The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 10, 1896, Image 4

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    ' - , , ..... T...-..- u -i U..,.., .... s-..v - - - 1 "i j-- ?, . . j .'
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Commercial .
ad nth SU.
Columbia Harfcor
Land Co.
BOND and
Maps oi application.
New Astoria...
located it tbe terminus of the Astoria and
Columbia River Railroad, at the month of the
Colomfcla River.
It fronts on the deep water of the Columbia
River Harbor, and being perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docks for
shies on this bay: therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the treat Northwest
These facts were recognized by the Astoria
t Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted npon a plane high
eiongh for perfect drainage, and well protected
ty a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact, it is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL ST.
Something New...
Children's and Youth's Steel-
Shod Shoe, mil Sizes and Styles ,
W. also carry a On Una of ladles' and
SMD'a shoes, from the bast to the lowest I
raUabla goods. Alt goods warranted Just j
as represanted.
fit Commercial Street.
Local weather tor the 24 hours end
ing at S p. to. yesterday, furnished 1y
the United States Department of Agri
culture, Weather Bureau.
' Maximum temperature. 75 degrees.
Minimum temperature, CO degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st. 18S5, to date, 77.10 inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, 1695, to date, (.43 Inches.
Forecast For 'Washington, fair
weather, warmer, except thunder
storms and cooler In southeastern por
tions. For Oregon, fair weather, warmer, in
western portions; thunder storms cooler
in eastern portions.
Economy la the poor man's mint
Born To the wife of Gus Iverson, a
Miss Mamie Lewis is visiting friends
in Portland.
Dr. W. I. Howard, Homaeopathlst, 58
Commercial street
Today Is the last day on which to
pay your water rates.
There will be several new musicians
at the Louvre next week.
Rogers' Juniper Kidney Cure is near
ly always a cure for lame back.
Fresh strawberries every morning at
lowest market price. C. B. Smith.
"Push Dem Clouds Away" has made
its appearance In tbe music boxes.
F. A, Fisher and family have gone to
the seaside to rusticate for a while.
Ioe cream for sale In bulk, and Ice
cream parlors at the Astoria Creamery.
. The finest separator cream In the
city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's.
The Outing Club will attend the hop
to be given at Knappton Saturday
Just received, a choice stock of fine
Clarkson & Marvin
Promptly Furnished
Beaver Hill
and Oilman
Far FmllT tr rrMe
If you will look into the situation you will see that
is the cream of west side property. The center of improve
ments is here, and as an investment for business or a home
there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition. In
lots are all large, full size, 50x100. Prices range from $150
to $250 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save
your change and buy a lot in
offlc has bea opened by too pro
on. door oast of th Crosby
hardware (tor. Call, b shown
merits of this property, and Invest
teas, coffees and spices, at Foard
Stokes Co.
August Erlckson's friends scarcely
recognised him yesterday after he had
had his hair cut.
bom the Mlebratc Mikai0
cream separator, fresh every day, at
Foard A Stokes Co.
Mr. J. A. Duffy returned yesterday
on the steamer Areata from San Fran
cisco and way porta.
Wm. Wright, of the Parker House,
is on the sick Use. suffering from an
attack of rheumatism.
The steamer Thompson yesterday
brought down a dynamo and electrical
outfit for the Flavel hotel.
C. C. VanEtten will leave for Kirks
ville. Mo., in a day or two via the Ca
nadian Pacific and 8t. Paul.
Captain Martlneau took the Areata
up the river yesterday, and Captain
Patterson piloted the Columbia.
It was rumored yesterday that one of
the most popular members of tbe bach
elors' club is soon to become a benedict.
Go to the Spa for your candles and
ice cream. The only first-class place
In town. Crushed fruits always
The contractors yesterday finished
putting the rafters in place for the
roof of the Ross-Higglns-Fisher-Brothers'
C. R, Higgina issued a bond for deed
to Ella A. Tolmle, for Lots 5, 6, 7, and
8, Block 14, Astoria Addition to War
renton, $125.
Ice cream by the bushel at C. B.
Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty.
Private parlors for ladlea 483 Com
mercial street
The Examiners and the Press base
ball nines will play a match game
on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Smith's Point
A lot in New Astoria, four lots in
Van Dusen's, and a business house on
Commercial street at a great sacrifice.
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Salesman Tappan, of Kinney's can
nery, yesterday lost his coat and cam
paign button. He was in a peck of
trouble for a time.
