The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 15, 1896, Image 2

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    i (
gaily oim-ian.
Telephone No. tit.
terms ov m usi'RirnoN.
Bnt by mail, per year tiM
Bent by mail, per month ?
Delivered by carrier, per week 10
Bnt by mull per year, 12 In advance.
puoUfo free, to subscribers.
All communication Intended for publi
cation should be directed to th editor.
Business communlcatlona of all kind
and remittances must b. sddnssed to
Th Astorian.
The Astorian guarantees to Its sub
acrlbera the largest circulation ot any
newspaper published oa th Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
Th Weekly Astorian, the second oldest
weekly In the state of Oregon, has, t.ext
to the Portland OrefonUn, the largest
weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. F. Handley Co., are our Fort
land agents, and copies of The Astorian
can be had every morning at their stand,
E Third street
Judge Taylor Is to be commended for
his veto of the eighth street hill Im
provement ordinance. As much as an
entrance Into the city from that direc
tion la needed, like other luxuries dur
ing these hard times, Astoria cannot
afford It at the expense ot the city's
credit. Whether the cltlxens of Port
land who are putting; up the money to
run this city under its present llnancial
system are wrong or right In their
construction of the charter, the fact
remains that we are utterly dependent
upon them for our ordinary current ex
penses, and there Is no other alterna
tive but to preserve our credit with
them. The people who are criticising the
mayor do not have to provide the funds
for police and other necessary salaries,
and are not otherwise responsible for
the physical and financial welfare of
the city. But Jhe mayor Is so respon
sible, and he has done his exact duty
In refusing to sanction an ordinance
which, however commendable per se.
Is likely to produce results so disas
trous. Let the council be so reckless.
it It dare, as to pass the ordinance
ver the mayor's veto, he deserves
praise for giving its members a chance
to retrieve a mistake which It ought
not to have made in the first Instance,
and no blame for the consequences
that will Inevitably ensue can hence
forth be laid upon bis shoulders.
The Washington authorities will find
it difficult to persuade the people of
Oregon that any good reason exists
why the state's battleship namesake
cannot be ordered to the Columbia river.
There can be no more expense involv
ed in maintaining the ship in the Asto
ria harbor for a few weeks than If she
remained in San Francisco, and it
certainly looks like the circumstances
of the case have not been properly
represented in Washington, or else the
navy department has treated the citi
zens of this state with a discourtesy
as arbitrary as It is unprecedented, in
thus refusing to allow the ship to come
here to receive the testimonial contrib
pted by the state. Can It be that the
ship Is unseaworthy, and that the de
partment daren't send her five or six
hundred miles along a proverbially
smooth coast at this time of the year?
We think not. because such a theory
would be too serious a reflection on
one of the crack shipbuilding concerns
of the world. Then what is the reason
the Oregon cannot come here not to
the Astoria regatta, if the government
thinks that an event too Inconsequential
to justify the severance of the s Kial ties
of her officers in San Francisco but to
receive the handsome and useful pres
ent which the generosity of the loyal
Americans In Oregon has provided fur
her. Notwithstanding Senator Mitch
ell's failure, the Astorian still believes
the Oregon can be brought here. The
united Influence of the citizens of Port
land and Astoria ought to prevail over
any possible scruples the navy depart
ment can have against sending her
here. Let our regatta committee take
the matter up, In conjunction with tht
testimonial committe, directly vith
Washington, and jy . .omp;. anl vifjr
ous action the presence of the Oregon
can easily be assured in ample time
for the regatta.
TION. Here is the IS to 1 plank .f repudia
tion in the Democratic platform:
"We demand the free and unlimited
coinage of both gold and silver at the
present legal ratio of 16 to 1 without
waiting for the aid or consent of any
other nation. We demand that the
standard silver dollar shall be a full
legal tender, equally with gold, for all
debts, public and private, and we fa
vor such legislation as will prevent the
demonetization of any kind of legal
tender money by private contract.
