The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 24, 1896, Image 2

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Telephone No. S8.
Bent by mall, per year I.l
Suit by mall per month Hi
Delivered by carrier, per week M
Rent by mall per year, $2 In advance,
pottage free, to subscribers.
All communication Intended for publi
cation ihouM be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all
and remittances mutt be addressed to
To Astorlan,
The. Astorlan guarantees to Its tut
crlbers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising' ratet can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second oldest
weekly In the atate of Oregon, has, text
to the Portland Orefonian, the largest
weekly circulation In the state.
J no. F. Handley Co., are our Port
land agents, and copies of The Astorlan
can be had every morning at their stand.
S4 Third street.
alike, resolved to break the hvi( th
serpent, huml i. At Chicago. well
aa at St. Um. the Issue of the further
coinage of silver, except as subsidiary
coin, wilt bo plainly drawn. At Bt
Louis silver cod atre has been flatly
condemned. At Chlraco It will be Just
aa flatly maintained. Along this plain
line the fiiiht w ill be waged all summer
and far Into the fall, without evasion,
retreat or surrender. In November th
divisive battle will le m;ht and vloto.
ry won for one standard or the other.
This Is the honest way, the true Amer
ican way In politics. Let us hope that
It marks the final collapse of tho
Janut-faced plank In all future party-
platform s.
Mr. Fred Miller, of lrln- 111., write
that he had o Severe Kldnev trouble tor
many ymrs. with ee-i pains In his
back an.t a so thtl HIS wi s
affected. He trie.! Many sox-all-O Kid
m v cures but without atv (ro.M result.
About a year airo he Ivtut the use of
Klcctrte Hitter and found relief at once.
Nleotrte Hitters Is es;vt.01v adapted to
cure of all Kldnev and Uver troubles
and often (rives almost Instant relli'f. One
trtal will procj mr statement. Price
.sV and ll.iV. At Chas. Rogers' Prug
The fact that the tariff was to be
the Issue of this campaign does not ap
pear so prominently as It did awhile
ago to some people.
If Mr. Hanna can manage the money
question as successfully as he has man
aged McKinley'i nomination, the peo
ple will be entirely satisfied to have
elm do It.
The movement now on foot to re
vive the August regatta should meet
with the hearty cooperation of every
citizen of Astoria. Now that Ashing
operations have been resumed money
will be more plentiful, and there Is no
reason why the carnival should not be
a great success. The event brings
thousands of people to this city and
it should not be allowed to lapse for
even one year. The fact that the fire
men's tournament is to be held here
will greatly Increase the attraction and
hundreds of visitors will be assured
by this event alone. By all means hold
the regatta. ...
There Is always a crowd of femi
nine around a counter where thre Is
anything in the eating or drinking line
being given away. It matters not
whether It Is a macaroon or medicine,
they sample all with givat susto be
cause they do not have to pay for
Mr. Ellis has alw ays been reputed an
honest man among bis constituents In
the Second District, and It must be as
sumed that he hasn't read the St. Louis
platform, or he wouldn't have talked
as he did to an Oregonian reporter the
other day. He says in effect, that he
can support the money plank of the
platform, although In favor of free sil
ver, because the platform declares on
.ly against the ratio of It to 1. The fol-
" ' ; is the money plank adopted at
'', and It would be interesting to
We know but one community in the
world w h 're dyspepsia Is practically
unknown, and that Is the Shakers of
Mount Lebanon. N. T. These good peo
ple have been studying the subject of
digestion for more than a hundred
years, and that they understand It
pretty thoroughly Is evidenced In the
foregoing fact. Their Digestive Cor
dial Is the safest and best remedy In
cases of Indigestion that we know of.
A trial bottle can be had through your
druggists for the trilling sum of ten
The Shaker Digestive Cordial sup.
plies the system with food already di
gested, and at the same time aids the
digestion of other f.xnls. It will almost
Instantly relieve the ordinary symp
toms of indigestion, and no sufferer
need to be told w hat these are.
LAXOL Is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend It in place
of Castor Oil.
Regular granny bonnets in butter
colortd straw and trimmed with large
Alsatian bows of ribbon are much worn
by the pretty little daughters of fash
ionable mothers.
CrrwfJr- Euta Point out lis reference
U ratio of It t3 1, or whe .in ' fur
nishes any comfort to the sincere be
liever in the free and unlimited coin
age of 'silver at any ratio whatever:
"The Republican party Is unreserv
edly for sound money. It caused the
enactment of the law providing for the
resumption of specie payments In 1ST;
since then every dollar has been as
good as gold. We are unalterably op
posed to any measure calculated to de
base our currency or Impair the credit
of our country. We are. therefore, op
posed to the free coinage of silver, ex
cept by International agreement with
the leading commercial nations of the
world, which we pledge ourselves to
promote, and until such agreement can
be obtained we believe the existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
our silver and paper currency now In
circulation must be maintained at a
parity with gold, and we favor all
measures designed to maintain Inviola
bly the obligations of the United
States, and all our money, whether coin
or paper, at the present standard, the
standard of the most enlightened na
' ti jns of the earth. "
It u a good thing for the country
that the chief issues of the comlnff
campaign will be sharply defined. In
it higher definition politics is a part of
ethics, the concern, of good government.
It has degenerated to mean the ad
vancement of candidates to office. It
has become too often a game for as
cendency rather than a contest for
principle. Words have been used in
party platforms intentionally to dis
guise or hide or confuse the Ideas they
pretend to express. The common hon
esty, which Is demanded in ordinary
dealings between man and man, has a
slippery foothold in politics.
Recall, for examnle, the multiform
faces of tariff reform. It has changed
its features for every section of the
country, and put on a different squint
In every district. It has been a tariff
for revenue only, a tariff with Inciden
tal protection, a tariff with horizontal
eductions, a tariff with free raw ma-
: ucials, a tariff with discriminating pro
tection for favored Industries and lo
calities It has never had a uniform
meanli.g in any campaign, and the
party planks which professed to define
It , have been variously construed or
'' repudiated over and over again.
The Issue of the national coinage and
currency has been even more hazy and
i indeterminable In its presentation.
