The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 26, 1896, Image 2

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Telephone No. SI
Bent by mull, per year .iXt
Bent by, per month .50
Delivered by carrier, per week.. 10
Sent by mall per year, 12 In advance,
postag free, to aubacrlbera.
All communication Intended for publi
cation should bo directed to the editor.
Business communications of all ktnl
and remittance muat be addressed to
The Astorian.
The Aatorlan guarantees to Us sub
scribers the Unrest circulation of any
newspaper published on lb Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
Ths Weekly Astoria the second oldest
weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next
to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest
weekly circulation In the state.
J no. P. llandley 4t Co., are our Port
land agents, and copies of The Astorian
can be had every morning at their stand,
134 Third street.
The Boston Standard says: McKln
ley s success has made him the target
of a myriad of darts of detraction and
calumny. He ts "Major Mum." he is
"Hanna's puppet." he is the "effigy of
a man In Canton flannel." he Is the
"child of chance." the "wooden fl sure
head" of the tariff that bears his name.
Fortunately, no true man has ever
been overcome by mud-slinging. As
Dr. Sam Johnson pithily remarked.
"No man has ever been written down
by anyone but himself." The true Wil
liam McKlnley will not be displaced by
the figment of slander.
It will be observed by fair-minded
men that throughout a long career In
the public service there has hardly
been a spatter of mud on William Mc
Klnley until he was upllfteJ by the
popular choice of the Republicans of
this country s their favored candidate
for the presidency. He served seven
terms in congress with steadily rising
distinction and Influence. He became
chairman of the ways and means com
mittee and the leader of the Republi
cans on the floor of the house, without
any backing of wealth or family Influ
ence. No man ever rose to pre-eminence
more assuredly by his own per
sonal desert, and no congressman has
ever made a more stainless record. He
entered congress a poor man. He did
bis duty to his constituents and his
country with unremitting devotion. He
left congress without even a taint of a
suspicion of hi personal integrity. He
remained poor when the slightest de
viation from the path marked by con
science would have made him rich.
He started to fight his way upward
In life, a poor, obscure boy. He enlisted
in the war to save the Union, as a
private soldier. He earned his promo
tion to the rank of major at the age of
twenty-two, by undisputed personal
.service and merit. When the war was
aver he studied law. fitted himself for
admission to the bar of his native
state, and was soon elected to the office
of district attorney. After his long and
distinguished service in congress, he
was twice chosen to govern Ohio. Is
this the record of an Imbecile weakling,
strangely favored by a freak of fortune
and the wire-pulling of a newly-fledged
The gross Injustice of the abuse of
McKlnley will surely make votes for
him. The American people love fair
play In politics, as In every other af
fair of life. When the McKlnley tariff
was fashioned and assailed with every
epithet of opprobrium, William McKln
ley was pelted from one end of the
eountry to the other as its chief framer
and god-father. Now the people are
told all this abuse was misdirected,
because McKinley, the chairman of the
ways and means committee, was mere
ly a figure-head of putty attached to
the tariff. To this stuff the trade mark
of so-called independent journalism Is
affixed. Its old abuse undoubtedly
went far to make McKinley the Repub
lican nominee for president, and its
new abuse will go farther to elect him.
No man has had better cause to give
thanks for the enemies he has made.
The more the St. Louis platform is
studied the more it stands out as the
most practical and business like decla
ration ever promulgated at a national
convention. There Isn't a line of bun
combe In It, but every affirmation is to
ffie point and right in line with the so
ber, serious, and best business sense of
the whole American nation. It is really
Impossible to conceive of any subject of
Interest to the people which is not
touched upon in plain, direct and not-to-be-mistaken
term eg by this great,
Republican-like document. Of course
everybody has by this time read the
financial, tariff, and reciprocity por
tions of the platform, but it is to be
earnestly hoped that every voter will
take the pains to familiarize himself
with the other planks or paragraphs.
It used to be the custom of the average
voter to pay no attention to the decla
rations of his party platform, except,
perhaps, as to one or two important
principles, but the Intelligent newspa
per discussion of the past four years
as to the pros and cons of the tariff
and financial questions have awakened
public Interest In the form of langauge
used, as well as the principles enunciat
ed in party platforms. The Republican
platform this year Is built expressly
to stand that kind of scrutiny. There
isn't a dull or pointless expression In It.
There are no generalities, but upon
every question the party takes a plain
and positive position, as becomes a
political organization of its antecedent
and present leadership. With the peo
ple of the Pacific coast. Irrespective of
party affiliation, there are two import
ant declarations especially which ought
to command support unanimously
There has been and could be nothing
neater, plainer, or more in accord with
the wishes of every person dwelling
west of the Rocky Mountains re
specting the subjects referred to than
the following rlr.glng sentiments adopt
ed at St. Louis: ".e Hawaiian I
lands should be controlled by the I'nlt
iM States and no foreign power shouV
bo permitted to Interfere with them.
"The Nicaragua Canal should be
by the United States." These are fat
samples of the stalwart Americanism
which pervades every line and letter of
the platform. Taken all the way
through, when properly read and un
del-stood, It represents the exact Ideas
and opinions of eight-tenths of the vot
ers of the country.
The silly attempt being made to cre
ate the Impression that the cltlxcn
Astoria are unpatriotic If they h-M the
regatta in preference to celebrating
July 4th is scarcely worthy of notice.
hue the Astorian believes America's
great day should always be fittingly
observed, the fact remains nevertheless
that It Is rather late to begin collecting
money for such a purpose. Then, again
everybody celebrates the Fourth, any.
wuy. If Astotlans wish to contribute
funds to observe the Fourth, as well a1"
for the regatta ti, by all means let
them do so; but the Astorian contends.
along with seven-eighths of the people
of this city, that the great annual car
nival should not be allowed to lapse f r
a single year. The great battleship Or
egon can be secured for this occasion
and this, with the attraction of the tire-
men's tournament, will assure thous
ands of visitors. A canvass of the city
shows that nearly everyone favor
holding the regatta: and it will be held.