"We are opposed to the policy and
practice of surrendering to the holders
of the obligations of the United States
the option reserved by law to the gov-
crnment of redeeming such obligations
In either sliver coin or gold coin."
Surely there is no need to seek for
harsh terms of characterization here.
The plainest, the simplest terms are
sufficiently severe. There Is not only
the proposition to rob of half his sav
ings every man who has a dollar In
bank, but there Is the declaration of
a purpose not to permit the making of
contracts to protect the right of the
lender to get -back the value of what
he lends. Today the ratio between gold
and silver In the market is about 30 to
1 that Is, one ounce of gold will buy
thirty ounces of silver. Since the use
of gold and silver money as a medium
ot exchange began among men the ra
tio has been determined by the mar
kets of the world, and It ever will be so
determined. Government can no more
fix the ratio than it can fix the value
of cotton or leather or flour or pota
toes, or any other thing that Is bought
and sold. Let us suppose, for a mo
ment, that the government were to
make a law fixing the price of babies'
shoes at a dollar pair. Would such a
law govern the dealings In babies'
shoes, or the law of supply and de
mand established by the market? Free
coinage ot silver at 1S to I means under
the value put upon gold and stiver by
the markets at present a ratio of
about to to 1 that In each silver dollar
coined by the government there would
be contained fifty cents north of sil
ver. It would be called a dollar's worth
and would be logs! tender for all debts,
w hethcr contracted In one hundred cut
dollars or not. Kvery savings bank
would pae Its depositors in tlfty cent
dollars, although It received 100 cent
dollars when the deposits were made;
every insurance company would pay its
policies in fifty cent dollars, although
It had accepted premiums In one hun
dred cent dollars, and n general fifty
cent repudiation on all obligations
would briefly precede and quickly pre
cipitate wide-spread bankruptcy.
Put, why. It may be asked, should a
great party In convention assembled
make such an assault on the credit of
the country and seek to precipitate a
panic of unheard of proportions. In
the first place, because the great party
has. through gradual abandonment of
sound principles, got into the hands of
its worst elements, elements that repre
sent, and respond quickly to the social
unrest of that large class who think
the worid owes them a living, and that
they ought to get It without hard work;
and In the second place because of a
widespread but Ignorant belief that the
great debtor class can be permanently
benefited by legislation which will en
able them to practlcalty repudiate most
of their obligations under color of law.
Of course It Is a fallacy and a fallacy
that attacks the very foundations of
society, and equally, of course, it and
Its originators and promoters will be
burled out of sight at the polls by the
patriotic people of this republic, but in
the meantime the recreancy of the-
Democratlc party to the fundamental
principles of this people's government
Is going to cost the nation dearly, un
less the Indignant response of the coun
try to the shameless proclamation o
repudiation made at Chicago Is so over
whelming as to discount In advance
the evil effect of the work of the Alt
geld anarchists.
Is It "overwork" that has tilled this
country with nervous dyspeptics? that
takes the flesh oft their bones, the vi
tality from their blood, and makes
them feeble, emaciated and Inefficient
No. It is bad cooking, overeating, of
Indigestible stuff, and other health-de
stroying habits.
The remedy Is an artificially digested
food such as the Shaker Digestive Cor
dial. Instead of irritating the already
inflamed stomach, the Cordial give It
& chance to rest by nourishing the sys
tem Itself and digesting other food tak
en with it. So flesh and strength re
turn. I not the idea rational? The
Cordial la palatable and relieves imme
diately. No money risked to decide on
its value. A 10 cent trial bottle does
LAXOL is the best medicine for chll
dren. Doctors recommend it In place
of Castor OIL
The baby act Is all very well to plead
until as an excuse It wears Itself
threadbare, and vlclousness rather
than Ignorance shows Itself on the sur
The old story of Prometheus Is a
parable. Prometheus was on terms of
intimacy with the Gods. From them he
stole fire and gave It to men. For this
he was bound to the rocks of Mount
Caucassus, and vultures were set upon
him. They only ate his liver. This
grew again as fast as it was pecked
away. Are his sufferings to be Imag.