J. G. Elliott and son, Elliott's Land
ing, Dave Kinzle, Fort Canby, and
Mrs. Andrew Olsen, of Chinook, were
In the city yesterday.
Carl Adler, of Baker City, a former
well known merchant of Astoria, Is
visiting in the city. He has taken a
house for the summer here for his fam
ily. The Misses Nettle and Nancy Tuttle
Boom Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland. Oreeon
Tru It
I I J II. y
A CO. Aftats. AstorU.
returned from Coo Pay yesterday on
the Areata. They report having had
a very pleasant visit, and a fine trip
E. A. Seeley, K. Marx. D. Lampreau,
A. A. Austlund. Portland; J. E. Pitta,
St. Louis, and Peter Peterson. Bay
Center, registered at the Parker House
For rent For the summer a cen
trally located six-room furnished house
reasonable terms. Families with
small children need not apply. Inquire
at this office.
Joseph Mueller, known as the Vienna
humorist, who now represents the Wi
ley B. Allen Company, of Portland.' Is
in the city with a special shipment of
pianos from New Tork.
Judge Cleveland is very busy pre
paring an address with which to elec
trify the public upon the occasion of
laying the corner stone of Kopp's new
brewery Saturday afternoon.
M. McFariand, of West port, was in
town yesterday, and reported that
since tbe burning of the Willamette
Steam Mills In Portland, the logging
business has been very dull.
Fish were running llcht again yes
terday, but tt is the opinion of those
who have had experience that there
will be a better run after the new
moon makes Its appearance tonight
The bond of County Treasurer B. L.
Ward, for $.0OO, with Geo. Noland. O.
Reed. James W. Welch. Chas. Ward,
O. Wingate. and C. W. Fulton as sure
ties, was approved by the county court
P. F. Quinn was sgain before Police
Judge Nelson yesterday, on another
charge of drtinkennesa. His fine was
remitted upon his promise to straight
en up and go to Portland and go to
Judge F. J. Taylor's family will spend
the greafr part of the summer In
Portland instead of at the seaside, be
cause of the Ill-health of his little girl,
who will need constant skilled atten
tion. Superintendent Rathbone telegraphed
Agent Lounsberry last evening that the
barge with the three passenger cars
and one baggage car for the A. and C.
R. R. R., is due here at 10 o'clock this
In the county court yesterday, m
the matter of the estate of Thomas H.
M. Johnson, deceased, letters of ad
ministration were issued to John O.
Tyberg. The estate is estimated to be
worth about 1800.
Mr. E. C. Ward, agent of the O. R.
and N. Company, San Francisco, arriv
ed on the Columbia yesterday with his
sister and went on up the river to Port
land, to which point he will accompany
her on her trip east.
In raising the sunken rail barge at
Warrenton the other day, the machin
ery brought with it the big snag which
made the hole Ih the barge. Uncle Sam
has been saved quite a few pennies
by this free dredging operation.
Mr. J. W. Bar bee, representing
Charles Scrlbner's Sons, Is in the city
and will remain for about a week. Mr.
Barbee is selling the Life of Eugene
Field and works on Shakespeare. He
reports business as being very good.
Mr. Charles D. Willits, Portland man
ager of the G. H. Hammond Company,
Omaha, Neb., Is In the city. Mr. Wil
lits says that the prices of meats have
an upward tendency. He finds that As
toria is the best business town in Ore
gon. . .
The road scraping machine contract
ed for in May by the county court from
the Western Wheeled Scraper Compa
ny, Aurora, 111., has been ordered back
to Portland, as It was found that the
machine is not suitable for Clatsop
county roads.
The fruit crops In Oregon this year
have been very poor. There has been
less than fifty per cent of an average
cherry crop, while raspberries and
strawberries have not only been short
but of an Inferior quality. The season
has been one of the worst known In
many years.
The steamers Columbia and Areata
both brought large shipments of tin
cans from San Francisco for the Paci
fic she'et metal works. The home fac
tory has been so crowded with orders
which It could not fill, that it was
found necessary to draw oh the San
Francisco house for a supply.
The construction train on the Sea
shore road has commenced dumping
sand along the line between Warren
ton and the bridge. As soon as the
cut-off Is finished to Flavel, a large
force of men will be put on the bridge
line ballasting up the track, something
badly needed for the past two years. 1
The Astoria Military liand held a
meeting yesterday afternoon, after
which a sociable took place. The boys
are noted for their ability to have a
good time and they upheld thrlr repu
tation. A most enjoyable afternoon
was passed and It was with much re
gret that the young gentlemen conclud
ed the entertainment.
