The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 23, 1896, Image 1

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Wm too iIh. Th mm one
prtnu Thi AsToaiA at the
rat of .
3,000 Copies per Hour
Kiwium HOW?
nnJ worry "Y.
An "Ad".
In Tim Autovian
"Wtnl Column."
NO. 11(5
or the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth
ing:, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets,
Quilts, etc.. at factory prices for cash, at
one price to all alike.
Our Handy Wagon...
Combine all th faaturr of th child
pUIn wan unit velocipede, an.l. all
thing, ronaliterrd. coal III conaumor lea
than either. Ho dralrahl. and
aatlafacory hn It proven, thai, aa a
ready "aeller." It hna no .1411 a I. We lak
a epoclal pride, too. In delivering Ih
aiuo promptly ami In faulileea condi
tion to th trad.
. FRCI.'M AN, lal, l Praams Holme.
Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers
Manufacturing and Repairing of all Kind
of Machinery.
Iron and Brass Castings. General Blacksmith Work
I PFC.IALTItS - W.kti I'.l.ol Wheel. Shi
SrKllWnj ana Sw.mtoal Wetk. Caniwry en4
1 Mtll MMhln.ry. M.ilne an4 Stationary Boil
n Hum to Oriar.
OT Specially equlpprJ (or LogRers' Work. Loci ted on 18th and Franklin (Scow
Bay Foundry). Phone 78, Correspondence solicited.
Cowwely Si., tool at Jackio. Aetefl.
General Machinists and Boiler Makesr
La4 uii Marina Ea(lMa. Bollw wk, Sleaa
toat anj (Unitary Work a Specialty.
Caattaft at All D.fltlon Mae te Otitt a
Snort Noika.
John Fox.. ..President and Superintendent
A. L. Foi Vlo President
O. D. Praal Secretary
First National Bank Treasurer
.snap a kodak;.
at any man oomlng out ot
nur nor and you'll get a
portrait ot a mail brimming
of at with pleaaant thought.
Buch quality In the liquor
w bare to offer are enouiib. to
pirate any man.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert.
'Telephone" leavaa Aatorla at 7 p. m.
dally (exoept Bunday).
Leave Portland at 7 a. tn. dally., ex
oept Sunday,
"Bailey Oaliert" leave Aatorla Tues
day, Wedneaday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday morning at 1:46 a. m. ; Bunday
evening at T p. m.
Leave Portland dally at I p. m., ex
cept Bunday. On Saturday at 11 p. m.
Nolle I hereby given that th under
Igncd hav tiled their final aooounta tn
th eatnte of L, Wilson, doeaad, and
th eatlta of Wltaon ft Fisher, and that
th county court of Clatsop counur ha
et Monda, , the 22d dny of Junei 18M,
at th hour of 10 o'clock, for th hearing
ot objections. If any there be, to th al
lowance of aM accounts.
May II, ISM.
For the One-Price
Clothiers, Hatters and Furnisher
Base Ball
i Fishing
Croquet Tackle,
Sets. Garden Tools
K. T. EAHl.C, Ut. SlsiktM.
Th Hop Le Clothtag Factory and
merchant tailor, at S Bond atreet.
make underclothing to order. Buit
and trouaar mad to fit perfectly.
Every order punctually on Urn and
atlifaetion guaranteed. Good good
old cheap. Call and b oonrlnoed.
I ther a man with heart so oold.
That from his family would withhold
Th comforts which they all oould find
In article of FURNITURE of th right
And w would purge t at thla season a
nice Sideboard, Extenalon Table, or set
of Dining Chair. Wa hay the largeat
and finest Una vr hown In th city
and at priow that oannot fall to plea
th cloeeat buyer.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Aatorla and Upper Aatorla
Fine Tea, and Coffeea, Table Dtllcacl.t, Domeitlt
ana Tropical Fruits, Vectble, Sugar
Curta Heme, Bacon, Etc,
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
Aot a ruste for corporation and In
dividual. Tranaaot .1 general hanking buslnes.
