THE DAILY ASTOKIAX. Sl'NlUY MORNING. .ll'LY 12. f it'.Mt. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No, . TERMS OF M BSCRirriON. daily. Bent by mull, per year IS.00 Bent by mull, per month , .01 Delivered by currier, per week 10 WKKKLT. Bent by mall per year, In advance, pottage free, to tubterlbers. All communication Intended for publl satton should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guars nteet to Its sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia liver. Advertising rates csn be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan. the second oldest weekly In the state of Oregon, has, r.ext to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Jno. F. Handley Co., are our Port kind agents, and copies of The Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand, Ct Third street The anomaly, of an American ship builder who not only votes the Pen acratic ticket, but actually accepts the nomination of vice president of its ticket, is sufficient distinction for Mr. Sewell. of Maine. He ought not to want to be elected. If prices are too low, as silver men claim. It follows that wages are too. high; and the free coinage of silver can be relied on to advance prices and bring down wages to a sufficiently low purchasing power to suit the sliver maniacs. Pioneer Press. Hon. Wayne MacVeagh touched the right note when he said that he still believed In "the good faith and honor of the American people." That. In a nutshell Is all that has made us. The American people are the United States. They have never been found on the wrong side of a great question, and they wilt not impair the national credit ky placing themselves in that position mow. The London, Eng., Times, comment ing on Bryan's nomination, says: "What must we think of a party whose best man gives utterances to such stuff as his speech, and he who listens to it with unanimous approval? He knows bis hearers, and suits himself to their intelligent capacity. When Mr. Smal ler says that he believes Mr. Bryan to be siaceret It la only at the expense et his Intelligence and good sense that we can accept this vindication of his political morality." Since Jonathan Bourne will not re sign as secretary of the state Republi can committee, and Mr. Sol Hirsch re fuses to square himself with the party by kicking him out. it is the duty of the Oregon national committeeman to call a meeting of Republicans and have a committee appointed to take charge ef McKinley's campaign tn this state without delay. It Is no longer safe to have Bourne opening the mail and an swering correspondence relating to the campaign from sources where his true character is unknown. A circu lar should also be printed, explaining the situation and warning eastern cam paign managers from holding any In tercourse with him or the committee he represents. This circular could be sent to all the principal Republican papers In the country f r publication, and thus the harm likely to result from Hirsch's treason in appointing and continuing Bourne tn his present position can be reduced to the smallest possible mini mum. Not only is a New England banker, the president of numerous railroads and director of other corporations, a curious candidate to be nominated at any political convention in these dayg, but that a Populist gathering like the one Just closed at Chicago should se lect such a man as Sewall to hitch dp as a running mate with a candidate like Bryan, positively passes all com prehension or logical explanation. Bry an got his nomination under the high pitch to which he artfully contrived to work up the convention by his pas sionate and Inflammatory denuncia tions of the veiy class of men that Sewall, according to the dispatch sent out from Bath last night by his Jubi lating Yankee friends, now turns out to belong. If any further evidence were wanting, to show the lack of all har mony, reason, or deliberation, and the utter demoralization which character ized the Chicago convention, surely it Is supplied by this peculiar combina tion. The Bible says be ye not un equally yoked together, but here we have a case of the devil and a priest out on a proselyting tour together. SPIRITUAL POSSIBILITIES. Tor, behold, the kingdom ot God Is within you Luke, xvll., 21. There is an Irrmense amount of un conscious make-believe in our accept ance of religious truth. We assent to It theoretically, but make no use of It practically. With most of us re ligion is up in the clouds; we have not yet learned its value as a dynamic force In daily life. What we most of all need is to really believe what we say we be lieve. If one tells us that we can "abide tinder the shadow of the Almighty," we regard the expression as very beauti ful rhetorically, but repudiate It as the statement of a simple fact. If the preacher recites the text In which the Master says "greater things than these shall ye do," It seems Impossible to be lieve that He meant exac tly what He said. Though the statement is con stantly reiterated that angels guard our footsteps and are always within hearing distance of our cry, we merely think we believe, for It is a belief with out full appreciation. It I all more or less dreamy, and we are very far, though the world 'has been pondering the subject for two hundred genera tions, from accepting the nearness of heaven, or the ability and willingness of God to exercise