THK DAILY ASTORIAN, SUNDAY MORNIXO, JUNK 21, 181MI. 4 OEn... A RESORT FOR GENTLEMEN Corner Commercial nd nth SU. ALEX CAMPBELL, Prep. TUB WARRENTON Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mips oi application. New Astoria... located at tbe terminus of the Astoria and Colombia River Railroad, at tbe mouth of the Columbia River. It fronts on the deep water of the Colombia River Harbor, and being perfectly protected from wind and seas, affords the very best docks for ships on this bay; therefore, it is the exact spot for the seaport of the great Northwest. These facts were recognized by the Astoria & Colombia River Railroad Co. when New Astoria Was Selected as the Starting Point for their Railroad and the Location for the Terminals. New Astoria is platted opon a plane high enoogh for perfect drainage, and well protected by a high ridge behind it. Its streets and avenues are wide, and. in fact, it Is laid oot on modern plans. Extensive street improvements are now nn- ' der way. II An office has been opened by tha pro prietors one door oast of tha hardware (tore. Call, ba shown tha I merlta of tola property, and Invest The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL Something New... Children's and Youth's Steel Shod Shoe, aJI Sizes and Styles Wa also carry a fins Una of ladles' and man's shoes, from tha bast to tha loweat reliable foods. All roods warranted Just as represented. . j JOHN HAHN CO, 171 Commercial Street. THE KEATHEK. Local weather for the 24 hours end ing at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished by the United States Department of Agri culture, Weather Bureau. Maximum temperature, 70 degree. Minimum temperature, 48 degrees. Precipitation. .01 inch. Total precipitation from September 1st, 18. to date, 77.10 Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1st, 1895. to date, 7.91 inch. Forecast For Washington and Ore ber 1st. 1895. to date, 7.71 inches. AROUND TOWN. To think how poor our beat ha. been, bow vain. Beside tbe excellence we would attain. Henry Abbey. Fresh strawberries Astoria Creamery. every morning. Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan arrived I from Portland yesterday. Sweet cream 10c pint Astoria Cream ery, No. 451 Duane street. The up-to-date girl waxes enthusias tic over a dainty sweater. Postmaster Lewis, of Jewell, was In yesterday purchasing supplies. Mr. C. L. Houston and wife went to Portland yesterday on a visit Fresh strawberries every morning at lowest market price. C. B. Smith. Don't forget the change In the time card on the A. and C. R. R. today. The finest separator cream In the city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's. The water-color paintings in brown by Mr. Arthur Tee are attracting con siderable attention. The tin shops and hardware stores were vsry busy selling coffee pots to fishermen yesterday. New 20th Century tan lace shoes for ladles. Columbia Shoe Co., successors to Copeland & Thorsen. Those who are next door to the rail road think that Mr. Hammond will be in Astoria about July 1st The work of tearing down Morgan's dock and warehouse to make room for the railroad, is almost completed. The Rev. Mr. McCormac went to John Days yesterday afternoon in a fishing boat, and will hold service there today. Go to the Spa for your candies and Beaver Hill nnH nilmnn aASSS - - - For rmlly or Mesas '''r'' ELMORE. SANBORN If you will look into the situation you will see that WARRENTON is the croam of west side property. The center of improve ments is here, and as an investment for business or a home there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition. Iu WARRENTON lots are all large, full size, 50x103. Prices range from $150 to $250 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save your change and buy a lot in RRENTON ST. Ice cream. " Tbe only first-class place in town. Crushed fruits always on hand. Mr. C. C. Dalton, the well known Ilwaco attorney, arrived from Portland yesterday and took the steamer for home. Mr. Mark Warren and a soldier went out with a boat and net yesterday af ternoon and made a fair catch of salmon.. "Astoria's Captivity." The pastor of the Congregational church will present the scriptural way out, this evening at 8 o'clock. Ice cream by the bushel at C. B. 8mlth's. Ice cream soda a specialty. Private parlors for ladies. 