Intereat pat on tlm depoilt.
C. H. PAOB1 ..Preddent
BKNJ. YOUNO Vlo-Preldnt
J. ,Q. A. B owlb. . C. H. Pag. BenJ.
Toung, A, & Reed, U P. Thompson, W.
IB Dement, D. K. Warrea.
Canneries Over Supplied, nml Muny
Have to Limit the limits for
the Time lklmj.
Mottatst to torci riabcriK Oil the River
Vko Hatr N.l Tiikcn Out Tbelr
Xatinlitatio. Taper-Dig
Rl ul risk.
Kvwybmly wa happy yt'tcrday, and
lrrhai Hie liapi kat propla In town
wrr thi. (lahrrnirn. Narly every boat
was out, and the return fur the night'
work wrre alniply Iminenav. A numlx-r
of cannrrlr r coinix'llt"l to limit
thrlr boat to 1UV0 pound each. The
txa( arriving from the north chore
were averaging from two to four thous
and pound. To tlh were brought In
which weighed 143 pounds. Th high
nun wa Frank Mercurlo, with TOO0
tx'iinds. The Eurt-ka anil Epicure
Talking Company wa obliged to send
kn ton to another cannery; Klnm-y
had to irml lx ton away; Cook, up
the rlvrr, tried In vain to sell a ur
jilua atiK-k, and the Eureka (hipped
live ton to another cannery In the city.
The lloolh Packing Company wa en
abled to receive outalde flan, a also
were, Elmore aid Cutting. A a sam
ple, Kinney' cannery was crowded to
the limit, and men were working like
beaver. The new oval soldering ma--lmr
did good work, and every other
machine In the house wa run to It
full capacity. It seemed Ilk old time
to hear tl.e liuay hum of machinery
and look out over the bay, literally cov
ered with fishing Ixials. All of the
atipi'l)' alorc in the city were compell
ed to work over hour, and many of
them, notably rVard & Btokc, Roaa,
HlKEln & Co.. rVholfleld & liauke.
wro completely sold out in their Cp-
(.rrtown tore of certain line of
good and Were obliged to order extra
lare stocks by telegraph.
An effort was reported to have been
made by certain parties to run off of
Ihe river thoae fmhermen who wer not
naturalised, and It was also said that
a almllnr effort wn made a to non
union men. In conversation with a
gentlemen posted a to the naturalisa
tion laws, he said: "I am satlnflcd that
such an effort cannot be made success
fully. The greater number ot these
men are a good rltixen morally aa
those who have completed their first
papers. They are head of families,
and most of them have been here for
some length of time, and some of them
are property owner. For the moat
part they have neglected to take out
cltlienshlp papers, and thi I no tlm
to draw such a line."
Fish Commissioner McOulre, who
wa In the city Sunday, said that under
the peculiar circumstance It waa not
hi Intention to make any strenuous ef
fort, to enforce the Sunday closed law
nor the closed season.