a providence over our lives. In n word, wo walk around the outside of the temple and admire Its architecture, but we have not yet opened the door and explored Its In terior. It Is not so In some other matter. For example, when some gifted seer experiments with steam or electtlelty. and tells us how they can both be util ised to make life more comfortable and to furnish us with unexpected conven iences, we always take him seriously and literally. We apply steam as a means of transportation and use It In the ten thousand ways In which it will subserve our commercial and domestic purposes. We accept the assertions of the electrician literally, and In full con fidence stretch the mjjtlc wires from ocean to ocean. That confidence Is re;ald by a series of ml-aclc, for the harnessed lightning is a willing s vltor. carrying our words under At lantic waves and across continents with Inconceivable speed. In this way life Is practically prolonged, for we can accomplish In our seventy years more than the old sages dreamed of In their seven hundred. There have been those who have had the same kind of Implicit faith in re ligious truths, and who have utilised 1 them !n the same way. We look at them with wonder, and with something of envy also, confessing that, while physical laws properly applied may produce admirable results. It Is still more admirable to rapture a spiritual law and make It the servant of a dl vine purpose. In the early days of Christianity strong men and weak women were cast Into lions' dens or tortured to death by devilish contri vances. They faced their fate with a smile, because their faith was an om nipotent reality. They believed in Hod Just as we believe In the law of grav itation, and were Just as sure of going to heaven as we are that the sun will rise tomorrow so sure that they would not compromise one Jot or tittle in or der to save their lives. If you say. as the agnostic does, that their faith was nothing but a dream, my reply Is that the dream which can make such heroes of men and women is worth all the so called truths In the world If they serve no better end than to make us cow ards. These men and women died with God In their hearts, and human nature never rises to such a pitch of heroism unless It has that kind of faith. The di vine In humanity Is developed by faith rather than by Intellectual attainment. The most Important part of a man la his soul, and If that stands plumb noth ing can go crooked. I believe that we should all have what the martyrs had not a conventional. but a real trust In the Almighty, trust like that which the sea captain has In his compass. It may not be easy to attain, but we ought to be satisfied with nothing less. Without It we drift, but with It we weather all storms and are headed for heaven. Tou need it In all the emergencies of life, and there are many which try the soul to its utmost. It Is not easy to live well, to resignedly put your shout ders to a heavy burden, to meet temp tation squarely and thrust It from your path, to bury a dear one and feel that the best thing has happened for all concerned. Easy? Is there any task that will compare with It? Do you not know that It is harder to acquire an athletic soul than an athletic body? Because It is harder you need to take certain simple religious truths and feed on them until they are thoroughly as similated with your spirit. If God is taken from the realm of myths and made a downright fact, if heaven Is not up In the clouds, but all around you: if love never dies, and cannot be destroyed by death or changed in any manney, and If these glorious revela tions are not guesses, but certainties, what Is your life but a school In which angels are teachers, and what Is this old earth but a spiral staircase lead'rg to eternity? If religion Is good for anything it is good for everything, and no man is at his best until spiritual truth is Just as practical and practica ble as any fact In physics. After that all will go well, but not before. GEORGE H. HEPWORTH. When they put a man In Jail he can not follow his natural Impulses. He cannot eat what he wants to he is limited to a very frugal diet. Is it not equally true of a dyspectlc? For all of the real enjoyment he gets out of life, he might as well be in Jail. He cannot eat what be likes, nor enough. He suf fers much, gets little sympathy. At first, perhaps a little heaviness In the stomach, a little sourness, windy belch ing, and heartburn; headaches and bil iousness and a foul taste In the mouth In the morning. Chronic constipation is almost Inevitable, and means that the body Is holding poisonous, Impure matter, and should be gotten rid of. The poison is being reabsorbed Into the blood and the whole body. Im purity of the blood may lead to almost any disease. Constipation Is the start of all. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation, cure It so It stays cured. No other remedy In the world will do that. Send 21 cents In one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page common senso med ical adviser, Illustrated. Remember that even though you now have a desire to snatch up your red carpet and put it In the ash barrel. It will not always be July and the color that offends now will be very pleasing later on. ROYAL BaKing Powder. Highest ot all In leavening Strength. V. S. Government Report Your own home is a pretty good sum mer resort, after all Is said. The best chemical compound for wash ing powder Is "Soap Foam,'' as It will not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the hands. It's the finest thing In the world for the bath. One trial will conrlncs you. s;.i '"- r 1 1 1 in 1 mi 1 IvKST with a blc II. UlaeUweU's Genuine Hull h lHirhiuu It In acinus by ttwlf. ou will find on ' coupon Inutile vuvli I wo outlet bt.g, uud two cott pout luslde each (our ouneo bug of B!ac!avcl!'s Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Imrahagof tiilterlebrtUxltohaeeoandreadtheomipon- jf' v wlnchslvwaiuiofvaiuaOlopiieuUauUUowtoguiaiiiiu. j Don't eh se up the fr. nt of your house ; And now the process of deliberate and sit In the back yard. You don't tanning l telnv. li.h:U:ed In by the deceive any one Into the belief that ! girl who forgets, that It will take long you are at the seashore. I er to bleach her skin tha-t to darken II. WHEN THE BOWELS ARE PISOU- DERED, No time should be lost In resorting to a suitable remedy. Hosteller' Stomach Bitters Is the most reliable and widely , Cure sl,bduet Inflammation at one and esteemed medlilne of its class. It re-; completely removes the difficulty. Chas. moves the causes of constipation, or of 1 i50!ers, undue relaxation of the Intestine, i which are usually indigestion or a mis-; A hot morning makes even the most direction of the bile. When It acts as enthusiastic bicyclist a bit envious of a cathartic It does not grli and vlo- ,ne mnn or ,Vom-in who drives com lently evacuate, but produces gradual ' fortnhly along behind a fast horse, and natural effects, very unlike those J of a drastic purgative; and Its power j t would be hard to convince a man of assisting digestion nullifies those Irrl- ; suffering from bilious colic that his tatlng conditions of the mucous mem- 1 aKony Is due to a microbe with an un- brane of the stomach and Intestinal canal w hich produce first diarrhoea. and eventually dysentery. The med - Iclne Is, moreover, an agreeable one. and eminently pure and wholesome. Appetite and tranquil nightly slumber are both promoted by It. It Is not g Iving away any secret to say that many a woman wears another Image In her heart from the one the carries In her locket. TRE DISCOVERY SAVED HIS LIFE, Mr. Q. Calllouette, Druggist. Beavers vllle, 11L. says: "To Dr. King's New Dis covery I owe my life. Was taken with T. fZrinnA end tried all th nhvslfhuit I for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Hav- lag Dr King's New Discovery In my .tor, I for a bottle and be- gan lu use and from the tat doss brtta to ret hettei. nA after uslne three bottles was up ad about again. It Is worth Its weight In gold. We won't keep store or house without It." Get a free trial at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. The softest thing In the world, out side of a callow youth with his first sweetheart, la a woman's hand on a , heated forehead. 1 CURE FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy for all forms of Headache, Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best It affects a permanent cure and j the most dreaded habitual sick head- j aches yield to Its Influence. We urge all 1 who are afflicted to procure a bottle. . and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed ton. j to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try It once. Fifty cents, and 1.0O at Chas. Drug Store. Rogers' j Few women really read the news-! papers, they skim the contents, making sure only of the fashions and the obit- uary notices. BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, 8ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup tions,, and posit I vo cure for Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 26 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Roser-., Odd Fellows' building. The summer boarder now feels ag grieved because he or she does not receive twelve course dinners for five a week. When Baby was tick, we gare her Castoiia. When she was s Child, she cried for CtorU. When the became Mlas, the clung to Castorla, When the L ril - ,ihe gtMUmn C tori- If salted peanuts were as expensive as salted almonds, they would be more In demand on dainty dinner tables. Ell Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes: "I have been suffering from Piles for twenty-five years and thought my case Incurable. DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to me as a pile cure, so I bought a box and it performed a permanent cure." This Is only one of the thousands of similar cases. Ecze ma, sores and skin diseases yield quick ly when It Is used. Chas. Rogers. The wearing of the green was all right in the spring time, but It Is the wearing of the white that is In vogue now. Small In size but great In results. DeWItt's Little Early Risers act gently but thoroughly, curing Indigestion, dys pepsia, and constipation. Small pill, best pill. Chas. Rogers. The woman who acknowledges she has always been poor Is very rare, as a rule she says she has seen better days. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. 1 When we consider that the Intestines I are ubout live times as long a the I body, we can realist th Intense tut- f,.rlns Mp,.rtenced when they become ; nami, peWllfs Colic and Cholera - pronouncable name. But one dose of PeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure will ' convince hltn of its power to afford ! instant relief. It kills pain. Chas. ' ftogers. ' The woman in town for the day takes special pains to let all those within hearing know that she has Just run In from her country house. 