With Tillman, the Ideal of the South
Carolina Democrats, us a free silver
presidential candidate, and Senator
Teller as Colorado's favorite son. there
will be no lack for white metal standard
bearers should they decide to set up shop
on their own account. Here Is a candi
date out of each of the two big parties.
You pay, Tour suVer and you takes your
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving'. III. writes
that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for
many years, with severs pains In his
back and also that his bladder was
affected. He tried many so-called Kid
ney cures but without any good result.
About a year ago he begin the use of
Electric Bitters and found relief at once.
Electric Bitters ts especially adapted to
care of all Kidney and Liver troubles
and often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove ur statement Price
Wc and IL0O. At Chas. Rogers Drug
The golf girl looks like a feminine
Tommy Atkins, the red coat demanded
by fashion producing this illusion.
Water impregnated with the seeds of
malaria, produce incalculable misery
throughout vast portions of the North
and South American continents. The
most effective medicinal defense
against these producers of physical
mischief is Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters. Wherever the great endemics,
chills and fevr, bilious remittant,
dumb ague and ague cake are preva
lent, the Bitters is alike the chosen
preventative and remedy. In Mexico,
Guatemala, on the Isthmus of Panama,
and In South America, no less than In
the United States, It has demonstrated
its superlative efficacy, and has receiv
ed the commendation of the medical
profession. It remedies rheumatic.
kidney and stomachic aliments, ner
vousness an J debility, and counteracts
a tendency to premature decay and
the troubles attendant upon advancing
years. Appetite and the ability to sleep
are both aided by it. Use It with per
sistence, as It well deserves to be used,
and the trial will avail you much.
Some women are so cautious that
they even look under the folding bed
for the proverbial masculine intruder.
How many young men and young
women are cut off Just as the future
seems brightest and fullest of promise!
They are taken away by the disease
which causes over one-sixth of all the
deaths ip the world the disease which
doctors call consumption. There Is ab
solutely no reason In the world why
consumption should be fatal why It
should be even serious. It is a disease
of the blood and can be cured abso
lutely and always by purifying and en
riching the blood. The only exception
to this Is the case where the disease
has been neglected and improperly
treated until It is stronger than the
body until the body has become so
weak as to have lost the ability to re
cuperate. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery will cure 98 per cent of all
cases of consumption if used according
to directions. It also cures all linger
ing coughs, bronchial and throat af
fections. Send twenty-one cents In one-cent
stamps to World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive
Dr. Pierce's 1008 page Common Sense
Medical Adviser, illustrated.
It Is a noticeable fact that brides
prefer country house weddings if the
nuptials occur after Easter.
James L. Francis. Alderman, Chicago,
says: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis
covery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs,
Colds and Lung Complaints, having used
It In my family for the last five year, to
the exclusion of physician' prescription
or other preparations."
Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes: "I have been a minister of the
Methodist Episcopal church for SO year
or more, and have never found anything
so beneiiclal or that gave me such speedy
relief as Dr. King's New Discovery."
Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Cha. Rogers' Drug Store.
Deep lace flounces extending from
waist line to skirt hem are seen on
some new summer gowns.
There' mors clothing destroyed by poor
oap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake"
soap contain no free alkali and will not
Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice
the difference In quality. Ross, Hlpgtns
ft Co.
1. i ! J, 1 Ail
".' -V". .- -P" SrtV-jti (
Blackwcll's Genuine
Yam will an.1.vMMinoa lnM. sack I odor
Buy aba. nad tbe coupon sod sr. how to
Mothers with growing daughter!
have their time full uerivtsin their
TTbea Baby was ate, we gam her Castoria.
When she ni a Cbild, sh. cried for Castoria, j
Whea abe became Jibs, aba dun to Castoria. I
Woecsh.1. 3UMno, th f - thn Castorta. I
Every housekeeper deems her experi
ence the most perfect to be Mm. wed
as a model.
The best salve In the world for Cuts,
Bruise. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rhum.
Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hand,
fhllblains. Corn, and All Skin Erup
tion,, and positive cure for Pile, or no
pay required, it I guaranteed to glv
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, cent per box. For Bale by
Chas. Rower . Odd Fellows' building.
A camera on the front of a bicycle
makes two fads poslble at the same
ROYAL BaKtng Powder.
Highest of all la leavening
Alcohol Is
a good thing to have
house except In human
around the
Eli Hill, Lumber City. Pa., writes: "I
have been suffering from Piles for
twenty-five years and thought my case
Incurable. DeWltt's Witch Hatel Salve
was recommended to me as a pile cure,
so I bought a box and it performed a
permanent cure." This Is only one of
the thousands of similar cases. Ede
ma, sores and skin diseases yield quick
ly when It Is used. Chas. Rogers.
Some new blouses are so very I"r
slan they look like old rag carpets.
It would be hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious colic that his
agony is due to a microbe with an un
pronouncable name. But one dose of
DeWltt's Colic and Cholera Cure will
convince him of its power to afford
instant relief. It kills pain. Chas.
A woman In the wind Is a slsht to
make angels weep and men laugh.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Purple vests of a very pronounced
hue are seen in black tailor gown.-i.
We are anxious to do a little good In
this world and can think of no pleas
anter or better way to do It than by
recommending One Mlnue Cough Cure
as a preventative of pneumonia, con
sumption, and other serious lung trou
bles that follow neglected colds. Cnas.
Cooking by gas saves much unneces
sary dlscomfert in hot weather.
When we consider that the intestines
are about five times as long as the
body, we can realize the intense suf
fering experienced when they become
inflamed. DeWltt's Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues Inflammation at once and
completely removes the difficulty. Chas.