Take a modern Interpretation of this
parable. There is no cooking without
Are. In cooking and eating the mis
chief lies. The stomach is overtasked.
the bowels become clogged, they can-
not dispose of the food that is given
them. The impurities back up on the
liver. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery is more than equal to the vul
tures of dyspepsia and its kindred dis
eases. There Is no more need of men
suffering from dyspepsia than there Is
of hanp ing one's self. Sold by all med
!cir-e dealers th? world over.
A hillock of white sand in the back
yard is an economical substlt 'te for a
summer at the shore when there are
many little folks In the family.
Of malarial fever are not to be counter
acted by quinine with any decree of
certainty, or for any length of time.
The eradication and prevention of dis
eases of a miasmatic type are, however,
ascertained possibilities. Long expe
rience has shown that there is Infinite
ly more preventive efficacy In the fine
botanic medicine, Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters, than In the alkaloids, druirs
and poisons which were formerly the
only recognized means of removing and
anticipating attacks of fever and ague
and bilious remittent. When the sys
tem has been depleted by periodically
recurring paroxysms, this agreeable re
storative renews the fund of energy,
and is not only a positive specific, but
repairs the damage to the general
health Inflicted by all febrile complaints
partaking of the malarial character.
Women who change the color of their
hair to match their gowns may win ad
miration for their versatility, but not
for their good breeding.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharle, N. T.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery In the house and his fam
ily has always found the very best re
sults follow Its use; that he would not
be wltiiout It, if procurable. O. A. Dyke
man, Druggist, Catsklll, N. Y., says that
Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly
the best Cough remedy: that he has used
it in his family for eight years and It has
never failed to do all that Is claimed for
It, Why not try a remedy so long tried
and tested. Trial bottles free at Chas.
Rogers' drug store. Regular size 60c
and L00.
j 1
A dark-colored Mother Hubbard Is a
most desirable garment for the woman
who Is obliged to spend a night or two
in the sleeper.
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and
get relief. medicine hus been found
to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and
cure ot all Female Complaints, exerting
a wonderful direct Influence In giving
strength and tone to the organs, if you
have Loss of Appetite. Constipation.
Headache. Fainting Spells, or are Ner
vous, 81eepless, Excitable, Melancholy,
or troubled with Plxsy Spells, Electric
Hitters la the medicine you need. Health
and Strength are guaranteed iy Its use.
Fifty cents and 1.00 at Chas Rogers'
Drug Store:
Tlie silly girls who write notes to j
actors wouia reel very cneap wiey i
could see their communications being
laughed over.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Bona, Ulcers, Salt Rhaum,
Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corn, and All Bkln Erup
tions., and positive cur tor Pll. or no
pay required. It t guaranteed to gtvo
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, X cants pr box. For sals by
Chas. Rocsrt, Odd Fallows' building.
Until you se your butcher thawing
out last winter's refrigerated chicken
you cannot properly estimate the value
of ice.
ROYAL BhKing Powder.
Highest ot all la learning
StrenftbV. a. P.. Basart
The w oman who can return from an
all day ride on the wheel looking coui
and comfortable is a wonder.
When Baby was sick, we gT her Camirla,
When she was a fAild, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she dung to Cutoiia,
When she I.
Children, she ga them Castorla, I
X .n ,),, .t..n I. nreferre hv I
women of fashion to the to the crowd
ing of Jewels that were once seen In
the rings worn by society fair ones.