There has been a lack of precision In
Republican, as well as Democratic
platform planks, but the climax of de
ceit was probably reached In the last
Democratic national party plank,
which was claimed to mean a gold
standard In the East and a silver
standard In the West and South. No
wonder this deception has led to bit
ter recrimination, alienation and con
flict. When politics goes so far as to
attempt to bind together fire and wa
ter, the Inevitable result is fizzle and
It is Indeed well for the country that
every honest man of every shade of
conviction Is today heartily sick of
such pretences and cheats. Both the
gold and the silver standard men are
Water Impregnated with the seeds of
malaria, produce incalculable misery
throughout vast portions of the North
and South American continents. Th
most effective medicinal defense
against these producers of physical
mischief is Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters. Wherever the great endemics,
chills and fev?r. bilious remlttant,
dumb ague and ague cake are preva
lent, the Bitters Is alike the chosen
preventative and remedy. In Mexico,
Guatemala, on the Isthmus of Panama,
and in South America, no less than In
the United States, It has demonstrated
its superlative efficacy, and has receiv
ed the commendation of the medical
profession. It remedies rheumatic,
kidney and stomachic ailments, ner
vousness ani debility, and counteracts
a tendency to premature decay and
the troubles attendant upon advancing
years. Appetite and the ability to sleep
are both aided by It. Use It with per
sistence, as it well deserves to be used,
and the trial will avail you much.
... (
nothing &
You will find on coupon
Inside saoh two ounce bag
and l w o cou pons Inside each
iHirtmm. Ituy a bag of this
celebrated tobacco and read
th coupon winch (Ives
list of valuable prweul and
tow lOttVUIirlU.
Rarely a book written that the reader
doosn't think he or she could have Im
proved on some parts of It.
Yesterday afternoon the air was so
dear that the lightship was visible to
the naked eye from Coxcomb Mil.
Ths best salve In the worll for Cuts.
Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum.
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tion,, and positive cure for Piles, or no
pay required., it Is guaranteed to tv
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Irof. Huxley's "Life ami Liters"
which bis son, Leonard Huxley. Is now
Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. I "ranging, will appear about two years
iTtee, SR cents per box. For sals br from the present time.
Chaa. Roger., Odd Fellows' building.
ift all the same, a slight cold, cont-
The embroidering of photograph J lungs or sever cough. On Mlnuts
frame, will be a favorite summer pas- """ omnc mem.
time on hotel porches.
The latest In which to rarrv
, the handkerchief Is in the edge of the
Toung mothers dread ths summer . .i.u,. ..n
month. nr. .1 . : '" ie n a vi no- no il'
" - v.. .VVM V, I17. illUL l.l 1 1 I J
among children caused by bowel trou-
Mea. Perfect safety may be aaurel
those who keep on hand IVWltfs Colic
Cholera Cure, and administer It
promptly. For cramps, bilious colic, dys
entery and diarrhoea. It affords instant
relief. Chaa. Rogers.
I choir to fall over the hand.
Pure blsod means good health. P-e-Wltt's
Sarsaparllla purities the blood,
euros Eruptions. Kes-ms, Scrofula. a:d
all diseases arising from impure blood.
Chaa Rogers.
Isn't It strange that two pe-ple sel-i AN ENIGMATICAL AIM. OK FAKE,
uom agree on tne irutmuin. sa of ones. For a dinner, served on th Inning cam
photograph? .of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul
. Hallway, will be sent to any address oa
ruMlnl nf - tw.t-u,. . . . .. . .
KUYAL, liaKing fOWUer ; PP to Oeo. H. HeurTord. iUn. ral las
has beco awarded highest mmois.
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
The shirt waist girl Increases In num
ber, though her belt grows not a whit
To Change ami Re-establish the Grade
on Jerome Avenue, Uetwecn Tenth
and Twelfth streets. In Alc
Clura's Astoria.
Notice la hereby given that the com-
J mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pose to cnange and re-establish the grails
on that portion of Jerome avenue. In
McClure's Astoria, as extended and
! changed by Cyrus Olney, which lies b-
Dld you ever think how readily th
blood Is poisoned by constipation? Bad
blood means bad health and premature
old age. DeWltt'es Little Early Risers,
the famous little pills, overcome obstinate . ,., ,h , ... '.' .. ' .
constipation. Chas. Rogers. .rwi ,n ,M. of .-n.h .. ,h.
. . 7 J . . following height above the base ot
A rainy Sunday means money out of grades, as established br ordinance No.
pocket to the men who have bicycles J H. entitled "An Ordinance to Establish a
to hire.
When Baby was sick, we ga her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoris,
When she became Mist, she eluag to Castorla,
When the i. ruidraB,thega'i)themCsstoria. I
Base of Grades for th Streets ot As
toria," to-wit:
On th north ; side of the crossing of
said Jerome avenue with Eleventh street.
, m feet.
On the south side of snld crosnlng, 19a.
I feet
By order of the common roumil.
I Dated June , 136.
Auditor and Police Judge,
Even though a canopy Is not us.'d
a foot valance is needed or. brass bedsteads.
Modists are now making bathing
suits and giving as much attention to
their details as though they were de
signing afternoon tea gowns.
How many young men and young
women are cut off Just as the future
seems bris,'htet and fullest of promise;
They are taken away by the disease
which cau.v-s over one-sixth of all th-i
deaths in the world the disease which
doctors call consumption. There Is ab
solutely no reason in the world why
consumption should be fatal why it
should be even serious. It Is a disease
of the tlood and ran be curfrd abso
lutely and always by purifying and en
riching the blood. The only exception
to this Is the case where the disease
has been neglectwl and Improperly
treated until It is stronger than the
body until the body has become so
weak as to have lost the ability to re
cuperate. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery will cure ;S per cent of all
cases of consumption if used according
to direction.?. It also cures all linger
ing coughs, bronchial and throat af
fections Send twenty-one cents in one-cent
stamps to World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive
Dr. Pierce's loos page Common Sense
Medical Adviser, Illustrated.
Eve "Look here. Did I overhear
you tell that snake I was a bird?"
Adam ciuicklyj "A bird of paradise,
my love." Eve "O!" New York Press.