483 Com mercial street. City Auditor Nelson yesterday after noon issued the city bonds to Contract or Normile in payment for the Improve ment of 10th street Mrs. F. A. Helm, of Corvallis, one i of the higher officers of the order of the Eastern Star, is in the city visiting Mrs. P. F. Woodford. General Land Agent W. G. Gosslin, of the Astoria and Columbia River Rail road, is expected from Montana to morrow with his wife. The steamer Telephone yesterday af. temoon brought down a large amount of salmon for the canneries from the up-river fishing grounds. Mrs. E. Funge returned from Port land Friday morning, accompanied by her son, Alfred, who has been attend ing school at Forest Grove. Sam Oliver, P. W. Baxter, John Tur- pin, of Portland, and W. J. Touref, of North River Falls, were registered at the Old Parker House yesterday. The Astoria Creamery will have one of the most complete outfits for manu facturing ice cream by June 25. Can fill orders from 1 quart to 1,000 gallons. Lee M. Clark, president of the Mult' nomah Printing Co., Portland, is one of the regular attendants at Camp Lord, being first lieutenant of Battery A. The oil men picking up salmon heads In the river yesterday, reminded a gen tleman of a poetical turn of mind of Charon towing the dead across the River Styx. A fisherman was heard to remark yesterday that the strike had accom pllshed one good If nothing else, and that was In driving away the floating members of the craft. The Potter yesterday afternoon brought down from Mt. Coffin half a dozen fine dresed hogs for Ross, Hlg gins & Co. What's the matter with Oregon raising her own bogs? While loading supplies on the bark Big Bonanza Thursday, H. H. Ingalla, of Foard tc Stokes, fell overboard. By tbe quick action of Nick Davlch, he was saved from a watery grave. Clfh A I WHAL TfV It A CO. Afentt. Astoria. Yesterday afternoon Mr. L. H. Seeley and 8. H. Brown Jr.. and a number of others, spent their time at Flavel, look ing over the Improvements being made there and Inspecting the rising hotel. A match game of baseball will lake place at 10 o'clock this morning at the Grangers" Hall field near Olney be tween the Astoria Examiner team and the Olney nine. Good sport Is antici pated. Viking Lodge. No. 14. I. O. Q, T.. will give an entertainment on Saturday evening. June 27, at Rescue hail, for the benefit of the lodge. Admission IS cents. A good program haa been ar ranged. Mr. Cash Cole's new suit and long pointed tan shoes made quite a figure on Ninth street yesterday. It was unfortunate that he had to cut the buttons off the shoes In order to get them on. Mr. S. E. Utslnger returned from Portland on the Bailey Gatiert yes terday morning, having left his family In the city on a visit. He reports that the waters of the river at Portland are at a standstill. It was rumored yesterday that the wedding of a prominent member of the Bachelors' Club had been postponed because of a recent bicycle accident which somewhat disabled one of the parties to the contract. One man who went fishing Friday and ordered a second-hand boat stove which could not be found in the mar ket, returned yesterday with 168 in gold received for the first day's work, and bought a new stove. Mornlag prayer and Holy Commun ion at Grace Church this morning at U o'clock. Evening prayer throughout the summer on Sunday evenings at 8 o'clock. Evening prayer at Holy In nocents, Uppertown. at J:30. A detachment or the Washington mi litia, now stationed at Ilwaco, came over yesterday afternoon In their gun boat after supplies. They could scarce ly be distinguished from the O. N. O. when they called at Camp Lord. Take your wife and children today In one of the new and elegant open cars of the Astoria Street Railway and go to the Scandinavian Cannery to see what 100 tons of salmon looks like; you may never see such a sight again. The merchants yesterday were very busy selling goods to fishermen and shipmasters. The grocery stores par ticularly reported the heaviest sales of the season. Foard A Stokes' store was besieged with orders for fish boat out fits. The steamer Telephone last night took 500 cases of tin plate from the bonded warehouse shipped by Meyer, Wilson & Co. to Mason, Wittenberg A Co., Yes Bay, Alaska. One hundred and twelve blocks of tin were also shipped to the same point For the next ten days we will have a special sale of velvet, silk, and cloth v. raps at wholesale prices, the hand somest and best fitting shirt waists, and a large line of duck suits, and wrappers at way down prices. I. Cohen, Low Price Store, 491 Bond street, cor ner Eleventh. One of the O. R. and N. Company's largest barges left Portland for As toria yesterday loaded with steel rails for the A. and C. R. R. The rails will be used In laying the track from War renton through Flavel to New Astoria, In replacing the wornout rails on the Seaside branch, and In building switch tracks. The visitors from the country yes terday were L. W. Wright, Young's River, C. 8. Dow and John Heckard, Lewis and Clarke, Perry Titus, Howell Lewis and Bob Lowden, John Days, David Upton, Deep River; Andrew Johnson, Gray's River, Erlck Manula, Blind Slough, and Theodore Christians, and wife, Waluski. The British ship captain who a few days since