The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 22, 1896, Image 2

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Telephone No. .
terms or i BstKir rioN.
. DA1LT.
Sent by mail, per year (4.00
Sent by mull, per month .50
Delivered by carrier, per month s
Scot by mall per year, 8 In advance,
postage free, to aubacrtbera,
All communloattona Intended (or publi
cation ahould b dtrected to the editor.
Business communication of all kind
and remittance must be addressed to
Ttaa Astortan.
The Aitorlan guarantee to It ub
acriber the largest circulation of any
Bewspapar published on the Columbia
Advertising rate can be had on eppll
eation to the business manager.
Tb Weekly Astortan, the second oldcat
weekly In the state of Oregon, has. next
to the Portland Oregonian, the Unrest
weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. F. Handley A Co., art our Port
land agents, and copies of The Aitorlan
as be had every morning at their (land,
XH Third street.
How can Mr. Hammond expect Asto
ria, property holders to Invest money
In elevators, sawmills, etc., when they
allow strangers to be driven from the
city because dwelling houses cannot
be found to put their families Into.
The report that the Missouri dele
gates to the Populist convention are
opposed to the endorsement or nomina
tion of Bryan must have a chilling ef
feet on the cabinet aspirations of Gov
ernor Stone,
As chairman of the Democratic na
tional committee, if there Is any such
organisation extant today. Senator
Jones I engaged In a very queer busi
ness at SL Louis In lobbying for the
endorsement of Democratic candidates
by a rival political party.
If there la any misunderstanding be
tween the county court and the Asto
ria council about the object of the
recent donation of J1000 out of the
road fund paid to the city, the only
honest course for the city to pursue Is
to pay the money back.
The London Chronicle says: "The
Chicago convention has justified the
expectations of its worst enemies. The
financial condition of Argentina and
Greece is a paradise compared with
what would be the condition of the
United States ahould the free silver
party come Into office. If so colossal
a catastrophe as the election of a
flver president occurred. America
would be brought face to face, first,
with a financial panic, and. second.
with civil war."
Sound money Democrats, and all
real Democrats who wish to rebuke
the Populists and Anarchists who stole
the Democratic convention, instead of
dividing, and thereby weakening, thelr
forces, should unite on McKInley, who
represents honest money, all state
ments to the contrary notwithstand
ing. Such an action on their part
would be by no mean without prece
dent, for w-e have the historic and no
ble example of the "War Democrats"
m the crisis of 1S6L who. forgetting
party ties, came unreservedly to the
support of the national authorities.
There are a good many Republican
m the First Congress district of Ne
braska, and when William J. Bryan,
Anarchist candidate for the presiden
cy, ran there in he was elected by
140 votes, the entire ballot being as
follows: Bryan. Democrat, 13.7M: Al
lan W. Field. Republican, 13.M4: K.
"W. Maxwell. Populist. ?S3; and Jerome
Shuunp, Independent. !.49. In 1884,
Jesse B. Strode. Republican, was elect
ed to congress In this district by a
majority of 5.457, over his Democratic
competitor. Mr. Bryan's speeches do
not seem to have been effective in
convincing the voters in his own dis
trict "Recent events havj imposed u: ; n
"the patriotic people of this country a
"responsibility and a duty greater
"than that of any since the civil war.
"Then It was a struggle to preserve
"the government of the United States.
"Xow It is a struggle to preserve the
"financial honor of the government of
"the United States. Then it was a
"contest to save the Union. Now it
"Is a contest to save spotless its cred
"it. Then section was arrayed against
"section. "Now men of all sections
"can unite to rebuke the repudiation
"of our obligations and the debase
ment of our currency. In this
"contest patrlotlfm is above party
"and national honor Ig dearer than
"any party name. The currency and
"credit of the government are good
"now and must be kept good forever.
"Our trouble is not wtlh the character
"of the money we have, but with the
"threat to debase it." William Mc
KInley. The statistics of immigration Just
published for the year ending June 30,
show an unusually large number of
Illiterates among the arrivals. Of the
sixty-three thousand who came from
Italy more than thirty thousand, or
nearly one-half of the whole number,
could neither read nor write, while
more than a third of the twenty
three thousand Hungarians landed
were equally Illiterate. This Is an il
lustration of the'importanee of the Im
migration plank adopted by the St.
