The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 10, 1896, Image 2

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Sally gVotmiau
Telephone No. Ss.
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postage free, to subscribers.
All communication Intended for publi
cation should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kind
and remittances must be addressed 10
Tha Astorian,
The Astorian guarantees to Its sub
scriber tha largest circulation of any
ewspaper published on th Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appll
cation to the business manager.
Tha Weekly Astorian, the second oldest
weekly In the stats of Oregon, has, fcext
to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest
weekly circulation In the stats.
Jno. F. Handley A Co., ar our Port
iaod agents, and copies of The Astorian
an be bad every mornlnc at their stand,
B Third street.
The beautiful resolution adopted by
Qulnlln Lodge. B. P. O. E published In
another column of this issue, reflect
the handiwork of one of the most cul
tured and best known members of the
order In Astoria.
The silver men now can do nothing
half way. Their strength is in their
radicalism, their union with Populism.
their affiliation with all the cranks, the
muster of the fools and enlistment of
the fanciers of new worlds to conquer,
the boycotters of banknotes, the po-s-ssors
of secrets to purify all tainted
blood with pills. Now, these people
have got a strip on the Democratic par
ty by a large majority, and will not
let It go. They mean to tear In pieces
the old party they now vigorously de
nounce, and have the power to do to.
ilurat Halstead.
The market ratio of gold bullion to
silver at the present moment Is about
II to 1 that Is to say that with one
ounce of gold you could buy thirty-one
ounces of silver. Free coinage of silver
at It to 1 mean that the government
would coin fifty cents' worth of silver
bullion and call it one hundred cents
worth. These fifty-cent silver dollars
would have the same value as the dol
lar of the people now In the savings
banks. In other words the deposit of
ever depositor in a savings bank now
held up to the gold standard would be
cut in two. The same reduction would
take place in the value of the mortgages
held by the building loan association
. and in all insurance policies.
Mrs. Partington's attempt to sweep
back the ocean with a broom was a
rational effort compared with the en
deavors of the free coinage advocates
of the West and South. They should
raise their eyes, look abroad and note
the drift of events. The world has pro
gressed far beyond the wampum. Iron,
copper and silver standards of curren
cy. Russia, with her vast population,
has formulated a plan for putting her
paper currency on a gold basis. Little
Japan Is preparing to make her money
actually, as It Is theoretically, good as
gold, and even the republics of South
America are keeping abreast of the
movement. Venezuela by a vote of
several provinces has now approved a
constitutional amendment adopting the
gold standard. It is at such a time
that the Tellerites would have the
model republic of the North break
away from the line of highly civilized
commercial nations and celebrate the
close of the century by going down
to the foot of the class of nations to
stand with Mexico and China on a sil
ver basis!
The work to be done in the present
campaign to assure the election of Mc
Klnley must be strictly educational In
its character. Great public demonstra
tlons are a necessity In all great cam
paigns, but the work of the present has
to be done in the school house and In
the cross roads township meeting. Even
Ohio may be debatable if the cheap
money tidal wave shall continue, and
every state west and south of Penn
sylvania will be a missionary field for
the friends of sound money. All of
them may be more or less hopefully,
contested, with the exception of Neva
da, Colorado, Texas, Arkansas, Mis
sissippi and South Carolina. It is pos
sible to carry all the other states In the
Union for McKlnley as a sound mnney
candidate for president, and it is with
in the range of possibility for him to
lose every state west of Pennsylvania
and south of the Potomac. Never was
there a national contest with such va
rying possibilities, and never was th'-re
a contest that demanded such system
atic educational effort among the peo
ple In cross roads and school house
Leaders of the silver war are all the
time exclaiming that we must have the
white metal, as there will goon be a
lack of gold, according to the present
demand for It. The fears that they
have held can now be quieted, and the
stock argument can be trotted out no
longer to do duty they must use some
ether appeal in addition to the preju
dice, of which they have an abundant
According to the review of the mln
era! output of the United States for
1S93, which has Just been published un
der the direction of the geological sur
vey, an array of figures is presented
which It will be difficult for the free-
silver men to either Ignore or explain
away. It Is one of the stock arguments
of the sixteen to one advocate that the
output of gold has steadily declined,
and that the point has been reached
where there is not sufficient gold to
supply alone our monetary needs,
wherefore, he urges It Is Imperative
that a larger upply of silver should at
once be coined Into money to supply
the deficiency. Well, the facts as pre
sented In this review prove that the
free silver man, as usual, has been
talking in the dark. The output of gold
has not declined: on the contrary. It
has steadily advanced, and Is still ad
vancing; and what will be especially
disheartening to the free-llver theor
ist, this Increase Is coining principally
from Cripple Creek and other new min
ing camps In the free-silver atate of
Colorado. The steady Increase In the
gold product was tlrst noticed In 1S!S.