Ell HIH. Lumber City, Pa., writes: "I
K .. 1
i ,x i ii ii
Toa will Bid eewpn -? Jl iV
tiuUW twk lm cf bad i Ij s V f f Vf"
aad twa eoapoa rt I fj jS( fill j
Aiar we bag af Black- In mi . jQfjJ ' r
rail's Iiarham. Uuy a bag -- aJJ
of this celebrated -bacco TrC j"?V "5uS
and read the eoapoa which kUc'MSi?''''"' tPS
gtras a Hat of vwlaabls tn ill 'TllTs-TTi!! t ' '' " "'
anta and hew to gt them. J ) f 1 i ' 1 f 1 1
have been suffering from Pile for important to Amerkians seeking Eng-twenty-flve
years and thought my case j Hh Cardial for now enterprises. A lbat
incurable. DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve
was recommended to me as a pile cure,
so I bought a box and It performed a i vestments within toe last six years, and
. ... .'over 18,000.000 for the seven months of
ye.H.oi.cui luie. . '
the thousands of similar cases. Ecze-
rn a, sores and skin diseases yield quick'
ly when It Is used. Chas. Roger.
ii is a revival or an oia r.ngnsn tasn-
Ion to have the maids of the household
present the bride with a piece of nee-1
dlework In which they have all taken I
some active part.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas-
anter or better way to do It than by;
recommending One Mlnue Cough Cure
as a preventative of pneumonia, con
sumption, and other serious lung trou
ble that follow neglected cold. Chas.
White stocks can be beautifully
washed and ironed, thus saving much
unnecessary expenditure.
It would be hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious colic that his
agony Is due to a microbe with an un-
pronouncable name. But one dose of
DeWltt's Colic and Cholera Cure will
convince him of Its power to afford i
Instant relief. It kills pain. Chas.
Don't be angry with your friend If
she Is Irritable; she may Just be re
covering from some great disappoint
ment. When we consider that the Intestine
are about five times a long as the
body, we can realize the Intense suf
fering experienced when they become
inflamed. DeWltt's Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues Inflammation at once and
completely remove the difficulty. Chas.
Grass linen made over green and
trimmed with black satin Is one of the
newest combinations.
Or. Price' Cream Baking Powder
Contains ao Ammonia or A lam.
Why do the most colorless men go In
for tints that make them look more
like Albinos than ever.
The best chemical compound for wash
ing powder Is "Soap Foam," as It will
not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the
hands. It's the finest thing in the world
for the bath. One trial will convince
1 Si flail"
The woman whose hair Is naturally
of Indian strnlghtness does not know
whether she prefers clear and humid
weather to the cold and rainy sort.
Pure blood means good health. D
Witt's Harsaparllla purine the blood,
cures Eruptions, Kosema, Scrofula and
all diseases arising from Impure blood.
Onus, Rogers,
Strawberries are said to whiten the
teeth, but we are very sure that black
berries will darken the tongue.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
. . . w ., housewife broils herself
, , , h(,r ,,ffl,rl , the ,,rt
serve closet to overflowing.
Small In site but great in result.
""i""" wnMinnm,
but thoroughly, curing Indigestion, dys
pepsia, and constipation. Small pill,
best pIlL Chas. Rogers.
i There Is no excuse, so far as expense
I is concerned, for not having the dinner
table made lovely with floral decora
Pass the good word along the tin.
Pile ran be quickly cured without an
operation by simply applying DeWItt'
Witch Hasel Salve. Chas. Roger.
Regular old-time sandals are worn
by some belle with their Empire
Do you lack faith and love health?
Let us establish your faith and restore
your health with DeWltt's Sarsaparllla.
Chas. Roger.
Some otherwise well-gowned women
are seen wearing cotton gloves.
Persons who have a coughing spell
i every night, on account of a tickling
! sensation In the throat, may overcome
i It at once by a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers.
Peach soda and Ice cream made from
fresh fruit now tempt the palate that
! is fond ot dainties.
"Wake up, Jacob, day Is breaking!"
o said DeWltt's Little Early Riser to
a man who had taken them to arouse
his sluggish liver. Chas. Roger.
over 100.o"0,ow Sterling In Foreign In-
ltai I'riei fl or f. nar.ibla bv noalal
order to tho London and Universal Bu
E. C. Subscriber) wtl be entitled, by ar
rangement with toe directors to receive
etcher persona; or lettors of lntroductoln
to any of these succisutfiil promoters.
This liat Is flrst cass in every respect.
and every man or firm whose name ap-
i Deana therein may ba deoended unon.