James L. Francis. Alderman, Chicago,
says: "1 regard Dr. King's New Dis
covery as an Meal Panacea for Coughs,
Colds and Lung Complaints, hnvlng used
It In my family for the last five years, to
the exclusion of physician's prescriptions
or other preparations."
Rev. John Eurgus, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes: "I have been a minister of the
Methodist Episcopal church for CO years
or more, and have never found anything
so ht-nc-iiiial or that gave me such speedy
relief ns Dr. King's New Discovery."
Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store.
To be a groom on a park drag Is no
sinecure. The owner has an eye only
to his horses, and the servants can
scramble up as best they can.
There's more clothing destroyed by poor
soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake"
soap contains no free alkali and will not
Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice
the difference in quality. Ross, Hlgglns
ft Co.
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pose to establish the sni.le on Al imula
avenue. In that part of the city known
as Unlontow-n. at the following height
above the bjise of grades:
At the northeast corner of block S. at
3 feet above the bnse of grnd. s, and at
a point directly opposite nn.l nt right
angles to the east line of block !, at a
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen ot
Osseo, Mich., after suffering excruclatlng-
lv from tille for rwpntv vesr I'll eur.,1
In a short time hv unlni DeWltl's Witch I feet
Haxcl Salve, an absolute cure for all i At ,nc southwest corn, r of block I. nt
skin diseases. More of this preparation I 43 f',', nm' at B nmt directly opposite
Is used than all others combined. Chas. Bml at rllfht angles to the west line or
Rogers. ! ''lock 1, nt 4.1 feet, nnd at a point on the
j north tide of 1 rtlre.-uy opposite
.Many of the prettiest dinner tables''0 the southwest corner of block I. nn.t
. . , I at right angles to south line of block 1.
are decorated with wreaths of roses. , at 43 teet.
I At the northwest corner of block 19 rt
Mrs. R. DeYoung, Mlddlevllle, la.. I 4 feet,
writes: I have used One Minute Cough At the southeast corner of block I. at
Cure for six years, both for myself and I 44 feet.
children, and 1 consider It the quickest At the northeast corner of block 1', nt
acting and most satisfactory Cough Cure . 4.1 feet, anil at a point dlrectlv opposite
I have ever used. Chas. Rogers. j on the south side of block 2 nnd nt rleht
j angles to the north line of block 18, nt 4.S
An excellent way to curl feathers Is feet, and nt a point directly opposite to
to steam them over burning salt. i tn northeast corner of block 11 on the
I west side of block ID, nnd at right angles
v rI . y ... n m '' 10 ,he ennt Of block IS. nt 15 feet.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdei ; At the Intention of Alam-da avenue
Coatslns no Ammonia or Alum. I with the east boundary of Taylor's As-
torla, at 49 feet.
The linen parasol Is very much used j At the northwest corner of block IS, nt
by the well-gow ned woman. I feet.
I At the southwst corner of block 2, nt
mt ieel.
At the northeast corner of block 17, nt
81 feet.
One Minute Is the standard time, and
One Sllnu.e Cough Cure Is the standard
preparation for every form of cough or
cold. It is the only harmless remedy
that produces Immediate results. Chas.
At the southeast corner of block 3, at
81 feet.
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of Ihree-fourlhs of the oron-
Cats like places; dogs grow attached I lrL, Z ,u, l",..". L '"'u
street he filed with the auditor and po
to people. lice Judge of said city within ten days
I from the final publication of this notice.
Eczema Is a frightful affliction, but like ! the common council will establish said
all other skin diseases It can be pcrma- grades.
nently cured by applications of De Witt's Dated at Astoria, Ortiron, June !i. WA.
Witch liarel Salve, it never falls to II. E. NELSON,
cure Piles. Chas. Rogers. j Auditor and Police Judge.
Lord Hugh Cecil, fifth son of the1,
Marquis of Salisbury, has Just made
his maiden speech In the house of com-!
moriB, and Is said to have exhibited un-1
mistakable slsns of oratorical ability .
and statesmanlike Intelligence. I
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the com
mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pose to estnbllsh the grade nt the Inter
section of Franklin avenue and Thirty
sixth streets nt l feet shove the base of
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
street be filed with the auditor and po
llen Judge of snld city within ten dnys
from the final publication of this notice,
to-wlt, on or before Wednesday, July I,
The woman who moves out of the
corner seat In the open car for the ben- lm. the common council will establish
efit of an incoming car Is as scarce as
a white crow.
In the Spring a young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of DeWltt's
Little Early Risers, for they always
cleanse the liver, purify the blood and
Invigorate the system. Chas. Rogers.
The July Harper's will open with a
paper on Ocn. Washington and th" pe
riod of the Revolution, by Woodrow
Wilson, llustrated by Howard Pyle.
One swallow does not make Spring, but
one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure
brings relief. Chas. Rogers.
A large dog and a small yard make
a most unhappy combination.
All the patent medicines advertised In
this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can
he bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental
Hotel, Astoria
said grade.
Dated June 6, 189A.
Auditor and Police Judge.
jk Solentlflo American
f Aflency ork
COPVoinuVo 1ZI
For Informttlon and free Handbook write to
MI.N CO- SSI BHOiuwiT. til Yohx.
OI'leH Imresn for seeiirliiK patents In America,
J-.v-rr patent taken out by us I hromrht before
U,u imbue by a notice given free ofdmrge la lii
srrest efn-lsttmi of tnr seietitule pW fn Oie
world. hbUm.ll.llr lllu,trs.l. Nolau-lllrent
mso shonl.i ha without it. Wsekir, (..i.oua
Tar: ! six months. A.MreM. To!
VuniUHtni, attl iuuadway, York City.
Ily virtue of a warrant Issued by Ih
county clerk of flattop county, slut ot
Oregon, under the seal ot said county
and slate, oil Ihc h'tli day of April A. II,
INMl nnd to tmi dlrciicd, commanding
me to levy upon the itoodl and chiitlcl
of tlio. dtitnqiicl taxpayers luinml In th
delliiuiieni lax roll or t latsop county,
ttitte of orviiou, lor tlio year thereto
attuiiiist, and ir nona l found, thtn
upon the real properly its set (onh and
described In wild delinquent Ins roll, or
to much thereof ns shall lm tultliii tit to
satisfy Ih amount oi luxia so charge.