This Increase has kept up during the
Intervening years between then and
IvCs the output lust year being ;,:TS.'-9
ounces, as opposed to I.AI&Sle ounce In
1S:. The value of last year's output
was $.;?.riOo,OoH. These unassailable fig
ures ought to so a long way toward
disposing of any doubt which may exist
. to our ability to produce nil the gold
necessary for our tr;fde needs.
When they put a man In J:til he can
not f.T.ow his natural Impulse. He
cannot eat what he wants to he Is
limited to a very frugal diet. Is It not
equally true of a dyspectlc? For all of
the real enjoyment he gets out of life.
Ik might ns well be in Jail. He cannot
e&: what he likes, nor enough. He suf
fers much, gets little sympathy. At
first, perhaps a little heaviness In the
sto-.uu.-h. a little sourness, windy belch
ing and heartburn; headaches and bll
lousress and a foul taste In the mouth
In the morning. Chronic constipation
Is almost inevitable, and means that
the body Is holding poisonous. Impure
matter, and should be gotten rid of.
The poison Is being reabsorbed Into
the blood and the whole body. Im
purity of the blood may lead to almost
any disease. Constipation la the start
of all. Pr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
cure constipation, cure It so It stays
cured. No other remedy In the world
will do that. j
Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps ti
World's Dispensary Medical Assocla
tion, Buffalo, N. T., and receive Dr,
Pierce's 100S page common sense med
leal adviser. Illustrated.
One never realises that every back
has its own special burden to bear un
til you begin telling of your troubles,
and learn from your listener that there
are others, greater and harder to strug
gle under.
No time should be lost In resorting to
a suitable remedy. Hostetter" Stomach
Bitter I the most reliable and w Idely
esteemed medicine of It class. It re
move the cause of constipation, or of
undue relaxation of the intestines.
which are usually indigestion or a mis
direction of the bile. When It acts as
a cathartic It does not gripe and vio
lently evacuate, but produce gradual
and natural effects, very unlike those
of a drastic purgative; and It power
of assisting digestion nullifies those irri
tating condition of the mucous mem'
brane of the stomach and intestinal
canal which produce first diarrhoea.
and eventually dysentery. The med
icine Is, moreover, an agreeable one,
and eminently pure and wholesome.
Appetite and tranquil nightly slumber
are both promoted by It.
une entire day a montn spent in
bed Is the rejuvenating process adopted
by many wornout belles.
Mr. G. Caillouette. Druggist, Beavers-
vllle. III., says: 'To Dr. King's New Dis
covery I owe my life. Was taken with
La Grippe and tried all the physicians
for miles about, but of no avail and was
given up and told I could not live. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in my
store I sent for a bottle and be
gan Its use and from the first dose
began to get bettet, and after using three
bottles was up aia about again. It Is
worth Its weight In gold. We won't
keep store or house without It." Get a
free trial at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store.
Women will never make a fortune as
horticulturists until they get over their
fear of worms and bugs.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache,
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. It affects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded habitual sick head
aches yield to Its influence. We urn all
who are afflicted to procure a bottle,
and give this remedy a fair trial. In
cases of habitual constipation Electric
Bitters cures by giving the needed tone
to the bowels, and few cases long resist
the use of this medicine. Try It once.
Fifty cents, and $1.00 at Chas. Rogers
Drug Store.
How many engagements would last
If the Interested parties did not write
when they were separated?
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions,, and posltlv? cure for Pile, or no
pay required, it 1 guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 2$ cent per box. For sale by
Chas. Roger:, Odd Fellows' building.
Is there a woman living who has not
had at some stage of her existence a
severe attack of the blues?
When Baby wis sick, we gare her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castor!.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she L Children, abe gaTethem Castoria.
There Is not a woman living who
could not stand more kindness than
her husband show her.
Or. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
Contains no Ammonia or Alum,
The best chemical compound for wash
ing powder is "Soap Foam,'' as It will
not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the
hands. If the finest thing In the world
for the bath. One trial will convince
ii m
I "':"g:srr;: ;ld
Blackwcll's Genuine
To srUI and ot coupon loud Mth t oanc
Boy a bag. rJ We coupoa sod Mho lo
Tennis promises to be more popular
than golf, ns the possibilities of the
gown designed for the tlrst sport are
more artistic than tlvse of the latter.