For placing the following It will be
found Invaluable Bonds or Shares of In-
dusnrial. Commercial and Financial con
cerns, Morta-axe loans, Sals of Landa,
Patents or Mine.
R. P. Elmore
W. H. Harrison
Sailing dates to and trom.Tlllimook
and Nehalem deptnd upon
the weather.
For Freight and Passenger
Rates Apply To
Declaration of Principles
The Republican of tli. United State,
assembled by their representative In
National Convention, appealing for the
popular aiul historical Justification of
thi lr claims (o the matchless achieve
ment of thirty years of Republican
rule, earnestly and confidently address
themselve to the awakened Intelli
gence, experience and conscience of
their countrymen lt the following dec
laration of fuels and principles:
Kor the Itint time since the Civil
War the American people have wlt
ncxel the calamitous roimeiiuenee ot
full and unrestrained Democratic con
trol of the tlovei'imiont. It ha been
a recotd of unpnrullril Incapacity, dis
honor and disaster. In administrative
management It haa ruthlissly saerlllo
ed IndlspetiHible revenue, entnlled an
unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary
current expense with b.t rowed money,
piled up the public debt by IMJ.OOO.OOO
In time i f peace, forced, an adverse bal
ance of trade, to a perpetual menace
hanging over the redemption fund,
pawned American credit to alien syn
dicates and reversed all the measure
and result ot successful Hepubllran
rule. In the broad effect of It policy
it has precipitated panic, blighted In
dustry and trade with prolonged de
pression, closed factories, reduced work
and wages, halted enterprise mid crip
pled American production while stimu
lating foreign production for the Amer
ican inurket. Every consideration of
public safety and ludtLlual Interest
demands that the government shall l
rescued from the hands ot those who
have shown themselves incapable ot
conducting It without disaster at home
and dishonor abroad, and shall be re
stored to the party which for thirty
years administered It with unequaled
success and prosperity.
A Protective Tarill.
We renew and emphasise our allegl
ance to the policy ot protection a tho
bulwark of American Industrial Inde
pendence and the foundation nf Amer
lean development and prosperity. This
true American policy taxea foreign pro
duct and encourage horn. Industry
It put the burden of revenue on for
eign goods. It secures the Am.rlcan
market for the American producer; It
uphold the American standard of
wage for the American worklngman;
It puts tha factory by the ld. of the
farm, and make the American farmer
less dependent on foreign demand and
price; it diffuse general thrift snd
founds the strength of all on the
strength of each. In Its reasonable a p.
plication It I Just, fair, and Impartial,
equally opposed to foreign control and
domestic monopoly, to sectional dls
crimination and Individual favoritism.
We denounce the present Democratic
tariff as sectional. Injurious to the pub
lic credit and destructive to business
enterprise. We demand such equitable
turiiT on foreign Imports which come
Into competition with American pro
ducts as will not only furnish adequate
revenue for the necessary expenses of
the government, but will protect Amer
ican labor from degredatlon to the
wage level of other lands. We are not
pledged to any particular schedules.
The question of rates Is a practical
question, to he governed by the condi
tions of the time and production; the
ruling and uncompromising principle
is the protection and development of
American labor and Industry. The
country demands a right settlement
and then It wants rest.
Reciprocity With Oilier Nations.
We believe the repeal of the reci
procity arrangements negotiated by the
lust II. publican administration was a
national calamity, and we demand
their renewal and extension on uch
terms ns win equalize our trade with
other nations, remove the restrictions
which now obstruct the sale of Amer
ican products In the ports of other
countries and secure the enlarged mar
kets of our farms, forests and factories.
Protection and reciprocity are twin
measure of Republican policy, and go
hand In hand. Democratic rule ha:i
recklessly struck down both, and both
must be re-established, Protection for
what wc produce, free admission for
the necessaries of life which we don't
produce, reciprocal agreements of mu
tual Interest which gain open markets
for us In return for our open market to
others. Protection builds up domestic
industry and trade and secures our
own market for ourselves. Reciprocity
builds up foreign trade and finds an
outlet for our surplus.