Mr. Frank Heed, representing the
Lr it Rett A Meyer Tobaeco Co., of St.
Louis. Is In the city. Mr. Herd Is agent
for Sweet Moment cigarettes, for which
he has made quite a reputation In As
toria. He reports bunlnrss as being
rather quiet, but the slightly depressed
conditions do not affect the sale of hi.
goods, owing to their standing.
The following deeds were filed for
record yesterday with Recorder Wil
liams: C. M. Cutbtrth and wife to
Dan. Vanaman, Lot 7. Plocs. 1. Clatsop
(srove, 1100; Walter C. Smith and wife
to E. A. Betts. Lots 9 tnd 10. Hlock J.
W. C. Smith's Warrenton. C. R.
Hlgglns to E. R. Evans. Lot R Klock
9. Astoria Addition to Warrenton. 1100.
The eld Fisher warehou.e was torn
down yesterday by the contractor. A
rope was passed around the building
and given a good strong yank, which
brought the land mark down In a
heap with a crash heard for blocks
around. The last of Hume's old ran
aery, where he made his fortune in
years gone by, Is being destroyed to
make way for the railroad.
During the put two or three days the
beach along the city front from (th
street to the O. R and K. dock has
been thickly strewn with wreckage
from the various wharves along the
line of railroad work. Partus living
along the beach have reaped a rich
harvest gathering up the pieces of tlm
ber, man? fine boards having been cast
Into the water by the workmen.
The air was so clear yesterday that
the houses of Knappton were visible to
the naked eye. The bay presented a
beautiful sight, dotted everywhere with
the white sails of the fishing smacks
and here and there a steamer, launch
or stately ship. The sunrise In the
early morning, which flooded the East
em sky with all the shades of red and
purple, was one which only Oregon
can produce.
Beaver Lodge, No. 35. Odd Fellows,
last night Installed the following offi
cers for the ensuing year: Noble grand
master, J. S. Hltchen; vice-grand,
Frank X. Henry; recording secretary,
C. N. Finch; treasurer, C. 8. Wright;
warden, C. A. May; conductor, F. M
Shumaker; Inside guard, D. P. Wil
liams;' outside guard, Geo. Harmon.
The Installation was conducted by
District Deputy Grand Master D. R.
A gentleman from Seaside Jays that
If the business men of Seaside wish to
Interest a decent class of people In
their resort they should delay ho
longer In advancing every effort to
hunt down and bring to Justice the
gang of sneak thieves and housebreak
ers that Infest their locality. The out
rages perpetrated against cottagers
there this winter, Is quite enough to
discourage any further Investment at
that resort'
The steamer Electric Is bringing
down another raft of piles for the Fla
vel dock. It was reported last night
that Superintendent Lester, who has
been delayed In laying the branch line
from Warrenton to Flavel, has every
thing in hand so that this piece of
track can be finished, and everything
be ready for running trains by next
Sunday. The river steamers will then
transfer Seaside passengers at Flavel
Instead of at the bridge as at present.
Wakefield & Jacobsen's pile drivers
are drawing close together, one now
working eastward through the Ross
Higglns warehouse, and the other work
Ing westward, has Just commenced op
erations through the Hume dock. It
will take but a few more days to finish
the trestle work between the O. R. and
N. dock and the Young's Bay bridge.
Highest Honor World's Pair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made. "
40 Years the Standard.
A Beautiful Addition on the
West Side.
1 Contractor Ooerlg yesterday flnl.hed
the Inst bent on his portion of the
; work, and the grading along Water
I street Is finished up to Kinney's can-
! Tuesday nlsht Phil. Tavlor. a non
union fi.herman working for Kinney,
had his net nearly destroy while It
lay on th. racks at th. cannery, Pome
time during the night acids were thrown
on the net. which Octroyed a large
part of the cork line and many of the
meehea, Mr. Taylor estimates that It
will cost ITS to replace the burned parts
of his net. He says he knows th. men
who did th. work, as they had threat
ened to get even with him. but of
course not having been caught In the
act he ran prove nothing against them.
Sherman A Thing have optnd a riding
school next door to Pslflo Eiprtw oOta
Competent Instructors constantly la at
tendance Cleveland and CrMcnt W-
cycles for sal. and rnt
Salton Sea Salt for but lis at
tbe Estes-Conn Drop Store.
UV and zze per pae knge.
