The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 07, 1896, Image 4

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corn.' ,, GENTLEMEN
nd llthSU. CAMPBELL, Prop.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mips oa application.
New Astoria...
located at the terminus of the Astoria and
Colombia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columbia River,
It fronts on the deep water of the Columbia
River Harbor, and beinj perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docks for
ships on this bay: therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the freat Northwest.
These facts were recognized by the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astori3 Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted npon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide. and. in
fact, it is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL ST.
Something New... j
Children's and Youth's Steel-:
Shod Shoes, all Slzesand Styles
W. also carry a One line of ladled and
Ben', shoes, from the beat to th. lowest I
reliable rood. All goods warranted Just i
aa represented, j
O Commercial 8trL
Local weather for the 24 hours end
ing at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished by
the United States Department of Agri
culture, Weather Bureau.
Maximum temperature, 71 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 53 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st, 1X95, to date, 77.10 inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, 1896, to date, (.54 inches.
Portland, July 3. For Washington
and Oregon, fair weather; warmer east
of the Cascades, except stationary at
Walla Walla.
All wit does not divert men from the
In which things vulgarly are under
stood. And force mistake and Ignorance to
A better sense than commonly Is
known. Butle.
Bandana handkerchief blouses are in
great demand.
Dr. W. L Howard, Homoopathlst, 58
Commercial street-
Miss Jessie Jewett
Portland yesterday.
returned from
Fresh strawberries every morning at
lowest market price. C. B. Smith.
Until further notice, steamer Lurllne
will leave Astoria at 6 a. m. daily.
Ice cream for sale in bulk, and Ice
cream parlors at the Astoria Creamery.
The finest separator cream In the
city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's.
CoL John Adair, Sam Adair and Silas
Smith were over from Clatsop yester
day. Miss Bessie Aradt, the municipal
amanuensis, spent the Fourth in Port
land. Another big raft of piles for the rail
road dock will arrive tomorrow from
Rev. Mr. Llddell will leave for a
three weeks' visit to San Francisco this
Clarkson & Mcjrvin
Promptly Furnished
Beaver Hill
and Qilman
ror Family r Steam rrwM
If you will look into the situation you will see that
is the cream of west side property. The center of improve
ments is here, and as an investment for business or a home
there is nothing to equal it iu the whole proposition. In
lots are all large, full size, 50x100. Prices rauge from $150
to $250 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save
your change and buy a lot in WARRENTON
Aa offlos has been opened by ths pro
prietor, oo. door east of th Crosby
hardware .tore. Call, be ihowo th.
merit, of this property, and lnveat
J. O. Neil, travelling; passenger agent
of the O. R. and X.. was In the city
Just received, a choice stock of fine
teas, coffees and spices, at Foard &
Stokes Co.
The man who calls himself a "gent"
probably wears "pants" and has a
lady friend."
One of Foard & Stokes teams ran
away yesterday, smashing the wagon
to smithereens.
Judge Taylor and daughter and W.
G. Gosslin and wife returned from Sea
side yesterday.
Lovers of music should hear the new
harp player who will be in town for
a few days' visit. '
Andrew Dalgity was 21 years old
Sunday, and a champagne dinner cele
brated the event
Agent Lounsberry's special train to
Seaside Saturday night, accommodated
all of two people.
Cream from the celebrated Mikado
cream separator, fresh every day, at
Foard & Stokes Co.
The beautiful ferns and flowers in
Grace church Sunday made a most
graceful summer decoration.
Another carload of railroad frogs
fish plates and bolts, arrived on the
Telephone yesterday afternoon.
The Nosegay cheese and several gen
tlemen Sunday evening, had quite a
tussle. The cheese came out victorious.
Go to the Spa for your candles and
Ice cream. The only first-class place
In town. Crushed fruits always on
A. G. Barker, the well known gen
eral agent of the Northwestern rail
road in Portland, spent yesterday In
the city.
It Is said that Dick Carruthers' en
tertainment, dancing, etc. on the boat
en route to the races, was something
Ice cream by the bushel at C. B.
Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty.
Private parlors for ladles. 483 Com
mercial street
H. H. Ingalls and wife, Miss Hilda
Lund, and Mr. K. Osburn returned
yesterday from their Fourth of July
trip to Portland.
Mr. Sidney W. Smith, of the Cutting
Packing Company, San Francisco, and
the Alaska Packers' Association, Is vis
iting in the city.