(heroin, together Willi Ih coals and s, I diil, on I he uh tiny of May,
In;, K'y upon tinning been nimbi to
tout personal properly sulll.ient out ul
which to make said !. the rial res
toto set opposite the Haines ot Ilia rvs
speetlve miii.', linos nnd iMrMrnlliiiis,
coiitaluid In the following lists, to cat
lfy tliv amount or nines nnd coats .
sesscil and chttiiiu against siiiii pot'soiis,
firms and corporations in tlio said da
llliiiueiit lax loll, nil of auld property
being sllualu III said county utul sUI
and ilescritvd on said deling. lent tax
roll ul said county and statu for said
year, us follows, to ult:
ASvreromble, Mary, lota 4, i, seo
li, T i N. It 10 W, W acrva.
lli I II M
At'erenMiiI'lc. I.. II., Iietiln on right
bank ot Johnson's slougli, 3D
nla. K. of N W . cor. or RK. I,;
thence. K. 3 rds. to left bunk
ot Islam! slouch; thencu down
said aloufch to la w la and
Clarke river at mouth of John
son's slouch; ihoncv up right
bunk of Johnson's slough to
place of Is-h'llilllliu:. arc. 1, T.
N., It. I ;j-i ni ri'a; tw.
gin at N.K. cor. of tt.l-.', 1, aec.
11: I hence t. isi nla. to a creek:
tluiue westerly along sttld
creek in Mis, to fork of said
creek: tbelli'e N. lo N. line uf
8 K. V, of S. V4. sec. II; Hume
N. 311 ft.: thelica W. IO XV. line
of , or &K. I,, sec. II;
them N. to a point 10 i hs K,
of N. line of 8 K of said
sec: thence lv W chs : thane
N. li) cha. : thvnee K. IK chs. to
beginning. 8o II, T. I N., It.
10 XX'., i; ;i acres, l.'.W I it
Allen. Mrs. itrlditet. lots J, . blk
le:: lot . blk. M.t'lurv's
Asturt.1, ns ex t. by Cyrus l.
ny. ill ;.' ij oi
Alexander. 11 , 8 XV i4, 8ec. II, T. I
.V, It. H XX , tu rr. . :iU ... It gg
Allen John. S. , of 8.K. i Kn', 1,
T. 7 N . 11 t XX'.. ai acres, Oil. in
Anderson, XX Ilium, lota 1. I. 3, I, 4,
. 7, . b. 11. 13. 1J. It, Ik is,
blk :Z. Itosrslals addition. U it. B 17
Armstrong. Janxis. N.XX', X, 8et).
. T. 4 N., 11. XV.. 11 a.-rst,
I" It 11
Austin I.ucrella M. I,... 1. 4. blk.
1. 8unni.ln n.l.lltli.n, liv 4 01
Hand Harry 1- ., lois J. 4. 1. , blk
W. .Xb iiure's Astoria, at rx'd.
by Cyrus Olney, $10 M II II
Kurker, l-auru ! A., lots I. J. 1,
4, i. , 7. . . l.i, II. la. II, 14. 14.
K K. lit, IH, 9i. 31. JS, 4. M.
M, blk. IVk Mary Ann Adalr't
Houlh Addition to th Port of
I pprr Astoria, U4S 41 M
Harnett. Cora, K. H of 8 XX'. X,, XX'.
S "f K. 8c. K T. 4 N H.
s XV., i:ju. ai res, iXul n t
Iiarru'S, Frank. K U of 8 X'. Xi.
8 S of 8 K. X, See. 38, T. B N..
R II XV.. lu crs. Ilt4 1
uattin I'o.. it. K. begin at N K.
cor of blk. A. MeKwunt
Add'n. to Orran Orovs; thnc
8. SO ft.. XX'. loo ft.. N. II) a, K.
1U) H. to beginning: also, begin
at N.XV. cor. blk. A, Mo
Kwan's Add'n. to Ocran Orovs;
thence K. HO rt., thence 0. b)
rt.. XX'. VD ft, N. 60 rt to be
ginning. 41c T 41
uracil u. lots , 91 blk. M.
Astur Add'n. to Astoria; lots
7. x, blk. 9, Norih Add'n. aa lalt
out and recorded by K. A.
Noyau, ate. .
IJeers. Ixiuls. lot X blk If. IToa-
p-t Park Add'n. to Astoria. 4e. 1 as
lien. I'htlllppa XV.. lets XL U hlk.
SL tract i. Olney't Add'n. lo
Astoria, as laid out by Hustler
ic Alkell, rxec'rs. 11.01 4 10
uennett. A. 8 . blk. L Olner's
Add'n. to Astoria, as lnld out
and recorded by Hustler
Aiken, rxec'rs.; N.XV. I, of.
N.XV. i, of 8 K. Sec. S3, T. S
N.. It. XV . lo lu res; undivided
', of: liecln r.air.ii ft. XV. of
8 K. cor. of 8lllvely l. L. C.;
theme XV. 1C, ft.. . IO H line
of 8hlieiv's Astoria. K. 1.0 fL,
8. to lieirlntilllK Mee. 17, X. ft ..
It. 1 XX .. t acres, JM .01 U 4
llennetl. liiatiei lots i, 19,
blk 2. Heaviest Addition, as laid
out by A. P. Oliver, So 4 87
lussiun l. Hun. an, lot 3, blk. M,
Xun liusen'a Astoria. 17c sg
insnop, w. C . 8.H. X. 8.C SS. T.
., it. 7 XV., ion acres. flJ.M).., si U
Ullss. L A.. Jr., lot S, blk. It. Mc-
"lure's Astoria, as extended by
( yrus Olney. fui t II
liloilgett, Knoeh L. begin ut N.XV.
eor. of Itlwlgelt I. L C:
tin nee 10. i'M chs. to N K. cor.
of 'iiilm; them e 8. 12 tu chs. to
Howard's N. K. cor: thence XV.
to H i;, cor. of Mrs. (Irani'
bind; thence N. to N K. cor. of
said .Mrs. Oram's land; I hence
XV. to linn it said 1. L. C;
theii.e N. to beginning 8w. J,
T. 7 N , K. 9 XV., 4123 acres;
also, land In H ot lllislKett
l. L. ('. 8. of laud of Howard,
and N. and N.XV. of land of J.