Xtuis platform, and ought to com
Miftid the Republican candidates to
thousands of voters who appreciate
the necessity for congressional action
in this particular. Desirable immi
grant always have been wlecomed,
but this country Is not to be made
the dumping ground of the riff-raff
and ignorant masse which Europe
wants to get rid of. Our law already
draw the line at criminals, lunatics
and paupers. Why should It not also
be drawn at illiterates? Ability to
read and wrlle is essential to become
an latelllgei.t voter and a rtJ cltl
len. Immigrants who do not meet the
requirement are not wanted. And the
Rpuebllcan party has shown its good
sense and maintained ita reputation
for the vlror w ith which It reaches out
to ftrasp every rlslnR public question
by the declaration made in th ft.
LouU platform.
The congressional election this year
will assume a significance which they
have not had since the war. On their
result will depend whether the lower
branch of the next congress la to he
controlled by silver fanatics and Pop
pllst or by sound money men. The
Importance of this question cannot be
overestimated, since on Us determina
tion must hang the character of the
financial legislation of the next con
gress. Even should th sllv.rltea suc
ceed it electing the'r r:vMenttal ,
et they could not carry cut their finan
cial heresies without the co-operatr-n
of consTess. while on the other hand,
even a sound money president would
have only the veto power to ward off
dangerous financial legislation if con
gress should fall Into the clutches of
the sllwrltes. The battle for the gold
standard will therefore be waged vig
orously in every congressional district
with the determination of electing a
sound money majority lo the Tiouse.
Person who have a coughing jpell
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation In the throat, may overcome
It at once by a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure. Chas. Roger.
The man. who owns a Panama hat
invariably puts on airs.
Small in Iie but great In result.
DeWltfs Little Early Risers act gently
but thoroughly, curing Indigestion, dy
pepsla. and constipation. Small ptlU
best pill. Chas. Rogers.
Screens, canopies and Ice are the
three graces of the summer.
We are anxious to do a little good In
this world and can think of no pleas
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Mlnue Cough Cure
as a preventative of pneumonia, con
sumption, and other serious lung trou
bles that follow neglected colds. Chas.
Once It was her bonnet that con
cerned the woman traveler, now It Is
her bicycle.
Ell Hi", Lumber City. Pa., writes: "I
have been cuffertng from Piles for
twenty-five year and thought my case
Incurable. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve
was recommended to me as a pile cure,
so I bought a box and It performed a
permanent cure." This Is only one of
the thousand of similar cases. Ecse-
ma, sores and skin diseases yield quick'
ly when It is used. Chas. Rogers.
The latest fashion In corsets show
them of batiste embroidered in colored
Do you lack faith and love health?
Let us establish your faith and restore
your health with DeWltt's Sarsaparilla.
Chas. Rogers.
A new veiling is of pink, with black
dots. Its effect on the face Is startling.
Pass the good word along the line.
Piles can be quickly cured without an
operation by simply applying DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Chas. Rogers.
Lace Is used even on crash sown,
an Incongruous combination that Is
only sanctioned for its oddity.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
In many instances the pleasure ex
cursion turns out to be a pleasure
'exertion" as Mrs. Malaprop would re
'Wake up, Jacot, day Is breaking!"
so said DeWltfs Little Early Risers to
a man who had taken them to arouse
his sluggish liver. Chas. Rogers.
Linen suits f'.r men are seitin?
Jown to prices that correspond with
the wonderful values of gowns of that
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Contains bo Ammonia or Alum,
Why is it the real woman at the
shore never wears the style of bath'
ing costume that year after year ap
pears in the papers labeled "The Cor
rect Attire for the Summer Mermaid
The Cheaoett. Purett
cine in the world !
An ErrKTCAL Specific
'X ail dueaici A the
Liver, Stomach
and Spieen.
Regulate the Liver
and prevent Chills
ot'S iF.vttts, HowaL
mess, Jal'mjki and
Nothma; is fi t.r.p'.eaant. nothing ao common, &f
bad hreath ; and in nrarly every raae it cornea from
the tt-rmach, and can re eakiiy corrected if yon will
lake .Simmon, I.ivi k ;,llatoe. Lo not neglect o
sure a rentedy for th: repuliive dtaorder. It will alao
improve your appetite, complexion and general hcaJtb.