Protection to Sugar Producers.
We condemn the present admlnlstra
tion for not keeping faith with th
sugar producers of this country. The
Republican party favor such protec
tion as will lead to the production on
American soil of all the sugar th
American people use, and for which
they pay other countries mora than
$100,000,000 annually.
Wool and Woolens.
To all our products to those of the
mine and the field, as well a to those
of the shop and the factory to hemp
to wool, the product of the great Indus
try of sheep husbandry, a well a to
the finished woolens of the mill we
promise the most ample protection.
Merchant Marine.
We favor restoring the early Amerl-
can policy of discriminating duties for
tho up-building of our merchant marine
and the protection of our shipping In
the foreign carrying trade, so that
American ships thy product of Amer
ican labor, employed In American ship
yards, sailing under the Hints and
Stripes, and manned, officered mid
owned by Am.rlcans-may regain th
currying of our foreign commerce.
The Financial Issue.
"The Republican party Is unreserv
edly for sound money. It caused the
enactment of the law providing for the
resumption of sped payments In '
since then every dollar has bem
good as gold. We are unalterably op.
posed to every measure calculated to d.
base our currency or Impair the credit
of our country. W are, therefore, op'
posed to the free coinage ot silver, ex.
cept by International agreement with
the leading commercial nations of the
world, which we pledge ourselve to
promote, and until such agreement can
be obtained w believe the existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
our silver and paper currency now In
circulation must b. maintained at a
parity with gold, and we favor all
measures designed to maintain Invlola
hie the obligations of the United
States, and all our money, whether eoln
or paper, at the present standard, the
standard of the most enlightened na
tlous of the earth."
Pensions for Veterans.
Th. vetsran of th I'nlon armies d
serve and should fair treatment
and generous recognition. Wh.n.v.r
practicable they should b given th
preference In the matter of employ
iiient, and they are entitled to th. .0
actment of such law as best calculat
ed to secure the fulfillment of th.
pledge made to tlietu In the dark days
of th. country's peril W denounce
Ih practice of the pension bureau so
recklessly and unjustly carried on by
the present administration, of reducing
pension and arbitrarily dropping
name from the rolls, as deserving th
severest condemnation of th. American
Foreign Relations.
Our foreign policy should be at all
time firm, vigorous and dignified, and
all our Interest In the western hemis
phere carefully watched and guarded.
The Hawaiian Islands should b con
trolled by the United Htate and no for
eign power should be permltetd to In
terfere with them. The Nicaragua
Canal should be built, owned and op
erated by the I'niled States, and by
the purchase of the Danish Islands w
should secure a proper and much-needed
naval station In the West Indies.
Armenian Massacres.
The massacres In Armenia have
aroused the deep sympathy and Just
Indignation of the American people,
and we believe that the I'nlted Plates
should exercise all the Influent- It can
properly exert to bring these atrocities
to an end. In Turkey. American resi
dent hava been exposed to the gravsst
danger and American property de
stroyed. There and everywhere Amer
ican cltliens and American property
must be absolutely protected at all
hatards and at any cost.
Monroe Doctrine.
We reassert the Monroe doctrine In
its full extent and reaffirm the right ot
the I'nultcd States to give the doctrine
effect by responding to the appeals of
any American state for friendly Inter
vention In case of European encroach
ment. We have not Interfered, and
shall not Interfere, with the existing
possessions of any Kuropean power In
this hemisphere, but thoso possessions
must not, on any pretext, be extended.
We hopefully look forward to tho
eventual withdrawal of the European
powers from this hemisphere, and the
ultimate union of all the English
speaking part of the continent by the
free consent of Its Inhabitants.
Independence of Cuba.
From the hour of nchlcvlng their own
Independence th people of the t'nlted
Htate have regarded with sympathy
the struggles of other American peoples
to free themselves from European dom
ination. We watch with deep und abld
Ing Interest the heroic battle of the Cu
ban patriot against cruelty and op
presslon, and our best hopes go out for
the full luccesa of their determined con
tet for liberty.