A. Pillion, except tract sold for
cemetery, Her-. 3, 10. T. 7 N.,
It. 'J XV., ItC'j'i acres; also, strip
of land running entire illstanco
K. and XV. across land of How
ard and extending H fur enough
to Include M.:o ihtcs 8eo. 3, T.
7 N K. I) XV., 117.19 44 41
Hradbury, Clement, N. K. 14 of
N.XV. I', lot 4. 8ec. IN, T. i N.,
It. 10 XV.. ;t.r,i ncn.s; N.K. or
8.XV. i4, N.XV. 1, of H.K.
A Hec. 22, T. N., It. 10 XV.. Ml
acres; nil of N.XX'. ot H.XV.
Vi. less pint of liradbury's Addi
tion to Ocean Orove, Bee. 22,
T. N., It. in XV.. !S acres; N.XV,
Vi Hec. 27, T. t N It. 10, XV.,
Ml acres, 117.92 C7 96, (',. lots 9. pi, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, hlk. 8: lot 6, blk. (, Rose
dale's Addition to the City of
Astoria, Ktc IS 49
Draden, XVIIIInm, undivided X4 of H.
Mi of H.XV. 1,, H.W. Vi of H.K
U flee. T. 8 N., R. 7 XV.. 40
acres. $2.74 9 33
Iirlx, Asmus, lots 1, 2, 7, 8. blk. 100,
Adalr't Kant Addition to As
toria, 121.28 28 32
Rrown, Peter, estate of, lots 14, IS,
block Ki, Warrenfon; lots 9, 10,
11, blk. 8, Hklpanon Addition to
Astoria; lot 8, blk. 13, Hhlvely's
Astoria, $19.80 11 00
Duck, Kllzabeth, lots 7, 8, blk. 129,
McClure's Astorln, as extended
by Cyrus Olney, $S.33 I 9
Iiurney, It. H lot 1, blk. 29,
Al.lerhrook, First Addition to,
7 99
Bush, XV. II., lots 1, 2, K. Vj of
N.W. Hec. 80, T. 4 N R.
W., VAM acres, $.29 15 98
Burns, A. O., lot 11, blk 18, De
ment's Addition to ths city of
Astoria, 17c 1 48
Iluell, Jane 8., lots 11, 12, blk. 20,
Laurel Park Addition, as re
corded by H. C. Thompson, 29c I f
Buchanan, Manltis, lot 8, 8.K. V, of
N.W. Vt Bee 27, T. 4 N R. t
W., 40 acres, $2.01 11 SB
Butler, Walter H., lots 4, 7, Sec. 34,
T. 4 N R. 8 W., 42.83 acres;
lots 7, 8, N. Vj of B.W. Vi Bee.
35. T. 4 N., R. 8 W 115.32
acres, X33 18 08
Byrd, Bnrah L., N. of N.W.
Hec. 11, T. 9 N R. 10 W 80
acres, $4.01 9 24
Burke. B. C, lots II, 12, blk. 139,
Hhlvely's Astoria. $28.81 82 08
Case, Edward, N.W. 'A Bee. 10, T.
N., R. W.. 160 acres, $8.42 18 12
Carson, Luella C, lota 12, U, blk.
t. Hear bait Park, Me
Carlson, John K XV. tj of 8 XV.
V tfwo. l, T. i N., It. 10 XV., Ml
acres, l III
Chiirmau, Thoiuns, lot I blk. I"U,
Miiiiirn't Aaloiin, na extended
by Cyrus olney, Mil
Clark, John XI., Ml. X, of H K X,
Bill'. Wj N. I of 8 XV, t. N.XV.
X of 8 U, V 8ec. SI. T N., It,
I XV luo airs, I. 74
Column, P, XX"., N. X, or 8 XV it. XV,
l of 8 K. Xt Hec. 1. T. 8 N , It.
XX'., Iiu acllw, 19 mi
Conk, II, H , Mil as 14, Its Ut, 17, Is, 18,
80, ill. M, 3i, 94, blk. 1; lots l 18,
K, blk. 1: tola IJ. II. I. HI, 17,
Is. Is, So !l. tJ. :l. Si, blk 17;
lola IX 14. IS, IS, 17, IK, IS, X
II, US, S3, I.', blk. 4.1; lois ll, S.
SI. SS, tX SI, blk. 4!; lots IJ. 14,
It, IS, 17, It, blk 07; lots I. I, I.
4. 4, , IS, 14, blk, 81; In Is I, S.
8, 4, ft, 8, 7, a, 9, H II. H. I). H,
in. is. 17, is, 111, so, si. ti a si.
blk. S7: N. X, of lots I, X , 4. fx
, blk. S4; lota I. S. X 4. , 7,
. . 10, 11, IS. blk. a. Pacific
Addition tu Astoria, K IS
Craig. Id H. , lot X blk I. Olm-y,
Crlin, P. II., loia I, I. 3. blk. K
liun-l Park addition, as re
corded by II. C. Thompson, 4lo.
CYpsa, John M , trustee, ,. i, of
8 K. U H.c. II, N. l r 8 XX. X.
8ihi. IJ, T. N , It. I XV.. IH
acres, 114 IS ,
Cress, John M., XV, X, of N.K. V
K. Is of N.W, Xi 8eo. S7, i'.
N.. It. T. XV.. IM nens; 8 t of
8 K. X 80c. 8, T. 7 N , It XX .,
so acres; N. S of N.K, x 8.c. 7,
T. T N It 8 XV., KI acres: N K.
X Boo. 18, T. 7 N It. 8 XV., loo
acres: W. V) of 8 XV. X, He. 3.
T. 7 N., It. XV . no seres; N K.
V 8.a?. SS. T. 7 N It. 8 XX ., HU
aj.wa; 8 XV. Xt n t. T. N ,
It. 7 XV., ISO aerna; lots 7. . 8.
K Hec. S, T. N , It. 7 XV., IM.TS
acres; XV, 1 of N.XV. t Bee S3,
T. 7 N It. XV., m Meres: 8 K.
t 8eo. SS. T. 7 N., It. XV , lu
acre. $nn
Crle. K. It., lot 4 (except tract sold
to A. olson and N. J. l.ers.oii.