How many wffer torture day ar'er day, malting lift
a burden and rol.Miig existence of ail pleasure, owing
tolheiecret t:iffenn; fr ,m 1'ilev Vet relief it ready
lo the hand ot almost any one who will uae systemati
cally the remejy that lias permanently cured thou
sand!. Simmo-s Livem KtoiLAloa it no draltic,
violent purge, hut a gcctle assistant to nature.
SHOULD not be recarded aa
a tnfl.nit ailment in fact, nature
demands the utmost rcKubr.ty of
the bowels, and any deviation
from this demand paves the way
often to serious drinker. It it
quite as necessary to remove
impure accumulations from the
bowel, as it i, to eat or sleep, and
no health can be expected where
a costive ha'jit of b-y prevails.
Thil distressing affliction occurt most frequently.
Thed.sturhance of the stomach, arising from lh
imperfectly diKested contents, causes a severe pain in
the head, accompanied with disaj-reeable nausea, and
thia constitutes what is popularly known as Sick
Headache, for the relief of winch takb Simmons
Lives Keoulati, o Mhuicim.
manup actus ed only y
jr. H. ZEtXIIt CO., HiiladelphUt, Pa.
you r
m mv w "" i' ,w v - r it
ifA'- srhs. 'T' H Vou will find on coupon
(j f V lii.l.le t li two ounce bag
i L I IV'V li I I anUtwocoiipvmslndseaA'h
I J W ' ' RurouiicbaofIUackwir
12 A "TfiW J1 i I Buy a tg or this
i M T j I celebrated totsseco and read
XU fr"VjL I Ilia rouison which alvea a
The girl who entertains thre young The woman about to tke her llrst
men on the porch while her sister at trip across the ocean shoul.l be lm
the seashore has to share one with aj pr.-ss.-d with the importance of
half doien of her rivals doesn't think lug on deck the prettiest shoes she
the city such a bad place In suttiMer
time after all.
Who does not know women and
young girls who are continually In
tears? Who always see the dark side?
Whi have frequent fits of melancholy
without any apparent cause? The In-1 gt anJ fft ft lrlfJ )wXtit rr. gnd
telllgent physician will know that It I j your Mme aJdreiM t0 u. k. Hucklen
some derangement of the complicated j A Co- Chloago. and net a sample box
and delicate feminine organ. The o( Lf Pill free, as well a a
young girl suffers, bodily and mentally, j pop, 0f Qulde to Health and Household
In silence. There Is undue weariness. instructor, free. All of which I guar
unexpected pain, unreasonable tears: antoed to do you good nnd cost you
and fits of temper. Dr. Pierce' Ka-! nothing. Chss. Rogers, druggist. Odd
vorite Prescription exerts a wonderful
power over w oman's delicate peculiar
weaknesses, irregularities and painfull
derangements of women. Careless,
easy-going doctors frequently treat
their women patients for biliousness.
nervousness, ilysiepsia. liver or kid-
ney troubles, w hen the real sickness
Is in the organ distinctly feminine.
and no help can come till they are
made perfectly strong ty tne use or
Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription.
Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps to
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion. Buffalo, N. T., and receive Dr.
Pierce' 1008 page Common Sense Med
ical Adviser, illustrated.
Men are as great bargain hunter
as women. This observation Is caus
ed by the sight of four wel!-dresaed
masculines endeavoring to posse
themselves of one marked-down negli
ge shirt.