(Continued from First Page)
ence other eastern states to stand with
them in their passive attitude. Many
rumors clustered about young Bryan,
of Nebraska, whose wonderful after
noon speech had carried him Into a
formidable position In the Held and
won for him partisans who seemed to
be doing active work. It was 1:33 be
fore the acting chairman, Mr. Richard
on, rapped long and loud for order. It
took five minutes to reach a semblance
of order. Senator Jones, of Arkansas,
gained recognition, and moved th. con
vention proceed to the nomination of
a candidate for president. It was car
ried with a roar. Chairman Richard
son announced that the roll of states
would be called for the presentation of
Alabama was th. first to be called
and the chairman announced that the
state would be passed for the present
Arkansas came next. "Arkansas
yields to Senator Vest. of"Mlsaourl,"
houted Senator Jones, and there was
a wave of applause from th. Bland
Senator Vest's first mention of th.
name of Blknd brought out a short
demonstration. The senator's closing
words were the signal for another
Bland demonstration, this time long,
loud and enthusiastic. It was fourteen
minutes before Chairman Richardson
attempted to check the demonstration.
Governor Overmeyer, of Kansas, be
gan to make the seconding speech un
der difficulties, for a small riot was
stirring In front of the platform when
he swept his right arm across the are
On the call of California, Chairman
W. W. Foots announced that the eigh
teen votes of that state Were Instructed
for Senator Stephens M. White, but
under a positive request of Mr. White,
his name would not be presented.
Ex-Governor Waller, of Connecticut,
announced that the Connecticut dele
gation was In conference and desired
to be passed for the present.
H. T. Lewis, of Georgia, nominated
Bryan, which was followed by a dem
onstration. Clute, of North Carolina, and Will
Hams, of Massachusetts, seconded Bry
an, as did also Kernan, of Louisiana.
When Indiana was reached Turpie
nominated Gov. Matthews. At this
point the confusion In the hall became
o great that nothing could be heard.
Only a threat to hold the proceedings
behind closed doors restored order.
Boles was placed In nomination by
Frederick White, of Iowa. When he
closed a woman dressed In white lead
the demonstration by waving a banner
and crying "Boles, Boles, Boles." In
a minute the coliseum was aflame for
fourteen minutes.
John lihea, of Kentucky, nominated
When Massachusetts was reached
hi-r chairman rose and said: "By a
unanimous vote of the convention of
Massachusetts, we were instructed to
place In nomination Governor Russell,
but by his direction and because of
the platform wo decline to make a
nomination." Borne took this remark
to be a reply to the remark of George
Fred Williams: "This Is the sentiment
of Massachusetts, not by proxy, but by
Its delegation."
McDermott, of New Jersey, brought
down cheers and hisses on his head by
his dflant declaration, "New Jersey
does not desire to nominate any man
on this platform."
Just before adjournment, General
Bragg, of Wisconsin, created a sensa
tion by Jumping to a chair and shout
ing to the convention; "Wisconsin will
Aght under another banner and for
another candidate."
After all the nominations were In th.
convention adjourned without taking
a ballot.
The U. S. Oov't Reports
" ' ' ghnr Kojrul Dsklng Powdw
gaptrhr to otbtrt,
Chicago, July -Wh.t. rash. S-'.O
Liverpool, July 1 Wheat, iot,
steady; demand, umr; No. I red win
ter, &s Id; No. 1 hard Manitoba, stock
exhausted; No, I California, to IV1
Hops At London, Pacific Coast. (1
San Francisco, July II. ip Nom
inal. Itllc.
Children Cry for
PItcher't Cattorla.
Box S-Trulliiigrr's Mill.
Box Bond and Seventh street.
Box 7 Ninth and Duan.
Box Commercial and Fifteenth.
Box lClatsop Mill.
Bus 1J Car Stable.
Box 14-McOregor's Mill.
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist.
For in twisting a twist
Tares twists make a twist; I
But If on. of the twists
Untwists from th twist,
Th twist untwisting
mtwtsta th twist
That Is. wh.n It's twtsttd with any
othar twin than MARSHALL'S.
Overcoat and winter wraps will b la
faabiea. They can be dtcardd, tempor
arily whll. traveling In the am-hat4
train of th. Chicago, MllwsukM an t
Paul Railway, For solid comfort, for
pd and for af.ty, no other tin oaa
com par. with thl grwu' railway of th
Most Bo-calltd "salmon twin" ar coi
ned with acid. ' Th acid rot th ftbr
and rsnd.r tb material uwlto. In th.
ofllc of Elmore, Sanborn A Co. la an ob
ject Ihkd that ought to b examined by
all fl.h.rmtn. It la th. whol of th.
malarial ud In Ih manufacture of Mar-
shall' twlne-frora start td finish, Oo
UMr. and examine thl color right
through. Yea will s. thn why Mar
Shan's Is oalisd Ui. best In th world.