The reports from up the river also
show a highly sRtlafuctory state of af
fairs. A gentleman write from Ska
mokawa: "The new that the canneries had
offered four and one-halt cents, and
the fishermen had accepted the offer,
was brought up on the steamer Queen
from Astoria about 10 o'clock Sunday
morning. The steamer wa met at the
dock by some of the fishermen, and
the new spread rapidly to the hotel
and home of the fishermen residing In
this vicinity, and the fact that fishing
wa about to commence, caused many
of them to feel happy, thus relieving
the destitution prevailing during the
Inat few month. While many of them
were not quite satisfied at the stated
price, they were, nevertheless, glad
that work was again at hand and em
ployment furnished to those who had
elected to remain Idle, firmly believing
the cannerymen could well afford to
pay the union price, until the strike
wa aettled, from which the community
had suffered so immeasureably. Qum
boots, lunch baskets, oil clothes, and
other fishing paraphernalia, were
quickly huddled together, a few min
ute after the Queen had landed, and
nets, sails and other rigging were
quickly taken from the cannery lofts
and placed In the boats. Men rushed
to the stores to procure the necessary
supplies, and genernl business activity
w as seen on every hand. Willing hands
soon had the sails raised, and with the
aid of a fresh up-stream wind the
little crafts were plowing their way
through the water bound for the toe
head about a mile above Cathlamet. In
loss than half an hour net were placed
In the water for the Arts time this
"The fact that large numbers of
salmon were; known to be going up
Cathlamet channel caused the fisher
men to bestir themselves, and some
lively work wa done to arrive at the
head to have the first drift. Aa many
aa eighty large salmon were caught In
one drift, and as a consequence the
fishermen were well pleased, all looking
"Warren' cannery here will com
mence operations today, and a busy
tlm Is expected for a few day. This
little town, and the river abreast of It
now present a striking appearance to
the depression and business stagnation
which hitherto existed. The rueful
countenances of th Inhabitant tliut
thi unfortunate atriko made posalbl
today looked with brightness to the
prospect for the future. The hope I
expressed that when next season roll
around a better market will prevail
and the canm-rymti) will be enabled to
puy the old price of five cent per
It wa reported late last ulght by
urn of the militiamen who were on
the patrol that the heavy run of fish
wa past, and that the catches during
the night wer light.
The larger part of th soldier and
the principal official under General
lii-ebe and Colonel Bummer left Hun
day evening on th steamer Harvest
Queen for Forlland. Many cltisen.
Including a number of ladle and little
girl, were at the di k to see them off.
Ilouquet of flower were presented to
the colonel, and that popular officer
responded to the glt of the ladle in
most graceful language, expressing hi
appreciation of their courtesy, and
stating that hi command would be
ever ready to answer to their call of
neceaalty. j,
One of Aatorla' Moat Popular Young
Married Women Laid Low.
At 10 o'clock laat, night Mr.. Albert
IMckards. wife of the well known chief
engineer of the Majusnlta, died at SL
Mary' Hospital. ,The new of her
death wa received with great sorrow,
as the lady wa well known and very
popular throughout the city. She leaves
twins, little girls, about five years of
age. Mr. Rlckard waa 23 year and
10 month of age. She wa a daughter
of Mr. Louis Iiartwlg, the well known
contractor, who ha been a resident of
the city for many years.
The deceased baa been sick about
Ave weeks, and a hrt time ago passed
through a severe aurglcal operation.
Only last week it was thought that
she would safely recover from It ef
fect, but Providence decreed otherwise,
and today another sad home Is added
to the long list. " Death )a gloomy
enough when It come to those who
have reached their three score and ten,
but wh"n the young are cut off before
the prime of life I reached, the Borrow
la ten fold. Particularly sad i the
death if a young mother. None can
so well care for the little ones, as the
one who gave them birth. In such
case the sting la most acutely felt.
Illinois Democrats Respect Him but
Cannot Consent to HI Nom
ination. Peoria, 111., June JI. Never before In
the history of Illinois politic has there
been a political convention as unique
a that to be convened tomorrow prom
ise to be. It will be called to order
without a single candidate for nom
ination for governor. Of course every
body says Governor Altgeld will be
According to W. H. Hlnrichsen,
chairman of the Democratic state cen
tral committee, 96 per cent of the dele
gates to the convention have been In
structed for him. and others are solid
for him.
On the other hand, Governor Altgeld
a- he Is not a candidate. Several
month ago he even went so far as to
say that he would not accept the nomi
nation, but the Democratic leaders say
they will force him to accept. His
whole thought and talk has been re
garding the national convention to be
held In Chicago week after next. "It Is
the duty the free silver Democrats owe
to the so-called common people of this
nation," he said, "to carry their point
as to the financial plank. Whitney,
and the loud-mouthed goldbugs ot his
class, have never led a party to any
thing but humiliation or defeat during
the last thirty years."