The bilious are Its certain prey. In
Intermtttant and remittant fever,
dumb ague and ague cake, the liver is
always seriously affected, and the
blood contaminated with Mle. One
of the chief reasons why Hos.etter's
Stomach Bitters Is such a sure de
fense against chill and fever and
every form of malarial disease. Is, that
It does away with liability to the dis
ease, by reforming Irregularl'y f he
biliary organ In advance of th ar
rival of the season when the liitense
Is prevalent There Is no finer fortify-j
Ing preparative for those about visit- j
Ing or emigrating to a locality where
the miasma taint exists. Th-re is no wards. While Simmon Liver KetfU'.a
certain immunity from disease In an tor In liquid or ponder Is very pl-is-endemlc
or epidemic form, to be se-1 ant to tuke. and the only feeling y.oi
cured by the use of the averase tonics j have afterwards Is the great relief
and anti-spasmodics. But where qui- t gives from Constipation, lilllou.-meHs,
nine fails the Bitters succeeds both j Headache, and Dyspepsia. It Is
in preventing and curing. Moreover,
It removes every vestige of dyspepsia
and overcomes constipation, rheuma
tism, inactivity of the kidneys and
bladder, and tramiuillzea and strength
ens the nervous system.
If you close your eyes while the
grass In your back yard is b-ln cut,
you can easily imaigne that you own
a dewy scented lawn In place of a
patch of green about the site of a
postage stamp.
Did you ever stop to think what in
digestion really means? It means sim
ply that your stomach Is tired. If our
piy inai your atomucn is iireu. it our,
. ., , , , -.u s.
legs are tired w e ride. The horse and I
... !
the steam engine do the work. Why
not give your stomach a ride; that is,
let something elite do it work. Foods
can be digested outside of the body.
AH plants contain dlgeatlve principles
which will do this. The Shaker Diges
tive Cordial contains digestive princi
ples, and Is a preparation designed to
rest the stomach. The Shakers them
selves have such unbounded confidence
in it that they have placed 10 c-nt
sample bottles on the market, and it is
said that even so small a quantity
proves beneficial In a vast majority
of cases. All druggists keep It.
LAXOL Is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctor recommend It In place
of Castor Oil.
How many poor men who think
themselve the Idol of the hour In sum
mer have to submit to a snubbing on
city streets when the summer girl Is
transformed into the winter one.
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen i
Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box
of Dr. King1 New Life Pills. A trial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy In action and are particu
larly effective In the cure of Constipation
and Blck Headache. For Malaria and
Liver Trouble they have been proved
Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious sub
stance and to be purely vegetable. They
do not weaken by their action, but by
giving tone to stomach and bowels great
ly lnvigoraet the system. Regular size.
25o per box. bom Dy mas. iiogers,
There's more clothing destroyed by poor
soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake
soap contain no free alkali and will not
Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice
the difference in quality, koss, Higgins
II Co.
"W of valuable praseuu and.
CItliL.'fc 1 how lo get them.
! ow n.
Those who have uned Pr. King' New
Discovery know It value, and those who
hav not hav now the opportunity to
, try tnt CM on th vf r,et drug-
I Fellows' building,
The end seats In owii cars Hint In
clear weather are greedily pre-empted
i can be easily obtained on rainy dti.
In fact, no one wants them,
I . va hTth. worll for Cuts.
Bru,Mi s ncri. Salt Rheum,
j rew T,u,r, Chapped Hand.
Chilblain, Corns, and All 8kln Erup
tions,, and positive cur for Pile, or no
pay required. It I guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or moony refunded.
Price, II cant per box. For al by
Chas. Roger-.. Odd FtllowC building.
There I a lot of rubbish written
about the hammock girl. She la all
very well after he 1 once ensconced,
but she is not a vision of grace In her
attempt to make herself comfortable.
WVssa Baby was sick, w gave ar Caatorla,
Woes ab becsuM Vita, she ehiag to Caaxoria,
WbaaabsL 3illdrm, tb gat than CauRorla.
There I no excuse, so far as expense
is concerned, for not having the dinner
table made lovely with floral decora
tions. The difference between Pills ai.d
Simmons Liver Regulator. Is Just tills;
puis don't go down very easy vlih
most people, and you feel them uittr-
a miM laxative and a tonic.
"Street car eye" Is a new form of
trouble more unique even than "bicy
cle face."
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
If quarrelsome couples only realized
how embarrassing their bickerings
were to outsiders they would reserve
their differences of opinion for private
It would be hard to convince a man
suffer ng from b llous colic that hi
" c""s
agony Is due to a microbe with an un-
nronouncable nam. But one dose of
DeWltt's Colic and Cholera Cure will
convince him of Its power to afford
Instant relief. It kills pain. Chas.