The shirt waist girl Increases in num
ber, though her belt grows not a whit
Persons who have a coughing spell
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation In the throat, may overcome
It at once by a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure. Chas. Rogers.
Light shoes are always worn by the
women with the largest feet.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Contains bo Ammonia or Alun,
Even though a canopy Is not used
a foot valance Is needed or. brass bed
steads. Small In size but great In results.
DeWltt's Little Early Risers act gently
but thoroughly, curing Indigestion, dys
pepsia, and constipation. Small pill,
best pill. Chas. Rogers.
It is not the spilt milk the housewife
weeps over these days It Is the sour
Pure blood means good health. De
Witt's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood.
cures Eruptions, Eczema, Scrofula and
all diseases arising f"om Impure blood.
Chas. Rogers.
Isn't It strange that two people sel
dom agree on the truthfulness of one's
is the
very best
toe and two counons tashls ach tounoa ha. P
vi your .hsr. ut 3So.iM) tn prsseau.
Ml. Jim vtarde Il.nve is younger
I even at 77 than she was when Olive
I Wendel Itlolmcs called her "seventy
years young." She preserves with hi
advancing age a line enthusiasm for
everything of feminine Interest,
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Castoria.
The Empire eaudle shade la unite
the latest idea In table decoration
Pass the good won! along the line.
Piles can b qui. kly cured without an
operation by simply applying IVWItl
Iteh lUiel Salve, (.'has. Rogers.
A rainy Sunday ii'i nm money out of
pocket to the men who havo bicycle
to hire.
"Wake up. Jacob, day I breaking!'
so said o Ill's Little Kaiiy Risers to
a limn who had taken th.m to arouse
his sluggish liver. Cha. Roger.
Cats like places; dog grow attached
to people.
Do you lack faith and love health?
Let us establish your faith and restore
your health lth DcWitt' Ssrsaparllla.
Chas. Roger.
Consideration for domestic a a rule
results In better service.
In Medieval Days
When people wanted anything thry
knelt down and prayed for It. Ho
ver, that wa some time ago. Along
about ltuu a fellow named Guten
berg, who had "com de Rhine
over," was monkeying around i
carpenter shop In Lenta ti whit
tied some little block and actually
made an alphabet. Then he rlggrti
a ort of-wU, a machine that
would look something like our let
ter press of today. He arranged
hi block In order, put some Ink
on them, also a piece of paper, and
then screwed hi press down. That
wa called printing. Old Gutenberg
made a howling success of the
racket, and his head bii'ume so
swollen that he really snuhlied the
king one day. The king overlooked
It, however, for he had an lih-n
what kind of fellows printers would
be. Well, Anally they got th print
Ing system doan pat, and, as the
centuries rolled by, began printing
newspaper first person. Invariably
singular number, any gender and
hard case.
In This
Enlightened Day
There are many newspuper a
matter of fact. Hut It Is an utter
Impossibility to get a newspaper to
admit It. The advertising patronage
of a newspaper depends largely
yes, wholly upon its circulatlun.
A newspaper Is a great deal like
the human body: If It circulation
is good, It prospers; otherwise,
otherwise. dome paper publish
Want Columns
That Is, a column, or a number of
columns, devuted to small advertise
ments. If a fellow wants anything
trouble, a wife, a house don't
make any different what It Is he
can get It by means of a small nd.
lncluuea in the column are
"For Sale," "For Rent." Ixwt,"
"Found," "fttolen" and "Miscel
laneous." Now, Jut see what
chumps some people are! Why, a
man has been known to hunt over
a city this city for days looking
for a house In which to live. Him
he come to The Astorian office and
asked for a want ud. he could have
gotten his house without the bast
bit of trouble and for about 26 cents.
It Is Needless
To tell of The Aatorlun's circula
tion. The paper has been estab
lished for a quarter of a cntury.
Why, old Concomly read the first
rumor of th building of a railroad
to hi braves from lu Circulation
la The Astorian' long suit. Conse
quently, when a fellow comes Into
The Astorian office, looks pleasant,
throws down cents on the coun
ter and says he wants a house, he
Why, Just Think !
The Astorian goes Into every house
In Astoria and a great majority of
those in the surrounding section of
Oregon and Washington. Hence, It
you Insert an ad. in The Astorian,
It I equivalent to engaging a man
to go around to all those houses ana
telling the inmates that you want
something or have something for
sale. Why, talk about a snap!
A Bit of Advice
When you want anything no mat
ter what It I when you have any
thing for sale; when you lose, Una
or steal anything, come around and
tell your trouble to The Aatorlan.
Bring 25 cent with you, and, above
all things, look pleasant Tell the
clerk that you want a want ad. In
the want column, give him your 25
cents and go away happy. A Her
- man Wise would say, a want r.d.
will restore the blind, the bald and
ths bowlegged to manhood.
Lines 0C Cents.
for OYy It.
Ky virtu of a warrant Issued by th
eoiinly clerk of Clatsop colony, aU of
Krviton, tinder (lie seal of said county
mid slate, on the 1Mb day of April A. 1,
I Nut, niul, to mo directed, commanding
ion to levy upon the ond and chattel
of tha dellnquet tsKpayer named In tin
delinquent lax roll of Clatsop cuumy
tale of kiviioii, for tho ywtr bna, I hereto
altuehcd, and If none be found, then
upon tho rl property a set lorth and
described In said delinquent tax mil, vr
so much tholeof as sliall be sunVluut o
satisfy the amount of laxea so cltarga
therein, logetlitr with th coal and x
pauses, 1 did, on the Svih day of May
isjxt, Ivxy upon (huxlug lecn uimblo to
llnd personal properly sullleleut out ui
which to make said lakes) (he real ra
tal set opposite the luimr of t It w ro-
spcctUe parties, linns and corporation,
contained lu Hie following lists, lo sat
Isly tho amount or taxes and cost as
sessed and churn uiialnst such persona.
linns and corporation In h (aid de
linquent tax roll, all of said property
being sltuulv In said county and state
and deserllfd on said delinquent tax
roll of said eouuly und slate for said
year, as follows, lo-ntt;
Abercromble, Mary, lots 4, &, sec
11. T i N. It la W, ;u acres.
Abcrcroiublv, 1.. It., begin on right
bank of JohUNon's slough. 20
rds. k. of N.W. cor. ot 8 K. V,;
thence K. U rds. to left Imuk
o( Island sloukh; thence down
said sloutih lo Im-wIs and
Clarke river at mouth of John
sou slough; thence up right
bunk of Johnson's slough lo
place of beginning, sec. 1. 'f. T
N . It. 10 V., Ti im acres: lw
gin at N.K. eor. of S I.. . sec.