Referring to Mr. Whitney's statement
that he believed the gold men would
control the party, the governor said:
"If the gold men control they will do
so by the use of arguments that have
a ring to them and a clink, as they
pass from hand to hand and the pock
et." State Chairman Hlnrichsen, speaking
of the talk that Senator Teller might
be named at Chicago, said that while
the silver Democrats had the highest
regard for him, not one of the hun
dred to whom he had talked, felt that
It would be wise to nominate him for
Notlc Is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between T.
L. Noe and W. J. Sculley has been
dissolved and that the business of said
firm will hereafter be conducted by W.
J. Sculley, the successor of said firm.
All accounts due said firm are pay
able to W. J. Sculley. Hoping to here
after receive the patronage heretofore
extended to said firm, I am
The Ashing schooner pilot, of Ban
Francisco, yesterday took on a lot of
Ice from Kopp'a brewery and went to
sea In the afternoon, bound for the
northern Ashing ground.
Ordinance I'asscd for Expenditure of
$150 for . Extending. Hire
Alarm System.
Head first and Secoact Times, aid .lotio to
5pt4 Rales railed Jlajor to Call
Special ,ieetia to Collider
tke Hatter.
An adjourned meeting of the city coun
cil waa held last night. Mayor Taylor
In the chair, and all member present
with the exception of Mr. Thompson.
The application of Johan Henrlckson,
for a retail liquor license was referred
to th committee on health and police.
On motion of Councilman McGregor,
the 'nee of the council waa taken as
to whether Ordinance No. 212 should
be remodeled so that the selection of
the chief engineer of the Are depart
ment and aasUtant be made by the
mayor with the approval of the council,
was after considerable discussion, not
approved, and the motion was with
drawn. The ordinance for the remodeling of
the Are department of the city, which
was the principal business of the even
ing, passed the second reading, but the
motion to (uspend the rules and have
It read for the third time, failed to
carry. A motion prevailed, however,
to have a (peclal meeting subject to
the call of the mayor, to consider the
matter. The following Is the full text
of the ordinance:
Bee. 1 The distribution and location
ot the hoe, hook and ladder, chemical
and steam engine (hall be as follow:
Hose Corrpany No. 1. to consist of one
two-horse hose carriage with sufficient
hose and to be stationed at the build
ing now occupied by the Astoria En
gine Co. No. L Hook and Ladder Co.
No. L to be stationed in its present
quarters and to consist ot one Hays
hook and ladder truck, two horses and
necessary equipments.
Company No. 2 to consist of one
chemical engine with horses and neces
sary equipments; one two horse hose
carriage with sufficient hose and
horses, to be located at the city ball
Company No, 3 to consist of one two
horse hose carriage with horses and
sufficient hose, to be located at the
house of Engine Co. No. 3.
Company No. 4 to consist of one hand
hose cart with sufficient hose and to be
located at Its present location In Un
lontown. Sec. 2. All claims and demands. In
cluding salaries of drivers, engineers
and employe of the Are department,
shall be preasented to the common
council, and no officer, or member of
the Are department shall contract any
bills, without first securing a requisi
tion therefor signed by the members ot
the committee on Are and water, said
supplies upon such requisition to be or
dered by the common council.
Sec. 3. The duties of the engineer
of the chemical engine shall be to take
charge ot the chemical engine and the
steam Are engine and have It In readi
ness In cose of need; to take care of
and keep In order the fire alarm bat
teries and perform such other duties
as may be required of him by the chief
engineer. Sec. 4. The duties of the
drivers of the hose carriages shall he
such as may be required of them , by
the chief engineer.
Sec. 5. The salaries of the engineer
of the chemical and drivers shall be
as follows! Engineer of chemical en
gine, $75 per month. All drivers shall
receive a salary of 365 per month.