8ec , T. 8 .V, It. i XX ., 8 4u
acres, 77c
Craven, Krnnk 8 , N. i of 8 K
NK, X, or 8 XV. 1,. 8 K.
I, or N.W. 1, Bee. !, T. 8 N,
It. 7 XX'.. i acres. II? M.
Copping, hand, lots It, li, . 17,
blk. S7, iruci S. ulney's addlilon
lo Astoria, as laid mil nnd re
corded by Hostler nnd Aiken,
executors, flu
Dairy 111 pie. Ida, und. 4 lot 4. blk
4. Hustler Astoria, as hud mil
and recorded by Aslorla Invest
menl t'o., 17c
DarlltiK. 11. L, lots I. t 8, 4. 4. 8.
?... 10. 11, is. blk 14, i-actrto
addition 10 Asiorta, 39c
Dem 'in. J. C, lot 4, i. I, blk. SI,
l . ill's addition to Ih rlty of
As X S.N!
Dillon. ,ary, estnl of, lot 7. blk.
1 XI "lure's Aaturln, Li 31
Doonr), Michael, 8 K. X, Hoc. 1, T.
7 N , It. $ XV., 140 crr.. $ltl$..
IXonoho. C. II. lott I. 8. . 10, II, it
blk 7. I'olumbtA Bei ond addition
to Aslorla: also 8 XV. X, of 8. XV.
X, 8j. t. T. 7 N It XV.. 40
.acra, $8.o(
Douthark. A. N , lota I. t I 4,
blk. 8, Hustler's Astoria, as lnld
out and recorded by Astoria in
vestment V).. 44c ,
Dow. C. 8 . lot so, SI. SS. blk. 88,
Prospect Park Kxteiislon k'tdl
lion to Astoria, e
Dunkln, John II., XV. u, 0f 8 W. ,
See. SS, T. I N It 3 XV., 80
acre. AU
Rmrland. C. O.. lots 11, IS, blk. 8,
Bkliuinon addition to Astorls,
Knsts, Klliahrlh. lott I. S. X hlk.
SS, Columbia Second addition to
Astoria, tie
Kvsns C. II , und. lots 7, 8. 10,
II. 13. 13. 14, 13. sulallvlslon uf
blk. 73. Bhlvely's Astoria, KB..
Kvnns, Mrs. Jeuiietle, lot IS, blk :
lots 23, 34, blk. 18. Hallway addi
tion to Astoria, 44c
Pair, It K., lot 4, blk. 34, Kiel ad
dition 10 Alderbrook, 13 !
Purrnr, Isabel l"., lots I, S. 3. 4. 4.
8, 7, 8, 9, lit, II, II hlk. 8, Pacific
addition to Astoria, S!"c
Pcldmnn, I., und. 1. lot 14. blk. I.
Havel Center, as laid on: by
XX'. K. Warren,
Klaher, J. J , truste. ;0la 15, M, 17,
2 , . tract I, blk. 27, ot
olney' addition to Astorln, as
laid out and recorded by Hus
tler A Aiken, executors: lots 12,
13, S. f. 31. tract 2, sulsllvMon
or block 17 of nlney's addition
to Aaturln, as lnld out nml re
corded by Hustler as Aiken, ex
ecutors, K.40
Klaher, J. J , und la lota 7, 8, o.
11. 12. 13. 14, 15, 18.. siilsllilslon
or blk. 72. Hlilvel) s Astoria:
und. H lois 1. Z, 3. 4, 4, 4. 7, k,
9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, blk. 8; und. H
lots 1, S, 8, 4, 5, 8, 7. 8, 9, 10, II.
12, 13, It, blk 7: und. Xt lots 1, S.
3, 4, 6, , 7, 8. 9. 10. II. 12, 13, 14.
blk. 14: und. Vs lots 1, 2, X 4, 4.
6, 7, blk. 15; utul. , lots 1, s, 3.
4, 4, 8, blk. 18, Riverside addi
tion to Astorln, 8s 4ii
Fisher, I. II., lots 2, I, 4, E, 8, blk.
41, Pacific add'n. lo Astoria. 7c.
Plsk, XV, It., lot 17, tract 1, sub
division of blk. 30, olncy's addi
tion 10 Astoria, as laid out nnd
recorded by Hustler A Aiken,
executors, 55c
Pluley, John, lull 3, 4, tract 2, sub
division of blk. 14, olney't addi
tion to Astoria, ut laid out nnd
recorded by Hustler Aiken,
executors; lot 4, blk. 37, Mc
('hire's Aslorla: lots 1, 2, 3, blk
8, Hklpanon addition lo Astoria;
und. X, of N.K. of B.K. 14 Hi c.
1, T. 7 N.. It. 7 XV.. 2U aires;
N.XV. 14 of N.K. i. N. '.j of
N.XV. X, and B XV. ! Bee 14, T.
7 N It. 8 XV., 2su ai res; N.K. '4
of N.K. '4 and XV. Vs or XV. j,
Bee. 15, '1'. 7 N., It. XV., 210
acres, $41.62
Flnley, James, H.K. '4 Beo. 12, T.
0, It. 8 XX., 1W acres. I9.H3
Ford, L !., und. V lot II, tract $.
siihdivislun or blk, ?i, Olney's
aildttloii to Astoria, as laid out
and recorded by liristler it
Aiken,, executors. 29c
Kolkman, A. V.. ti nil. ' lott 5, li,
nix. w, aicliure's Astoria, nt
extended by Cyrus Olney. 17.119..
Folkmnn, llerthn, nnd, i, lois 6, 6,
oik. . .McClurus Aslorla, as
cxtetided by Cyrus Olney. Sum..
Foote, Annus, lot 4, Hec. 18, T. 7 N.,
It. 8 XX'.. 16.40 acres. $1
Futtrup, Nels, lot 18, subdivision
or blk. 11, Adair's Astoria.
Gentry, 8. A., lots 17, 18, blk. 6.
Astoria, as laid out and record
ed hy M. J. Kinney. 29o
Ollbrcath, James, lot 12. blk. 0.