II; I hence S. his. to a creek;
lln-nco westerly along said
crock rds. to fork of said
creek; the ncs N. to X. Iln of
S K. V, ot 8 I; i. sec. II; Homo
N. ft.: thence W. lo W. line
of N.K. l ot U K. V,, sec. II;
thence X, to a Hilnt li) chs. k'.
ot X. Ilnv of U K. K, ot s.ild
sec: thence K. 10 chs ; thenc
X. 10 cha; thence K. 10 eh, to
Ivgliinlng. See. It, T. T X., It.
10 Vt,, j; ;j acres, i; 2t 13 j
Allen, Mr. Hrldgvt. lot I. 4, blk.
lo;; lot . blk. li-s. Mci'luro'
Astoria, as ex t. by t'yrus HI-
ney. Ill si j; (ij
Alexander. U.. 8 W. V 8e. II. T. t
X., It. W., 1M scr.-s. I1SJ ... II M
Allen John, a i, of 8 K. t,. 8ec. I.
T. I X , It. V so aorca, p. II. I Tt
Anderson, William, Iota I. 3, 3, 4. 4,
."... W. II. H IX 14. 11. It,
blk. ai. addition. ua. n IT
Armstrong. James. X.W. U 8o.
. T. 6 X., It W . I) acts-.
HI" 1 11
Austin I.ucrstlu M . U,a X 4, blk.
1. Hunnyslde sddKlon. ?-c 4 01
Hand Harry F , Iota 1 4, &. , blk.
M Mcl'lure s Astoria. sl'd.
by Cyrus Oiney. $10 M 17 It
Marker. Laura P. A., lot 1,3,1.
4, S. . T. . . in, it, j. ij, n, ii,
i. K. is. . jo. :i. s. a. :t. a,
X. blk. lis. Mary Ann Adair a
ttouth Addition to the fort of
I'pper Astoria. 13. 41
Harnett. Cora. E. 4 ot B W. V,, V
4 of 8 K. V, Sec. 34, T. 4 X.. It. '
I V list acres, ls.u IJ n
Darnrs. Frank. E. H of II W. V.
B. H or U.K. 1 (fee. K. T. I N.,
R. I W.. 10 aero, U H 11 Tl
uattln Co.. II. E , begin at N.K.
cor. of blk. A. Mcl.'wsn't
Add'n. to Ucn Urore: thane
a W It.. V. loo ft, X. W ft.. K.
lit) ft. to beginning: alio, begin
at X.W. cor. blk. A. Mo
Kwan' Add'n. to Uovan Urovs;
thence K. lu) ft., throe 8. GO
ft. V. in ft. x. u ft to be
ginning. 41c 7 4
Beach C. u. Iota S. 1, blk. 61.
Aalor Add'n. to Astoria; lota
7, t. blk. . North Add'n. as lal1
out and recorded by K. A.
Noye. Xc T 71
Ileer. Louis, lot S, blk It. ITos-
pact I'ark Add'n. to Astoria. 4c. M
Hell, i'hllllppa W . lota 33. 34. blk.
A tract J. Olnsy's Add'n. to
Astoria, as laid out by Hustler
tt Aiken, raec'r. 11.04 4 Jo
Uennett. A. S. blk. 3, Oln.y's
Add'n. to Astoria, a laid out
and recorded l.jr Hustler Sk
Aiken, exte'rs ; N.W. of.
N.W. ti of S K. I, Bee. r.'. T. II
N It. W.. lo seres; undivided
h of: 11,-gln !.Ki ft. W. of
HE. cor. of Hhlvely II. I,. C;
thence W. 1M ft.. X. to 8. line
of Hhlvely' Astoria, K. K' ft.,
B. to beginning 8c. 17, T. I X.,
It. W , ( acres. W it U 4
Dennett. Charlei K.. lot Is. 19.
blk t Seavlew Addition, as laid
out by A. I. Oliver. c I f7
Iilsslund. Duncan, lot 3. blk. M.
van IHisen's Astoria. 17c la
Hlahop, W. C. 8.K. 1, Bee. a. T.
X . It. 7 W 1 acr.-a. IIJ so... 21 33
Illlas. 1 A.. Jr., lot 6, blk. b. Mc-
Clure' Astoria, as extended by
Cyrus niney, 11.14 t U
Illodgett, Knnch U. begin at X.W.
cor. of Illodgett I. U C;
them e K. 4J90 cha to N.E. cor.
of claim: thence 8. U to chs. to
Howard's N. E. cor.: thence W.
to SK. cor. of Mrs. (Irant's
land: I hence N. to X.F.. cor. of
said Mrs. Grunt's hind; thenco
W. to line of said U. U C;
thence X. to beginning H-c. 3,
T. 7 X., R. I W.. tn ji acre;
also, lurid in H 4 of Illodgett
l. U ('. fl. of land of Howard,
and X. and X.W. of land of J. ,
A. Fulton, except tract sold for
cemetery. Sees. 1, 10, T. 7 N.,
R. 9 W., li-j.'.C ions; also, strip
of land running rntlro distance
E. und W. across land of How
ard and extending 8 fur enough
to Include M.33 acres Hcc. 3, T.