1 We are anxious to do a little good In I this world and can think of no plrss- anter or better way to do It than by recommending One Mlnue Cough Curt aa a preventative of pneumonia, con sumption, and other serious lung trou bles that follow neglected colds. Chas. ' ,0Ktr- flne , .,, uch ! w jugi ,n bu ctM tQ 1 Or. Price'! Cream Baking Powdsf Csatala AaiamiU t? Alas A woman may not care to marry a I man who professes to love her. but she will never forgive him If he marries ) gome one else. Persons who huve a coughing tpell every nl,iit. on account of a tickling sensation In :he throat, may overcome It at once, by a di ne of One Minute Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers. Jamaica ginger Is a good thing to have around the house In the corn s-a- son. . Pure blood means good health. Dt " 111 s i"aparii!a purines tne wood, cures Eruptions. Eczema. Scrofula and diseases arising from Impure blood. -nas. Kogrs. "Woman-Afrald-of-Her-Cook" Is the Indian name of many a young hous- keeper. Pass the good word along the line. Tiles can be quickly cured without an operation by simply applying PeWitt's Witch Haz-I Salve. Chas. Rogers. Women will never make a fortune as horticulturists until they get over thWr fear of worms and bugs. Do you lack faith and love health? Let us establish your faith and restore your health with PeWitt's Sursaparllla. Chas. Rogers. One entire day a month spent In bed Is the rejuvenating process adopted by many wornout belles. "Wake up. JacoD, day Is breaking!" so said DeWllt's Little Early Risers to a man who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. Chas. Rogers. Cheap Clothing The Hop Lee Clothing Factory and merchant tailors, 608 Commercial St., makes underclothing to order. Quits and trousers made to fit perfectly. Every order punctually on time and satisfaction guaranteed. Good goods sold cheap. Call and be convinced. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish Captlai for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses ot 360 successful promoters who have placed, over 100,000,000 Storting In Foreign In vestments within the last six years, and over 18,000,01X1 for the seven months of lWTi. Prion, 5, or 125, payable by postal order to tho London and Universal Bu reau of Investor!, 24, Cheapslde, London. K. C. Subscribers wil be entitled, by ar rangement with the directors to receive either personal or letters of Introductoln to any of them successful promoters. This lint Is first class in every respect, and every man or Arm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found Invaluable Bonds or Sharos of In dstrlwi. Commercial and Flnan-ia-1 con cerns, Mortgage loans, Sals if Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PEPYS, CAPT. ARTHUR 8TIFFE. Copyright Declaration of Principles Tlit Republicans of the 1'nlted States, Assembled by their ropiesenlntlves In National Convention, appealing for the popular atul historical Justification ot thtlr claims to the matchless achieve ments of thirty years of Republican rule, earnestly and confidently address thi'tluelve to the awakened lutein geiice, experience and conscience of their countrymen In Oie following dec laration of fuels mid principles: l-'or the Hist time since the Civil W r.r the American people haw wll- i :-the ciil.-imltous consequences of full mid unrestrained Iviuocratlc con-tf'-l of the iloveniineiit It lias been a record of unpnm'led Incapacity, dis honor and disaster. In administrative mumtgcmctit It has rut hit sal)' sacrific ed Indlsp-r.slble revenue, entailed an utuvaslng deficit, eked out ordinary current expenses w Hit borrowed money. Idled up the public debt by i:i.mO,O0O In time of peace, forced an adverse bal ance of trade, 1 1 a perpetual menace hanging over the redemption fund, pawned American credit to alien syn dicates and reversed all the measures and results of tuceessful Republican rule. In the brord effect of Its policy It has precipitated panic, blighted In dustry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and crip pled American production while stimu lating foreign production for the Amer ican market. Every consideration of public safety and Individual Interest demands that the government shall be rescued from the hands of those who have shown themselves Incapable ot conducting It without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, and shall be re stored to the party which for thirty years administered It with uncqtialrd success and prosperity. A Protrrtivf Tarifl. We renew and emphasise our allegi ance to the policy of protection as ths bulwark of American Industrial Inde pendence and the foundation of Amer ican development and prowrlty. This true American policy taxes foreign pro ducts and encourages honie Industry; It puts the burden of revenue on for eign goods. It secures the American market for the American producer; It upholds the American standard of wages for the American worklngman; It puts the factory by the side of the farm, and makes the American farmer less dependent on foreign demand and price; It diffuses general thrift and founds the strength of all on the strength of each. In its reasonable