In many houses where a corps of
servants Is kept the mistress never al
lows any hands but her own to dust
valuable brlc-abrac and wash cut glass.
When we consider that the intestine
are about five time as long as the
body, we can realize the Intense suf
ferlng experienced when they become
Inflamed. DeWItt' Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues Inflammation at once and
completely remove the dldlculty. Chas.
If nature did not wave the white
banner of age In a woman's locks she
would declare herself a girl until she
Pure blood mean good health. De
Witt's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood,
cures Eruptions, Eczema, Scrofula and
all disease arising from Impure blood.
Chas. Rogers.
.Notice Is hereby given that E. R.
Hawes has made a general assignment
of all hi property for the benefit of
all his creditors; and that the under
signed, C. J. Trenchard, has been ap
pointed aslgnee of said estate; and all
creditors of ald estate are hereby noti
fied to present their claim against
said estate, under oath, to me, within
three month hereafter, at the tore of
said E. R. Hawes, at No. 005 Bond
street, of said city.
Astoria, June 25, 18M.
Declaration of Principles
Th Republican of th (.'lilted State.
Awmhlcd by their representatlv In
National Convention, appealing for th
popular and historical Justification of
their claim to the matfliles achieve
ment of thirty years of Republican
rule, eiiriifntly and confidently address
themselves lo the awakeilml llitrHI
Kent's', rxperlt noe and conscience of
their countrymen In the following df
liinilliin of fuc l a and principles:
For the flint time slixe the Civil
nr the American peoplt have w It
nested the cnlnniltou consequence of
full and uiiivmi allied Democratic con
trol of the tlovcintiienl. It ha been
a rccoid of uiipainllrsl Incapacity, dis
honor ami disaster. In administrative
niaiiHKemeiit It has rtuhlnnly acrlllc
ed Indltqirtisilhle revenue, entailed an
unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary
current expenses with borrowed money,
piled up the public debt by IJSi.OOO.OOO
111 time of peace, forced an adverse bal
ance of trade, to a perpetual menace
hanging over the redemption fund,
pawned American credit to alien syn
dicate and reversed all the measure
and result of successful Republican
rule. In the broad effect of It policy
It has precipitated panic, blighted In
dustry and tradK with prolonged de
pression, closed frti'torles. reduced work
and wages, halted enterprise and crip
pled American production while tlmu
luting foreign production for th Amer
ican market. Kvery consideration of
public safety and Individual Interest
demand that the government shall be
rescued from the hands ot those who
have shown themselve Incapable of
conducting It without disaster at horn
and dishonor abroad, and shall be re
tored to the party which for thirty
years administered It with uneqnalej
success and prosperity.
A Proterilvf Tarifl.
We renew and emphasli our allegi
ance to the policy ot protection as th
bulwark ot American Industrial Inde
pendence and the foundation of Amer
ican development and prosperity. Thl
true American policy taxe foreign pro
duct and encourage home industry
it put the burden of revenue on for
elgn goods. It secure th American
market for the American producer: It
uphold the American standard ot
wage for the American worklngman;
It put the factory by the side of the
farm, and make the American farmer
lut dependent on foreign demand and
price; It diffuses general thrift and
found the (trength ot all on the
strength of each. In It reasonable ap
plication It Is Just. fair, and Impartial
equally opposed to foreign control and
domestic monopoly, to sectional dis
crimination and Individual favoritism.
We denounce the present Democratic
tariff a sectional, Injurious to tha pub
lic credit and destructive to business
enterprise. We demand such equitable
tariff on foreign Imports which com
Into competition with American pro
ducts a will not only furnish adequate
revenue for the necessary expense of
the government, but will protect Amer
lean labor from degradation to th
wage level of other lands. We art) not
pledged to any particular schedule,
The question of rates Is a practical
question, to be governed by the condl
tlons of the time and production; the
ruling and uncompromising principle
li the protection and development of
American labor and Industry. Th
country demands a right settlement
and then It wants rest.
Reciprocity With Other Nations
We believe the repeal of the reel
proclty arrangements negotiated by the
I a. si li' publican administration waa a
national culurnlty, and we demand
their renewal and extension on such
terms as will equalize our trade with
other nations, remove the restriction
which now obstruct the sal of Amer
lean products In the ports of other
countries and secure the enlarged mar
kets of our farms, forests and factories.