7 X., It, 9 W., 44 41
Ilradl.ury, Clement, N.E. W of
X.W. 14 lot 4. Hcc. 18. T. 6 N.,
It 10 W.. 74 B2 acres; N.K. Vt of
8.W. i. X.W. 14 of 8.K.
Sec. 22, T. 6 N K. 10 W W
aires: all of N.W. M of B.W.
',, less plat of llniilbury's Addi
tion 10 Ocean Orove, Btic. 23,
T. N., R. 10 W., 23 acres; N.W.
Sec. 27. T. t N., R. 10, W
160 acres, 147.82 7H, c., lots , lo, 11, 12, 13, 14,
IS, 1, blk. 8: lot , blk. SO. Rose
dale's Addition to the City of
Astoria, 18c lilt
Bradvn, William, undivided H of 8.
of 8.W. , B.W. Vi of 8.E.
',; Sec. 12. T. 8 N., R. 7 W., 40
acres, 12.74 9 33
Rrlx, Asmus, lot 1, 2, 7, 8, blk. 100,
Adair' Kaat Addition to As
toria, 321.28 28 22
Brown, I'eter, estate of, lots 14, 15,
block 10, Warrenton: lots , 10,
11, blk. , Bklpanon Addition to
Astoria; lot 8, blk. 13, Hhlvely
Astoria, 119 M 11 08
Buck, Elizabeth, lots 7, 8, blk. 129,
Mot lure s Astoria, na extended
by Cyrus Olney. 36.33 I N
Burney, It. H., lot 1, blk. 19,
Alderbrook, Frst Addition to,
K 33 7
Bush, W. II., lots , I E. U, of
N.W. i4 Bee. 30, T. 4 N R.
W 1M.I59 acres, M.28 IS 98
Burns, A. ("!., lot 11, blk 1.1, De-
ment's Addition to tha city of
Astoria, 17c 48
Buell, Jane 8., lots 11, 12, blk. 20,
Laurel I'ark Addition, as re
corded by H. C. Thompson, 29c 1 IJ
Buchanan, Manlus, lot 6, B.E. Vt
N.W. y Bee 27, T. 4 N., R.
W., 40 acres, $2.01 II M
Butler, Walter 8., lots 4, 7, Sec. 34.
T. 4 N., R. 8 W., 42 85 acres;
lots 7, 8. N. ft of B.W. Vt Sec.
3S, T. 4 N., R. 8 W., 116.32
acres, 8H.33 18 08
Byrd, Sarah L., N. tt of N.W, Vt
Hcc. 11, T. 6 N R. 10 W., 80
acres, 14.01 9 24
Burke. B. C lots 11, 12, blk. 139,
Hhlvely's Astoria, 128 61 83 66
Case, Edward, N.W. Vt Bee. 10, T. 6
N., R. 6 W., 100 acres, 10.42 16 12
Carson, Luella C, lots 13, 15, blk.
t, tlearhnrt I'ark, Me 1 M
Carlson, John K W, i of 8.W.
t, Bsc. SI, T, i X., It. 10 W.. Ml
acres, lilltl 19 U
Chariiian, Thomas, lot fc blk. W.
Mcriuia s Astoria, as extended
by t'yrus olney, ,1 31 t li
Clark, John tl,, N K. of HE
Beo. jo; N. Uj ot 8 W. , N.W.
I, of U K, l Hcc, 91, T. N It.
I V KM seres, l.;i.,.,, 1.1 M
Colmaii. IV W N. i, of VV t, W,
o( H K, H Hcc, I, T N i It.
I W., I'i acres, tM 14 lis
Cook, II, H, Iota II. II, K 17, IN, ID,
to. 31. a , blk. l; lot l, Is,
II, blk. 3; lots W, 14, l.'s It, 17.
1 10, M il. 23. .33, i'l. hlk IT;
lot 13. II, 14, K 17, IK, IK, .
31, 22, S, I', blk. 4.1; lots IS, 30.
31. U 23, 34. blk. 47; lots IX II.
II, la, K, l blk 67; Iota I, I, X
4, X , 12, 14, blk. HI; lots I, 8.
I. 4. S, , 7, , 9, 10, II, IX IX 14.
IX IX 17, IX IX , 81, 33, SB, 81,
blk. 37; N. tt of lots I, I, X 4, X
X blk. 34: lots 1. 3. X 4, X X 7.
X . Us II, 13. blk. 3D. I'sclllo
Addltlqn lo Astoria. 13 3& loo 41
Craig. Ida II., lot X blk t, Olnry.
IWo 1 II
Crlni. I1. II., lots I. 3. X blk. X
lturvl I'ark Addition, a re
corded by II. l ', lie. IU
Cress, John M , Iruslco, N, of
H i:. I, H.-e. 14, N. S of H W. i,
8ec IX T. t N It. 7 W Its'
acre. 11X73 33 TU
Cress, John M , W. tt of N.K. V
K. tt of N.W. tt Hoc. 37. T.
X . It. 7. W.. I(7 acres; H. t, of
H K. t Bee. X T. T X , II. I W ,
Ml acres; X. tt of X.E. V, Heo. 7,
T. 7 N., It. t W so acres; N.K.
tt Heo. Is, T. 7 N It. W , loo
ui-res; V. t( of H w tt H,c. a,
T, I N , IL W., IU acr. s: N K
tt Hec. 33. T. 7 N., II. V 11
acres: H.W. tt H-c. I T t N.,
It. T V;. li acres; lots 7. . ,
J Heo, X T. t X . It. 7 W.. VA .73
acrva: W. tt of N W, tt Hec. fX
T. X.. It V., m acies; H K
tt Hec. 32. T. 7 N It. W.. 11
acrrs, 1114 W HI J
Crle, K. It., lot I (except tract sold
to A. Olson and X. J. Lersonl.