In Portland attacked a well known river steamboatman, for a fan cied Insult, and boasted that he was an Englishman and proud of It, got none the best of it over the American, who replied that he was proud that he was not an Englishman, and stood his ground In the fracas. Services today at the Presbyterian church morning and evening, to be conducted by the Rev. J. W. Arnold, pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church of Portland. The Rev. Henry Marcotte, who has accepted a call from the Astoria church, has arrived The best chemical compound for wash. Ing powder is "Soap Foam,'' as it will not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the hands. It's the finest thing In the world for the bath. One trial will convince you. HERE ARE BARGAINS In Portland and is visiting friend In that city before assuming ihstite here. Mr. Heautcamp has named his naph tha launch the "Arctic." It was for merly the gasoline launch Vigilant, and as n 111 be remembered, was taken from the water a year ago. The gas en gines were removed, and an eight-horse power naphth eniilne substituted. Mr. lleautcamp will probably use his boat this summer for private excursion par ties. Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Sohulderman, Misses Ktta and Mamie Sehulderman, and Miss Allen, of Portland, are lirre en route to their summer cottage at North Beach. The family Is represent ed In Co. I by a young attorney who; vainly wishes the strike were settled and he could hie him to l he clammy beach to view the lilemnorag and gase at the silvery moon. One of the cannerlea yesterday re ceived a salmon caught In a trap In taker's Hay with the shaft of an In dlan spear sticking through the hi which It Is thought had been there for six or eight months. It could not be determined from Just where the salmon came, or where it had been speared, but It was thought that the Implement was that of the Alaska Indians. From early evening until late last night crowds of people attended the opening at the Louvre. Cords of bread great platters of roasted turkeys, tiak ed hams and roast bf were served to the visitors. Tho lunches, of eouue were not all taken dry. An augmented orchestra performed many pieces u well known music during the evening, and the affair was an undoubted sue cess. The sad Intelligence of the death of Mr. J. D. Geoghegan, a well known pol itician of the state of Washington w hich occurred at ancouver yester day, was received by telegraph. The deceased was an uncle of Mr. James P. Clancey, of this city, and was promi nent a year or two ago In the political affairs of the state of Washington. The funeral wilt take place at Vancou ver tomorrow. Mrs. C. W. Knowles, Miss Laura Knowles, E. A. Seeley and family, B. Seeley and wife. H. E. Edwards, L B. Seeley, I Monhelmer. E Schiller and wife, W. D. Browne, and W. O. Van Schuyver, Portland) John 8. Kulp, U. S. A., Charles Clay, Seattle; Hartley Lord and wife. W. II. Lord and wife, 8. H. Brown Jr., Boston, and Joe Hardeman, 8t. Louis, were In the city yesterday. A large number of people are talking of renting and building houses at Warrenton and Flavel as soon as the trains are running across the bridge. The property Is level and rea sonably cheap over there, and with good suburban train service, no doubt many will avail themselves of the ad vantages until such time as suitable dwellings can be erected for reasonable rents in Astoria. The steamer Baker left Portland Fri day noon on a special run to Astoria, having on board Mr. Ben. Campbell, general freight agent. O. R. and N. Co., Col. John McCracken, Portland, and Mr. McMillan, of Japan, who Is a representative of the line of steamers between Portland and the Orient. Upon their arrival In this city the tug Re lief conveyed the party to the Jetty and all returned on the Potter at 8:15 the same evening. BICYCLE ACADEMY. Sherman ft Thing have opened a riding school next door to Paclflo Express office. Competent Instructors constantly In at tendance. Cleveland and Crescent bi cycles for sale and rant FLORAL MUSICAL. In Aid of the Public Library. A Floral Musical will take place Thursday evening, June 25th, at the home of Mrs. Herman Pranl, on 10th street. Flowers, music, and refresh- Awarded Highest Honor World! Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DiX- CREAM mm Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. A Beautiful Addition on the West Side. ' SULO ...WATCH... FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT nients will be the order of the evening. A number of young people will be ask ed to assist the library ladle In their endeavor to furnish a pleasant even Inn's entertainment. It I necessary to Increase the library bank account. This I your opportunity to assist the enterprise. It I for the public food and the public generally Is invited. Program published Wednesday, WKI'MNl! HKLLH. Well Known Astorlan Are Married In Portland. The marriage of Mr. John dingle Wyatt, of Portland, to Mis Iteta Bird Packard, was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents. Captain and Mrs. II. F. Packard, In Vancouver, Wednesday evening, the 17th. by the Rev. Kdgnr P. Hill, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Portland. Only a few of the Intimate friend of the families were present. The house was beautifully decorated with ferns, evergreens ami rose. The bride looked most charming In a dress of white silk and chiffon. She tarried a bouquet of beautiful Nephata rose. Mis Mabel David acted a brides maid and w attired In a becoming costume of white organdie. The groom was atetnded by Mr. Edward I.abbe. of Portland, who was a brother graduate at the Philadelphia College of Phar macy, and was well up In hi part. The wedding march wa beautifully rendered on the piano by Mr. A. P. Illrd, of Rockland. Maine, an aunt of the bride. The young couple, both of whom are well known In Astoria.- were the recip ient of many elegant and useful wed- uiiiK .i.-i-ni. ror one imiig. jneur future home In Portland, ws furnish ed from top to bottom, and even sup. eplld with groceries and table luxuries by the parents of the groom. Imme diately after the ceremony the hnppy couple left for Portland, where they will be at home at No. 122 Second street, after July 1st. The U. S, Oov't Reports $how Royal Baking Powder superior to all otbert, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice 1 hereby given that the firm of Parker it Hanson, Is this day mu tually dissolved. Gelo F. Parker will continue the business and all accounts of the firm must be settled with him. CARL A. HANSON. GELO F. PARKER, Asturla. Or., June 15, 18!,. A TWISTER. A twister In twisting May twist him a twist. For In twisting a twist Three twists moke a twist: But if on of the twists Untwist from the twist. The twist untwisting Untwists the twist That Is. when It's twisted with any other twine than MARSHALL'S. For 15 cents you can secure an excel. lent woll-served meat at th. Ron Ton Restaurant, No- 671 Commercial street. They are also fully prepared to lerv all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of ine season, ss well as oysters In .vary Imaginable style at the lowest living prices. Come once and you will con tinue to com. OUR CORNER. A gentleman's resort at corner Bond and 11th streets. The finest brand of liquors and cigars always on hand. Call and try us. ANDERSON PETKR80N. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc, can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, oppoalt. Occidental Hotel. Astoria, Salton Sea Salt for baths at the Estes-Crain . Drnfr Store. 10c and 25c per package. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. For the best of commercial Job printing call at the Astoria n Job office. Beneath a steamers berth there's Just room enough for one of our 12.18 telescope satchels and not near enough for the ordinary trunk. Hence, a satch el is a necessity If you're going on a sea voyage. THE ARCADE. r REDUCED RATES. The O. R. and N. Co. has mode reduced rates for the following meetings: Republican National Convention, St Louis, Mo., June 18. Democratic National Convention, Chi cago, III., July 7. People's Party Convention and Ameri can Sliver Convention, St. Louis, Mo July 22. National Convention Young People's So ciety Christian Endeavor, Washington, D. C, July 7 to 13. National Education Association Meet ing, Buffalo, N. Y July S 'o 10. Encampment Grand Army of the Re public, St. .Paul, Minn., September 14. For Information regnrdlng rates, etc.. call at the O. R. and N. ticket office. Webfoot Corn Cure. N o cure no pay. For m at Km-tes-Crain Drujr Store. WANTBD, WANTKIv-Hltuatlou by experienced woman as chamber maid, waitress or to do light housework. Addresa Box isi. city. WANTKlv At once; active agents for each county. Exclusive control and no risk. Will clear 12 to :(l hundred dollar a year. Enclose stump for full particular or :5c for II (ample, nig Rapid Mineral Water Co.. Illg luplda. Mich. WANTED Situation to do general housework. Apply L M., Astorlan of-1 flee. WANTED A dressmaker would Ilk , some sewing by the day. Address Itox ,1 WANTKD Three unfurnlsrtd rooms for light housekeeping. "K." Astorlan office. WANTED To R.nt-A house of six or seven rooms, centrally located. Addrs J.. Astorlan orTIc. WANTED By house tw.aty years' standing, lady or ntleman, willing 10 learn our bustn., then to travel, or to do office work. Salary, Enclose self-addressed stamped envelop to A. T. ELD silt. Manager, care Dally As torlan. FOR SALE. Folt SALE The Feirell property, corner of Kxcbange and Hill street