The government of Spain, having lost
control of Cuba and being unable to
protect th property or live of resi
dent American citizen or to comply
with It treaty obllgatlones, we believe
that the government of the United
State should actively use It influence
and good office to restore peace and
give Independence to the Island.
Enlargement of the Navy.
The peace and security of the repub
lic and the maintenance of Its rightful
Influence among the nation of the
earth demand a naval power commen
surate with It position and responsi
bility. We therefor fnvni- iUn
.. ,: . : . " i
ciiiaicmrii ui i uc navy txiiQ ft
of harbor and e
Immigration Laws.
Kor the protection of the equality of
our American clllaenalilp and of tit
wags of our wuiklngmeil against th
fatal competition of low-priced labor,
we demand that the Immigration law
be thoroughly enforced, and so extend
rd as to sxelud from entrance to th
1' lilted Htate those who can neither
read nor write.
Civil Service.
The Civil Hervlce law was placed on
th statute book by th. Republican
party, which has always sustained It,
and w renew our repeated declara
tions that It shall ! thoroughly and
honestly enforced and extended wh.r
ever practicable.
Free Iiallot.
W. demand Dial every dllseli of Ih
I'tilted Htates shall be allowed to raat
one free and unrestricted ballot, and
that such ballot shall b counted and
returned cast.
I,)nclil c t'nmlcmni'J.
W. proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of Ih. uncivilised and barbarous
practices, well known as lynching or
killing of human beings, suspected or
charged with crime, without process of
National Arbitration.
We favor the creation of a national
board of arbitration to aettla and ad
Just differences which msy arise be
tween employer and employed engsgs4
In Interstate romm.rce.
Free Homesteads.
W. bellw In an Immediate return
to th. free homestead policy of th
Republican party and urge th passag.
by congress of th satisfactory fre
homestead measure which haa already
passed th house and Is now (lending
In the senate
Admission of Territories.
W. favor the admission of th re
maining territories at Ih. earliest prac
ticable date, having du. regard to th.
Interest uf th people of th. territo
ries and of th. United Htates All th
federal officer appointed for the terri
torlc shall be selected from bona (Id.
residents thereof, and th. right of self
government shall be acorded as far as
Alaska Hejiresentaliun.
We believe the rltlteus of Alaska
should hsv. representation In the con
gress of the l'nlte.1 Htate. .to the rnd
that needful legislation may be lutein,
gently enacted.
Sumptuary Legislation.
We sympathise with all wise and l-
gltlmate efforts to lessen and prevent
th. evils of temperance and promot.
Rights of Women.
The Republican party Is mindful of
the rights and Interests of women. Pro-
tectlon of American Industries Includes
equal opportunities, rual pay for equal
work and protection to the home, W
favor the admission of women to wider
sphere of usefulness, and welcome
their co-operation In rescuing the coun
try from Democratic and Populist mis
management and misrule. Hurh are th
principle and policies of the Ie..,utl.
can party. Ry these principles w will
abide und these principles we will put
Into execution. We ask for them the
considerate Judgment of the American
Confident alike In tho history of our
great party and In the Justice ,f our
cause, we present our platform and our
considerations, In tho full assuranc.
that the election will bring victory to
the Republican party and prosperity to
the of the United States.
Ladies and
who travel by the Rur
Hngton Route are given
particular care and. at
tention. Just to Illustrate what
this mean: A few
month ago, five children
whose age ranged from
three to eleven years
mad tho Journey over
our line from Ellen,
burg, Wash., to Kanaa
ACCOMPANIED. Ticket, time-table,
and full Information
about our service to
Omaha, Bt. Joseph, Kan
aa City, St: Loul and
Chicago upon application
to the nearest ticket
agont or by addressing
I'ortlnnd. Orcrjnn.
Parties desiring th best of tnh
at the lowest prices should call at th
jod onic before going ela.-
complete system
coast defense.