ROYAL BsKtng Powder.
Highest of mil I Uavenlng j
Strength U. S. OevsrBeeeat Report
A little alcohol or ammonia in
bath these days is refreshing
the '
mid '
When we consider that the Intestine
are about five time as long as the
body, we can realise the Intense suf'
ferlng experienced when they become!
Inflamed. PeWltf Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues Inflammation at once and ,
completely remove the difficulty. Chas.
Ladles' tailor gown of crash are be-
lng much used for travelling. I
Ell Hill. Lumber City. Pa., writes: "I '
have been suffering from Pile for,
twenty-five years and thought my easel
Incurable. DeWltt's Witch Haxcl Salve
was recinmended to me as a plle'cure,
so I bought a box and It performed
permanent cure." This Is only one of
the thousand of similar rases. Ecxe
nu, sores and skin disease yield quick
ly when It I used. Chas. Rogers.
Bicycle snatching Is a crime In which
women are said to be growing expert.
It would be hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious colic that his I
agony la due to a microbe with an un- j
pronouncable name. But one dose of .
DeWltf Colic and Cholera Cure willj
convince him of It power to afford I
Instant relief. It kill pain. Chas.!
t . I
China crepe In cornflower blue makes
the very smartest of smart frocks.
We are anxious to do a little good In
this world and can think of no pleas- i
anter or better way to do It than by i
recommending One Mlnue Cough Cure i
as a Dreventatlve of nneiimonla con-1
...... I
Buiupuun. ami oiner serious lung irou- i
bles that follow neglected colds. Chas.
Roger. i
Green and white Is a lovely combine- I
' j
T T . , , '
Persons who have a coughing spell j
every night, on account of a tickling I
sensation In the throat, may overcome I
it at once
. , - ,.,.. I
by a dose of One Minute I
Cough Cure
as. Rogers. I
Pulling the tongue is said to cure the j
most stubborn case of hiccoughs.
Small In sixe but great In results.
DeWltf Little Early Riser act gently '
but thoroughly, curing Indigestion, dys
pepsia, and constipation. Small pill.
best pill. Chas. Rogers.
Cut work Is very effectively employ
ed on scarfs and dollies.
Pure blood means good health. De ,
) in s sarsaparina purine tne Diooa. i
cures Eruptions, Eczema, Scrofula and
all diseases arising from impure blood.
Chas. Rogers.
Some very sheer
gowns have the
smallest of sleeves.
Pas the good word along the line.
Piles can be quickly cured without an
operation by simply applying DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Chas. Rogers.
The woman who
does not ride a
wheel Is a rarity.
"Wake up, JacoU, day Is breaking!"
so said DeWltf Little Early Risers to
a man who had taken them to arouse
his sluggish liver. Chas. Roger.
Pickled cherries are nice to eat with
cold meat.
Do you lack faith and love health?
Let us establish your faith and restore
your health with DeWltf s Saraparllla.
Chas. Rogers.
A new and ornamental fly paper Is In
the form of a blooming plant, the
leaves being covered with the sticky
substance that tangles up the files'
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
The woman who can express and
stick to a difference of opinion without
either raising her volte or losing her
temper never comes out second best.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling, and all kinds of finish;
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
worx aone to order. Term reasonable I
ana price at bedrock. All order
promptly attended to. Office and yard
at mill. H. F. L. LOOA.V, Prop'r.
Seaside, Oregon.
is the
very best
be sad wo roanoos leMe me a 4 oaac be
(N yout ura of(o,aw lo presents.
Thk Oasis of thh
Colorado Desir
A New
! Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most rnvorable in America
for Sufferers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
,hTh .k"00!1 WXn,t J"""0 J
the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad to tak
advantage of lu beneficial climate, has
n a lack of suitable accommodation.
The Southern Pacific Compar.y take).
peMUre jn announcing that several
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indio station,
that will be rented to applicants at r?a-
.ot,,, furnUhed wll)l
modern conveniences, lupplled with pure
artesian water and so situated as to glvs
occupant an in advantages to be 1-
,.. , . , .... .
residence la this delightful climate.