Hec. 3A. T, I X., It. t W , 3 40
acres, 77o I So
Craven. Frank 8 . N t of 8 K. tt.
N.K. 1, of H.W. tt H K.
, of N.W. tt Heo. . T. t X,
li. 7 V . 10) ncr.s, 117 M 71
Copping. Iavld. lot II. II, IX 17.
blk. 37, tract 3, tduey's addition
to Astoria, laid out und re.
vord-d by Hustler and A I ken.
tecutors. 12.13 140
Palrympl. Ida, und tt lot 4. blk.
X Hustler's Astoria, as laid out
and recorded by Astoria Invest,
menl Co., 17c , IB
Darling, O. I.. Iota 1. t. X 4. X X
7, X X 10. IL U. blk 14. 1'acino
addition lo Astoria. Sfo II to
Penient, J. f . lot 4. X 10, blk. II,
I nfs addition to th city of
As, -v ISo IT
Dillon. ..ry, satal of. lot 7. blk.
X XI-"lure' Astoria. 12131 .... 33 I
Dooney, Michael. H K. tt Hoc. X T.
IN, It I W . 10 acr... l! I , H 43
Donoho. C H.. lot 7. X I. 10, il. 13.
blk 7. Columbia Hocon.1 s.vdlilon
to Astoria; also 8 W. t, of 8.W.
tt Hoc, XT.? X.. It. V., 40
acr. HO U M
Pout hark. A. N , lots 1. I X X
blk. X Hostlor's Astoria, as laid
out and rcn!l by Astucla In
vsstnwnt Co, tic ( 1 1
Dow. C. 8 . lota 30, 31. 23, blk. 36,
Pro. pt t Park Kxtsttsloa addi
tion to Astoria. o in
Dunktn. John It., W, tt of t.W. V,
or. 3, T. I N K I W..-
acr... 1143 lill
England. C. O. lot 11. 13, blk. X
HkHanon addition to Amorla.
F.n.lg. Klluls-th. lots X 1 X Mk.
X t'olumhla Bocond addition lo
Aalorta. tic 7J
Evan C. H . und tt lots T. X 10,
II, IX 13. II. IX subdivision of
blk. 73.'a Astoria, X33.. 17 69
Evans. Mrs. Jeanetta, lot It, blk :
lota 33. 34. blk !. Hallway addi
tion to Astoria. 4lc M
Fair. It. K , lot X blk. 34. First ad
dition lo Alderbrook, U t 01
Farrur. taatwl (.'., lots 1, 3, X 4, X
X 7. X . 10. 11, IX blk X I'aclnc
addition lo Astoria. 2c 1 (u
Feldman, I,., und. tt lot 14. hlk. I,
Flavel renter, as laid out by
W. E. Warren, 6o n
Flshor. J. J trusts' '.ots IX 1, 17.
37. 3X 29. i. tract 1, hlk. 37. of
olney'a addition to Astoria, a
laid out and rscordrd by Hus
tler Alkn, executors; lot IX
IX S. So, 31. tract X subdivision
of block 37 of oln.y's addition
to Astoria, aa laid out and re
corded by Hustler Aiken, ex
ecutor, 14.40 J4 fe)
Flshor, J, J , und tt lot 7. ft, lo.
11, 12. IJ, 14, IX IX. auhdlvislon
of blk. 72. Hhlvoly's Astoria:
und. tt lot 1. t S, X X X 7, X
, 10, li, ix IX 14, blk. t; und. tt
lot 1. X S. 4. S. X 7, 8, X lo, 11.
12. IX K. blk 7: und. tt lot 1. X
X X X X 7. X 9, lo, II. 12, IX 14.
blk. 14: und. tt ota I, 3. X 4. X
X 7. blk. li; und. tt lot 1, X X
4, X X blk. 10, Rivrrsld addi
tion to Astoria, XI 10 bt U
Fisher. I.' II., lots X X 4. X X blk.
41, 1'aciMo add'n. lo Astoria, 7c. 9 18
Flsk. W. II. , lot 17, tract 1, sub
division of blk. 20, Oln.-y's addi
tion to Astoria, us laid out and
recorded ly Hustler Aiken,
executors, Uc 27
Flhley, John, Iota X 4, tract 2, sub
division of blk. H, Olnsy's addi
tion to Astoria, u laid out and
recorded by Hustler A Alkn,
executors; lot I, blk. 37, Mi
Clurn s Astoria; lot I, 2, 3, hlk.
0. Hklpannn addition tn Astoria;
und. tt of N.K. tt of 8.K. tt Heo.
1. T. 7 N It 7 W., 20 acres;
N.W. i4 of N.K, Vi. N. tt of
X.W. 1, and 8 W. Sec 14, T.
7 X., It. 8 W., 2i acres: N.K, tt
of N.K. V, and W. tt of W. tt
Hec. IJ, T. 7 N., It. 8 W., 2110
acres, 141,62 so 67
Flnley, James, 8.K. tt Buc. 12, T.
6, It. 8 w PiO acres. IO C 17 42
Ford, Ij. I und. u. lot 11, iruct X
auhdlvislon of hlk. 2i, Olney'
addition to Astoria, as laid out
and recorded by Hustler
Alkon,, executors, 2o 2 00
Folknian, A. V., und. tt lot X 6,
hlk. Ml, MoCluro' Astoria, a
extended by Cyrus Olney. ;.W.. 11 43
Folkmun, Bortha, und. tt lota 0, 6,
blk. 80, McClure'a Astoria, aa
extended by Cyrus Olney, 18.01.. 11 46
Foote, Angus, lot 4, Heo, 18, T. 7 N.,
11. a W., u.40 acr, II..,, I fit
Futtrup, Nels, lot 10, subdivision
of blk. 11, Adair' Astoria, II. 116 I 00
Usntry, 8. A., lots 17, 18, blk. t,
Astoria, as laid out and record
ed by M. J. Kinney. 29c t 70
Qllhreath, James, lot IX blk. 9,
Liemunt addition to th city of
Astoria, 170 2 4S
Qlaisel, Annie, heir of, N.E. tt of
B.W. 14 lot 1, X X X Heo- 21, T.