Commencing July 6th, steamer Tele
phone will leave Portland dally at 8
p. m., Saturday night at 11 p. m. Leave
Astoria at (:45 a. m.
Boom Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
Tl"V It
. .. II J ll.y
A CO. AftntS. AstorU.
Mr. R. Livingstone, of Portland, re
turned home last evening, having spent
two or three days at Gearhart putting
In a set of golf links.
W. W. Whelan. the popular traveling
man for the Union Meat Company.
Portland. Is making his headquarters
for the present In Astoria.
Mr. Herbert Cole, of the Parker
House, while wrestling with a friend
yesterday, very nearly broke his leg
and is temporarily laid on the shelf.
It Is said that one of the leading
clothing houses In the city has sold
over 120 suits at 111.50 during the past
week. Advertising special sales pays.
Rogers' Sarsaparllla Is a specific for
impurities of the blood; It cures rheu
matism, pimples, liver complaint, and
foul stomach. Large bottles 85 cents.
Rev. A. J. Holworthy, of Wallace,
Idaho, spent yesterday with the Rev.
Mr. Short, and left this morning for
a vacation In California on the steamer
For rent For the summer a cen
trally located six-room furnished bouse
reasonable terms Families with
small children need not apply. Inquire
at this office.
It was noticed yesterday that a man
can tumble down In the smallest frac
tion of a minute, but It will take him
ten minutes to get the stars out of his
head. Queer world. Isn't it?
C. R. Higglns, by bond for deed, con
veyed yesterday to P. Strombladt. Lot
, Block S, Astoria Addition to War
renton, for a consideration of $12$.
Agent Boyle negotiated the deal.
The big railroad dock at Flavel Is
nearlng completion and the roof on
the hotel at that point has been com
pleted. The boiler and machinery for
the power house was landed yesterday.
Contractor Normlle will have the
grading of Grand Avenue finished In
three weeks and the planking laid by
the first of August. Twenty new men
and six additional teams have been
employed on the work.
The funeral of Thomas Maata, who
died at the hospital Sunday, will be
held from the Pythian hall at 2:30 this
afternoon, under the auspices -of the
Finnish Brotherhood. The Interment
will be made at Greenwood.
Captain Ferchen's residence caught
fire Sunday afternoon from sparks
which lodged In the moss on the roof.
The department responded promptly,
and the flames were extinguished be
fore any damage was done.
Messrs. H. B. Dyer and R. J. How
ell s srrlved yesterday from Texas,
where thy have been engaged on the
construction of the Kansas City, Pitts
burg and Gulf Railroad. Mr. Dyer a
few years ago built the Oregon City
electric line from Portland.
For the next ten days we will hsve
a special sale of velvet, silk, and cloth
v. raps at wholesale prices, - the hand
somest and best fitting shirt waists,
and a large line of duck suits, and
wiappers at way down prices. I. Cohen,
Low Price Store, 491 Bond street, cor
ner Eleventh.
The Emma Hayward arrived down
yesterday with Pete Carstens and a
gang of men, and proceeded to War
renton to pump out the barge Wyatchle
which was sunk with the railroad rails
ten days ago, and will patch her up
so she can be taken to Portland for
thorough repairs.
In the police court John Doe yester
day forfeited 810 ball for disorderly con
duct. D. Campbell, Ed. Bruner, and J.
McAdams, arrested for being drunk on
the Fourth, had their fines of 15 each
remitted, because they were held In
Jail two days without trial. They prom
ised never to do It again. B. Eagan
and P. F. Qulnn were fined 85 each for
being drunk.
The county court commenced Its ses
sion yesterday. Mr. C. 8. Gunderson
turned over the recorder's office to J.
W. Williams, the newly elected re
corder. The bonds of F. I. Dunbar, for
county clerk, for 810,000; J. W. Hare,
sheriff, 810,000; J. W. Williams, record
er, for 83000; W. C. A. Pohl, coroner,
83000; N. D. Raymond, surveyor, 85000,
were approved. The county treasurer
was ordered to furnish bonds In the
sum of 820,000. H. J. Wherlty and H.
O. Smith were appointed deputy clerks,
and R. O. Prael and J. C. Clinton dep
uty sheriffs.
The excursion of the Congregational
church people to Flavel on the Fourth
of July, was a most successful affair.
A picnic was held In the grove near the
hotel, and everybody had an enjoyable
day. Sam Farley, 30 years old, took
aboard an undue quantity of Fourth of
July decoration, and while on his way
home at Bear Creek lay down In the
road. His companions Uft him. and It
seems that he afterwards rolled down
a hill and landed with his face down.