(From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
"In the hoart of the great desert of the
Colorado which the Southern Pacific,
t-aversee-therj Is an oasis called Indio.
whlfh In aiip nnlnlnn Im Ih, u,n..i..i-
of the earth. We believe, from Dersonal
Investigation, that for certain Individual.
there la no spot on this planet so favor
O. T. Stewart. M D., writes: "Th
purity of the air, and the eternal eun
shine, fill one with wond'r and dellrhL
I . . . nature nas accomplished so
I much that there remains but little for
he)lth retorthere
man to do. A to Its possibilities as
if the tnont nrfrt
sunshine, with a temperature always
pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain Is
an unknown factor; pure oxyiren, denss
atmosphere and pure water. What mors
can be desired? It la the plai-e. above
all others, for lung troubles, and a para
aise ror rneumatics. considering tn
number of sufferers who have ben
cured, I have no hesitancy in recom
mending this genial oasis ns the havn
or the afflicted.
Is 612 miles from
and 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information Inquire of
any Southern Pacific Company agent,
or address
Asst. Gen. Pans. Agt H. H. Co.
Dlst. Pass. Agt.
Cor. First and Alder sts., Portland, Or
Important to Americans seeking Eng
lish Captlal for new enterprises. 1
containing the naime and alarews of
J60 successful promoters who have placed
over f 10O.uO0.000 Sterling In Foreign In
vetftmerua within the last six years, and
over 18,000,000 for the seven month of
prlci, (5, or (25, payable by postal
order to tho London and Universal Bu
reau of Investors, 20, Cheepslde, London,
E. C. Subscribers wll be entitled, by ar
rangement with Che directors to receive
either personal or letter of lntroductoln
to any of these succewsfiU promoters.
This lies is first das in every respect,
and every tnan or firm whose name ap
pear therein may be depended upon.
For placing the following It will be
found Invaluable Bond or Share of In
dustrial, Oommerclal and Financial con
cerns, Mortimge loans, Sale of Lands,
Patent or Mines.
, Copyright
Declaration of Principles
Th Republican of the fulled State.
nMcmbled by their repieaenlatlve In
National Convention, appealing for the
popular and historical justlncailon of
t lit lr liitlm 10 thu matchless achieve
ments of thirty year of Uciihllcnn
rule, earnestly and contblenlly addrrs
thftiMK'lve to the awakoned llitelll
.cure, experience nml conscience of
their countrymen In the following dec
liu'utlon of fiicta and principles:
Kir the Hint time since the Civil
War the American people have wit-
nessed the calamitous i'ont'o,umce of
full ami unrestrained tvmocratlc con
trol of the tiovernment. It has been
a rcvotd of uupainlli'd Incapacity, dis
honor and disaster. In administrative
management It hn ruthl. sely snoiillo
ed Indispetialtdo revenue, entailed an
unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary
current expense with borrowed money,
piled up the public debt by !.'(t'.',l00,000
In time cf peace, (urrcd an adverse bal
ance, of trade, to a perpetual menace
hunting over the redemption fund,
panned American credit lo alien syn
dicates and reversed all the measure
and results of uvesful Republican
rule. In the broad effect of Its policy
it has precipitated panic, blighted In-
lustry and trade ulth prolonged de
pression, closed factories, reduced work
and wages, halted enterprise and crip
pled American production while stimu
lating foreign production for th Amer
ican market. Every consideration of
public .afety and Individual Interest
lemand that the government shall be
rescued from the hand of those who
have shown themselves Incapubt of
conducting It without disaster at home
and dishonor abroad, and shall b re
stored to the party which for thirty
year administered It with unmpialed
success and prosin-rlty.
A Protd'tivr Tarifl.
W renew and emphasize our allegl
anre to the policy of protection a th
bulwark of American Industrial Inde
pendence and the foundation of Amer
lean development and prosperity. Thl
true American policy taxes foreign pro
ducts and rnrourage home Industry
It puts th burden of revenue on for
eign goods, it secure th American
market for the American producer; It
upholds the American standard of
wages for the American worklngman
It puts the factory by the side of th
farm, and make the American farmer
e dependent on foreign demand and
price; It diffuses general thrift and
founds the strength of all on the
strength of each. In Its reasonable ap
dlcatlon It I Just. fair, and Impartial
equally opposed to foreign control and
inestlc monopoly, to sectional die
crimination and Individual favoritism
We denounce the present Democratic
tariff as sectional. Injurious to the pub
lic credit and destructive to business
nterprlse. We demand such etjultable
tariff on foreign Imports which come
Into competition with American pr-
lucts as will not only furnish adequate
revenue fur the necessary expense of
the government, but will protect Amer
ican labor from degredatlon to the
wage level of other land. We are not
pledged to any particular schedules,
The question of rates is a practical
question, to be governed by the condl
Ions of the time and production; the
ruling and uncompromising principle
Is the protection anil development of
American labor and Industry. The
country demand a right settlement
and then It want rest.