7 N., R. I W 10O acres, 111.79.. 16 06
Oiovor, Frank, B.W. of 8.W. tt
Hec. 29, w. V of N.W. tt. N.W.
tt of 8.W. tt Beo. IX T. 7 N., R.
7 Vk, 160 acre. $9.63 II 22
Ooff, M. A., und. tt lot 1, 1, 4,
i, X 7, X , 10. 11, 12. IX 14, blk.
6; und. tt lot 1, 1, 1, 4, I. I, 7,
I, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk. 14; und.
tt lot 1, 1, I, 4, X I. 7, blk. 16;
und. tt lots 1, 2, 1, 4, X 6, blk. 16,
Riverside addition to Astoria;
und. tt of lots 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 16, 10, subdivision of blk. 72,
Bhlvely's Astoria, 17.51 83 64
Craham, John A., lots 4, I, 6, blk.
9; lot 1, 2, blk. 21, Alderbrook,
132.61 41 49
Omham, James, lot t, 4, 6, 6, blk X
Young' addition to Alderbrook,
15 7 17
Gray, W. It., estate of, lot 8, blk.
84, -McClure' Astoria, 18 9 94
Crime O. K lot 1, I, I, 4, 6, hlk.
2, Railway addition to Ocean
Orov 94c 12 47
Grimes, c C, begin In county road
6, "b 8. and 86.60 chs. E. of
N V, cor. of Hi e. in, I bene M,
isl.To chs., N. 16 chs , W. 14 ell.,
H. I IS eh . H W S3 '"
10 county road: 10. I7.S" eh , H.
11 Ml chs , lo twinning, escopl
acre s.dd to C II Hloop,
Vol 'Si." 'aa. !'. 01
ll.ieds. Hoc. IU T N
It 10
. acre, 111 M
tlross, Win. II., Arehhlshoi of or
goil. begin ill H W. eor, of Heo,
34. N. VI rds,, K. Sn ids, H 33
his , V. nls, lo beginning,
Hec, 91. T. 4 N.. II I ., 0
acres, 3to -
llulueau. ThiHiuis, lois I. X H.
hlk. X Laurel I'ark addition, as
recorded by II C Thompson,
llalhiaelh, James, lot X hlk 4, Co
lumbia addition to Asloils, lo'.-
dunning, John M, lot , blk 80.
Alor addition In Astoria, '
Hull, t'hnrlollo J , lot 7, hlk, IX
Warronlon; lols S. II. blk lf,
Taylor's Astoria: lot IX subdivi
sion of blk. 4, Hhlvely' A
lorla. II l
Hainly. Milton K . It 4. K. of
X W. 1 Hcc. S, T 4 N . It.
W,, b 4" acres. I 4f
Hanson, t'harlrs, H tt of H VY. tt
Ho.-. II. N, tt f N W M',,,
14, T. t N . II. 10 W . 10 aero..
Hansen. Karen, lots I. 3. X 4. X X
7. X blk 3: bus I, 8. 3. 4, X X 7,
I, blk 9: lot I. X X '
blk. 13; lols t. X X 4. ti. . i. X
blk. I, Wllliamsi'ort. InU
lUni.l.'ii. C. II . bus IS. SO. tl. 23, 33.
31. blk : lots IX IX 17, I. hlk.
X of Flavel t 'outer, as laid out
bv W. ll llos.ll. II II .
Hatch, II, W , und tt lots I. X X
4, hlk X lluslhr's A. toils, u
laid out and recorded l-v iho
Amorla Invrsttuoiil ' Sue
Hawos, K. II , lot I. blk f. Mc
Clure'a Astoria. s rxtoiidr.i ny
Cyrus itl.ssy, 1143 7
II tt
t II
1: U
17 71
III ti
11 so
4 M
Il.ndrlcksen. olot, und l lot -V,
I'nloiiiown, u33
Hons.. Frank, lols I. 4. hlk I.T
Mary Ann Adair's Houth addi
tion to iho I'ort of I'pprr As
toria. Mo
Hester. John C . lot J. H K t of
N.W. , lot 3. K tt ' "
H.-.-. 7, T 7 N . It VY . lli 4J
acre. 110 jo
Hill. Wlnnlo A . tot 10. hlk J.'. I1.
m hl's adillllou to th. city of
Astoria, l"o ...
Hill. C, N W. tt Hoc IT. T 6 N .
II, W.. 10 acr. s, 112 W
Hill. Mrs. i, lot X hlk v. Van
liuson's Astoria, ITc.
Hoofer. (V K . lols II. 12. blk X
Itlkorsldo add.n lo Astoila. v
Houseman. Itosa, lota IX 3". 21, Tt,
3X blk. I. I'latsop lliovo. ate . .
Ilousonmn. Fro,). N. tt of lots I
and X Nocanlcum tlrovs. ....