He apparently smothered to death and
was found by persons passing several
hours later. Coroner IVhl notified
and the body was brought to the city
Sunday noon. Farley was about 30
years old and worked In Eraser's log
ging ramp. He ws not known as an
excessive drinker.
On the fourth and fifth Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Truillnger and Mr. and Mrs. F.
P. Kendall entertained the following
guests at the Trlwold cottage, at dear
hart; C. K. Thomson and family, J.
II. Smith and family. F. K. Stokes and
family. U. W. l.ounberry and family,
Mrs, D. Morgan. Miss May Morgan,
Mrs. Seal. Miss Alice Puren. Oakland.
Cal.. Miss A. Mason. Masters James
Taylor, Gus. Wood. Kdgar lieckman.
and Paul and Ross Trulllnuer Fourth
of July evening a big bonfire s built
on the beach, rocket, balloon and
other firework Illuminated the beauti
ful scene. Everybody had a jolly time
and will not soon forget their outing.
Through the kindness of M J. Kinney
the party were with sleeping
accommodations In Hotel Gearhart.
Mr. Roy Wherry, of Elsie, whose
mowing machine was taken sick at
the commencement of haying owra
tlons yesterday, started out horseback
to find a doctor to repair It. After
reaching Olney, the horse was consider
ably used up. and Mr. Wherry left him
there. coming on to the city uf.ot.
About 11 o'clock at night, when one
hundred yards this side of the Wal
luskl bridge he wss held up ty a huge
black bear accompanied by h-r culm
Mr. Wherry was unable to success
fully dispute the rlKhl of way. and
turned back to the bridge, seeking aid
front Mr. Fisher. Not finding a gun
there, he secured a lantern, and made
another break for the city. With the
aid of the headlight he succeeded In
frightening Mrs. Hear out of the nay
and reached Astoria at an early hour
this morning. Mr. Wherry, as soon as
he can secure the medicine for his
mowing machine, will start for home,
and on the way will endeavor to keep
out of reach of Mrs. Hear.
Sherman ft Thing have opened a riding
school next door to Pacific Express offlc.
Competent Instructors constantly In at
tendance. Cleveland .ind Crescent bi
cycles for sale and rent
For IS cents you can secure an excel
lent well-served meal at th. Ron Ton
Restaurant, No. 571 Commercial street.
They are also fully prepared to terve
all kinds of fish, gam and delicacies of
th season, as well as oysters In every'
tmarlnable atvle at th lowest llvlnrl
prices. Com once and you will con
tinue to come.
The Great Press Nine Goes Down In
Defeat Before Them.
The Examiners, commonly referred
to by papers represented In the Press
nine as "The Kids," did all kinds of
things to the Press team Sunday. They
played at Smith's Point and quite a
crowd, anticipating a hot game, was
The game was a good one. Tappln,
the great, twirled the pigskin for the
Press nine, and he was expected to fan
the kids out In 1, 2, 3 order. I'p to the
fifth inning, the Examiners weren't In
It, but after that they were. The score
was 17 to If) In favor of the kids, who
dld not bat in the ninth Inning.
The Press team was supposed to be
a crackajack one, but the boys yes
terday played all around them. Iluf
ftngton and Abenromble, two of the
best men In the Examiners' team, did
not play, else the boys would have
made more runs, aa both are good
batters. The Examiners have yet to
suffer defeat. The team Is composed
entirely of boys, and have met entirely
men's nines, demonstrating that they
can play ball.
Highest Honors World'a Fair,
Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
' 40 Ytars th Standard.
A Beautiful Addition on the
West Side.
H.SUL0 -
(Continued from First 'ag )
cratlo party expect to overcome the
distrust which the present administra
tion has earned for It, now la the time
to prove Ita sincerity.
"There la a candidal upon whom
the vote of all the friend of free sil
ver can be united. If all those who
have the cause at heart will yield
something of their extreme partisan
ship and place the cause of silver ftrt
and complete party success second. He
I a candidate who having given more
than SO year lo a devoted struggle for
this cause and for financial reform,
ha show n that he can put his devotion
to his principle above all party Ilea
or parly success.