Reciprocity With Other Nations.
We hellcve the repeal of the reel
proclty arrangements negotiated by the
liiht It publican administration was a
nutlonul cnlnmlty, and we demand
their renewal ami extension on such
terms as will equalize our trade with
other nations, remove the restrictions
which now obstruct the sale of Amer
lean products In the ports of other
rountrle and secure the enlarged mar
kets of our farms, forests and factories
i'rotectlon and reciprocity nre twin
measure of Repulillrnn policy, and go
hand In hand. Democratic rule has
recklessly struck down both, and both
must be re-established. Protection for
what we produce, free admission for
the necessaries of life which we don'f
produce, reciprocal agreement of mu
tual Interest which gain open market
for us in return for our open market to
others. Protection builds up domestic
inuustry and trade nnd secures our
own market for ourselves. Reciprocity
builds up foreign trade and finds an
outlet for our surplus.
Protection lo Suar Producers.
We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the
sugar producer of this country. The
Republican party favor such protec
tion as will lead to the production on
American soil of all the sugar the
American people use, and for which
they pay other countries more than
$100,000,000 annually.
Wool and Woolens.
To all our product to those of the
mine and the field, a well a to those
of the Bhop and the factory to hemp
to wool, the product of the great Indus
try of sheep husbandry, a well a to
the finished woolen of the mill we
promise the most ample protection,
Merchant Marine.
We favor restoring the early Ameri
can policy of discriminating dutle for
the up-building of our merchant marliid
and the protection of our shipping In
the foreign carrying trade, so Hint
American ships the product of Amer
lean labor, employed in American hlp
yuids, sailing under the Htnr and
Stripe, ami manned, urncered and
owned by Amcrlcuamay rviialn th
carrying of our foreign commerce.
The Financial Issue.
"The Republican party I unreserv
edly for sound motley. It caused the
enactment of the law providing for the
resumption of specie payments In IsTU;
luce then every dollar ha been as a gold. W are unnlterAbly op'
posed to every meaiur calculated to de
base our currency or Impair the credit
of our country. V are, therefore, op
posed to the free coinage of sliver, ex
ccpt by International agreement with
the leading commercial nation f the
world, which we pledge ourselves to
promote, and until such agreement can
be obtained we believe the existing
Rold standard must be preserved. Alt
our silver and paper cuireiicy now In
circulation must be maintained at a
parity with gold, and w favor all
measure drslun.d to maintain Invlola
Me the obligation of (he t'nlted
States, and all our money, whether coin
or paper, at the present standard, the
standard of the most enlightened na
tlons of the esrih."
Pensions for Veterans.
The veterans of the I'nlon armies de
serve and ihould receive fair treatment
and gciicrou recognition. Whenever
practicable they should be given the
preference In the matter of employ
ment, and they ar entitled to th en
actment of tuck, law a best calculat
ed to aei'ure the fulfillment of th
pledgee made to them In the dark day
of th country's rll. V denounce
the practice of the pension bureau o
recklessly and unjustly carried on by
th preaent administration, of reducing
pwutlon and arbitrarily dropping
name from th roll, a deserving th
severest condemnation of the American
Forelsa Relations.
Our foreign policy should be at all
time firm, vlgorou and dignified, and
all our Interest In the western hemis
phere carefully watched and guarded.
The Hawaiian Island should be con
trolled by the I'nlted State and no for
eign power should be permltetd to In
terfere with them. Th Nicaragua
Canal should lie built, owned and op
erated by 'the I'nlted State, and by
the purchase of the Danish Island we
hould ecure a proper and much-nrcd-ed
nnval station In the West Indio.
Armenian Massacres.
The massacre In Armenia have
aroused the deep sympathy and Just
Indignation of the American people,
and we believe that the I'nlted State
should exercise all the Influence It can
properly exert to bring the atrocities
to an end. In Turkey, American resi
dents have been exposed to the gravest
danger and American property de
troyed. There and everywhere Amer
ican rltlxen and American property
must be absolutely protected at all
hasard and at any cost.
Monroe Doctrine.