Hughes. J. M . tot to. hlk SO,
Hill' First addition to Astoria,
S3 17
t 4
so a
I 31
4 U
T n
Ilungato, Charles A . lota I, X X 1
X X T. X . in II. IX X H. IX IX
17. IX 1. jo. 31. it . !. Ss J.
37. 3s, at, i. II, 33, 31. 31. siiIh
division of blkv 77, Adair's As
toria! Iota X 14 II. blk 3, lau
rel I'ark addition, as rocord-d
by II. C. Thompson; und tt loi
I. i X X X X 7, X 9, 10. II. IX IX
IX IX IX 17. U, I. M. 31. IX blk
19, I'riMtwrl IV rk addition to
Astoria! Iota I, X X 4. X X 7. X
9. KX 11. U. U IX IX IX 17. IX IX
m si, a, Mk t; it 1. 1 1 x x
17, IX If, to, 3li O. blk X Wash
litgton addltloa 10 Astoria, lit so 171 41
Hutch, reft. o. T.. lot I, blk. t
Chsktoa subdl1lon tract No. X
Ma-ram. J A lot X, X blk. IX
Hallway addition to AsiorU,
Inno Frank M . W. tt of 8 K. tt
Hoc. JO, Vt. tt Of N K. V, Ho IX
T. 4 N.. II. W , ito acres. Is at
Jako. Frank W lot IX blk. IIX
Taylor's Astoria, 20
Jeff.rlea, J. M . loi 3X blk. 20. Hilt's
First addition to Astoria, lie. .
Jsnson. Alex., lot X 80c X T. I N .
It. 7 W., 14 acres, PC
Johnson, II , lots V. 3X tract 1,
subdivision of blk. I', olib-y's
addition to Astoria, aa laid out
and recorded by Hustler
Alkon, eiocutors, II c
Johnson, 8 J , Iota 1, X X 4, hlk U.
Itosoiliil adilltlon to th city f
Astoria. ic
Johnson, Adolph. lot I. blk I. Mnrt
wether lKins addition to As
toria. c
Johnson, Hannah M. A , lot I. 3,
hlk. I. Meriwether lon n ,1 .1 1 .
lion to Astoria. He...
Johanson, A.. 8. W. tt Hoc 3. T. 7
N , It. I W., im acres. III 1 .
Jotlo, Hees, lot 9, lo, 11, 12. II, 14.
l. ix blk. ti. Hoiclnln addition
to tho city of Astoria, Wc
Jordan. I'vter. lot 10, blk 9, Vt ar
ronton. I2.M
John, 1'otrr, lot I. 3. and t Id
bind fronting thereon, Hec. 4,
T. I N., It. I W 731 acres.
11X33 :
Keonan. Fred I.., lot , hlk X As
toria,' as laid out and recorded
by Martin Foard, ITc
Keboo, Joseph, K. tt of K tt of
H.K. 'i, oxcrpt that portion on
H. side of county road. Hec. II.
T. 7 N.. It W S lu res, l S3
Kemlo, I. K lols I, 2, 3, 4. X X 7
X 9, 10, II. 12, IX II. 16, l, 17, 1.4.
19, 30. 21. 32. 23. 21. blk. II. North
I'uelllc addition to Astoria, Ko.,
Kemler, !.. lot 9, lo, hlk, lu, Hall
way addition to Astoria. 2c....
Kemiey, J. J., lots X 13. 14, blk. 1(0,
Mct'lurc's Astoria, us rxiendi-d
by Cyru olney, li.w
Kinney, M. J., lots I. 3, 7, hlk. ,
McCluru' Astoria; K. 26 ft. lot
3. all lots X II. K. tt bit 13 mid
17 71
I 44
4 13
U 97
I S3
1 4
31 17
1 90
10 17
w. 2114 rt. lot IJ, hlk. 6.1; lot 11
12, 13. 14, hlk. HI, Mot-lure.'. As
toria, as extended by t'yrus Ol
ney; also, la-gin on W. Hue of
blks. 1 and 18. Mcflures As
toria, In center of First st., W.
2u0 ft., N. to ship's channel of
Columbia river, K. 200 ft, to
suld W. line of sal. I hlks. 1 and
IX proJect.Hl X., thonuo H. lu
lieglnnlng, except W. lit) ft. of
said tract deeded lo railroad
subsidy, as per vol, 31 of deed
puge 60, 1718.66
Kinney, August C, lot 1, Hc. Id,
T. I N It. W except 3 uc-res.
aa per vol. So. page 397, of deeds,
24.73 acres; part of lota 6 and
X In N.K. tt Hue. 21, T. I X., R.
9 W 20 acres; also, begin 619
chs. N. of H K. cor. of Heo. 23
thenco W, 7.87 chs., 8. 6.19 oh '
to Sec. lino; W. 24.13 ch., N. 20
h W. I ch., to W. Una of
8.K. tt: N. 10 cha, K. 10 chs., N.
10 ch., to N. Una of B.K. tt; K
DO ch. to Vi post, 8. to la-ginl
nlng, except tract as per vol.
27, paga 404; also except N.K,
tt of N.E. tt. a per vol. i,
page 809, of deed, sold to W.
C. Smith; also excepting 4
acres, a per vol. 32, page 62,
of deed, sold to Walker, Bee.
22. T. I N R. 9 W., 86 acre;
th N. of N.W. tt of H.W
tt. and land In N.W tt of 8 W
-tt 8o. 23. T. t N., R. I W 40
acre; 1U.40
Kitchen, John, lot 10, blk 20,"co-
769 II
lumma oocon.i addition to As
toria; lot X blk. X Hklpanon ad
dition to Astoria, 63o 28
Kunblnr, Herman, lots 11, IX blk!
20, Columbia addition to As
toria, 2o a M
MoOrath. Pat, B.W. Vi Bee: 10, 't!
6 N R. 6 W., 100 acr, 18.03.... 17 7,
Nolle Is hereby given that on Monday
the 29th day of June, A. D. lmw, at th
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, In
front of and at th court house door, In
th city of Astoria, In said county and
state, I shall proceed to sell th above
described real estate at puhlln miction
to th highest bidder for cash In United
Slates gold coin at time of sale, subject
to redemption, to satisfy tha warrant,
costs and all accruing costs. .
(Hlgned.) JAMES W. HART5,
Sheriff of Clatsop County and ex-OfflcIo
Tax Collector.
: J
rr-..- '