Protection and reciprocity are twin
measures of Republican policy, and go
hand In hand. Democratic rule han
recklessly struck down both, and both
must be re-established. Protection for
what we produce, free admission for
the necessaries of life which we don't
produce, reciprocal agreement of mu
tual Interest which gain open market
for us in return for our open market to
others. Protection builds up domestic
Industry and trade and secure our
own market for ourselves. Reciprocity
builds up foreign trade and find an
outlet for our surplus. '
Protection to Sugar Producers.
We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with th
sugar producer of thia country. The
Republican party favor such protec
tion as will lead to the production on
American soil of all the ugar the
American people use, and for which
they pay other countries more than
1100,000,000 annually.
Wool anil Woolens,
To all our products to those of the
mine and the field, a well a to thoae
of the shop and the factory to hemp
to wool, the product of the great Indus
try of sheep husbandry, as well a to
the finished woolen of the mill w
promise the most ample protection.
Merchant Marine,
We favor restoring the early Ameri
Olf T.IK
can policy ot discriminating duties for
the up-lulldlng of our merchant marine
and th protection ot our shipping In
the foreign carrying trad, o that
American ships th product ot Amer
ican labor, employed In American ship
yards, sailing under th Star and
Htrlpea, and manned, officered and
owned by American may tuln th
carrying of our foreign rommsree,
The Financial Issue.
"Th Republican party I unreserv.
dly for sound inonsy. It caused th
enactment of th law providing for the
resumption of specie payments In l?v;
since then every dollar ha been a
good a gold. W are unalterably op
posed to every meaatir calculated to de
base our currency or Impair th credit
of our country. W are, therefore, op
pose! to the free coinage of sliver, ex
cept by International agreement with
the leading commercial nations of the
world, which we pledg ourselves to
promote, and until uch agreement ran
be obtained w believe th sxlstlng
gold standard must b preserved. All
our silver and paper currency now In
circulation must tie maintained at a
parity with gold, "and w favor all
measures designed to maintain Inviola
ble the obligation of th 1'nlte.l
State, and all our money, whether coin
or paper, at the present slandatd, the
standard of th most rnllghteiird na
tions of th earth."
Pensions for Veterans.
The veterans of th Cnlon armies de
serve and should receive fair treatment
and geiierou recognition. Whnvr
practical)! they ahould be given th
preference In the matter of employ
ment, and they are entitled to tha en
actment of such law a best calculat
ed to secure the fulfillment of th
pledges mad to them In th dark day
of th country' peril. W denounce
the practice of the pension bureau o
recklessly and unjustly carried on by
the present administration, of reducing
pensions and arbitrarily dropping
names from th roll, a deserving th
severe! condemnation ot th American
Foreign Relations.
Our foreign policy should be at all
time firm, vigorous and dignified, and
all our interest In the western hemis
phere carefully watched and guarded.
Th Hawaiian Islands should be con
trolled by th 1'nlted State and no for
eign power ahould be pernittetd to In
terfere with them. Th Nicaragua
Canal ahould be built, owned and op
erated by th United State, and by
the purchase of th Danish Island w
should secure a proper and much-needed
naval station In th West Indie.
Armenian Massacres.
The massacre In Armenia hav
aroused the deep sympathy and Just
Indignation of the American people,
and we believe that tha United State
ahould exercise all th Influence It ran
properly exert to bring these atrocities
to an end. In Turkey. American resi
dents have been exposed to the gravest
danger and American property de
stroyed. There and everywhere Amer
ican rltlien and American property
must he absolutely protected at all
hazard and at any cost.
Monroe Doctrine.
We reassert the Monroe doctrine In
Its full extent and reaffirm the right of
the Unulted State to give the doctrine
effect by responding to the appeals of
any American state for friendly Inter
vention In case of European encroach
ment. We have not Interfered, and
shall not Interfere, with the existing
possessions of any European power In
this hemisphere, but those possessions
must not, on any pretext, be extended.
We hopefully Iwk forward to the
eventual withdrawal of the European
power from thl hemisphere, and the
ultimate union of all the English-
speaking part of the continent by the
free consent of Ita Inhabitant.