We reassert tho Monroe doctrine n
Its full extent and reaffirm the right of
the I'nulted States to give the doctrine
effect by responding to the appeal of
any American state for friendly Inter
vention in rase of European encroach
ment. We have not Interfered, and
shall nut Interfere, with the existing
possessions of any European power In
this hemisphere, but those possessions
must not, on any pretext, be extended
e hopefully look forward to the
eventuul withdrawal of the European
powers from this hemisphere, nnd the
ultimate union of all the English
speaking part of the continent by the
free consent of Its Inhabitants.
Independence of Cuha.
From the hour of achieving their own
Independence the people of the United
State have regarded with sympathy
the struggle of other American peoples
to free themselves from European dom
ination. We watch with deep and abld
lng Interest the heroic battle of the Cu
ban patriots against cruelty and op
presslon, and our best hope go out for
the full succes of their determined con
test for llborty.
The government of Spain, having lost
control of Cuba and being unable to
protect th property or live of resi
dent American citizens or to comply
with It treaty obligation, we believe
that the government of the United
State should actively use It Influence
and good office to restore peace and
give Independence to the Island.
Enlargement of the Navy.
The peace and security of the repub
lic and the maintenance of It rightful
Influence among the nation of the
earth demand a naval power commen
surate with It position and responsi
bility. We therefore favor the contin
ued enlargement of the navy and a
rnniplni system of lutrbui; and
coast defense.
Iiniiilratliin Laws.
For th protection of the equality of
our American iilnililp and of th
wage of our worklngmnn agalnat th
fatal competition of low-priced labor,
w demand that the Immigration law
be thoroughly enforced, and so extend
ed a to exclude from entrain lo th
I'nlted Hute those who can neither
read nor write.
Civil Service.
TheVlvll Service law Was placed on
III statute book by th Republican
party, which ha always sustained It,
and we renew our repeated declara
tions that It shall be thoroughly and
honestly enforced and rxtended wher
ever practicable.
Free Hallut.
We demand that every rltlsen of the
I'nlted State shall be allowed to cast
on free and unrestricted ballot, and
that such ballot shall be counted and
returned as cast.
I.)ncliinr Condemned.
We proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of th unrlvlllsi'd and barbarous
practice, well knonn a lynching at
killing of human being, suspected or
charged with crime, without proce of
National Arbitration.
We favor the creation of a national
board of arbitration lo settle and ad
just difference which may arise be
tween employer and employed engaged
In Interstate commerce.
Free Homesteads,
We believe In an Immediate return
to tb free homestead policy of th
Republican party and urge th passage
by congress of tb satisfactory free
homratvad measure which ha already
passed th house and la now (lending
In th senat.
Admission of Territories.
W favor the admission of th re
maining lerrltorlr at the earliest prac
ticable date, having due regard to th
Interest of th people of the terrlto
rlc and of the I'nlted Slate. All th
federal officer appointed for the terri
tory hall be (elected from bona fid
residents thereof, and the right of self-
government shall bo arorded as far a
Alaska Representation.
W believe the cltlsena of Alaska
ihould have representation In the con
gress nf the I'nlted States. to the end
that needful legislation may be lutein
gently enacted.
Sumptuary Legislation.
W sympathise with all wise and le
gitimate efforts to lessen and prevent
the evils of temperance and promote
Rights of Women.
The Republican party Is mindful of
the right and Interest of women. Pro
tection of American Industrie Include
equal opportunity, equal pay for equal
work and protection to the home. W
favor the admission of women to wider
phere of usefulness, and welcome
their co-operation In rescuing the coun
try from Democratic and Populist mis
management and misrule. Much are the
principle and policies of th,. Republi
can porty, Ily these principles we will
abide and these principle w will put
Into execution. We nsk for them the
considerate Judgment of the American
Confident alike In the history nf our
great party nnd In the Justice of our
cause, we present our pint form and our
considerations, In the full assurance
that tho election will bring victory to
the Republican parly and prosperity to
thepeopi of the United States.
Ladies and
who travel by the Hur
llngton Route are given
particular care and at
tention. Just to Illustrate what
thl mean: A few
month ago, five children
whoso ages ranged from
three to eleven years.
made the journey over
our line from Ellen,
burg, Wash., to Kansas
Ticket. time-table,
and full Information
about our' service to
Omaha, Bt. Joeeph, Kan
sas City, St: Louis and
Chicago upon application
to the nearest ticket
agent or by addressing
Cortland. Oregoa.
Partle desiring th best of Job printing
at th lowest prices should call at th
Astoria Job office before going elsewhere.
. 1 . X