Sec. 6. The Sillsby and Clapp &
Jones ' engine shall be taken out of
service and sold or disposed ot as the
common council may determine.
Sc. 7. The committee on fire and
water are hereby authorised to make
all necessary arrangements to carry
this ordinance into effect; and to re
ceive bids for hose carriages and such
apparatus as may be necessary to
make all arrangements until the pur
chase of the necessary apparatus pro
vided for by this ordinance is com
pleted. On suspension of the rules a resolu
tion was passed authorising the ex
penditure of 3150 for the purpose of
xtt?i.dintr the fire alarm system to the
engine house of fnlontown hose com
pany. The following report of the committee
on fire and water, of Its conference
with the water commission, was adopt
ed: To the Honorable Mayor and Common
Council of the. City of Astoria:
Gentlemen: W'e, your committee on
tire and water, having been Instructed
to confer with the water commission in
regard to the 32500, the commission
think the city should pay as hydrant
rental, beg to report the result of our
Though unable to receive any de
tailed statement of the affairs of the
water commission, we learn from them
verbally that their receipt for the
month of May were about 121'JO. Ex
pense of water commission per month.
vis.; Bond Interest, 1 13.13. 33; operating
plant, 3315; Incidental, estimated. 1315;
total, J1M133; showing a monthly sur
plus of receipt over expenditure of
The water commission claim they are
without fund and much needed work
to be done, that If allowed th 32500 It
should be used In said work, such as
taking up of old pipe, repairing road,
building fences, stone wall, etc., etc.,
and that the $2500, If allowed, will have
no effect on water rate. That no re
duction In water rate will be made,
thi year whether the city pay hy
drant rental or no. Therefore In mak
ing an allowance for hydrant rental
the burden of water consumer will
not be lightened. We further learn
from the commission that an Insuffi
cient amount of money wa borrowed
to construct the water works; that the
commission have used money received
from all sourec In the construction
w hich is the cause of the present deple
tion of their treasury.
I'nder the present condition of man
agement In the water commission we
recommend that no allowance for hy
drant rental be made, as an allowance
will burden the tax payers and furnish
no relief to the consumer of water.
Very respectfully,
w. f. McGregor,
Committee on Fire and Water.
Say He Will Stand by the Platform
and the Party.
Portland, June 22. Congressman W.
R. Ellis, who waa re-elected at the late
election, arrived from Washington to
day, and wilt tomorrow go to Corvallla,
where hi children are attending
school. When asked by a reporter
what he thought of the St. Louis plat
form, he said:
"In the main I like It very welL I
will stand on It. because I am a Re
publican and always have been one.
The money plank declare In favor of
International agreement, but against
the ratio of IS to L The agreement
might result In the adoption of a ratio
of 15"4 to 1, or tome other fixed figure;
but until such agreement 1 consum
mated I will stand on the St Louis
platform, vote for the nominee of that
convention and work for the success
of the Republican party."
"Should a free silver bill be Intro
duced In congress at the next session
will you support It?"
"That depends entirely on circum
stance. I will be guided by the dec
laration of my party. We have now a
plain', unequivocal declaration of the
Republican party, but It Is against the
ratio of It to L Should a bill be intro
duced fixing the ratio at 154 to L I
should still be guided by my party, and
let the question ' be settled In caucus
by party action. It Is the duty ot the
majority of the party to aettle all ques
tions on lines on which all can sub
stantially agree, and I think that some
legislation on this subject will be
adopted that will prove satisfactory to
all. The first thing I want done la to
raise revenue to meet the expenses ot
the government, and should we solve
that problem we will have gone far
toward the solution of other questions
that have been troubling us. Republi
cans do not want to lose sight of the
tariff in the coming election."
Ellis says Senator Mitchell will not
return to Oregon before the last of
Milwaukee, June 22. The chances are
tonight that the Democratic state con
vention tomorrow will adopt a gold
platform by a majority of two to one.
