereof, and the right of self government shall be acordrd as far as practicable, Alaska Representation. We believe the cltlsens of Alaska should have representation In the con gress of the United the end that needful legislation may be Intelli gently enacted. Sumptuary Legislation. We sympathise with all wise and le gltlnate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils of Intemperance and prmncte morality. Rights s of Women. The Republican party Is mindful of the rights and Interest of women. Pro tection of Amerli-iin Industries Includes equal opportunities, equal pay for equal work and protection to the home. W favor the admission of women (o wider spheres of .um'fuliifsa, and welcome their co-operation In rescuing the coun try from Democratic and Populist mis management and misrule. Puch are the principles and policies of the Republi can party. Ity t Ii.-m- principles we will abide end these principles wo will put Into execution. We ask for them the considerate Judgment of the American people, ConOdent alike In the history of our great party and In tl. justice of our cause, wo present our platform and our considerations, in the full assurance that the olectlnn will bring victory to the Republican parly and prosperity to the people of the United Plates. The Spot Where Custer Fell I within plain view of the Ilurllngtnn Route' track. The monument that marks his last resting place Is little, If any, more than a mile dis tant. You get a good view of It as the train whirls eastward over the olldest, the moothest, the best track ever built west ot Chicago. A pretty booklet, giv ing a brief account of the battle In which Cus ter lost his life will be mailed to anyone who asks for It. Write for a copy. Write also for In formation about rates and trains via the Bur lington Route to Oma ha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all other aouthern and aoutheastern cities. A. C. SHELDON, G, A., Portland, Oregon. .