Independence of Culia.
From the hour of achieving their own
independence the people of the United
States have regarded with sympathy
the struggles of other American peoples
to free themselves from European dom
lnatlon. We watch with deep and abid
ing Interest the heroic battle of the Cu
ban patriot against cruelty and op
pression, and our best hopes go out for
the full success of their determined con
test for llborty.
The government of Spain, having lost
control of Cuba and being unable to
protect the property or live of resi
dent American citizen or to comply
with Ita treaty obligations, we believe
that the government of the United
State should actively use Its Influence
and good office to restore peace and
give Independence to the Island,
Enlargement of the Navy.
The peace and security of the repub
lic and the maintenance of It rightful
Influence among the nation of th
earth demand a naval power commen
surate with Its position and responsi
bility. We therefore favor the contin
ued enlargement ot the navy and a
complete) system of harbor and sea
roast defenses,
Immigration Laws.
For th i-rotectlon of the vquallly of
our American rltlienshlp and of th
wage of our worklngnivn against th
fatal competition of low-priced labor,
w demand that th Immigration laws
be thoroughly enforce!, and so vxtand
ed a lo oxcliid from rnlrsuce to th
United Slain those who ran neither
read nor w rite,
I'lvll Swire.
Th Civil Servlc law wa placed on
th statute book by th Republican
party, which has always sustained It,
and renew our repeated decUra.
tlons that It shall b thoroughly and
honesily enforced and extended whr
ever practicable.
Free Itollol.
W demand that evsry cltlsen of th
Untied Slate ghall be allowed to cast
one fr and unrestricted ballot, and
that such ballot shall b counted and
returned a cast.
l.jnclil k ConJeniiii'il.
W proclaim our uiniuallfled condem
nation of the uncivilised and barbarous
practice, writ known as lynching or
killing of human being. suspcted or
charged with rrlm. without process of
National Arbitration.
V favor the creation of a national
board of arbitration to soul and ad
Just differences which may arl be
tween employer and employed ngg4
In Interstate commerc.
Free Homesteads.
We believe In an Immediate return
to th free homestsad policy of th
Republican party and urge th passage
by congress of ih satisfactory free
homestead measure which ho already
passed th house and I now pending
In the senat.
Admission of Territories.
W favor the admission of th re
maining territories at Hit earliest prac
ticable date, having du regard to the
Interest of the pvopl of th territo
ries and of th United Stale. All th
federal officers appointed for Ih Inrrl
torle shall be selectod from bona fid
resident thereof, and th right of self
government shall be acorded as far as
Alaska Representation.
W believe the citizens of Alaska
should hav reprrsentallon In th con
gres of the United Slates. to the end
that needful legislation may be Intel!!
gently enacted.
Sumptuary Legislation.
We sympathise with all wis and le
gitimate effort to lessen and prevent
the evils of Intemperance and promcte
Rights of Women.
Th Republican party I mindful of
th right and Interests ot women. Pro
tection ot American Industries Includes
equal opportunities, equal pay for equal
work and protection to the horn. W
favor the admlsslou of women to wider
sphere of usefulness, and welcome
their co-operation In rescuing th coun
try from Democratic and Populist ml
management and misrule. Such are th
principle and policies of the Republi
can party. By these principle we will
abide and these principles w will put
Into execution. We ask for them the
considerate Judgment of the American
Confident alike In the history of our
grsat party and In the Justlc of our
cause, we present our pint form and our
considerations, In the full assurance
that the election will bring victory to
the Republican party and prosperity to
IhePePle of the United States.
The Spot Where
Custer Fell
l within plain view of
the Burlington Route'
The monument that
marks his Inst resting
place Is little, if any,
more than a mile ill,
tnnt. You get a good
view of It as the train
w hirls castwnrd over the
solldest, llir. smoothest,
the best Irnck ever built
west of Chicago.
A pretty booklet, giv
ing a brief account of
the battle In which Cu
tcr lost his llf will be
mailed to anyone who
asks for It. Write for a
copy. Wrlle also for in
formation about rate
and train via tho Bur
lington Route to Oma
ha, Kansas City, St.
Louis, Chicago, and all
other southern nnd
southeastern cities.
Portland, Oregon. ,