ap plication It la Just, fair, and Impartial, equally opposed to foreign control and domestic monopoly, to sectional dis crimination and Individual favoritism. We denounce the present Democratic tariff as sectional. Injurious to the pub lic credit and destructive to business enterprise. We demand such equitable tariff on foreign Imports which come Into competition with American pro ducts as will not only furnish adequate revenue for the necessary expenses of the government, but will protect Amer ican labor from degradation the wage level of other lands. We are not pledged to any particular schedules. The question of rates Is a practical question, to be governed by the condi tions of the time and production; tho ruling and uncompromising principle Is the protection and development of American labor and Industry. The country demnnds a right settlement and then It wants rest. lU'iiirocity With Oilier Nations. We believe the repeal of the reel proiity arrangements negotiated by the last Republican administration was a national calamity, and we demand their renewal and extension on such terms as will equalize our trade with oth'-r nations, remove the restrictions which now obstruct the sale of Amer ican products In th-i ports of other countries and secure the enlarged mar kets of our farms, forests and factories. Protection nnd reciprocity are twin measures of Republican policy, and go hand In hnnd. Democratic rule hail recklessly struck down both, and both must be re-establlahed. Protection for what wc produce, free admission for the necessaries of life which we don't produce, reciprocal agreements of mu tual Interest which gain open mnrkets for us In return for our open market to others. Protection builds up domestic Industry and trade and secures our own market for ourselves. Reciprocity builds up foreign trade and finds an outlet for our surplus. Protection to Sugar Producers. We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers ot this country. The Republican party favors such protec tion as will lead to the production on American soil of all the sugar the American people use, and for which they pay other countries more than 1100,000,000 annually. Wool ami WooIns. To all our products to those of the mine and the field, as well as to those of the shop and the factory to hemp to wool, the product of the great Indus try of sheep husbandry, as well as to the finished woolens of the mill we promise the most ample protection. Merchant Marine. We favor restoring the early Amerl- Ol' TIIIC REPUBLICAN PARTY. can policy of dlm-iimlnntlng duties for tho ui-buidlng of mir merchant marine mid Hie protection of our shipping In the foreign carrying trade, so that American ships lite product of Amer ican labor, employed In American ship yards, sailing under the Stars Slid Snipes, and manned, officered and owned by Americans may regain the carrying of our foreign commerce. The Financial lne. "Th Republican party Is uttrrserv. eitly for sound money. It caused tho enactment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments In W since then every dollar has been as good as gold. Wt are unalterably up posed to every meomre calculated 10 de base our currency or Impair the- credit of our country. We are, therefore, op posed to the free coinage of silver, ex cept by International agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world. Which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained we believe the exlsllng lold standard mutt be preserved. All our silver and paper cuireiicy now In circulation must be maintained at 0 parity with gold, and we favor all measures designed to maintain Inviola ble the obligations of the t'nlted Stntes, and all our money, w hether c-'ln or paper, at the present standutd. the ktatidard of the most enlightened na tions of the earth." Pensions for Veterans. The veterans of the Union armies de serve and should receive fair treatmrnl and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given the preference In th matter of employ ment, and they are entitled to (he en actment of such laws as best calculat ed to secure the fulfillment of the pledges made to them In the dark days of the country's peril. We denounce the practice of the pension bureau so recklessly and unjustly carried on by the present administration, ot rrduclng pension and arbitrarily dropping names from the rolls, as deserving the severest condemnation ot the American people. Foreljin Relations, Our foreign policy should be at til time firm, vigorous and dignified, and all our Interests In the western hemis phere carefully watched and guarded. The Hawaiian Islands should be con trolled by the United States and no for eign power should be permltetd to In terfere with them. The Nicaragua Canal should be built, owned and op erated by the United States, and by the purchase of the Danish wt thnuld secure a proper and much-needed naval station In the West Indies. Armenian Massacres. The massacres In Armenia have aroused the deep sympathy and Just Indignation of the American people, and we believe that the United States should exercise all the Influence It can properly exert to bring these atrocities to an end, In Turkey. American resi dents have been exposed to the gravest dangers and American property de- stroyed. There and everywhere Amer ican clt I sens and American properly must be absolutely protected