Price, !.;.. W. C. Cassell, 5I Bond strf t. agent. JAPAN KSK GOOI8 - Fireworks - just OUt lUSt rtHT I Vr.1 -1 1I t whMl Vnil ' at v Ing Umt B, Ml CommorcUl street. FOR KENT. FOR RENT A small furnished cot tase at Silver Point Cliffs. Elk Creek beach. Wood furnished and water at the door. For the season until Sep, (ember 1st, 110. Astoria Land and In vestment Co,, 4'52 Bond street. FOR RENT street A furnished room, Itf Ird FOR RENT Three or four rooms, with board, at Mr. K. C. llolden'a, comer Duane and Ninth str..ta price reason able. REWARD. TEN DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for any Information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of the person or persona who stole the plush card r clv.r from the Palace Cafe. W. W. WHIPPLE. Proprlttor. FOUND. FOUND A gentleman's gold ring, marked with Odd Fellow', emblem. Own er can recov.r same by applying at As torlan office. RKWARD. Clatsop County, State of Oregon. Whereas, on the 27th day of May, UOt. Esther Loire, Jack Lambert. Adolph Guolnage and Sam Mellandt were waylaid and murdered near Cath lamet Head (two miles below Clifton), In Clatsop county, Oregon. Now, therefore, Clatsop county here by offers the following reward of ONE THOUSAND (11000) DOLLARS for Information that will lead to the arrest or conviction of the persm or person who murdered said parties. Snld reward will be paid as follows: Five Hundred (1500) dollars will be paid for Information that will cause the ar rest and conviction of any one of the gnng of murderers, and Five hundred (500) will be paid for Information that will cause the arrest and conviction of the balance of tha persons committing said crime. Astoria, Oregon, June 10, MIX. J. H. D. GRAY, County Judge, Clatsop County, Or. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants In dorsed prior to July 1, 18M, to present the same to the county treasurer for payment, as Interest will cease from this date. Dated the lDth day of June, A. D. ' B. L. WARD, Treasurer of Clatsop Co., Or. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKH YOUR LIFE AWAY Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harmless, guar anteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nlcotlnlsed nervts, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To-Bac Is sold by Charles Rogers under a guarantee to rure or money refunded. Hook freo. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. Bradley Newell, of Vermont, has be come "well healed" since he entered up on his career as a healer. In other words he has made 125,000 since the 1st of last January. Astoria Land & Investment Co. 462... Bond Street.., Astoria, Or. The "Old- Parker House." Renovate! and Remodeled Will set th bent table and put up the best liquid rerrveliuieiiia 111 the city. "Biiiy Wright & GoIecasr PHopRirroits. CIIA8 CLARK. Clerk. SHOES! ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC Our ut ok uf Moi, g, Iitg.',;Mir' tut tHHtUrft iiilui Win m HOLD AT COHT UiUll July IM, I", without rrri No 1 jruur upjrtuniv on( ihltif ml r -Until fur rmir iuii, o r romrtllfil tu mike rui for guuW iwUrl Irwin airn niantiferturvf. tul now la trtttll. P. J. GOODMAN & CO. $84 Commercial St. mui, n..iiioo Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GEO. NICOLL, Assistant. OFFICE: Kopp's flew Brewery ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY R KADI NO ROOM FRED TO ALU Open every day from I o'clock to IJe and to p. m. Subscription rate SI per annum. S.W. COR. KLBVRNTII DUANE ITS. LADIES' Clunks and Suits miiJc to Order or rctiJy iitiiJv at the ..UNIQUE.. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING C. A. LE VERE & Ladle Tailors. CO. J. A PASTA BKND fJEMERAL CONTRACTOR, HOUSE, BRIDGE AND tCHflRF BUILDER; HOUMK MOV KM. Nous. M.vlBf lor Rtat. ASTORIA OREGON, THE BOARD OF TRADE,, PBTCR DOURttLL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cer. T.ntk sad Bead ftlrMts. R. L. Boyle & Co. Real Estate LOANS AND INVESTMENTS COMMERCIAL, ST. TIME TABLE OF THE Sea Shore flailroad. In effect Saturday, June 20th, 1896. Leaves Seaside at 7:30 a. m dally. Leaves Young's Bay at 9:18 a. m. dally. Leaves Seaside at 3:30 p. m. Tusday, Thursday and Saturday. Leaves Young's Bay at 11:111 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leaves Seaside at 4:30 p, m. Sunday. Leaves Young's Bay at p. m. Bun day. Steamer E. L. Dwyer leaves Flavel's dock for Young's Bay at 8:30 a. m. dally; at 4:30 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; and at 6:30 p. m. Sun-day- C. F. LESTER. Superintendent. Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see their new and handsome twin, testing maohlne. Take along some of the twines .H5 V.i Marh"'" in your pooket. Marshall's will .tnnd. It's money in your -pocket and fish In your net to find out