Some of the delegates will be for silver,
but under the unit rule they will prob
ably be smothered.
Denver, June 22. The city of High
lands was today made a part of the
greater Denver by a vote of the tax
payers of the former municipality. This
adds four square miles ot territory
and more than 10.000 population to the
city of Denver.
Liverpool, June 22. Wheat, spot,
steady; demand, poor; No. 2 red winter,
5s 2d; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 5s Id; No.
1 California, 5s 3d.
Portland, June 22. Wheat, unchang
Washington, June 22. The national
hetadquarters of the A. P. A. will be
removed this week from Chicago to
London, June 22. Sir Augustus Har
ris died at 1 o'clock tonight.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Population of British Guiana Is
Aroused to Fever
Re fc'as Opeaiag the Road Trom Barioa to
tke Cayaal River aitkia tke Sckoa
ergk Lle Great Britait't
aid Denuded.
Georgetown, British Guiana, June 22.
Mr. Harrison, who wa In charge
of the laborers who wer opening the
road from Barina to the Cuyunl river,
within the Scbomburgk line, when they
were (topped by a force of armed Vea
esuelan Juno 15, has been arrested by
the Venezuelans under orders from
Caracas and carried to the Venezuelan
station opposite Uruan, the Venezue
lans claiming the right to arrest for
eigners on the left bank of the Cuyunl
The arrest baa aroused the colony ot
British Guiana, and the population de
mands that Great Britain take Imme
diate action In the case. When the
Venezuelans first stopped the laborers
from proceeding; with the work, orders
were sent from Georgetown to Harri
son not to offer violent resistance, but
to withdraw under protest.
Washington, June 22. A day or two
at least must elapse before the report
which Consul General Lee I said to
have forwarded Saturday can reach
the state department. It Is not sup-
posed In official circles that he will at
tempt to shape the policy of the state
department as to the recognition of
belligerency or of Independence, which
must be decided in Washington after
the contemplation ot a field broader
than is open to the perception of an
official stationed in Cuba. At present
the state department is giving more
attention o--the grievances of Ameri
can citizens than to the subject of the
propriety of interference in the strife
between the Spaniards, and Cubans,
and has been pushing a vigorous cor
respondence with Hannls Taylor, our
minister at Madrid. The purpose Is to
prevent so far as possible, depredations
on the property ot Americans In Cuba.
San Francisco Athletes Expected to
Do up Portland.
San Francisco, June 22. A demon
stration that was less exhaustive, be
cause It lacked the element of noise,
marked the departure of the Olympic
Club athletes for the north this even
ing. With a single exception the ath
letes are In perfect condition and the
best of spirits, and are ready for
their contest with , the crack athletes
of the Multnomah Athletic club. They
expect an easy victory, as all reports
that have reached here from Portland
are that the men there are all out
Four Feet Deep on the Railroad Track
in Nebraska.
Omaha, Neb.. June 22. A terrible
hall storm raged last night in the west
ern portion of Nebraska between Pax
ton and Brule. At Megeath Siding, on
the Union Pacific, the hail reached the
depth of over two feet. Section men
were sent out with shovels to clear the
track so that trains could run. The
hall for several miles varied from that
depth down to three inches and was
packed in upon the track like pebbles.
In some places the hall stacked up to
a depth of four feet
Redwood City, Cal., June 22. The
noon stage from Spanish town, driven
by Ed. Campbell, was held up today
by a man at the old dam, who slid
down a pile of rock In front of the
horses. The man had a white hand
kerchief over his face. When the
horses commenced to run he fired four
shots at the driver which did no harm.
The robber secured no booty.
Galveston, June 22. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Colmesncil, Texas,
says at Doucette station this morning
a locomotive boiler exploded, killing
seven men. Including A. L. Doucette,
president of the Nebraska Lumber Co,
and wounded five others. .
Meany Is the lending tailor, and pay
the highest cash price for fur skin.
Ote" iffrirp
;i "v