For tt cent you can seeur an excel.
lent wll-rvd meal at th Bod Too
tttstaurant No. 171 Commercial iiml
Thy are also fully pr.paid to .rv
all kinds of fl.h, gam and delicacies of
th season, w.ll as oa.trs In vry
Imaginable sty! at th lowest living
prices. Com one and you will con
tinue to com.
A gsntlMnaa's resort, at eornsr Bond
and UtB stroeta. Th OtMSt brands of
liquors and cigar always on hand. Call
and try as.
Use Webfoot Corn Care. No
care no pay. For sale at Ks-tes-Conn
Draff Store.
R. P. Elmore
W. H. Harrison
Sailing date, to snd from;Tlllsmook
' snd Nchsl.m depend upon t
Ih. w.athcr.
For Pr.lght and Pa.Mng.r
Rate. Apply To
Land &
Bond Street...
Astoria, Or.
R. L. Boyle & Co.
fw m
Clonks aiJ Hulls inudtj to order or
ready mndt) at Ills)
Udl' Tailors.
" tin lis 'tauias
Sea Shore Railroad.
In frct Saturday, Jun. loth, UN.
Leaves geasld at T:M a. m., dally.
Lmvo Toung's Bay at 1 11 a. m.
Leave Peasld at t.SO p. m. daily
except Sunday.
Leave Young' Bay at 1:15 p. m.
dally ricept Sunday.
Leave Heaald at 4 30 p. m. Bunday.
Leaves Toung's Hay at I p. m. Sun
day. Hteamrr E. L. Dwyer leave Flav.l's
dock for Toung's Bay at I W a. m.
and at 410 p. m. dally except Sunday.
Humlnys at I.JO a. m. and 1 p. m.
PropoMl Wanted for Building
HeaJ.l proposal will be reclved by
th undersigned at th. office, of th
A. and C. R. R. R. la Astoria until noon
of Wednesday, July M. for th con
struction of a depot building and foun
dation wharf. Plans and specification
ran b. seen at th o (Tiers of th com
pany In Astoria. Approved bonds wilt
be required of the successful bidder.
Rids will be received saparauly for th
wharf and station building. Th un
dersigned reserving th. light to r
Ject any or alt bid.
WANTED Oood lady solicitor; dain
ty work, good commission. Address
Mrs. V. L. Fought, 489 Davis street,
Portland, Or.
WANTED situation oy experienced
woman as chamber maid,' waitress or
to do light housework. Address Box
m, city.
WANTED At once; active agents
for each county. control and
no risk. Will clear IS to U hundred
dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full
particulars or 25c for II sample. Big
Rapid Mineral Water Co., Big Rapids,
FOR SALE-Flv room hous. wltlr
large lot, well located In suburbs of
Astoria. Address Box 780, city.
JAPAN BOB GOODS rir.-nfl.. ..
out-lust rclved-ju.t what you want,
at Wing Lw's, Ml Commercial .treat.
FOR RENT-Furnlshed rooms; ap
ply 309 Exchange street.
FOR RENT Three furnished rooms
with or without board. Apply 181 7th
FOR RENT A furnished room, M trd
FOR RENT Thr or four room, with
board, at Mrs. E. C. Holdeo's, corner
Duan and Ninth itrMta Prlo reason
able, LOOT.
LOHT Oil STOLEN A check for
$45.30, drawn on First National Bank,
of Portland, endorsed by O. L. Hansen.
Kinder please notify "F." care Asto
rlan oftlre. and claim reward.
LOHT Over the bar, Friday morn
ing, flkhlng boat and net. Boat paint
ed dark blue, and net buoys mark
ed "T. P." Finder will bo handsomely
rewarded by returning same, or giving
Information which will load to It re
covory to Simon Pnkkllo, Elmore's can
nery, Astoria.
There's mors clothing destroyed by poor
soap than by actual wear. "Ho Cak."
soap'oontaln no fra alkali and will not
Injurs th finest lao. Try It and notles
th dlffartnc In quality. Rou, Hlgglns-
rf. ''sl -V"f -
.it i. . j. uL...rr un-