at all haxards and at any cost. Monroe Doctrine. We reassert the Monroe doctrine In Its full extent and reaffirm the right of the I'nulted States to give the doctrine effect by responding to the appeals of any American state for friendly Inter vention In case of European encroach ment. We have not Interfered, and shall not Interfere, with the existing possessions of any European power In this hemisphere, but those posn-sslont must not, on any pretext, be extended. We hopefully look forvvnrd to the eventual withdrawal of the European powers from this hemisphere, nnd the ultimate union of alt the English- speaking part of the continent by the free consent of Its Inhabitant. Independence of Cub. From the hour of achieving their own Independence the people of the I'nlted Btutcs have regarded with sympathy the struggles of other American peoples to free themselves from European dom ination. We watch with deep and abid ing Interest the heroic battle of the Cu ban patriots agalnut cruelty and op presslon, and our best hopes go out for the full success of their determined con test for liberty. The government of Spain, having lost control of Cuba and being unable to protect the property or lives of resi dent American cltliens or to comply with Its treaty obllgatlones, we believe that the government of the United States should actively uso Its InOucnce and good ofTlces to restore peaco and give Independence to the Island, Enlargement of the Navy. The peace and security of the rcpub llo and the maintenance of Its rightful influence among the nations of the earth demand a naval power commen surate with Its position and responsl billty. We therefore favor the contln ued enlargement of the navy and s and sea- liiiiiilrallnn laws. For the protection of the equality of our American cltl.hlp '" ' wages of our worklngmen against ths fatal competition of low-priced labor, we demand that th Immigration lw b thoroughly enforced, end so extend ml as to exclude from entrance to ths United Stales I hot who can iiolther read nor write. Civil Service. The Civil Service law Was placed On the statute book by the Republican parly, which has always sustained It, and we renew our repealed declara tions that It shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and eiteiidn wher ever practicable. Free liallnt. We demand that every clitien of the United States ehall be all.. wed to cast one free and unrestricted ballot, and that such ballot shall be emitted and returned as cast. hnc'ili):: I'liiiilcnmi'il. We proclaim our unqualified condem nation of the uncivilised and bsrharous practices, well known as lynching Or killing of human beings, tutpm-trd or charged with crime, without process of law. National Arbitration. We favor the creation of a national board of arbitration to settle and ad Just differences which may arise be tween employer and employed engaged In Interstate commerce. Free IluniesteiJs. Ws believe In tn Immediate return to the free homestead policy of ths Republican party and urge the postage by rongrvss of the satisfactory fres homestead measure which has already pasood the huute and Is now pending In the senate. Admission of Territories. We favor the admission ot the re maining territories at the earliest prac ticable date, having due regard to the Interests of the of the territo ries and of the I'nllml Stales. All (he federal officers appointed for th terri tories shall Ih selected from bona fide residents thereof, and ths right of tlf government shall be acorded as far as practicable. Alaska lieiirentation. We believe the cltltem of Alaska should have rvprrteutallon In th con gress of the I'nlted Statet to the end that needful legislation may b Intelll gently enacted. Sumptuary Legislation. We sympathise with all wise and le- 1 ul" pfr,,rl " l'n and prevent ine evils or temperance and promote morality. Rights of Women. Tho Republican puny It mindful of BnJ ' r'-"" "f """""' ,,r- tecllon of American lu.lusliies Includes 1 '''J"wl opportunities. ,..pial pny for. 0.1ml orn on. i protection to the home. Ws favor the admission of women to wider spheres of USefuli,,.,,, ,( p)mt their co-operation In rescuing , gan try from Democratic and l'opul ,n,. management and misrule. Hu.-h are ths principles an. I pollc.- of n. n.-pun,. can party. Ily the.,, prln.-lpi... . ., abide and these principles wt. will put Into execution. We n.k for the,,, considerate Judgment of the American people. Confident alike , hlt..ry of our great party and In the Justin f our cause, wo present lr Platform and our considerations. In the full assurance hat the election will bring victory to the Republican party and prosperity to the people of the United Stale,. Ladies and Children who travel by the Rur ll'igton Route are given pnrilculur care and at tention, Hist to Illustrate what this means: A few months ago, five children whose ages ranged from three to elevon years. mde the Journey over 0"r line from En9nt. burg, Wash., to Kansas City, ENTIRELY UN ACCOMPANIED. Tickets, time-tables, nnd full Information about our service Jo Omaha, St. Joseph, tn as City, fit: Louis and Chicago upon application to the nearest ticket agent or by addressing A.C. SHELDON, (..A. l"ort1nnd. Orc(on. Parties desiring the best of Job printing at the lowett prices should call at ths Astoria Job office befors going tlio- complete system of liarlml coast defenses.