"To nominate a straight lemocrat In
a divided pariy, when millions of l..n.
est cltlsens stand ready to supiort a
non-partisan candidate Is a mere reck
less experiment, not only an act of
supreme folly In this hour, but a de
fiance to all prudence and cannot be
construed a meaning that the Ivmo
cratlc party desire to coniur with th
magic of the occasion and prefe de
feat for the cause in a spirit of nar
row partisanship thntv lo succeed by
the rational act of union upon a can
didate who can certainly succeed We
feel' confident that the people party
I willing to open a path to union upon
Henry M. Teller, and If this radical
patriotic opMrtunlty for success Is re.
Jected by the IVmocratlc convention
In a determination to seek complete
party success, regardless of an open
path to victory, we call the true
friends of the cause to witness that th
responsibility rests on thoe who reject
till opportunity. We are forced to
say after all earnest endeavor to In
form ourselves about the sentiment of
the people's party of the country at
targe (hat the party cannot b. Indue '
to Indorse a candidate for president
who has not severed his adulations
w ith the old political parties " j
Among the signers are II. F. Taulie- j
neck, of Illinois. J. II. Weaver, of Iowa. I
and Martin yulnn. of Oregon, j
The sliver men were not prepared for j
the announcement of the selection of J
Senator Hill for the position of tern
porary chairman by the national com-,
mltlee. They hail counted confidently
upon securing the co-operation of a !
sufficient number of the gold men on I
the committee to secure the recom
mendation of Senator Daniel. When
the silver committee held Its first meet
ing Its member were congratulating
themselves upon the probability of the
selection of Senator Daniel. When they
met again In the evening they showed
plainly that they were disappointed,
but they were not noticeably discour
aged. They aerted more positively
than ever tbelr determlnstlon to se
cure control of the temporary organi
sation regardless of the action of the
committee. They took the ixxltlon that
the result was secure! by oi'n In
timidation. An Interview between Mr.
Whitney and Committeeman Norrl, of
the District of Columbia, was referred
to as a specimen of the gold men's tac
tics, and It was stated In the meeting
that Whitney had even threatened to
ruin Norrls In his business It he should
persist In hi determination to sup
port a silver man for temporary chair
man. The plan of the silver men will
now be to have a report prepared by
the minority of the committee, pre
senting their choice for the position
and to seat him at all hasards.
About 3 o'clock Friday afternoon two
fishermen In Elmore's host Nu. 49,
were floated out over the bar and their
boat capsized. The men's names were
Simon Pakkalo and Erlok Passo. It
was reported Saturday that they were
drowned, but after their boat capsized
they clung to the bottom and while
riding the tremendous breakers they
had the nerve to very frequent
ly swim off to secure parts of their
rigging which had floated away. They
were finally exhausted and were res
cued two miles off the lightship, by a
crew of men from that vessel. The
boat In which the men were fishing,
turned end over end in the most pe
culiar manner. Several other fishing
boats had narrow escapes the same
afternoon and several of them had to
cut thlr nets In order to save them
selves. Capt. McCoy, of the Relief,
brought the men from the lightship
Sunday morning.
At the regular meeting of Astoria
Engine Company No. 1 last evening,
James Macomber, who has held the
position of secretary for the last six
years, resigned and L, E. Sellg was
elected to fill the Vacancy. Mr. Ma
comber will go to Southern Oregon for
his health. The company also nomi
nated Frank Green for the position of
chief engineer, and Jens Hanson for
first assistant for the ensuing yeaj;. Ex
Pollce Officer Seafeldt and J. G. Brown
w ere elected members of the company.
Columbia Engine Company No. 1
nominated Frank Lelnenweber for
chu t and John Robinson for assistant.
Th board of foremen will meet at
Rescue Hall tonight to appoint a com
mittee to confer with the regatta com
mittee lu regard to the tournament.
Action will be taken llliltl'dlately.
ROYAL Batting Powder.
Highest of Mil In Itavnlng
tnngth.-V. ft. Oeveraateat ltrt
l'w WeMoot Corn lure. No
cure no jmy. For hhI at Kates-Conn
lriir Store.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
WANTEl Good lady solicitor; dain
ty work, good commission. Addrc
Mrs. V. L Fought 4! Davis street.
ISirtland. Or.
VANTEI Situation ty xperlencd
woman aa chamber maid, waitress or
to do light housework. Address Box
52. city.
WANTE1 At once; active, agents
for each county. Excluslv control and
no risk. Will char II to 35 hundred
dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full
particular or 2'c for 81 sample. Rig
Rapid Mineral Water Co.. Illg Rapid,
WANTED To H.nt-A nous of six or
seven rooms, rtnlrally located. AdJres
J , A.tortan office.
Foil HALE Five room house, with
large lot, well located In suburbs of
Ai..rl. Address llox 7v, city.