Dument's addition to the city of
Astorln, 17c
Olassel, Annlo, heirs of, N.E, 14 of
o. w. 14 lots 1, X 8, 4, Bee. 21, T.
7 N It 9 XV., im acres. 811.79 .
Olover, Frank, 8.W. of B.W. (4
B.ic. 29, W. 14 of N.W. Vi, N.XV.
Vi of B.W. Vi Seo. 32, T. 7 N It.
7 W., PHI acres. $9.3
Ooff, M. A., und. VJ lots I, 2, 3, 4,
d, s, 1, a, y, id, 11, 12, 13, 14, hlk.
8; und. Vj lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 8, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk. 14; und.
Vi lott 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, blk. 15;
und. VS lots 1, 2, S, 4, S, 8, hlk. 18,
Riverside addition to Astoria
und. Vi of lots 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 16, 18, subdivision of blk. 72
Bhlvoly's Astoria. $7.51
raham, John A., lots 4, 5, 8, blk.
u: lots 1, 2, blk. 21, Alderbrook.
Grrvham, James, lots $, 4, I, 8, blk 3,
xoung s audition to Alderbrook.
Gray, W. H., ettato of, lot 8, blk.
84, -McClure's Astorln. 38
Grimes O. K., lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 8, blk.
2, Railway addition to Ocean
Orovr 94e
Grimes, L. C begin In county road
IV. "b 8. and 36.80 cht. E. of
7 68
II 38
4 14
15 (I
180 13
S 71
s: ;o
8 30
:t ti
a 40
1 a
18 90
18 43
18 94
7 17
14 13
I 73
17 89
3 01
18 90
3 18
:i so
1"5 43
17 42
11 43
11 40
9 Ul
1 00
a 70
2 48
10 06
18 22
N XV. cor. of 8w. I", tlislic K,
I74 chs , N. 16 ii . W. It ens ,
H. 8.13 chs., 8 XV. 3 ' 'l
to coiinly load: K. II I" ' lis.. H,
II Mi chs.. in liesliiulns, exespt
S acre sold In C II Hloop,
per Vol ''." I'sm 1"X
Ih.eds, Hec. in, T N.. II 111
XV., SO ihtcs, $ll-M. . "
Dross, XX 111, II., Archbishop of Ore
ton, l.cslu nt 8 XV, 101 of Hec.
St, N. X3 rd. K. S4 Ida, 8 83
tils, XV, W rds. In besliuiins,
Bee, 11. T Si II I Wo
acres, Jle, Thomas, lots I. s, 1, IS.
blk J. t.auiel I'm It iiddliloii, as
reel. led b II C ThiMiip
We ,
18 17
7 IT
I 31
I 17
18 IT
II 78
17 71
II 88
II 10
4 34
1 04
1 a
30 83
t 2
I 11
II t
8 M
83 64
41 49
12 47
(lalbiaclli, James, lot , blk 4, Co
lomhla addition lo Aslotia. Uc
diiuhint. John M . lot S blk so,
Astor addition to Astoria, '.. .
Hall, liinrknln J , lot T, blk, 13,
XVarieiiion: bus 31. blk I'".
Taylor's Aslorla; lot 13, aillsllvl
atoll of blk. H. 8hlly As-
torla. It 3
Handy. Mlltoti K , lm 4. K. l of
N XV. B.-e ., T N , It.
XV. , b ' acres, t U
Hanson, t'harlea. 8 or B XV. Xt
Hec II. N s ' N XV X4 8. 0,
14, T 6 N , It 10 W., I acre.
Iliinseii, Karen, lids I. I. 3, 4. 8. .
1. . blk :. lots I. 3. 3. 4. 4, , 7,
I, blk : lots I, 8. J. 4, 4, , 1. 8.
blk. IS; lois 1, 3. X, I. 4, , f. 8,
blk. I. XXilllnm.oil. 8vM
Hiiraileii, C II . lois l, . 31, SI a
St, blk t; lois 16. IH, 17, l. blk.
, of liilM-l Ceiilor. as laid ulll
by XX . II MM. II. II II
Hatch. II XV , und lois I, t 3.
4, blk. s. HiiBtlnr'a Astoila, as
laid out and recorded by lh
Aston lincstiiiriit Co, So ...
Ilasres. K. It. lot I. blk f. Mc
liur's Aslolla, as , tni.le.l br
C)rus nl.iry, $141 7
Ileiidilckseii, Ol.if. und. j lot
l'nloniuan, $ 13
House, frank, lots 3. I. blk l.n.
Mary Ann Adair's 8011th a.l.ll.
tl.ui to Hie Pint of t'pper As
lorla. lc
Ilest.r. John C, lot :, BK x, of
N XV I, lot 1. K S of 8 XX 14
Bee. 7. T 7 N . It 8 XV . I 41
seres, lis 20... .
Hill, XX inula A, lot I", blk I-', fo
ments addition In ths illy of
Astorln, 17c
Hill. C. N XX ' Bee 17. TIN.
It. 8 XX . ii acres. IIS si
1 tilt. Mrs l, lot 4, tik im. Vin
Onsen's Aslntltt. 17e, C V. . lots II, IS. blk ,
lllrlsl,le add. II to .Xaloila. SV
Houseman, Itosa, Iota I. Six 31. St
ZX blk , Clatsop llrove, 8Kv...
Iloiiseinaii. Fred. N Xt of lot I
and 8, Necanleum tlrovr, 9 ...
Hushes, J XI . lot '. I.Ik SO,
Hill's First vblKb'n 10 Aston.
llliusala. I'harba A, lott I. 3. 3. t
4. 8, 7, 8. 9, !, II. 12. II. 14. 14. 18.
17, H. I. S. SI. 22, 3. Si. A !.
S7, S", t). II. IS. 31. It, Slib
division of blk 77, Adair's As
torla: lota I, b. II, blk I l-su-re
I park aihtlilan, aa recorded
by II 1. ThiiiitMon; und l lota
I. t X 4. 4. 8. 7, 1 . in. II. IS. II,
li. M. 7, IV 19 31. S3, blk.