J APANEBK OOOPS Fireworks - Just
out Just received-Just what you want,
at Wing Lee's, Hi Commercial street.
FoR RENT Three furnished rooms
with or without board. Apply IM "th
FOR RENT A furnished room, 1M 8rd
FOR RENT Three or four room, with
board, at Mrs. E. C. Holdsn's. corner
Puan and Ninth streets. Tries reason
able. LOST.
LoHT over the bar. Friday morn
ing, fishing boat and net. Roat mark
ed "T. P." Finder will b handsomely
rewarded by returning ame, or giving
Information which will lead to It re
covery to Hlmon Pskkllo, Elmore' can
nery, Astoria.
FOl'NI Child' solid gold bracelet.
Enquire at Aatorlan office.
FOUND A gentleman' gold ring,
marked with Odd Fellow's ambient. Own
er can recover cam by applying at As
torlaa offlos.
Beneath a steamers bsrth
there's Just room enough for
on of our 81.11 telescope satchels
and not near nouih for th
ordinary trunk. H.nce, a satoh
I I a necessity If you're going
01 a sea voyage.
R. L. Boyle & Co.
B3 S)
Cloaks unci Suits made to order or
ready made at the
Ladles' Tailors.
A complete stock of lumber on hsnd
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus.
tlo, celling, snd all kinds of finish;
mouldings snd shingle; also bracket
work don to order. Terms reaaonabl
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Offlc snd yard
at mill. H. F. L. LOGAN, Prop'r.
Seaside, Oregon.
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn Drng Store.
10c and 25c per package.
Land &
Bond Street...
Astoria, Or.
A Square LOOK
will convince you
that our Special
are'just as good material
and just as cleverly tailored
as any $15. $16 or $17
Suits anywhere In the city.
The 1 I'Hco
KwlliiMc 1 Clothier.
Notice I h'-reby given that E. R.
Ilawes has made a general assignment
of all his property for th benefit of
all his creditors; and that the under
signed, t J Treitrhard, has tioen ap
pointed aslgnee of said estate; and all
creditors of said estate are hereby noti
fied to present their claims ssalnst
said estate, under oath, to m. within
three months hereafter, at the store of
said K. R. Knwes, at N . &0.'i llond
street, of said city.
Astoria, June 13, Wt.
naWoRT nutTce."
Nolle I hereby given that I hava
been duty appointed executor of th
last will and testament of Adam Bat
ter, de-ceased. AM persons having
claims sgalnst th estat are requested
to present them to me at th law office
of Frank J. Taylor, at Astoria, Oregon,
within six months from this date. All
persons owing the eel at must pay
their Indebtedness to me, at the sam
Dated, June :4th. ISM.
Office of th County Clerk of Clatsop
In accordance with Flection No. 1411
of "Hill's Annotated Law of Oregon,"
notice Is hereby given that at a gen
eral election held June 1st, 18M, 1MT
votes were cast against Swine running
at large; that In sixty day from th
date of this notice It will be unlawful
for Bwln to run at large, within Clat
sop county, Btate of Oregon, under
penalty of Five Dollar for th first
offense, and Ten Dollar for each sub
sequent offense, to be recovered from
the owner of the Bwln by civil action
In ths name of the Blate of Oregon, be
fore a justice of the peace of the pre
cinct In which such owner or keeper,
or either of them, may reside; and such
penalty shall bs for the benefit of, and
when collected paid Into, th common
school fund of ths county In which said
action Is brought, within sixty days
after such animal Is proved to be at
large. F. I. DUNBAR,
County Clerk.
Astoria, Oregon, June 22nd. 189.
Clatsop County, Blate of Oregon.
Whereas, on the 27th day of May, .,
188, Esther Loire, Jack Lambert,
Adolph Gunlnage and Bam Mellandt
were waylaid and murdored near Cath
lamet Head (two miles below Clifton),
In Clatsop county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, Clatsop county here
by offers the following reward of
for Information that will lead to ths
arrest or conviction of the person or
persons who murdered said parties.
Bald reward will be paid as follows:
Five Hundred (SGOO) dollars will bs paid
for Information that will cause the ar- ,
rest and conviction of any on of ths
gang of murderers, and
Five hundred (500) wilt be paid for
Information that will cause the arrest
and conviction of the balanct of ths
persons committing said crime.
Astoria, Oregon, June 10, 18B0.
J. H. D. GRAY,
County Judge, Clatsop Covnty, Or.