19. propH-t I'srk addition to
Astoria: kits 1. 3. 3, 4. 4. 8. L I,
8. 10. II. U II, 14, IX. 18. IT, II IK
S. tt IS. blk. 7; lots I. S. 8. i. 4.
8, 7, I, V. la, It, Xt IS. It. 14. 1.
17. 18, If. SO, 21. S3, blk I. XV ash.
Instun addition to Astoria. $14 so
llutuherafl. O. T., lot I, blk. t
Cltodmi suisllvislon tract No. 3,
Ins ram, J. A. lots I, 3. blk 13.
Itallway .MItbn In Aslorla. SW
Inno Frank M. XV Uj of 8 K X,
Bee. i, XV. L, f ,v K. , Bee. 29,
T. 4 N . It XV , 140 aorea, I.M4.
Jake. Frank XX". lot 13. blk. 114,
Taylor s Astoria. Slc
JefTerlra, J M , lot 39, blk. Hlll't
First addition to Astoria. 17c...
Jensen, Alex , lot 8. Bee S. T. 8 ,V,
It 7 XV.. H acres, IS 5
Johnson. II, lots r. XX tract I,
suhdltlslott or blk. 27, nlney's
addition lo Astoria, aa laid out
and recorded by Hustler
Aiken, executors, ft s8 ,
Johnson, 8 J . lots I, 3, I. I. blk 56.
Itosedule mi ll i Ion to tho city of
Astoria, lac
Johnson. Adolph, lot I. blk 1. MeM.
actio r Is. ails addlilon to As
toria. Johnson. Hannah M. A , lots I, I,
blk. I, Mirlaetlirr I'imiia addi
tion lo Astoria, lb-
Johanson. A , 8 XV i. Bee 2, T. 7
N , It $ XV., imi tore. Ill 8.1 ...
Jones, Iter, Iota 9, in, II, 13, IJ. 14,
16, III. blk. Ml. Hos.dale addlilon
to Ilia city or Aslorla. Ito . . .
Jordan. IVIrr. lot lo. . 9, XX nr
rent on. 12. ,M
John. Peter, lota I, 2. and tide
land rronllns llurron. B.c t
T. 8 N , It 8 XV., 72 85 cros,
113 S3
Keeiian. Fred I. , loi I. blk 2. As
toria, ns laid out nnd recorded
by Martin Foard. 1,'c
Kohoe, Joseph, it ,,f j.; n f
8 K. i,, rxerpt that pottton ,,n
8. side of county road. Betv 1
T. 7 N.. It 9 XV., 23 acres. II S3
Ketnlo, I). K , lota I, 3. 1. 4. 6, s. 7,
. . lo. II, 12, IJ, 14. ij. p;. i;. j,
1, 2. 21. 22. 21. 24. I. Ik II. N,,h
I'aiillc addition to Astoria, 5.V .
Ketiiler, li, loin 0. hi, blk. In, llal.
way addlilon to Astoria, SI
Ki nney, J, J., ta 5, u. ti ,K l03'
McClure's Aslorla. as exieiulni
by Cyrus ninev, $,-,99
Kinney, M. J lota I, 2, 7, blk 1.
Mctiuro's Astorln: K. 25 ft. lot
2. nil lois 3. II, K. 1, l,,t 13 nnd
W. 2i ft. t 13, ,k, 5: loin II
12. 13, II, blk. ill, Mci'lur..' As'
lorla, us extended by cjrus ol
ney, also, la'Klti on XV. lino of
blks. I and jit, McCiun- s As
lorla, In center uf First si., XV.
ft, N. lo ship's channel of
t olumhia river. K. 21.0 tu, to
said XV. Iltii. of aal.l blks. 1 and
1(1, projected N.. ihrni-e B. to
biKllllllllK, except XV. i) tt of
sub! tract deeded la railroad
subsidy, as per vol. 31 of deeds
puiin 1,,,
Kinney, Aiikiisi C. lot 1 h.. m
T. 8 N.. It. 9 XV.. 3 acres!
as per vol. 30 pane 3H7. of d la,
24. .2 acres; part of lots 6 and
, In N.K. 14 H. c. 21, T. 8 N.. It
0 W 20 ucres; also, hen 1 11 0 is
chs. N. of B K. ,or. of Hec. 22
thence XV. 7 7 chs., 8. 19 chs '
to Bee. line; XV. 21.13 chs.. N. 2i'l
chs W. 8 eh,., , W. nu ,
B K. Kl N. to chs, K. 111 chs, N
10 chs., to N, llm, of 8,u. 14. .-'
30 cht. lo 14 post. H. to bi-iln'l
nlim, except tnu i , Vo
27, pami 484: also except N K
Vi of N.K. y , pp vo,
Piiko M, or deeds, sold to W.
C. Smith; also exuenllnst i
acres, at per vol. 32, pnKn ta
of deeds, sold to XValkur. Boo'
22. T I N., It 0 XV., (Ml acre,
tho N. ot N.W. 14 of B XV
'A, and land In N.XV i,! of H w'
V4 Bue. 23, T. 8 N It 9 W . 40
acres; $r.40 '
Kitchen, John, lot 10, blk' 2jlV 'Co
lumbia Becond ndilltlnn to As-
V,'..1"'' ',lk-. HKIlxuion ad-
dlllon to Astoria, (13c
Kuehler, Herman, lots 11, 12 "bik
20, Columbia addlilon to' At-
torla, 29o
Mcdrnth, Pal, 8.W."i',Beo.''io',T'
8 N., It 8 XV., lis) ,lt.rn, $N.o3,,.,-
S ::K."vn" -n Monday,
our l7cka'oV'.r'dny.
front of and at the court hou.a door n
stale I thnll proceed lo tell th, .Thov "
to tZl hU"1! km","0 nt ""h,,
S, 'est bidder for cash tn United
fo I?. KoMco,n ttt ' of sale, subject
to redemption, to satisfy ths warrant,
cost, and all accrulne; coatt warrttnt'
(Hlitnod.) J A MICH W. HARTS
n nlft.,"P C0Unt5r n1 -OfflclO
rax Collector,
171 48
I 08
1 m
17 71
I 44
I 30
7 91
I 13
11 n
13 17
20 08
I 48
38 17
I 90
10 87
I 80
17 71